• Activities of the multifunctional center for state and municipal services

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    state municipal public

    In accordance with the curriculum, I completed a pre-graduation internship from January 11 to 22 at the Federal State Institution “MFC in the Republic of Dagestan” in the Akhtynsky district, which is also the place of my permanent job. The thesis will also be devoted to the development of a network of multifunctional centers in the Republic of Dagestan and the improvement of their activities. The internship is important element when preparing a specialist. Practice gives the student the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the learning process. Together with the head of the practice directly at the Federal State Institution “MFC in the Republic of Dagestan”, an internship plan was drawn up, which I successfully completed. Since I am very familiar with this organization, its internal structure, work, and employees, the most important thing that practice has given me is to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during the learning process in practice, that is, through direct communication with people. The most important thing in the work of a service specialist is, of course, polite, competent and tactful communication with clients, which MFC specialists encounter and apply every day.

    The purpose of this practice was the ability to use the theoretical knowledge I had acquired, use information and communication technologies in professional activity, work collaboratively and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, applicants, organize and perform work to provide government and municipal services.

    The purpose of this report is to diagnose the work performed during the internship and prepare for the preparation of the thesis and search for material.

    The object of the study is the characteristics of the organization’s activities in the provision of state and municipal services.

    The subject of the study is all the activities of the Federal State Institution “MFC in the Republic of Dagestan” in the Akhtynsky district.

    1. Characteristics of the organization of the Federal State Institution “MFC in the Republic of Dagestan” in the Akhtynsky district

    Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services in the Akhtynsky district is an organization authorized (established) by the State Autonomous Institution "MFC in the Republic of Dagestan" to organize the provision of state and municipal services on the basis of approved administrative regulations for the provision of state (municipal) services in a single room equipped with the necessary provision of state and municipal services by means using software used in the provision of state (municipal) services.

    The main task of the Federal State Institution “MFC in the Republic of Dagestan” in the Akhtynsky district is the comprehensive and prompt provision of state and municipal services to citizens and legal entities in a place and mode convenient for them, excluding their appeal to different departments. Organizing the activities of a multifunctional center significantly improves the quality and reduces the time it takes to provide services to the population. Today, multifunctional centers of the Republic of Dagestan provide about 250 types of services from 24 federal and republican departments. The work of the MFC is based on the “one window” principle, according to which the provision of services at the federal, regional, municipal level is carried out in one place on a free basis after a one-time request from the applicant, and interaction with the bodies providing services is carried out by a multifunctional center without the participation of the applicant . The time frame for the provision of state and municipal services in the MFC is reduced due to the organization of interaction on the basis of agreements, administrative regulations, the introduction of the Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction System (SMEI), thanks to which you can request various types of certificates while sitting at the computer, and work in the PKPVD system.

    The multifunctional center in the Akhtynsky district began operating on February 2, 2015, and every day the popularity of this center and the number of applicants is growing. Thanks to competent, friendly communication with clients, a comfortable and warm atmosphere, and the smile of all the center staff, the Akhty MFC has gained great popularity among residents of the area. This is evidenced by positive reviews from people on social networks, analysis of completed questionnaires that center operators give to applicants to fill out after the service is provided. These questionnaires include several questions on whether they are satisfied with the level of service provision, the timing of service delivery, and the competence of the center staff.

    The number of staff at the Akhty MFC is 19 people. Among them are a director, a lawyer, 5 operators, 3 experts, a courier operator, a courier surveyor, an administrator, a supply manager, a clerk, 2 security guards and a cleaner. There is no accounting or personnel department in the branch; these departments operate in the main office of the MFC; salaries are calculated at the beginning and end of each month. That is, first an advance payment, and then for intensity (a percentage of each service provided). The director of the Akhty MFC is Diana Ramazanovna Gadzhieva.

    Each MFC employee has his own functions. Administrator's tasks: meets the applicant, escorts him to the electronic queue terminal so that he can take a coupon, answers questions, explains the terms of provision of certain services, list necessary documents etc. The operator directly accepts documents, explains the progress and stages of service provision, deadlines, enters the applicant’s data into the program and creates a case. After entering personal data, the operator prints out an application in two copies, a receipt for receipt of documents, also 2 copies, consent to the processing of personal data. Maximum time Reception of documents no more than 15 minutes. Next, after receiving the documents, the operator transfers the case to the expert, who is the responsible executor. An MFC expert is a specialist who performs a service and brings it to completion, interacts with executive authorities. The interests of the MFC in interaction with executive authorities and clients are represented by a qualified lawyer who also offers services for drawing up various agreements (purchase and sale agreements, donations, exchanges, etc.).

    Address of the Federal State Institution "MFC in the Republic of Dagestan" in the Akhtynsky district: Akhty village, st. Bayramova, 2, tel.:89387778243, email. mail: [email protected]. The organization can also be found on Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte, etc. Work at the MFC is based on the following schedule:

    Monday from 8.00 to 18.00. without a break

    Tuesday from 8.00 to 18.00. without a break

    Wednesday from 8.00 to 18.00. without a break

    Thursday from 8.00 to 18.00. without a break

    Friday from 8.00 to 18.00. without a break

    Saturday from 10.00 to 15.00. without a break

    Day off: Sunday.

    The MFC building is a one-story modern building. The facade of the building is decorated with a beautiful banner and a beautiful LED poster. Equipped with all the necessary modern equipment, video cameras, electronic queue and payment terminals.

    The activities of the MFC are carried out in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation. Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Dagestan, administrative regulations for the provision of state (municipal) services, agreements of the administration of the Municipal District "Akhtynsky District" with the federal executive authorities of the Republic of Dagestan and organizations participating in the provision of relevant state and municipal services on the basis of the MFC.

    Reception of documents from applicants is carried out by MFC employees on the day of the applicant’s application in the order of priority or by prior appointment of the applicant at certain time and date, in accordance with the MFC work schedule.

    The premises of the multifunctional center consists of several functional sectors (zones):

    Information Sector;

    Waiting sector;

    Applicant Reception Sector.

    In the information sector there are:

    Consultant windows for informing applicants about the provided state (municipal) services;

    Information stands containing information about state (municipal) services;

    Information kiosk containing information about state and municipal services in electronic form;

    Information stands and information kiosk provide the following information:

    MFC operating hours, legal (actual) address of the MFC, telephone numbers, website and email address;

    List of state (municipal) services provided on the basis of the MFC;

    List of documents required to obtain state (municipal) services;

    Duration of service provision;

    The procedure for receiving and issuing documents;

    The procedure for appealing actions (inactions), as well as decisions of officials;

    Samples of applications from recipients of state and municipal services;

    Amounts of state duties and other payments;

    List of recipients of state (municipal) services;

    Procedure for providing state (municipal) services.

    In the waiting sector there are:

    Electronic queue management system;

    Payment terminal;

    Waiting areas for visitors;

    Information kiosks;

    Document forms (forms) required to receive the service.

    In the applicant reception sector there are:

    Visitor reception windows.

    The windows for receiving visitors are equipped with information signs indicating the window number, last name, first name, patronymic and the position of the specialist receiving and issuing documents.

    Applicants are informed about the provision of state (municipal) services by an MFC employee:

    Directly at the MFC with personal consultation;

    Using funds telephone communication, electronic auto-notification. Auto-informing provides round-the-clock provision of reference information.

    Consultations on the provision of state or municipal services are provided by MFC employees, including an employee specifically allocated to provide consultations.

    Consultations are provided on the following issues:

    · list of documents required for the provision of state or municipal services;

    · time of receipt and issuance of documents;

    · timing of provision of state or municipal services.

    · the procedure for registering the provision of state or municipal services.

    The MFC operates a single call center, through which operators call applicants and report on the progress of the case.

    When answering telephone calls, an MFC employee informs the applicant in detail and in a polite (correct) manner on issues of interest (makes an appointment with the MFC, explains the procedure for contacting the MFC to facilitate the receipt of state or municipal services, etc.). Reply to phone call should begin with information about the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the employee who received the phone call.

    If the employee who received the call is unable to independently answer the questions posed, the telephone call must be redirected (transferred) to an MFC employee whose competence includes answering the questions posed.

    Information about the progress of the provision of state or municipal services is carried out by an employee of the MFC through personal contact with applicants, using telephone, postal communications, or e-mail.

    An applicant who has submitted documents to the MFC for the provision of state or municipal services is required to be informed by an MFC employee:

    · refusal to provide state or municipal services;

    · about the deadline for completing the paperwork and the possibility of receiving them.

    From the moment the documents are received, the applicant has the right to receive information about the progress of the provision of state (municipal) services by telephone, e-mail, or through a personal visit to the MFC.

    To obtain information about the progress of the provision of state (municipal) services, the applicant indicates (names) the date and incoming number submitted application. The applicant is provided with information about at what stage of consideration (in the process of performing which administrative procedure) the package of documents submitted by him is located.

    Information about the location, contact numbers (phone numbers for inquiries), email addresses of the MFC, and the procedure for providing state (municipal) services is posted by MFC employees:

    · at information stands in the MFC;

    MFC employees organize monthly door-to-door visits in order to inform people about the activities of the MFC, the principles of work, and the list of services. Various kinds of booklets and magazines are distributed. In addition to house-to-house workers, the director of the MFC organizes meetings with the heads of various departments in order to improve interaction with them. The main organizations with which the MFC interacts and for which the most more services are: Federal Migration Service for the Akhtynsky District, USZN, Pension Fund Administration, Administration of the Moscow Region, Cadastral Chamber, Rosreestr Administration for the Magaramkent District, Federal Tax Service, etc.

    2. Organizations interacting with the MFC and a list of provided state and municipal services. Register of the number of services provided in 2015

    1.State labor inspection in the Republic of Dagestan.

    2. Office of the Federal Migration Service for the Republic of Dagestan:

    Issuance and replacement of passports of citizens of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation. - Registration and issuance of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation. - Registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation. - Implementation of migration registration in the Russian Federation.

    3. Branch of the Russian Pension Fund for the Republic of Dagestan:

    Acceptance of applications for recruitment social services, on refusal to receive a set of social services or on the resumption of the provision of a set of social services. - Receiving applications from insured persons to select an investment portfolio (management company), to transfer to a non-state pension fund, or to transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from a non-state pension fund for the transfer of pension savings to them. - Acceptance of applications for voluntary entry into legal relations under compulsory pension insurance in order to pay additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension. - Acceptance of applications for the issuance of a state certificate for maternal (family) capital and issuance of a state certificate for maternal (family) capital. - Acceptance of applications for the disposal of maternal (family) capital funds.

    4. Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Republic of Dagestan.

    5. Federal Service Administration state registration, cadastre and cartography for the Republic of Dagestan and a branch of the federal state budgetary institution"Federal Cadastral Chamber of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography" for the Republic of Dagestan:

    State service for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it. - State service for state cadastral registration of real estate.

    State service for providing information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

    State service for providing information included in the state real estate cadastre.

    6. Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Republic of Dagestan.

    7. Office of the Federal Tax Service for the Republic of Dagestan.

    8. Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

    9. Federal Bailiff Service.

    10. Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Dagestan.

    11.Forestry Committee of the Republic of Dagestan.

    12.Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Dagestan.

    13.Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Dagestan.

    14.Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Republic of Dagestan.

    15.Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan.

    16.Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Dagestan.

    17. Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Dagestan.

    In total, in 2015, the Federal State Institution “MFC in the Republic of Dagestan” provided 12,940 services in the Akhtynsky district. The report form is included in the appendices. According to the District Administration, 2,522 services were provided through the MFC, according to the BTI, 21 services, for life situations, 7 services (the birth of a child, the loss of a loved one, etc.), certificates - 520, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Dagestan - 155 services (mainly the issuance of hunting licenses). tickets), according to the Ministry of Labor 38 services, according to the OPFR - 135, services for the production of boundary and technical plans - 1198 services, according to the Federal Service for Social Protection of the Russian Federation - 148, according to the Rosreestr Office - 2726, according to the Federal Migration Service - 1553, according to the Federal Tax Service - 538, according to the FKP - 3260.

    3. The procedure for accepting documents from applicants by MFC employees

    An MFC employee, in the manner established by the administrative regulations for the provision of the relevant state or municipal service at the MFC, receives documents from the applicant both through an electronic application using the Internet site and through the window for receiving and issuing documents in the following sequence:

    Establishes the identity of the applicant, the applicant’s representative; checks the availability of a document confirming the authority of the applicant’s representative;

    Accepts from the applicant applications for state or municipal services, completed in the prescribed form, and the necessary documents attached to it;

    After accepting the application and registration, the MFC employee conducts an initial check of the submitted documents for compliance with the requirements established by law, making sure that:

    documents in cases established by law are notarized;

    texts of documents are written legibly, names legal entities- without abbreviation, indicating their locations;

    surnames, first names, patronymics, addresses of residence are written in full;

    there are no erasures, additions, crossed out words or other unspecified corrections in the documents;

    documents are not written in pencil;

    the documents do not have serious damage, the presence of which does not allow an unambiguous interpretation of their contents;

    The validity period of the submitted documents has not expired.

    Checks the correctness of the application, the completeness of the documents submitted by the applicant necessary for the provision of state or municipal services, their compliance with the requirements of the relevant administrative regulations for the provision of state (municipal) services.

    In the absence of the necessary documents, or their non-compliance with the established forms and forms, the MFC employee notifies the applicant about the presence of obstacles to the consideration of the application, explains to the applicant the content of the identified deficiencies in the submitted documents and offers to take measures to eliminate them;

    Registers the application submitted by the applicant, as well as the attached documents, in the logbook for registration and control of applicants’ applications to the MFC, implemented in the software and hardware complex, and enters into it data on accepted documents;

    The registration log is kept in electronic form and, in order to further ensure the safety of information, is duplicated in paper form;

    Prepares and prints a receipt in two copies. The first copy of the receipt with the registration number, date and signature of the employee who accepted the set of documents is handed over to the applicant. The receipt also indicates the period when the applicant can receive the result of the provision of a state or municipal service. The receipt by the applicant of a receipt confirms the fact that the MFC employee has accepted a set of documents from the applicant;

    Hands over a set of documents to the MFC employee responsible for document processing;

    The result of accepting documents is the issuance of a receipt for the acceptance of documents or a refusal to provide a state (municipal) service;

    The applicant has the right to withdraw his application during the period of its consideration or the provision of state (municipal) services.

    Additional interaction between an MFC employee and an applicant is allowed in the following cases:

    The need to complete the package of documents provided by the applicant to receive a state or municipal service, of which the MFC employee notifies the applicant at the specified address contact phone number, email. If it is impossible to notify the applicant by telephone, the applicant is notified by mail by registered mail with notification of receipt (a fact confirming such interaction is an additional receipt issued by an MFC employee to the applicant, notification of delivery of the letter);

    The need to agree on the draft of the requested document with the applicant or jointly resolve other issues;

    The need to confirm payment (provide payment documents) for preparing a document issued on a reimbursable basis.

    The general period of the procedure for accepting documents from the applicant is determined by the relevant administrative regulations for the provision of state (municipal) services.


    Internship is an important element in preparing a future specialist. Practice gives the student the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the learning process in practice. During the internship, the bulk of the knowledge I acquired in the classroom was in demand.

    During my pre-graduation internship, I studied the activities of the multifunctional center in the Akhtynsky district.

    From year to year, networks of multifunctional centers are beginning to become increasingly popular among residents of various cities and regions. The most important thing that attracts clients is polite treatment, convenience, comfort, receiving various kinds of certificates and documents in one place. Avoiding various offices and bureaucracy is another advantage of the MFC for people who want to receive this or that service.

    When analyzing the activities of the MFC, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to further refine the principles of provision and quality of services. When providing services, great attention should be paid primarily to the quality of service. An MFC employee, in my opinion, is a competent, tactful, creative person, ready to listen, smile and help. The result of such work is grateful applicants. Today we can say with confidence that MFC branches use full confidence population. And this is proven by the attendance of the centers. Every day one MFC operator receives from 8 to 15 people. It is necessary to work to increase the number of services provided by outreach more citizens. The main emphasis should be on informing the population about the work of the MFC. In this case, we are talking about covering all categories of applicants. Young people can receive information through social media, electronic media. Elderly people through newspapers and by informing during door-to-door visits. In addition, as many events as possible should be held in crowded places: markets and godekans. Branch managers need to hold meetings with the organization’s workforce, in mosques, informing the population about the services that can be obtained at the MFC. It is also necessary to pay great attention to the provision of services to people with disabilities, operators visiting their homes, homes for the disabled, etc.

    The most important thing in the work of the MFC is, of course, competently selected staff. Regarding the issue of personnel selection, I can confidently note that all employees at the MFC are hired on a competitive basis. Starting from the operator, ending with the director. The quality of the center’s work depends on how competently the team is selected. The employment process is as transparent as possible. Preliminary meetings are held with young people, which avoids the intervention of intermediaries. Date, time of the competition and all necessary information posted on the official website mfcrd.ru, as well as in the media of the relevant regions. Candidates selected through the competition are free training at the Training Center of the Republican MFC. The children listen to lecture courses on all types of services provided in multifunctional centers. Business trainings, seminars on stress resistance and customer focus are conducted, during which the guys learn various techniques for servicing applicants.

    Thus, from all of the above we can conclude that at present, the MFC can rightfully be called the only organization that was created specifically for the benefit of the entire people. Thanks to the development of such centers, our state can be called a service state, and compete for the status of a socially oriented country, which will raise it to higher levels. high level on the world stage.


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    11/18/2016, Fri, 13:22, Moscow time, Text: Anton Kurash

    Reduction in funding and lack of independent monitoring of the effectiveness of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC): these issues were discussed by the participants of the III Ionian Seminar. It was dedicated to the problems of informatization and the quality of public services of the MFC. Some experts called the next year decisive for the fate of this institute in Russia. The main threat is a shortage of new areas of development, and, as a result, loss of interest in the MFC on the part of both citizens and government authorities.

    For the third time, an Ionian seminar was held off the coast of the Greek island of Corfu, dedicated to the problems of informatization and development of the MFC. The format chosen by the organizers is a foresight regatta. Experts took part in it and discussed the future of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services. The informal atmosphere and competent composition of participants (experts from the MFC and government authorities, as well as representatives of IT companies EOS, Nakhodka, A.T. Consulting) made it possible to identify a number of current strategic problems that the centers may face in the near future.

    One of the key ideas was that the federal authorities in charge of the MFC sphere lately weakened regional support. According to the director of the Institute for the Development of Public Services Sergei Yurkevich, in a crisis, the MFC will have to fight for the budget and political support for the project from the heads of regions with other structures involved in the provision of public services. But after the country’s MFC announced the implementation of a number of indicators laid down in the “May decrees” of the president, both funding for the project and interest in it on the part of officials decreased.

    In conditions of lack of funds, multifunctional centers are increasingly forced to look for additional ways financing. For example, in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, MFCs are engaged in filling out questionnaires for migrant workers when processing documents. However, the very idea of ​​the centers - providing free assistance to the population - minimizes the list of possible sources of additional income.

    It is likely that new opportunities for monetizing the activities of the MFC will open up in the field of working with big data, but this issue still remains at the level of a conceptual idea, since for its implementation it is necessary to understand who and how will acquire the data that the organization has.

    In addition to participating in the business program, participants in the Ionian Seminar are assigned a ship's role

    Consequences of poor automation

    One of the main problems of efficiency is integration automated systems MFC with departmental AIS. The quality and timeliness of service provision outside government offices depends on the solution to this issue.

    In this regard, the most highlighted issues recently have been the issuance of driver’s licenses and the issuance of foreign passports directly at the MFC, without the involvement of employees of the relevant departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Government Order No. 747-r dated April 21, 2016 approved the corresponding plan for the development of a system for providing state and municipal services based on the “one window” principle. There it was agreed upon to expand the corresponding list of services. Later, a separate resolution (No. 755 of 08/03/16) set the deadline as February 1, 2017.

    But so far, the main organizational measures have not been taken to implement the plan. In particular, the integration of information systems of participating departments has not been carried out. There is also no understanding of who will be responsible for purchasing and setting up the appropriate equipment for document production. The project “Concepts of software and hardware solutions that ensure the possibility of providing public services for the registration and issuance of foreign passports outside the stationary facilities of the GS PVDNP” prepared by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation assumes that by the end of 2016 the corresponding IT solutions will be developed. Most likely, within the next month the prospects for completing this task will become clear, but so far information on this matter is extremely scarce. At the time of publication, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation did not answer questions about how the interaction between the information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the AIS MFC will be in terms of issuing foreign passports, and whether the two systems will be integrated by February 1.

    The Ministry of Economic Development, speaking about the interaction between the MFC and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, says that the target model of such cooperation should be electronic format. The department emphasized that the Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to develop separate service SMEV to interact with the MFC on the issue of replacing driver’s licenses. Based on the results of its commissioning, the MFC and Ministry of Internal Affairs systems will be integrated. When receiving the service, the applicant will not need to contact the traffic police department; it will be enough to submit an application to the MFC and receive a ready-made driver’s license. Until the development of the service is completed, interaction between organizations will be carried out in paper format. However, at the time of publication, the Ministry of Internal Affairs also did not provide any details of upcoming innovations.

    However, the situation with electronic interdepartmental interaction causes skepticism among analysts. There is reason to assume that not all technical and organizational measures will be worked out by February 1, 2017. For example, interaction between the MFC and the Federal Tax Service when registering small businesses still takes place on paper. An example of interaction with Rosreestr is also indicative: the issuance of extracts from the unified register of rights to real estate (USRE) is carried out not by integrating regional AIS MFC with the departmental system of Rosreestr, but through access of an employee of a multifunctional center directly to the system of the registration authority PC PVD (software complex for “reception and issuance of documents"). From January 2017, the Unified State Register will be merged with the state real estate cadastre. It is still difficult to predict how this merger will affect the work of issuing statements in “one-stop shop” services.

    Teamwork creates an atmosphere for productive dialogue

    Monitoring the activities of the MFC

    At the seminar, the problem of independent monitoring of the activities of the MFC was raised. Now it is the absence of such a system - independent of authorities and citizen-oriented - that hinders the development of the project towards greater efficiency, independent growth and focus on the population. According to Sergei Yurkevich, without independent monitoring, the MFC will turn from an advanced project that removes administrative barriers into one of the typical departmental windows, the quality of services in which is conditional and is regulated solely by the vision of management.

    The expert also believes that the creation of a common knowledge base for the MFC on the principle of the open Canadian interdepartmental database GCpedia would help solve many of the problems of the project. In particular, this would help build horizontal expert interaction between MFCs, training and integration of new employees, and optimization of interdepartmental regulations. But here a number of those present had counterarguments: the approaches to providing services are too different from region to region. This means that it is difficult to make a general knowledge base equally useful for everyone.

    At the same time, the entire professional community notes the problem of typifying requirements for the provision of public services. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is also puzzled by this topic, which next year is to develop a single all-Russian standard for a certain list of socially significant services in order to bring them to a single universal form. She spoke about the need to typify administrative regulations, ensure the integration of the AIS MFC with the EPGU and introduce the principle of extraterritoriality in the provision of public services, as points of application of efforts to develop “one-stop-shop” services Tatyana Parshina, Head of Sales Department application programs and interdepartmental electronic interaction of the Lipetsk region.

    Another bold idea expressed by experts was the suggestion of a possible return of the processes of providing public services back to departments. The scenario can be realized if the MFC soon finds itself unable to raise the quality of its work to the proper level. The provision of public services is subsidized from the state budget, and therefore the authorities will certainly show interest in maintaining this funding. Such a scenario, however, seems unlikely: the MFC indicators are programmed by May presidential decrees and the reverse process is hardly possible.

    What is the Ionian Seminar

    The Ionian Seminar is a unique platform launched in 2014 by the Institute for the Development of Public Services together with the Russian Marine Corps. During the seminar, current issues of public administration are discussed in the format of a foresight session. The main difference from other similar events is that experts and representatives of state and municipal authorities are together on a week-long sea voyage, which guarantees open informal communication, exchange of information and continuation of discussion beyond the regatta. None of the round tables needs to stir up the audience, which is very important for a productive dialogue and finding answers to questions.

    Question No. 2

    Are there any problems in financing, maintaining and maintaining multifunctional centers?


    Belgorod region

    3 MFCs have been created in the Belgorod region:

    In the city of Belgorod (organizational and legal form - state autonomous institution of the Belgorod region, provides services to residents of Belgorod and the Belgorod region, area 2155.6 sq.m., 56 windows-booths for receiving and issuing documents, provides over 200 services, source of funding construction and equipment - federal and regional budgets, current financing - regional budget and own funds);

    In the city of Korocha (organizational and legal form - municipal autonomous institution, provides services to residents of the city of Korocha and Korochansky district, area 331.5 sq.m., 11 windows-cabins, provides 134 services, source of financing for capital repairs and equipment - regional budget , current financing – local budget and own funds);

    In the city of Grayvoron (organizational and legal form - municipal autonomous institution, provides services to residents of the city of Grayvoron and Grayvoronsky district, area 600 sq.m., 21 window-cabins, provides about 100 services, source of financing for reconstruction and equipment - regional budget, current financing - local budget and own funds).

    Bryansk region

    In order to meet the requirements for the comfort of providing state and municipal services on the basis of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services, it is necessary to repair the premises allocated for the creation of MFCs and equip institutions with machinery and equipment. In this regard, the creation and maintenance of the activities of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services requires significant costs from the regional budget, and therefore we consider it necessary to continue the practice of co-financing part of the costs associated with the creation of MFCs from the federal budget.

    Vladimir region

    There are no problems with financing, maintaining and servicing multifunctional centers.

    Voronezh region

    Since September 2008, on the basis of Resolution of the Administration of the Voronezh Region No. 607 dated July 11, 2008 “0”, the Voronezh institution “Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services” (hereinafter referred to as MFC) has been operating. Since February 2010 it has the status of an autonomous institution.

    AU "MFC" was created as part of the administrative reform carried out in the Russian Federation in order to improve the quality and accessibility of the provision of state and municipal services to citizens and organizations and increase the efficiency of the activities of state authorities and local governments. The costs of equipping the MFC in the Voronezh region with the necessary equipment are financed from the regional budget. Expenses associated with the operation of the building and movable property of the MFC (utilities, routine maintenance, repairs) are financed within the framework of the state assignment for the provision of services provided by the MFC. Current expenses for providing bodies providing services in the MFC with office supplies, as well as expenses for remuneration of state and municipal employees are financed by bodies providing state (municipal) services.

    Ivanovo region

    Problems arise: currently, all costs for financing the activities of multifunctional centers in terms of implementing administrative procedures within the framework of providing services to other levels of government are borne by the founder of the multifunctional center, which contradicts the principle of separation of powers established by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, 184-FZ and 131-FZ; There is no procedure for financing multifunctional centers from budgets at various levels.

    Kaluga region

    There are no issues with financing, maintenance and servicing of multifunctional centers.

    Kostroma region

    The provision of services by multifunctional centers at three levels of government (federal, regional and municipal) in a “one window” mode creates the need to develop a mechanism for financing MFCs from all three sources at the federal level.

    Kursk region

    Financing of the activities of the OSI "MFC" in the Kursk region is carried out within the framework of the regional target program "Improving the quality and accessibility of state and municipal services in the Kursk region for 2011-2014", previously the regional target program "Carrying out administrative reform in the Kursk region in 2009-2010 ", as well as in accordance with the resolution of the Administration of the Kursk region dated November 23, 2007. No. 254 “On the creation of a regional state institution “Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services”, however, this funding is not enough.

    And in this regard, a solution to the problem could be targeted federal funding - assistance to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the creation and development of multifunctional centers (branches).

    Lipetsk region

    There are such problems, and they will remain until the issue is resolved at the federal level about the need to finance the activities of the MFC in proportion from the federal, regional and local budgets (depending on the range of services provided).

    The total amount of funding for the Program for 2011-2013 is 2082.5 million rubles. Including:

    In 2011 - 827.9 million rubles;

    In 2012 - 680.7 million rubles;

    In 2013 - 573.9 million rubles.

    The maximum amount of budget funding is planned for 2011, which is due to the need for an early start to the implementation of administrative reforms in the city, as well as the need to develop a regulatory, legal, methodological and methodological framework to ensure the implementation of the reform.

    Funding for program activities is carried out through the State Customer - program coordinator - the Moscow State Services Committee and other government customers identified by program activities.

    To ensure monitoring of the progress of the Program implementation, the State Customer - Coordinator submits summary reports on the progress of program activities to the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the City of Moscow twice a year.

    Moscow region

    On the territory of the Moscow region there is currently one multifunctional center for the provision of services - the municipal institution “Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services to the population of the Balashikha urban district”.

    The services of federal government bodies are provided on the basis of the MFC. For civil servants of federal government bodies, remote workplaces have been organized in the MFC building. The maintenance of the MFC is carried out only from the local budget. We consider it advisable to consider the issue of co-financing the maintenance of the MFC from the federal budget.

    In addition, it is necessary to protect personal data and information transmitted via virtual communication channels of federal government bodies provided on the basis of the MFC. To organize this protection, we propose to consider co-financing the installation of protective equipment from the federal budget.

    Oryol region

    Financial security is one of the main factors hindering the development of the system of multifunctional centers. In connection with the interdepartmental nature of the activities of multifunctional centers (the provision of federal, regional and municipal services on their basis), it seems useful to develop mechanisms for joint financing of the activities of multifunctional centers from budgets of different levels.

    Ryazan region

    Due to the lack of a mechanism for co-financing work on the creation and maintenance of MFCs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation from federal budget funds, it is difficult for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to plan work on creating a network of MFCs.

    Smolensk region

    There is a problem in determining the status of MFC employees. To organize the one-stop-shop principle, an employee must be able to competently and fully advise a citizen on a wide range of issues relating to all services provided in the MFC, including land and property relations, issues of providing benefits, and many other issues related to the activities of various departments providing services through MFC. It seems that the position of an employee working in the MFC to receive citizens and legal entities should be at a level not lower than a leading specialist. However, when approving the staffing table of an MFC, decision makers often consider the work of an MFC employee to be purely technical (there is an idea that the employee only accepts and issues documents).

    Tambov region

    At the federal level, there are practically no measures of financial support for entities that are ready to implement a system of multifunctional centers. The organization of multifunctional centers (MFCs) and ensuring their ongoing activities are financially burdensome for regional and municipal budgets. So construction and current financing in 2007-2008. The Tambov regional state government institution "Multifunctional Center for Providing Services to the Population" (TOGKU "MFC") operating in the region cost 191.5 million rubles, of which 165 million rubles were regional funds (cost ratio 91% to 9%). The amount of funding in 2010 from the regional budget for the maintenance of the center amounted to 12.5 million rubles (Table No. 1), and current expenses for these purposes increase annually.

    At the same time, based on the regional practice of providing services in the MFC in 2010, the share of services provided by territorial bodies of federal executive authorities is 44% of the total number of services provided (respectively, those provided by local governments - 26%, regional executive authorities - 5 %, unitary enterprises and other organizations – 25%)

    We consider it expedient and economically feasible to establish at the federal level a mechanism for proportional co-financing from budgets of different levels in the process of creating and organizing the current activities of the MFC.

    Tver region

    There are no comments or suggestions on the second question.

    Tula region

    In accordance with the action plan for the creation of a system of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC) in the Tula region on
    2008-2010, approved by order of the governor of the Tula region dated November 17, 2008 No. 1672-rg, from the budget of the Tula region to the budgets municipalities Aleksinsky district, Venevsky district,
    Donskoy, Odoevsky district, subsidies were provided for repair and construction work on the premises of the MFC, purchase of furniture, air conditioning systems, necessary computer equipment, means of communication and communications.

    Yaroslavl region

    The experience of creating MFCs to provide state and municipal services as a separate authorized (established) organization with appropriate infrastructure in other regions of the Federation shows that these projects are very resource-intensive.

    Taking into account that in 2008 - 2010, during the financial crisis, significant expenditures of the regional budget were made on the preparation and holding of the World Political Forum in Yaroslavl, as well as the preparation and holding of events related to the 1000th anniversary of the city of Yaroslavl, the creation of the MFC in this period was not planned.

    At the same time, improving the convenience and quality of public services, the provision of state and municipal services via the Internet is the main priority of the regional executive authorities.

    Currently, in the Yaroslavl region, the concept of the MFC is being implemented based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies: modern software products, multiservice networks, unified universal databases, on-line work, the use of plastic means of payment, Internet technologies, etc. - all this allows us to provide the necessary level of convenience and interactivity in the provision of services. Work is carried out in the following areas:

    Within the framework of the regional target program “Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities” for 2009-2011, the project “Development and implementation of a system for the provision of public services in electronic form, including the acquisition, installation and configuration of software and technical means necessary for the functioning of the system for the provision of public services in electronic form.” This project provides for the implementation of the Regional Integrated Information System (RCIS) “Public Services of the Yaroslavl Region”, using which, at the first stage, 5 priority public services were converted into electronic form. In the future this decision It is intended to be replicated for other services.

    Within the framework of the project “Carrying out a set of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the processes of preparation, adoption and implementation of decisions based on the regulation of business processes”, documentation of business processes for the provision of public services (execution government functions) both in the form of a structured description of the sequence of actions, and in the form of a graphical process diagram.

    Documentation of business processes is carried out using software Russian development - a specialized software package Business Studio. The work on modeling the business processes presented in the Regulations of the Regional Government has been completed; as a result of the work, a package of business process models for the Regulations has been prepared. Registers of processes and pilot models of the main business processes of the Department of Education, Department of Culture, Department of Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports, Department of Information and Analytical Support of State Authorities, Department of Information and Communications, Department of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management, State Housing Inspectorate have been developed .

    As part of the project “Creation of a monitoring and implementation system best practices in the system public administration"and in order to improve the quality of provision of public services, including increasing the satisfaction of recipients of services, a system of benchmarking the quality of public services is being introduced, which will create a mechanism for continuously assessing the quality of public services, identifying existing shortcomings in the procedures for providing public services and taking measures aimed at improving the quality their provision.

    On at the moment a Procedure for benchmarking the quality of public services provided by executive authorities of the Yaroslavl region, Methodological guidelines for organizing a survey of recipients of public services and a Methodology for assessing the quality of public services provided by executive authorities of the Yaroslavl region have been developed. The pilot implementation of the benchmarking system for the quality of public services was carried out at the end of 2010 in 9 departments for 11 public services.

    The introduction of a benchmarking system for the quality of public services is an event of the plan of the Government of the Yaroslavl Region for the implementation in the region in 2011 of the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 2010.

    In accordance with the Decree of the Regional Government dated 06/02/2010 No. 374-p “On the electronic regional register of state and municipal services (functions) of the Yaroslavl region”, a regional information system was formed - an electronic regional register of state and municipal services (functions) of the Yaroslavl region, which is part federal state information systems: “Consolidated register of state and municipal services (functions)”, “ Single portal state and municipal services (functions)" (http://www.gosuslugi.ru/).

    The presented set of projects makes it possible to create a unified system capable of implementing most of the tasks of the MFC to improve the quality of state and municipal services, including by transferring the process of their provision into electronic form, without attracting additional resources.


    Name of the subject of the Russian Federation

    Arkhangelsk region

    Creating from scratch, as well as financing, maintaining and maintaining a system of multifunctional centers is very expensive for a subject of the Federation (municipal entity).

    For this reason, the administration of the Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region and the Government of the Arkhangelsk Region in September 2010 analyzed the issue of using the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" as an organization providing services of multifunctional centers (front office services for the provision of state and municipal services). The use of the infrastructure of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" (instead of creating our own multifunctional centers in the subject of the Federation) is currently recognized as promising and economically profitable.

    The study of this direction will be carried out in the III - IV quarters of 2011 after the implementation of the priority stages of the following projects, which are a necessary condition creation unified system provision of state and municipal services by multifunctional centers:

    “System of interdepartmental electronic interaction between executive bodies of state power of the Arkhangelsk region”;

    “Universal electronic map of the Arkhangelsk region”;

    “Transfer of state and municipal services of the Arkhangelsk region into electronic form.”

    Vologda region

    The problems associated with the financing, maintenance and maintenance of multifunctional centers are due to a general lack of budgetary funds, but not to a lack of understanding of the need for the existence of this form of provision of state and municipal services. The lack of budget funds makes it difficult to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 3, 2009 No. 796 “On some measures to improve the quality of the provision of state (municipal) services on the basis of multifunctional centers for the provision of state (municipal) services.”

    For example, the state institution of the Vologda region “Multifunctional center for the provision of public services on the territory of the municipal formation “City of Vologda” (hereinafter referred to as the MFC of Vologda) is provided with equipment that allows informing applicants about the progress of the provision of state (municipal) services to them, about the result of the provision of state (municipal) services ) services in automatic mode by sending SMS messages. However, given the shortage of funds, the implementation of this opportunity in practice is difficult (for reference: in the second half of 2010, 68,000 applicants applied to the Vologda MFC in 2010, the cost of 1 SMS message was 1 ruble).

    Leningrad region

    In the Leningrad Region, Decree of the Government of the Leningrad Region dated October 5, 2009 N 456-“On the creation of a state budgetary institution of the Leningrad Region “Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services” was adopted.

    According to this order, in 2012, a state budgetary institution of the Leningrad region “Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services” (hereinafter referred to as the institution) will be created with branches in municipal districts and the urban district of the Leningrad region (hereinafter referred to as branches).

    Due to the need to construct modular buildings to house branches of the institution, it is planned to develop before May 3, 2011 a standard design for a modular building with an area of ​​800 square meters to house a branch of the institution; organize, before June 1, 2011, the selection of land plots for the construction of modular buildings to accommodate branches of the institution in accordance with the current land legislation; ensure the construction of modular branch buildings and the organization of their work in 2012-2015.

    In addition, it is planned to adopt a long-term target program “Improving the quality of the provision of state and municipal services, including in electronic form, on the basis of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in the Leningrad region for 2012-2015.”

    The implementation of these activities will require additional funds regional budget.

    Murmansk region

    Financing of MFC activities is carried out depending on the organizational and legal structure of the MFC from regional or municipal budgets. The state educational institution “MFC of the Murmansk Region” is financed from the regional budget.

    When placing in the MFC employees of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds for the provision of legal and individuals services, it is advisable to include provisions in the standard agreement regarding the payment of expenses for maintaining the premises.

    Nenets Autonomous Okrug

    Currently, preliminary measures are being taken to build a fiber-optic communication line, which will allow the formation of infrastructure " e-government» Nenets Autonomous Okrug and will enable residents of the district to receive state and municipal services in electronic format.

    As part of the implementation of the departmental target program “Electronic District for 2011” and within the framework of the project of the long-term target program “Electronic District for 2011-2013”, the issue of creating a single multifunctional center on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug will be worked out

    Novgorod region

    Problems of financing, maintenance and maintenance of MFCs are associated with an insufficient amount of funds, both in the regional budget of the region and in the budgets of municipalities, which does not allow for full compliance with the requirements of the standard of comfort of service for applicants required when creating an MFC (for example, providing an electronic queue, creating a call -centers, etc.). We also note the unresolved issues of financial support for the activities of the MFC at the federal level.

    When carrying out measures to ensure the functionality of the MFC, there are no qualified IT personnel in municipal district centers.

    Pskov region

    Currently, there are no multifunctional citizen service centers in the Pskov region. Their creation is difficult, including due to the lack of financial resources for their creation (repair or construction of buildings, purchase of equipment).

    A Coordination Council for the formation of the electronic government of the region has been created under the Administration of the Pskov Region, resolving current and future issues of the transition to the provision of services electronically, as well as coordinating the activities of federal, regional and municipal authorities regional authorities in this direction.

    Republic of Karelia

    Currently, multifunctional centers have not been created in the Republic of Karelia.

    Komi Republic

    Since multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services have not been created in the Komi Republic, it is not possible to send information on this issue.

    Saint Petersburg

    In St. Petersburg, 21 divisions of the Multifunctional Center for the Provision of Public Services, created at the expense of the budget of St. Petersburg, are open and operating. In 2011, it is planned to open 13 more divisions of the MFC.

    To date, agreements have been concluded on interaction with TOFOIV, which provide services on the basis of MFC divisions, however, the mechanism for reimbursement of the costs of the St. Petersburg budget for receiving documents and issuing results to applicants, as well as for other expenses associated with ensuring the provision of TOFOIV services, has not been determined.


    Name of the subject of the Russian Federation

    Astrakhan region

    The founder of the autonomous institution of the Astrakhan region "Multifunctional Center" (hereinafter - AU JSC "MFC") is a subject of the Russian Federation - the Astrakhan region. The powers of the founder and owner to manage and dispose of regional property on behalf of the founder - the Astrakhan region, are exercised by the agency for managing state property and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region.

    In accordance with the Charter of the Autonomous Institution JSC "MFC", the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region, within the framework of the powers granted in relation to the Autonomous Institution JSC "MFC":

    Establishes a task for the Institution in accordance with the main activities provided for by its charter;

    Provides financial support for the implementation of tasks for the Institution.

    Based on the agreement dated January 27, 2011 No. 005d/12 “On the provision of a budget subsidy to the autonomous institution of the Astrakhan region “Multifunctional Center” in 2011”, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region provides the institution with a budget subsidy to cover the costs associated with the implementation of the task of the founder, approved Decree of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 0031-r dated January 27, 2011 “On approval of the founder’s assignment to the autonomous institution of the Astrakhan region “Multifunctional Center” for 2011.

    The founder's assignment for 2011 is 9,605.2 thousand rubles.


    AU JSC "MFC" (including the Volga branch) - 9,605.2 thousand rubles (maintenance and payment of taxes).

    Extra-budgetary sources of income of AU JSC "MFC":

    Income from the rental of non-residential premises and movable property;

    Income from the provision of “remote workplaces” for free use to federal structures (compensation for expenses associated with the maintenance of property provided for use);

    Income from the rental of information stands;

    Additional paid services in accordance with the tariffs approved by the founder;

    Income from the development of business plans and investment projects. Problems related to the financing, maintenance and maintenance of the Autonomous Institution of JSC "MFC" are resolved in a working manner.

    Volgograd region

    On the territory of the Volgograd region, the creation of MFCs is carried out in the form of municipal institutions. By the beginning of 2011, 10 such institutions had been created in municipal districts (urban districts) of the region. The creation and maintenance of an MFC is a fairly high-cost event for local budgets - this is the maintenance of the MFC building, payment of wages to MFC employees, advanced training of MFC specialists, development of personal data protection systems, software development, purchase of office supplies, and creation of comfortable conditions for visitors. It is difficult, and sometimes not even possible, to find these funds in local budgets given the existing budget revenue base, so it is necessary to create additional programs at the federal and regional level in terms of funding to support existing MFCs.

    In connection with the adoption of the Federal Law of 05/08/2010 No. 83-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions”, subparagraph a) of paragraph I of Art. 23 of this law, the possibility of creating autonomous institutions is limited to cases stipulated by federal legislation, which entails the need to reorganize MFCs created in the form of autonomous institutions. A solution in this situation could be to amend the current legislation and include the provision of state and municipal services in the list of areas of activity of autonomous institutions.

    In addition, the issue of payment for public services provided by MFCs created in the form of municipal institutions arises. The procedure for making interbudgetary transfers to finance the activities of the MFC to exercise the powers of government bodies is not clear. Is it possible to subsidize the expenses of local governments for the maintenance of MFC property, including buildings and equipment, from the federal budget, since it is planned to provide public services on the basis of the MFC (under agreements with the MIFTS, the Federal Migration Service, Pension Fund Russian Federation)? Currently, funding for this institution is provided only from the budget of the local government. We consider it necessary at the federal level to develop standards for reimbursement of these costs for the provision of public services on the basis of the MFC.

    Krasnodar region

    Since in the Krasnodar Territory all MFCs are created in the form of municipal budgetary institutions, the question arises of the targeted use of local budget funds for organizing the provision of public services in the MFC.

    Questions arise regarding:

    Formation of municipal tasks for municipal institutions “MFC” and development of a standard form;

    The legality of equipping workplaces for federal and regional authorities at the expense of local budget funds, including the acquisition of necessary technical equipment, payment utilities, organization of secure direct communication channels, etc.

    Republic of Adygea

    The activities of the MFC are financed from the republican budget of the Republic of Adygea.

    At the same time, according to the agreement concluded in 2010 between the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Adygea, based on the results of a competitive selection, measures for the development of a regulatory and methodological framework for the creation of MFC, application software for the institution’s activities were financed from the federal budget , personnel training, creation of a call center for citizens and organizations regarding the provision of state and municipal services, creation of a regional portal for state and municipal services.

    In the future, we consider it advisable to develop legal mechanisms to ensure co-financing of the activities of the MFC.

    Republic of Kalmykia

    In accordance with the order of the Government of the Republic of Kalmykia dated August 30, 2010 No. 217-, the Office for the Development of Electronic Government of the Republic of Kalmykia was designated as the authorized body for the creation of a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services. In order to create an MFC, the Department for the Development of Electronic Government was transferred to operational management of a part of the building of the Palace of Culture of Trade Unions with a total area of ​​300 square meters. An Agreement dated July 16, 2010 was concluded between the Government of the Republic of Kalmykia and the Elista City Hall on the organization of the provision of state and municipal services on the basis of a multifunctional center, according to which the Elista City Hall allocates funds in an amount equal to the volume for the creation and further support of the activities of the MFC. allocated from the republican budget. The amount of funds required to organize a multifunctional center will be allocated after the design is completed.

    Rostov region

    MFCs created in the form of autonomous or budgetary institutions to carry out state (municipal) tasks are financed through subsidies from the relevant budget budget system RF. Thus, if the MFC is created in the form of an autonomous or budgetary institution to exercise the powers of a local government body on issues of local importance, then this MFC is financed by subsidies from the local budget. If the MFC will exercise not only the powers of a local government body on issues of local importance, but also certain state powers transferred for implementation to local government bodies on the basis of federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, then it is necessary to resolve the issue of allocating subventions from the relevant budget local government bodies to finance the activities of the MFC (draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the list of public services provided by federal executive authorities, bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, the provision of which is possible and expedient on the basis of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal centers on the “one window” principle) "The project contains a list of 81 services).

    For example:

    MAU MFC Salsky district was created in the form of an autonomous institution to implement the powers of the municipal municipality "Salsky district" in the land and property sector. To organize the reception of documents for the provision of social services by employees of the MAU MFC of the Salsky district, it is necessary to transfer powers to provide services to social sphere MAU MFC Salsky district and resolving the issue of allocating subventions (subsidies) from the regional budget of the municipal municipality "Salsky district" for remuneration of these employees. (Remuneration of MFC employees is carried out at the expense of the budget of the Salsky district in accordance with the municipal task of the founder for the provision of services in the land and property sector. The provision of services in the social sphere by MFC employees without vesting such powers will be regarded by the founder as misappropriation of budget funds.).

    2) In some cases, it is necessary to organize a remote workplace for an employee of a territorial body of the federal executive body in the MFC. Such an employee must have access to the database of his body in real time through secure data transmission channels (between the MFC and the server of the territorial body). In most cases, the costs of creating and ensuring uninterrupted operation of secure data transmission channels are borne by the local budget financing the activities of the multifunctional center. The solution to this problem must be taken into account when creating a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.


    Name of the subject of the Russian Federation

    Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

    Electronic queue and embossed path

    Interactive screen

    TVs and sofas for the convenience of citizens

    Payment terminal and vending machines

    Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services(multifunctional center, MFC) is a Russian organization, regardless of its legal form, that meets established requirements and is authorized to organize the provision of state and municipal services, including in electronic form, on the “one window” principle.

    This principle provides for the provision of state or municipal services after a single application by the applicant with the appropriate request. In this case, interaction with bodies providing public services or bodies providing municipal services is carried out by the multifunctional center without the participation of the applicant.

    The activities of the MFC are carried out on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.”

    Since the spring of 2014, MFCs have been operating under a new brand - “My Documents”.

    Purposes of creation

    Automation of MFC activities

    In accordance with the Rules for organizing the activities of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services, the MFC uses an automated information system (AIS MFC). The basic principles of constructing the AIS MFC are:

    • Process-oriented service delivery model;
    • Ensuring information security and protection of personal data;
    • Interaction with external information systems in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

    Standard solution for automated information system multifunctional center is the AIS MFC SPO, developed by Lanit by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

    In 2014-2015 In different regions of the country, the “passport in an hour” project was also launched, which makes it possible to obtain an internal passport of the Russian Federation within an hour at Multifunctional Centers. .

    The system is being developed as part of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Electronic Russia (2002-2010)”, as well as the State Program “Information Society (2011-2020)”. In 2009, AIS MFC SPO became a laureate of the competition “Best 10 IT projects for the public sector” in the category “Best project using free software”.

    "My Documents"