• I align large spaces in width. How to remove large spaces in Word

    Well designed, formatted, looks attractive. Sometimes it gets in the way long distances between words, making it “holey”, interfering with aesthetics and causing inconvenience when reading. In addition, sometimes serious formatting is required when preparing documentation. And you have to think about how to reduce the space between words in Word.

    There are several reasons for the appearance of such voids. When solving a problem, first find out the reasons for its occurrence. These could be hidden signs or you accidentally pressed the button twice. Below we will tell you why they form and how to remove them. large spaces in Word. The information is undoubtedly useful for novice users and more experienced ones who have had to deal with this task.

    1. You can find errors manually. To do this, on the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” section, activate “Display all characters”. All formatting symbols will become visible to you, the space looks like a dot in the middle between the words. If you see a double (two dots next to each other), you just have to remove one.
    2. In Word 2013, double/triple long spaces are highlighted as an error; you can fix it - remove the extra ones - by right-clicking on the highlighted error and selecting the desired option in the menu that appears.

    These methods are quite inconvenient and time-consuming. Therefore, we recommend using an automated option that allows you to remove unnecessary items from the entire Word file.

    1. You can quickly and easily remove extra spaces using the “Replace” function. In Word 2003 it is located on the “Edit” tab, and in Word 2007/2010 it is on the “Home” tab on the right, in “Editing”.
    • Click on "Replace".
    • In the window that opens, in the “Find” column, enter a double space.
    • In the “Replace with” column, put a single space.
    • At the bottom of the window, click the “Replace All” button.

    The editor will notify you of the results in additional window: “Word has completed searching the document. Number of substitutions made:..." Repeat the procedure until the editor shows 0 substitutions in the results.

    1. You can also see extra spaces using the spell check service on the website http://text.ru/spelling. Once you check there, you will see where they are (they will be highlighted by the program), then delete them in your Word document.

    Invisible signs

    The distance between words in a document can be increased by invisible characters. They usually appear after copying them into Word from the Internet. They can also be removed manually by opening them with the “Display all characters” button. If there are many such hidden characters, it is more convenient to remove them through replacement: after copying these characters, paste them into the “Find” column in the “Replace” window, leaving the bottom line empty (what we are replacing with).

    Professional layout

    You have large spaces between words and want to reduce them, for example, to reduce the number of lines. How can I artificially reduce a space in Word so that it just becomes shorter?

    • Select the part of the text where you want to reduce the distance between words. Using the “Find” - “Advanced Search” function, open the window, enter a space there and click “Find in”.
    • There, select "Current Fragment". You will see all the spaces in the selected text.
    • Activate the "More" button to add additional parameters. There at the bottom of “Find”, follow the links “Format” - “Font” - “Advanced” - “Spacing”.
    • In the list, click “Compacted”.
    • Install the seal you require, click OK.

    The distance between words will decrease, the text in Word will shrink and take up less space.

    Gaps between words, caused by copying text into Word and formatting it using the alignment function, reduce aesthetics. If you didn’t know how to remove long spaces in Word, try following the steps in our instructions, and you will see that it is not difficult, that you can format your texts yourself, and even do professional layout yourself.

    Description of ways to reduce unnecessary distances between words - large spaces - in Microsoft documents Word, taking into account the peculiarities of performing these actions for versions 2003, 2007, 2010.

    How to remove large spaces in Word 2010 and 2007

    1. Large spaces between words in a document can be caused by the applied text alignment to fit the width of the page. If it is optional, you need to click the “Align Left” button on the formatting panel to change the alignment.

    2. To remove duplicate spaces, use the “Replace” menu item on the control panel. In the Find and Replace dialog box that opens, enter two spaces in the first field and one space in the second. After this, you need to place the text cursor at the beginning of the edited text and click the “Replace All” button in the dialog box.

    As a result, double spaces in the text are converted to single spaces, and the program will tell you how many such replacements were made. Press the “Replace All” button until the number of replacements made equals 0, because there can be not only two, but three, four or more spaces between the words of the text.

    3. Sometimes large distances between words can be due to the use of other characters (for example, tabs, non-breaking space). Reveal characters not visible in normal mode, will allow the “Display all characters” button, which looks like the “Pi” icon and is located on the control panel above the “Paragraph” group. After clicking it, you need to repeat the replacement operation, entering not a double space in the first field, but the copied separating character.

    How to remove large spaces in Word 2003

    Elimination operation extra spaces in Word 2003 it is also done through the search and replace dialog, the work with which is described above for Word programs of newer versions. The differences are minimal.

    Here this dialog box can be called up as follows: using the “Edit” menu item, select the “Find ...” command and go to the “Replace” tab in the dialog box that appears; or just press Ctrl+H.

    To search for other spacing-increasing symbols, you need to enable the “Show all symbols” button, which is placed in version 2003 on the “Standard” toolbar in front of the zoom window (this button is often hidden, and in order to see it, you need to click the down arrow on the toolbar ). Found characters should also be converted to single spaces through search and replace.

    IN Microsoft program Word, like most text editors, has a certain amount of indentation (spacing) between paragraphs. This distance exceeds the distance between lines in the text directly inside each paragraph, and it is necessary for better readability of the document and ease of navigation. In addition, a certain distance between paragraphs is necessary requirement when preparing documents, abstracts, dissertations and other equally important papers.

    For work, as in cases where a document is created not only for personal use, these indents are, of course, necessary. However, in some situations it may be necessary to reduce, or even completely remove, the established distance between paragraphs in Word. We will tell you how to do this below.

    1. Select the text in which you need to change the spacing between paragraphs. If this is a piece of text from a document, use your mouse. If this is all the text content of the document, use the keys “Ctrl+A”.

    2. In a group "Paragraph", which is located in the tab “Home”, find the button "Interval" and click on the small triangle located to the right of it to expand the menu for this tool.

    3. In the window that appears, perform the required action by selecting one of the two lower items or both (this depends on the previous set parameters and what you need as a result):

    • Remove space before paragraph;
    • Remove space after paragraph.

    4. The spacing between paragraphs will be removed.

    Changing and fine-tuning the spacing between paragraphs

    The method we discussed above allows you to quickly switch between standard paragraph spacing values ​​and no spacing (again, the standard value set by default in Word). If you need to fine-tune this distance, set some of your own values ​​so that, for example, it is minimal but still noticeable, do the following:

    1. Using the mouse or buttons on the keyboard, select the text or fragment in which the distance between paragraphs needs to be changed.

    2. Call up the group dialog box "Paragraph" by clicking on the small arrow located in the lower right corner of this group.

    3. In the dialog box "Paragraph" which will open in front of you in the section "Interval" set the required values "Before" And "After".

      Advice: If necessary, without leaving the dialog box "Paragraph", you can disable adding spacing between paragraphs written in the same style. To do this, check the box next to the appropriate item.
      Tip 2: If you don't need paragraph spacing at all, for spacing "Before" And "After" set values “0 pt”. If intervals are needed, even if they are minimal, set a value greater 0 .

    4. The spacing between paragraphs will change or disappear depending on the values ​​you set.

      Advice: If necessary, you can always set manual interval values ​​as default settings. To do this, just click on the corresponding button in the “Paragraph” dialog box, which is located in its lower part.

    Similar actions (calling the dialog box "Paragraph") can also be done through the context menu.

    1. Select the text whose paragraph spacing settings you want to change.

    2. Right-click on the text and select "Paragraph".

    3. Set the required values ​​to change the spacing between paragraphs.

    We can finish here, because now you know how to change, reduce or remove spacing between paragraphs in Word. We wish you success in further mastering the capabilities of multifunctional text editor from Microsoft.

    If text document It was not typed by you, then you may be surprised by its design, for example, by the presence of large spaces. To deal with them, it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance, for which we will next consider the question of how to remove spaces between words in Word.

    There can be many reasons for the appearance of large spaces between words, and the most common of them is text alignment. With this alignment, each line, the continuation of which goes to the next line, is stretched in width from edge to edge, i.e. The first and last words on a given line are pressed against the edges of the sheet border. You can change the spacing between words in Word by choosing a different alignment method, for example, left alignment. You can find alignment options on the tab "Home" in the sector "Paragraph".

    Large spaces between words in Vaudres can also appear when setting several spaces in a row, but in Word 2013, double or more spaces are considered an error and are immediately highlighted. You can remove large spaces between words in Word by right-clicking on the highlighted error and selecting the suggested autocorrect option from the menu. But such option will do only for isolated cases, since only the first double or more space found in the text is highlighted.

    At large quantities If there are double or more spaces in the text, it is better to use autocorrect. On the tab "Home" find the point "Replace" and set up a replacement. In the column "Find:" two spaces should be specified, and in the column "Replace with:" one space, then press the button "Replace All" and repeat this procedure until the replacement results in zero objects.

    Well last reason the presence of a large space between words, these are established hidden characters, for example, tab. To see all the hidden symbols on the sheet, you need to go to the tab "Home" select item "Show all characters".

    Beautiful document formatting is half the work. After all, everyone will agree that reading a structured and perfectly composed article is incredibly pleasant. This increases interest.

    In this article we will talk about how to remove spaces between all paragraphs in Word. possible ways. After all, paragraphs are also part of formatting. And when there are awkward large indents between them, it is unaesthetic.

    Extra paragraphs

    First of all, before talking about how to remove large spaces between, it’s worth talking about a slightly different problem. Sometimes the culprit for such breaks is the negligence and inattention of the user himself. Instead of once, he can press the ENTER key twice. Thus, making two paragraphs. Now we will figure out how to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word if they are caused by a fault double click ENTER.

    Of course, you won’t see the number of paragraphs visually unless you activate a special option in Word. We'll talk about it now.

    First you need to visualize. This is done by clicking the corresponding button on the toolbar. You can easily see its location in the picture below.

    After clicking the button, all non-printable characters will become visible in the article. We are interested in only one thing - the paragraph. Its sign is the same as on the button that we pressed - “¶”.

    Now, all you have to do is look through the entire text for double paragraphs. And if such are found, one of them can simply be deleted.

    Applying styles

    Now, moving on to more serious problems, we will talk about how to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word 2007, if the reason for their appearance was incorrect formatting. We will analyze the simplest way, we will change the style of the text itself. Why 2007? The answer is simple. The fact is that it was in this version of the program that these same styles appeared. But if you have a later version, then you will have them too.

    So, the point is simple. Initially, you need to select the text itself. If all of it will be changed, you can use the CTRL+A keys. Having selected the desired fragment, you need to go to the "Home" tab, if you are not on it now. There, pay attention to the "Styles" area. You can scroll through them using the arrow in the center or open the entire list using the bottom one.

    By hovering your mouse over a style, you will see how your text changes after applying it. Finally, having chosen what you like, apply the changes.

    Using Paragraph settings

    If among all the styles you have not found a suitable one, then it is better to use full setup. Now we will tell you how to remove large spaces between paragraphs in Word through the “Paragraph” settings menu.

    Initially, you need to get into this very menu. To do this, click the corresponding button on the toolbar. It is located on the "Home" tab, and its exact location can be seen in the picture below.

    Once in the settings, make sure that the first tab is selected - “Indents and spacing”. As you might guess, among all the parameters we are interested in only one - “Interval”. You can see the exact location of the distance settings between paragraphs in the picture.

    In order to change the amount of space between paragraphs, you need to change the value of these two counters. In the case when you want to completely remove the gap, set the value to “0”.

    Once you have entered all the parameters, you should click the "OK" button to apply them. If you want to set the entered parameters to default, click the “Default” button, and in the window that appears, select for which document you want to save the settings.

    Change it in a couple of mouse clicks (first method)

    It should be immediately notedthe fact that using the previous method, you could make the most flexible adjustment of the spacing between paragraphs. Well, now we’ll talk about how to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word so that they don’t exist at all.

    This is done quite simply, you just need to find the desired button on the toolbar. It is located, as usual, on the “Home” tab, and you can see its exact location in the picture.

    Click on it to open a drop-down menu. In it we are interested in only one line - “Remove space after paragraph”. Of course, you can add a space here before the paragraph, as well as set it, but this is done at will.

    This was not the last way to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word; there is one more, which we will now move on to.

    Change in a couple of mouse clicks (second method)

    Now we will look at a way to remove spaces between paragraphs in Word 2010 and older. The point is that in earlier versions There is no program for this function.

    So, initially you need to go to the "Page Layout" tab. There you will find an area called "Paragraph". Now look for the fields that say "Interval" above them. They are responsible for the distance between paragraphs. To remove spaces completely, enter values ​​of "0". If you want to adjust the distance, then set the parameters manually.