• How to increase the size of photos while maintaining the original quality. How to Enlarge a Photo Without Noticeable Loss for Printing

    At some point you may have a question about how to enlarge a photo without loss for printing. After all, when you enlarge an image, resolution is lost, which will affect printing. I might suggest increasing the size of a cropped image using a product called Genuine Fractals 6. Since I have had experience with Genuine Fractals in the past and have used it for some projects, I decided to write a short article about professional photo enlargement for printing, and in addition make comparative characteristics between magnification tools - Photoshop and Genuine Fractals 6 Pro.

    1. What size is suitable for printing?

    One of the most asked questions by photographers who do not have very much experience in printing process, this is how much large size you can print images from their mirror digital camera. Traditionally, the rule is to divide the image's pixel width by 300 to get the best quality printable size in inches. For example, if you are shooting with a Nikon D90, the image resolution will be 4.288 (width) x 2.848 (height). Literally, this means that it has 4,288 horizontal pixels and 2,848 vertical pixels on the image sensor. If you multiply these numbers, you get 12,212,224 pixels or 12.2 megapixels - the total number of pixels available on the sensor. So in the above case of the D90, dividing 4.288 and 2.848 by 300 gives a print size of 14.3 x 9.5 inches. Why do we divide by 300 and what does this number mean? This number represents "DPI" (dots per inch) or "PPI" (pixels per inch), and means how many dots/pixels per inch the printer will print on the paper. How more quantity"dots" per square inch, the more tightly and closely spaced the dots will be, resulting in more smooth transition and less space between dots and ultimately less "grain". 300 dpi produces magazine-quality prints, while lower values ​​below 150 produce grainy and fuzzy printed images.

    Given the above information, how large can your Nikon D90 print be? Now that you know what DPI means, the first question to ask is how good the quality of the print will be.

    Take a look at the following table:

    Nikon D90 12.2Mp 300 DPI(highest quality) – 14.3″ x 9.5″

    Nikon D90 12.2Mp 240 DPI (good quality) – 17.9″ x 11.9″

    Nikon D90 12.2Mp 200 DPI(medium quality) – 21.4″ x 14.2″

    Nikon D90 12.2Mp 150 DPI (low quality) – 28.6″ x 19″

    If you want to take a photo highest quality for magazine publishing at 300 DPI, you could easily print a full-scale standard 8″ x 10″ and can even afford to crop it to fit the page perfectly, or print a custom format to 14.3″ x 9.5″. Some professional photographers print at 240 DPI and find it sufficient for the work they are selling, so you might want to go a little lower. However, quality below 240 DPI is unacceptable for photographers due to loss of quality and "softness" or "blurriness" (if the image is not resized correctly).

    So does this mean that you are limited to such small prints made with SLR camera? What if you want to hang yours beautiful photo in a 24″ x 36″ frame? That's where correct change Image size will help you achieve great results.

    Printing a photograph in the days of film was quite easy - photographers already knew the print size of 35mm or medium format film and it was easy to know what size the printed photograph would be without much loss of detail or sharpness. With invention digital photography now everything is different, sometimes more complex with all this DPI/PPI language and resizing options with different algorithms. New achievements in the field digital processing now make it possible to make impressions much more larger size With minimal loss quality and detail. Let's take a look at the two most commonly used image enlargement methods used by professionals.

    2. Enlarge images usingAdobe Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop is the most popular graphics program, which is used to enlarge images. The tool for enlarging images in Photoshop is called Image Size and is available in top menu navigation Image -> Image Size. When you open your photo and go to Image Size, you'll see something like this:

    The original width and height indicate the size of the image loaded into Photoshop. In the example above, I took a 1024 x 768 photo and quadrupled it by changing the width to 4096 (the height changes automatically since I selected the "Keep Aspect Ratio" option). Since I increased the size, the middle section indicates that if I print this photo at 240 DPI, I will end up with a size of 17.067″ x 12.8″. If I change the 240 to 300 DPI, the print settings drop to 13.653″ x 10.24″ while maintaining the same image size.

    Let's move on to real example and see what happens when you enlarge the photo with using Photoshop. I chose a photo of a bird that I took a little earlier this year:

    Camera settings NIKON D3S @ 300mm, ISO 1400, 1/1600, f/7.1

    It has a lot of detail and is very sharp, so it's a great example to test. This is what the image looks like at 400% scale:

    As you can see, it's "pixelated", which means it has a lot of squares. This happens because the original image is made up of pixels and when the size is increased, the only thing the computer can do is increase the number of pixels that represent one pixel. In the example above, approximately 4 pixels now represent a single pixel because the image is viewed at 400% scale, hence "pixelated". If you did the same for print, it wouldn't look good with all those squares. To deal with this problem, Adobe has come up with several image interpolation algorithms that convert square pixels and provide a smooth transition for both increasing and decreasing image size. However, Adobe strongly recommends not increasing the size of the photo, as the extra pixels are created by analyzing adjacent pixels and choosing a middle color for a smooth transition, which results in blurred details. Take a look at the following image, which was enlarged using Photoshop and the Bicubic interpolation algorithm (smooth gradients):

    As you can see, the pixel boundaries have disappeared and have a smooth transition. However, the edges are too smooth and the image has lost the sharpness that was present in the original image. This is not very noticeable if you look at photos from far away, but if you look very close, the lack of sharpness will be obvious. After increasing the size, you can manually add some sharpening, but do this very carefully, as this manipulation can make the image unnatural.

    3. Enlarge images usingGenuine Fractals 6

    A fairly popular tool among photographers for increasing image size is OnOne Software's Genuine Fractals 6 Professional - advanced software for professional photographers, designed specifically for enlarging photographs to very large and gigantic sizes. Compared to Photoshop, it has a more sophisticated algorithm that not only analyzes nearby pixels but also does a decent job of preserving the sharpness and details of the image. This is what it looks like:

    Using Genuine Fractals 6 is very easy - all you have to do is enter new dimensions for the image or select dimensions from the Document Size panel, and the program will automatically enlarge it and crop it to given dimensions. For more control over transitions, the program allows you to select the image type using the Texture Control panel:

    As you can see, I chose "Lots of Detail" because I wanted to maintain as much detail as possible for the feathers and other areas. Here's how Genuine Fractals transformed the image after I clicked Apply:

    NIKON D3S @ 300mm, ISO 1400, 1/1600, f/7.1

    Now compare the enlarged image in Photoshop and in Genuine Fractals 6 Pro:

    Note the abundance of blur in Photoshop (right) and the relatively well-preserved detail in Genuine Fractals (left). And this without using additional sharpening in Genuine Fractals!

    4. Enlarge images usingBenVista PhotoZoom Pro

    Another software package that is very similar in functionality to Genuine Fractals is Benvista PhotoZoom Pro. This is what this product looks like:

    And here is the same image processed in PhotoZoom:

    NIKON D3S @ 300mm, ISO 1400, 1/1600, f/7.1

    Compared to Genuine Fractals:

    BenVista PhotoZoom seems to maintain sharpness a little better than Genuine Fractals, especially where the feathers are. I used the proprietary "S-Spline Max" algorithm to get the above result and selected the "Photo Detail" preset.

    5. Conclusions

    If you're thinking about printing your images in large format, you don't have to be limited by the number of pixels on your camera's sensor. As I showed above, you can enlarge the images to the required sizes using the provided by different manufacturers tools and algorithms. I'm sure there are other products on the market that can provide similar results, so definitely give them a chance and see what works best for you. If you want professional-quality prints, you may want to consider investing in some great tools like Genuine Fractals 6 Pro or BenVista PhotoZoom, allowing you to do large format printing while preserving as much detail as possible.

    Let's imagine what it has become for you topical issue about how resize picture without photoshop? At the same time, you are on the Internet, and you need to crop a photo or picture for the questionnaire. You will do the right thing if you sit at your computer, or with a tablet, or with a smartphone in your hands, and go to the site.

    After all, on this resource you can use an application for cropping photos online. Please note that the application supports gif formats, bmp, jpg, png. It is located in the “Working with Images” block called “Cropping Images”.

    And, performing simple operations here, we resizing the image. After all, like everything else within the service, this application very easy to use. It provides the opportunity to get high-quality results very quickly.

    With his help we resize photo. We trim it. And for this you just need to download desired image, select the fragment you need to trim and press the “Cut” button, having previously received information about the size of the future picture. That is, the process involves a percentage increase or decrease in the image. There is always the opportunity to see how you cropped the photo and then save it.

    What other features does the application provide?

    When we resize a photo online, this does not mean that the whole process, which takes a matter of seconds, boils down to simply cropping the image online.

    Anyone working with the image can still spend additional (but literally just a matter of) seconds to rotate the photo or flip it if necessary. But this is not all there is to it. You can also add beautiful effects or frame. And all it takes is a few clicks.

    It is not surprising that the site’s users are people of various professions, ages and even hobbies. This is because some people prefer not to search for the application they need on various Internet resources. And this online service is good for many because it concentrates a wide variety of but frequently used applications.

    And many of those who spend a lot of time on the World Wide Web (including in order to change photo), end up on the site quite naturally. Whether he is a designer or a webmaster, a journalist or a motorist. After all, many links on the Internet lead here, and the service is available to everyone without registration.

    The service is also free. It can be used when preparing photos and music for blogs and websites. In addition, there is no need to download files, install and subsequently update programs.

    This is appreciated both by those who are engaged in professional photography and by those for whom spending time with a camera is simply a great hobby. After all, the site has a suitable application for them. For example, for someone who is tormented by the question, how to resize an image?

    Why is such a function needed?

    The reason why one or another Internet user is forced to look for an online photo editor to use may be different. But, as experience shows, this is usually caused precisely by the need to quickly resize photo.

    And this is usually the case. Let's say someone needs to upload an editable image to a website. For example, as a VKontakte avatar. As a rule, on most resources in global network For images uploaded to the service, there is a restriction on its dimensions. And this is in specific case means you need to resize your photo online.

    There is no way to do without this. However, the limitation is not only for dimensions. The limitation also applies to the weight of the image. That is, the problem requires such a solution when you need to reduce the photo. And this is very easy to do using an online photo editor.

    But the “enlarge photo” function is used when it is necessary to increase the size of the image. Just like photo reduction, this function is used when someone processes an image very often.

    For more detailed characteristics popular service We should also mention such a “trick” as Instagram-style photographs. That is, with in this case the service provides the opportunity not only resize, but also to give the desired look to the photographs. Moreover, we are talking about those cases when you do not have mobile device and Instagram account.

    We assure you that on personal computer Processing photos is much more convenient and enjoyable. The “Instagram style photo” feature works exactly the same as online photo cropping. This means the following: you need to upload a photo, apply effects and then save it to your computer. So, in particular, you can make the effect old photograph from a regular photo.

    Hello my readers!

    Resizing an image is a fairly important operation not only for those who create and fill their own, but also for everyday use, starting with social networks and ending with chats and forums.

    Exists large number programs that allow you to change the resolution of the picture. But how can you ensure that the photo does not lose quality during such editing?

    This is what I would like to talk to you about today. If you are wondering how to resize an image without losing quality, then you are in the right place.


    First of all, I would like to talk about the standard Paint photo editor. The set of functions of this utility is not large, but the basic capabilities are inherent.

    Launch the Paint program on your PC, in the “File” tab, select “Open”. In the window that appears, we find the desired image, indicating the path to it by sequentially opening the necessary folders.

    Navigating the program is very simple: next to the “Select” icon you will find the “Resize” function we need, so select it.

    The window of the image editor itself appeared in front of us. We can change the size in two parameters: percentages and pixels. We select the pixels and check the “Maintain proportions” box; this will make it possible to preserve the very shape of the picture, which will not reduce the display quality. When maintaining proportions, you only need to enter one parameter (width or length), and the second will be selected automatically. It's actually quite simple, isn't it?

    After the manipulations have been completed, save the file in a format convenient for you.

    Also available in Paint manual editing. To do this, you need to select the entire image (press CTRL + A), then move the cursor to the lower right corner of the picture and move it to the upper left, the size will change.

    After you have achieved the desired result, left-click on the unselected area and adjust the program’s working canvas to fit the image. Unfortunately, in manual mode Maintaining proportion is very difficult.

    It should be noted that with the help of Paint you can both increase and decrease the size of any picture.

    Adobe PhotoShop

    If you want to master all the features of this program, then I recommend that you take the course " Photoshop from A to Z in video format" After completing the course, you will be able to create miracles with this software, even if now you know almost nothing.

    Changing the size and weight of a photo using this software is considered universal method. Despite the range of possibilities, editing of this nature in PhotoShop is very simple.

    To begin with, you actually need to have Photoshop installed on your computer. If on PC this software product already installed, right-click on the photo and select the “Open with” option, find PhotoShop among the entire list and select it.

    Or first run the program, and then go to the “File” - “open” menu.

    On the toolbar you will see the “Image” section, select it. In the menu, select “Size...”, after which the image editing tool will be launched.

    After these manipulations, save the files in BMP format. In this case, there is no difference between the original and the reduced copy. Or, leave it JPG format, but when saving in the “Image Quality” block, instead of the number 8 put 10, this will give the maximum quality to the picture.

    If you save a picture for the purpose of later posting it on the Internet, for example, on your blog, then it is better to save it in a different way (so that it weighs less). Look at the screenshots below:

    In addition to these options, there are hundreds of other types on the Internet software that perform similar functions. You can also use online services, they also do an excellent job of their duties, as a rule, they all have detailed instructions.

    Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

    I like to do graphics: draw on graphics tablet, process pictures and photographs in Photoshop and create collages. Sometimes there is a need to enlarge a ready-made, but small picture. Typically, after such manipulations, the graphics look blurry due to the fact that pixels are lost. Now we’ll talk about how to enlarge an image without losing quality.

    I tried a lot of different programs to enlarge an image without losing quality, but all of them had very poor quality. And then one day, completely desperate to find what I needed, I came across a foreign website where the program was offered SmillaEnlarger beta versions.

    Most likely, I would have left there anyway, because... I don’t speak foreign languages, but thanks to the fact that I have a Google Chrome browser, I was offered a translation of this page and in the description I read that

    SmillaEnlarger is a small graphical tool (based on Qt) for resizing, especially enlarging raster images in high quality. (The algorithm used is my own invention)

    And I decided to try it too.

    You can download the program from the official

    Working with the SmillaEnlarger program

    Go to the website page with this program and click the big green button “ Download"(if your page is without translation, then the button is called " Download»).

    The program is packaged in an archive that must first be unpacked.

    As a result, you should have a folder SmillaEnlarger-0.9.0. Open it and go to the folder SmillaEnlarger.

    We find the file in it SmillaEnlarger.exe, and launch it.

    As you can see, there is no need to install the program. You can simply run it from this folder.

    A program will open in which a picture with a dog is shown as an example.

    Upload your picture

    Set the necessary parameters:

    In the window OutputHeight set the height size of the enlarged image.

    In the window WriteResultto You can write your preferred name for the enlarged file or leave the same name it had, only the program itself will add the letter “e” at the end of the name through a lower hyphen. The file will be saved in the same folder where it was before.

    If you want to save the file to another folder, you need to uncheck the box next to the entry UseSourceFolder. Then the button is activated ChangeFolder, by clicking on which you can select another folder on your computer.

    Now you can click on the Enlarge & Save button below and in a couple of seconds you will have an enlarged image file in the specified folder. And the file quality is quite tolerable.

    If you want the file performance to be even better, you can try to select other parameters.

    Smilla Enlarger Options

    • OutputDimensions(Finished picture size)

    Specifyzoomfactor(Specify scaling factor)

    Specify width of result(Specify the width of the result)

    Specify height of result(Specify the height of the result)

    Fitinsideboundary(Set internal border)

    Stretch to fit(Stretch)

    Crop to fit(The harvest is picking up)

    Fit inside, add bars(Paste inside, add bars)

    • Window OutputHeight(Height of the displayed image)
    • Enlarger Parameter(Increased parameter)




    Sharp &noisy(amplified with noise)

    • ThumbnailPreview(Thumbnail Preview)
    • Size(Size)
    • Write Result to(Write the result)
    • In Folder(in a folder)
    • UseSourceFolder(Use source folder)
    • ButtonChange Folder(Change folder)
    • Enlarge &Save(Zoom and Save)
    • Cropping Format(Crop Format)

    • Cropping(Format)
    • Parameter(Parameter)
    • Jobs(Job)
    • Log(Magazine)
    • Help(Help)

    The default parameters are enough for me for now.

    Video on how to enlarge an image without losing quality using the Smilla Enlarger program:

    If you use another program or know of a program that enlarges the image better, then share with us in the comments below.

    We enlarge the drawing on the computer!!! Very simple!

    I have long wanted to know how to enlarge a drawing and make it larger than A-4.
    1.Select a program on your computer Microsoft Office Excel 2007, clicking on the inscription 1 time with the cursor (left mouse button):

    2.The program has opened, click once on the cell highlighted in the upper left corner - this will fix your image in the future at this point

    3. Find the “insert” section and press 1 time with the same key:

    4. select “drawing” in the window that opens and click again 1 time:

    5. In the window that opens in the usual way select the picture selected for enlargement, marked (1 time):

    6. Insert (1 time):

    7. We see that the drawing is placed in the program on the cells for enlargement:

    8. Move the cursor to the lower right (free) corner of the picture, press the left key and without releasing it, stretch the picture a little, making sure that this is possible

    9.Now we need to make markings, Select right size pictures by clicking once on “page layout”:

    10. Click “size” once in the window that opens:

    11.Select “A4” in the window that opens and press 1 time:

    12. We made sure that a grid of lines appeared on the field - this is the page layout:
    13. Let’s repeat point “8”, taking into account the required image size:

    14.Last step. The picture has been enlarged, all that remains is to preview it or just save or print right away. To do this, we need an Office button (mark it once):

    15. If our goal is simply to get an enlargement, then when printing we must remember to set “Fast draft printing” in the “properties”. As a result, we get several A4 pages that need to be combined to get an enlarged drawing.
    That's it!!! Try it! It will definitely work!

    Any version of this program allows you to enlarge pictures!!! There are only small nuances that are easy to master.