• How to convert from jpg to vector format. How to convert a raster image to vector

    Vector drawings are very popular, but their creation requires a lot of patience and perseverance for a beginner. Photoshop is used to prepare such illustrations; it can be used to convert a photograph into a vector image. In this article we will tell you how such a drawing differs from a raster one and how to make a vector image in Photoshop.


    When you create new document in Photoshop, write any word on a white sheet, choosing convenient size(using the “Text” functions - the icon with the letter “T” on the toolbar).

    Zoom in with the Loupe tool - you will see that the letters are made of pixels. In fact, the appearance is specified by formulas, only the display in the program is done in pixels.

    We return normal size by double-clicking on the hand icon. We reduce the size as follows: “Editing” - “Transform” - “Scaling”. When the sizes are reduced, the quality of the letters is maintained. In the same way, we enlarge the text as much as possible, the quality also remains good, since the formulas work well at any scale.


    To convert a vector image in Photoshop to a raster image, let’s reduce the finished image. Then go to the “Layers” tab, there select “Rasterize” - “Text”. We got letters that really consist of pixels.

    When enlarging a raster image/text using the “Editing” - “Transforming” - “Scaling” functions, the quality deteriorates greatly. As the procedure is repeated, the quality gets worse each time - the letters become blurry.

    In such illustrations, when enlarged according to the program’s algorithm, new pixels are filled with color. This happens less accurately than when working with formulas.

    Creating vector graphics

    You can make a drawing using any photograph. If you didn’t know how to convert a photo into a vector in Photoshop, convert it, follow the following procedure:

    1. Open a photo/illustration. Create a new layer.
    2. Using the Pen tool, draw the outline of one of the elements (for example, a face). To avoid disturbing the background, set the transparency to 20–30%. Select a fill and outline color.
    3. Next, draw the contours of other parts in the same way and fill them with the desired color.
    4. For complex color application on the model's face, you can use "Filters". Go to the “Filter Gallery”, make “Posterization” there at several levels, conveniently at 3 levels. Photoshop will tell you how the shadows are applied; all you have to do is outline their contours. You can further desaturate, make the photo black and white, and adjust the sharpness to see the levels more clearly. When filling, choose progressively lighter/darker colors for the layers. You get color transitions.

    Let's say we have some raster image and we want to get it in vector form (or in curves). What do we need to do for this? First of all you need Adobe program Illustrator.

    The version doesn't matter.


    Open our raster image in Adobe Illustrator. To do this, you can right-click on the drawing and select Open with... > Adobe Illustrator from the drop-down menu or launch Illustrator and drag the drawing onto the work area.

    Original image

    On the toolbar, select the tool “ Selection"(black arrow) and click on our image with this arrow. In this case, the drawing should stand out. To check this, you can try moving it a little by holding down left button mouse when the cursor is over the picture (using the drag-and-drop principle).

    Above the work area we find the button “ Fast Trace» and click on the arrow next to it. It shows all the options available for this action. We need the item " Trace options...". When we click on it, a window with parameters opens.

    On the right side of the options window, select “ View". This will help you get more good result and figure out what each of the parameters is responsible for.

    1) do it scientifically, that is, you will need to read in the tooltips which of the parameters affects what and set the required values;

    2) experiment with the parameters yourself, using the so-called “scientific poking method”.

    I prefer the second method: firstly, the Russian translation of a word does not always fully convey the meaning inherent in the original, and secondly, it is often faster and easier to remember. Change the parameter. See what it affects (visually). Combine several parameters. And so on until a more or less acceptable result is achieved.

    The resulting vector image.

    When the picture already looks like the truth, in the tracing parameters window, click “ Tracing" and in the menu above the work area the button " Disassemble". This way we get the original image, but in curves.

    If you are not satisfied with the result obtained, you can modify it. To do this, use the " Selection» you need to select all the created curves (press the left mouse button and, holding it, circle the entire drawing). Go to the menu item " Object» > « Transformation» > « Scaling” and resize the image so that it is large enough for easy editing. Then select the tool " Direct selection"(white arrow). Using this white arrow, we click on each node one by one and align the splines as necessary: ​​when you select a vertex, whiskers appear nearby, by pulling which you can change the curvature of the spline.

    Result in grid mode

    You can also get a better result if you initially take a large image good quality. Therefore, if you don’t want to waste time fiddling with spline nodes in the future, use high-quality images as raw materials for tracing!

    All graphic files are divided into two global types - raster and vector. Sometimes you need to convert from a raster to a black and white vector. For example, for tracing black and white icons, QR codes, barcodes, pictures with raster inscriptions, receipts or pictures on a blog.

    What is the difference between a raster file and a vector file?

    Raster graphics
    Raster file represents a sequence of colored squares (pixels). The number of points in a file is determined by its horizontal and vertical dimensions. For example, a 640x480 file contains 307,200 pixels. A raster file can be represented as a mosaic. You cannot stretch a raster image without losing quality.

    Popular raster formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, WEBP, BPG.

    Vector graphics
    Vector graphics represent many different geometric shapes described mathematical formulas. The superposition of these shapes on top of each other forms an image. For example, an ordinary square is described by four equal segments, each of which is connected at its ends to the ends of the other two at an angle of 90 degrees.

    Popular vector formats: SVG, EPS, WMF, PDF.

    From raster to vector

    Vectorization algorithm
    Tracing occurs in several stages:
    • The vectorizer scans the image and finds all areas with pixels colored the same color.
    • Borders are approximated by 1 px thick segments.
    • A triangulation with a line constraint is constructed.

    Potrace based converter
    Sometimes you need to automatically convert images that users upload from raster to vector format.

    There is a very simple and free way implement such a conversion using vector editor Inkscape. Inkscape uses Potrace to vectorize images.

    After tracing, the image can only be black and white. On potrace it is written that color support may be implemented in the future.

    An example of converting from PNG to SVG. The potrace function only accepts files with the PNM extension as input, so before tracing PNG you need to convert:

    Exec("convert image.png image.pnm"); exec("potrace image.pnm -s -o image.svg");
    This method has been implemented and you can look at the quality of tracing of any image. An example of vectorization of a blurry barcode. And this is an example of a traced logo. This is how the converter copes with photographs.

    How to make the output picture color
    Except manual editing there is another color option black and white pictures on the way out. But the picture should be low-color. The solution is suitable for tracing colored icons, logos and buttons into vector.

    You can highlight individual colors using the ppmcolormask (part of the Netpbm package):

    Cat img.gif | giftopnm | ppmcolormask #641b1b | potrace
    Then trace each part separately and superimpose them on top of each other at the end.

    From vector to raster

    Rasterize vector drawing much simpler. A grid with cells of a certain size is superimposed on the vector image and the image is discretized, after which it is encoded according to the output format.

    One example of converting SVG to PNG using Imagick.

    With this code you can convert SVG files to PNG24:

    $svg = file_get_contents("image.svg"); $image = new Imagick(); $image->setBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel("transparent")); $image->readImageBlob($svg); $image->setImageFormat("png24"); $image->writeImage("image.png"); $image->clear(); $image->destroy();
    Here you can see the results of converting your images from SVG to PNG.


    1. You can convert from raster to vector on your website using potrace.
    2. Potrace only supports black and white vectorization.
    3. You can convert from vector to raster using Imagick.

    Often there is a need to convert a raster image to a vector image. This can be done using CorelDraw and others special programs. However, it will be much easier and more convenient to use online service, for example, such as the hero of our today's review.

    Image Vectorizer – free service converting raster to vector. At the exit you will receive SVG file. Supports image uploading following formats: JPG (JPEG), PNG and BMP. There is a limit on the size of the uploaded file - it should not exceed 1MB. It’s not enough, of course, but it’s quite enough for small-sized pictures.

    How raster to vector conversion works

    Vector graphics are a set of curves, points, lines that are represented by mathematical expressions. Raster graphics are a collection of pixels with color and brightness values. Online converter finds areas with the same brightness and color parameters and represents them as lines, curves and circles.

    As a result, a raster image of SVG format can be infinitely enlarged without loss of quality.

    Converting raster to vector

    The online service starts working immediately after loading the original image.

    On the left of the screen you see the source file with a set of colors found in it, on the right – the result:

    Using the available tools you can:

    • Disable the presence of certain colors
    • Set the total number of colors in an SVG file
    • Set Tolerance and Blur

    By changing the parameters and pressing the “Update” button, you immediately see the final result. In order not to struggle with the settings for a long time, you can also use a ready-made set of presets:

    • Photography (many/few colors)
    • Drawing (many/few colors)
    • Clipart (black and white, many/few colors)

    By clicking on the + and – buttons on the right side of the window, you can increase or decrease the values ​​of Color, Detail, Border Width. There you can merge all layers with flowers into a single layer.

    After you are satisfied with the result, click the “Download” button and download the vector image in SVG format to your disk. Everything is free.

    The service also has such a feature as a G-code generator. I can't imagine what it's needed for. If anyone knows, write in the comments.


    Draw a picture or select a photo. Scan image, photograph it, that is, transfer it to digital format. Import the image to your chosen graphic editor. As you gradually zoom in, notice that image gradually breaks up into separate ones, each of which is painted in its own color. These squares are called rasters, and they are the basis of your image.

    Analyze the file size. Choose the one that suits you color model(RGB, CMYK) which will help to display correctly. Using the editor, remove or add details, adjust the frame, sharpness, color scheme. Select (the optimal display value on the screen). Resolution (raster), that is, the calculation is based on the number of pixels that your image contains horizontally and vertically. Small resolution is considered to be up to 500 pixels along one edge, medium resolution is up to 1024 pixels along the edge, everything else is considered high resolution. Large ones “eat up” a lot of memory and can take a long time to load onto the network.

    Select the compression algorithm you need and save the image. For small images and animations of two or three frames published on the Internet, *.gif is suitable; the optimal ratio of quality and file compression is provided by the *.jpeg format; for working with transparent and backgrounds, especially in small pixel images, *.png is used. These formats are mainly used in web design. The *.bmp format provides very high quality color rendering, but the files are large in size, while the *.tiff and *.raw formats, despite the size of the resulting file, allow you to save images obtained directly from digital apparatus, convey the smallest shades of color and are widely used in professional photography and in printing.

    Please note

    The disadvantage of raster images is the impossibility of scaling them without losing the quality of the original file.

    Useful advice

    For optimal performance With a raster image, be sure to find out the final format you need (resolution, dots per inch, picture size).


    Vector graphics is a way of representing objects using geometric primitives - points, lines, polygons. In contrast, raster graphics use fixed-size matrices consisting of dots (pixels). Software converters are used to convert an image into a vector format.

    You will need

    • Adobe Illustrator


    Please note

    in many editors vector graphics There is a function for converting a raster to a vector. just run some coreldraw or inkscape, import a raster image there and start the conversion.

    Useful advice

    How to make a vector image from a raster image, Adobe Illustrator, tracing. Typically, tracing is used for images only with solid colors and with extremely clear contours, since the presence of gradient or simply complex colors leads to the formation of a very large number vector outlines.


    • how to convert a rastovo image into a vector one

    Raster graphics is a way of expressing an image in the form rectangular matrices. Each cell of such a matrix represents a colored dot. An element of such a grid is called a pixel.