• The role of information in the modern world. The role of information in modern society

    Term "information"(translated from Lat. "informatio") means information, a message about the state of affairs or someone’s activities, information about something. Until the middle of the 20th century. this concept meant any information. However, Academician A. Kolmogorov gave it a broader definition, considering information as the fundamental basis of all new and promising branches of science and technology (cybernetics, theory of organization and management, systems engineering, etc.). At the present stage, the problem of information is considered one of the most pressing and fundamental problems associated with the scientific and technological revolution. It is characterized, in particular, by the transmission information functions from humans to machines on the broadest scale.

    Over the past three decades, another term with a similar meaning has become widespread in society - “informatics,” which usually means information plus automation. The London Institute of Computer Scientists defines it clearly as follows: "Computer science is concerned with the theory, methodology and practice of presenting information primarily (but not exclusively) to support professional and academic activities. To this end, it studies information from its creation to its use, and its transmission to in various forms and through various channels."

    Since the disseminated information reaches hundreds of millions of people, it becomes an increasingly noticeable material force that affects not only production, technology, economics, politics, and the social sphere, but also the nature of modern thinking. The information revolution, therefore, represents the most important link in complex network social processes and phenomena of our time.

    Various aspects of informatization and the role of information in modern society studied by such prominent scientists as N. Wiener, K. Shannon, W. Ashby, L. Brillouin, A. Berg, V. Glushkov, N. Amosov, A. Kolmogorov and others. The philosophical encyclopedic dictionary contains the following interpretation of the concept of information : 1) message, information about the state of affairs, information about something transmitted by people; 2) reduced, removed uncertainty as a result of receiving a message; 3) a message inextricably linked with control, a signal in the unity of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic characteristics; 4) transmission, reflection of diversity in any objects and processes of inanimate and living nature.

    In this context, the most important properties of information should include the following: a) adequacy – correspondence to real processes and objects; b) relevance – compliance with the tasks for which it is intended; V) correctness – compliance of the method of expressing information with its content; G) accuracy - reflection of relevant phenomena with minimal distortion or minimal error; d) relevance, or timeliness – the possibility of its use when the need for it is especially great; e) universality – independence from individual private changes; and) degree of detail – detail of information. It is also important to note the property of information to reflect various social objects, phenomena and processes, i.e. reliability. In sociology and other social sciences, many other properties of information are identified, such as reliability, representativeness, consistency, quality, etc.

    In addition, information can be studied in three main her aspects: 1) pragmatic - in terms of its usefulness in achieving the purpose for which it is intended; 2) semantic – in terms of its content and correct interpretation; 3) syntactic – depending on the technique of its presentation and transmission. An important aspect of the essence of information, in our opinion, is technological. In this aspect, a system of various technologies for working with information is considered.

    It is necessary to take into account that information can accumulate, get lost, become contaminated and become denser. In this regard, it represents important resource society, which is much more important than other resources, such as energy resources or minerals. In addition, in modern society information performs very important and diverse functions. Firstly, thanks to it, society is characterized by social memory, heredity and continuity of development. Secondly, it represents the main means (resource) of social management. Thirdly, Without information, personality formation, its socialization, training and education are impossible. Fourthly, she is the bearer of all forms and manifestations of culture.

    With the development of society, it constantly the role of information resources is increasing, in which all available information about various sectors of human life is generalized and concentrated. The components of this process are, as a rule, a general increase in the volume of information, as well as an increase in economic, social, political and other effects from its use. People obtain and use information to satisfy their basic life needs. Its economic effect depends mainly on the expenditure of resources to obtain it. It is customary to distinguish three options for the efficiency of using information (Fig. 27).

    For option A characterized by an increase in the efficiency of information in proportion to the consumption of resources. In option B efficiency quickly peaks and declines. The most interesting option IN, which is characterized by exponential growth in the efficiency of information use.

    The trend towards an increasing role of information in the life of modern society was conceptualized by D. Bell, Z. Brzezinski, G. Kann, A. Toffler and other prominent researchers within the framework of the concept of post-industrial development of modern society. The implementation of this trend, according to these scientists, should in the future lead to the formation of an information society, which is characterized by the following:

    In economics - small organizational and economic forms that replace traditional bulky corporations;

    IN social sphere– the emergence of information communities and extensive intellectualization of people’s activities, as well as their concentration in the field of production and processing of information;

    In the spiritual sphere - a widespread computer revolution, as a result of which a single world intelligence will arise;

    In the sphere of democracy - overcoming previous forms of alienation of people and the emergence of new contradictions between “smart” and “stupid”, educated and uneducated, which replace the main contradiction industrial society between the poor and the rich.

    Rice. 27. Options for obtaining economic benefits from using information:

    E - information efficiency; RR - resource consumption

    In this concept, two principles are intertwined: rational and irrational. If we try to separate the rational grains from the irrational chaff, it becomes clear that the growing trend in the development of human society in the coming decades of the 21st century. there will be widespread deployment and technologization of information processes. In addition, the concepts of the information society are currently being implemented very quickly, especially in highly developed countries. In the economies of these countries, giant corporations that arose at the peak of industrial development are losing their influence. As Ukrainian researcher E. Marchuk notes in this regard, the number of employees in those corporations that still continue to hold and strengthen their positions is rapidly declining. For example, the share of employment in US manufacturing has declined from 34% of the total labor force in 1950 to 15% today. Approximately a third of these people are not industrial workers, but specialists who deal with information: accountants, managers, designers, etc. Costs on information account for on average three-quarters of the added value of modern products. Along with this, such dynamic processes are occurring as a rapid reduction in the time interval between the key stages of scientific and technological progress: discovery (invention), bringing it to the stage of technology and introduction into production process; human intellect becomes the immediate and main productive force of society; there is a “hunt for intelligence” and its import into leading countries; education, communication systems, databases are rapidly developing, computer equipment.

    Now observed information explosion was caused by the scientific and technological revolution in the second half of the 20th century, which gave rise to a dynamic process of multiplication of scientific knowledge, its exponential growth. At a fairly high rate in modern world The volumes of scientific, economic, political and sociocultural information are growing. Thus, the volume of scientific information doubles in 10-15 years. However, in various branches of science, social and practical activities of people, the pace of information production is far from the same. It is no coincidence that many researchers talk about a “megabit bomb”.

    Therefore, real difficulties arise in working with information. It becomes quite difficult to find, produce, store, process and use it. The volume of information is now so great that there has been a crisis of some traditional techniques information activities, which have evolved over many centuries. At the same time, the increased growth of information volumes in modern society leads to a whole complex of social problems, the most important of which are the following:

    The volume of educational and scientific information is growing rapidly, which leads to real difficulties in the socialization of the individual in general and to the complication of his educational and professional training in particular. The duration of people's education is lengthening, workloads are increasing, and the time for young people to enter active work is increasing;

    The information infrastructure is expanding rapidly, which significantly modifies all spheres of life and poses modern man before a “shock” situation, highlighting the problem of people’s adaptation to new, unusual living conditions, which naturally leads to negative consequences for them (information overload, mental illness, etc.);

    The volume of information is growing often uncontrollably, spontaneously, on a large scale and all-encompassing. Apparently, the problem of information is one of the leading global problems modern civilization.

    In the early stages, the storage medium was memory, and information was transmitted orally from one person to another. This method of transmitting information was unreliable and subject to great distortion.
    problems, due to the natural property of memory to lose rarely used data.

    As civilization developed, the volumes of information that needed to be accumulated and transmitted grew, and human memory became insufficient - writing appeared. This great invention was made by the Sumerians about six thousand years ago. It allowed, along with simple notes bills, bills, recipes, record observations of the starry sky, the weather, and nature. The meaning has changed information messages. It became possible to summarize, compare, and rethink previously stored information. This, in turn, gave impetus to the development of history, literature, exact sciences and ultimately changed public life. The invention of writing characterizes the first information revolution.

    The further accumulation of information by humanity led to an increase in the number of people who used it, but the written works of one person could be the property of a small circle. The contradiction that arose was resolved by the creation of the printing press. This milestone in the history of civilization is characterized as the second information revolution (began in the 16th century). Access to information has ceased to be a matter for individuals; it has become possible to greatly increase the volume of information exchange, which has led to great changes in science, culture and public life.

    The third information revolution is associated with the discovery of electricity and the emergence (at the end of the 19th century) of new means of communication based on it - telephone, telegraph, radio. The possibilities for accumulating information for those times became truly limitless, and the exchange speed was very high.

    By the middle of the 20th century. fast technological processes appeared that humans did not have time to manage. The problem of managing technical objects could only be solved with the help of a universal
    grease machines that collect, process data and issue decisions in the form of control commands. Nowadays these machines are called computers. Rapidly developing science and industry led to an increase in information resources in the geometric profession, which gave rise to problems of access to large volumes of information.

    Our time is marked as the fourth information revolution. Millions of people have become users of information. Cheap computers appeared that were available to millions of users.
    Computers have become multimedia, i.e. they process various types information: sound, graphic, video, etc. This, in turn, gave impetus to the widespread use of computers in various fields of science, technology, production, and everyday life.
    Communication means have become widespread, and computers are connected into computer networks to participate jointly in the information process. The worldwide computer network Internet has appeared, the services of which are used by a significant part of the world's population, quickly receiving and exchanging data, i.e. a single global information space is being formed.

    Currently, the circle of people involved in information processing has grown to unprecedented proportions, and the speed of exchange has become simply fantastic; computers are used in almost all areas of people's lives.

    Before our eyes, an information society is emerging, where the emphasis of attention and importance is shifting from traditional types of resources (material, financial, energy, etc.) to an information resource, which, although it has always existed, was not considered either as an economic or as another category.

    Information resources are individual documents and arrays of documents in libraries, archives, funds, data banks, information systems ah and other storage facilities. In other words, information resources are knowledge prepared by people for social use in society and recorded on material media. The information resources of a country, region, or organization are increasingly considered as strategic resources, similar in importance to reserves of raw materials, energy, minerals and other resources.

    The development of global information resources has made it possible to:

    Transform information service activities into a global human activity;

    To form a global and domestic market for information services;

    Increase the validity and efficiency of decisions made in companies, banks, exchanges, industry, trade, etc. through the timely use of necessary information.

    The general scientific interpretation of information initially covered only information transmitted by people. From the middle of the 20th century. information is described as a concept reflecting the exchange of information between people, a person and an automaton, an automaton and an automaton. Thus, information is a universal property of matter. Information is information, data, regardless of its form and presentation. There is no single definition of Information. Information – information about the world around us and the processes occurring in it.

    Mass consciousness - the term denotes the depersonalized consciousness of ordinary citizens of a developed industrial society, formed under the massive influence of the media and MK stereotypes.

    Social behavior is behavior expressed in the totality of actions and actions of an individual or group in society and depending on socio-economic factors and prevailing norms. (Sociological Encyclopedic Dictionary)

    The theory of the information society was formed in the 20th century and was based on technological determinism (technology develops in accordance with its logic and shapes human development more than serves human purposes).

    Alvin Toffler identifies 3 stages (waves) of the development of society and their basic areas:

    1. Pre-industrial society: the agricultural sector is primary.

    2. Industrial society: industry.

    3. Post-industrial society: service sector.

    Novelty: we saw qualitative changes in the sociocultural layer. A new qualitative state – post-industrialism – has acquired the status of a sociocultural paradigm. Theorists of poststructuralism: the basic element of the next sector should be science and social science. Knowledge becomes power! Universities are the centers of this knowledge. The information society did not replace the post-industrial society, but in parallel. The process of transferring everything to information sphere. Information society- an island in which social, economic, political. and cultural development depends on the production, processing and storage of information.

    Daniel Bell:“The Third Technological Revolution and Its Social and Economic Consequences” identified 3 main technological processes of informatization:

    1. The transition from mechanical systems to electronic ones, which increases the speed of information transfer.

    2. Miniaturization – reduction of means of communication (phones with the Internet, etc.), nanotechnology.

    3. Digitalization (digitization) – transfer of information using codes.

    Three interrelated components of informatization (policies and processes aimed at building and developing a telecommunications infrastructure that unites geographically distributed information resources):

    1. Mediatization is the process of improving the collection, distribution, and storage of information.

    2. Computerization is the process of improving information processing.

    3. Intellectualization – the process of developing the perception of information (mechanism of psychological defense, rejection of one’s feelings).

    The Internet is an intangible space. Material and intangible go in parallel: media corporations and mechanical engineering. A party of pirates appears (the goal is to reform legislation in the field of intellectual property, they advocate the free non-commercial exchange of information and the inadmissibility of its prosecution under the law, as well as for privacy) - the establishment of intellectual communism.

    Journalism deals with social information that arises in the process of people's exploration of the world. Social information reflects the attitudes and ideas existing in society, its contradictions and problems. In spiritual terms, journalistic information is characterized by ideological saturation. In the press, it is especially important to ensure that the audience internalizes certain ideas, views, moral, political or other values. The constant concern of a journalist is to increase the information richness of the texts he prepares, that is, the presence in it of a large amount of potential information and, accordingly, high expected effectiveness.

    The information must have the following properties:

    - Usefulness– meets consumer needs.

    - Redundancy– freedom of flow of useful information into unuseful information and vice versa.

    - Completeness- revealing the meaning of what is happening.

    - Credibility– the consumer has a complete understanding of the origin of this I.

    - Reliability– a concept that combines reliability and verification.

    - Novelty– the presence in the information of such information and ideas that the reader does not yet have. However, there must be reliance on already known knowledge.

    - Availability– a radio broadcast in an unknown language is as useless as philosophical debates in kindergarten.

    - Timeliness– a late storm warning is clearly of no value and does not bring help to a sinking ship.

    All these qualities are combined into the concept value of information, which underlies the choice between individual messages, news channels or even the authors of journalistic publications. A journalist, collecting and comprehending information, creates and records a text. Then transfers it to the auditorium. This text can only be considered as a carrier of potential information. It will only work if it “reaches” the audience. A society in which high-quality information circulates is called an information society (the term originated in Japan).

    IO features:

      increasing the role of information, knowledge and information technologies in the life of society;

      an increase in the number of people employed in information technology, communications and the production of information products and services in the gross domestic product;

      the growing informatization of society using telephony, radio, television, the Internet, as well as traditional and electronic media;

      creation of a global information space, ensuring: (a) effective information interaction of people, (b) their access to global information resources and (c) satisfaction of their needs for information products and services.

    The role of information in the implementation of social connections:

    Increasing the quantity and quality of information

    Improvement of technical and technological base

    More opportunities for people with disabilities

    The process of interpersonal communication is simplified ( e-mail etc.)

    Creation of a single information space

    Ability to access various sources of information.

    Addiction to the virtual world

    Split personality (real and virtual me)

    The era of consumerism

    Information security is questionable

    Information wars

    Manipulation of consciousness intensifies

    There are two possible polar types of information society: “digital dictatorship” or “digital democracy”.

    "Digital dictatorship" created by the digital bureaucracy in order to simplify the management of the digital state. At the same time, the digital rights of digital citizens are not protected; the emphasis is on digital police measures of total digital control. Digital services are being imposed on the population, which are needed not by the population itself, but by the state (bureaucracy).

    "Digital democracy" This is a completely different type of structure of the information society. “Digital democracy” is being built for the sake of citizens, for the protection of their digital civil rights. Creating a “digital democracy” is much more difficult than a “digital dictatorship.” Forecasts show that “digital democracy” should ensure confidentiality and anonymity of citizens’ personal information. It is possible to ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of personal information (personal data) of citizens only by means of cryptography, while the person himself (biometric image of a person) must become the personal key to manage his personal cryptography.

    Trends in the information society influencing mass consciousness and social behavior:

    1. The problem of the digital divide.

    Regions lag behind megacities in the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). This is not only the problem of people’s uneven access to information resources, but also the gap between entire sections of society in cultural, economic, political and other aspects. It is impossible to build an ICT while a significant mass of people have limited access to ICT.

    2. Manuel Castells: in the information age, the problem of the “Network-Personality” relationship arises - the problem of the psychology of people in the information world, the nature of the processes of socialization, self-affirmation of the individual in creativity, in professional and personal life is changing. Personal communication is being replaced by communication on social networks, creative people now appear on the Internet, maintaining their own blogs.

    3. New information technologies are changing the political sphere. The disappearance of class politics, the structure of society is changing, a person now fights not for a class, but for belonging to some interest, a person - an opinion leader.

    4. The transition of the authorities from the concept of “E-Gov” (electronic government) in favor of “Gov 2.0” (social networks). This concept implies not only a more active involvement of users in government activities, but also the transformation of traditional government portals into unique social networks. If government officials begin to shift to remote work, Gov 2.0 could become true distributed network power.

    5. The appearance of user-generated content - the formation of content and structure by the users themselves. The downside is that their quality remains extremely low. User-generated content is mostly of interest only to themselves and their friends and family.

    6. Relevant for Russia: the concept of “electronic cottage” (El. Toffler). The vast distances of the country are one of the problems on the path of industrial development. Electronic cottage - the development of IT in the regions will allow the development of distance learning, remote work, network forms of interaction between business, government or various institutions.

    Concept of information. Information processes and systems.

    Information is knowledge or information about someone or something, perceived by a person or special devices as a reflection of the facts of the material world in the process of communication. This information can be collected, stored, transmitted, processed, and used.

    Information processes are processes associated with the search, storage, transmission, processing and use of information.

    Information retrieval is the retrieval of stored information.

    Information storage is a way of distributing information in space and time.

    In the process of transmitting information, a source and a receiver of information necessarily participate: the first transmits information, the second receives it. Between them there is an information transmission channel - a communication channel.

    Information processing is the transformation of information from one type to another, carried out according to strict formal rules.

    Information is used in decision making.

    An information system is a repository of information equipped with procedures for entering, searching, placing and issuing information. The presence of such procedures - main feature information systems, distinguishing them from simple accumulations of information materials.

    By scale, information systems are divided into the following groups:




    According to the scope of application, information systems are usually divided into four groups:

    Transaction processing systems;

    Decision systems;

    Information and reference systems;

    Office information systems.

    Information resources and technologies.

    Information resources are, in a broad sense, a collection of data organized to effectively obtain reliable information. Individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other information systems).

    Information technologies - processes, methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, distributing information and methods of implementing such processes and methods; techniques, methods and methods of using computer technology in performing the functions of collecting, storing, processing, transmitting and using data; resources necessary for collecting, processing, storing and distributing information.

    Information security threats. Components information security.

    Threats to information security are a certain set of factors and conditions that create danger in relation to protected information.

    Natural threats:

    Natural disasters;


    Man-made accidents;

    Other phenomena beyond human control.

    Artificial intentional threats:

    Theft (copying) of documents;

    Eavesdropping on conversations;

    Unauthorized access to information;

    Interception of information;

    Introduction (recruitment) of insiders;

    Falsification, forgery of documents;


    Hacker attacks etc.

    Man-made unintentional threats:

    User errors;



    Curiosity, etc.

    The main components of information security: ensuring the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information resources and supporting infrastructure.

    Availability is the ability to obtain the required information service in a reasonable time.

    Integrity means the relevance and consistency of information, its protection from destruction and unauthorized changes.

    Confidentiality is protection against unauthorized access to information.

    Information security threats. Security services.

    The main security services are the following:

    Confidentiality - preventing passive attacks on transmitted or stored data.

    Authentication is confirmation that information came from a legitimate source and the recipient is who they say they are.

    Integrity is a service that guarantees that information has not changed during storage or transmission.

    Impossibility of refusal - the impossibility, both for the recipient and for the sender, to refuse the fact of transfer.

    Access control - the ability to limit and control access to systems and applications over communication lines.

    Availability - the result of attacks may be the loss or reduction of the availability of a particular service. This service designed to minimize the possibility of DoS attacks.

    Informal offender model.

    Secret writing

    Secret writing refers to techniques by which the content of what was written was hidden from those who were not supposed to read the text.

    Since ancient times, humanity has exchanged information by sending paper letters to each other. In Ancient Veliky Novgorod, it was necessary to roll up your birch bark letters with the words outward - only in this way could they be transported and stored, otherwise they would unfold spontaneously due to changes in humidity levels. It was similar to modern postcards, in which the text, as you know, is also open to prying eyes

    Information security plan.

    Information Security Plan

    Section 1. Composition and structure of the information subsystem and the nature of threats to the organization’s information security.

    Section 2. Measures to prevent leakage of information of limited distribution and access.

    Section 3. Measures to prevent the loss of information of limited distribution and access.

    Section 4. Information security inspection and training plan.

    The first section should contain an analysis of the ways of leakage and loss of information, the goals and objectives of information protection, and the main activities carried out for these purposes. It is advisable to divide the second and third sections into two parts: the first sets out measures to prevent leakage or loss of information along the “ technical device– technical device” and “personnel – technical device”; in the second, preventing information leakage through personnel and the external environment. Additionally, a plan for disinformation of potential competitors may be developed, or appropriate activities may be included in other sections of the information protection plan.

    An information security plan should not be viewed as a panacea for all eventualities. Depending on the intensity of the organization’s activities and the development of new, more competitive products, one-time plans can be drawn up for the period of strengthening the information functioning of the enterprise or increased information vulnerability.

    Support plan continuous operation and recovery.

    The bank’s C&I plan was developed in accordance with the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated 01/01/2001 “On amendments to the Bank of Russia Regulations dated 01/01/2001 “On the organization of internal control in credit institutions and banking groups”, Federal Law dated 01/01/2001. No. 68-FZ “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergency situations”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 000 “On the classification of natural and man-made emergency situations”, other regulatory documents and internal documents of the bank .

    The C&R plan was developed in relation to large-scale unforeseen circumstances comparable in duration and strength of impact, the size of possible material losses and negative consequences of an intangible nature to a municipal emergency. Namely, the zone emergency does not go beyond the city of Pskov, and:

    The number of victims is from 10 to 50 people;

    Either size material damage from 0.1 million rub. up to 5.0 million rubles

    These unforeseen circumstances include:

    1) Hurricane - wind of destructive force and significant duration, the speed of which exceeds 32 m/s;

    2) Epidemic - a massive spread of an infectious disease of people, progressing in time and space within a certain region, significantly exceeding the incidence rate usually recorded in a given territory;

    3) State of emergency. State of emergency means declared in accordance with the Constitution Russian Federation and the Federal Constitutional Law on the entire territory of the Russian Federation or in its individual localities, a special legal regime for the activities of public authorities, bodies local government, organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, their officials, public associations, allowing for certain restrictions established by the Federal Constitutional Law on the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons, the rights of organizations and public associations, as well as the imposition on them additional responsibilities;

    4) Terrorist act - the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions that frighten the population and create a danger of death, causing significant property damage or other grave consequences, in order to influence decision-making by authorities or international organizations, as well as the threat of committing these actions in for the same purposes.

    In the event of unforeseen circumstances of a smaller scale, caused by the above factors, or arising independently, the bank’s C&R Plan provides separate modules:

    1) Failure technical means;

    2) Failures in the operation of automated information systems;

    3) Violation of public infrastructure;

    4) Power outages;

    5) Unforeseen liquidity deficit (in this document, liquidity deficit means a liquidity deficit resulting from the implementation of any unforeseen circumstance from this Plan, or a combination of several unforeseen circumstances);

    6) Risk of loss of business reputation (in this document, the risk of loss of business reputation means the risk of loss of business reputation arising as a result of the implementation of any unforeseen circumstance from this Plan, or a combination of several unforeseen circumstances, or as a result of appearance in the media, the Internet, etc. . d. unreliable/discrediting information to the bank).

    38) Measures to ensure continuous operation and restore the functionality of the IS.

    Continuity of the NPP functioning process ( automated system) and timely restoration of its functionality is achieved:

    • carrying out special organizational measures and developing organizational and administrative documents on the issues of ensuring NRT of the computing process;
    • strict regulation of the process of information processing using computers and the actions of system personnel, including in crisis situations;
    • appointment and training of officials responsible for organizing and implementing practical measures to provide NRT information and the computing process;
    • clear knowledge and strict compliance by all officials using NAS computer equipment with the requirements of governing documents for ensuring NRT;
    • using various methods of reserving hardware resources, reference copying of software and insurance copying of system information resources;
    • effective control over compliance with the requirements for ensuring NRT by officials and responsible persons;
    • constant maintenance of the required level of security of system components, continuous management and administrative support for the correct use of security measures;
    • carrying out continuous analysis of the effectiveness of the measures taken and the methods and means used to ensure NRT, development and implementation of proposals for their improvement.

    ISO/IEC 17799 is an information security standard published in 2005 by ISO and IEC. It is entitled Information Technology - Security Technologies - Practical Rules for Information Security Management(English) Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for information security management). Current version standard is a revision of the version published in 2000, which was a complete copy of British Standard BS 7799-1:1999.

    Standard provides the best practical advice on information security management for those responsible for creating, implementing or maintaining information security management systems. Information security is defined by the standard as “maintaining confidentiality (ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have such access), integrity (ensuring the accuracy and completeness of information and how it is processed), and availability (ensuring that authorized users have access to information and related resources).

    The current version of the standard consists of the following main sections:

    · Security Policy ( Security policy)

    · Organization of information security ( Organization of information security)

    · Resource management ( Asset management)

    Security of human resources ( Human resources security)

    · Physical and environmental safety ( Physical and environmental security)

    · Management of data transfer and operational activities ( Communications and operations management)

    · Access control ( Access control)

    · Development and maintenance of systems (Information systems acquisition, development and maintenance)

    Information security incident management

    · Business continuity management


    The value of information in the modern world. The importance of ensuring the safe functioning of information systems.

    For the development of human society, material, instrumental, energy and other resources, including information, are needed. The present time is characterized by unprecedented growth in volume information flows. This applies to almost any area of ​​human activity. The greatest increase in the volume of information is observed in industry, trade, finance, banking and education. For example, in industry, the growth in the volume of information is due to an increase in production volume, the complication of manufactured products, materials used, technological equipment, and the expansion of external and internal connections of economic entities as a result of concentration and specialization of production.

    Information is one of the main, decisive factors that determines the development of technology and resources in general. In this regard, it is very important to understand not only the relationship between the development of the information industry, computerization, and information technology with the informatization process, but also to determine the level and degree of influence of the informatization process on the sphere of management and human intellectual activity.

    A modern information system is complex system, consisting of a large number of components of varying degrees of autonomy that are interconnected and exchange data. Almost every component can be exposed to external influences or fail.

    Dangerous impacts on a computer information system can be divided into accidental and intentional. An analysis of experience in the design, manufacture and operation of information systems shows that information is subject to various random influences at all stages of the system’s life cycle.

    Particular attention should be paid to the threats to which computer networks may be exposed. The main feature of any computer network is that its components are distributed in space. Communication between network nodes is carried out physically using network lines and programmatically using a message mechanism. In this case, control messages and data sent between network nodes are transmitted in the form of exchange packets. Computer networks are characterized by the fact that so-called remote attacks are launched against them. The intruder may be located thousands of kilometers from the object being attacked, and not only a specific computer may be attacked, but also information transmitted over network communication channels.

    Information – information about objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties, state, which allows us to reduce the degree of uncertainty of knowledge about these objects. Data – can be thought of as attributes or recorded observations that are not yet used but only stored. If it can be used to reduce uncertainty about something, data becomes information. The computer works with data, and user-with information. . Information can be: text, audio, numerical, graphic, video. Data measurement is based on the way data is encoded - when processed on a computer in a binary number system. Size measured in:

    bit (zero or one), byte=8bits, kilobyte=1024 bytes, megabyte=1024 kg, gigabyte=1024 megabytes. It is stored in the computer's memory. RAM – information used in at the moment, ROM – unchangeable, system information, VZU – external storage devices

    Information has become one of the most important strategic and management resources, along with resources - human, financial, and material. Its production and consumption constitute the necessary basis for the effective functioning and development of various spheres of social life, and, above all, the economy. This means that not only sources of information in any part of our planet become available to every person, but also the new information generated by him becomes the property of all humanity. In modern conditions, the right to information and access to it are of vital value for all members of society. The growing role of information in society has been the subject of scientific understanding. Theories have been put forward to explain its place and significance. The most popular are the theories of post-industrial and information society.

    Natural methods. Methods based on the senses. Logical thinking. Imagination, comparison, comparison, analysis, forecasting, etc.

    Hardware methods. Hardware methods are always devices (instruments). Tape recorders, telephones, microscopes, video recorders, etc. From the point of view of computer science, these devices perform a common function - they transform data from a form inaccessible to natural human methods into a form accessible to them. Not always some devices can process data created by other devices. In such cases, special data conversion devices are used, and we are not talking about converting the form of data, but about converting its format (modems, household video cameras).

    Software methods. The widespread introduction of computer technology makes it possible to automate the processing of the most different types data using a computer. A computer is a special type of device that simultaneously combines hardware and software methods processing and presentation of information. These methods constitute the subject area of ​​computer science.

    If we assume that information is a dynamic object that does not exist in nature by itself, but is formed during the interaction of data and methods, and exists as long as this interaction lasts, and the rest of the time remains in the form of data, then we can give the following definition :

    Information is the product of the interaction of data and methods, considered in the context of this interaction.

    Contextual (adequate) is the method that is generally accepted for working with data of a certain type. This method must be known to both the data creator and the information consumer.
    For graphical data (illustrations), the contextual method is an observation method based on vision. In this case, we mean visual or graphical information. For text data, a contextual reading method is implied, based on vision, knowledge of the alphabet and language. In this case we talk about text information.

    For data presented in the form of radio waves, hardware methods for converting data and consuming information using a radio or TV are contextual. Therefore, the concepts television information, information program, news release etc.

    For data stored on a computer and transmitted over networks, hardware and software methods of computing are contextual. They are also called information technology tools, which are included in the subject area of ​​computer science. In this case, the concept of computer information is used.

    Concepts of information: technical, biological, social. Definition of information in a technical concept. Information and data. Classification of information by forms, types, characteristics and properties.

    Types of information - result information approach to different levels of organization (movement) of matter. If we leave aside inanimate nature, where the information approach is unproductive, three Levels are revealed:

    1) social, corresponding to human society;

    2) biological, represented by living nature;

    3) machine, covering artificially created “second nature” and, above all, information technology.

    Biological information covers three types of objects: firstly, sensory-visual images (perceptual images) of material objects, formed through the senses and stored in the memory of a living being; secondly, the signals that animals exchange during zoocommunication; thirdly, DNA molecules, in the structures of which the image of the future organism and the program for its synthesis are encoded. Accordingly, three types of biological information are distinguished: sensory (perceptual), zoocommunicative, genetic. Genetic information represents messages within genetic communication

    Machine information is a representation of material objects and control programs presented in the form of energy radiation (signals) or machine-readable records. Machine readable records, e.g. optical discs, magnetic compact discs, which are carriers of text and audiovisual information, simultaneously relate to social information messages.

    Social information is a meaningful communication message in the light of the information approach. This definition implies that a meaningful message can be a carrier of knowledge, emotions, motives (all of these are meanings), and this means that the latter fall into the content of social information. In other words: social information is a message that has meaning. These messages can be called “informational” or simply “information” and as a result, the elementary scheme of communication (Fig. 1.1) is transformed and the elementary scheme of information impact (Fig. 3.1), which is one of the options for interpreting semantic communication.

    in technology, information is understood as messages transmitted in the form of signs or signals; in this case there is a source of messages, a recipient (receiver of messages), a communication channel;

    Data is a collection of information recorded on a specific medium in a form suitable for permanent storage, transmission and processing. Transformation and processing of data allows you to obtain information.

    Information is the result of data transformation and analysis. The difference between information and data is that data is fixed information about events and phenomena that is stored on certain media, and information appears as a result of data processing when solving specific problems. For example, various data are stored in databases, and upon a certain request, the database management system provides the required information.

    Types of information:






    Electromagnetic (information of electromagnetic waves).

    From the point of view of computer science, the most important are the following general qualitative properties: objectivity, reliability, completeness, accuracy, relevance, usefulness, value, timeliness, understandability, accessibility, brevity, etc.

    Objectivity of information. Objective - existing outside and independently of human consciousness. Information is a reflection of the external objective world. Information is objective if it does not depend on the methods of its recording, anyone’s opinion, or judgment.
    Example. The message “It’s warm outside” carries subjective information, while the message “It’s 22°C outside” carries objective information, but with an accuracy that depends on the error of the measuring instrument.
    Objective information can be obtained using working sensors and measuring instruments. Reflected in a person’s consciousness, information can be distorted (to a greater or lesser extent) depending on the opinion, judgment, experience, knowledge of a particular subject, and thus cease to be objective.

    Reliability of information. Information is reliable if it reflects the true state of affairs. Objective information is always reliable, but reliable information can be both objective and subjective. Reliable information helps us make the right decision. Information may be inaccurate for the following reasons:

    intentional distortion (misinformation) or unintentional distortion of a subjective property;

    distortion as a result of interference (“damaged phone”) and insufficiently accurate means of fixing it.

    Completeness of information. Information can be called complete if it is sufficient for understanding and making decisions. Incomplete information may lead to an erroneous conclusion or decision.

    The accuracy of information is determined by the degree of its proximity to the real state of an object, process, phenomenon, etc.

    Relevance of information - importance for the present time, topicality, urgency. Only timely information received can be useful.

    Usefulness (value) of information. Utility can be assessed in relation to the needs of its specific consumers and is assessed by those tasks that can be solved with its help