• Alt plus symbols. Symbols on the keyboard using the Alt key. How to take advantage of these hidden symbols

    For systems using English, code page 437 is used. Most other systems using the Latin alphabet use code page 850. For a complete list, see the article “Code page”

    These codes became so well known that Microsoft was forced to use Windows-1252 and similar international sets in the new Windows 95 operating system in order to maintain the ability to use Alt codes. By holding Alt and typing three digits (the first one is not zero), you can translate a character from CP437 into the corresponding character in the Windows page code. By first typing a leading 0 (zero) and then a number, you can write the character from the Windows code page.

    For example, Alt + 161 produces “í” (the Latin letter i with a dot on top), which is in the 161st position in CP437 and CP850. Alt+0161 produces the "¡" character (an inverted exclamation point), which is in the 161st position in Windows-1252.

    When Windows switched to Unicode, Alt characters were preserved: leading 0 codes became even more popular. There is also another way: to enable it, the user must install or create a registry key HKCU\Control Panel\Input Method\EnableHexNumpad with type REG_SZ and value 1 and restart the computer. After this you can use the third method:

    • Hold down the Alt key. Press the "+" key on the numeric keypad.
    • While holding Alt, enter a hexadecimal number using the numeric keypad for numbers 0-9 and the regular keys for characters a-f.
    For example, Alt + 11b will produce ě ("e" with a "lid").

    Encyclopedic YouTube

      1 / 3

      ✪ We type a character that is not on the keyboard. Table of Alt codes.

      ✪ Hindi Typing Complete Alt Code For Kruti Dev Font || Hindi Special Character Keyboard.

      ✪ Write umlaut a (ä) and o (ö) with Alt+


    List of codes

    English layout

    Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol
    1 21 § 41 ) 61 = 81 Q 101 e 121 y
    2 22 42 * 62 > 82 R 102 f 122 z
    3 23 43 + 63 ? 83 S 103 g 123 {
    4 24 44 , 64 @ 84 T 104 h 124 |
    5 25 45 - 65 A 85 U 105 i 125 }
    6 26 46 . 66 B 86 V 106 j 126 ~
    7 27 47 / 67 C 87 W 107 k 127
    8 28 48 0 68 D 88 X 108 l 128 A
    9 29 49 1 69 E 89 Y 109 m 129 B
    10 30 50 2 70 F 90 Z 110 n 130 IN
    11 31 51 3 71 G 91 [ 111 o 131 G
    12 32 <пробел> 52 4 72 H 92 \ 112 p 132 D
    13 33 ! 53 5 73 I 93 ] 113 q 133 E
    14 34 " 54 6 74 J 94 ^ 114 r 134 AND
    15 35 # 55 7 75 K 95 _ 115 s 135 Z
    16 36 $ 56 8 76 L 96 ` 116 t 136 AND
    17 37 % 57 9 77 M 97 a 117 u 137 Y
    18 38 & 58 : 78 N 98 b 118 v 138 TO
    19 39 " 59 ; 79 O 99 c 119 w 139 L
    20 40 ( 60 < 80 P 100 d 120 x 140 M
    Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol
    141 N 161 b 181 201 221 241 e
    142 ABOUT 162 V 182 202 222 242 Є
    143 P 163 G 183 203 223 243 є
    144 R 164 d 184 204 224 r 244 Ї
    145 WITH 165 e 185 205 225 With 245 ї
    146 T 166 and 186 206 226 T 246 Ў
    147 U 167 h 187 207 227 at 247 ў
    148 F 168 And 188 208 228 f 248 °
    149 X 169 th 189 209 229 X 249
    150 C 170 To 190 210 230 ts 250 ·
    151 H 171 l 191 211 231 h 251
    152 Sh 172 m 192 212 232 w 252
    153 SCH 173 n 193 213 233 sch 253 ¤
    154 Kommersant 174 O 194 214 234 ъ 254
    155 Y 175 n 195 215 235 s 255 <неразрывный пробел>
    156 b 176 196 216 236 b 256 Ā
    157 E 177 197 217 237 uh 257
    158 Yu 178 198 218 238 yu 258
    159 I 179 199 219 239 I 259
    160 A 180 200 220 240 Yo 260
    German layout
    Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol
    0127 "?" (blank character) 0144 ђ 0160 <неразрывный пробел> 0176 ° 0192 À 0208 Ð 0224 à 0240 ð
    0128 Ђ 0145 0161 ¡ 0177 ± 0193 Á 0209 Ñ 0225 á 0241 ñ
    0129 Ѓ 0146 0162 ¢ 0178 ² 0194 Â 0210 Ò 0226 â 0242 ò
    0130 0147 ” 0163 £ 0179 ³ 0195 à 0211 Ó 0227 ã 0243 ó
    0131 ƒ 0148 0164 ¤ 0180 ´ 0196 Ä 0212 Ô 0228 ä 0244 ô
    0132 0149 0165 ¥ 0181 µ 0197 Å 0213 Õ 0229 å 0245 õ
    0133 0150 0166 ¦ 0182 0198 Æ 0214 Ö 0230 æ 0246 ö
    0134 0151 - 0167 § 0183 · 0199 Ç 0215 × 0231 ç 0247 ÷
    0135 0152 ˜ 0168 ¨ 0184 ¸ 0200 È 0216 Ø 0232 è 0248 ø
    0136 ˆ 0153 0169 © 0185 ¹ 0201 É 0217 Ù 0233 é 0249 ù
    0137 0154 š 0170 ª 0186 º 0202 Ê 0218 Ú 0234 ê 0250 ú
    0138 Š 0155 0171 « 0187 » 0203 Ë 0219 Û 0235 ë 0251 û
    0139 0156 œ 0172 ¬ 0188 ¼ 0204 Ì 0220 Ü 0236 ì 0252 ü
    0140 Œ 0157 ќ 0173 n 0189 ½ 0205 Í 0221 Ý 0237 í 0253 ý
    0142 Ž 0158 ž 0174 ® 0190 ¾ 0206 Î 0222 Þ 0238 î 0254 þ
    0143 Џ 0159 Ÿ 0175 ¯ 0191 ¿ 0207 Ï 0223 ß 0239 ï 0255 ÿ
    Russian layout
    Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol
    0127 ? 0144 ђ 0161 Ў 0178 І 0195 G 0212 F 0229 e 0246 ts
    0128 Ђ 0145 0162 ў 0179 і 0196 D 0213 X 0230 and 0247 h
    0129 Ѓ 0146 0163 Ј 0180 ґ 0197 E 0214 C 0231 h 0248 w
    0130 0147 “ 0164 ¤ 0181 µ 0198 AND 0215 H 0232 And 0249 sch
    0131 ѓ 0148 0165 Ґ 0182 0199 Z 0216 Sh 0233 th 0250 ъ
    0132 0149 0166 ¦ 0183 · 0200 AND 0217 SCH 0234 To 0251 s
    0133 0150 0167 § 0184 e 0201 Y 0218 Kommersant 0235 l 0252 b
    0134 0151 - 0168 Yo 0185 0202 TO 0219 Y 0236 m 0253 uh
    0135 0152 ˜ 0169 © 0186 є 0203 L 0220 b 0237 n 0254 yu
    0136 0153 0170 Є 0187 » 0204 M 0221 E 0238 O 0255 I
    0137 0154 љ 0171 « 0188 ј 0205 N 0222 Yu 0239 n
    0138 Љ 0155 0172 ¬­ 0189 Ѕ 0206 ABOUT 0223 I 0240 r
    0139 0156 њ 0173 ­­- 0190 ѕ 0207 P 0224 A 0241 With
    0140 Њ 0157 ќ 0174 ® 0191 ї 0208 R 0225 b 0242 T
    0141 Ќ 0158 ћ 0175 Ї 0192 A 0209 WITH 0226 V 0243 at
    0142 Ћ 0159 џ 0176 ° 0193 B 0210 T 0227 G 0244 f
    0143 Џ 0160 <

    Greetings, dear readers! Today I will show you how to type special characters on your keyboard using the Alt key. If you didn’t quite understand from the title of the article what we’re talking about, I’ll explain in more detail.

    There are symbols that are simply not on the keyboard, but they can be used quite often (paragraph icon, arrow, suit, heart). The question immediately arises of how to write this or that character that is not on the keyboard. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

    Here are examples of such symbols:

    ☻☺ ♣♠◘○♀♪♂☼ ↕☼↓→§

    Naturally, these are not all symbols, there are many more of them. You can find a complete table with these symbols just below.

    And now I will tell you how to print these characters.

    So, already from the name it is clear that we will use the Alt key! But we will need other keys too!

    In the picture below you can see all the keys we will need and where they are:

    So, to print this or that character, you need to hold down the Alt key and, using the additional panel with numbers, type the code of the character we need (character codes can be taken from the table below). Moreover, it is important to follow the sequence, that is, if you first press 1 and then 2, then a symbol with number 12 will pop up, and if you do the opposite: first 2, and then 1, then a completely different symbol with number 21 will pop up.

    For example, the emoticon code (☺) is 1. This means that to print an emoticon, you need to press the Alt key and, without releasing it, click on “1” in the additional panel with numbers, then you need to release the Alt key and the symbol will be printed.

    To type an arrow (→) with code 26, you need to hold down the Alt key, then alternately press first “2”, then “6”, and then release the Alt key. The symbol will be printed immediately.

    Here is a table of the most common characters with their numbers:

    This was the easiest way to print these characters, but not the only one.

    There is also such a thing as a symbol table. No, we are not talking about the yellow table above. Every Windows computer has this Symbol Table application.

    This application is located in this location:

    This folder contains a bunch of all sorts of system files, including “charmap”. In order not to look for it in that giant list, use the hotkey Ctrl + F and type “charmap” into the search. After launching the application, the following table will open:

    You need to find and select the symbol you need, then copy it from the bottom line and paste it into the place you need. Quite convenient too!

    Hello dear readers. Today we will look at how to quickly type different types of characters in text. This is the so-called alt code. Why it is called alt code, you will learn how to use it in this article. The bonus will be table of symbols and alt codes.

    Alt code

    What is alt code? Alt code are the characters that are output when you press the keyboard shortcut Alt + X, where X this is a set of numbers (a specific number) on the NumPad. NumPAd This is a block of numbers on the keyboard, usually located on the right. Alto symbols on PCs with family operating systems Windows not available when using a regular keyboard. They can only be called using additional commands. Hold down the ALT button and enter the number in the decimal number system. I hope everything is clear here. The table will help you navigate.

    Table of alt symbols and alt codes for them

    Alt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbol
    1 21 § 41 ) 61 = 81 Q101 e121 y
    2 22 42 * 62 > 82 R102 f122 z
    3 23 43 + 63 ? 83 S103 g123 {
    4 24 44 , 64 @ 84 T104 h124 |
    5 25 45 - 65 A85 U105 i125 }
    6 26 46 . 66 B86 V106 j126 ~
    7 27 47 / 67 C87 W107 k127
    8 28 48 0 68 D88 X108 l128 A
    9 29 49 1 69 E89 Y109 m129 B
    10 30 50 2 70 F90 Z110 n130 IN
    11 31 51 3 71 G91 [ 111 o131 G
    12 32 <пробел> 52 4 72 H92 \ 112 p132 D
    13 33 ! 53 5 73 I93 ] 113 q133 E
    14 34 " 54 6 74 J94 ^ 114 r134 AND
    15 35 # 55 7 75 K95 _ 115 s135 Z
    16 36 $ 56 8 76 L96 ` 116 t136 AND
    17 37 % 57 9 77 M97 a117 u137 Y
    18 38 & 58 : 78 N98 b118 v138 TO
    19 39 " 59 ; 79 O99 c119 w139 L
    20 40 (60 < 80 P100 d120 x140 M
    Alt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbol
    141 N161 b181 201 221 241 e
    142 ABOUT162 V182 202 222 242 Є
    143 P163 G183 203 223 243 є
    144 R164 d184 204 224 r244 Ї
    145 WITH165 e185 205 225 With245 ї
    146 T166 and186 206 226 T246 Ў
    147 U167 h187 207 227 at247 ў
    148 F168 And188 208 228 f248 °
    149 X169 th189 209 229 X249
    150 C170 To190 210 230 ts250 ·
    151 H171 l191 211 231 h251
    152 Sh172 m192 212 232 w252
    153 SCH173 n193 213 233 sch253 ¤
    154 Kommersant174 O194 214 234 ъ254
    155 Y175 n195 215 235 s255 <неразрывный
    156 b176 196 216 236 b256 Ā
    157 E177 197 217 237 uh257
    158 Yu178 198 218 238 yu258
    159 I179 199 219 239 I259
    160 A180 200 220 240 Yo260
    English layout
    Alt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbol
    0127 "?" (blank character)0144 ђ 0160 <неразрывный
    0176 ° 0192 À 0208 Ð 0224 à 0240 ð
    0128 Ђ 0145 0161 ¡ 0177 ± 0193 Á 0209 Ñ 0225 á 0241 ñ
    0129 Ѓ 0146 0162 ¢ 0178 ² 0194 Â 0210 Ò 0226 â 0242 ò
    0130 0147 0163 £ 0179 ³ 0195 Ã 0211 Ó 0227 ã 0243 ó
    0131 ƒ 0148 0164 ¤ 0180 ´ 0196 Ä 0212 Ô 0228 ä 0244 ô
    0132 0149 0165 ¥ 0181 µ 0197 Å 0213 Õ 0229 å 0245 õ
    0133 0150 0166 ¦ 0182 0198 Æ 0214 Ö 0230 æ 0246 ö
    0134 0151 - 0167 § 0183 · 0199 Ç 0215 × 0231 ç 0247 ÷
    0135 0152 ˜ 0168 ¨ 0184 ¸ 0200 È 0216 Ø 0232 è 0248 ø
    0136 ˆ 0153 0169 © 0185 ¹ 0201 É 0217 Ù 0233 é 0249 ù
    0137 0154 š 0170 ª 0186 º 0202 Ê 0218 Ú 0234 ê 0250 ú
    0138 Š 0155 0171 « 0187 » 0203 Ë 0219 Û 0235 ë 0251 û
    0139 0156 œ 0172 ¬ 0188 ¼ 0204 Ì 0220 Ü 0236 ì 0252 ü
    0140 Œ 0157 ќ 0173 n0189 ½ 0205 Í 0221 Ý 0237 í 0253 ý
    0142 Ž 0158 ž 0174 ® 0190 ¾ 0206 Î 0222 Þ 0238 î 0254 þ
    0143 Џ 0159 Ÿ 0175 ¯ 0191 ¿ 0207 Ï 0223 ß 0239 ï 0255 ÿ
    Russian layout
    Alt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbolAlt codeSymbol
    0127 ? 0144 ђ 0161 Ў 0178 І 0195 G0212 F0229 e0246 ts
    0128 Ђ 0145 0162 ў 0179 і 0196 D0213 X0230 and0247 h
    0129 Ѓ 0146 0163 Ј 0180 ґ 0197 E0214 C0231 h0248 w
    0130 0147 0164 ¤ 0181 µ 0198 AND0215 H0232 And0249 sch
    0131 ѓ 0148 0165 Ґ 0182 0199 Z0216 Sh0233 th0250 ъ
    0132 0149 0166 ¦ 0183 · 0200 AND0217 SCH0234 To0251 s
    0133 0150 0167 § 0184 e0201 Y0218 Kommersant0235 l0252 b
    0134 0151 - 0168 Yo0185 0202 TO0219 Y0236 m0253 uh
    0135 0152 ˜ 0169 © 0186 є 0203 L0220 b0237 n0254 yu
    0136 0153 0170 Є 0187 » 0204 M0221 E0238 O0255 I
    0137 0154 љ 0171 « 0188 ј 0205 N0222 Yu0239 n
    0138 Љ 0155 0172 ¬­ 0189 Ѕ 0206 ABOUT0223 I0240 r
    0139 0156 њ 0173 ­­- 0190 ѕ 0207 P0224 A0241 With
    0140 Њ 0157 ќ 0174 ® 0191 ї 0208 R0225 b0242 T
    0141 Ќ 0158 ћ 0175 Ї 0192 A0209 WITH0226 V0243 at
    0142 Ћ 0159 џ 0176 ° 0193 B0210 T0227 G0244 f
    0143 Џ 0160 <неразрывный
    0177 ± 0194 IN0211 U0228 d0245 X

    Alt+0769 - will help you place an accent mark above the previous letter.
    That's probably all there is to it.

    What is alt code? Alt code is the characters that are displayed when you press the key combination on the keyboard Alt + X, where X is a set of numbers (a specific number) on the NumPad. NumPAd is a block of numbers on the keyboard, usually located on the right. Alto symbols on a PC with operating Windows systems are not available when using a regular keyboard. They can only be called using additional commands. Press the ALT button and type the number in the decimal number system. I hope everything is clear here. The table of Alt codes will help you navigate and find the desired character.

    Attention! Enter numbers on the side Num-pad keyboard.

    Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol
    1 21 § 41 ) 61 = 81 Q 101 e 121 y
    2 22 42 * 62 > 82 R 102 f 122 z
    3 23 43 + 63 ? 83 S 103 g 123 {
    4 24 44 , 64 @ 84 T 104 h 124 |
    5 25 45 - 65 A 85 U 105 i 125 }
    6 26 46 . 66 B 86 V 106 j 126 ~
    7 . 27 47 / 67 C 87 W 107 k 127
    8 28 48 0 68 D 88 X 108 l 128 A
    9 29 49 1 69 E 89 Y 109 m 129 B
    10 30 50 2 70 F 90 Z 110 n 130 IN
    11 31 51 3 71 G 91 [ 111 o 131 G
    12 32 <пробел> 52 4 72 H 92 \ 112 p 132 D
    13 33 ! 53 5 73 I 93 ] 113 q 133 E
    14 34 " 54 6 74 J 94 ^ 114 r 134 AND
    15 35 # 55 7 75 K 95 _ 115 s 135 Z
    16 36 $ 56 8 76 L 96 ` 116 t 136 AND
    17 37 % 57 9 77 M 97 a 117 u 137 Y
    18 38 & 58 : 78 N 98 b 118 v 138 TO
    19 39 " 59 ; 79 O 99 c 119 w 139 L
    20 40 ( 60 < 80 P 100 d 120 x 140 M
    Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol
    141 N 161 b 181 201 221 241 e
    142 ABOUT 162 V 182 202 222 242 Є
    143 P 163 G 183 203 223 243 є
    144 R 164 d 184 204 224 r 244 Ї
    145 WITH 165 e 185 205 225 With 245 ї
    146 T 166 and 186 206 226 T 246 Ў
    147 U 167 h 187 207 227 at 247 ў
    148 F 168 And 188 208 228 f 248 °
    149 X 169 th 189 209 229 X 249
    150 C 170 To 190 210 230 ts 250 ·
    151 H 171 l 191 211 231 h 251
    152 Sh 172 m 192 212 232 w 252
    153 SCH 173 n 193 213 233 sch 253 ¤
    154 Kommersant 174 O 194 214 234 ъ 254
    155 Y 175 n 195 215 235 s 255 <неразры
    156 b 176 196 216 236 b 256 Ā
    157 E 177 197 217 237 uh 257
    158 Yu 178 198 218 238 yu 258
    159 I 179 199 219 239 I 259
    160 A 180 200 220 240 Yo 260

    English layout

    Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol
    0127 "?" (blank character) 0144 ђ 0160 <неразры
    0176 ° 0192 À 0208 Ð 0224 à 0240 ð
    0128 Ђ 0145 0161 ¡ 0177 ± 0193 Á 0209 Ñ 0225 á 0241 ñ
    0129 Ѓ 0146 0162 ¢ 0178 ² 0194 Â 0210 Ò 0226 â 0242 ò
    0130 0147 ” 0163 £ 0179 ³ 0195 à 0211 Ó 0227 ã 0243 ó
    0131 ƒ 0148 0164 ¤ 0180 ´ 0196 Ä 0212 Ô 0228 ä 0244 ô
    0132 0149 . 0165 ¥ 0181 µ 0197 Å 0213 Õ 0229 å 0245 õ
    0133 0150 - 0166 ¦ 0182 0198 Æ 0214 Ö 0230 æ 0246 ö
    0134 0151 0167 § 0183 · 0199 Ç 0215 × 0231 ç 0247 ÷
    0135 0152 ˜ 0168 ¨ 0184 ¸ 0200 È 0216 Ø 0232 è 0248 ø
    0136 ˆ 0153 0169 0185 ¹ 0201 É 0217 Ù 0233 é 0249 ù
    0137 0154 š 0170 ª 0186 º 0202 Ê 0218 Ú 0234 ê 0250 ú
    0138 Š 0155 0171 « 0187 » 0203 Ë 0219 Û 0235 ë 0251 û
    0139 0156 œ 0172 ¬ 0188 ¼ 0204 Ì 0220 Ü 0236 ì 0252 ü
    0140 Œ 0157 ќ 0173 --n------- 0189 ½ 0205 Í 0221 Ý 0237 í 0253 ý
    0142 Ž 0158 ž 0174 ® 0190 ¾ 0206 Î 0222 Þ 0238 î 0254 þ
    0143 Џ 0159 Ÿ 0175 ¯ 0191 ¿ 0207 Ï 0223 ß 0239 ï 0255 ÿ

    Russian layout

    Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol
    0127 ? 0144 ђ 0161 Ў 0178 І 0195 G 0212 F 0229 e 0246 ts
    0128 Ђ 0145 0162 ў 0179 і 0196 D 0213 X 0230 and 0247 h
    0129 Ѓ 0146 0163 Ј 0180 ґ 0197 E 0214 C 0231 h 0248 w
    0130 0147 “ 0164 ¤ 0181 µ 0198 AND 0215 H 0232 And 0249 sch
    0131 ѓ 0148 0165 Ґ 0182 0199 Z 0216 Sh 0233 th 0250 ъ
    0132 0149 . 0166 ¦ 0183 · 0200 AND 0217 SCH 0234 To 0251 s
    0133 0150 - 0167 § 0184 e 0201 Y 0218 Kommersant 0235 l 0252 b
    0134 0151 0168 Yo 0185 0202 TO 0219 Y 0236 m 0253 uh
    0135 0152 ˜ 0169 0186 є 0203 L 0220 b 0237 n 0254 yu
    0136 0153 0170 Є 0187 » 0204 M 0221 E 0238 O 0255 I
    0137 0154 љ 0171 « 0188 ј 0205 N 0222 Yu 0239 n
    0138 Љ 0155 0172 ¬- 0189 Ѕ 0206 ABOUT 0223 I 0240 r
    0139 0156 њ 0173 --- 0190 ѕ 0207 P 0224 A 0241 With
    0140 Њ 0157 ќ 0174 ® 0191 ї 0208 R 0225 b 0242 T
    0141 Ќ 0158 ћ 0175 Ї 0192 A 0209 WITH 0226 V 0243 at
    0142 Ћ 0159 џ 0176 ° 0193 B 0210 T 0227 G 0244 f
    0143 Џ 0160 <неразры
    0177 ± 0194 IN 0211 U 0228 d 0245 X

    Knowing what ALT codes are and how to use them, you will be able to quickly enter many characters from the keyboard for which separate keys are not initially provided.

    We often see them on website pages. There are especially many of them in the statuses of social network users. In addition, we find them in various printed materials: magazines, newspapers, books... Almost everywhere where there is a place for any typography, you can find alt codes.

    It all started with a dash

    The idea for this article was prompted by a situation at work when hyphens in one of the numerous documents were changed to a normal em dash. To enter the latter, I used the CTRL+- key combination on the numeric keypad in Word. However, knowing a little HTML and remembering that it has two types of dashes (long - - and short - -), I wondered if it was possible to enter its different types from the keyboard?

    Having started searching in this direction, I came across the 97th paragraph of “Kovodstva Rus” from the famous domestic designer Artemy Lebedev. It says that you need to distinguish between 4 dash symbols: hyphen, minus, short and em dash.

    But on the keyboard we only have a hyphen (and it’s not really a hyphen, as it turns out), so the remaining characters need to be added in a special way: using special alt codes. To enter them, you need to hold down the ALT key and press certain combinations of numbers on the side numeric keypad with the NumLock switch active. On laptops without additional numeric keys, their functions are usually performed by the buttons on the right side of the keyboard with the Fn modifier key held down. All this is indicated in the form: ALT + digital code:

    But this, it turns out, is not all! Digging deeper, I found another very interesting one, where the author talks about how there are at least 9 (!) different lines in total, which can be not only hyphens and dashes! So, for example, I learned that on the keyboard, the button that many call a minus or a hyphen actually enters a separate character altogether - a hyphen-minus, which is slightly longer than a hyphen, but shorter than a minus!

    In general, the topic of alt codes and HTML codes turned out to be very interesting and I decided to study the issue more thoroughly...

    Where do ALT codes come from?

    The history of alt codes dates back to the times of the MS-DOS operating system. There, when you hold down the ALT key and enter a certain numerical sequence on the numeric keypad, this sequence is interpreted by the BIOS and output directly as an ASCII character with the corresponding code.

    With the advent and spread of Windows, ASCII character tables migrated to various text encodings, maintaining partial compatibility, character sets and the mechanism of ALT codes. To view all the characters available in a certain font and find out their codes, you can use the standard program Symbol table(WIN+R - charmap - Enter). By the way, you can copy the necessary icons from it in visual mode:

    Today there are three types of alt codes:

    1. Regular- are entered by holding the ALT key and typing numbers from 1 to 255. In this case, code 256 (like 0) does not give any character, and after 256 all characters are repeated with a frequency of 256, that is, 1=257=513=769.. ., 2=258=514=770... etc. Essentially, we have an 8-bit character set (28 = 256) defined for the Windows encoding.
    2. 0-leading- are entered in the same way as usual, but they always use zero as the first digit. 0-leading ALT codes do not match regular ALT codes in number, but contain partially repeated characters. For example, the paragraph icon in regular codes is inserted using the combination ALT+21, and in leading 0 codes - ALT+0167. Like regular ones, they contain 256 characters and are repeated in the same way after the code 0256, but their character set corresponds to the old ASCII set. Typically, when entering in Russian and English keyboards, characters with the same code are different (see tables below).
    3. Hexadecimal or Unicode - as a rule, are not available for input under normal conditions. Unicode characters can only be displayed normally on web pages (entered in HTML code using the “character_code” scheme or using special mnemonics) or in word processors such as Microsoft Office Word or OpenOffice Writer. In the latter, they can be entered as regular ALT codes, taking into account the conversion of the number system from hexadecimal to decimal. That is, to add, for example, the same paragraph icon that has the code “00A7” in the symbol table, you need to enter the code “0167” while holding down the ALT button. You can quickly convert a hexadecimal number to the decimal system in the standard Windows Calculator by activating “View” - “Programmer”, switching the input mode from “Hex” to “Dec”:

    Let's pay a little more attention to hexadecimal codes. Unlike regular ALT codes and leading 0s, they can contain up to 65536 characters (216 = 65536). In this case, the first 256 characters coincide with the classic ASCII set and, accordingly, with leading 0 characters, but are not limited to them. In order to distinguish Unicode characters from regular ALT codes, they are often written using the “U + character_code” scheme (we can find such an entry in the Character Table).

    In Windows, it is possible to enable direct input of hexadecimal ALT codes without converting them to decimal. For this it is courageous to open Registry Editor(WIN+R - regedit - Enter), go to section HKCU\Control Panel\Input Method and add a new one there String section(type REG_SZ) with name EnableHexNumpad and meaning 1 , and then restart the computer:

    After the reboot, you will be able to enter U-codes in the same form in which they are written in the Symbol Table. The only caveat is that while entering a number, you will not only need to hold down ALT, but also press the “+” button on the numeric keypad before the code itself (if the required character has not been added, “+” must be held together with ALT).

    Alt code tables

    A complete list of all font characters, as we found out, can be found in the Character Table, and here we will provide complete tables of regular ALT codes and leading 0s.

    Table of common alt codes

    Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol
    0 (empty) 1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8 9
    10 11 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19
    20 21 § 22 23 24
    25 26 27 28 29
    30 31 32 (space) 33 ! 34 "
    35 # 36 $ 37 % 38 & 39 "
    40 ( 41 ) 42 * 43 + 44 ,
    45 - 46 . 47 / 48 0 49 1
    50 2 51 3 52 4 53 5 54 6
    55 7 56 8 57 9 58 : 59 ;
    60 < 61 = 62 > 63 ? 64 @
    65 A 66 B 67 C 68 D 69 E
    70 F 71 G 72 H 73 I 74 J
    75 K 76 L 77 M 78 N 79 O
    80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S 84 T
    85 U 86 V 87 W 88 X 89 Y
    90 Z 91 [ 92 \ 93 ] 94 ^
    95 _ 96 ` 97 a 98 b 99 c
    100 d 101 e 102 f 103 g 104 h
    105 i 106 j 107 k 108 l 109 m
    110 n 111 o 112 p 113 q 114 r
    115 s 116 t 117 u 118 v 119 w
    120 x 121 y 122 z 123 { 124 |
    125 } 126 ~ 127 128 A 129 B
    130 IN 131 G 132 D 133 E 134 AND
    135 Z 136 AND 137 Y 138 TO 139 L
    140 M 141 N 142 ABOUT 143 P 144 R
    145 WITH 146 T 147 U 148 F 149 X
    150 C 151 H 152 Sh 153 SCH 154 Kommersant
    155 Y 156 b 157 E 158 Yu 159 I
    160 A 161 b 162 V 163 G 164 d
    165 e 166 and 167 h 168 And 169 th
    170 To 171 l 172 m 173 n 174 O
    175 n 176 177 178 179
    180 181 182 183 184
    185 186 187 188 189
    190 191 192 193 194
    195 196 197 198 199
    200 201 202 203 204
    205 206 207 208 209
    210 211 212 213 214
    215 216 217 218 219
    220 221 222 223 224 r
    225 With 226 T 227 at 228 f 229 X
    230 ts 231 h 232 w 233 sch 234 ъ
    235 s 236 b 237 uh 238 yu 239 I
    240 Yo 241 e 242 Є 243 є 244 Ї
    245 ї 246 Ў 247 ў 248 ° 249
    250 · 251 252 253 ¤ 254
    255 (space) 256 (empty)

    Table of 0-leading alt codes (Russian layout)

    Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol
    00 null (empty) 01 SOH (start of "header") 02 STX (start of "text") 03 ETX (end of "text") 04 EOT (end of transmission)
    05 ENQ (confirmation request) 06 ACK (acknowledgement) 07 BEL (signal) 08 BS (backspace) 09 TAB (tabulation)
    010 LF (line feed) 011 VT (vertical tab) 012 FF (new page) 013 CR (carriage return) 014 SO (switch encoding)
    015 SI (return encoding) 016 DLE (data escape) 017 018 DC2 (turn on hammer drill) 019
    020 DC4 (turn off hammer drill) 021 022 SYN (data synchronization) 023 ETB (end of text block) 024 CAN (cancel)
    025 EM (media end) 026 SUB (substitute) 027 ESC (escape) 028 FS (file separator) 029 GS (group separator)
    030 RS (record separator) 031 US (unit separator) 032 space 033 ! 034 "
    035 # 036 $ 037 % 038 & 039 "
    040 ( 041 ) 042 * 043 + 044 ,
    045 - 046 . 047 / 048 0 049 1
    050 2 051 3 052 4 053 5 054 6
    055 7 056 8 057 9 058 : 059 ;
    060 < 061 = 062 > 063 ? 064 @
    065 A 066 B 067 C 068 D 069 E
    070 F 071 G 072 H 073 I 074 J
    075 K 076 L 077 M 078 N 079 O
    080 P 081 Q 082 R 083 S 084 T
    085 U 086 V 087 W 088 X 089 Y
    090 Z 091 [ 092 \ 093 ] 094 ^
    095 _ 096 ` 097 a 098 b 099 c
    0100 d 0101 e 0102 f 0103 g 0104 h
    0105 i 0106 j 0107 k 0108 l 0109 m
    0110 n 0111 o 0112 p 0113 q 0114 r
    0115 s 0116 t 0117 u 0118 v 0119 w
    0120 x 0121 y 0122 z 0123 { 0124 |
    0125 } 0126 ~ 0127  0128 Ђ 0129 Ѓ
    0130 0131 ѓ 0132 0133 0134
    0135 0136 0137 0138 Љ 0139
    0140 Њ 0141 Ќ 0142 Ћ 0143 Џ 0144 ђ
    0145 0146 0147 0148 0149
    0150 0151 - 0152 SOS (help) 0153 0154 љ
    0155 0156 њ 0157 ќ 0158 ћ 0159 џ
    0160 non-breaking space 0161 Ў 0162 ў 0163 Ј 0164 ¤
    0165 Ґ 0166 ¦ 0167 § 0168 Yo 0169 ©
    0170 Є 0171 « 0172 ¬ 0173 ­ 0174 ®
    0175 Ї 0176 ° 0177 ± 0178 І 0179 і
    0180 ґ 0181 µ 0182 0183 · 0184 e
    0185 0186 є 0187 » 0188 ј 0189 Ѕ
    0190 ѕ 0191 ї 0192 A 0193 B 0194 IN
    0195 G 0196 D 0197 E 0198 AND 0199 Z
    0200 AND 0201 Y 0202 TO 0203 L 0204 M
    0205 N 0206 ABOUT 0207 P 0208 R 0209 WITH
    0210 T 0211 U 0212 F 0213 X 0214 C
    0215 H 0216 Sh 0217 SCH 0218 Kommersant 0219 Y
    0220 b 0221 E 0222 Yu 0223 I 0224 A
    0225 b 0226 V 0227 G 0228 d 0229 e
    0230 and 0231 h 0232 And 0233 th 0234 To
    0235 l 0236 m 0237 n 0238 O 0239 n
    0240 r 0241 With 0242 T 0243 at 0244 f
    0245 X 0246 ts 0247 h 0248 w 0249 sch
    0250 ъ 0251 s 0252 b 0253 uh 0254 yu
    0255 I 0256 (empty)

    Table of leading 0 alt codes (English layout)

    Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol Alt code Symbol
    00 null (empty) 01 SOH (start of "header") 02 STX (start of "text") 03 ETX (end of "text") 04 EOT (end of transmission)
    05 ENQ (confirmation request) 06 ACK (acknowledgement) 07 BEL (signal) 08 BS (backspace) 09 TAB (tabulation)
    010 LF (line feed) 011 VT (vertical tab) 012 FF (new page) 013 CR (carriage return) 014 SO (switch encoding)
    015 SI (return encoding) 016 DLE (data escape) 017 DC1 (enable punched tape reading) 018 DC2 (turn on hammer drill) 019 DC3 (turn off punched tape reading)
    020 DC4 (turn off hammer drill) 021 NAK (no acknowledgment) 022 SYN (data synchronization) 023 ETB (end of text block) 024 CAN (cancel)
    025 EM (media end) 026 SUB (substitute) 027 ESC (escape) 028 FS (file separator) 029 GS (group separator)
    030 RS (record separator) 031 US (unit separator) 032 space 033 ! 034 "
    035 # 036 $ 037 % 038 & 039 "
    040 ( 041 ) 042 * 043 + 044 ,
    045 - 046 . 047 / 048 0 049 1
    050 2 051 3 052 4 053 5 054 6
    055 7 056 8 057 9 058 : 059 ;
    060 < 061 = 062 > 063 ? 064 @
    065 A 066 B 067 C 068 D 069 E
    070 F 071 G 072 H 073 I 074 J
    075 K 076 L 077 M 078 N 079 O
    080 P 081 Q 082 R 083 S 084 T
    085 U 086 V 087 W 088 X 089 Y
    090 Z 091 [ 092 \ 093 ] 094 ^
    095 _ 096 ` 097 a 098 b 099 c
    0100 d 0101 e 0102 f 0103 g 0104 h
    0105 i 0106 j 0107 k 0108 l 0109 m
    0110 n 0111 o 0112 p 0113 q 0114 r
    0115 s 0116 t 0117 u 0118 v 0119 w
    0120 x 0121 y 0122 z 0123 { 0124 |
    0125 } 0126 ~ 0127  0128 0129 HOP (HIGH OCTET PRESET)
    0130 0131 ƒ 0132 0133 0134
    0135 0136 ˆ 0137 0138 Š 0139
    0140 Œ 0141 RI (reverse newline) 0142 Ž 0143 SS3 (3rd value for next character) 0144 DSC (Device Control Line)
    0145 0146 0147 0148 0149
    0150 0151 - 0152 ˜ 0153 0154 š
    0155 0156 œ 0157 OSC (operating system command) 0158 ž 0159 Ÿ
    0160 non-breaking space 0161 ¡ 0162 ¢ 0163 £ 0164 ¤
    0165 ¥ 0166 ¦ 0167 § 0168 ¨ 0169 ©
    0170 ª 0171 « 0172 ¬ 0173 ­ 0174 ®
    0175 ¯ 0176 ° 0177 ± 0178 ² 0179 ³
    0180 ´ 0181 µ 0182 0183 · 0184 ¸
    0185 ¹ 0186 º 0187 » 0188 ¼ 0189 ½
    0190 ¾ 0191 ¿ 0192 À 0193 Á 0194 Â
    0195 Ã 0196 Ä 0197 Å 0198 Æ 0199 Ç
    0200 È 0201 É 0202 Ê 0203 Ë 0204 Ì
    0205 Í 0206 Î 0207 Ï 0208 Ð 0209 Ñ
    0210 Ò 0211 Ó 0212 Ô 0213 Õ 0214 Ö
    0215 × 0216 Ø 0217 Ù 0218 Ú 0219 Û
    0220 Ü 0221 Ý 0222 Þ 0223 ß 0224 à
    0225 á 0226 â 0227 ã 0228 ä 0229 å
    0230 æ 0231 ç 0232 è 0233 é 0234 ê
    0235 ë 0236 ì 0237 í 0238 î 0239 ï
    0240 ð 0241 ñ 0242 ò 0243 ó 0244 ô
    0245 õ 0246 ö 0247 ÷ 0248 ø 0249 ù
    0250 ú 0251 û 0252 ü 0253 ý 0254 þ
    0255 ÿ 0256 null (empty)

    A few explanations for the tables. With ordinary alt codes, I think everything is clear. But a number of initial and some subsequent 0-leading ALT codes, as we could see in the tables, produce incomprehensible characters (after them there are explanations in parentheses). These characters are called control characters and came into modern OSs along with ASCII codes, which were once used to control punched paper tapes!

    Also note that in the English and Russian layouts, the leading 0 alt codes are only half the same. The second half, where the Cyrillic alphabet is introduced in the Russian-language layout, is reserved for all kinds of letters with diacritics in the English-language layout.

    Character fonts and alternative keyboard layouts

    Undoubtedly, ALT codes are a very useful thing. But remembering them all is quite difficult, and given the presence of Unicode characters, it is almost impossible! From here we have at least three options:

    1. Remember only the most frequently used ALT codes for punctuation.
    2. Create a special layout with an extended set of characters available for input.
    3. Use alternative fonts with the desired symbols instead of letters.

    The first option at first glance seems to be the most optimal. It does not require any additional actions other than remembering codes to enter the required characters. To memorize it faster, I recommend that you find it on the Internet or make it yourself a sign with the most useful alt codes and print it out. Here is an example of one of these signs that is freely available on the Internet:

    Similar tables can be found for remembering HTML code and mnemonics. The most successful version of the latter, in my opinion, is collected in the corresponding article on Wikipedia.

    The second option is more tricky and requires intervention in the system. It consists in replace the standard keyboard layout with an alternative one, which uses modifier keys more effectively by inserting certain characters in given combinations.

    Today, one of the best alternative Russian-language layouts for Windows and MacOS is Ilya Birman’s Typographic Layout:

    The principle of operation of the Birman layout is similar to the principle of operation of ALT codes. Only, unlike them, it uses not the left, but the right ALT (ALT GR). To enter the characters indicated in the top row, in addition to ALT GR, you also need to hold down SHIFT. To memorize faster, you can cut out and paste the layout symbols onto the keyboard or print them out and use them as a cheat sheet.

    To install the Birman layout, you need to download it from the website using the link above and install it as a regular program. Then from the Control Panel or Language Panel Properties, open the Language settings and click the "Options" button to the right of the "Russian" option. In the window that opens, in the “Input methods” group, click “Add input method” and in the list of layouts, select a new typographic layout, and then remove the standard one. A reboot may be required to save changes:

    The most interesting option for solving the problem of entering non-traditional characters is the use of alternative symbolic or icon fonts. Such fonts have recently become most popular in web design, since they contain scalable vector images that can be used for various buttons and infographics on modern websites.

    Character fonts allow you to display certain icons instead of regular letters when you press keyboard keys. Since there are usually many such icons, they are also contained in the extended symbol table, from where they are displayed using ALT codes or HTML codes in Unicode style:

    The most popular fonts in modern web design are FontAwesome, GLYPHICONS, Web Symbols and others. In addition, we cannot fail to mention the Fontello service, which allows you to independently assemble your own set of icons from popular symbol fonts and save them in a single file!


    Knowing how to insert this or that character into the text using ALT codes, you can always quickly and competently layout any web page or design a document. As a last resort, with the help of them you can decorate your VKontakte or Odnoklassniki profile with hearts and suns, as many do :)

    Well, if you don’t have enough characters in standard fonts, you can always use alternative ones that contain high-quality graphics instead of letters. True, such fonts, alas, won’t show off on social networks, but you can use them on your own website or blog! The main thing is not to overdo it;)

    P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.