• Is it possible to flash a Chinese phone at home? How to flash Xiaomi from the Chinese version to the global one. Preparing for self-flashing

    The article describes how to flash Chinese phones.

    Many gadget users prefer tablets, smartphones and phones on the platform Android, made in China. In fact, this is not surprising, since it is Chinese gadgets that combine low price and good functionality.

    But over time, such devices in any case require flashing, in other words, updating the software from old versions to new ones. In this article, we will briefly discuss how to flash Chinese phones with an operating system Android via computer.

    How to flash Chinese Android phones using a computer?

    To flash your operating system Android on a gadget in the simplest way, you need to search the Internet for the appropriate firmware (update), for which you need to know exactly the model of your mobile device.

    As a rule, this whole process does not create any difficulties, because modern Chinese gadgets have good operational support on par with global brands.

    In addition, there are a lot of unofficial high-quality firmware from ordinary programmers. The firmware itself may have various changes - from the user interface to changes in the kernel Android.

    But this is all good for modern models, but what to do when we have old Chinese phones (for example, with the operating system Mediatek MT6516), for which it is very difficult to find a firmware manual?

    To do this, we will need to stock up on:

    • Cable pl2303(with suitable telephone input)
    • Driver for pl2303
    • USB cable(with suitable telephone input)

    • And also program for firmwareSP FlashTools

    Next, everything is done quite simply. Will need to connect cable pl2303 to the PC, install the driver for its stable operation and program SP FlashTools. Cable pl2303 converts one interface to another, in other words, it can convert a USB port into a COM port, of course, a virtual one (on the same principle as a virtual drive is made using daemon tools).

    After connection cable pl2303 and installations for it pl2303 drivers the computer should “see” the new virtual COM port and accept it as a real one. We can find its mapping in " Device Manager» in the appropriate paragraph. You should write down its number for the further process of flashing our mobile device.

    COM ports in Device Manager

    Open the installed SP FlashTools program and select from the drop-down list at the top right Android. Next, also on the top right we find the button “ Download Agent", allowing you to find the path to the firmware in this case file MTK_AllinOne_DA.bin, which, in turn, is located in the folder of the flasher itself.

    The next step is to choose file MT6516_Android_Scatter.txt. It can be found in the flasher folder through the navigation button ““, located just below “ Download Agent«. File MT6516_Android_Scatter.txt provides a description of the firmware (i.e. the firmware version for our mobile device), as well as all the necessary file and folder paths.

    We select the COM port number we previously recorded in the menu, and also set its speed to maximum (this firmware speed can be considered safe). Before starting the firmware of our mobile device, you need to completely format its internal memory - click on “ Format«.

    In the window that appears, we indicate the final address of the memory of our mobile device (in this case, an old Chinese gadget on the platform MT6516). For a memory capacity of 512 MB, a similar address is 0×200000000, for 256 MB – 0×100000000. Click on “OK” and connect the other end of our cable to the phone. The phone will need to be turned off and on (i.e. restarted)

    On the monitor screen in the window that opens, we should see a red stripe accompanying the formatting process, and then a green one and the inscription on the window “ Format OK"(formatting completed).

    Next, click on SP FlashTools program to " Download" and reboot our old Chinese phone again. Now the actual firmware process itself begins. A red stripe moving around the circle will again appear in the window on the monitor, and then a purple one. When the latter completely fills the circle, we will need to disconnect from the computer and phone cable pl2303 and connect it instead USB cable.

    The computer will “see” the mobile phone connected to it and mistake it for a device on the platform Android(if the program gives an error, click on “ Download"). A yellow bar should appear, signaling that the flashing process has entered its final phase. This stage of firmware for a Chinese gadget will be the longest; it should end with a corresponding notification about the installation of new software on Android.

    SP FlashTools program

    Thus, we learned how to flash Chinese gadgets on Android. At the end of all our actions, disconnect the phone from the computer and reboot it. The process of turning on the mobile device may take some time, which will confirm that it has new firmware installed.

    Video: How to flash a Chinese Android phone mtk6572 via SP FlashTool?

    How to flash a Chinese phone?

    Nowadays, a mobile phone is a device that many people cannot do without; almost every person has one. Like cars, mobile phones differ from each other in terms of reliability, design and service.

    Every year, mobile phones have more and more new capabilities. Among such a huge number of possibilities, the presence, for example, of a TV and three or four SIM cards is a feature of Chinese phones.

    Phone firmware

    On the mobile phone sales market you can find many copies of the most famous brands of devices, but in cost they differ significantly from the original. Due to the fact that there are more and more mobile devices, people most often think about how to flash a Chinese phone. Of course, each phone model requires its own firmware and detailed instructions.

    But in order to have a certain idea of ​​how the firmware is performed, it is important to know the algorithm of actions itself. At home, you can flash an ordinary Chinese phone without difficulty, without even causing harm to the device.

    Required devices and tools:

    • telephone;
    • computer;
    • connecting cable (selected based on the phone model);
    • firmware (required file);
    • DATA - cable;
    • tester;
    • soldering machine

    Work progress:

    1. To perform the firmware yourself, you need to have a special cable; you can buy it or make it yourself. For this process there are no universal cables for all phone models. Therefore, you need to double-check and make sure that the cable is suitable.
    2. It is important to remember that the firmware includes a whole set of programs that make the phone work. Interestingly, it is thanks to this that the phone can respond to key presses, can make sounds, show something on the screen and have a certain, so to speak, “native” language.
    3. Due to the fact that many professionals who write firmware make mistakes that are not visible at first, you should make sure that all information is saved before starting work. Otherwise you may lose it.
    4. You can find and download suitable firmware for a specific phone model using the Internet (some of them can be found on the website fmwr.ru). It is important to check that the downloaded firmware matches the phone; for this, the model name is not enough; it is important that the first characters of both the new and old firmware match.
    5. Next, you need to purchase and prepare a DATA cable that could adapt the signal levels of the computer and the Chinese phone, which do not match. To flash the firmware, the phone must be disassembled in order to openly work with the board. The battery should not be turned off, it must provide power to the board.
    6. Now on the board you need to find three pads Tx, Rx, GND; they are not varnished. Using a tester, you need to check whether there is a short circuit between the battery negative and the GND contact. Next, you need to solder three wires from the cable to these three contacts.
    7. To make the firmware successful, download Flash Tool 4.10 in advance. To install it, you must strictly follow the instructions.
    8. Next, install the firmware by connecting the device to the computer.

    In this article we will look at a popular question flashing Chinese phones at home. We’ll also try to make our own cable for flashing at home.

    Let's first understand the terms, the knowledge of which we will need not only for general development, but also for a deeper understanding of the contents of this article.

    Full (from the English "full"), fullflash , FF , – a binary (binary, usually has a “.bin” extension) file, which in our case contains a complete image of the phone’s memory.

    There is also the concept " FirmWare " ("FW ") is the firmware version, but it is not very applicable to Chinese phones, because the word "Ware" is there, but "Firm" is missing.

    It is customary to distinguish the following parts of full flash (firmware):
    EEPROM– a small block of settings for a specific Chinese phone;
    MCU– the main firmware of the phone;
    LangPack– part containing language resources;
    Content– melodies, pictures and other parts of the design.

    Fulas for Chinese phones differ from each other in a version that looks something like this:

    "MTK_ROMINFO_v04M158N_PCB01_GPRS_MT6225_S00. ZZT_G580P09_5_1T09D0525_MB01.BIN"

    To chinese phone worked correctly, needs to be installed ( flash) exactly the same version. If the poured " full"The version differs from that installed by the manufacturer, then the phone after such firmware may not work correctly, simply glitch or it won't work at all.

    Before you start flashing your Chinese phone, you need to remember the following:

    1. Everyone chinese phone has its own set of microchips and the dates of their manufacture. Specifically for this set, a specific phone has its own copy of the firmware (FullFlash, full flash, full). Therefore, two identical-looking phones can be completely different inside and, accordingly, with completely different firmware - with different features.

    2. The USB cable that came with the Chinese phone is not suitable for flashing the firmware and, accordingly, they will not be able to upload or merge the full file for its subsequent Russification or any other manipulations.

    3. Before starting any actions with the phone firmware, you must save a copy of the full firmware, i.e. do backup Fulla.

    Cable for flashing Chinese phone

    The data cable that comes with Chinese cell phone is not intended for flashing this phone. Despite the fact that when connecting, a request is issued with the choice of connection as a COM port, the ability to flash firmware with such a connection is not added.

    For firmware Chinese phone, as well as making a copy of the full (entire firmware) of the phone, you need to connect the phone through a real COM port of the computer, or through a USB cable, defined as a virtual COM port.

    Making your own cable for flashing a Chinese phone

    As they say, with a strong desire and an inquisitive mind, you can make anything yourself at home. To create a firmware cable, we will need a beginner's electrician's kit and the items listed below:

    1. A plug cut off or carefully sealed from the original USB cable included in the kit (or from the headset, if you don’t mind). Such a plug must be removable in order to be able to rearrange the contact pins in a different location;

    2. Digital voltmeter (multimeter);

    3. Any data cable for a cell phone, defined on the computer as a virtual COM port (with a box in the middle of the wire containing a board with a controller). You can buy it at almost any cellular communication store or radio market. On average, the cost of such a cable is 300 - 500 rubles.

    4. Drivers for the selected data cable.

    Let's start production. When you connect the purchased data cable to your computer, the Found New Hardware Wizard should start with a message about an unknown device found. If this does not happen, then the cable is faulty or does not contain a virtual COM port card. This cable will not work.

    Usually, when you buy a cable with a virtual COM port, it comes with a disk with drivers for this cable (not for the phone, but for the cable). The absence of a disk again indicates that the cable does not have a COM controller.
    Before connecting the cable, you must install the drivers from the disk included with the cable.

    It is necessary to unsolder the plug from the purchased cable. Among the remaining wires of the cable, you need to find the positive one (+5V). One tester probe must be connected to one of the cable wires, and the other to the central heating battery. The USB connector of this cable must be connected to the computer, and no wires of the cable must be shorted. The wire that shows +5 Volts must be cut off or insulated; it will not be needed for further actions with the firmware of your Chinese phone.

    In order to connect a Chinese phone to a computer, you need to find only three wires - Rx,Tx And GND(usually black).

    How to find Rx, Tx and GND on a Chinese phone connector?

    If it is possible to open the phone and gain access to all contacts of the system connector, this makes it easier to find the necessary contacts - Rx and Tx. Often on the phone board itself there are nickels with corresponding signatures. You can make a call from them using a tester on the contacts of the system connector. If there are no Rx and Tx signatures on the board, then you need to do the following:

    Remove the battery and ring the tester from the positive contact of the phone to the contacts of the connector, into which you first insert the headphone plug prepared earlier (cut off or sealed off from the headphones or the original USB cable). The same steps must be repeated for the negative contact of the phone. This will reveal 2 contacts on the plug: positive and negative. To work, you only need a negative one, this is GND.

    Note: in order to ring all the contacts of the phone connector through the plug, you must carefully move the contact pins in the plug into adjacent grooves, because Usually there are no more than three of them (just as many as are needed for firmware), but they are not in the location required for firmware.

    In order to find the remaining two contacts - Rx and Tx, you need to do the following:

    1. Insert the battery into the phone and connect the plug to the connector.
    2. Set the tester to the “Voltmeter” mode with a measurement of at least 2 Volts.
    3. Install one tester probe on the negative contact (GND) of the plug.
    4. Install the second tester probe one by one on each of the other contacts of the plug, except for the positive one. At the same time, on each contact, briefly press and hold (1-2 seconds) the phone’s power button, but do not allow the phone to turn on. If during these actions the phone turns on, you need to turn it off and continue measuring voltages. The voltage at the contacts rises smoothly when you press the phone's power button and can be from 1.5 to 2.8 Volts.
    The voltages found at each contact should be written down on a piece of paper.

    As a result of these actions, at least 2 contacts should be identified, on which the voltage at the time the phone was turned on increased to approximately 2.8 Volts.
    Most likely these contacts are the missing 2 contacts – Rx and Tx.

    All three contacts are found: GND, Rx and Tx. Now you need to connect the cable wires to the plug contacts. To do this, the wire (usually black) of the GND cable must be connected (soldered) to the GND pin of the plug. The remaining 2 wires of the cable (Rx and Tx) are connected to the remaining two pins of the plug (Tx and Rx) in any ratio.

    Connecting a Chinese phone to a computer for firmware via a firmware cable

    It is necessary to connect the manufactured cable for firmware to the USB connector of the computer, having previously installed the driver for this cable. If everything is installed correctly, the computer will respond with the sound of connecting a USB device.

    Open Device Manager in Control Panel via the Start button. Expand the “COM and LPT Ports” group, double-click on Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COMx), where X is the COM port number and on the Port Parameters tab you need to set the port speed to 115200 bps. You must remember the set speed and port number (COMx). The computer now has a virtual COM port via a USB interface.

    Now you have almost everything to perform program manipulations with your Chinese phone. All that remains is to have the necessary software. In the near future, you will be able to access new firmware files on our website.

    This article is for informational purposes only. If you are going to perform any actions to change, update or remove software (firmware) with your phone, then you do them entirely at your own peril and risk.

    The site administration is not responsible for consequences with your device, such as: possible loss of the contents of your phone’s memory, failure of individual parts or the phone as a whole, as well as for possible losses due to the failure of your phone or SIM card.

    iPhone smartphones are rightfully considered one of the most popular in recent years. But not everyone can afford their cost. The contradiction between the high price and popularity took its toll, and no less popular Chinese analogues of iPhone copies appeared, outwardly no different from the original. As the demand for copies increases, so do the needs of users directly or indirectly related to these devices, including the ability to reflash Android on Chinese iPhone at home.

    Despite the ideal appearance, the internal shell with functionality is weak and resembles the original only in its interface; the smartphone itself runs on the Android OS. All working elements of such analogues are of dubious origin. And software is no exception; in case of failure, the question of flashing and how to do it will arise.

    How to reflash a Chinese iPhone yourself

    You can learn more about iPhone copies in our reviews and customer reviews

    and review
    and review
    and review
    and review

    To ensure a complete flashing of the smartphone, you will need the following several utilities:

    1. Archive with system firmware files. Actually, this is the future OS for smartphones.
    2. Flash Tool program. It is an interface with a set of functions for flashing.
    3. GO Keyboard or another Russian-language keyboard for a smartphone.

    Another undoubtedly best option for a budget purchase is. Read the full review and reviews from owners of the replica about their impressions and conclusions from purchasing a smartphone.

    Is it possible to reflash a Chinese iPhone from a PC?

    To start installing the firmware, you need to run the previously downloaded Flash Tool program (on behalf of the Administrator!) and specify the path to the text sketch file and click the “Open” button.

    The next step is to hold down the “Home” button on your smartphone and, without releasing it, connect the device to the PC (laptop) using a USB cable; when finished, select “Downloads” in the Flash Tool. If the connection is successful, the program will display three lines: red, purple and yellow. The first line notifies that the “Home” button on the device can be released, and the last line indicates the successful process of installing system files on the smartphone.

    The overall flashing speed depends on the quality of the Chinese phone's shell. When the process completes successfully, Flash Tool will open a notification dialog box. You can disconnect the phone and close the utility. You won't need a computer anymore.

    How to reflash a Chinese iPhone and return the settings

    Firmware alone is not enough and, for a fully working interface, you need to change the smartphone settings. It is impossible to return the user's settings to the firmware and will have to be configured again. You can turn on the device, but you will have to wait a little - the first turn on after flashing the firmware is always a long one. What immediately catches your eye is the Chinese characters. This is normal and you should not panic, because the manufacturer is Chinese. You just need to set the Russian language in the settings. There are several options to find a menu with language selection:

    1. From memory if the menu is familiar. After flashing, the settings menu retains its architecture.
    2. Via the Internet, looking at special forums or screenshots.
    3. Focusing on the menu architecture of the original iPhone, which has a language change available in the “General” settings category.

    In any case, the task is not fatal and changing the language is only a matter of time. And the last procedure, installing a Russian-language keyboard. Not every firmware build provides this utility for a smartphone. In the absence of one, the only option for installing a comfortable and functional keyboard is to purchase it on Google Play. To circumvent this nuance, it was necessary to download the keyboard to the computer in advance. Now the phone can be connected to the car again and a full keyboard can be installed.

    This completes the setup procedure, all that remains is to use minor functionality (mode, volume, date and time) and the device is completely ready for use. How to reflash a Chinese iPhone - very simply and without complicated measures. The whole process required only a PC with Internet access, several utilities and a little more than one hour of free time.

    So, this article is devoted to the issue of flashing a Chinese mobile phone. How to install a more modern operating system, for example, Android, on such a phone? We will tell you about this and other features of the firmware a little later. We will tell you the main points that will allow you to reflash your mobile phone correctly.
    Many argue that Chinese mobile phones cannot boast of good quality, since noise interference often occurs during the operation of the device and problems with Russification may also arise. But we guarantee you that you can change the firmware on such phones. We will tell you exactly how to do this a little later.

    If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

    Replacing firmware on your phone: initial steps

    To change the firmware in your mobile phone, you will need to perform the following steps:
    find a USB cable that will allow you to change the firmware of the phone on which the Android system is installed;
    download the special program "FlashTool".
    To successfully change the firmware, you will need special utilities developed by programmers, which can be downloaded from the Internet.

    How to flash a Chinese phone

    So, to flash the firmware of your mobile device, follow these steps:
    1. Usually a special cable is supplied with the phone, which will allow you to connect the device to a computer. To detect the device, you may need special drivers. They can be downloaded from the Internet.
    2. To flash the firmware, you need to download the "FlashTool" program. To find it, use a search engine.
    3. Once you find the special firmware file, you can proceed with further steps.
    4. Run the program, but do not press the "START" button, otherwise you will simply erase the firmware.
    5. Before starting, be sure to make a backup copy of all data and then click the “COM port” button, select the necessary parameters.
    6. Then click "Download Agent" and select the file required for flashing. Activate "Scatter File" and then click "SCAT.TXT". This will start the firmware system.
    7. After that, click on "Operation Method" and then "NFB".
    A little advice: before flashing your mobile phone, remove the SIM card from it. It is also important that the device is charged so that the firmware process is not interrupted. Work exclusively with verified firmware files that do not contain viruses.