• How to write beautifully in an Instagram header. What you can write about yourself on Instagram: examples. Placing content in vertical lines

    Do you want to use Instagram as a promotion tool? Then the first step should be to fully develop the blog concept. You should start with the design of the blog header. It must be filled out correctly and correctly.

    Adding a photo, indicating a name, writing a few lines about yourself is not enough. Want a cool blog? We'll have to change the dull description to something creative. General phrases will not work here; you need cool abstracts containing a unique selling proposition.

    The user needs to be attracted. And today we will learn how to do this!

    How to beautifully design a profile header on Instagram. Let's start with a nickname

    The Instagram header contains all the information about the page owner. This is where it is:

    • Username/online store name
    • Photo
    • Description of the page
    • Contacts
    • Panel of “eternal” stories

    We won’t give examples of well-designed blogs now, but they are easy to find on your own through a general search. Look for “multi-thousand” bloggers; they usually have very cool descriptions and cool hats that can become a model for developing your own concept.

    When registering, you need to come up with a nickname for yourself. This could be your first name, last name, or get creative by coming up with any short, memorable nickname.

    Name and photo in the profile header on Instagram

    With a nickname everything is simple. What else is included in the Instagram header? Its key components are:

    1. Username
    2. Photo

    There is a rule of a few seconds: a person goes to the page, immediately evaluating the nickname, photo, brief information and latest publications. If a person finds a personal blog interesting, he will click “subscribe”. But for this, the page really needs to be catchy, interesting and original.

    Let's start with the photo. It should be bright. Treat it like a passport photo. The photograph must be of high quality, the face must be clearly visible.

    “Drawn” avatars have become the next Instagram trend. Many bloggers have their main photo taken in this style. At the very least, a creative move!

    For the Insta page of your online store, use a bright, attractive company logo, which a designer will help you create. It is better to avoid dark shades and small fonts.

    Particular attention should be paid to your name. Are you creating a personal brand? Please enter your first and last name. Are you promoting services? Add “psychologist”, “freelancer”, “manicurist”, etc.

    Original description in the profile header on Instagram

    There is a wonderful folk wisdom: People are greeted by their clothes, they are seen off by their minds.”

    It seems to us that it can be applied to our case. No matter how high-quality the photo, nickname or user name is, everyone pays attention to the description. It must be formatted correctly!

    The description must be structured. It’s better to make it in a column, diluting the text with cool emoticons that increase conversion. You can use unusual fonts.

    What to write? The description should fully reflect the concept of the blog. Come up with original text and brief informational abstracts that reveal the essence of the blog. They must be bright and concise, the number of characters is limited - up to 150 characters.

    You can also add a link here. It’s better not to indicate VK, make message me on Instagram - a general link to all your messengers. For free, you can add only one messenger of your choice, but in the paid version you can create a common link to all used applications (Viber/Telegram/WA). This is very convenient if you are selling your services or we are talking about the profile of an online store.

    Current stories for designing a profile header on Instagram

    It’s cool when there are “eternal stories” on the page. Their panel is located immediately below the profile description. The user can save all stories by dividing them into groups.

    Of course, it’s better to save interesting and useful stories. You can publish quotes that inspire you, movies and music (by making screenshots with the title) and everyday videos. It’s cool to share travel content with subscribers, saving everything by groups (by city and country).

    You can create an album of eternal stories only with already published stories. Each group can have its own cover. Now it is fashionable for them to be designed in the same style, corresponding to the overall visual concept of the blog.

    When selling goods or services, do not ignore eternal stories. This way you can make a display case with goods, place all important information (price list, reviews, etc.) in the most visible place.

    It’s easy to make eternal stories yourself, but if you want something unusual and unique, it’s better to turn to a designer who can draw icons that no one else will have.


    It has its own structure. Let's take a nickname, name, avatar, description, panel with eternal stories. The list can be expanded, but we are now interested in these elements.

    The nickname should be simple and memorable so that users can find the page in a general search. It is not enough to write your name; it is better to add information about what services you provide (for example, manicure) and indicate the city. If a user enters “manicure” and “your city” in the search, the likelihood that he will see your page increases. Special attention should be paid to writing a blog description.

    You need to be able to design a personal blog correctly, because the header is the first thing that other users see, which means the overall impression of the Insta page depends on it.

    The Instagram interface is radically different from the interfaces of other social networks. It automatically opens the profile in “layout” mode, without post texts - the user sees only visuals. Their combination with each other and the overall appearance of the profile are called the fashionable word layout.

    It is important that it is harmonious and thoughtful. A beautiful visual will encourage users to subscribe even without a detailed view of the account, will improve the usability of the profile and reduce the CPA (cost per action), i.e., with the same budget, the number of subscriptions will increase.

    What should be the layout on Instagram?

    A good layout has two main criteria:

    • compliance with the brand’s identity - corporate style;
    • compliance with certain patterns that work for visual attractiveness and improved perception.

    Let's look at each of these criteria in more detail.

    Compliance of the profile with the corporate style of the brand

    The corporate identity of any brand usually consists of the following elements:

    But this does not mean that the Instagram profile should be identical to the website or, for example, POS materials (materials that help promote a brand or product at points of sale). You can modify it, add something new, but you should completely forget about it!

    For example, if the site design looks like this:

    An Instagram profile identity could be like this:

    Compliance with certain patterns

    Main rule: no one forbids you to come up with new profile design options, combine them with each other and apply them to any elements - arrange text, colors, certain templates or compositions of your posts according to these schemes.

    So, what options are there for profile design?

    1. Choosing a single color palette

    If all the photos in your profile are completely different and there is no single concept, this option is ideal. The only thing you need to do is think about how the photos will fit together and look together. For example, you can design a profile in one color scheme.

    However, if you have not just a travel blog, but a sales page, this will not be enough. It is important that the user has something to grab onto. To do this, use standard composition principles that are usually used in product photography.

    Any correct composition contains:

    • focus point- the item you want to focus on, for example your product;
    • props- surrounding objects that create a plot and atmosphere and, if positioned correctly, direct the eye to the focal point;
    • negative space- the background on which the gaze rests. On the one hand, it gives the picture “air”, makes the frame less overloaded, and on the other hand, it gives it a plot and atmosphere.

    senior strategist ORM Ingate

    These same compositional elements can be considered in relation to the profile as a whole. For example, use subject (perhaps even catalog) photos as focal points, lifestyle photos with your product as “props” and thematic/entertainment content as negative space.

    The product can be depicted in any photo, but depending on how it is photographed and what role it plays in the frame, the image as a whole in relation to the profile will play one of the above roles: focal point, props, negative space.

    You can also focus on the colors. For example, keep the focal points bright and the negative space neutral.

    2. Placing content diagonally

    This is one of the simplest and most commonly used types of layout. Place text and photos with similar content or composition diagonally, and you will be happy! :-)

    3. Placing content in a checkerboard pattern

    Everything is simple here too. However, the look is very attractive.

    4. Placing content in thematic blocks

    You can also add dividing stripes with the title of this block to thematic blocks. This option is perfect for those who use Instagram as a sales tool and rarely update their profile.

    senior strategist ORM Ingate

    Usually, in response to the proposal to post content in thematic blocks, we hear concerns that when you start posting dividing posts, they will irritate users. But they won't.

    Thanks to the archiving feature, this point can be easily circumvented.

    How to do this?

    1. Post the posts of the dividing block and immediately archive them (perhaps someone will see them in the feed, but these will be only a few).

    2. After some time (preferably from several days to a week), return these posts from the archive (they will appear on your profile, but will not appear in the user feed).

    3. Then simply post content related to this block.

    5. Placing content on lines

    With this layout, you can tell your story to users. And they will be able to read it like a book, line by line, from left to right.

    By the way, many large brands use this layout. For example, Bentley and Furla:

    6. Placing content in vertical lines

    Make a contrasting line from your posts and position it vertically in the center or to the side. It will “pull” users along with it, forcing them to dive deeper into your profile. You can also organize all your content along lines.

    7. Gradient placement of content

    With such a display, all photos should contain bright color accents, which will gradually and smoothly replace each other, flowing into one another. However, in this case there are two options:

    1. You can post photos in colored stripes, following the order of colors in the rainbow.

    2. Or post a photo in such a way that the ribbon shimmers in different colors like a precious crystal.

    The main thing is that all transitions are smooth. For example, in one photo the dominant color is pink, and in the next you want the main color to be green. In this case, make sure that the photo with green also contains pink, but in a small concentration.

    8. Posting content in the form of a puzzle

    To do this, you need to make a whole picture, and then break it down into details. The option when you first create individual posts and then arrange them in a certain sequence is incorrect.

    The main thing is that each detail looks like an independent image and carries a certain semantic load.

    Let's look at examples.


    It is worth saying that this option may also exist. But only if you are going to use the puzzle picture as a dividing block, for example, to distinguish between old and new clothing collections.

    In any case, in order not to irritate users with photographs of some body parts and individual details, it is better to archive such posts immediately after posting and retrieve them from the archive a little later.

    And finally: don’t be afraid to experiment and mix styles. In this case, the Dolce Gabbana brand is a great example.

    Create your own unique layout that will attract attention and be remembered among other similar profiles :-) Remember, Instagram is a place where your company will be judged by its cover.

    Photo kaboompics.com (cover)

    Instagram profile design: why is it important

    Information in the profile header:

    1. Helps people find you in searches, which means it can bring you new subscribers.
    2. The first thing a person sees when they land on your page. After reading, he decides whether to subscribe to your page or not.
    3. Affects how many of your subscribers will eventually become your customers.

    Be sure to take 10-20 minutes and format your profile correctly. But before that, update your Instagram application to the latest version. This way you will be able to use all the innovations of the platform and not miss a single opportunity to promote your account.

    How to choose a nickname on Instagram

    In the settings, the field is called “Username”.

    When wondering how to choose a nickname on Instagram, keep in mind the main thing - you should not complicate the life of a potential client. The nickname should be so simple that when a person hears it, he can easily find you in a social network search. If the nickname is complex, rewrite it and make it clear and memorable.

    Examples of simple nicknames:

    The account is the first in search results not only for the query “Galia Berdnikova”, but also for the query “businesswoman”

    Profile description

    In settings applications this field is called "About Me".

    Maximum length is 150 characters.

    When a person first visits your account, they decide whether they want to continue following you. You may be interested in your profile description.

    Some tips

    • Website, if available. Add a caption to the link with a call to click, for example, a new collection, a discounted product, and so on.
    • Hashtags and accounts. Recently, you can tag another account or hashtag in your profile description, and it will be clickable. You can tag your adjacent account, for example, a business account in a personal account or vice versa, and also add your main hashtags. After marking an account, you need to confirm the mark in another.

    It is clear what the company does. There is an address, work schedule and contacts for communication, which is important in the case of offline business

    Unusual font in profile description

    A custom font in your profile header is a way to emphasize your most important text.

    To create a description in an unusual font, you can use:

    This is what fonts might look like on Instagram

    "Eternal" stories

    In a different way - pinned stories, Highlights.

    Highlights - collections of “Stories” that are displayed under the profile description. Moreover, they are displayed only in the mobile application; when viewing your account from a computer, you will not see them.

    These are kind of albums for Stories that can be pinned to your account. Such an album can contain either one story or several at once.

    To create such an album, when viewing your story, click the “highlight” button.

    How can you use Highlights?

    • Catalog of goods/services- you can create albums for a special product or service.
    • Content Categories- especially relevant for bloggers or for those who promote a personal brand, constantly write and share their posts using hashtags for sections.

    When there are a lot of sections, you need to inform subscribers about what sections you have, tell them what you write about in them. To do this, you can make albums with Stories. Hashtags in Stories are clickable, so it will be easy for the reader to go to the category page.

    • Significant Events- events that you want to announce. Or important events that have already happened and to which you want to draw more attention.
    • Promotions and sweepstakes.
    • Information about yourself or the project. For example, you can record several videos with a short story about yourself.
    • F.A.Q. (answers to questions). How to place an order, payment methods, how to get to the store - you can add answers to all the questions that subscribers often ask you. Pin Stories with answers to questions, and they will always be “at hand” for a visitor to your account.

    Your profile is your point of contact with your potential clients and followers. It can also be compared to a business card.

    When a person gets to the profile, he should immediately understand where he is and what he needs to do right now.

    Improper design can cost you the loss of customers and subscribers. Since it is in the profile that the client makes the decision whether to subscribe or move on.

    In addition, what is written in the profile header will also be displayed as a result of a search in Yandex and Google. Accordingly, you should write only important information about yourself, the company or the brand.

    Using specific examples, I will show you how to create a profile on Instagram so that people subscribe to it. After all, you will only have 3 seconds to interest your subscriber!

    Profile header design

    When a client gets to the profile, he must understand:

    • What do you sell (product or service)
    • Why and who needs you
    • How are you different from your competitors (Offer - why you should buy or order from you)
    • What you need to do right now (CTA - call to action)

    These are simple questions that will help you write a sales pitch and a call to action.

    Example No. 1. What are you selling?

    When going to the profile, the client immediately sees the name of the account in large letters “DESIGNER WOMEN’S CLOTHING.”

    It becomes clear that they sell designer clothes only for women.

    Example No. 2. Who needs you

    The following profile clearly indicates who will be interested. For example, parents who want to throw an unforgettable birthday for their child.

    Example No. 3. How are you different from your competitors?

    For example, this Instagram account only sells black dresses. Think about how you will be different from your competitors. State your competitive advantages.

    Example No. 4. What to do right now

    Tell people what they need to do. Write a call to action! The call could be:

    • Place an order
    • Leave a request
    • Write a message
    • Subscribe
    • Call
    • Request a call
    • Download PDF book
    • Buy
    • Go to website

    Brainstorm answers to these four questions. As I said above, these are simple steps, but for some reason few people do them.

    Login (your profile name)

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