• Setting up and setting up computer-controlled machines. CNC: operating principle of machine tools and explanation of the concept. What does this abbreviation mean?

    A CNC lathe is a universal electrical equipment that combines the capabilities of a machining center and an aggregate module. CNC lathes can be used in a wide range of activities and perform various stages of production of workpieces. They are equipped with conveyors for mass production of products and specialized workshops.

    A modern CNC lathe differs from analogues without numerical control by increased functionality and the ability to make settings for almost all parameters. Modern software, that is, software, makes it possible to use modern turning units in autonomous mode, minimizing operator participation.

    From a design point of view, CNC lathes are almost no different from conventional models. The main difference is the presence of an electronic control unit for equipment components.

    Modern models of CNC machines, due to the absence of the need for manual adjustment and the presence of several cutting tools, ensure the simultaneous operation of each of them. All cutters automatically perform the tasks assigned to them through the simulator. As a result, the processing of metal products is characterized by high precision and quality.

    Models of CNC turning machines allow you to perform the following operations:

    • Manufacture complex parts by turning internal and external planes;
    • Sharpen metal blanks along the product;
    • Cut parts of parts with high precision;
    • Boring, forming grooves, recesses, holes;
    • Carry out threads of various configurations.

    One of the main elements of a machine with a CNC module is a simulator. The software requires proper design so that the simulator can adapt to the tasks assigned to the module. At the same time, the developers are trying to make the simulator as simple as possible in order to simplify the work of specialists.

    The cutters, processing, chuck center unit is controlled by special sensors. From the sensors, information about the cutters and the chuck-centering machine is transmitted to the electronic control unit, thereby increasing the quality and accuracy of processing.

    Design elements

    Such tools, equipped with a CNC module, seem complex. But in practice, their design is not much more complicated than standard production complexes without numerical control. All models of chuck-centering, screw-cutting lathes and other Russian or foreign-made lathes can be additionally equipped with stepper motors and servo drives. They control cutters, other tools, and the position of the carriage due to the operation of the CNC.

    The main design elements of a numerically controlled lathe include:

    • Stanin. It's the basis. This is the supporting structure for installing all machine components. The bed also takes on the function of reducing vibrations that occur during production stages. Metal processing requires certain efforts, which are carried out by cutters and drilling tools. Therefore, this provokes the occurrence of fluctuations. That is why it is important to choose a fairly heavy machine for work or to firmly fix it on the base, floor, or workbench;
    • Spindle head. They are used to install lathe chucks. The headstock receives torque transmitted from the electric motor. The gearbox allows you to change the spindle speed mode;
    • Calipers. The task of the caliper is to displace the cutters, cutting tools, relative to the workpiece being processed. The support includes two carriages - lower and upper. On the top there is a mechanism that holds cutters and drilling tools. The lower one allows you to move structures along guides;
    • Feeding system. It promotes movement of the caliper in one or two planes.

    Many models use turrets to expand production capabilities. Their peculiarity is that these holders allow you to install different cutters at the same time. This allows you to use the machine using various tools to process products.

    Features of operation

    Processing on lathes equipped with a simulator and a CNC module requires a mandatory preliminary study of the model. Design, operating modes, nuances of a chuck-centering machine, cutters, driven tools. All this requires attention. First of all, it is recommended to look at the passport of the specific CNC lathe you purchased.

    The simulator allows you to disassemble the cutters, the main tools in detail, try out what kind of processing can be done, how the driven tool functions, etc. Without the preliminary work that the simulator provides, the result may be somewhat disappointing.

    Let's consider some of the main features of the operation of turning equipment, where there is a simulator, a CNC module, due to which the tools and cutters perform their work stages with minimal operator participation.

    • The CNC unit allows the machine to operate in two modes;
    • The first mode is automatic. It processes parts faster, but you cannot control the quality of the work performed. The automatic mode is used when mass processing of parts or the creation of large batches of workpieces is required. First, the program is run through the simulator, after which specific processing of the parts is started;
    • The second mode is semi-automatic. Semi-automation is relevant when processing involves performing complex operations. The peculiarity of the semi-automatic mode is that the processing is performed one step at a time, after which the machine is turned off. In order for processing to continue, the operator manually activates the appropriate operating modes to enable the next step. Semi-automatic equipment is used if it is necessary to produce piece workpieces. Many lathes equipped with a CNC module allow automatic and semi-automatic operation as needed.

    CNC machine requirements

    A numerically controlled lathe has a wide range of advantages, as evidenced by consumer reviews. One of them is a simulator, which allows you to first check how the machine will operate in a particular mode according to given commands through the software.

    At the same time, there is a drawback - the high price. A modern CNC lathe will cost the buyer at least 1 million rubles. And in order for the money paid to justify itself, you need to take into account the requirements that the machine makes during operation.

    1. Maintain indoor temperature and humidity at the proper level.
    2. Carry out periodic preventative maintenance and checks of turning equipment elements. This is especially true for electrical components, spindles and carriages.
    3. Adapt the software to a specific CNC module installed on the equipment. This is especially true when it is planned to expand the functionality of the turning device over time.
    4. Comply with the quality requirements of the electrical network used. The software elements of the machine are sensitive to changes in the electrical network, which is why failures can often occur.
    5. Arrange the operating area of ​​the lathe accordingly, provide for level placement, protection from vibrations, external factors, etc.

    Lathes, supplemented with CNC modules, are modern metalworking equipment designed for increased productivity and high quality. This is an expensive pleasure, but it fully justifies itself during operation.



    How to ensure that the drawing on the monitor and its dimensions correspond to the dimensions that the CNC machine will make? Why does the drawing “crawl” over the edge of the table or is it too small?

    Quite often you see how beginners and not so CNC operators try to calculate the scale of the product at the development stage of the machine. They recalculate the degrees of rotation of the motor, the pitch of the ball screw, the length of the run and a lot of other parameters. Meanwhile, there is a simple method to achieve true scale on the machine without such labor-intensive procedures. With this article I will try to help all CNC machine enthusiasts.

    We assume that you have already decided what engine power suits you.

    So, install the existing motors on the machine axis

    Install any ball screw that you were able to buy or get.

    If there is no ball screw, then install any trapezoid screw

    The pitch of the screw thread and the angle of rotation of the motor do not matter!

    So your machine is ready, connected to the computer, the CNC program is running (in our case it is MASN-3)

    Fig1 axis motor settings window

    Open Notepad path-(Start-all programs-accessories-notepad)

    Type in the program

    G0 X50

    G0 Z5

    Save the program under any name with the extension " txt"

    Save to "Desktop" for quick search

    Upload the program to MASN-3(File-Open Gcodes).

    Place the cutter

    Touch the workpiece with it slight depth

    Reset all coordinates

    Run the program you wrote.

    The machine will draw a segment 50mm long

    Measure the resulting size of the segment and divide the resulting number by the number in the MASN-3 program window along the path -> “Step\units” in the window at the address “Configurations” then “Motor settings”

    (The first window from the bottom left is labeled "Steps per")

    There is already a certain number in the window, for example 2000 is number of steps per 1 mm of machine movement

    Divide this is the number for 50 (the length of your segment) and enter the resulting number in the same window

    Mill the section again segment and check the result, repeat the settings if necessary.


    We created a “segment” file whose length was set to 50 mm.

    Uploaded to MASN-3

    We started the machine.

    We obtained a cut size on the machine equal to 55 mm.

    We need to bring it to 50 cm (since we set it initially)



    Where 2000 is the number in the column"Step\units" .

    55 - the result obtained on the machine (in mm).

    36.36 = 1 machine pitch (1mm)

    1818 = 50 machine steps (50mm)

    1818 - We enter this number in place 2000 in the table

    Precise fit

    We drew a “segment” file on the machine after the adjustments made above.



    Let's do

    1818 \ 50,5 = 39,60

    39.60 x 50 = 1980 - Enter this number into the table

    That's all. Good luck!

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    Radiation protection when welding and cutting. Great selection.
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    The CNC type CNC system is characterized by the following operating modes.

    Information input mode. entering a control program (CP) or initial data for it from external media manually or via a communication channel; information analysis; error output to display devices; placement of the UE in the system memory.

    Automatic mode: processing of the part according to UE; automatic feed control; accelerated development of UE; accumulation of operational information (counting the number of parts, recording processing time, etc.).

    Operator intervention mode into the automatic control process: performing a process stop operation, skipping CP frames and processing them without issuing control commands, as well as correcting technological modes, tool codes and satellite codes.

    Manual mode: machine setup and manual movement control; UE debugging; practicing tool movements when setting the movement speed manually; recruitment and development of the UE frame, its memorization and storage; formation of CP from individual frames, visualization of frames, input of various types of corrections, diagnostics of machine mechanisms, tools, CNC systems, etc.

    Edit mode: search for the desired UE frame and display it on the display device, frame correction, replacement, insertion and deletion.

    Information output mode UE to external devices - a puncher, a printing device, a compact cassette, to external memory, as well as to a higher-ranking computer or to a local area network.

    Calculation mode required values ​​​​according to formulas (for example, cutting mode parameters and geometric transformations), formation of CP based on input information, etc.

    Display mode when the selection and visualization of information, dialogue, etc. are performed.

    Diagnostic mode, during which emergency and diagnostic warnings are automatically generated.

    When setting up the machine operating program, the operator uses the appropriate modes, introducing adjustments necessary for processing.

    The features of setting up CNC machines are determined by the control system, since the mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical systems are the same as those of similar machines with traditional control systems.

    The specificity of setting up CNC machines is that during operation it is necessary to periodically (when switching to processing a new workpiece) adjust the necessary characteristics of hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical components, electrical devices, electronic devices, CNC units, automatic adjustment systems, adjustable feed drives .

    Programmable function keys are located on the operator console or machine panel. The modern programming languages ​​used provide the operator with an interactive mode. During work, the operator uses the possibility of programming at the workplace and visualization on the screen of the CNC system of the trajectories of movement of the working bodies in given and current coordinates in a form convenient for the operator and technologist. In accordance with the technological map, the operator sets technological processing parameters (cutting speed, feed, etc. .).

    The adjustment of the simplest elements is carried out by a worker-operator. He uses a card that contains the initial data for setting up tools (their length and reach) and fixtures. If during processing it is necessary to ensure the 8th (or more) accuracy grade, the adjustment for processing the first workpiece is carried out using the method of trial passes.

    In the process of adjusting electronic and electrical devices of control systems for CNC machine tools, the adjuster carries out oscillography of voltage and signal shapes, as well as transient processes. He performs adjustment of the CNC sequentially for each device, block, node (for example, reading, input devices, arithmetic device, display, interpolation, memory units, speed setting unit, etc.). Without changing the circuitry of a node, block, or device, optimal values ​​of output signals are obtained that ensure the accuracy and performance of the device as a whole. Adjustment is carried out using tuning elements provided in the design, block diagram, node, device (for example, using a variable resistor), or by selecting any of the circuit elements that affects the output parameter.

    In a CNC control system, the performance of adjustment work is associated with various measurements carried out at control points, the results of which evaluate the output parameters of the node, block and device as a whole. The CNC adjustment is considered complete after checking the functioning of the CNC machine in various modes and in accordance with the specified program.

    The worker-operator checks the functioning of the CNC machine after adjustment in three stages.

    1. Checking the program without tools, fixtures and workpieces. Using manual control, the machine components are set to their original position, and then automatic control is turned on according to the program. They control the movement of all nodes and their return to their original position. Control is carried out along the dials using stops, indicators, etc.

    2. Processing of a prototype workpiece, made in some cases from sheet metal, plastic, etc. Typically, this operation is performed if the workpieces are complex and their quantity is limited.

    3. Processing of the control (reference) part. A comprehensive check of the accuracy of processing on a CNC machine is checking a reference part (standard) processed according to NC. In Fig. 9.21, and shows a drawing of a standard for comprehensive testing of the quality of adjustment of a multi-purpose CNC machine. For machines with a horizontal spindle, the standard can be made in the form of a square. For horizontal machines with a ratio of maximum movements along the X and Z axes of more than 1:6 and for vertical machines with the same ratio of maximum movements along the X and Y axes, it is recommended to use two standards. The standard is finally processed on the base surfaces with an accuracy twice the tolerances on the surfaces being tested.

    In addition to a comprehensive check, it is necessary to check the accuracy of the center distances of the machined holes. To do this, according to the program, five holes of grade H7 are drilled and bored in the standard. The length of the holes must exceed or be equal to the diameter. It is possible to bore holes to check the center distances and on a standard for a comprehensive check. The test is carried out using a microscope or a device designed to measure center distances.

    For horizontal machines, check the deviation from the alignment of holes processed by rotating the table. The measurement is performed twice, taking each of the bored holes as the base. The deviation from the alignment of the tested axes is equal to the largest of the obtained deviations.

    In Fig. 9.21, b shows the standard for a CNC lathe. The part is processed in compliance with the technical parameters (cutting mode, material, geometry of cutting tools, coolant) recommended by the equipment manufacturer.

    On CNC machines, tests for maximum loads are performed and cutting conditions are specified for characteristic types of processing and tools. When testing for maximum force of the main movement drive and feed drives, drilling with a tool of the largest diameter and milling with end mills are carried out.

    Features of setting up CNC lathes

    At the beginning of the shift, the basic functions of the movement of the machine are checked. In order to thermally stabilize the machine and the CNC device, turn on the spindle at medium speed at idle speed and power the CNC device for 20...25 minutes (while the machine warms up).

    According to the setup map, the cutting tool and equipment for securing the workpiece are selected. Check the condition of the tool. Install the tool in the corresponding positions of the turret support indicated in the setup chart.

    The cams are adjusted to limit the movement of the caliper and its zero (initial) position. The NC is entered from the CNC console from a form or from an external memory cassette. The program is checked first in frame-by-frame mode, and then in automatic mode, observing the correctness of its implementation.

    The workpiece is secured in accordance with the setup chart. Perform dimensional adjustment of the cutting tool. The workpiece is processed according to UE. Determine the dimensions of the finished part and enter the necessary corrections from the CNC control panel (when processing a batch of workpieces, the dimensions of the parts are periodically checked and, if necessary, corrections are introduced).

    When processing the first workpiece, it is necessary to observe the cutting process (especially chip formation and the roughness of the machined surface); if necessary, corrections of cutting modes should be entered (from the CNC control panel).

    Features of setting up multi-purpose CNC machines. Installing the Jig

    It can be performed directly on the machine table or on a satellite fixture (FS).

    Basic elements are installed on the subsurface, orienting the workpiece relative to them. The location of the basic and fastening elements must correspond to the setup map, since installation errors depend on this. If a program for processing a workpiece from several sides is being processed on a machine for the first time, then it is necessary to determine the coordinates of the table center from absolute zero along the X axis. This coordinate for a given machine is a constant value and can be used when setting up bases for other adjustments. The position of the PS, and therefore the workpiece, is set in advance by the technologist (programmer), who develops a program in absolute (relative to the machine zero) or relative coordinates, taking into account the position of the workpiece zero in relation to the machine zero. (Machine zero is the initial position of the machine table and spindle, at which all displacement sensors show zero.)

    The base surfaces of the workpiece and the supporting surfaces of the PS on which it is installed form a coordinate system, the beginning of which is called the zero of the workpiece (Fig. 9.22, a). If you specify the position of the workpiece in relation to the machine coordinate system with dimensions X" and Y", then during processing (for example, hole 1), the program can specify movement along the X and Y axes, etc. Movements along the X0, Y0, Z0 axes can be obtained using the zero shift device available on the machine by entering coordinate values ​​on the control panel when setting up the machine for this operation.

    Sometimes the PS 4 body is based using base strips B 1 and B 2 (Fig. 9.22, b). These bars form a PS coordinate system, the position of which in relation to the coordinate system of a given machine is known and can be taken into account when drawing up a program.

    In some cases (Fig. 9.22, c) the basic elements are installed parallel to the table movements along the coordinates, adjusted using an indicator, secured (in general, in a place on the table where it is most convenient to place the workpiece), and then find the position of the workpiece coordinate system in relation to to machine zero. To do this, insert a mandrel with diameter d into the spindle (Fig. 9.22, d) and move the table to a position where the mandrel touches the base bars B 1 and B 2. The display panel displays the coordinate values, which are then used to control the zero offset.

    You can arrange the installation elements with base bars B 1, B 2, B 3 along the grooves of the table located in the zero position of the machine, and measure the distances X (to the measuring mandrel) and Z (to the base end surface of the spindle). These distances (taking into account the diameter of the mandrel) are taken into account when shifting the zero of the machine (see Fig. 9.22, c).

    After installing the PS, it is necessary to enter the base coordinates, which is done by aligning the spindle axis with the base surface or axis of the workpiece. At the same time, the distance from the base elements to absolute zeros is recorded along all coordinates. To enter the base coordinates, an auxiliary tool installed in the machine spindle and end gauges are used. If basing is carried out along a hole, then the base coordinates are entered using a center finder installed in the spindle using a mandrel. After aligning the spindle axis with the hole axis, the base coordinates are entered using floating zero correctors.

    Installation of cutting and auxiliary tools in the magazine

    Measurements of the lengths and diameters for which the tool is set are carried out outside the machine. The operator enters this data into the corrector of the CNC system.

    Additional adjustment of some tools is carried out, if necessary, directly on the machine based on the results of control measurements of machined surfaces. Changing some sizes of processed surfaces is possible by introducing a correction on the control panel. The easiest way is to correct the processing length along the Z coordinate. Often, correction is introduced to the cutter radius when working in circular interpolation mode (for example, when processing holes, a curved outer contour, and in other cases).

    The placement of tools in the magazine slots, turret head, etc. is carried out in accordance with the program card. In this case, it is necessary to carefully check the number of the tool (mandrel) with the number of the magazine socket, and on machines where the tool number is coded, set the corresponding code combination on the shank of the mandrel.

    When installing into a magazine, special attention must be paid to the tool working with the initially oriented spindle, since it must be installed in the cell in a certain way. In addition, it is necessary to check: sharpening of the tool; fastening drill chucks on the mandrel cone and drills in the chuck; fastening end mills in adapter bushings; fastening the tool in collet chucks; setting up thread-cutting chucks and securing the tap in the adapter sleeve; fastening of mounted countersinks and reamers on floating mandrels; runout of drills and taps when installed in chucks in order to reduce it.

    If there is no device for setting the tool outside the machine, the length of the tool is determined on the machine. Depending on the value of the Z coordinate, the tool length is measured from the end of the spindle to the top of the cutting edge or the deviation of the actual tool length from the programmed one is determined.

    When processing using coolant, it is necessary to check the condition of the protective elements of the machine, the absence of gaps between the protective elements, the operation of the pump and the presence of coolant in the system.

    A comprehensive check of the quality of setup on a CNC machine is the production of a suitable part according to NC, the quality of which is assessed by a measuring laboratory.

    During normal operation of a CNC machine, in case of repeated processing of a workpiece, it is necessary to skip the test program at least once a week. In the event of a defective part when working according to the NC program, a test program is also introduced that makes it possible to identify errors in the preparation of the program, CNC malfunction, unsatisfactory operation of the feed drives, violation of the sequence of technological commands and other defects in the operation of the machine.

    Based on the results of running the test program, a malfunction in a circuit, block or group of blocks is determined with the participation of an adjuster or technologist. Further actions are typical for a specific CNC design and are indicated in the technical documentation.

    A step-by-step guide to help you understand how to set up a cnc machine Right.

    Setting up a CNC machine means bringing it into a state of readiness for processing the workpiece. You should make sure that the automatic tool changer has all the necessary tools to process the existing workpiece, that the correct g-code program is loaded, and that the entire machine is ready for use.

    Advice from the professionals: use setup cards

    If you work as a CNC machine operator in production and set up machines, you probably have a setup chart at your disposal, which contains all the necessary information about the procedures and setup steps.


    Result: the machine is cleared of chips and other debris that can cause a decrease in the efficiency and accuracy of technological operations.

    To properly set up your CNC machine, clean the machine's work table as well as the clamping fixtures of any remaining coolant, swarf, or other debris. To do this, you can use compressed air, a brush or a washing machine. You need to make sure that chips and debris do not fall into sensitive areas of the machine. A high-pressure jet of air can blow debris into areas of the machine where it shouldn't be, which in turn can cause damage to machine parts.


    Result: The automatic tool changer contains all the tools necessary to process the workpiece according to a given g-code program.

    Tool trolley on
    wheels for CNC machine

    Note: If your CNC machine does not have an automatic tool changer, you will still need to have all the tools needed for the job ready so that you can quickly change them in the machine spindle when needed, and also to quickly set up the CNC machine.

    In this case, our goal is to be able to secure the cutting tools in chucks (or simply have them on hand if your machine spindle does not allow for the use of several interchangeable chucks), and also to install these chucks into the device automatic tool changer or placed in a convenient place so that they are at hand during processing or manual tool replacement.

    If you have a machine setup card for a specific process operation, it will indicate the necessary tools for processing that will help you set up the CNC machine correctly, as well as their numbers in the g-code program.

    Typically, we place the tools required to perform a particular process operation on a tool cart or tool tray. You may have all your tools stored in a toolbox on the shop floor. You place all the necessary tools on the cart, roll it up to the machine, and then load the tools into the magazine.

    Each type of chuck has its own requirements, compliance with which is necessary to achieve maximum operating efficiency and proper setup of the CNC machine. For example, ER collet chucks have a nut tightening torque requirement that must be adhered to.


    Result: The CNC machine is warmed up and ready to work.

    To properly set up your CNC machine, you should consider creating a warm-up program for your machine and spindle at the start of your workday. This will help minimize thermal expansion during the transition from room temperature to operating temperature (the warm-up program will ensure a smooth transition of the machine to normal operating temperature), as well as good lubrication of the working axes and spindle of the machine.


    Result: The tool face of your CNC machine is configured with compensation values ​​for the length of all tools used.

    Setting correction indicators to
    tool length using
    sizing device

    To set up a CNC machine, the machine needs to know how long the tool is based on a reference value called the “set point.” It uses this information to adjust the position of the spindle relative to the specified coordinates for each tool individually.

    It is very important that the tool length compensation readings are correct and accurate for each tool. This is necessary to ensure maximum processing accuracy with each tool after setting up the machine. If the tool length compensation value is set incorrectly, it may result in damage to the tool and will most likely result in damage to the machine or fixture.

    Some machines are equipped with a device for dimensional adjustment of tools. This is a special sensor that is used by the machine to automatically measure the length of tools. In other cases, the length of the tools is measured offline (i.e., not on the machine) - entered by the machine operator into the tool parameters table. Entering such data can be done in one of the following ways:

    • manual input on the keyboard located on the front panel of the machine
    • loading using a special g-code called G10
    • other possible methods
    It is very important to follow all procedures so that the correct tool length compensation values ​​are entered into the tool data table.


    Result: The table of tool parameters contains all the necessary information about the diameters of all tools used.

    If the program is going to use the tool offset function, the machine needs to know the diameter and length of each tool.


    Result: The clamping device for securing the existing workpiece is properly installed on the machine.

    Typical double vice, representing
    consists of two pairs of vices assembled in one unit

    At this stage, a device for securing the workpieces is installed. There is a wide range of clamping devices available on the market. The setup card performs another important function in this case - determining which clamping device is needed to secure the workpiece when performing a specific technological operation.


    Result: the zero coordinates (0, 0, 0) of the CNC machine exactly match the required coordinates of the workpiece zero point. All zero points of the machine correspond to the required values ​​and are included in the control program.

    To set up a CNC machine, you need to enter the coordinates of the zero point (see the article “How to find the zero point of a machine”) of the workpiece into the machine’s memory. There are a number of ways to accomplish this task. The purpose of using machine zero points is to have multiple workpiece zero point coordinate values. This is convenient in cases where it is necessary to process several workpieces, each of which has different zero point coordinates, or in cases where it is necessary to fix several workpieces on separate clamping fixtures, with each of the workpieces having its own zero point coordinates.


    Result: the corresponding control program with g-code is loaded into the machine memory.

    flash drive per unit

    You need to load a control program with a g-code into the machine’s memory (see the article “Description of G codes”). - this operation is part of the machine setup procedure. Depending on the machine model, this can be done in several ways:

    • To load a g-code program into the memory of older models of machines, you may need a floppy disk or even punched paper tape (on VERY old models!).
    • Loading a program with a g-code into the memory of machines of more modern models is possible using a USB port.
    • Your machine can be connected to a local network, which will allow you to download the program by simply copying the g-code to a separate folder or downloading it from an FTP server to the machine's memory.
    • Your machine can be connected to a device containing a g-code program using the RS-232 protocol. In this case, the g-code can be loaded into the machine memory via this connection or transmitted step by step at several times per unit of time.
    There are a number of important points that need to be checked:
    • Make sure you have the correct version of the control software. It's easy to get confused with so many different versions, so make sure you have the version you need at the moment.
    • Load all the necessary routines and their libraries that may be required by the main part of the program. For example, if the control program uses data received from sensors, its operation may require a subroutine library for taking readings from sensors.
    • You must clearly know what actions the control program expects from the machine operator during operation. Does it include the possibility of stopping? Do you need to run the program from the control unit? And so on. To set up a CNC machine, such information must be entered into the setup sheet.


    Result: The coolant system check has been completed and you are now ready to run the g-code control program.

    In order to set up a CNC machine, make sure that the coolant you are using is in good condition and suitable for use, which will be one of the preventive maintenance measures of the machine in order to prevent possible malfunctions in its operation before starting the processing operation blanks. Again, this is the last procedure to perform, however, you may have your own schedule for checking and replacing coolant, which involves checking more frequently and ensuring that it is in good condition.

    It is important to pay attention to the following points:

    • If the coolant has an unpleasant or rancid odor, you have a problem.
    • Is there enough coolant in the reservoir or does it need to be added?
    • Is the concentration of cutting fluid sufficient in relation to the amount of water contained in the solution? You can also use a refractometer to measure coolant concentration.
    • Do you filter the coolant to remove small chips and debris that could clog the supply system?
    • Check the machine to ensure that coolant is flowing freely and that the nozzles are in the correct position. A well-tuned coolant system is especially important for chip removal and can even allow you to slightly increase feed rates and spindle speeds.

    You may also be interested.

    Many beginning furniture makers are faced with the need to create facades based on MDF boards. Moreover, the requirements for products in a highly competitive environment are quite high.

    Products must be of high quality, meet modern standards and trends, and in addition, in order to have a stable flow of customers, the entrepreneur must fulfill their orders as quickly as possible. It is possible to get the job done efficiently and quickly only if you use technologically advanced tools for the job. In this case, these are CNC machines. We will explain below what they are and how they work.

    What does this abbreviation mean?

    The decoding of this concept is as follows: Numerical Control. That is, a machine tool operating on numerical control is capable of performing certain actions that are assigned to it using a special program. The operating parameters of the machine are set using numbers and mathematical formulas, after which it performs the work according to the requirements specified by the program. The program can set parameters such as:

    • power;
    • speed of work;
    • acceleration;
    • rotation and much more.

    Features of CNC machines

    The technique for creating furniture parts using a modern device of this type includes several stages of work:

    All mechanical actions that the equipment performs are the embodiment of a sequence that is written in the control program.

    Modern CNC machines are complex electromechanical devices and require skilled use. The main operation of the machine is carried out by two people:

    • service technician;
    • CNC machine operator.

    The adjuster is entrusted with a more complex array of work; he performs adjustments and readjustments of the device, and the operator must monitor the work process and carry out easy adjustments.

    Actions of the CNC machine operator and operator

    Stages of the adjuster's work look like this:

    • selecting a cutting tool according to the map, checking its integrity and sharpening;
    • selection according to the adjustment map of given sizes;
    • installation of the cutting tool and chuck, checking the reliability of the workpiece fastening;
    • setting the switch to the “From the machine” position;
    • checking the working system at idle;
    • introduction of punched tape, which is carried out after checking the tape drive mechanism;
    • checking the correctness of the specified program for the console and CNC machine and the light signaling system;
    • fastening the workpiece into the chuck and setting the switch to the “According to program” mode;
    • processing of the first workpiece;
    • measuring the finished part, making corrections using special corrector switches;
    • processing the part in the “According to program” mode a second time;
    • taking measurements;
    • moving the mode switch to the “Automatic” position.

    At this point, the adjustment process is completed and the CNC machine operator begins work. He should do the following:

    • change oils;
    • clean the work area;
    • lubricate cartridges;
    • check the machine for pneumatics and hydraulics;
    • check the exact parameters of the equipment.

    Before starting work, the operator of the CNC machine must check its operation using a special test program, and he should also make sure that the lubricating fluid is supplied and that there is oil in the hydraulic system and limiting stops.

    In addition, he must check how securely the fastening of all devices and tools is, as well as how well the furniture piece corresponds to the specified technological process of the machine. What follows take measurements for possible deviations from the accuracy of zero adjustment on the device and other parameters.

    And only after these manipulations can you turn on the CNC machine itself:

    • the workpiece is installed and secured;
    • then the work program is introduced;
    • punched paper tape and magnetic tape are loaded into the reading device;
    • click “Start”;
    • after the first part is processed, it is measured to ensure compliance with the previously specified model.

    Areas of application of CNC machines

    CNC machines are used in various service and manufacturing industries:

    • for processing wood and wood panels;
    • for plastic processing;
    • stones;
    • complex metal products, including jewelry.

    CNC devices have a number of such functions, How:

    • milling;
    • drilling;
    • engraving;
    • sawing;
    • laser cutting.

    Some models of CNC machines have the ability to simultaneously combine different types of material processing, then they are called CNC machining centers.

    Advantages of CNC machines

    The use of CNC-based machines and machining centers in production allows for timely completion of work that would be impossible without their use. For example, when producing furniture facades from MDF in this way, you can complex relief decors, which are simply impossible to do manually. Thus, thanks to special graphic design programs, you can realize the most daring design solutions.

    In addition, mass production of MDF facades using large-format CNC machines is possible without the need to pre-cut the boards and allows for a full cycle of processing, which significantly saves time and labor.

    The price of CNC-based equipment is such that you need to think carefully before purchasing it whether it will be economically profitable specifically for your production facilities. If you have a stable flow of clients, and they are willing to pay for original design solutions, then you can safely invest in such equipment.

    The peculiarity of CNC-based machines is their reliability and the ability to operate uninterruptedly for many years. But when working with them, you must follow all safety rules, and also select only qualified operators and adjusters. Poor quality work by personnel can cause the device to fail ahead of schedule.