• How to give legal force to electronic correspondence. How to create a feedback form for event participants in Google Forms: instructions, screenshots, tips

    One of the most common tasks in practice is the implementation of the form feedback. You mean writing its HTML code, designing it in CSS, creating PHP script a, which would process the data received from the user and send it to our mail, writing a JS script that would check the form for the adequacy of the entered data, protecting our brainchild from spam so that our mailbox does not collapse from bot attacks.

    All of the above points will be discussed in our review and commented on in detail.

    So, let's start creating a feedback form:


    First of all, we write HTML code, which specifies the fields that the user will fill in. They will be formalized in the future. The form code looks like this:

    < form method= "post" action= "mail.php" > < div class = "left" > < label for = "name" >Name:< input maxlength= "30" type= "text" name= "name" /> < label for = "phone" >Telephone:< input maxlength= "30" type= "text" name= "phone" /> < label for = "mail" >E-mail:< input maxlength= "30" type= "text" name= "mail" /> < div class = "right" > < label for = "message" >Message:< textarea rows= "7" cols= "50" name= "message" > < input type= "submit" value= "Send" />

    And visually it now looks like this:

    I agree, so far everything is ugly and nothing is clear, but we have just begun.

    Let's look at the above code in detail:

    • < form method= "post" action= "mail.php" > …

      In order to create a form you need to use the form tag. It is he who determines the beginning and end of the form for the code interpreter. It, like any tag, has a whole set of attributes, but there are only two required for the form to work, these are method (the method of sending a request to the server, post is used as standard for forms) and action (indicates the path to the form handler file, namely in This file will contain a PHP script, which will then send the user-entered values ​​to us by email. In our case, we see that this file is called mail.php and it is located in the same site directory as the page we are considering).
    • < input maxlength= "30" type= "text" name= "name" />

      Next we have inputs. These are actually the form fields themselves into which users will enter the information we need (type="text" indicates that this will be text). The maxlength attribute specifies how many characters the user can enter in a given form field. The most important attribute is name - it specifies the name of a specific field. It is by these names that the PHP script will subsequently process the information entering it. If desired, you can also set the placeholder attribute, which displays text inside the field that disappears when the cursor is placed inside it. One of the problems with placeholder is that it is not supported by some older browsers.
    • < label for = "name" >Name:

      Used if we have abandoned placeholders. A regular field signature, the for attribute tells which specific field this signature refers to. The value indicates the name of the field we are interested in.
    • < textarea rows= "7" cols= "50" name= "message" >

      Just like input, it is intended for the user to enter information, only this time the field is tailored for long messages. Rows specifies the field size in rows, cols in characters. In general, they set the height and width of our field.
    • < input type= "submit" value= "Send" />

      Type="submit" tells us that this is a button for submitting a form, and value specifies the text that will be inside this button.
    • < div class = "right" >

      are used only for further visual design of the form.

    In order for our feedback form to look presentable, it needs to be formatted. To get the following result:

    We used this code:

    form ( background: #f4f5f7; padding: 20px; ) form . left, form . right ( display: inline- block; vertical- align: top; width: 458px; ) form . right ( padding- left: 20px; ) label ( display: block; font- size: 18px; text- align: center; margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px; ) input, textarea ( border: 1px solid #82858D; padding: 10px; font- size: 16px; width: 436px; ) textarea ( height: 98px; margin- bottom: 32px; ) input[ type= "submit" ] ( width: 200px; float: right; border: none; background: #595B5F; color: #fff; text- transform: uppercase;

    I don’t see the point in describing CSS in detail; I’ll only draw your attention to the key points:

  • There is no need to write a design for each tag in the form. Try to build your selectors so that you can design all the elements you need in a couple of lines of code.
  • Do not use unnecessary type tags to break lines and create indentations< br>, < p>etc. CSS with the display: block and margin with padding properties copes well with these tasks. More about why you shouldn't use it< br>in layout in general, you can read in the article Tag br, but is it really necessary? .
  • You should not use tabular layout for forms. This contradicts the semantics of this tag, and search engines love semantic code. In order to form the visual structure of the document, we only need div tags, and the display properties specified in CSS: inline-block (arranges blocks in a row) and vertical-align: top (prevents them from scattering across the screen), set them to the required height and voila, nothing superfluous and everything is located the way we need.
  • For those who want to save their time on website design, I can recommend using CSS frameworks when creating websites, especially self-written ones. My choice in this regard is Twitter Bootstrap. You can watch a lesson on how to design forms using it.


    Well, it's time to make our form work.

    We go to our root directory of the site and create the mail.php file there, to which we previously specified the path in the action attribute of the form tag.

    Ultimately his code will look like this:

    Your message has been sent successfully

    You can skip the discussion of the HTML and CSS portions of this document. At its core it is regular page website, which you can design according to your wishes and needs. Let's look at its most important part - the PHP script for processing the form:

    $back = "

    Go back

    " ;

    With this line we create a link to return to previous page. Since we don’t know in advance from which page the user will get to this one, this is done using a small JS function. In the future, we will simply access this variable to display it in the places we need.

    if (! empty ($_POST [ "name" ] ) and ! empty ($_POST [ "phone" ] ) and ! empty ($_POST [ "mail" ] ) and ! empty ($_POST [ "message" ] ) ) ( //internal part of the handler ) else ( echo "To send a message, fill in all fields! $back " ; exit ; )

    Here we add a form check to ensure that the fields are full. As you guessed, in the $_POST["name"] part we write the value in quotes name attribute our inputs.

    If all the fields are filled in, then the script will begin to process the data in its internal part, but if at least one field was not filled in, then a message will be displayed on the user’s screen asking them to fill out all the fields of the form echo “To send a message, fill out all the fields! $back” and a link to return to the previous page that we created with the very first line.

    Next we paste into the internal part of the form handler:

    $name = trim(strip_tags($_POST["name"])); $phone = trim(strip_tags($_POST["phone"])); $mail = trim(strip_tags($_POST["mail"])); $message = trim(strip_tags($_POST["message"]));

    This way we cleared the user input from html tags And extra spaces. This allows us to protect ourselves from receiving malicious code in messages sent to us.

    The checks can be made more complicated, but this is at your discretion. We have already installed minimal protection on the server side. We will do the rest on the client side using JS.

    I don’t recommend completely abandoning form protection on the server side in favor of JS, since, although extremely rare, there are unique ones with JS disabled in the browser.

    After cleaning the tags, add sending a message:

    mail ("[email protected]" , "Letter from_your_site_address" , "I wrote to you: " . $name . "
    His number: " . $phone . "
    His email: " . $mail . "
    His message: " . $message, "Content-type:text/html;charset=windows-1251" ) ;

    It is this line that is responsible for generating and sending the message to us. It is filled out as follows:

  • [email protected]” – here you insert your email between the quotes
  • “Letter from your_site_address” is the subject of the message that will be sent to your email. You can write anything here.
  • "Wrote to you: ".$name."< br />His number: ".$phone."< br />His email: ".$mail."< br />His message: ".$message – we form the text of the message itself. $name – we insert the information filled in by the user by accessing the fields from the previous step, in quotes we describe what this field means, with the tag< br />We break the line so that the message as a whole is readable.
  • Content-type:text/html;charset=windows-1251 - at the end there is an explicit indication of the data type transmitted in the message and its encoding.

    The encoding specified in the “head” of the document (< meta http- equiv= "Content-Type" content= "text/html; charset=windows-1251" />), the encoding from the message Content-type:text/html;charset=windows-1251 and in general the encoding of the PHP file must match otherwise in messages received by mail instead of Russian or English letters“krakozyabry” will be displayed.

    Many people do not explicitly indicate the encoding of the message being sent, but on some email clients this may cause problems in the future (unreadable emails are sent to the mail), so I recommend specifying it anyway.

    Checking the form for adequacy of the entered data

    To ensure that users do not inadvertently miss fields and fill out everything correctly, it is worth checking the entered data.

    This can be done both in PHP on the server side and in JS on the client side. I use the second option, because this way a person can immediately find out what he did wrong and correct the error without making additional page transitions.

    We paste the script code in the same file where we have the HTML part of the form. For our case it will look like this:

    < script>function checkForm(form) ( var name = form. name. value; var n = name. match(/ ^[ A- Za- zA- Jaa- z ] * [ A- Za- zA- Ja- z ] + $/ ) ; if (! n) ( alert("The name is entered incorrectly" ) ; return false ; ) var phone = form phone. value; var p = phone. match(/ ^[ 0 - 9 + ] [ 0 - 9 - ] * [ 0 - 9 - ] + $/ ) ; if (! p) ( alert("Phone entered incorrectly") ; return false ; ) var mail = form. mail . match(/ ^[ A- Za- z0- 9 ] [ A- Za- z0- 9 \. _- ] * [ A- Za- z0- 9 _] *@ ([ A- Za- z0- 9 ] + ([ A- Za- z0- 9 - ] * [ A- Za- z0- 9 ] + ) * \. ) + [ A- Za- z] + $/ ) ; if (! m) ( alert("E -mail is entered incorrectly, please correct the error" ) ; return false ; ) return true ; )

    Well, now the usual analysis:

    In order for us to check the form when we click on the submit button, we attach the launch of our script to the form tag:

    < form method= "post" action= "mail.php" onSubmit= "return checkForm(this)" >

    Now let’s take the checklist point by point:

    As you can see, such a mini check is written for each of our fields. I have highlighted the check for one field in the screenshot with a red square; for other fields it has a similar structure and if there is a need to add a field or remove it, you can now easily do this.

    How can you return damage back to the person who did it without consequences?

    Damage is the imposition of black magic on a person, causing harm in various spheres of life. This definition can be derived from books on bioenergy.

    Unlike the evil eye, only people who understand witchcraft can cast it. If various troubles suddenly begin to occur in life, for example, the departure of a lover or the loss of a job for no reason, then it is time to return the damage back to the one who imposed it. You can do this manipulation with the help of prayer, a salt spell, or by turning to a magician.

    In bioenergy, two types of disturbance of the human aura are distinguished:

    Their symptoms are similar, but the causes are different. Damage is always done by a sorcerer or a person versed in magic, using a certain ritual.

    The evil eye - arises spontaneously or from special people, people call them “evil eyes”. They do not wish harm to others, but they do harm to those around them. Relatives and friends can also cast the evil eye if they sincerely wish trouble for a relative. Prayers in church will help remove the evil eye.

    For weakened, sick people and small children, the evil eye is no less dangerous than damage.

    It is easy to determine that damage has been caused:

  • 1. A person suddenly becomes nervous, sleep is disturbed, and an unhealthy craving for alcohol appears.
  • 2. The character changes radically, new traits appear in it, including aggression towards loved ones.
  • To confirm damage, diagnostics are carried out:

    You need to take a fresh chicken egg, preferably not from the store. It is taken in both hands and pressed to the center of the forehead. After standing like this for a while, they begin to gently roll the egg on their forehead in a circular motion. This should be done very carefully, taking care not to crush the shell under any circumstances. Then repeat the actions in the stomach area. Lastly, press the egg against the pubic bone and continue rolling. This should be done for three to five minutes in each place. Then the egg is broken into a bowl of holy water and the yolk is carefully examined. If it's whole, good color and the usual form, then, most likely, there is no damage to this person. If the contents have acquired a strange, uneven color, the shape resembles a jellyfish or the tentacles of an octopus - on this person damage.

    2. Using a candle.

    A thin church candle is lit and placed a few centimeters from the center of the forehead: as close as possible so as not to burn with fire. You should wait a few seconds and then move the candle in a horizontal plane, increasing the distance from the body to the fire. If, while the candle was held motionless, it began to click and shoot, it means that the person has been jinxed. If a thick trail of soot trails behind a candle that is being moved, damage has been caused. The solar plexus and groin area are also checked.

    3. Using beans.

    You need to take beans or beans in the amount of forty-one pieces. Without looking, divide into three parts. Take one part in your hand and mentally ask the question “is there damage to me?” and count out four beans at a time until there are either four or fewer left in your hand. The resulting number is remembered and the next pile is taken. They repeat the process, and do the same with the third part. The result is three digits. If four beans are left at least once, there is damage. If all three times there are four beans left, then she is very strong, to death. Two beans mean the evil eye. One or three is a good omen.

    There are several ways to remove damage from yourself and return it back to the one who sent it:

    • using salt;
    • ritual with wool thread;
    • casting with wax;
    • spell on the mirror.

    It is more convenient to carry out all rituals with an assistant. But this must be a person who is unconditionally trusted. As a last resort, you can cleanse yourself alone, but this is not very convenient.

    Before rituals and ceremonies, a three-day cleansing is carried out: they do not eat meat, avoid entertainment and conflicts.

    The method of returning damage using salt allows any person to return black magic to the one who sent it:

  • 1. Take a kilogram of fine salt, preferably not bleached, grayish in color. Non-iodized and natural. They put a spell on the salt: “Salt, salt, salt, take away the melancholy and pain. Take away all the trouble that the sorcerer caused, take away all the evil that has grown to the body, hold it, take it, keep it in yourself for the time being.”
  • 2. A new sheet is spread on the floor in the room, and the one with the damage stands on it, without clothes. He takes salt with both hands and washes himself with it, starting from his head, sprinkles himself with the mixture, lightly rubs it into his hair and skin, just as he washes with water. All this time, he reads the curse over and over again: “As a mother washes her child, protects her from harm, washes away all illness, so salt cleanses me, God’s servant (name).”
  • 3. After all the salt has been used up, you need to shake yourself off properly so that not a grain remains on your body. The remainder on the sheet is carefully collected and poured into a glass jar or a separate bag. It is better to throw away the litter. Having waited until nightfall, preferably on a full moon, the salt is carried to three pre-marked intersections where pedestrian roads intersect, and poured out with the words: “Salt lies on the ground, holds damage in itself, The enemy walks on the ground, where he will not go, but will turn to his own, through the earth, through salt, he will take what is his, for words, for deeds and for all witchcraft, as soon as he steps on salt, everything will grow back. Amen".
  • 4. Then they silently go home and go to bed. The sorcerer who has done the damage will be brought by his feet to one of the three crossroads; as soon as he steps on salt, all his evil will return to him.
  • Every home has woolen threads that are useful for returning evil to an evil eye. In addition to natural yarn, prepare a candle from the church and invite a helper. The ritual should be carried out strictly according to the rules:

  • 1. The one from whom the damage is removed stands in the center of the room, takes a lighted candle and the tip of a thread in his right hand.
  • 2. The assistant, holding a ball in his hands, walks clockwise around the “spoiled” person and winds the thread around his body, trying to make it look like a cocoon.
  • 3. The one who removes the damage reads the spell: “The word spoken, the deed done, transfer from the skin of the slave (name), the meat of the slave (name), the bones of the slave (name) to this wool, whatever it is. As said, so done, so be it. Amen".
  • 4. This spell is repeated once for each circle, until the thread in the ball runs out. Then the assistant walks in a circle counterclockwise and says the spell: “I speak my word, I hide someone else’s word. I’m doing my own thing, I’m winding someone else’s on a thread, I’m spinning a ball, I’m locking it up!”
  • 5. When the thread is wound back into a ball, the candle is extinguished and wound there.
  • 6. That same day, before midnight, you need to go out to a deserted place and make a fire there.
  • 7. The one who was damaged must throw the threads with a candle into the fire with the words: “With flammable fire and flying smoke, fly away the evil from where it came.” And they repeat these words until the threads and the remains of the candle completely burn out.
  • 8. They wait until the fire goes out and go home.
  • With smoke and wind, the damage will fly and return back to the one who caused it.

    To return the curse you will need:

    • a bowl of holy water, quite large, but so that you can hold it filled above your head in your hands;
    • an iron bowl or small saucepan to melt the wax;
    • beeswax, the size of a fist.

    An assistant is also needed for this ritual. You must simultaneously hold a large bowl over your head and pour hot wax into it. The ritual itself consists of several stages:

  • 1. Melt the wax in a water bath and say to it in a liquid state: “Bee wax, take my wax, the bees sting the damage and drive it away from the body. Damage will enter the water, find freedom for itself wherever it goes, and get away from the slave (name)!”
  • 2. The person who is cursed stands up, holding a bowl or basin with holy water above his head with both hands.
  • 3. The assistant takes the melted wax and pours it into the water with the words: “I pour it, I pour it, I pour out the trouble, I will take away the damage and trouble from (name).
  • 4. At the end of the ritual, you need to go to a large river and pour water into it and throw away the wax. For ease of transportation, the liquid can be poured into jars. When they pour it out, they read the last curse: “The water is flowing, the river is fast, swim quickly to the enemy sorcerer, just as he drinks any water, he will also accept his damage, take what he has done onto himself, into his bones, into his blood, into his body from now on.” and forever. Amen".
  • Not a single person can live without water, the sorcerer will drink water, but will swallow his own damage. So he will return it to himself.

    They take a candle and a large mirror, place the lit candle in front of them, and, looking at the reflection, read:

    “I will stand up, blessing myself, cross myself, and carry my misfortune to the enemy’s threshold. Two angels are flying behind me, standing behind me, saying in a thunderous voice: Take, demon, what is yours! Eat yours, cat. Don’t cause trouble for people, and what you plan will remain with you. Two angels take everything that is on me and carry it to the villain over the threshold, let him live from now on, with what he himself has done, until he repents. Amen"

    They put out the candle and go to bed.

    After completing all the rituals, a prayer is read in gratitude and for protection from damage in the future.

    They read it in the church, in front of the icon of the Mother of God, so that no one hears. The candle is placed “wherever the soul asks.”

    “Virgin Mary, mother of the Lord. How she swaddled her son, protected her from the enemy, how she raised her, cherished her, I thank you! I raised the Lord for us, a savior and deliverer, a demon tamer, a protector for every person, thank you! The Lord overthrows the enemy, saves a person, protects him from harm, thank you! Protect me, God the Son and the Mother of God, from an evil man, taught by the demon, incited by Satan, save me from such a thing, from his deeds, from his powers, from his thoughts and tricks. Save and preserve. Save and preserve. Save and preserve. Thank you! Amen".

    In the future, to avoid damage, you should not accept food or gifts from people you don’t trust. You should carefully ensure that no lining is left at home or in front of the threshold.

    If any strange item is found, do not take it bare hands. You need to take a broom and sweep everything along with the garbage onto a dustpan, and then throw it away together with the broom and dustpan. Then you can do without consequences and you won’t have to take the long and hard time to remove the damage.

    And a little about secrets.

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

    I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radio lifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different method for myself.

    All information on the site is provided for informational purposes.

    Full or partial copying of information from the site without indication active link it is prohibited.

    How can you return damage to the one who did it?

    How to return damage to the one who did it? This question haunts the hearts of many victims of black magic. Nobody wants to deal with magic. This is why the return of negativity is common. The performer is always trying to ruin the life of another person. Therefore, it is necessary to return the negative back to him. Let him live with what he wished for another.

    How to return damage to the one who did it

    Will the damage you caused return and how to return a strong evil eye - we will examine these and many other questions in the article. Such information will be useful to people who have somehow encountered unpleasant life situations, suspecting that magic has something to do with them.

    How do you understand that something is wrong with you?

    The evil eye can be returned - this is indeed so, but initially you must clearly understand that this is the cause of some of your troubles. It is much easier to immediately take the necessary measures than to suffer and suffer from the consequences later. Let's look at the most common signs that a person may have “problems”:

    • without any reason, a person may suddenly begin to get sick, although just recently he was cheerful and happy;
    • thoughts become confused, insomnia appears;
    • lack of energy, the person is in a continuous state of depression.

    If you notice such phenomena in yourself, it makes sense to think about returning the damage to the offender. Of course, you can ask professionals to simply remove this “curse” from you, but you can also punish an evil person - return the negativity back to him.

    Rituals to return severe damage can be performed efficiently by professionals, but this does not mean that they cannot cope on their own. Having enough faith and everything necessary components, you will cope with this trouble.

    Determining the performer of the ritual is an important point

    In order to return the damage, it is necessary to understand who could have caused it. You should not wait for the moment when the situation escalates and your health worsens. Returning the damage to the one who sent it is a prerequisite in order to improve your condition. The main thing is to believe in the power of magic and that it can help you. In this situation, it is necessary to obtain cleaning products to remove damage and return them. The magic love spell may have been cast by your close friend, who only has negative wishes addressed to you. Sometimes it happens that a loved one brought curses on a person after an ordinary quarrel. Most often, it is customary to use a lining. After all, lining is the most difficult thing to look for in a house. A dead chicken or a rusty fork is used as such attributes.

    If you start to notice that negativity has been sent to you, then you should think and make one of two decisions. The first is to completely get rid of the unpleasant magic. The second is to carry out a ritual of removing damage with a return.

    It is quite easy to return damage to the person who did it. To do this, you need to find a way that maximizes would be better suited to you. For example, return spoilage to table salt or other options. You can either carry out a ritual yourself at home that allows you to return the damage caused, or find a specialist who will do everything for you. It is important to remember the fact that you need to look for the sorcerer quite carefully, because you may stumble upon a fraudster who will not be able to return the damage to the customer, but will only take money for unfinished work.

    According to professionals, returning damage is considered a huge sin. You become nothing better than that who brought negativity or the evil eye on you. In the same way, you resort to black magic, which will have negative consequences on you. It’s easy to return the damage to the one who did it, but getting rid of the consequences will be more difficult. But, on the other hand, removing and returning severe damage are different concepts: you must clearly determine for yourself whether you are ready to take such a sin on your soul.

    In order to determine who cast magic on you, you can use several methods. The first is that you need to read a specific conspiracy. Its power will allow you to attract a performer to yourself. The second method is based on calling otherworldly forces. It is the spirits who will bring you the culprit of the situation, and you can give back the damage. Exists large number strong spells against damage with return. You just need to choose the one that suits you best.

    Before you begin the ritual, think carefully and understand the problem. Are you ready to punish the enemy in this way and give him everything back? How can such a ritual resonate and how safe is it for loved ones? Will good luck leave your family after the ceremony?

    Ritual on the nail

    This ritual has long been especially popular among those who have long devoted their lives to magic. How is it unique and what makes it special? Is it possible to perform the ritual yourself? How to return damage back using a nail? If you are interested this question, then you are on the right track. To return the damage back, you need to take a nail and read a special curse on it.

    “Whoever decided to harm me, I wish to give him back the damage. I don’t need black magic, because it completely destroys my life. I, the servant of God (name), use a nail to return damage to the enemy. On ordinary person sent a curse, and I ask you to return it to the offender. I am a victim who was sent undeserved negativity. Let him who sent it take it back. The Lord created us with equal rights. And I’m trying to return the negative with candles. I will only give to the enemy what he sent me. Let him know who he cast the evil eye on. Let the negativity return to the owner who casts a spell on me. You know, Lord, I wish that the backlash could destroy the forces of evil. I want to cleanse myself and return to my former life. Amen".

    These words have great power, so in the near future you will be able to give the damage to the performer. No one thinks about who they are attacking, and the energy is spoiled. Even an enemy should not take revenge with magic. You should always remember that there are two sides to the coin. How to do the right thing is the decision of someone who is faced with such a problem. Punish the magicians or hope that someday the magician will be punished? It's up to you to decide.

    Ritual using wax

    To the question of how to return damage back, the answer is quite simple. You need to prepare a few ingredients.

  • A container that needs to be filled with clean water. Do not use tap water. It will be better if holy water is used.
  • Wax. It is prohibited to use paraffin. The wax must be in its pure form.
  • You can get rid of the negative impact and return it to the customer in a very simple way. First of all, melt the wax until liquid. Pour a small amount onto the water. In this case, be sure to read the following plot:

    “I pour out the wax for one purpose. I wish that the damage would return to the one who sent it to me, the servant of God (name). I don't want negativity in my life. He only ruins it. I wish to remove the damage and give it to the witch with a boomerang. My blow will remove the forces of evil. I am someone who cannot be offended without consequences. To you, sorcerer, I return the blow, but I try to remove it from myself. Amen".

    This ritual will not only make the damage go to the one who caused it, but will also point you to the performer of the ritual. You can return negativity to the enemy, only then you will be no different from him. You can try to act smarter and not stoop to the level of your enemy.

    How will the offender manifest himself after the ritual? There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on how experienced the magician was in causing damage. Everyone reacts to honing differently: some come directly to the house, others torment you with calls. This is because damage comes to them very painfully. Such people are ready to do anything to get rid of the negative impact that they themselves caused.

    Summoning otherworldly forces

    A very dangerous ritual. Especially for those who are encountering magic for the first time. It is highly not recommended to carry it out on your own. Here you need to clearly know the sequence of actions and the subtleties of the ritual. It happens that after calling on otherworldly forces, they remain in our world, which is a very bad sign. This ritual will allow you to learn how to return the evil eye to the one who cast the evil eye. This ritual is based on summoning devils. They are the ones who act as assistants, allowing you to give away the evil eye. You must prepare the old keys. Boil water and throw the prepared keys into it. Now you need to read a special plot.

    “Whoever sent the evil eye on me, the servant of God (name), will have to deal with otherworldly forces. I wish to give back what is mine after damage - just like karma always comes back. I need to regain my health and never lose it again. Whoever otherworldly forces are hugging now, let them remove all the negativity. Amen".

    The ritual can even get rid of obesity. Most often, in order to eliminate a rival, women send negativity towards her, which spoils appearance. They believe that in this way they can return their husband from his mistress. If you return the evil eye, then you need to remember your own protection. Since you are resorting to black magic, the consequences will be negative. That is why, before passing on the evil eye, it is important to protect yourself from otherworldly forces. This way you will not only minimize the likelihood of energy damage, but also strengthen the ceremony itself, because your energy will be higher than usual.

    Return of negativity to the lunar phase

    Many people are interested in the question of how to ensure that the damage is returned to the customer. It's simple. Prepare a lunar calendar in which you mark the twenty-seventh lunar day. It is important to note that removing damage with a return requires some preparation. You must remember that you should not consume alcohol or meat products for seven days before the ritual. If you do not adhere to this requirement, then the moon will not give evil to the customer, because you ignored its requirements. To remove damage with return, it is necessary that your aura is clean. You should not use profanity, communicate a lot with people, feel unpleasant emotions and have a negative attitude towards everything. All these factors only clog your energy, which will negatively affect the result.

    After you fast, take raw meat and read the hex:

    “I never knew how to say goodbye to negativity. And at some point higher powers decided to save me from suffering. The dead never shed tears and never regret what they did. Let the dead take upon themselves all the evil that was sent to me, the servant of God (name). Let all illnesses and poor health disappear and never return. I have been looking for a long time for a way to give away negativity, and I finally found it. I adhered to a strict fast, and I ask the moon to help me fulfill my request to win back the damage. Amen".

    You need to read the plot twice. After this, the meat must be buried at the crossroads. A few days later, go to church and light a candle for the health of the one who sent the evil eye on you. Yes, it will be unpleasant, but the ritual requires it. This method will allow you to quickly send the negative back to the customer.

    Deliverance through salt

    You've probably heard that salt has some magical properties. In any case, it is often used in magic. This ritual was created by Natalya Stepanova herself. In order to return damage through salt, you must use the following ritual. The salt needs to be fried in a frying pan for about half an hour. After this, the salt is poured under the first tree. Next, you should look at the night sky and count twenty-one stars. Turn to heaven to help you pass the evil eye on to the one who cast the evil eye. Salt is considered the most in an efficient way in order to cleanse the energy.

    Now the questions of how to return the negative or how to return the imposed damage should be completely resolved. Tatar methods will help you protect yourself from magical effects on for a long time. With the help of a photo, it is easy to remove the witchcraft sent to you, because you urgently need to restore the energy of the victim. Otherwise, you can suffer so much that even prayer will not be able to cope. It is necessary to understand not only the fact on whom the evil eye is being cast, but also on whom it will return.

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    Magical influence is always fraught with many unpleasant consequences. Some performers think through all their actions in advance in order to minimize the damage. Before you return the terrible damage back, think several times and weigh the pros and cons. You don’t need to think that, having done you harm, you, by returning it to the offender, are evening the score. Any evil is punishable and, before taking such a step, you need to think carefully and decide how important it is for you, so to speak, to take revenge. Of course, if there is no other option to remove the negative magical effect, then you simply have no choice. Any magical intervention is considered a sin that must be atoneed for. After the ceremony, go to church and ask for forgiveness in front of the icons. There is no need to think that you have restored justice. In fact, any evil is punishable.

    Today, courts often accept electronic correspondence as written evidence. However, to do this, it must have legal force. Meanwhile, clear and uniform rules and methods for determining the legitimacy of virtual correspondence have not yet been developed, which leads to a large number of problems.

    Let's look at several ways to give emails legal force.

    Long gone are the days when the only means of communication were letters written on paper. The development of economic relations between economic entities is no longer conceivable without the use of information technology. This is especially true when counterparties are located in different cities or even countries.

    Communication via electronic communication helps reduce material costs, and also allows you to quickly develop a common position on specific issues.

    However, such progress should not be viewed only on the positive side. Various disputes often arise between subjects of economic relations; to resolve them, they turn to the courts. The court makes a decision based on an assessment of the evidence provided by the parties.

    At the same time, the relevance, admissibility, reliability of each evidence separately, as well as the sufficiency and interconnection of the evidence in their totality are analyzed. This rule is enshrined both in the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (clause 2 of Article 71) and in the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation (clause 3 of Article 67). In the process of determining the admissibility and reliability of the evidence provided, the court often asks questions, the solution of which significantly affects the outcome of the case.

    The use of electronic document management in relations between business entities is regulated by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, in paragraph 2 of Art. 434 states: an agreement in writing can be concluded by exchanging documents via electronic communication, which makes it possible to reliably establish that the document comes from a party to the agreement.

    In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 71 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation and paragraph 1 of Art. 75 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, written evidence is business correspondence containing information about circumstances relevant to the consideration and resolution of the case, made in the form of a digital record and received via electronic communication.

    To use electronic documents in legal proceedings, two conditions must be met. Firstly, as already indicated, they must have legal force. Secondly, the document must be readable, that is, contain information that is generally understandable and accessible to perception.

    This requirement stems from general rules legal proceedings, which presuppose the immediacy of judges’ perception of information from sources of evidence.

    Often, the court refuses to admit as evidence to the case materials electronic correspondence that does not meet the above conditions, and subsequently makes a decision that does not satisfy the legal requirements of the interested party.

    Let's consider the main ways to legitimize electronic correspondence before and after the start of proceedings.

    Working with a notary

    If the proceedings have not yet begun, then to give the electronic correspondence legal force, you need to involve a notary. In paragraph 1 of Art. 102 of the Fundamentals of Legislation on Notaries (Fundamentals) states that, at the request of interested parties, a notary provides evidence necessary in court or an administrative body if there are reasons to believe that the provision of evidence will subsequently become impossible or difficult. And in paragraph 1 of Art. 103 of the Fundamentals stipulates that in order to secure evidence, the notary inspects written and material evidence.

    According to paragraph 2 of Art. 102 Fundamentally, a notary does not provide evidence in a case that, at the time interested parties contact him, is being processed by a court or administrative body. Otherwise, the courts recognize notarized electronic correspondence as unacceptable evidence (Resolution of the Ninth AAS dated March 11, 2010 No. 09AP-656/2010-GK).

    It is worth recalling that, based on Part 4 of Art. 103 Fundamentals, provision of evidence without notifying one of the parties and interested parties is carried out only in urgent cases.

    In order to inspect evidence, a protocol is drawn up, which, in addition to a detailed description of the notary’s actions, must also contain information about the date and place of the inspection, the notary conducting the inspection, the interested parties participating in it, and also list the circumstances discovered during the inspection. Sami emails are printed out and filed with the protocol, which is signed by the persons participating in the inspection, by a notary and sealed with his seal. By virtue of the Determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2010 No. VAS-4481/10, the notarized protocol for the inspection of an electronic mailbox is recognized as appropriate evidence.

    Currently, not all notaries provide services for certification of emails, and their cost is quite high. For example: one of the notaries in Moscow charges 2 thousand rubles for one page of the descriptive part of the protocol.

    A person interested in providing evidence applies to a notary with a corresponding application. It should indicate:

    • evidence to be secured;
    • the circumstances that are supported by this evidence;
    • the grounds for which evidence is required;
    • at the time of contacting a notary, the case is not being processed by a court of general jurisdiction, an arbitration court or an administrative body.
    Considering the technical process of transmitting emails, the places where email is detected can be the recipient's computer, the sending mail server, the recipient mail server, or the computer of the person to whom the electronic correspondence is addressed.

    Notaries inspect the contents email box or remotely, that is, they use remote access to a mail server (this may be the server of a provider providing an electronic communications service under a contract; a mail server of a domain name registrar or a free Internet mail server), or directly from the computer of the interested party on which an e-mail program is installed ( Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Messenger, etc.).

    During a remote inspection, in addition to the application, the notary may need permission from the domain name registrar or Internet provider. It all depends on who exactly supports the operation of mailboxes or an electronic mail server under the contract.

    Certification from the provider

    Resolutions of the Ninth AAS dated 04/06/2009 No. 09AP-3703/2009-AK, dated 04/27/2009 No. 09AP-5209/2009, FAS MO dated 05/13/2010 No. KG-A41/4138-10 stipulate that the courts also recognize the admissibility of electronic correspondence , if it is certified by the Internet service provider or domain name registrar who are responsible for managing mail server.

    The provider or domain name registrar certifies electronic correspondence at the request of the interested party only if it manages the mail server and such right is specified in the service agreement.

    However, the volume of electronic correspondence can be quite large, which in turn can complicate the process of providing paper documents. In this regard, the court sometimes allows the provision of electronic correspondence to electronic media. Thus, the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, making a Decision dated August 1, 2008 in case No. A41-2326/08, referred to the admissibility of electronic correspondence provided to the court on four CDs.

    But when considering the case in the appellate instance, the Tenth AAC, by its Resolution dated 10/09/2008 in case No. A41-2326/08, recognized the reference to electronic correspondence as unfounded and canceled the decision of the court of first instance, indicating that the interested party did not submit any documents provided for by the concluded parties agreement.

    Thus, emails relating to the subject of the dispute must be submitted to the court in writing, and all other documents can be submitted on electronic media.

    Confirming the contents of letters by referring to them in subsequent paper correspondence will help prove the facts stated in virtual correspondence. The use of other written evidence is reflected in the Resolution of the Ninth AAS dated December 20, 2010 No. 09AP-27221/2010-GK. Meanwhile, the court, when considering the case and assessing the evidence provided by the parties, has the right not to consider paper correspondence with links to electronic correspondence admissible.

    He only takes it into account and makes a decision based on a comprehensive analysis of all the evidence presented.

    Get help from an expert

    If the proceedings have already begun, then to give the electronic correspondence legal force it is necessary to exercise the right to attract an expert. In paragraph 1 of Art. 82 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that in order to clarify issues that arise during the consideration of a case that require special knowledge, the arbitration court appoints an examination at the request of a person participating in the case, or with the consent of the persons participating in it.

    If the appointment of an examination is prescribed by law or a contract, or is required to verify an application for falsification of the evidence presented, or if an additional or repeated examination is necessary, the arbitration court may appoint an examination on its own initiative. The appointment of an examination for the purpose of verifying the evidence presented is also provided for in Art. 79 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

    In the petition for the appointment of a forensic examination, it is necessary to indicate the organization and specific experts who will carry out the examination, as well as the range of issues for which the interested party decided to apply to the court to order the examination. In addition, information about the cost and timing of such an examination should be provided and the full amount to pay for it should be deposited with the court. The involved expert must meet the requirements established for him in Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On State Forensic Expert Activities in the Russian Federation”.

    Attachment to the case materials as evidence of an expert's conclusion on the authenticity of electronic correspondence is confirmed by judicial practice (Decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated 08/21/2009 in case No. A40-13210/09-110-153; Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow Region dated 01/20/2010 No. KG-A40 /14271-09).

    Based on the contract

    In paragraph 3 of Art. 75 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation notes that documents received via electronic communication are recognized as written evidence if this is specified in the agreement between the parties. Accordingly, it is necessary to indicate that the parties recognize the same as the originals legal force correspondence and documents received via fax, Internet and other electronic methods communications. In this case, the agreement must specify the email address from which electronic correspondence will be sent, and information about the authorized person authorized to conduct it.

    The contract must stipulate that the designated email address is used by the parties not only for work correspondence, but also for the transfer of work results, which is confirmed by the position of the FAS MO in Resolution No. KG-A40/12090-08 dated January 12, 2009. The Decree of the Ninth AAS dated December 24, 2010 No. 09AP-31261/2010-GK emphasizes that the contract must stipulate the possibility of using e-mail for approval terms of reference and making claims regarding the quality of services provided and work performed.

    In addition, the parties may provide in the agreement that notices and communications sent by email, are recognized by them, but must be additionally confirmed within a certain period by courier or by registered mail(Resolution of the Thirteenth AAS dated April 25, 2008 No. A56-42419/2007).

    To summarize, we can say that today there is a practice of courts using electronic correspondence as written evidence. However, taking into account the requirements of procedural legislation regarding the admissibility and reliability of evidence, virtual correspondence is taken into account by the court only if it has legal force.

    In this regard, a large number of problems arise, since a unified methodology for determining the legitimacy of electronic correspondence has not yet been formed. The right of an interested party to contact a notary in order to secure evidence is enshrined, but there is no regulatory act of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation regulating the procedure for the provision of such services by notaries. As a result, there is no single approach to determining their value and forming a clear mechanism for implementing this right.

    There are several ways to give electronic correspondence legal force in order to present it as evidence in court: securing electronic correspondence from a notary, certification from an Internet provider, by reference to emails in further paper correspondence, as well as confirmation of their authenticity by forensic examination.

    A competent approach to the timely provision of electronic correspondence as written evidence will allow business entities to fully restore their violated rights when resolving disputes.

    In this article I will describe several of the most popular and effective ways get a copy (scan) of your passport. I’ll tell you how you can get both fictitious and real copies of documents in almost any quantity. All methods are not secret, they can be found on the Internet; but I have not seen an article that is close in terms of the number of methods covered and the quality of description.

    Considering the topic and main contingent of this forum, I think you can skip the lecture on who needs scans and why. But if suddenly someone doesn’t know this, believe me, it’s better not to know.

    Please note that this article is written for informational purposes only. Those who read my work, I hope, will not fall for scammers in the future. Using the article for personal (evil, selfish, fraudulent) purposes is at your own peril and risk.

    I will describe everything on behalf of the scammers so that you can feel for yourself what it all means. And, as I said, don’t fall for the tricks!

    1. RF SCcreater - small but smart
    - copies of passports for absolutely any data
    - unlimited number of scans
    - good quality (1625x2340)
    - lack of entered data in reality

    This program was created in order not to give your copy of your passport into the hands of alleged fraudsters, but to give a fictitious one and see what happens.
    A simple interface that even an inexperienced PC user can understand.

    2. I will give you a loan
    - copies of real passports
    - copies of mostly young people
    - ease of extraction
    - it’s easy to get up to 20 scans a day

    There is a group on VKontakte called “Need money? Borrow here!” You can view the group by going to .
    We go to the “Lend” section and write that we can lend. How many and what conditions depend on your imagination (but the simpler it is, the better). Soon we will receive messages from those who need money. Under the pretext of an identity card, to whom the funds are being transferred, we ask for a scan to be sent to the post office. We get the scan, we don’t lend it.

    3. There is a vacancy
    - receiving REAL scans using YOUR data (region, age, gender, etc.)
    - mostly copies of middle-aged people
    - increased mining difficulty
    - a large “untilled field” for work

    On any job search site we create a vacancy that will easily interest the people you need. You indicate gender, age, region and other data and wait for those who want to “get a job.”
    After a short correspondence, ask to send a scan of your passport for “preparing documents” or for another purpose (again, it all depends on your imagination). After receiving the scan, the vacancy for the person is closed.

    4. Looking for a job
    - the same as in the previous version

    This is the same option as above, only in reverse. We ourselves look for the resume of any person whose data is suitable for our purpose, then we proceed according to the scheme above.

    5. Buy a navigator
    - real copies
    - ability to select a region
    - average difficulty of obtaining

    We go to any popular message board (Avito, Slando, etc.).
    We are looking for any small item for sale in the region you are interested in. Preferably electronics. We write to the seller: “Could you, dear, send the goods to city N?”
    If a person agrees, then he will most likely ask for an advance payment (if anything, you can offer it yourself). We, in turn, agree to his condition, but ask to send a scan to “make sure that you are a real seller.”
    We receive a scan and forget about the product.

    6. Letters of happiness
    - ineffective method
    - ease of implementation

    We are writing a small colorful letter on behalf of some entertainment portal where you can win money or a prize. Contents of the letter: "Congratulations, you are the random annual winner!" (again I remind you of fantasy).
    “We ask you to e-mail [such and such] a copy of your passport to make sure that you are you.”
    By the way, on the Internet there is free services, allowing you to send a letter from almost any domain. Even from [email protected]

    7. Meet a man
    - real copies
    - mostly male
    - average mining difficulty

    I think this method is one of the most popular. We register a girl on a dating site, the photo can be taken on the Internet (VKontakte, prostitute sites, but not very frank). When a guy takes the bait, we text each other and move on to a meeting. When it came to a date, we ask for a scan under the pretext that “I’m a young girl, I don’t trust photos on the Internet” and we receive (if everything works out correctly) a copy of the passport.

    Show your imagination
    I have described the most basic methods that are found on the Internet. With ingenuity and imagination, scammers can come up with new scam options to get your scan. But one way or another, all options will be similar to those described by me. Be vigilant and don't fall for scammers!
    If I have not described any method that is fundamentally different from mine, please add it below. We will be grateful!

    Remember! There are always suckers! It will be good if you and I don’t end up in their shoes!

    Greetings to my readers, I have gained experience and will tell you about the principles of operation of the PHP feedback form. I will show you with clear examples so that you understand how everything works and how the interaction occurs between the input form itself (its input fields) and the handler file written in PHP. In addition, you can download the sources for free along with .

    Of course, it will be great if you have at least a little understanding of HTML / CSS because... You will have to drag the code onto your page by analogy. We will not touch on the PHP language; I will show you all the necessary changes that you need to make for yourself.

    UPDATE: Based on the responses from readers, I realized that I need something more beautiful and functional, please meet me, check it out and take a look. Choose which one you like best)

    UPDATE2: Version 3.0 Adaptive Landing+ ajax form with transmission of UTM tags, read and take a look. You'll like it

    I remembered myself when I first tried to create a feedback form in PHP on my own, and to be honest, it was labor-intensive, because... I didn’t understand what and how was happening. Patience and perseverance, friends, and you will succeed.

    PHP feedback form - structure

    We will study the analysis of the feedback form itself using an example landing page (Landing Page), by the way, there is a separate article on. You can see how it works in action using the buttons below, I am attaching the sources of this one-page page and the main php handler file (this file will process and send the email)

    After downloading the sources and unpacking the archive, you will see the following file structure:

    • image - all images that are used for the Landing Page itself, buttons, etc.
    • js - javascript scripts that provide, for example, a popup modal window on the page and other visual effects
    • index.html - index file of our one-page page
    • index1.php is a handler file into which values ​​from the form are transferred, then a letter is generated from the received variables and sent to the specified email address. Index1.php will also act as an intermediate notification page about the successful sending of data with automatic redirection back to index.html (i.e. our one-page page)

    It is important that your hosting, where the site files are located, supports PHP processing, otherwise the index1.php file will not be executed and will not work. To clarify this nuance, contact the campaign where your hosting is registered or just test it - it works, it means there is support. If not, then enable the php language support option

    Take a look at the diagram of how all elements interact (page, form, handler)

    Source code for calling the form and handler

    Let's take a look at how one of the buttons works, which brings up a modal pop-up window containing a feedback form. This given source code- it’s not just one, two inserted on the page and it will work, you will have to customize it yourself to suit your design and needs.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Request a call back Request a call back

    Request a call back Request a call back

    Below is the complete source code of the index1.php handler, in order to set up sending to your mailbox, change “ [email protected]"to your own, the rest, in principle, can be left unchanged

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 You will be contacted

    You will be contacted body ( background: #22BFF7 url(img/zakaz.jpg) top -70% center no-repeat; ) setTimeout("location.replace("/index.html")", 3000); /*Change the current page address after 3 seconds (3000 milliseconds)*/

    Checking the functionality of the form

    Call up the window and enter the data for test check our form

    Let me remind you once again, your hosting must support processing php files, otherwise our handler will simply not be executed and no letter will be sent to the specified email address. The result of a successfully completed feedback form

    That's all for me, I tried to convey the meaning and operation of the script in the best possible way. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me in the comments or on VK (see contact details). I wish you easy and productive work To you.