• Parcel status. Postal statuses of parcels when tracking. What you need to know when tracking parcels

    The parcel has been added to the site
    This means that the parcel does not yet have any status either from the post office of the sending country or from the post office of the recipient country.

    Information about the parcel was received electronically
    The seller assigned a tracking number to the parcel and registered it on the post office website. But I haven’t delivered the parcel to the post office yet.
    It may take from 2 to 14 days before it begins to be tracked.

    Received by mail
    The parcel arrived at post office, i.e. the seller brought it to the post office, where it was registered and sent to the recipient.

    Transferred to customs
    The postal item was handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the package will be tested customs successfully, then it will be sent to the destination country.

    Customs clearance completed, released by customs
    If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, it will be sent to the destination country.

    Left mail (Export)
    Operation “Export” means that the shipment has been transferred to the carrier. The delivery time from export to import is usually the longest and it can take quite a long time before the postal item reaches the territory of the recipient country.
    Reasons: transit routes of flights, gaining a certain weight for sending by cargo planes. For example, China and Singapore transport mail using cargo planes that can weigh between 50 and 100 tons. While the shipment is being exported, neither the sending country nor the recipient country can track the shipment online.
    Delivery times international shipments between export and import are not established (not regulated by documents). The delivery route is determined by the country of origin of the shipment, depending on existing agreements with air carriers and the availability of carrying capacity. During delivery, transit flights are used, which leads to an increase in transportation times and the time between export and import operations.

    The parcel is registered in the country of destination. A period of 30 days between export and import is normal.

    Transferred to customs
    The status means that the shipment has been transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments undergo a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. They are then sorted by type and transferred to various areas. Shipments with product contents undergo X-ray inspection. By decision of the customs officer, the postal item may be opened for personal control; the reason for personal control may be violations of property rights, a commercial consignment, targeting a consignment that may contain substances prohibited for shipment. The postal item is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which a customs inspection report is drawn up and attached to the item.

    Detained by customs
    This operation means that the postal item is detained by FCS employees to carry out measures to determine the purpose of the postal item. Upon receipt in international postal items during a calendar month of goods whose customs value exceeds 1000 euros, and (or) the total weight of which exceeds 31 kilograms, in part of such excess it is necessary to pay customs duties and taxes using a flat rate of 30% of the customs value of goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kilogram of their weight. If information about the goods sent to the MPO is missing or does not correspond to the actual information, this significantly increases the time spent on processing shipments, since there is a need to conduct a customs inspection and document its results.

    Customs clearance completed
    This operation means that customs checked the shipment and returned it to Russian Post. In many MMPOs, customs works around the clock: this is the only way to check the colossal volume of mail incoming from abroad in a timely manner. Each customs officer is assisted by two postal operators.

    Left MMPO (place of international postal exchange)
    The shipment has left the place of international postal exchange and is then sent to sorting center. From the moment the shipment leaves the MMPO, delivery times for shipments within Russia begin to apply; they depend on the type of shipment http://www.russianpost.ru/rp/servise/ru/home/postuslug/termsdelivery

    Arrived at the sorting center / Left the sorting center
    After leaving MMPO, departures through major sorting centers postal service travel through the territory of the recipient country to their destination. At the sorting center, mail is distributed along the main routes of the country. The parcels are resealed in containers and sent to the delivery location, to the awaiting recipient.

    Arrived at the delivery location
    The shipment arrived at the recipient's post office (POS). As soon as the item arrives at the department, employees issue a notice (notification) that the item is in the department. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the item arrives at the department or the next day (for example, if the item arrived at the department in the evening).

    Dosyl. Submission.
    Shipping - the parcel was sent to the wrong postcode.
    Dosyl - we found an error and redirected the parcel to the correct address.

    The next article on the topic of parcel tracking will tell you what exactly happens to the parcel along the way, what is hidden under the various tracking statuses and why parcels take so long.

    First of all, I would like to remind you that the Post Office is the Post Office, you should not expect miracles from it and you should not hope that the parcel will arrive to you from China in three days. International parcel delivery is a troublesome business and includes many operations performed with at different speeds, depending on seasonality (the most critical time is from mid-October to mid-March) and various force majeure events (fire in a warehouse, flood, typhoon, etc.).

    So, let's look at the parcel path from China to Russia, taking a closer look at each tracking point.

    1. 2013-08-12 00:00 Reception, Guangzhou, Russia
    2. 2013-08-12 21:52 Reception, China 510010
    3. 2013-08-13 00:00 Export, Sorting, Guangzhou, Russia
    4. 2013-08-13 00:00 Packaging in a general package, Guangzhou, Russia
    5. 2013-08-13 13:47 Export, China CNCANA
    6. 2013-08-14 00:00 Sent by airmail, CAN, Russia
    7. 2013-09-10 22:52 Import, 104001 Moscow PCI 1, weight: 0.106 kg.
    8. 2013-09-11 05:00 Accepted by customs, 104001 Moscow PCI 1, weight: 0.106 kg.
    9. 2013-09-11 05:07 Customs clearance completed, 104001 Moscow PCI 1 Released by customs, weight: 0.106 kg.
    10. 2013-09-11 18:37 Processing, 104001 Moscow PCI 1 Left the place international exchange
    11. 2013-09-22 03:49 Processing, 140983 Moscow Asts Parcel Sorting Shop
    12. 2013-09-22 18:40 Processing, 140980 Moscow Asts Logistics shop Left the sorting center
    13. 2013-09-24 04:54 Processing, 102104 Moscow Yaroslavl railway station, workshop 3 Unit 3.1 Arrived at the sorting center
    14. 2013-09-25 11:14 Processing, 160960 Vologda MSC Arrived at the sorting center
    15. 2013-09-25 13:42 Processing, 160960 Vologda MSC Left the sorting center
    16. 2013-09-27 00:00 Processing, 160960 Vologda MSC Left the sorting center
    17. 2013-09-27 14:19 Processing, 160000 Vologda Arrived at the place of delivery
    18. 2013-09-30 10:28 Processing, 102102 Moscow Yaroslavl railway station, workshop 1 Left the sorting center
    19. 2013-10-01 00:00 Delivery, 160000 Vologda Delivery to the recipient, weight: 0, 106 kg.

    The order was placed and paid for on August 1, 2013. The track number was issued on the 3rd, from that moment 9 days passed before the seller took the parcel to the post office.

    Get used to it - this is a common practice among the Chinese, well, they don’t like to run to the post office every day, so they deliver parcels in a bunch at once and not very often.

    Why is this happening? It’s all very simple - sellers reserve track numbers at the post office in order to process parcels not at the branch, but directly at the workplace, so the fact that you were given a number does not mean that the parcel was actually delivered to the post office.

    In rare cases, sellers completely “forget” to deliver the parcel, so if more than 10-14 days have passed after you were given the number, and the parcel is still not tracked, open a dispute and demand a full refund of the cost of the goods. Usually this works wonders to speed up the shipment of the goods, and sometimes sellers simply refund the money.

    2013-08-12 00:00 Reception, Guangzhou, Russia

    The first tracking entry tells us that the parcel has finally arrived at the post office. The department that received it is located in Guangzhou, and the parcel itself is going to Russia.

    2013-08-12 21:52 Reception, China 510010

    The next entry is a duplicate of the previous one. It was received from the Russian Post server, but unlike the previous one, which was received from China Post, it also indicates exact time a technique, the knowledge of which is, in principle, useless to us, so we do not pay attention to the fact of duplication. By the way, as long as the parcel is in the territory of another country, the information from the Russian Post is scarce and consists only of acceptance and export marks; moreover, it is updated with some delay, sometimes reaching 3-5 days.

    2013-08-13 00:00 Export, Sorting, Guangzhou, Russia

    This entry states that the parcel was successfully processed by the receiving point and transferred to the sorting shop for subsequent forwarding to the international postal exchange office (IMPO).

    2013-08-13 00:00 Packaging in a general package, Guangzhou, Russia

    During preparation for export, parcels are not only sorted, but also formed into large bags, since no one will carry loose change, it is more convenient to send correspondence when it is grouped into large bales.

    2013-08-13 13:47 Export, China CNCANA

    And again, a duplicate entry from the Russian Post of previous entries from the Chinese side.

    2013-08-14 00:00 Sent by airmail, CAN, Russia

    This line informs us that the parcel is ready to be sent from MMPO, but please note that before it actually leaves China, the parcel will lie in the warehouse for some time, waiting for its turn to be sent.

    This period in some cases can drag on for quite a long time. for a long time , especially if the order is made in the autumn-winter period, when the post office experiences a peak load that differs several times from that in the summer, so be patient and wait, which our system automatically updates daily, based on the movement statistics of items added to the tracking system.

    During this period, there will be no further marks on the parcel until it falls into the hands of the customs service of the destination country. No one can tell you for sure where the package is. It can be either in a warehouse in the sending country or in a customs warehouse in the destination country.

    Wait for the parcel in this status within 50-60 days from the date of the last mark, without forgetting to extend the delivery time if necessary. If after this time the parcel has not moved, write to the seller so that he puts it on the wanted list. If there is no news, open a dispute for a full refund due to the fact that the package never arrived.

    2013-09-10 22:52 Import, 104001 Moscow PCI 1, weight: 0.106 kg.

    Our parcel has finally arrived Russian customs and it was unpacked from the general package. Almost a month has passed since the last post!

    2013-09-11 05:00 Accepted by customs, 104001 Moscow PCI 1, weight: 0.106 kg.

    At this stage, the parcel was handed over to the valiant customs officers, who will check its contents using their own means (parcels are opened extremely rarely, usually they are simply scanned and passed on). If the parcel does not arouse the suspicion of customs officers, then it moves on, but if there are questions, it is sent for storage and further investigation.

    2013-09-11 05:07 Customs clearance completed, 104001 Moscow PCI 1 Released by customs, weight: 0.106 kg.

    Our package did not arouse suspicion; it was weighed, the weight was recorded and passed on.

    2013-09-11 18:37 Processing, 104001 Moscow PCI 1 Left the international exchange place

    After customs inspection is completed, the parcel is picked up by Russian Post employees and taken to the sorting workshop in order to be sent to its destination.

    2013-09-22 03:49 Processing, 140983 Moscow Asts Parcel Sorting Shop

    Sometimes there are congestions in the sorting shop, so the sorting mark appears after some time. In our case, it took as much as 11 days. Here the postal employees decide where to send the parcel next.

    2013-09-22 18:40 Processing, 140980 Moscow Asts Logistics shop Left the sorting center

    The parcel has safely left the sorting facility and is now awaiting shipment in the right direction.

    2013-09-24 04:54 Processing, 102104 Moscow Yaroslavl railway station, workshop 3 Unit 3.1 Arrived at the sorting center

    Since the parcel was going to Vologda, it was brought to the Yaroslavl station, where it again went to the sorting shop so that its employees could select the right mail car and send the parcel to the right city.

    2013-09-25 11:14 Processing, 160960 Vologda MSC Arrived at the sorting center

    The parcel reached the destination city and again fell into the hands of sorters, who decide which post office to deliver the parcel to for delivery to the addressee.

    2013-09-27 00:00 Processing, 160960 Vologda MSC Left the sorting center

    2013-09-25 13:42 Processing, 160960 Vologda MSC Left the sorting center

    Duplication of records after sorting is not such a rare phenomenon; what exactly is associated with it is not known, but it happens. In general, now our parcel has gone to the right post office.

    2013-09-27 14:19 Processing, 160004 Vologda 4 Arrived at the place of delivery

    Here is the long-awaited recording! Now you can do it in two ways, both of which have their downsides.

    Method 1: We saw the arrival mark and immediately go to the post office to pick up the long-awaited package. The disadvantage of this method is that most postal employees do not like it when the recipient arrives without notification and may begin to argue that it is impossible to release the parcel without notification. This is not so, so insist on your own, reasonably demand that the parcel be released, put pressure on the fact that the Russian Post is pursuing a course to improve the quality of service and reduce delivery times, and the ladies who do not issue parcels are preventing this. You can point them at posters with smiling girls and loud slogans, which are usually hung in all departments. In general, be persistent, but try not to go beyond the limits of adequacy.

    Method 2: We are just waiting for notification in our mailbox and then we go to the post office with him. The downside is that postmen do not always promptly bring the treasured pieces of paper. From personal experience Sometimes the package would be in the mail for two weeks, but there would be no notification.

    Anyway When visiting the post office, be sure to take your passport, since no one will issue the parcel without the recipient’s identity document.

    2013-09-30 10:28 Processing, 102102 Moscow Yaroslavl railway station, workshop 1 Left the sorting center

    Stop! What is this? This entry confuses many people and makes them think that the package was returned, but this is not the case. Don't forget that this is mail and delays in everything are its signature credo :) In general, do not pay attention to this turn of events - the parcel is still in your city.

    2013-10-01 00:00 Delivery, 160004 Vologda 4 Delivery to the addressee, weight: 0, 106 kg.

    That's it, the package has been received! From the moment of ordering and payment to the actual receipt of the goods, 2 months passed! And this is in the summer, when the post office does not experience pre-holiday load.

    Bottom line

    Be patient, don't panic ahead of time. Get used to the idea that mail is a terrible slowdown.

    If there is no movement on the track that the seller gave you for more than 10 days, demand a full refund. Usually this helps and the package magically appears in the mail.

    Remember that the time from export to import can be quite long, so don't panic ahead of time.

    UPD: For those who do not understand, you can track your parcels on our website :) At the top there is a line for entering the track number.

    Please leave all questions, not in the comments to the article, since on the forum the chance of getting an answer is significantly higher!

    Very often people on the site ask what this or that parcel status means. And since they ask, then we need to figure it out.

    Postal status and order status on Aliexpress are two different things!

    This article will discuss about postal statuses , we also have an article. These are different things. The order status is tracked in your . And reflects the parcel information within trading platform Aliexpress. And the status of the parcel is tracked in postal services(Russian Post, China Post, etc.). Don't be confused.

    Not all orders can be tracked

    Please note that not every parcel can be tracked while moving from the seller to you. This is only possible if it has a trackable track. But how can you find out about this BEFORE ordering?

    In the case of Aliexpress - open , then click on Delivery

    And after clicking, you will see a menu with information about delivery methods. The last column will display information about the availability of the track (Delivery Information).

    If this field says Not available, then your order will not have a track when you select this delivery, the parcel will not be tracked and you will not be able to find out the current postal status of the parcel.

    How to track a parcel from Aliexpress

    If this is your first time tracking a parcel and your package is from Aliexpress, then read our article. If your parcel is not tracked at all, then read.

    Please note that the article describes the most common statuses. In fact, there are many more of them, but other parcel statuses are much less common. And yet, for some private courier companies, especially in China, the same statuses can be designated by different words. If you have a status that is not described in this article, ask in the comments, we’ll try to figure it out. Be sure to indicate where you saw this status!

    Parcel statuses in the country of departure (for example in China)

    While the parcel is in the country of departure, it may have the following statuses:

    • Collection, Acceptance – the parcel was delivered to the post office. It is worth keeping in mind that the parcel does not immediately begin to be tracked using the tracking number given to you by the seller. It takes some time to process the parcel and enter it into the database. Usually the track begins to be tracked within 10 days.
    • Opening (The parcel has arrived at the transit point) . Usually next to this status it is written and postal code transit point. There can be many such statuses. Moreover, their order is not always correct. Probably transit point operators do not fill in the data right away. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the Opening status after Export.
    • Arrival at MMPO (Dispatching, Processing) . In this status, the parcel is being prepared for export and shipment to the destination country. For some transport companies in China, this is the last status that is tracked.
    • Export (Departure from outward office of exchange, Total Export) – means that the parcel has passed everything necessary procedures and sent to the destination country.

    After the last status, it may take quite a long time until the parcel begins to be tracked in the destination country. If the parcel was sent without an international track, it may no longer be tracked at all.

    Parcel statuses in the destination country (for example, Russia)

    • Import (Import) – the parcel has arrived in the destination country. It is processed for transfer to customs.
    • Reception at customs – transfer to customs for clearance.
    • Customs clearance. Customs release – the parcel has passed everything necessary customs clearance and is preparing for release with MMPO
    • Left the place of international exchange of MMPO – the parcel left customs and was handed over to the post office for further dispatch.
    • Left the sorting center – the parcel is sorted and sent to its destination.
    • Arrived at the delivery location – the parcel has arrived at the post office. In principle, you can already receive it. Or wait for a notification.
    • Product Delivered – the parcel has ALREADY been delivered to the recipient.

    Please note that in the parcel tracking interface at Russian Post, for import, the addressee's index is indicated. Sometimes, in case of an error or a fake track, it may be visible that the parcel is coming not to your post office. If the package has changed several statuses, but the index is still incorrect, then you should start worrying.

    Unpleasant parcel statuses

    The parcel statuses described above are quite standard. They mean the package is on its way. Sometimes the package may get stuck on statuses, sometimes miss some, but, in most cases, everything is fine. However, there are statuses that clearly mean problems:

    • Return. Other circumstances - means that there is something wrong with your package. And it is returned to the sender. What is wrong needs to be clarified. It's best to start with hotline Russian Post Office 8-800-2005-888. After finding out the reasons and finding the culprits, you can think about what to do next.
    • Return. Return to customs - similar to the previous paragraph. Usually means that the address is not written legibly.
    • Unsuccessful delivery attempt - usually accompanied by clarification about the reasons for failure. Inaccurate address, Incomplete address, Addressee dropped out, etc. In this situation, the main thing is to get to the post office before the parcel storage time expires - that’s 30 days. Also check whether the parcel arrived at the post office at all. Well, sometimes at the post office such statuses are given from a flashlight. But it's worth monitoring.
    • Return. Expiration date – obviously, you forgot to receive the parcel on time and it was returned.
    • Dosyl. Submission – the parcel arrived at the wrong post office and was redirected. That is, the parcel travels further. That is, this is not a problem, but you need to control the situation.

    What do the letters at the end of the status mean (PEK, CAN, etc.)

    These letters are often visible when tracking the status of a package in China Air Post. They indicate the IATA airport designations where the parcel was registered. Their designations can be seen on any air ticket purchasing service (SkyScanner for example;)).

    What does NULL status mean (NULL, PEK)

    This status is visible when tracking the status of the parcel at China Post. These are just internal China Post statuses that they haven't translated into English. Therefore, where there should be a translation, it is not there, but instead NULL. If you can’t bear to find out what this status is, switch to the Chinese version of the service, copy the status in hieroglyphs and translate it using Google Translator. True, this method does not always work. Sometimes in Chinese version Some statuses simply do not exist.

    NULL, PEK means that the parcel was at Beijing airport. What she was doing there can be found in the Chinese version China Air Post.

    What does item arrived at OE in tne destination country mean?

    OE - office of exchange - MMPO, Place of International Postal Exchange. This is a normal status, which means the parcel has arrived at customs and is undergoing customs clearance.

    The track (package status) has stopped changing, the parcel is not tracked

    Very often, restless buyers begin to worry when the status of the parcel suddenly stops changing. This often happens after export. It seems that just recently the parcel was briskly moving around China, changing statuses almost every day, and suddenly, after some Export of international mail, Arrived to destination country and the like track, the parcel stops moving..

    If you recognize your situation, we have discussed this situation in detail in the article. In short, there are two options:

    • If your track is international and is successfully tracked on the official website of your state mail (Russian Post, UkrPochta, Belpochta) and from the moment last update status has passed more than 2-3 weeks, then well - your fears are not without reason.
    • If your track has never been tracked on the mail website. You checked the status of the parcel in your Aliexpress personal account or some specialized track checking site, or the track format is generally clearly different from the international one (the correct international one is something like this RR123456789CN). This track often changes during export if the parcel is transferred to your state post office. That is, in your country such a parcel travels under a different track (which you do not know, and, as a rule, cannot find out). Well, the old track remains in the latest status. That is, there is nothing to worry about here at all. This situation is normal.

    But be that as it may. Whether your parcel from Aliexpress is tracked or not, the main thing you should do is control the protection period and extend it if necessary or open a dispute.

    Checking the seller on Aliexpress

    Most problems with orders on Aliexpress can be avoided if you carefully choose a seller on Aliexpress BEFORE purchasing. There is nothing complicated about this and you can figure it out. But if time is precious and you don’t have time to figure it out, then use our service.

    In conclusion

    I have repeatedly written my personal opinion that when ordering goods from China you need to be patient. There is no need to worry if the parcel does not change its status for three days, a week, or two. This is a common occurrence. And on holidays, of which there are quite a few in China, everything stops. When ordering goods on Aliexpress, your parcels are protected. It is much more important for a successful purchase to spend more time choosing a lot and then control only the expiration date of the protection. Than monitoring the movement of a parcel 20 times a day.

    And use services and programs to control the movement of parcels. There are quite a few different ones now.

    P.S. from February 2018:

    In the comments you often ask what this or that parcel status means. Most often, the unclear meaning of the status is associated with a crooked translation of the status issued by the Chinese carrier. Often the current status depends on the previous movement of the parcel, and it is now possible to understand what your non-standard status means now only by understanding how the parcel moved earlier. Therefore, if you want to ask something about your parcel:

    Write the tracking number of your parcel.

    And we will ignore or delete comments like “What does XXX status mean?” Sorry, but I’m tired of copy-pasting “Write a track, we’ll see” into the void.

    After sending a package, it sometimes seems like an eternity passes before it reaches the recipient. What is this - MMPO? This is one of the many statuses for a package being in transit. When tracking a parcel, which, fortunately, is now possible, sometimes incomprehensible statuses will be displayed on different sites and applications. This is what they mean and you need to find out.

    Post statuses

    When sending a parcel to Russia from abroad or from Russia abroad, it moves to many points. One of the initial points of movement of a sent parcel from Russia is MMPO in Moscow. The movement of the parcel ends with arrival at the place of delivery and delivery to the addressee. Different statuses have their own decoding, but let’s stick to MMPO.

    What is MMPO?

    This abbreviation stands for “place of international postal exchange.” What is this - MMPO? This is the place where the package is prepared for shipment from the country from which it is sent. At MMPO, the parcel goes through “its own” customs. It is at the MMPO that the so-called dispatch is created, which will allow the recipient to receive the parcel in his country. A dispatch is several parcels grouped together. It is created for convenience.

    MMPO in Moscow

    There are several MMPOs in the city of Moscow:

    1. Moscow MMPO. This is a place of international postal exchange, located at the address: Varshavskoe highway, building 37. The index of this MMPO is 104000.
    2. Moscow - Domodedovo AOPP. This is an MMPO located at Domodedovo Airport in the Moscow region (Domodedovo district). The index of this MMPO is 142015.
    3. MMPO Moscow - Vnukovo AOPP. This is also a place of international postal exchange, located in Moscow at the following address: st. 2nd Reisovaya, building 2a. MMPO Vnukovo index - 102300.
    4. Moscow - Sheremetyevo AOPP. MMPO Sheremetyevo has the address: Moscow, Sheremetyevo-1. The index of this place is 141400.
    5. Sheremetyevo - Airport EMS SC. The location of this point is Moscow, Sheremetyevo-1. The index is also 141400. Unlike Moscow - Sheremetyevo JSC, this is a sorting center.

    How to track a parcel in Russia?

    It is easy to track your parcel within Russia. To do this, you need to know the tracking number of the parcel. It is issued at the post office. With a track number, you can go online and find sites that track mail.

    Thus, the parcel can be tracked even without registration. Registration does provide some advantages. For example, you will be able to receive SMS notifications or download a program to your smartphone, which will allow you not to think about how the package is moving and not to look at its route on the Internet every day. For example, after sending a parcel from Moscow to another country, the parcel may end up in Vnukovo. This MMPO has workshops 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Even down to such little things you can track the parcel.

    We track the parcel in another country

    When the parcel crosses the Russian border, its location can be tracked using the appropriate programs. These programs work similarly to how mail is tracked in Russia.

    For example, if a parcel is sent to Kazakhstan, after crossing the border you can go to the Kazakh postal website and track it. In the CIS countries, most sites have a Russian-language counterpart, so there should not be a language problem.

    As for non-CIS countries, in this case too, smart Russian-speaking programmers created and launched websites on the Internet with online programs that allow you to track parcels in Russian. Finding them is easy - just enter the query in the search bar search engine like Google, Yandex, etc.