• How to find your ancestor? Drawing up a family tree. How to find out everything about any company using the Internet

    Many people need to find out a person’s address by his last name.

    Situations and reasons may be different, some are looking for relatives or old friends with whom they have long lost contact, while others need to find a child support defaulter. There are several proven and effective ways, which you can use and find out the address of a specific citizen.

    Reasons for searching

    Before you begin to figure out exactly how it is possible to find out a person’s address by full name, you need to understand the reasons why there is a need to do this.

    They look like this:

    • The person has been sued, he has committed an offense and needs to be found.
    • The person evades payment of alimony.
    • Search for heirs who are indicated in the will of a deceased relative.
    • Restoring contact with long-lost relatives or friends.
    • When purchasing residential space on the secondary market (to make sure that no one else is registered in the apartment).
    • When selling real estate (to obtain a certificate of registered citizens).

    In order to find out the address at which a person is registered, it is necessary to know his exact full name.

    How to find out a person's registration by name

    The duration of searches, as well as their results, largely depend on how much information is known about a given person.

    An ordinary citizen has much less opportunity for a positive outcome of the search than government agencies. It is very difficult to independently find a person only by his last name, but if you put in a lot of effort, it is possible.

    An important role is played by how common the surname of the wanted citizen is. In the case where there is information about his patronymic, as well as his name, the search procedure is greatly simplified. The geography of the search is no less important because, knowing the specific region where he lives, it will be easier to find him. If the area or city is known, this will make the search even easier than if you search for it throughout the country.

    Who is requesting information?

    The speed with which a citizen will be found by his full name depends on who exactly is looking for him.

    Information about where a person is registered may be requested by:

    • Organizations that issue loans if the person you are looking for took out a loan.
    • State traffic inspectorate bodies.
    • Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    • Employees involved in the personnel policy of the organization in which the wanted person is registered.
    • Social services.
    • Prosecutor's office.

    When a private person, and not one of the listed organizations, wants to find out information about registration, the procedure becomes much more complicated. The thing is that the personal data of each citizen is classified and is protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    In order to obtain information about the registration of a citizen, one name and surname is not enough; data from his passport is needed. How can you find out where a person is registered based on his passport data? There are many sites on the Internet that offer this service. They offer to enter personal passport data, but this is not worth doing; often these are scammers; you need to contact reliable sites, the main ones being the FSN website and Rosreestr.

    Find it yourself

    Today, there are several effective ways to find out information about a citizen’s registration address by full name on your own:

    • Consult the telephone directory.
    • Submit an application to the Federal Migration Service.
    • Request a service at the help desk.
    • Via the Internet.

    Thus, it is possible to find out information of interest about a person.

    Through the telephone directory

    If you look at the directory, it will show the person’s full name, number landline phone and the address where he lives. To find out the registration address, you must have information about the city in which the wanted person lives.

    This method is ineffective due to the fact that telephone directory only the address of the permanent place of registration of the citizen who is the owner of the home is indicated.

    All other registered family members with the same surname, in phone book are not indicated. In addition, it is impossible to find out the address of a person with temporary registration. And the worst thing about this method is that the information indicated in such a directory is often irrelevant due to the fact that the citizen could change his place of registration.

    How to make a request to the FMS authorities

    A request to the FMS authorities is much more effective in solving this problem. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any citizen living on the territory of Russia, in mandatory even those who have temporary registration are registered at their place of residence. All issues related to permanent or temporary registration are regulated by the Federal Migration Service. This organization has an extensive database that includes all departments of the state passport and visa service.

    To make a request to the FMS you must:

    • Come with your civil passport to the nearest FMS office at your place of registration.
    • Fill out a special state form. It requires you to indicate all the information that is known about the person, the reason for the search and your passport details.
    • Submit an application.
    • Receive within the deadline set by FMS representatives all necessary information about the place where the wanted citizen is registered. This procedure takes on average from 15 to 30 days.

    Personal application submission is not required. You can make an online request to establish the address where the wanted person is registered or send it by mail.

    How to submit a request to the help desk

    Addresses and telephone numbers of information bureaus can be easily found on the Internet.

    To submit a request you will need:

    • Find out the address of the nearest information desk.
    • Come to this address.
    • Fill out an application, in the form of which you must indicate information about the person you are looking for.
    • Go to the information desk at the appointed time and get the necessary information.

    In the event that several persons are detected upon request, all necessary information will be provided information desk for all citizens found.

    Via the Internet

    Trying to find out the address of a wanted person via the Internet is quite simple. After all, today a huge number of Russian residents register on social networks such as Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and Facebook. During registration, they often leave their real data, residential addresses and mobile phone numbers.

    You can simply enter the first and last name of the person you are looking for in any search engine and his account on one of the social networks will be displayed. The problem is that there may be quite a lot of people with such a surname and name and not everyone puts their real photos. But at least this method has the right to life and, with a successful combination of circumstances, it is possible to find a person and find out his address.

    There is also another option, if the information about a citizen is unknown, but the license plate number of his car is known, then you can go to the traffic police portal and submit a request.

    What makes it more difficult to find a person by name is that he is, for example, temporarily registered. The most popular resource where you can find out a person’s registration is Rosreestr.

    By TIN

    You can find out quite a lot of information using the TIN number, but this applies only to a greater extent legal entities, it will be much more difficult to find out something about an individual. It’s quite easy to find out your full name, this information is in open access on the Federal Tax Service website.

    Here's what exactly you can find out using your tax identification number:

    • Based on the first four digits, the region where this document was issued.
    • The next six digits allow you to access the personal data of an individual.
    • The remaining two digits are access to simplified data.

    To find out the address of a person by TIN, you will need to submit a request to the tax service of the Russian Federation, but not everyone will be able to obtain the necessary information. To obtain the necessary information, the citizen submitting such a request must confirm ownership of the residential premises. Another option is possible that the applicant has the authority to act on behalf of a person who is related to the disputed residential area.

    There is also the opportunity to issue an indirect request about whether the wanted person has arrears in tax payments. The information is easy to find out when the inscription “Repay the debt” appears; below you can see the address of the citizen whose data was entered.

    Checking a person against the database of enforcement proceedings

    To do this, you need to go to the FSSP website (Federal Bailiff Service). To start working with the database, you need to go to the search and select the subsection with the name - “Search by individuals" By going to the section called “Territorial Authorities”, you must indicate the region in which the wanted person is officially registered and enter his full name. The month and year of birth do not have to be filled in, but the date of birth can help narrow the search and more accurately identify the person.

    If you know the production number, you can find out the necessary information from the database through a special section of the website “Search by enforcement proceedings number.” There you need to enter the full name of the citizen you are looking for and press the search button, the system will display as a result of the search a list of all debtors, the production number and the subject of execution. Next, you should carefully review the information received and find the data of the person being checked, if any.

    Responsibility for illegally obtaining information

    By law Russian Federation The private life of any citizen is inviolable; violation of this law is punishable by criminal penalties under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    A citizen who collects and disseminates information about a person collected by illegal methods is obliged to suffer the following types of punishment:

    • Fine in the form of a fixed fee.
    • He may be charged income for the period established by law.
    • Punishment in the form of referral to compulsory correctional labor.
    • Prohibition on engaging in professional activities.
    • Imprisonment.

    In order not to break the law, you must adhere to only the permitted methods of searching for a person, as discussed above. As you can see, there are quite a few such methods and each of them is effective in its own way. You can search either independently or with the help of authorized bodies; they act many times faster, and the search will most likely lead to a positive result. Everyone must remember that illegal methods of searching for information about a person in our country are considered a criminal offense and are punishable by law.

    I don’t think anyone will throw tomatoes at me after reading the title of the article. Agree that we cannot live a day without information now. In order to have information, you must first find it. Are there rules? searching for information on the Internet? - you ask.

    I suggest you remember yourself as a newbie on the Internet or look back at your friends, of whom each of us has plenty. Those who use the Internet in very limited quantities. And this often happens only because a person does not know how to correctly compose search queries in order to find the information he needs. The result is sitting on the same sites and resources, not understanding that there is a huge and unknown world under your feet, that is, under your hands.

    How do you search for information on the Internet?

    First, let's decide who finds the information we need for us? The main workers are search engines and catalogues. As correctly noted in the Yandex directory, the ability to search is an art. Despite the simplicity of the Internet, not everyone can search effectively.

    Various search engines, such as Google, Yandex, Ramble, Mail, Yahoo, find information for the Russian user. General rules They don’t have a search, so we are given complete freedom of action. I prefer to use Google as it has the best search ranking algorithm in the world. To compare results I always turn to Yandex. If you use these two search engines, you will see that the search results in both cases for the same query will differ from each other.

    Search engines search for information for us, taking into account the following criteria:

    • The keyword is in the title
    • Availability keyword in the domain address or page title
    • Keyword in bold
    • Keyword Density
    • Links on the page and the name of the keyword in the link text

    That is, the search engine needs to do a lot of work to give us results. Therefore, the first thing we must learn to do is to format search queries correctly before entering them into search bar.

    Rules for searching information on the Internet

    1. Formulate several queries regarding your question. Keep in mind that if you need to find an essay about an elephant, then by word elephant you will find elephants and everything that may or may not be related to the word elephant. These could be books with the word elephant in the title, they could be websites, articles, jokes, fairy tales, in general, everything that has nothing to do with your real request. Therefore, we write briefly and clearly: essays about elephants. To enlarge, click on the picture.

    Yandex gave us 2 million answers, Google estimated that 335,000 pages would be useful to us. As you can see, we will have to work hard to find what we really need.

    2. Narrow the search area. To do this, let’s put our query in quotation marks, and it will look like this: “abstracts about elephants.” Let's see what happens:

    Oh miracle! Now you will have to search much less! Now we are sure that these pages that the search engines returned to us will contain information related to abstracts about elephants.

    3. Don’t forget that you need to write your search query correctly. The quality of the information provided to us also depends on this.

    4. Search query We write only in small letters. If we use capital letters in the query, we will not be able to see answers where the given word is written with a small letter. Use capital letters only in proper names.

    5. We actively use image search. Typically, pictures have captions when loaded, which may contain your keywords.

    6. Using the + and - signs, we can indicate which words we want or do not want to see. For example, when searching for “green tea,” you can mark the word bagged with a sign (-). In this case, you can count on the fact that you will not see information about green tea bags.

    7. Sign | will be able to make it clear to search engines that you want to find “either-or”. If you ask “how to write an abstract|format an abstract,” then the answers will include both how to write an abstract and how to format it.

    8. Familiar! we indicate that we want to know exact information for a specific word. For example, when searching for the query!elephant, we will see an exact match this word without word forms. That is, the search will not display various forms of the word “elephant” - elephants, elephants, elephants, about elephants, etc.

    9. Keep in mind that after some time the search may give you completely different information. Therefore, the information found, if it is really important to you, is best saved in your favorites or browser bookmarks. Use your browser's storage system with folders, which can be created directly from the panel by right-clicking and selecting "add folder." I prefer to save with tags in Evernote, you can read about my favorite assistant in the article

    10. Use the advanced search functions of search engines, if you need clarification on dates, geography, language, file format.

    11. Don’t neglect searching on the 2nd and subsequent pages. It often happens that fresh and new information has not yet reached the TOP 10, so you will have to search for it. Sometimes I find my answers on the fifth or even tenth page.

    12. If you constantly need information on specific area activities, use to collect information social media, communities, groups, forums, directories. The Subcribe newsletter can offer you large number specialized, thematic groups, who will constantly send you new information. You can also save what you need in bookmarks or Evernote.

    If you found this article useful and interesting, share it with your friends by clicking on the button on any social network.

    Sometimes, out of boredom, a person tries to create a family tree of his family and discovers a lot of mysterious and interesting things. Finding out the fate of your relatives and meeting their descendants is a way to get to know your surroundings and even yourself better. How to find living relatives and find distant ancestors by last name?

    How to make a family tree

    Time cannot be contained, but you can find iconic things and recorded memories from past decades and centuries. How to find ancestors by last name to create a family tree:

    1. Home archive. Such an archive stores: photographs, albums, records, documents. If this is a close circle, then there will be a certificate of marriage, birth, death. Documents confirming the receipt of education are valuable when collecting information: certificates, diplomas, certificates. To immediately simplify your task, consider the two branches of genealogy - maternal and paternal - separately. Collect all information in two folders to avoid confusion. You should not carry the originals with you; store them in a safe place, and it is better to make photocopies of the documents for yourself.
    2. Interview with relatives. To obtain as much information as possible, this procedure is carried out in informal setting: evening of family memories, celebration. A voice recorder and a pre-compiled list of questions are yours best helpers, because relatives can argue, interrupt in the desire to tell something, so it is important not to miss the little things.
    3. Archives. Such databases still exist, but to clarify the information in them, you need to know the person’s full name, year of birth, and place of birth.
    4. Internet sources. Social networks and all sorts of relative search sites can lead you to your loved one.

    Here is an example of how to find relatives and create a family tree.

    How to find relatives by last name

    If surveys and searches in home archives do not reveal the necessary information, then it is worth trying more modern methods. How to find ancestors by last name on the Internet:

    1. FamilySpace. This portal has a lot of tips for finding information about loved ones. A site specially created for these purposes will tell you how to quickly find ancestors by last name, and their children and grandchildren by profession, region in which a person lives, works, or previously lived. If the search is unsuccessful, you just need to check again regularly, the site is updated frequently.
    2. Social media. Nowadays, many people of different ages create pages on popular resources. Such resources include the following websites: Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Vkontakte, Mail.ru, Instagram.
    3. Online directories. Here, information about the location of the person you are looking for will be more relevant. Such directories are not very focused on searching by name.

    How to find your roots by last name using books

    The family tree can be significantly expanded with information about more ancient ancestors. They were often extraordinary people who experienced ups and downs not only in the context personal life, but also the entire state. The most famous sources that preserve eternal memory are large publications. Which archive of deceased people by last name who participated in significant events is worth viewing:

    1. The All-Russian Book of Memory is the largest source of ancestors not only of residents of the Russian Federation, but also of the collapsed USSR. This book contains a huge database of citizens who participated in the hostilities of 1941-1945. The surnames of ancestors were grouped according to the places of conscription. There you can also learn about military and life achievements, and the person’s burial place. More than 750 volumes reveal important information about those who fought.
    2. Book of memory of victims of political repression. The collection of volumes covers 25 regions of the former USSR and includes information about people of Polish and Jewish nationality.
    3. Reference publications and materials: “Appendices to the works of the editorial commissions for the preparation of the Code on peasants emerging from serfdom”, “Calendar, or Monthly with the list of officials in the state for the summer... from the birth of Christ”, “All Moscow. Address and reference book", "All Russia. Russian book of industry, trade, agriculture and administration."

    How to find your ancestors in the archives

    Procedure independent work in the archive on the question of how to find missing ancestors by last name:

    1. Specify the search period and go to the registry office archive. There you need to submit a request to search for the necessary information or come in person; there is no reading room in this institution.
    2. Archives are available not only at the registry office, but also in educational and medical institutions.
    3. Carefully study the sources: metrics, confessional lists, inventories of those living in the house, population census of different years, rank books (appointments to places of work), summary documents, chronicles.

    In the registry office

    The archives of the registry office should also be studied if you have already carefully searched for ancestors by last name in the archives. You need to know the exact name, patronymic, and last name of the person. The request must be sent to the region in which the citizen was or is located. The institution provides information about:

    • the person’s date of birth, place, his parents;
    • marriage registration;
    • presence of children;
    • place of registration;
    • death of a wanted person.

    Searching for relatives by last name abroad

    If the search for ancestors in the archives dates back to more distant periods, now you can find relatives who went to live abroad. How to do this:

    1. Check whether you really have relatives abroad, their last names, time of departure abroad, marital status, the presence of children and the region where they went. If you don’t know the country, then start with the most popular ones, where compatriots go (USA, Canada, Israel).
    2. Search requires good knowledge foreign language.
    3. You can find relatives through worldwide search engines(Google), social networks (Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki).


    Absolutely any human activity modern world, if we are talking about at least the slightest development and obtaining new information involves searching for new data. But simply looking for information is one thing, but searching for it professionally and competently is another. In this lesson we will talk about what information search is in general, where and how to look for information, how to select sources of information, analyze them and check for reliability, and also talk about the rules for searching for information on the Internet and working with the data received.

    What is information retrieval?

    The concept of “information retrieval” was first used in 1948 by an American mathematician and specialist in the field computer technology Calvin Mooers, but it began to appear in the public literature only in 1950.

    Automated information retrieval (meaning information retrieval systems) was originally used to find scientific data and relevant literature, and was used by universities and public libraries. However, with the advent and development of the Internet, information retrieval has become widespread.

    Essentially, information retrieval is a process of identifying a certain array text documents of those data that relate to a specific topic and satisfy the specified conditions, and which contain the necessary information and facts.

    The process of searching for information consists of several successive stages through which data collection, processing and provision are ensured. Typically, the search is carried out as follows:

    • The information need is determined and the request is formulated
    • A set of sources is identified that may contain the necessary information.
    • Information is extracted from identified sources
    • The data is reviewed and the search results are evaluated

    But, despite the fact that at the first stage you need to decide as correctly as possible what specific information you are going to look for (and this may seem paramount), it is the second stage that is of greatest importance, because deciding where to look for information is an order of magnitude more difficult.

    Where to look for information?

    The question of where to look for information is indeed very important. And first of all, for the reason that this is the information age. And this, in turn, means that information retrieval currently has its own specifics.

    Let's remember: at the end of the last century and even the beginning of this century, people turned to specialized institutions to search for information. These include libraries, archives, card indexes and other similar information bodies. But if at that time, in order to find information about what he was interested in, a person had to get ready, leave the house, get to the right place, fill out an application, stand in line to submit it, wait for a while until the necessary literature is found, and then spend several hours searching for specific information and recording it on paper, then today all these points can be bypassed, because Almost every home has a computer and Internet access. Based on this, relevant even in the not so distant past information bases(archives, libraries, etc.) today, if they have not lost their relevance, then, in any case, they have a much smaller number of clients.

    To find what you need on the Internet, you just need to enter a query in the line search service(remember the first stage), click the “Find” button and select the most suitable of the proposed options - Internet pages. We will continue to talk about searching for information on the Internet a little later, but for now we will note that neglecting traditional ways It’s still not worth searching for information, and from time to time you can visit the library, card index or archive. In addition, this will allow you to diversify your activities, unwind and spend time in an unusual, useful and interesting way.

    Speaking about the selection of sources for searching for information, one cannot help but touch upon the issue of reliability, which indicates the need to be able to analyze data sources and identify those that can be trusted.

    How to choose reliable sources of information?

    Any discussion on the topic of what sources there may be and which should be considered reliable, one way or another, will lead us to a stylistic understanding of the sources of information, and there are a considerable number of them. Let's present only the most common ones:

    • Scientific research backed by real empirical evidence
    • Popular scientific reflections, including both factual empirical data and subjective points of view of people who are specialists in a particular field
    • Philosophical treatises and arguments that are distinguished by the greatest originality, subjectivity and form of presentation
    • Fiction, which, as a rule, serves as a source of information - food for thought, but not reliable empirical data
    • Journalistic works are a category of works that are devoted to current phenomena and problems of the current social life. Often in such works you can find a lot of reliable data and facts.
    • Mass media - a set of bodies for the public transmission of information, such as television, radio, magazines and newspapers, as well as the Internet

    You should always take into account that almost no source of information data can be 100% reliable. The only exceptions are scientific research and, to some extent, popular scientific reflections, because, as has already been noted, they contain mainly facts confirmed by experience and officially recognized by the scientific community (there are, of course, people and points of view that run counter to generally accepted, but in this article we will not consider special cases).

    Information from any other sources should be carefully checked to ensure its relevance and veracity. But before moving directly to the principles of information selection, it would not be superfluous to say that for the process itself information retrieval is very convenient and effective use ideas of a special philosophical direction - positivism, because thanks to this, in a number of cases (especially if it concerns the search for specifically scientific data), many questions disappear by themselves.

    Just a little about positivism

    Positivism is a philosophical school of thought about methods and procedures scientific activity, in which it is believed that the only source of true and valid knowledge in general is only empirical (experimentally confirmed) research.

    Positivism also says that philosophical research does not carry cognitive value. The basic premise of positivism is that any genuine (aka positive) knowledge is a set of results of special sciences.

    The main goal of positivism is to obtain objective knowledge, which is possible only through testing information in practice. With all this in mind, we can once again return to the idea that the most reliable sources of information are scientific research and popular science speculation.

    Armed with this principle as a basic one, you can begin to use others.

    Principles of information selection

    There are several principles for selecting information:

    The principle of visibility

    The information being studied, which corresponds to this principle, has the following characteristics:

    • Information is accessible for perception and understanding
    • The images formed by the information are reliable, because they can be modeled and their sources identified
    • Basic concepts, objects and phenomena can be demonstrated
    • Information meets the requested criteria

    Scientific principle

    The scientific principle implies that the information being studied corresponds to modern scientific data. If such correspondence is observed, then it becomes possible to detect inaccuracies and errors, perceive other points of view, be guided by one’s own argumentation and transform information by comparing it with another.

    Briefly, the criteria for the scientific principle can be expressed as follows:

    • The data corresponds to modern scientific ideas
    • If there are errors and inaccuracies in the data array, they are not capable of leading to distortions in the objective picture regarding the issue under consideration
    • The information may take the form of a historical document that shows the path of development of specific scientific knowledge

    Principle of relevance

    According to this principle, information should be practical, topical, relevant to modern needs, and important at the current time. Such information can arouse the greatest interest, as opposed to irrelevant information. Here you need to be guided by the following considerations:

    • It is desirable that the information be close in time and of concern to the researcher
    • Information can be a document that expands the understanding of the object under study
    • The information must have historical value or be otherwise important
    • Information can be a classic example of something that everyone knows

    Systematic principle

    If the information complies with the principle of systematicity, one can observe its repeated repetition in one or another interpretation within one source or in the same or another similar interpretation in other sources.

    Thus, the information is worthy of attention and can be applied if:

    • Similar data can be found in various databases
    • Different interpretations do not destroy the integrity of ideas about the same problem

    Accessibility principle

    Often, difficulties in searching and processing information can be caused, firstly, by its content itself, and, secondly, by the style in which it is presented. For this reason, when working with information, it is necessary to take into account that:

    • Information should not only be understandable in terms of terminology, but also expand the researcher’s thesaurus, which is why it will be perceived as interesting, but not trivial
    • The information should correspond to the terminology that the researcher has, but it should cover a specific topic with different sides
    • Information should also involve didactic processing, which removes the terminological barrier; in other words, information can be adapted to suit you, while maintaining its meaning

    Redundancy principle

    The information being studied should allow the researcher to highlight the main idea, find the hidden meaning, if any, come to an understanding of the author’s position, determine the goals of the presentation, and develop the ability to relate the content to the purpose.

    The principles of information retrieval that we discussed can be applied when working with any data sources: books, documents, archival materials, newspapers and magazines, as well as Internet sites. In fact, these principles are universal, but here you should clearly understand that to search for information in traditional sources they may be quite sufficient, but when searching for information on the Internet, in order to avoid mistakes, you must follow another set of rules.

    Rules for searching information on the Internet

    For experienced user searching for information on the Internet is extremely simple, however, for people who are faced with the issue of automated information retrieval for the first time, this process may seem quite complicated due to the abundance of various search operators. Below we will look at simple search and advanced search, and also indicate additional information, which will be useful when searching for data on the Internet.

    Easily search for information on the Internet

    To begin with, it is worth saying that the most popular search engine in the world is Google. In Russia, “Yandex”, “[email protected]” and “Rambler” are added to it.

    To find necessary information, you just need to enter the query of interest into the search bar of the service, for example, “Ivan the Terrible” or “How to drive a car correctly,” and press “Find” or the “Enter” key on your computer keyboard. As a result, the search engine will return many pages that provide information on the requested query. Please note that the most relevant results are those located on the first page of the search engine.

    Advanced search for information on the Internet

    In principle, an advanced search is no different from a simple search, except that you can specify additional parameters.

    Using special filters, the user has the opportunity to set additional conditions for his request. This may be limited by region, specific site, the desired language, the form of the word or phrase, the date the material was posted, or the file type.

    To activate these functions, you need to click on special badge, located on the search engine page. Will open additional menu, where the restrictions are set. Filters (restrictions) are reset by clicking the “Clear” button on the search engine page.

    Additional information

    Each user should keep in mind that:

    • A region restriction starts a search in the specified region. As a standard (Default), requests are usually issued for the region from which the user accesses the Network.
    • Restriction on the form of the request starts a search in those documents where the words have exactly the form that is in the request, but the order of the words may change. The user can set the case of letters (uppercase or lowercase), any part of speech and form, i.e. declension, number, gender, case, etc. By default, search engines search for all forms of the requested word, i.e. if you ask “wrote”, the search engine will search for “write”, “will write”, etc. The search engine will not look for words with the same root.
    • A site restriction triggers a search for information among documents available on a specific site.
    • A language restriction starts a search for information in the selected language. It is possible to set a search in several languages ​​simultaneously.
    • A file type restriction triggers a search for a specific document format, i.e. by specifying the appropriate extensions you can find text documents, audio and video files, documents intended to be opened special programs and editors, etc. It is possible to set a search for several types of files at the same time.
    • An update date restriction triggers a search based on the specific date the document was posted. The user can find a document from specific number, month and year, and also set a time period - then the search engine will display all the information added during this period of time.

    These rules will be enough to search for information on the Internet. Any person can master it, and it will take very little time - usually literally 2-3 three practical approaches are enough.

    But what to do with the information found, since its entire array is not required for study? No matter how you choose to search for information on a topic of interest - going to the library or clicking on websites while drinking coffee - in addition to having search skills, you also need to be able to process the material you are studying. And note-taking and some other techniques are perfect for this.

    Working with the information received: notes, mental maps, reference diagrams and flowcharts

    Note-taking is rightfully considered the most popular and used method of processing information. Considering this, we decided to pay the greatest attention to this process, and mental maps, reference diagrams and block diagrams are for informational purposes only.

    What is a synopsis?

    As we all know, a synopsis is a written text that consistently and briefly summarizes the main points of any source of information. Note-taking involves bringing information taken from the original to a certain structure. The basis of this process is data systematization. Notes can be either exact excerpts and quotes, or in the form of free writing - the main thing is that the meaning remains. The style in which the summary is kept is in most cases close to the original source.

    When compiled correctly, the notes reflect the logical and semantic connection of what is being written down. The notes can be taken after some time or given to a friend, and reading and understanding the material will not cause difficulties. A competent summary facilitates the perception of even the most complex information, because it is expressed in an understandable form.

    Notes also differ in types, and in order to be able to correctly use the type of notes that is more suitable for the work being performed, you need to be able to distinguish between these types.

    Types of notes

    There are planned notes, schematic planned notes, textual, thematic and free notes. Briefly about each of them.

    Planning notes

    The basis of a planned outline is pre-prepared material, and the outline itself includes headings and subheadings (paragraphs and subparagraphs). Each of the headings is accompanied by a small text, which is why it has a clear structure.

    The planned outline is most consistent with preparation for seminars and public speaking. The clearer the structure, the more logical and complete it will be possible to convey information to the addressee. According to experts, the planned outline should be supplemented with notes indicating the sources used, because it is quite difficult.

    Schematic plan outline

    A schematic plan outline consists of plan points presented in the form of question sentences that need to be answered. When working with information, you need to make several notes for each of the sentences and questions. Such a summary will reflect the structure and internal connection of the data. In addition, this type of notes helps to understand the material being studied well.

    Text summary

    The textual summary differs from all others in its maximum saturation, because excerpts and quotes from the original source are used to compile it. It can easily be supplemented with a plan, terms, concepts and theses. It is recommended to compile a textual summary for those who are engaged in the study of literature or science, because here quotations are of particular importance.

    But this type of notes is not easy to compile, because... it is necessary to be able to identify the most important passages of text and quotes so that, ultimately, they can give a holistic view of the material studied.

    Thematic summary

    The thematic summary differs from others most of all. Its meaning is that a specific topic, issue or problem is covered, and a number of sources of information are usually used to compile it.

    Through a thematic summary, you can best analyze the topic under study, reveal the main points and study them from different angles. But you need to understand that to compile such a summary you will need to research a lot of sources in order to be able to create a holistic picture - this is an indispensable condition for truly high-quality material.

    Free notes

    Free abstract is best choice for people who can use different ways working with information. You can include everything in a free summary: abstracts, quotes, text excerpts, outline, notes, extracts, etc. You just need to be able to express your thoughts quickly and competently and work with the material. Many people believe that using notes of this form is the most complete and holistic.

    Once you have decided what kind of notes you will make, you can begin the process itself. To do the job efficiently, you need to follow certain rules.

    Rules for writing notes

    There are several such rules and they are all extremely simple:

    1. Read the text, identify its main features, character, complexity; determine whether it contains terms that you see for the first time. Mark unfamiliar concepts, places, dates, names.
    2. Find out all the necessary information about what seemed unfamiliar to you in the text when you first read it. Make inquiries about people and events. Find out the meaning of the terms. Be sure to record the received data.
    3. Read the text again and analyze it. This will help you highlight the main points, divide the information for yourself into separate blocks and notes.
    4. Study the previously noted main points, compose abstracts or write down individual fragments or quotes (if their presence is not necessary, then express the author’s idea in your own words while maintaining the meaning). When recording quotes and excerpts, be sure to note where the information came from and who the author is.
    5. If you have the opportunity to express the author’s thoughts in your own words, then try to do it in such a way that even large amounts of data are expressed in 2-3 sentences.

    By applying these recommendations in practice, you will master the skill of competent note-taking, and you will be able to record and process information very quickly and efficiently (you can use the additional one as an aid).

    In addition to notes, you can use other equally interesting and effective techniques to record information.

    Mental maps

    Mental maps, or, as they are commonly called, mind maps, mind maps, thought maps or associative maps, are a method of structuring information that uses graphical records in the form of diagrams.

    Mental maps are depicted in the form of tree diagrams, which contain tasks, terms, facts and/or any other data that are connected by branches. Branches, as a rule, depart from the main (central) concept.

    Efficiency this method due to the fact that it can be used as a convenient and simple tool information management, which requires only paper and pencil (you can also use a whiteboard and markers).

    Support diagrams

    Supporting schemes clearly reflect the intellectual psychological structure of a person, which controls his thinking and behavior. They allow you to present information using a logical-graphic language through meaningful supports.

    When drawing up a reference diagram, its name is indicated, key concepts are noted, and the indicators and criteria on the basis of which the material is grouped are schematically depicted.

    This type of information structuring is very convenient when preparing for tests, exams, and seminars. It can be accompanied by notes and additional notes.

    Block diagrams

    Flowcharts are another effective method, helping to structure information. It represents graphical models that describe a sequence.

    The essence of a flowchart is to depict individual steps in the form of blocks of different shapes. All blocks are connected to each other by arrow lines that indicate the desired sequence of thinking.

    Most often, flowcharts are used to work with clearly structured information, when all steps are specific. Each block, having its own shape, indicates a particular thought process, and you can navigate using the flowchart even with a minimum amount of text data on it. Convenient to use as an additional tool.

    In conclusion

    As one can conclude, searching for information and processing it is not only an interesting, but also a fascinating activity. If you learn to apply this skill, taking into account all the features that we talked about today, finding the necessary information and using it for your own purposes will not be difficult, especially if you perform an acceptable algorithm of actions several times in a row.

    In the next lesson you will learn why in the process self-study It is recommended that you follow a specific plan, how to create it, and what you need to pay attention to in order for the training to be as effective as possible.

    Test your knowledge

    If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on completion. Please note that the questions are different each time and the options are mixed.

    Let's assume you have to deal with a legal entity registered in the Russian Federation. But you only know its name and you don’t have money to use it paid services or ordering professional competitive intelligence.

    What can you find out about a company on the Internet for free, instantly and legally?

    1. General information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

    What you can find: date of creation of the company, registration address, full names of the founders and general director, to which branch of the Federal Tax Service and Pension Fund the company, types of activities, history of amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (changes in the charter, appointment of general directors, etc.) are attached.

    You can search for companies and individual entrepreneurs both by OGRN/TIN and by name/full name. Please note that to get all the data you need to download the PDF from the link. In addition to the first paragraph of the article, be sure to apply the second.

    2. Have documents to change information been submitted to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities?

    What you can find: information about legal entities that are in the process of registering/making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
    In short: we check whether any information from the database mentioned in paragraph `1 will change in the near future.

    Usage notes: similar to the previous paragraph.

    3. Is the legal address reliable?

    What you can check: Is the company address used for mass registration of legal entities?

    4. Court cases in which the company name is mentioned

    What you can find: a sea of ​​interesting details: tax evasion, salary arrears, industrial safety violations, etc. This item is required to be completed before the interview.

    Usage notes: In order not to waste time looking through similar cases and quickly find something really interesting, go to the “categories” tab.


    5. Debts to bailiffs

    What you can find: whether the company has overdue payments to the Pension Fund, unpaid taxes or debts to employees/partners that are already being collected with the help of bailiffs.

    Usage notes: for the search, it is better to use not the name, but the OGRN, which can be found in paragraph 1. It also makes sense to contact the general director regarding his debts as an individual.

    6. Is the company bankrupt?

    What you can find: messages about various stages bankruptcy procedures for this company (if there were any): results of meetings of creditors, results of auctions, etc.

    Usage notes: To search, it is better to use the OGRN, which can be found in the first paragraph.

    7. Mortgaged property of the company

    What you can find: dates of birth, passport numbers, TIN, addresses email, VIN numbers of cars.

    Usage notes: open notification texts using links. They are the most interesting things.

    P.S. Ivan Sidorovich Sidorov apparently lives in a slightly distorted reality, where he does business with Ivan Petrovich Petrov from Romashka LLC :-)

    8. Does the company participate in government procurement?

    What you can find: what and in what volume the company supplied to government agencies.

    9. Does the company fulfill its obligations to partners?

    What you can check: has it been entered? legal entity to the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

    10. Are the company’s licenses valid?

    What you can check: Are the licenses listed on the company’s website valid?

    Usage notes: For example, three registers are given, but there are more of them.

    11. Contacts from the “yellow pages”

    What you can find: website, phone number, actual address.

    12. How much are the company's shares worth?

    What you can find: dynamics of the company's share price in recent years.

    Usage notes: dial in Google name companies + “shared price”.

    13. Does the company have patents?

    What you can find: information about inventions that were made or purchased by the company.

    Usage notes: If patents are not in the database, this does not at all guarantee their absence.

    14. Information about the company’s website

    A separate topic is collecting information about company websites. Both currently existing and abandoned/deleted. My modest experience in collecting information suggests that on forgotten and hidden pages Usually the most interesting things are written. This process is described in detail in three materials.