• GOST stamps for word. We make a stamp according to the guest in a microsoft word document

    Diploma and course projects are evaluated according to two main criteria: content and design. And although students traditionally believe that the main thing is the content, at the defense of a diploma it happens that some great work deduct points for inaccuracies in the design. To prevent this from happening, it is better to immediately comply with all formal requirements.

    General parameters for the design of the thesis are regulated GOST 7.32-2001, which applies to all text documentation of research papers.

    According to what GOST to make frames

    In engineering and technical universities in the design of theses, it is required to use frames. Framework standards are regulated by a separate document. This GOST 2.301-68 "Formats", one of many in the code of GOST ESKD - unified system design documentation. The dimensions of the frames are indicated in table 1 of this GOST:

    According to GOST, on a sheet of A-4 format, the frame should be 210x297 mm. Indents from the edge of the sheet with this size will be equal to:

    Left - 20 mm

    Right, top, bottom - 5 mm.

    Frame templates in a text document are of the following types:

    Such frame standards are used in the design of the title page, explanatory notes, drawings, tables and graphic documents in scientific projects.

    How to fill frame stamps

    In the lower left corner of the frame there is a plate - a stamp, the fields of which are also filled in in accordance with GOST, detailed information is entered on the first page of the document. On the second and subsequent pages, the stamp is filled in in a simplified form.

    Stamp on the first (title) page of the document:

    The following information is entered in the stamp fields scientific work(numbers correspond to the figures above):

    1. - product name (in accordance with GOST 2.107-68);
    2. – document designation;
    3. - letter assigned to the document (GOST 2.103-68);
    4. serial number sheet (if there is 1 sheet in the document, the field is not filled in);
    5. - the total number of sheets of the document;
    6. - the department where the student is studying;
    7. - the nature of the work;
    8. - names of persons certifying the document;
    9. - signatures of persons whose names are indicated in field 11;
    10. - date of signing the document;

    Fields 14-19 in the study paper are not required to be filled in.

    An example of a stamp for the title page of a drawing work in a diploma, given on the website of the Kazan university:

    Ready-to-download frame sets in WORD format

    Frames can be made manually in the Word editor or download ready-made templates on the Internet.

    In order not to look for frames on third-party resources that may be unsafe, you can download in the form ZIP archive or separate files the necessary framework.

    Frame format - A4, all parameters correspond to GOST.

    In the kit you will find:

    A4 sheet with a frame - List_A4_s_ramkoj.docx

    A4 sheet with a frame and a large stamp for the first page - List_A4_s_ramkoj_bolshim_shtampom.docx

    A4 sheet with a frame and a small stamp for subsequent pages - List_A4_s_ramkoj_malym_shtampom.docx

    A4 sheet with a frame and a cell for the page number - List_A4_ramkoj_jachejkoj_dlja_nomerov_stranic.docx

    You can fill in frame stamps in Word according to the requirements of your university. To add frames to your work, you need to copy the entire contents of the template page and paste it into new page open document.

    Sheet with a frame for the thesis in the tabular EXCEL format- Ramka-dlja-diploma-v-excel.xlsx(The site administration thanks Anastasia Kazarova for the provided framework)

    An alternative way to create frames is to create templates

    Eat even more convenient way creating a framework. You can install on basic package Microsoft Word is an additional template that allows you to insert the required type of frame into any document you create.

    To set the pattern option

    1. Open the Forms A4 folder in the archive and extract the file of the same name with the extension “.dot” from there.
    2. Then find the folder on your computer Program Files where collected installation package programs, in it go to the folder Microsoft Office> Office 14 (other numbers may apply) > Startup.
    3. Drag to this folder specified file Forms A4 - and the template is installed.

    To work with frames, open new document Word, a security warning will appear on top - press the button "enable macro content". At the top right in the toolbar, a new item "Add-ons" will appear, in which you will see different frame templates. Choose the one you need and start filling out.

    To make your document look elegant and neat, we recommend adding borders to it. Frames allow you to highlight your text in a particularly careful way, and the contents of the document will be picturesque, stylish and brightly framed. In this article, we will talk about how to work with frames in Word, how to add and remove them.

    Frames are an elegant way to decorate your text and make it more readable and digestible. In addition, in this way you can give your document a little charm, because with frames, even the most “dry” content will be favorably highlighted and more noticeable.

    How to add frames in Word 2003?

    In older versions of Word, to add a frame, you have to climb a little on the menus. So, open the desired document, in the top menu we find the "Format" tab and select the "Borders and Shading" menu item.

    In the form that opens, open the "Page" tab, where we mark the width, line type and frame. In addition to this, it is worth specifying to which part of the document we are applying the border. Confirm the specified settings by clicking the "OK" button.

    That's it, the frame is ready. As you can see, nothing complicated and extraordinary. However, as a result, you will get a spectacular custom frame.

    How to add a frame in Word 2007, 2010?

    In later versions of the text editor Word algorithm adding a frame is very similar, and even more intuitive. The only difference is that now instead of top menu you have to access the tape, and everything works exactly the same way.

    Open a text editor, expand the document you need in it. On the ribbon, find the “Page Layout” tab and in the “Page Background” section, turn to the “Page Borders” element.

    As a result of such simple and simple manipulations, the “Borders and Shading” form opens in front of you. Open its "Page" tab. Here we specify the color of the frame, its width and type. Here we determine which part this document frame should be used.

    After that, everything is ready, the frame is added and flaunts in the margins.

    In Word 2010, the procedure is absolutely similar, so we will not dwell on this in detail.

    How to add a frame in Word 2013, 2016?

    IN next version Word's process of adding a frame has undergone some changes. If earlier the menu item we needed could be found on the ribbon in the “Page Layout” section, now you can access the corresponding functionality in the “Design” category. Here, in the "Page Background" section, open the "Page Borders" section, and, as in any other versions of Word, set all the necessary parameters to add a border.

    Framing a paragraph allows you to highlight an important idea, and a frame around the page decorates or is needed according to the requirements for the design of certain types of documents. We will tell you how to make a frame in - for a fragment of text or for all sheets, including a frame with a stamp in accordance with GOST.

    You can select a fragment of text with a regular rectangular frame or a curly one.

    regular frame

    How to make a frame in Word around text:

    • Select the text you want to frame. It can be a single sentence or an entire paragraph.
    • On the toolbar, on the Home tab, click the Borders icon in the Paragraph section.
    • Choose which sides of the paragraph you want borders on.

    in order to change appearance lines or frame text, open the last item of the submenu "Borders and Shading". Change the type, color and width of the borders. In the "Sample" box, set which sides to put the lines on. If you want to draw frames for each taken line, in the "Apply to" item, select "Text" - the lines will be framed separately. In the "Fill" tab, adjust the background color and pattern.


    Do beautiful frame You can use different shapes. Go to the "Insert" tab, in the "Illustrations" section, click on "Shapes". In the drop-down list, select an image from the list - rectangles, stars, arrows, callouts, and more. Click on the selected image, place the cursor in right place sheet, hold down left button mouse and move it sideways - a figure will appear on the page. To insert text into a frame, right-click on the image and select "Add Text" from the menu.

    The shape frame can be changed at any time - click on it, the "Format" tab will appear in the menu. Various styles, fill patterns are available on it, you can change the direction of the text, add WordArt objects. Such a frame is easy to move around the document - just hold down the mouse button on it and move the pointer in any direction - or copy, the text content will also move.

    Page framing

    Let's figure out how to insert a basic frame in Word. We need the Page Borders tool, depending on the version of the program, it is located in the tab:

    • 2016: "Designer";
    • 2013: "Design";
    • 2010 and in Word 2007: "Page layout";
    • to create a frame in Word 2003, select the item of the same name in the "Format" menu.

    In the window, set the frame - the type of borders, the format of the lines, their color and width, for patterned frames - a picture. In the "Sample" section, set the border locations.

    You can apply the created drawing to the entire document - in this case, the same frames will automatically appear on all sheets. Or to separate sections, for which you must first place the section break symbols in the right places.

    Using Templates

    To draw up documents in accordance with GOST, use special frame templates that can be downloaded for free on the Internet. A template is a ".dot" format file. Once downloaded, open it like a normal document. A security message about running macros will appear - allow the content to be included. The toolbar will show new inset"Add-ons".

    How to insert a frame in Word: select the desired frame with a stamp and click on it. A frame will appear on the current sheet, you just have to enter the data in the fields.


    We figured out how to make a frame in Word. The program provides interesting tools to create strict or insert beautiful frames. You can make your own frames or use ready-made templates to quickly get the finished result.

    Now I will show simple example you can quickly create round stamp in Microsoft Word. I won't show how to create a rectangular stamp, because it's even easier. In the process, the usual previously studied Word tools will be used, but in a slightly different way.

    In order to have fewer questions when reading the article, I highly recommend that you first read about the general principles of working with pictures and other non-text objects in Word. The fact is that when creating seals, this is also useful.

    It is also worth noting that this article is not intended for you to learn how to make "fake" seals using a common office program. This is just a demonstration of the possibilities. By the way, sometimes you need to put a facsimile signature or seal in 1C on a document, and there is standard functionality for this.

    An example of a round seal created in Word

    The result of all operations is shown below in the form of a figure. The "seal" created is, of course, very primitive, but it demonstrates the principle. I remind you that if you want to make something more difficult, then you need to spend much more time, and on your own. You should not hope that the Internet has exactly what you need - I have already spoken about the consequences of such an attitude to work.


    Any round seal has a rim, text in a circle, text or a picture in the center. Here possible options, one of which is shown in the picture. This is easy to do, but there is one thing to keep in mind.

    The main difficulties when creating a round seal in Word

    The main "difficulty" with is that you don't know how to make the text in a circle. It is because of this that they climbed onto the Internet to solve such a primitive problem. Guessed? Most likely it is.

    It only speaks of poor knowledge of Word, nothing more. Let's see how to make text in a circle and all that.

    There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

    We make a round stamp in Word on our own

    I will not explain how to make a bezel and a picture in the center. This is an autoshape and a regular picture from external file- everything is simple here. But the curved text is made using the properties of the Caption object. First, add an inscription to the sheet and write text inside. It is better to write the entire text at once, at least the one that forms one circle inside the "seal". This is all because the curvature of the text is more convenient to adjust.

    Next, select the Caption and in the Ribbon menu open the Format tab that appears, look for " Text effects", and in them - "transform / circle". That, in fact, is the whole trick with text distorted in a circle. In the same place, if desired, you can select any type of text distortion.

    If the "circle" distortion option is selected, then you also need to select the size of the inscription and font in such a way that the curvature of the text coincides with the curvature of the "print" rim, otherwise the text will not go exactly along the rim, but will go to the side. All other operations are clear and without comments.

    Summing up

    This is how you can create a round stamp in Word. It is worth noting that when printing on a black and white printer, all colors are converted to grayscale. Also instead of laser printer for prints, it's better to use an inkjet (remember why?) or print to a file and take it to where there is a color printer.

    I also remind you once again that this is just a demonstration of the program's capabilities. It is also worth noting that there are special programs for creating round pictures(not necessarily stamps / seals, but the principle is similar) - it is much more convenient to use them (for example, there is a program for printing on CD / DVD discs). Again, the 1C program has stamps on documents.

    Often the need to format the text arises not only as a result of the personal initiative of the author of the document. When creating manuals, manuals and preparing creative works information material often framed.

    The most popular text editor that every PC user is familiar with is MS Word. It is not only convenient and easy to use, but also allows you to create artistically designed works. How to prepare a colorful postcard or booklet using this editor?

    How to insert a frame in Word - Word 2003

    This version of the editor is currently quite rare, but it is still present on some computers.

    • Create a new Text Document(Word) or open an existing one.
    • On the toolbar, find the "Format" menu and click it.
    • In the list that opens, select the item "Borders and Shading".
    • A window will appear in which you are interested in the "Page" tab.
    • Now it remains only to choose the appearance and style of your frame.

    Frame type: choose how your frame will be - flat, voluminous, with a shadow or artistic (item "Other"). Set the type of contour - a solid line or a dashed one, its color and thickness.

    Artistic frame. If you want a more colorful design, use the "Other" frame type. Next, go to the item "Drawing" and among the options offered in the list, select the one that suits you.

    • In the right half of the window, you will see a preview of the frame.
    • If everything suits you, click "OK".
    • The frame is ready.

    How to insert a frame in Word - Word 2007, 2010

    These versions of the editor are very similar to each other, so the frame creation algorithm will be identical.

    • Open a text document or create a new one.
    • Find the "Page Layout" tab on the toolbar and go to it.
    • Among the sections that appear, select the "Page Background" block.
    • Next, click on the "Page Borders" icon.
    • A window with several tabs will open. To create a frame, you need a "Page".
    • Click on it and select the border style and color (in the same way as in the case of the Word 2003 version).
    • Evaluate the result in the field on the right.
    • Click "OK".

    How to insert a frame in Word - Word 2013

    • Open ready word document or create a new one.
    • Find the "Design" tab and click on it.
    • You will see a lot of sections, among which you select the "Page Background" block.
    • Click on "Page Borders".
    • The "Borders and Shading" window will open, in which you specify all the parameters for the future frame in the "Pages" tab (in the same way as when working with version of Word 2003).
    • Further, if the result suits you, click the "OK" button.

    How to insert a frame in a Word - the scope of the parameters

    The frame resulting from working with the "Page" tab will appear only on the page that was active at the time of work. If you need to create a similar border on each page of the document, the steps should be as follows:

    • Go to the "Borders and Shading" window (how to get into it is described above for each version of Word).
    • On the right side of the section, select "Apply to".
    • In the above drop-down list, select the pages on which the design in the form of a frame will be present.

    You can choose not only the style of the frame and its location within the document, but also the borders of the outline within the page. For this:

    • Go to the “Borders and Shading” window (how to get into it is described above for each version of Word).
    • If desired, your frame may not have 1 or 2 sides, as well as a top and bottom border. To do this, click on the corresponding icons in the "Sample" section.
    • Next, in the right part of the block, select the item "Settings".
    • You click on it.
    • You will be taken to a table in which you must, if desired, change the size of the fields and specify the location of the frame.
    • When the changes are completed, click the "OK" button.

    Work with text editor will not cause any difficulties, and as a result you will get the necessary framing of the text.