• How to make a request to the archive about relatives? Request to the archive - sample. Is the legal address reliable? What is information retrieval

    How to find out EVERYTHING about a person using the Internet? 15 concrete steps

    How to find out EVERYTHING about a person using the Internet? 15 concrete steps

    Faktrum publishes an excellent article from Iphones.ru on how to get this information.

    1. How to find a person’s pages in all social networks at once?

    Several years ago, Yandex launched a search service personal pages people. It is available at yandex.ru/people. IN present moment The search is carried out on 16 social networks:

    You can search not only by first and last name, but also by nickname:

    If you doubt how a person calls himself on the Internet, you can use logical operator OR (indicated by a vertical bar):

    2. How to find a person’s latest posts on all social networks at once?

    12. Does ICQ store any interesting information about your stormy youth?

    14. How to find out location by IP?

    The method does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. After all, there are many ways to hide your real address, which are used by both providers and users. But it's worth a try.

    1. Take a letter from a person and look at its original text:

    2. Find the sender’s IP address in it:

    3. Enter it into the form on the ipfingerprints.com service:

    15. How to find out a person’s apartment number using their home phone number?

    The last trick makes a lasting impression on women:

    1. Accompany the new girl to the entrance. You casually ask for her home phone number;

    2. In between times, go to mobile application“Sberbank” and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

    3. Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

    4. Before saying goodbye, you tell her about your second cousin who took part in the “Battle of Psychics” and offer to guess her apartment number;

    5. Call the desired number;

    Selena Parfyonova05.10.2016

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    The Smolny Archive Committee has launched a new fashionable service related to the search for ancestors. You can now compile your family tree without leaving your home: delve into the archives via the Internet. Paid service: 55 rubles per day. The City 812 correspondent tried to find the ancestor.

    ABOUT weave Maryivanna

    I decided to find my great-grandfather - Fyodor Batov. It is known about him that he was an architect-builder and bequeathed three houses on 2nd Rozhdestvenskaya Street to his three daughters (one of them is my grandmother).

    Before, I didn’t search for ancestors; I didn’t work in archives. And out of naivety, apparently, she expected to see home page website "Archives of St. Petersburg" magic button“find your ancestors.” But there was no button. Almost the entire page of the portal is occupied by the exhibition “Crimea through the eyes of St. Petersburg residents.” It’s not clear where to look for a relative here.

    I poked at all the menu items: “archives”, “queries”, “find information of interest”, etc. Unsuccessfully. I randomly enter my ancestor’s first and last name into the search bar on the portal. Unexpected result! Fyodor Batov showed up in two documents. They are called: “TSGIA. Fund 320. Inventory 1. Case 1001", "TSGIA. Fund 320. Inventory 1. Case 1002.” This cryptography told me nothing. I keep pressing the buttons. Inside the documents found was another long list of papers. All of them, judging by their names, are associated with the Petrovsky School of the St. Petersburg Merchant Society. The titles are interesting: “About unreliable teachers”, “On the question of what percentage of Jews / relative to the total number of students / can study at the school”, etc. But not a single document is opened. Fyodor Batov is not present. This search branch turned out to be a dead end.

    After about an hour of excavation, in the “archives” point, sub-point “TSGIA” (Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg), in the “services” section, the desired trace was discovered. Announcement: “Since February 25, 2015, the Archives of St. Petersburg portal has been operating new service- providing access to digitized images of parish books from the funds of the Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg.”

    The cost of access to archives is provided on a daily basis. One day - 55 rubles, 7 days - 200 rubles, 14 days - 300 rubles. You can only pay using cards.

    There is also a reminder on how to search correctly. For those who have never worked in archives before, even it will be difficult to understand.

    Step 1 of the memo: you can check the presence of registries of the church of interest in the archive by looking through the records of deeds. Step 2: You can make sure that this registry book is digitized by the presence of an icon in the list of cases in the column to the right of the “extreme dates.” If there are no images, it means that this registry book has not yet been digitized. Contact her later. Step 3: register. Step 4: pay for the service.

    Archivists scanned 12,100 documents (slightly more than one percent of all files) containing parish registers. Information about birth-baptism, death-funeral service, and marriage was entered into these books (as a rule, they were kept by churches). Each temple had its own book.

    I do not know in what year my great-grandfather was born, and family traditions do not preserve the name of the church in which he was baptized. Nevertheless, I created the “Archives of St. Petersburg” website personal account(full name, address, telephone, email are required) and paid for access.

    I open the first link at random, “Op.111 Metric books.” Inside there are another 813 links. The first: “St. Isaac’s Cathedral, St. Nicholas Cathedral...” for 1735. There are 426 photos inside, they load slowly. These are pages of a handwritten metric book. It is absolutely impossible to read what is written there. Calligraphy has changed too much in almost three centuries. Plus, the handwriting is not always legible, there are blots, and the pages are torn in places. A specialist might be able to sort it out, but to an ordinary person without preparation it is very difficult.

    In my opinion, even a specialist would take years to study all the registry books of all the churches of St. Petersburg. So far, archivists have not yet scanned all the documents, but also those that are already in electronic form, - according to the most rough estimates - there will be at least five million photographs. Try to see Fyodor Batov there!

    If the desire to delve into the archives on your own via the Internet persists, it is worth studying the User Agreement of the portal. According to this document, the user, even who has paid for access, has no rights. The site administration, without giving any reason, can block access to documents, remove any documents from the site, and also change the agreement itself, and is not responsible for any harm that such actions may cause to the user. But the user will owe the site a thousand rubles if he breaks the rules.

    As City 812 was informed by the Archive Committee of St. Petersburg, the new paid service 394 people used it in a month.

    Minister Medinsky is also looking for

    If you are serious about digging up your ancestry, you can turn to private researchers or archive staff for help. Archivists have a strict rate. Price list is on the website.

    One genealogical request - 3401 rubles. Searching for information using electronic archive databases - 832 rubles/hour. Certificate of availability (absence) of information upon request - 1134 rubles. But archivists cannot fulfill all requests.

    Citizens often have a very poor understanding of the possibilities of archival search. When contacting the archive, you should indicate the main milestones in a person’s biography related to his life and activities in St. Petersburg: the year and place of his birth, place of study, work, residential address, etc. There are a lot of requests with the following content: “Please help me find my ancestor (full name), who was born in Petrograd (or in the province) in 18....” However, in Petrograd alone by 1917 there were about 402 Orthodox churches, not counting other faiths. Therefore, without indicating the name and location of the church or the parents’ residential address at the time of the child’s birth, such a request cannot be fulfilled. To search for information about a marriage, you must indicate the surnames, first names and patronymics of the bride and groom, and always the church where the wedding ceremony took place. To search for women's birth records, you must enter their maiden name. Accordingly, the request is of this nature: “My great-grandmother Ivanova Maria Ivanovna, born in 1875. lived in Leningrad on the Right Bank of the Neva. I want to know her metric data,” the archive simply cannot fulfill, explains the archive staff.

    As reported by the Archive Committee, both the committee and the archive receive requests to find the unknown Maryivanovna often, especially in recent years. It is fashionable to compile pedigrees.

    The cost of services of commercial organizations searching for information about ancestors starts from tens of thousands of rubles. As an employee of the Genealogical Center told City 812, the price depends on the complexity.

    If, for example, you need to find a diploma from your great-grandfather’s place of study, and you know the educational institution and the period when he studied, then this problem can be solved quite quickly. In a week, maybe two. And it will cost, relatively speaking, 20 thousand rubles. And if only the last name is known, we will not find the ancestor. And no one will find it. To search, you need initial information: at least place of birth, date, address, says Ildar.

    According to him, it is more correct to start the search not from the depths of centuries, but, on the contrary, from those relatives who lived recently.

    First person needed. As soon as the first relative is found in the archive, you can cling to it and spin it further, explains the specialist.

    Some pedigree companies publish price lists on their websites. For example, researching one family line at the International Institute of Genealogical Research costs 280 thousand rubles, plus travel expenses of 60-120 thousand. The execution period is two years. Urgent research (per year) - 600 thousand. Copyright - from two million rubles. “The main difference between the author’s research and the standard one is that the researcher works with non-standard funds (judicial, economic, personal, etc.); relies more on his intuition, which allows him to continue research where conventional search technology stops; is able to attract more help from colleagues from the genealogical community, since he is well-known in this circle,” the company explains.

    For those who find it expensive, there is a very cheap service - a one-time consultation on genealogical issues. Costs 1500 rubles per hour. The company claims that its clients include many famous people: Minister Vladimir Medinsky, lawyer Heinrich Padva and others .

    Services, search operators and interesting tricks.

    We continue to talk about advanced ways to search the web. We started with the article:

    I am sure that many of the techniques will be a revelation for you. For example, do you know how to find out a girl’s apartment number using her home phone number?

    1. How to find a person’s pages in all social networks at once?

    Several years ago, Yandex launched a service to search for people’s personal pages. It is available at yandex.ru/people. Currently, the search is carried out on 16 social networks:

    You can search not only by first and last name, but also by nickname:

    If you are in doubt about how a person identifies himself on the Internet, you can use the logical OR operator (indicated by a vertical bar):

    2. How to find a person’s latest posts on all social networks at once?

    12. Does ICQ store any interesting information about your stormy youth?

    14. How to find out location by IP?

    The method does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. After all, there are many ways to hide your real address, which are used by both providers and users. But it's worth a try.

    1. Take a letter from a person and look at its original text:

    2. Find the sender’s IP address in it:

    3. Enter it into the form on the ipfingerprints.com service:

    15. How to find out a person’s apartment number using their home phone number?

    The last trick makes a lasting impression on women:

    1. Accompany the new girl to the entrance. You casually ask for her home phone number;

    2. In between times, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

    3. Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

    Every year, Russians are becoming more and more interested in their roots. The science of one's own roots attracts more and more people who are interested in their ancestry. Someone is looking for ancestors for the selfish purpose of going abroad or because of the prestige that their grandfathers were famous. And some out of simple curiosity to find out their family.

    Where should you go to find out your family history? What do you need to know and how much will it cost?
    You can use the following two methods. The first, less expensive option is independent search. The second option, involving professionals, will cost money, but at the same time it is much faster and more accurate than the first method. For initial stage The first two steps are enough to search. For a deeper study, you will need the help of professionals.

    Ask relatives to find your ancestors

    Before you go to your aunts and uncles with questions, you should have a notebook where you can write down all the information. Last names, first names, year, place of birth and other information. It is worth asking what religion the relatives were. All information available is important.

    Collect documents to find your ancestors

    Learning about your family's past, important point is the collection of documents. Documents such as marriage, birth, death certificates, and photographs will be a huge help in studying your roots.

    Go to the archives to find your ancestors

    Having collected various information, the next step is to go to the archive. Previously, birth, death and other data were recorded by the church. That is why it is important to find out what religion the relatives who lived before belonged to. If they were Orthodox, it is worth looking for information in Orthodox consistories, a Jew - in rabbinates belonging to the Catholic Church - in Catholic deaneries, and the like.
    Place of birth also matters.

    In the archive it is worth paying attention to the following documents:

    • Metric books. They contain information about birth, baptism, marriage and death.
    • Track records. To search for civil officials - employees of ministries and departments, you should contact the Russian State Historical Archive in the city of St. Petersburg. The Military Historical Archive in Moscow will help in searching for military officials. Information about naval ranks can be found in the Naval Archive in St. Petersburg.

    Order the services of a genealogist to find your ancestors

    Eat good companies, offering their genealogical research services. You need to beware of scammers who promise quick results. Compiling genealogical roots is time-consuming and expensive.

    Searching for ancestors using Internet resources

    There are websites where you can find out information about great-grandfathers and their places of birth. The following sources will be of help - All-Russian Family Tree or Litera Ru, where you can also find out about prices for genealogists’ services. There you can also order a family coat of arms in a frame, drawing family tree, books on top level. The International Genealogical Center also proposes to make a film about the family's pedigree. Prices for services start from 130 thousand rubles.

    Drawing up a family tree and searching for your roots is a noble endeavor. It will be not only interesting, but also useful for future generations to know where they came from and who their ancestors were. And this is worth spending your time, effort and money on the search.

    Marina Voloskova is the author of a number of articles about repressed Old Believers, whose biographies she reconstructs from archival documents. She often receives letters from descendant readers who are trying to find out details about the fate of their ancestor. Today Marina tells how to find information about a repressed relative.


    Several years ago I asked myself: where can I find information about the fate of a repressed person? Then historical forums on the Internet and a researcher helped me answer such a difficult question S.B. Prudovsky. Now, as the author of articles about repressed Old Believers, I receive letters from descendant readers who are trying to find out details about the fate of their ancestor. Therefore, I will tell you how to find information about a repressed relative.

    Who is the victim of political repression?

    A person who has been subjected to unjustified persecution by the state for political and religious beliefs, on social, national and other grounds is considered repressed. In law " On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression" of October 18, 1991, political repressions recognize various coercive measures applied by the state for political reasons, deprivation or restriction of the rights and freedoms of people recognized as socially dangerous to the state or political system since October 25, 1917.

    The purpose of the Law of October 18, 1991 is the rehabilitation of all victims of political repressions subjected to such in the territory Russian Federation from October 25, 1917, restoring their civil rights, eliminating other consequences of arbitrariness and providing currently feasible compensation for material damage.

    Victims of repression can be divided into the following categories

    - Citizens arrested on political charges by state security agencies (VChK-OGPU-NKVD-MGB-KGB) and sentenced by judicial or extrajudicial authorities, for example, “ in threes", To death penalty, to various terms of imprisonment in camps or to exile;

    - Peasants who were expelled from their permanent place of residence during the so-called collectivization, i.e. campaign " destruction of the kulaks as a class" Many of them ended up in camps, and the rest were sent to special settlements in Siberia, Kazakhstan and the North;

    — Peoples deported from their places of settlement to Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan;

    - Peoples expelled and mobilized in " labor army"(Germans, Koreans, Kalmyks, Karachais, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars and others).

    The total number of people arrested on political charges for the period from 1918 to 1953 is several million people. Of those arrested, many were shot by sentences of judicial and extrajudicial authorities. Others became victims of mass deportations (peasants during the years of collectivization), and the rest were deported to " labor army" During the years of the Great Terror (1937-1938), more than one and a half million people were arrested.

    How to find information about a repressed person?

    Finding information about a repressed relative is often not as easy as it seems. Most often, difficulties arise due to the fact that access to archival information today is somewhat complicated. To a certain extent, this is due to the free interpretation of legislative norms in various regional archival structures. In most subjects of the Federation, archival investigative files on rehabilitated persons have not yet been transferred from the FSB to the state archives. However, this does not mean that access to files is closed, because according to Federal Law No. 25 “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation,” access to archival documents that may contain information about personal and family secrets is limited for 75 years. If 75 years have passed since the end of the case (the sentencing), then you cannot be denied access to the case. Why exactly 75? It is generally accepted that during this time a change of two generations occurs, direct memory is lost and possible damage is reduced.

    In my research practice, there were difficulties in familiarizing myself with cases in the Documentation Centers modern history(it is to them that archival and investigative cases are received from the FSB). So, for example, I requested a file against a repressed Old Believer who was not my relative. 75 years have passed since the end of the case, but they refused me, explaining that I was not a relative of the repressed person. A month later, a friend of mine requested the same file from them, and they not only allowed him to get acquainted with the file, but even sent him copies. Apparently this situation depended on the mood of the archive staff? But this is rather an exception, because later the Documentation Centers for Contemporary History sent copies of cases without any problems. But for a fee, since the repressed person is not a relative.

    Before you start searching for information about a repressed person, you need to clarify his full name, year of birth and place of residence at the time of repression (at least region). Without this data, searching may be difficult because you may " stumble across” to the full namesake of the repressed. Records of births, marriages, and deaths can be found in the registry office archives. But it is worth noting that in the registry offices of small cities there are no electronic databases, and registry office employees will not be particularly enthusiastic about leafing through multi-volume civil registry records. Therefore, it will be better if you have at least some information about your repressed relative.

    If you want to find out which camp your relative was transferred to, you need to send email a written request about the place of serving the sentence to the Main Information and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or to the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of conviction. After receiving the answer, in the reference book “The system of forced labor camps in the USSR: 1923-1960” you can see where the camp archive is located, and then send a written request there. Unfortunately, not all camps have archive location data. You can also send a request to the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the location of the camp to find out where the person was convicted, the date and sentence, the cause and place of death.

    How to make a request to the archive correctly?

    Now let's talk about the most important thing, about how to familiarize yourself with the archival investigative file and get copies of the most important sheets (questionnaire, sentence, data on its execution). First you need to write a request to the FSB Archive. It will be more convenient if you know in which region the repressed person lived at the time of arrest. If this is known, the letter is sent to the address of the FSB Directorate of the region known to you, but if not, then to the Central Archive of the FSB Directorate (Moscow), where your appeal will be considered and sent to the region in which your relative was arrested. An appeal to the FSB can be sent by email, which will significantly save time. Email addresses territorial bodies of the FSB of Russia can be viewed on the FSB website in the section “Territorial bodies of the FSB of Russia”. Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Secrets” dated July 21, 1993 No. 5485-1 defines documents on facts of violation of human and civil rights and freedoms as “ Information not subject to classification as state secret and classified" Law of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 1991 N 1761-1 “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression”, Article 11 determined that the procedure for familiarizing other persons with the materials of terminated criminal cases is carried out in the manner established for state archives - the Law “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” dated October 22, 2004 N 125-FZ. Article 25, paragraph 3 of this Law removes restrictions related to information contained in cases about personal and family secrets and their private life after the expiration of the 75-year period. Thus, any citizen has the right to familiarize himself with discontinued criminal cases and receive copies of documents from cases in which sentences were pronounced more than 75 years ago. Article 29, paragraph 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that “ Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information by any lawful means. The list of information constituting a state secret is determined by federal law».

    So, in the appeal it is necessary to mention that, in accordance with Article 25, paragraph 3, Federal Law“On Archival Files in the Russian Federation” dated October 22, 2004 N 125-FZ, the 75-year period of restrictions associated with the information contained in the file about personal and family secrets and private life has expired. In your appeal you should indicate all the information known to you: full name, date of birth, place of residence, date of arrest. It is better to immediately write in the letter: I ask you to provide me with copies of the available documents. Many regions send copies without problems, with the exception of Moscow, where, even if you live in the Far East, they will not send you copies, but will offer you to come and familiarize yourself with the case in person. For review, you need to take a pen and sheets of paper with you so that you can make notes. You can also take a camera, but its necessity is questionable, since photography may not be allowed. Before you get acquainted with the case, everything secret in it will be closed (primarily information about the informers, about the investigators). There may be things or photographs in the case that, most likely, can be returned to you.

    As for copies of case sheets, everything is individual. In one region they may “ be generous"and send you copies of almost all sheets of the archival investigative file. And then in front of you in all “ more beautiful“There will be testimonies of informers, their personal data and the names of investigators. However, these materials are not secret, especially since many of them were convicted: informers - for giving false testimony, investigators - for falsifying cases. Almost all the sheets will also be sent from another archive of the FSB, but the names of the investigators and other third parties will first be blacked out. And other things are less than half the story. But, as they say, little is better than nothing at all. If your relative was dispossessed or expelled, then information about the date and reason for the deportation, the composition of the family at the time of deportation, and the place of exile can be found by sending a request to the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence of the relative at the time of the repression. If you already know the place of exile, you can find out at the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place where the sentence was served, the date of release from exile, deregistration, information about birth and where the person came from. To receive copies of the decision of the village assembly on dispossession, a document with information about the deprivation of voting rights, send a request to the State Archives at the place of dispossession.

    Why can they deny the right to familiarize themselves with an archival investigative file?

    You may be denied the right to familiarize yourself with the case of a repressed person only if he has not been rehabilitated. If this is your relative, you need to achieve rehabilitation in court and obtain a certificate of rehabilitation. A request for a certificate should be sent to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation or to the prosecutor's office at the location of the internal affairs body that made the decision to apply repression.

    How to find the burial place of a repressed person?

    If a person was sentenced to capital punishment, then finding his burial place seems almost impossible. Unfortunately, information about the places of execution is either classified or missing. But local residents of a certain city may have information. How do they know this information? First of all, I heard something from those who lived during the period of repression, someone talked about execution sites. So, only folk memory can answer this question. But there can be no complete confidence in the reliability of the answer.

    However, in some cities the places of mass graves of those executed are known for certain. This may include Butovo training ground in Moscow; Special object " Kommunarka» in the area of ​​the village. Kommunarka on the twenty-fourth km of Kaluga Highway in the Novomoskovsky administrative district of Moscow; Volyn Cemetery in Tver; Levashovskoye Memorial Cemetery in St. Petersburg; NKVD execution range in the Sandarmokh tract in the Republic of Karelia; Mendursky training ground near Yoshkar-Ola, Chestnut Mountain And Kolpashevo Yar V Tomsk region and others.

    Where else can you find information about the repressed?

    Information about those repressed can also be found in the database of the human rights society Memorial“Victims of political terror in the USSR”, which contains information from Books of memory, printed or prepared for publication in different regions of the former USSR. The main content of these books is lists of those repressed by name with brief biographical information. On at the moment Memorial's database contains several million names. Separately, the “Stalin execution lists” are highlighted - lists of people convicted by the personal sanction of J.V. Stalin and his closest associates in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Of particular interest to those whose relatives lived in Moscow during the years of the totalitarian regime may be the database MosMemo, where the list of those arrested and executed is organized by Moscow addresses. You might be interested in a database dedicated to 1244 monuments to victims of political repression on the territory of the former USSR (some monuments also contain lists of names).

    And as a separate source - Books of Memory. The Memorial Archives in Moscow, as well as some of the regional Memorials, store large funds of personal files of the repressed and collections of memoirs, which include collections of letters, diaries, essays and articles. Perhaps the testimony of a fellow prisoner or cellmate can create a feeling of involvement in what your relative had to endure. In addition, there is a possibility that one of the memoirs contains a memory of your relative.

    Lists of those repressed are also presented on the following websites:
    St. Petersburg coordination center of the “Returned Names” project, Ryazan, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yaroslavl “Memorials”, on the website of the Irkutsk Association of Victims of Repression and many others.

    Basically, three steps are used to search for information about a repressed person:
    1. Search on the Internet (for example, Memorial’s database of repressed victims)
    2. Search in the “Books of Memory”
    3. Work in archives

    Now access to archival and investigative files is relatively free. Many people search for information about the repressed; some manage to find out secret information (full profiles of investigators, third parties). The media have repeatedly talked about researchers S. B. Prudovsky and D. Karagodin, who managed to find information not only about their repressed relatives, but also about people who were repressed along with them. Such stories give hope that gradually family memory will return to many families in which until now it was not customary to touch on the topic of repression.