• Message from VKontakte: “Server is temporarily unavailable.” The causes of the problem, or what to do in this situation. Doesn't log into VK and says page unavailable: What should I do? Correcting the hosts file manually

    If you need to get information about a user, you can try to find it on his personal VKontakte page. People willingly publish their personal information on their profile. There is a chance that you will be able to find out the address, phone number (see) and other useful information. But the question arises: will you be able to view the VKontakte page without prior registration??

    What you need to know

    All you need is to know the full address of the user's page, or at least his id (see). Let's look at this using my friend's page as an example. He has this id:


    If in his profile settings he replaced the id with a unique link (this can be done), then to view his page, we would have to know it. As an example, such a link could look like this.


    In any case, in order to spy on the user’s personal data, we must know one of the two URL options.

    Viewing VKontakte pages without registration

    Using the profile address that we received in the previous step, you can go to the person’s page. In this case, it is not necessary to first register in VK yourself (see). Everything depends only on the settings that the user has set for his account.

    If he did not hide the data from prying eyes, then you will be able to view it.

    As you can see, on the test page we will see:


    Everything is quite simple if the data on the page is not hidden. But if a person has taken care of the privacy settings, then here you already begin to have certain problems (see).

    To begin with, you should abandon the idea of ​​viewing data without registration. Create an account for yourself and add the desired user as a friend. Perhaps then some information will become available. Most often, they hide their personal information from users who are not friends.

    I would like to immediately warn you against using services that allegedly promise to provide all the data from hidden pages (see.

    The social network “VK” constantly produces various errors and introduces restrictions. At the moment, iPhone users often encounter the error “The community probably contains inappropriate materials and is not available for viewing,” which appears in the mobile version of the network. The restriction blocks the ability to subscribe to groups and view the content contained in it. We will tell you what this limitation is and how to quickly bypass it on your iPhone.

    Why does iPhone block VK groups?

    Most often, society can be blocked due to 18+ materials. Also subject to such a ban are public pages that are of an extremist nature, calling for violence, etc. What is characteristic is that it is the VK platform for iOS that is subject to a warning that the page contains inappropriate materials and is not available for viewing on VK. This is due to the strict policy of Apple Corporation, which does not want to show prohibited materials to its users. It is not a fact that blocked groups actually contain such information - everything is done at the discretion of Apple, they also write “Probably”.

    The second point is that the community administrators themselves set an age limit for subscribers and guests. This approach is necessary while observing the general rules of morality and law.

    How to remove restrictions on iPhone

    First of all, in the “VK” profile you need to set the age above 18 years. Additionally, we also do the same in our Apple ID account. After this, the restrictions should be lifted. If you are a group admin and receive questions like this, review and remove the age restrictions for viewing your community pages. This is all done in the group management menu.


    The official VKontakte application on iPhone should be closed. Now we go to the social network through any browser. We log in and go to the public page that interests us. He should be without a ban. This is due to the fact that browsers are not subject to censorship by Apple, since they are not its product. This corporation always monitors copyright, developer requirements and licenses.

    Open the blocked community via VK in the browser

    Third party application

    If you abandon the official VK application and use unofficial clients, the ban will also disappear. In the store you can find a large amount of such software designed for working on social networks, for example, such as “Tsarsky VK” or “Kate Mobile”. We choose the software we like and use it. The corporation's censorship circumvention is in effect again.

    Bide the time

    If the ban is imposed accidentally, it will undoubtedly be lifted after some time. If it doesn’t work for you, wait a few days, and then try visiting the public again. It would be a good idea to contact the group admins to clarify the situation. You can also write to the developers “VK”. The main thing is to be persistent in getting an answer. This is also true for owners of communities that have received a ban. Be sure to seek the removal of restrictions, because otherwise the group’s progress will be minimal.

    push October 19, 2012 at 12:21 pm

    VKontakte tricks, bugs and tricks for unauthorized users

    Some time ago, due to ideological considerations, I had to abandon this service, and indeed all social networks, with the exception of Facebook, which is integrated into Skype.
    However, sometimes there is a need to find a person - look at his photo, wall. Often this is not always possible due to changes in the VKontakte settings to account access parameters by unauthorized users

    Search for a user. View photos.
    Firstly, I would like to tell you about an excellent URL, which for some reason is not accessible from the main page of VKontakte (for an unauthorized user)

    This takes us to the people search page.

    The interesting thing is that the same Ivan Ivanov already appears in a different form, we see his avatar,

    And when you click on the pop-up “enlarge” button, photos of this user will be available (only those that are available to authorized users who are not his friends)

    Great, I have not yet found how to view information about the user, but you can view his wall, for this you need a user id, you can take it from the link using the same “Zoom” button indicated earlier. The link will look like:


    Where *ID* are the digits of the user ID, *smthg* is some code (we don’t need it).

    So we know the ID, now we create a URL for the user’s transition wall:


    If a user has a wall open to all users, then you must remove it, and if
    no, as in the case of Ivan Ivanov, who decided to hide the wall from everyone

    You won't believe it, but by adding just the prefix?own=1 it will also become available. Logic just blew my mind. That is, by URL of the form


    We are 100% likely to see the user's wall

    Watch video
    If someone tried to view a video on VKontakte, then they had to encounter a problem - when loading a video, VKontakte throws them to the authorization page, so it will not be possible to view the video.
    To get around this problem, you don’t need any codes or complex operations with URLs, just click on the “Collapse” button to the left of the “Close” button. Thus, VKontakte will throw only the background page onto the authorization page, while the video will continue to play.

    Tags: VKontakte, vk.com

    From time to time, every user saw a message on VKontakte: “Server is temporarily unavailable.” And this proposal still causes panic among many. What to do? What should I do? What's the big deal? Why did this happen? These are the questions that make people panic. Especially if a person has a slight addiction to social networks. Let's try to figure out what may be the reasons why the message "Server is temporarily unavailable" is displayed when you try to visit the VKontakte website.

    Hacker attack (hacking)

    The first scenario is a banal hacker hack of the site. More precisely, its main server. The social network VKontakte is extremely popular. And many simply dream of hacking it. Any hacker attack is immediately stopped. But it makes itself felt - the whole system is “covered.” This, in turn, causes network disruptions.

    Have you seen the message on VKontakte: “Server is temporarily unavailable”? Then just wait a while. Soon all problems and consequences of hacking attempts will be eliminated. And only then will the social network return to full functionality.

    Wait times and consequences are often reported in the news. Read them carefully. Maybe you can find some useful information there. Usually they try to fix problems within the next hour after they occur. Maximum work lasts 3 hours. After this time, users can again work with the social network.


    Another reason why you may receive a message on VKontakte: “Server is temporarily unavailable” is nothing more than the implementation of an update. Especially if it is large-scale. Sometimes during this process various glitches begin to appear. And they don't allow all users to be online at the same time.

    What to do? Refresh the page from time to time, try to get to the site. Best of all, be patient and wait until the update is completed. Typically this process takes no more than 2 hours. After it is completed, all users will again be able to work normally with the VKontakte website.


    But there is another very common scenario. Did you see the message: “Unfortunately, the server is temporarily unavailable” (VKontakte)? Then it's time to check your Internet connection. Maybe you're just not connected to the network.

    This is the layout that occurs most often. The reason for this behavior may be a low-quality modem, an accident at the provider’s station, or an unpaid tariff. Depending on the situation, correct the problem and then try connecting again.

    Today we will talk about the latest innovations from VKontakte, now many users can receive a message when trying to listen to a song "The audio recording is not available for listening in your region". Just yesterday the song was easily played, but now it has become inactive. You will find out why this happens on VK and what to do to listen to such tracks.

    What is this and why does this happen

    Unfortunately, many copyright holders of audio content have introduced regional restrictions on listening to their tracks. There can be many reasons for this:

    • these are certain clauses in agreements with recording studios, or stated geographical conditions from the performers themselves;
    • don’t forget about sanctions, the thorny issue of Ukrainian-Russian relations is also making itself felt;
    • protection from services that offer to download music from VK.

    One can understand that we are talking about a thorny issue of protection of rights. Also, VK itself has been pursuing monetization for a long time. Now such concepts as “paid subscription or application”, “buy a track” will flash more and more. The same thing is now happening with video content.

    This blocking especially caused a lot of problems for users of Kate Mobile, Tsarsky VK and others like them. The fact is that these unofficial applications use foreign servers. So such users are blocked. Plus, they recently closed the Offline mode option - Invisible. There is only one way out for them - switch to the official VK client.

    How to bypass Controversial Audio Recording

    Fortunately, with modern capabilities and freedoms on the Internet, such restrictions can be circumvented, but it is not so easy. Blocking tracks “The audio recording is not available for listening in your region” can be solved by using VPN services with a selection of countries. When using limited VPN apps, there's a good chance you'll get half the list of available tracks and the rest inactive.

    After the introduction of blocking of social networks in Ukraine, the problem with audio recordings became even more urgent: users began to change their IP with all their might and receive restrictions like this. Plus, many performers secretly joined this action.

    By and large, if you want to launch a blocked song, then you will have to look for a VPN program that suits you. It's unlikely you'll get it right the first time. Otherwise, we are looking for another source for listening, the same YouTube, or we are content with remixes and club remakes in VK itself. At worst, download the song and return to the half-forgotten Winamp.

    For Android and iOS users the situation is almost the same. There are many applications for changing IP, but whether the necessary addresses will be there (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan) is something you need to look for. Experiment and if you're lucky, save the composition to the cache.

    Finally, a little video on the same topic.


    If you wanted a direct solution to bypass the “Audio recording is not available for listening” restriction, then there are no concrete answers. The use of software to change IP depends on many factors: full version or limited, what happens at the provider level (gray-white address), perhaps the performer himself even left only his country without blocking. Write what you did in this matter, others will be interested.