• How to edit spaces in Word. How to remove large spaces in Word

    Before reducing spaces between words in the text, you need to find out the reason why they occurred. There may be several of them:

    • align text width;
    • extra spaces;
    • tabs between words or long spaces.

    All these problems can arise, for example, due to copying text from the Internet. To bring the text into proper form, it is necessary to get rid of all the above reasons in order.

    A common reason for large spaces between words is the alignment of text. With this alignment, words are evenly distributed along the entire length of the line by increasing the distance between them.

    To change this, you need to do the following:

    If the text formatting requirements indicate that width alignment is necessary, then the easiest way to reduce spaces is to set automatic word hyphens.

    To do this you need:

    If both methods did not work, then the problem was not with the text alignment. Perhaps it's a matter of extra spaces.

    Extra spaces

    You can remove extra spaces in the text manually, which will take a lot of time, or use the following algorithm:

    At this moment appearance The documents should already be improved. If there is still extra space between words, then perhaps the text has special characters that need to be removed.

    Tab characters

    Sometimes there may be tabs between words instead of spaces. To detect it, you need:

    1. On the “Home” tab, go to the “Paragraph” section and click on the “Paragraph” sign; when you click it, all hidden characters are displayed. The tab will appear as a small arrow.

    2. Next, you need to perform the same sequence of actions as when replacing a double space with a single one. To do this, in the “Home” tab, in the “Editing” section, click “Replace”.

    3. In the window that appears, insert a tab character in the “Find” field. To do this, click “More”.

    4. Then – “Special”.

    5. Select “Tab character” from the drop-down menu.

    6. In the “Replace with” field, put one space.

    7. Click "Replace All".

    Special characters

    Between words, sometimes instead of a regular space there may be a long space or a non-breaking space. If you click display hidden characters, then in the text they will be in the form of a circle instead of a dot.

    To replace long spaces with regular or short spaces, you need:

    Important! You can replace the regular space, which is placed using the keyboard, with a short space or ¼ space. But when standard size font (12 pt) the difference will not be very noticeable.

    Sometimes it happens that after typing text on last page There are a few lines left in the section, which is contrary to the layout rules. According to standards, the sheet must be at least 1/3 filled.

    To fix this, you need to perform the following steps:

    1. Select the last paragraph of a section, or better yet, the entire section. In the second case, the changes will not be so noticeable.

    2. Right-click and select “Font”.

    3. In the window that opens, go to the “Interval” tab.

    4. Select “Compacted”, and in the value field enter the minimum value of 0.1 pt.

    5. If there is still text on the sheet, you need to increase the size until all the extra text is on the previous page.

    Important! This method is also suitable for headings if one or two words are carried over to the next line. Another method: put a non-breaking space between words; to do this, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+Space” or special characters in the “Symbol” tab.

    Difference between Word 2003 and Word 2007

    The information presented in the article is relevant for Word versions 2007. The table shows the differences between text editor versions when formatting text.

    ActionWord 2003Word 2007
    Changing letter spacingFormat > Font >Home > Font > Spacing. Select "Condensed", enter a value, click "OK"
    Find and ReplaceEdit > ReplaceHome > Editing > Replace
    Insert special charactersInsert > Symbol > Special CharactersInsert > Symbols > Symbol > Other Symbols > Special Characters

    Once you find out the reason for large spaces between words in Word, you can easily eliminate it. To do this, you need to use the built-in functions of a text editor and tidy up the appearance of the document.

    You can also watch a thematic video on the topic of the article.

    Video - How to remove spaces between words in Word

    Sometimes when editing text in Word, the user is faced with an insoluble problem: how to reduce the spacing between words? If you master this skill, you can transform text into any form pleasing to the eye.

    Detailed instructions

    To understand this difficult issue, we will need to consider each action in detail.

    Step 1: Check text formatting.

    It's worth looking at the text alignment you've chosen. To do this, go to the tab "Home" and see the section "Paragraph". If it's worth "Align to Width", then it is not surprising that the spaces became long. In this mode, the beginning and end of each line will coincide with the previous ones.

    The fact is that the editor automatically stretches the text in those places where there are not enough characters.

    Step 2: Change text alignment.

    In order to remove too long intervals between words, you need to go to the tab "Home", in section "Paragraph" choose "Align Left".

    Compared to the previous state, it can be seen that the distance between words has become a standard size.

    If you don't want to go to different tabs, then you can use keyboard shortcuts. To highlight text, use the combination CTRL+A. To align left, click CTRL + L.

    Step 3: Check for tabs.

    It often turns out that tabs were used instead of spaces. To check, you must include non-printable characters. Go to the tab "Home". In the section "Paragraph" there is a button "Show all characters". Regular spaces will be indicated by raised dots, and tabs will be indicated by right arrows.

    Replace tab characters with spaces.

    In order to remove tabs and put regular spaces in their place, you need to go to the tab "Home" in the field "Editing" press the button "Replace".

    Copy one of the tabs into the search window, and put a regular space in the replacement line. Please note that the fields will be left blank as they will only be filled with spaces.

    If everything is done correctly, Word will notify you of the number of such replacements.

    Replacing double spaces with single spaces.

    There are times when a user enters a double space by mistake. In order to remove such marks, it is necessary to use a replacement, as in the previous paragraph.

    In the search field, copy a double space, and put a single space in the replacement window. Click on the button "Replace All".


    Despite large number checks for all reasons for long intervals, this must be done. Knowing this function will be very useful when editing documents of any type. We hope that in this article you will find answers to all your questions. We wish you good luck.

    Description of ways to reduce unnecessary distances between words - large spaces - in documents Microsoft Word taking into account the specifics of performing these actions for versions 2003, 2007, 2010.

    How to remove large spaces in Word 2010 and 2007

    1. Large spaces between words in a document can be caused by the applied text alignment to fit the width of the page. If it is optional, you need to click the “Align Left” button on the formatting panel to change the alignment.

    2. To remove duplicate spaces, you need to use the “Replace” menu item on the control panel. In the Find and Replace dialog box that opens, enter two spaces in the first field and one space in the second. After this, you need to place the text cursor at the beginning of the edited text and click the “Replace All” button in the dialog box.

    As a result, double spaces in the text are converted to single spaces, and the program will tell you how many such replacements were made. Press the “Replace All” button until the number of replacements made equals 0, because there can be not only two, but three, four or more spaces between the words of the text.

    3. Sometimes long distances between words may be due to the use of other characters (for example, tabs, non-breaking space). Reveal characters not visible in normal mode, will allow the “Display all characters” button, which looks like the “Pi” icon and is located on the control panel above the “Paragraph” group. After clicking it, you need to repeat the replacement operation, entering not a double space in the first field, but the copied separating character.

    How to remove large spaces in Word 2003

    Elimination operation extra spaces in Word 2003 it is also done through the search and replace dialog, the work with which is described above for Word programs of newer versions. The differences are minimal.

    Here this dialog box can be called up as follows: using the “Edit” menu item, select the “Find ...” command and go to the “Replace” tab in the dialog box that appears; or just press Ctrl+H.

    To search for other spacing-increasing symbols, you need to enable the “Show all symbols” button, which is placed in version 2003 on the “Standard” toolbar in front of the zoom window (this button is often hidden, and in order to see it, you need to click the down arrow on the toolbar ). Found characters should also be converted to single spaces through search and replace.

    How to remove large spaces in Word.

    There may be several reasons why there are large spaces between words in Word. In this article I will tell you about some ways to solve this problem.

    Aligning text to width

    If your document does not require text to be aligned widthwise on the page, the first letters of each line are on the same page. vertical line, like the last ones, you can align all the text to the left. To do this, select the desired fragment with the mouse, or the entire text by pressing Ctrl+A (hereinafter, all key combinations use english letters). Then on the “Home” tab, click on the button "Align text left" or Ctrl+L .

    Tab characters

    Sometimes tabs can be the cause of large spaces between words. To check whether they are used in the document, you need to enable non-printable characters: click on the icon that looks very similar to Pi. Tab stops in the document are displayed as arrows. If there are any, delete them and add spaces. Spaces in non-printing characters are displayed as a dot: one dot - one space.

    If there are a lot of tab characters, you can perform a replacement. Place the cursor at the beginning of the text. Then select one tab character, i.e. arrow, and copy it – Ctrl+C; press Ctrl+H and in the window on the “Replace” tab in the “Find” field, place the cursor and press Ctrl+V. In the “Replace with” field, put a space. Click the “Replace All” button. Next, an information window pops up showing the number of replacements performed.

    End of line sign

    If you have all the text selected in width and cannot be edited in any other way, and the last line of the paragraph is very stretched, then perhaps at the end of this line there is an “End of Paragraph” icon. First, we turn on non-printing characters - “End of paragraph” is displayed as a curved arrow. If you have one at the end of the line, then simply delete it: place the cursor at the end of the last word of the paragraph and press “Delete”.

    This option is also possible: you copied the text from the Internet, but between the words there is not one space, but two or three, so the distance is increased. When non-printing characters are enabled, there should be several black dots between words. Removing them throughout the document takes a long time, so we’ll use a replacement. Press Ctrl+H, put two spaces in the “Find” field, one space in the “Replace” field, click “Replace All”. If necessary, you can put three, then four, etc. in the “Find” field. spaces, and replace them with one.

    Word wrapping

    If the document allows the use of word wrapping, then the distance between words can be edited in the following way. Select all the text Ctrl+A, go to the tab "Page Layout", V "Page Options" Click on the transfer icon and select “Auto”. As a result, hyphens are placed throughout the text and the distance between words is reduced.

    In this article we tried remove large spaces between words in Word. I hope it worked out for you.

    This problem is very common among text message users. Microsoft editor Word is like huge spaces between words that disfigure the appearance of the document. Let it be a thesis, an essay or an accounting report, in any document such an oversight will immediately catch the eye. There are several reasons for this problem; we will look below at illustrative examples of how to remove large spaces between words in Word, based on a specific reason for the appearance of huge indents.

    Justifying text - mistake #1

    IN text editor Word users often work with text alignment centered, right or left. But the most common text formatting is width alignment, which is where all lines are stretched across the entire width of the sheet, thereby creating huge long intervals between words.

    This situation can be easily corrected if the format is not important when submitting the document. You can make text without wide spaces in the following way:

    There is another simple option to get rid of the huge distance between words - this is to replace the large gap with a regular standard space. The following steps need to be taken:

    There is another way, but it is quite difficult and time-consuming. This is a combination of keys such as: CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR. In this case, you need to manually select each wide indent and press the specified key combination. The large indent will be replaced with a small one. If the document has a small number of pages, then this method will probably be relevant.

    Mistake #2: Unprintable character

    When using keys such as “Enter” and “Shift”, it moves to the next line. If the document is still set to justify, the result will be gaps that are too long. The situation can be corrected in the following way.