• Word large spaces between words. How to automatically remove extra spaces in Word


    First, you need to determine what caused the deformation of the text. To do this, on the control panel of the MS Word document, click the icon ¶ “Display all characters”. Your document will display all the characters that are not visible in normal mode(spaces, input sign, and so on).

    The most simple reason appearances are “doubling” spaces, that is, placing not one, but two or more spaces between words. Dealing with this problem is quite simple. Select Replace from the Document Control Panel. When a new window opens, “Find and Replace,” enter two spaces in the top line and one in the bottom line, then click the “Replace All” button. Word will automatically change all double spaces to single spaces. Do this several times until the dialog box that appears says “ Word application completed the search in the document. Number of replacements made: 0." Click OK, close the Find and Replace window, and continue working in Word.

    The second reason: the use of non-breaking spaces in web formatting. When showing hidden ones, the non-breaking space is also visible - it looks like (small circle above the word). Removing them is also quite simple, using the same autocorrect feature as in the case of double spaces. Before the Find and Replace window, highlight the icon non-breaking space and copy it with the right mouse button or Ctrl+C. Then paste it into top line window “Find and Replace” (also using the right mouse button or the Ctrl+V keys), and type a space at the bottom. And click "Replace All". Here it is enough to do it once.

    Finally, the third reason for stretching the distance between words is the use of non-breaking input in web formatting (the symbol when displayed looks like an arrow bent to the left). IN in this case, Unfortunately, automatic replacement or any other automatic Word trick cannot be applied. Most quick way To align the formatting in such a situation - put a tab (that is, press the Tab key) at the end of each line, or manually replace the non-breaking input with a regular one (Enter key).

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    Transfers, separating words by syllables, are common to see on the pages of fiction books. However, in cases where the text is not read, but skimmed, hyphens only distract the reader’s attention. This fully applies to texts for the web. Formatting methods in well-known editors also make it possible to make the text readable and even, without resorting to breaking words into syllables. Therefore, if you are preparing a report or text for a website, you may need to remove hyphens before publishing them.


    First of all, decide what you are editing in Microsoft program Word. In MS Word there are two options to delete in . They differ depending on the way in which the hyphens were originally placed. There are also two options for hyphenation: manually and .

    If hyphens were placed using automatic placement, go to the “Tools” menu and select “Language”. Select "Hyphenate" from the drop-down menu. You will see a small window with settings for this function. To hyphenate, uncheck the Automatically hyphenate option and click OK.

    If the hyphens were placed manually, then they will have to be forcibly removed manually. However, this option is quite long and labor-intensive. For this case, MS Word provides . Go to the "Edit" menu and select the "Replace" command. A similar action occurs when pressing the Ctrl+H keys. In the Find and Replace window that appears, expand additional options by clicking the "More" button. At the bottom you will see a “Special” button. By clicking on it, select “Soft” from the list. In the main search window, a special “^-” will appear in the “Find” field. To remove hyphens, leave the “Replace with” field empty. Next, replace each character found or automatically remove all hyphens in .

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    Changing the distance between words in the texts of web pages is not such a trivial task as it might seem. Two, three or more consecutive spaces between adjacent words, according to standards HTML language, will not affect the distance between them in any way - the browser will display them as a single space. But, of course, there are tools to solve this problem.


    One option is to use a special HTML character, which is called " " (non-breakable-space). It is displayed in the same way as a regular space, but the peculiarity is that if two words are separated by such a special space, the browser will consider it to be one single word that cannot be separated. Due to this feature, the browser will not interfere with the display of several of these placed in a row, i.e. will not replace multiple spaces with one. This special character is indicated by the following set of characters: "&nbsр;" (without quotes). Look in source code document paragraph of text with words, separated by these special characters, maybe like this:

    This is a sample of a paragraph of text.

    Here distance between the first and second it will be normal, between the second and third it will be doubled, and between the third and fourth it will be tripled.

    Much more control distance m between words using a style specification language (CSS). In CSS, the corresponding definition might look like this: word-spacing: 15px; Here is the size of the space between adjacent words at 15 pixels. A style attribute can be added to almost any tag. For example, a paragraph tag with this attribute specifying distance 20 pixels between all words paragraph might look like this:

    Paragraph of text with magnified distance m between words

    Typically stylesheets are placed in the header or in separate files. In such a block you can set several values ​​for the distances between words and package them into different classes, and in the body of the document indicate links to the corresponding classes in tags. For example, a description named dblSpace might look like this: And the paragraph tag from to this in the body of the document will be, for example, like this:

    A paragraph with wide spacing between words

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    Having too big spaces between words in the text may be due to several reasons. Both the reasons themselves and the methods for eliminating them largely depend on the format of the document, since changing the distance between words, used, for example, in HTML documents is not possible in TXT documents and vice versa.


    Find out where the document is stored. Basic text formats(txt, csv, etc.) do not support formatting tags, so the most likely large gaps between words consist of using double (or more) or tab characters instead of regular ones spaces.
    To change the distance between words in such a document, open it in a text editor. You need to find and replace all spaces and tabs with single spaces. To do this, for example, in Microsoft, press the combination CTRL keys+ H. In the replacement dialog that opens, enter two spaces in the “Find” field, and one space in the “Replace with” field and click the “Replace All” button. Then open the replacement dialog again, click the “Find” field and click the button "More". In the opened additional panel Find the “Special” button, click it and select the “Tab character” line from the drop-down list. In the Replace With field, type a space and click the Replace All button. If you used double tabs or triple spaces, you must repeat these replacement procedures several times.

    If the text is stored in files doc formats, docx, etc. support formatting, then one more is added to the reasons given above. It consists in the fact that all or part of the text is set to “width” alignment. Open the document in a text editor that has options for working with text formatting - for example, in Microsoft Word. Select the desired part of the text and press the key combination CTRL + L. With this command you will set the normal alignment (left).

    This problem occurs very often among users. text editor Microsoft Word is like huge spaces between words that disfigure the appearance of the document. Let it be a thesis, an essay or an accounting report, in any document such an oversight will immediately catch the eye. There are several reasons why this problem may arise; we will look below at illustrative examples of how to remove large spaces between words, based on a specific reason for the appearance of huge indentations.

    Justifying text - mistake #1

    In the Word text editor, users often work with text alignment centered, right or left. But the most common formatting of text is width alignment, which is where all lines are stretched across the entire width of the sheet, thereby creating huge long intervals between words.

    This situation can be easily corrected if the format is not important when submitting the document. You can make text without wide spaces in the following way:

    There is another simple option for how to get rid of the huge distance between words - this is to replace the large gap with a regular standard space. The following steps need to be taken:

    There is another way, but it is quite difficult and time-consuming. This is a combination of keys such as: CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR. In this case, you need to manually select each wide indent and press the specified key combination. The large indent will be replaced with a small one. If the document has a small number of pages, then this method will probably be relevant.

    Mistake #2: Unprintable character

    When using keys such as “Enter” and “Shift”, it moves to the next line. If the document is still set to justify, the result will be gaps that are too long. The situation can be corrected in the following way.

    Extra spaces in documents created in the Word text editor are quite common. Beginners are especially guilty of them computer users who try to align texts by setting numerous spaces, which ultimately results in difficulties with subsequent editing text documents. You can also find large spaces between words and in documents experienced users. Here they arise most often due to the peculiarities of text alignment to the width of the document. In this article we will talk about how to correct the situation in both cases.

    You can see all the problems with spaces in your document by turning on display mode hidden characters formatting using this button in the main menu of the text editor.

    In a properly formatted document, in which there is only one space between words, there should be only one period between those same words. If there are more dots, then the document contains extra spaces, which it is desirable to remove. In the example below, all extra spaces are marked with red squares.

    How to remove extra spaces in Word
    Solutions offered on the Internet recommend using a search for double spaces and replacing them with single ones. But what if you use not only double spaces, but also triple ones or those containing four, five or more spaces in a row? You can, of course, auto-replace first five spaces with a single, then four, then replace triples and get to doubles, but there is a more elegant solution. You must also use search and replace, but use a macro substitution as the search source in the form regular expression. It sounds complicated and incomprehensible, but it is implemented quite simply as follows:
    Wildcard expressions can also be used to find and replace other characters in a document by replacing the space with the appropriate character.

    How to remove extra characters in Word when aligning text width
    The problem with wide justified spaces occurs when the length of the words contained in a line does not allow for the intended text alignment other than by setting large spaces between words. Most often this happens in subheadings, when there are few words in the lines, and the text editor cannot automatically hyphenate the words. Enforcing the use of non-breaking spaces can help in this case.

    This is done as follows.
    The examples discussed above were shown using text as an example Word editor 2007. In other versions of this program, namely Word 2003, Word 2010, Word 2013 and Word 2016, everything is done in the same way.

    It is worth raising the question of how to remove the gap between words in Word. It should be noted that large intervals can arise for various reasons. This includes formatting incorrectly, as well as using special characters.

    Often this problem occurs in individual parts of the text, but can occur throughout the document.

    Checking formatting

    First, it is recommended to make sure that justification is active. When this option is enabled, the editor must format the document in automatic mode. Using justification, the first and last letters of lines are placed on a common vertical line. As you know, this is impossible with equal intervals between words, so they increase. As a rule, visual perception of such text becomes more difficult.

    On one side

    To resolve the issue of how to remove big gap between words in Word, it is suggested to use the “Left Align” function. This makes it possible to set an equal distance. Thus, the following actions are performed:

    1. The text that requires processing is selected (you can press the Ctrl+A key combination if you need to change the formatting throughout the document).
    2. Go to the “Home” tab located in the editor control panel.
    3. The “Paragraph” section opens.
    4. Used special function for alignment or use the corresponding key combination Ctrl+L.

    Removing special characters and tabs

    To solve the question of how to remove large spaces between words in Word, you should make sure that the Tab button has not been used in the text. To do this, you must enable the indication of non-printable characters. You will need to visit the “Paragraph” section. When you use this feature, you can see how small dots appear in place of the spaces. Where a tab is used, there is an arrow. To fix the problem, use the BackSpace key in several text fragments. If we are talking about mass formatting, you will need to use other methods.


    To eliminate the gap between words in Word, you need to copy any of the tab characters. Then you need to activate the search and replace function by pressing the key combination Ctrl + H. After this, in the new window you should go to the “Replace” tab. Next, you will need to insert the character that was copied earlier in the “Find” column and enter one space in the “Replace with” item.

    On next stage You must click on the “Replace All” button. After the required action has been completed, you need to reactivate the non-printing character mode. If there is an indication that the cause of large gaps is extra spaces, you should proceed in a similar way. In this case, the search and replace function is used. You must enter two spaces in the “Find” column and perform a search. Then you need to specify three spaces and perform the same actions. In the future, you should continue to increase the number of indentations until a solution to the problem is obtained.

    When using DOC or DOCX files, you can use advanced editing. To do this, open a document in Word and make the required settings. It is worth noting that performing a similar operation in web documents is not difficult. There is a special word-spacing function in their code. It allows you to set the desired spacing between words in a document. In addition, it is proposed to make changes to the letter spacing, if necessary.

    Description of ways to reduce unnecessary distances between words - large spaces - in Microsoft documents Word, taking into account the peculiarities of performing these actions for versions 2003, 2007, 2010.

    How to remove large spaces in Word 2010 and 2007

    1. Large spaces between words in a document can be caused by the applied text alignment to fit the width of the page. If it is optional, you need to click the “Align Left” button on the formatting panel to change the alignment.

    2. To remove duplicate spaces, use the “Replace” menu item on the control panel. In the Find and Replace dialog box that opens, enter two spaces in the first field and one space in the second. After this, you need to place the text cursor at the beginning of the edited text and click the “Replace All” button in the dialog box.

    As a result, double spaces in the text are converted to single spaces, and the program will tell you how many such replacements were made. Press the “Replace All” button until the number of replacements made equals 0, because there can be not only two, but three, four or more spaces between the words of the text.

    3. Sometimes long distances between words may be due to the use of other characters (for example, tabs, non-breaking spaces). You can identify characters that are not visible in normal mode using the “Display all characters” button, which looks like the “Pi” icon and is located on the control panel above the “Paragraph” group. After clicking it, you need to repeat the replacement operation, entering not a double space in the first field, but the copied separating character.

    How to remove large spaces in Word 2003

    The operation of eliminating extra spaces in Word 2003 is also carried out through the search and replace dialog, the work with which is described above for Word programs of newer versions. The differences are minimal.

    Here this dialog box can be called up as follows: using the “Edit” menu item, select the “Find ...” command and go to the “Replace” tab in the dialog box that appears; or just press Ctrl+H.

    To search for other spacing-increasing symbols, you need to enable the “Show all symbols” button, which is placed in version 2003 on the “Standard” toolbar in front of the zoom window (this button is often hidden, and in order to see it, you need to click the down arrow on the toolbar ). Found characters should also be converted to single spaces through search and replace.