• Reinstalled Windows what to do. How to reinstall Windows: step by step instructions. Lack of required software components

    Installation of plastic windows and doors does not always lead to the results that the customer plans. Either the plastic turns yellow after a couple of months, then after installation, cracks go along the frame ... Otherwise, the money has been paid, but the ordered plastic structures are still missing. What to do in cases when there are problems with PVC windows and balcony doors, lawyers of the Consumers Union tell "Roskontrol".

    1. The first thing to do is to determine the type of problem, lawyers advise.

    The most common problems associated with the purchase and installation of PVC windows and doors are of two types:

    · Violation of deadlines

    1. You have made an advance payment, and the contractor is delaying the production and delivery of the PVC windows and doors you ordered.

    2. The contractor failed to comply with the stipulated terms for the installation of plastic structures.

    Important! If the problem is related to the deadlines, then the claim should be written to the one who violated the deadlines.

    · Product defects or installation defects

    1. The ordered product (windows and doors) was delivered on time, but it turned out that it was defective.

    2. Installation work was carried out on time, but was carried out poorly.

    3. During the operation of windows and doors, their hidden manufacturing defects were revealed.

    Important! If the problem is related to defects, in the first case, you make a claim to the seller. In the second - the performer. In the third case, when the defect appears over time, it is not always immediately clear who is to blame. Either the marriage is manufacturing, or it's your fault and you misused the product. Either the imperfections of unscrupulous installers have borne fruit.

    In the latter option, it is better to conduct an independent examination to make sure that the seller or the contractor is at fault. And in addition to assess the exact extent of the damage.

    2. Conduct an examination

    In the event that the product has a manufacturing defect, or there are installation defects, but the manufacturer / contractor refuses to take responsibility and eliminate the shortcomings, conduct an independent examination that will confirm the non-compliance of the quality of the product or service with the declared standards.

    · Having found out with the help of experts who is really responsible for this or that problem that has arisen, contact the responsible person with a claim.

    · If the defect is of a manufacturing nature - then to the seller.

    · If this is an installation defect - then to the company that was engaged in the installation of plastic structures in your apartment or office.

    Important. Not always defects are non-working fittings, gaps between the wall and the window block that have not been sealed, or cracks in the plastic. Poor quality materials used in the manufacture of plastic windows and doors can become a source of dangerous toxic substances - for example, phenol or formaldehyde. If their content exceeds the maximum permissible concentration (MPC), this is also a reason for making a claim to the seller with the requirement to eliminate the shortcomings and compensate for non-pecuniary damage.

    3. Write a claim

    · Write a claim addressed to the management of the company with which you have concluded a contract of sale or a contract for the manufacture / installation of windows.

    · Indicate in the claim to whom and from whom it is, put the date of writing, indicate the essence of your claim and your requirements.

    · Make a claim in 2 copies. Keep one of them, signed by the management of the seller (executor), for yourself.

    · The company refuses to accept the claim? Send it by registered mail. The document will be delivered directly to the addressee. Postal employees will be able to confirm the date of delivery of the letter of claim (this will be required in court proceedings).

    Attach evidence to the claim - copies of checks, warranty cards, a copy of the contract for the purchase of goods or services (a certified copy of the examination report, if any).

    · In case of refusal or leaving the claim unanswered within 10 days - contact the supervisory authorities (Rospotrebnadzor), file a lawsuit in court.

    Be careful when signing a contract

    Often, customers read the contract of sale or the contract for the performance of work inattentively. Then, if there are complaints about the quality and installation of products, corresponding problems arise. To avoid them, the contract should stipulate:

    The subject matter of the contract. (What exactly are you buying. Is it buying a finished product or making windows and doors to your size).

    · The cost of the order, the size of the advance payment, the procedure and terms of payments. (If the terms are not specified, there will be difficulties in calculating the penalty).

    · Exact terms of the beginning and the termination (execution) of the contract. It is good if intermediate deadlines for the completion of individual stages of work are indicated.

    What services are included in the price. Usually these are conditionally free services of a measurer and delivery of finished products to your address. If there are no such items, get ready to pay extra for them in the future.

    ·Guarantee period. If it is not there, refuse the work or goods of this company.

    Attention! Most often, one contract is concluded for three types of work at once: for the manufacture, supply and installation of plastic windows. This agreement is a mixed purchase and sale agreement and a household contract. If the company installs its products itself, this is normal, since all possible claims will be presented to one addressee.


    · The seller and the executor may be different. If the seller himself does not carry out the installation, but recommends a subcontractor for the installation work, a separate contract for the work should be drawn up with the latter. Such an agreement must contain the name and location (legal address) of the contractor's organization; the type and terms of the service, its price; warranty periods; a note on payment by the consumer of funds; a sketch of products signed by the parties with an indication of the dimensions; position and signature of the person who accepted the order, and also the signature of the buyer.

    · If you are not satisfied with any clause of the contract, demand changes. Do employees of the company assure you that the contract cannot be amended? Lie. This cannot be done only if the contract is classified as public.

    ·Keep one of the copies of the written contract signed by both parties, at least until the end of the warranty period. Also keep all attached documents, incl. sales and cashier's checks.

    In addition, at the stage of concluding a contract, ask the seller (manufacturer, etc.) to show documents confirming the safety of materials used in the manufacture of window structures (declarations of conformity (for windows), hygiene certificates).

    Your rights in case of failure to meet delivery or installation deadlines

    Faced with such a problem as a violation of the deadlines for the performance of work under the contract for the manufacture and installation of plastic windows? The seller or contractor is obliged to pay a penalty for each day of delay.

    The terms of delivery of plastic structures from the manufacturer/seller to the buyer have been violated:

    · According to paragraph 3 of Art. 23.1 of the Consumer Protection Act, in case of violation of the term for the transfer of the prepaid goods established by the purchase and sale agreement, the seller pays the buyer a penalty - 0.5% from the amount of the advance payment for the goods for each day of delay.

    The penalty is collected from the day when, under the contract of sale, the transfer of goods to the consumer should have been carried out, until the day the goods are actually transferred to the consumer or until the day the consumer's demand for the return of the amount previously paid by him is satisfied.

    · However, you should not think that the longer the seller does not give you your order, the greater the amount of the penalty you will receive. By law, the amount of the penalty cannot exceed the amount of the advance payment for the goods.

    If the goods are delivered on time, but the installation deadlines are violated, the penalty is calculated differently:

    · According to Part 5 of Art. 28 of the Consumer Protection Act, in case of violation of the established deadlines for the performance of work, violation of the new deadlines for the performance of work assigned by the consumer the contractor is obliged to pay the consumer for each day of delay a penalty in the amount of 3% cost of doing the work. For each day, starting from the day when, under the contract, the work should have been performed until the day the work was actually performed, including by court decision

    The amount of the penalty collected by the consumer cannot exceed the total penalty for the performance of the work.

    If defects are found

    · Manufactured defects visible at the time of delivery. For example, the measurer made incorrect measurements, and the windows do not match the openings. Either the fittings do not work properly, there are cracks in the double-glazed window, etc. When accepting a window, check that there are no visible flaws on it, check that the window or balcony door closes and opens without effort. If you see flaws, indicate them in the acceptance certificate.

    · Hidden Defects appear after installation. It takes time to appreciate the consumer qualities of windows and doors, the quality of installation for the presence of hidden defects. Only over time, the color of the profile may change, or cracks may appear, excluding the tightness of the window unit.

    Important! Windows are usually installed in the summer. And most of the hidden defects appear in winter, when it becomes clear that window blocks do not meet their purpose of protection from the cold, and not just from noise and dust.

    In accordance with Article 18 of the Law on Consumer Rights Protection, upon discovering the shortcomings of the work performed (service rendered), you have the right to demand that these shortcomings be eliminated for you immediately and absolutely free of charge.

    ·You can demand a commensurate reduction in the purchase price.

    ·Also, if you corrected the deficiencies yourself or by engaging third parties, you can claim compensation for the costs incurred by you to eliminate the deficiencies.

    · If the shortcomings are significant, feel free to demand the termination of the contract and the return of the funds paid under the contract.

    Did the contractor make an attempt to correct something after your comments? Be sure to ask him for documentary evidence of the elimination of deficiencies.

    If defects are found in the installation / assembly of metal-plastic structures, then in accordance with Art. 29 and 30 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, in addition to the above, you can set a reasonable time that you are ready to give the contractor to eliminate the shortcomings, for example, 7-14 days.

    If the defect is not corrected within the time period set by you, then a penalty of 3% is due from the contractor for each day of delay.

    Important! If you find any shortcomings, send a claim to the contractor, indicating your requirements for the free elimination of shortcomings in the work and the deadline for such elimination.

    If the deficiencies are not corrected, file a lawsuit.

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    The cause of drafts, a low level of heat or sound insulation can be several reasons at once: poorly made windows, installation, claims to which appeared immediately after the installation of structures, as well as the desire of buyers to save on components. And today, the last point is mentioned less and less often when explaining the unsatisfactory performance of products, as buyers, taught by collective life experience, try not to purchase economy-class models and order only from trusted manufacturers. As a result, low-quality windows can most often end up with the client for two reasons - as a result of a manufacturing defect or due to improper installation. This article will explain in detail what buyers need to do in such situations.

    Determine the root cause

    If immediately or for some time after the windows were installed in the house, there were problems with their operation, it is necessary to understand what exactly provoked this. When there are no obvious traces of marriage and defects, it is recommended by a special method of profile structures. How to do this, read on OknaTrade. If no violations were found during the inspection, then the correct installation should be carefully checked - there is also a detailed article on this topic. Those who doubt their abilities can invite an independent expert - sometimes in such situations, customers immediately turn to the consumer protection society, but a large part of the buyers decide to act on their own.
    Seasonal deformations of an unreinforced profile or the absence of an inert gas in a double-glazed window can generally be detected only in winter due to sudden drafts or critical heat losses. Due to the lost time, difficulties may arise when making claims, so many experts recommend installing windows not in the summer, but. This allows not only to quickly identify all the shortcomings, but also to save a lot of money.

    What to do when the cause of problems with windows is identified

    If the whole problem is in the installation, you can first try amicably to resolve the issue with the installers. To do this, contact the representative of the company or the head of the team and explain the essence of the problem. Responsible organizations value their reputation and prefer not to bring things to a scandal. Practical experience shows that normal installers will arrive at the facility within the agreed time and eliminate the problems that have arisen.

    In cases where such actions are ineffective, and the installers ignore the informal requests of the window customer, the claim can force unscrupulous performers to change their behavior. At the same time, the complaint should be written not just in the form of a chaotic narrative, but according to certain rules:

    • the claim must be made in 2 copies, one of which remains with the customer, and the second is transferred to the contractor;
    • in the complaint, the first step is to indicate the exact name and address of the organization that undertook the execution of the order;
    • do not forget to leave your contact details - full name, phone number and address;
    • briefly and in great detail describe the essence of the problem, however, it is not required to list all the defects - it is enough to indicate the main drawback;
    • specifically and unambiguously indicate in the claim what exactly the contractor must do - return the funds, make a discount on products or replace the windows with new ones;
    • indicate the time range during which the performer is obliged to solve the problem - usually the period is 10 working days;
    • set the date and subscribe.

    Sample claim for poor-quality installation of plastic windows

    When transferring a claim to the contractor, you need to attach copies of sales receipts and the contract, and it is also recommended to play it safe in case the complaint is ignored. In this case, under favorable circumstances, an important document will turn into useless paper. To prevent this from happening, it is best to send a claim by registered mail. In this case, the delivery service, if necessary, will be able to confirm the delivery of the complaint.

    During the transfer of the claim, it will not be superfluous to recall that the next step in solving the problem is litigation. Such information has a sobering effect on contractors, because they immediately understand how far the client is ready to go in defending their consumer rights.

    What to do if the claim was ignored

    If, within the specified time frame, the complaint about low-quality plastic windows is ignored, and the representatives of the company either avoid contact or refuse to eliminate the shortcomings in various forms, it is necessary to resort to the help of a statement of claim. When submitting, it must include:
    • the exact address of the organization whose employees provided low-quality services;
    • the name of the court;
    • your own contact details;
    • Full name of the head of the organization - it is in his name that a claim is drawn up;
    • a brief and understandable description of the essence of the problem;
    • the results of an independent examination and an agreement with checks.

    Winning such a case in court with all the supporting documents is not so difficult. Some customers are afraid of the corruption component, but this is exactly the case when it is easier for the defendant to satisfy the plaintiff's demand than to get involved in dangerous and expensive adventures.

    A claim to the court is filed only after the expiration of the deadline, which in the claim was set aside for the elimination of deficiencies. Before this date, the application will not be accepted and will not be considered.

    What to do if the problem is in the windows themselves

    If the essence of the problem is in the profile structures themselves, and not in the quality of their installation, it is recommended to act in a similar way - verbal appeal and writing a complaint in case of refusal to resolve the issue. In this case, there are cases when a claim should be written immediately:
    • windows, the sample of which in the company's showroom differs from the models delivered to the site;
    • profiles have a gray tint or yellow spots with stains;
    • the fittings work disgustingly, and traces of corrosion are visible on the surface of the mechanisms.
    Such problems usually occur when the seller has decided. In such situations, it is better not to give time and room for maneuver, but to immediately proceed to tough actions. The first of these is a claim sent by registered mail.

    Hi all! Often, after installing the operating system, new users have questions: what to install next and in what order? What should be configured first? Since over the past 20 years I have installed a huge number of operating systems, I have long matured a cunning plan of action on this subject, which I will share with you. Immediately, I note that my plan is suitable for absolutely any Windows.

    What to do after installing Windows

    So, you have installed a completely bare system and the first thing you need to do isyou need to activate it (beginners often forget about this and have to go to the client again), but there are nuances and here are some. First, if you have been asked to reinstall the operating system on the laptop, then you can installon it the same OS that was on itpreinstalledfrom the store, for example:Windows 8.1 for one language or Windows 10 Home, in this case you do not need to activate anything, the OS will activate itself after you connect the Internet, since the system key is embedded in the BIOS of the laptop.

    You can ask me:“But how can you find out the version of factory Windows that was preinstalled on a laptop if you cannot enter Windows itself?” Friends, you can find out the edition of Windows installed on a computer device from the store, as well as the system license key sewn into the BIOS, even if there is no hard drive on the laptop, you can do this by using .

    If automatic activation does not occur, then activate Windows manually - go to the system properties ( right click on the icon"This PC"), then press«Activation» →« Change product key», after that, enter the key (how to find it, I told you) in the field and click"Further" , Windows will be activated.

    In order to check the activation status of the system, again go to the system propertiesand at the bottom of the window you will see the necessary information.

    Driver installation

    The golden rule that should not be neglected is before installing drivers and any program operating system.

    Next, you need to install all the missing drivers. A huge number of drivers are sewn into Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, and the update center also works great, with which, which cannot be said about previous versions. In total, I highlight 3 ways to install drivers.

    From discs bundled with certain equipment.

    Which one to use is up to you, each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Since I am a very busy person and I do not always have free time, I use additional software - Snappy Driver Installer, although I understand that downloading and installing drivers from off-site manufacturers is more correct. Whatever method you choose, just remember that the “firewood” must be installed in a certain order, namely: Chipset → Management Engine Interface → Video Driver → Sound → everything else.

    For those who decide to install everything manually, I will show you where to look for the drivers missing in the system. To do this, again right-click on the “This PC” icon and in the window that appears, select “Device Manager” on the left.

    I have all the necessary drivers and the window looks like this.

    If the system is missing some driver, you will see a characteristic yellow exclamation mark next to the device name.

    Browser installation

    The next step on my list is to install the most important programs you need anyway.

    Chrome - https://www.google.ru/chrome/browser/desktop

    Mozilla - https://www.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/new

    Yandex - https://browser.yandex.ru/desktop/main

    Opera - http://www.opera.com/ru/computer/windows

    Installing programs

    You can download installers (installers) of all programs to your flash drive or portable USB hard drive and install software for clients from a portable device.

    Microsoft Office or Open Office

    Next, I install a set of office programs (Excel, Word, Power Point). If you do not have a license, then it is not necessary to use the pirated version, you can use the free analogue - Open Office



    The next required program is WinRar or any other similar archiver (7-Zip, WinZip).

    Winrar - http://www.win-rar.ru/download

    Winzip - https://winzip.ru.softonic.com

    7-zip - http://www.7-zip.org/download.html



    Torrent client

    Next in line is a torrent client. Personally, I use , but I will leave links to Download Master and Zona, suddenly someone will come in handy.

    Torrent - https://utorrent.info/skachat-utorrent

    DM - https://westbyte.com/dm/index.phtml?page=download

    Zone - http://zona.ru/download.html

    PDF Readers

    After that, I install a program that can open .pdf files, because this format is the most common for e-books, instruction magazines

    Acrobat Reader - https://get.adobe.com/en/reader

    Foxit Reader - https://www.foxitsoftware.com/en/products/pdf-reader

    Next - communication software.

    Discord - https://discordapp.com

    Monitoring the technical condition of the computer

    This is where the list of programs for everyday needs ends, but do not forget about the health of our computer. You go to the doctor periodically, and your electronic friend also needs to be examined from time to time. Therefore, be sure to install programs to monitor the status of your PC and sometimes contact them in order to timely identify problems.

    First in line is the famous AIDA64, formerly known as Everest Ultimate, which displays detailed information about your system and all components. Download link


    After Aida, we install programs for separate detailed monitoring of the central and graphic processor (CPU-Z and GPU-Z)



    Optimizers, defragmenters and PC tweakers

    You will also need and - a program for updating and optimizing the logical structure of the disk partition. Someone uses the built-in one, but if for some reason you do not want to use it, I can offer you a good alternative in the form of Auslogics Disk Defrag. It is up to you to decide whether to use third-party software, I just remind you that this kind of program should be on any computer.


    Various optimizers and tweakers such as , , in my opinion, are completely optional for the operating system, because with the proper skill you can configure most of the tweaks offered in them yourself, but if they are vital for you, or just too lazy to configure everything manually, then do not forget to install them.

    Windows 10 users face various problems that can lead to difficulties while working with the system. One of these problems can be considered the occurrence of an error in the browser with the message “Cannot establish a connection to the site. The connection has been reset."

    Why does the error "Unable to connect to the site" occur?

    The cause of this error is considered to be a disconnection from the Internet at the time of establishing a connection to the site. Most often this is a temporary phenomenon, and you can get rid of the problem by simply reloading the page. However, when the problem occurs regularly several times during the day, you need to find a way to fix it.

    What to do if you can't connect to the site

    This problem can occur for various reasons, therefore, in order to resolve it, it is recommended to follow the recommendations below in sequence.

    Windows update

    The Windows 10 operating system is constantly evolving and needs to be kept up to date by regularly downloading and installing updates. Most often, updates are installed automatically, but if this does not happen, various problems may occur during system operation. We recommend that you independently check if a Windows 10 update is available, and if it is, then update the system:

    If installing an operating system update did not help to cope with the error, proceed to the next step in the instructions.

    Problems with network hardware drivers

    Also, a possible cause of the error in question is incompatible network equipment drivers with the new version of Windows. For example, if the connection is made through a Wi-Fi adapter, and its drivers are not compatible with the current version of the operating system, such problems may occur.

    You can check if the problem is related to the drivers by connecting the computer to the Internet in another way. For example, connect a computer to the Internet without a network card using a USB modem (which can be a smartphone). If there are no breaks with such a connection, then you need to update the drivers of the network card and the device through which the connection is made, for example, a Wi-Fi adapter.

    There are two options for updating drivers to the latest version. The first way is to download drivers for specific hardware from the official website of hardware developers. And the second way is to automatically search for drivers for the device by selecting the appropriate item in the hardware properties, which can be accessed through the "Device Manager".

    Problems with network equipment settings

    If updating network equipment drivers did not help get rid of the problem, you can reset the settings of the devices responsible for accessing the Internet. To do this, you need to run the command prompt as an administrator, and then sequentially run the following commands:

    netsh winsock reset netsh int ip reset ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ipconfig /flushdns

    After executing all the commands, restart your computer and check if the problem is still there.

    User change

    If none of the tips above helped resolve the problem that you cannot connect to the site, we recommend that you check if the error persists when you change the user. To do this, start a local account like this:

    If none of the above methods helped to get rid of the problem, and you are sure that it is not due to drivers or hardware problems, reinstalling Windows is the right solution.

    Bought a brand new laptop or built a computer, installed Windows and ... What's next? We went to the Desktop, and there is only the Recycle Bin. Even if you bought a laptop with Windows already installed, you still need to configure and install other programs. For what? To improve the performance of your device.

    Everyone should have a list of programs that need to be installed immediately after installing the operating system. I have prepared my list. The programs below are suitable for most versions of Windows (XP, 7, 8 or 10). But, first of all, you need to deal with the drivers.

    For those who have a pirated version! First of all, disable the "Firewall" and "Windows Update" - they are in the "Control Panel". Then activate Windows.

    1. Driver

    Drivers (firewood) is software that is responsible for the performance and proper connection of other programs to the hardware of a computer or laptop. For example: Wi-Fi will not work without the appropriate driver, the monitor will distort the image (stretch, use the wrong resolution), there will be no sound, etc.

    Note A: In Windows 10, after connecting to Wi-Fi, the system itself finds and installs all the necessary drivers.

    The first step is to check what is installed and what is not. Many people have pirated versions of Windows, and many people buy laptops with DOS(without an installed operating system) and then install pirated versions. That and when pure licensed Windows - you still need to install drivers. But before that, you need to check which of them are installed and which are not. To do this, right-click on the shortcut My Computer > Properties > Device Manager:

    If you have all the drivers installed, then there will be this picture:

    If some driver is not installed, then a yellow exclamation mark will appear next to it:

    There are three ways to install drivers:

    from the official website of the manufacturer. For example, if the laptop is ASUS, then you need to search on the site asus.com;

    from the disk that was included (if there was one at all);

    using Driver Pack Solution.

    Some drivers may automatically install standard ones, which we do not need. For example, a standard driver can be installed on a video card and then it will not work at full capacity, which will affect the graphics in games or when working in serious photo or video editors.

    The best way to install drivers- download from the disk (if it was in the box) or from the official site. Each driver is installed separately. The included disc usually only has drivers for one particular version of Windows. The best and optimal solution is to go to the official website of the manufacturer, find the “Drivers” item in the “Support” menu, select your version of Windows and install from there. In this case, you will get the maximum efficiency and performance from your device.

    Rule: Always download and install drivers from the manufacturer's official website.

    4. Antivirus

    There are paid and free. Leaders among paid - Kaspersky, Eset,Dr. Web. Leaders among free - Comodo,Avira,Avast. I have a free Comodo Internet Security which fully copes with its functions. If you have extra money, buy a paid antivirus for a year. But protection is a must.

    5. Archiver

    Telegram. Where do without him. Very useful and smart messenger. Must have.

    Notepad++. Convenient and functional text code editor with support for dozens of programming languages ​​and more. Syntax highlighting, plugins, themes and more.

    virtual box. A program that allows you to have two operating systems on one computer. For example, you can install Windows 10 as primary and Linux as secondary. The program completely virtualizes the presence of a second OS.