• Housing and communal services, TV antenna, what is included. How to refuse unnecessary utilities

    I don’t know about you, but I’m terribly tired of the line in the monthly receipt for housing and communal services called collective antenna. I had been itching to get rid of it for a long time, but as is usually the case with trivial matters, they were always pushed into the background by more important ones. And until relatively recently, turning off an unused antenna was still a quest, and saving money was a pittance.

    Go to the MFC - get a certificate about the absence of debt on payment of housing and communal services - go to the middle of nowhere to the office of "National Cable Networks" - leave a request for disconnection - wait for the technician - breathe freely. Even the takeover of this provider by Rostelecom in 2013 did not make the task much easier at first. Is it possible that instead of going to the office, you can send an application, a certificate and a scanned copy of your passport via email. But without guarantees of speedy execution.

    And only last year the situation changed slightly for the better. At a minimum, certificates are no longer needed, although a visit to the Rostelecom sales office (or AKADO for residents of the south-east of the capital) will still be required. But it will take minutes 5-10 .

    So, disconnect collective antenna Rostelecom tested on myself.

    What pleases, formalities - minimum. An application can be submitted either by the responsible tenant (the one whose name appears in the monthly EPD), or by the co-owner of the residential premises, or by an authorized representative of one of them. First All you need is a passport registered at the address of the disconnected antenna, second You will also need copies of property documents, third– the same thing plus a power of attorney.

    The procedure itself is quite archaic - you need, under the guidance of the office manager, to manually fill out an application form to disable the service. Full name and address are requested to be filled in printed letters! Why a company calling itself digital leader, didn’t bother to create a normal customer base with a decent interface and still uses this anachronism - mystery.

    And one more mystery- designed the office design on Arbat misanthrope. There is almost nowhere to sit in the waiting area: there are only 3-4 poufs that would be scary for a normal person to sit on. The interior is made in poisonous orange-green tones. Why do this to people? great mystery.

    On the other hand, queues and excitement No.

    From nuances: if you come to the office before 20 on the 1st day, the subscription fee for the antenna will disappear from the EPD starting next month; if later, you will have to pay for the disabled service extra once. And if you have an apartment in a vestibule closed by a door, which is not at all uncommon for new houses, you will have to wait on the appointed day for a visit from a technician who will pull the wire out of the socket. Term physical shutdown antennas – 30 calendar days from the date of application. At least that's what it says in the documents.

    The service of disconnecting from the collective antenna seems to be one one of the most popular at the moment in Moscow. With me, for example, from five visitors three came specifically for savings 204 rub. per month. A sure sign that almost a monopolist went too far with regular price increases. However, this is a separate fascinating topic.

    It remains to add that Rostelecom offices are two all over Moscow. In addition to Arbat, there is also one on Maryina Roshcha (Sushchevsky Val street). But their opening hours are from 9:00 to 21:00 , including Saturday. On Sunday - from 9:00 to 19:00 .

    PS Special thanks to my colleague Alexey

    Finally, the stars aligned in the sky, my thoughts were in my head, my determination crossed a critical line and I removed the “Antenna” column from my utility bills!

    The desire to remove the antenna arose back in school, when I found out that on the staircase there was the same signal splitter as in the apartment for several TVs. Technically _impossible_ understand whether the apartment is connected to the antenna or not. However, the fee of some 40 rubles did not bother me, although 15 channels was clearly not enough...

    By the mid-200s, the antenna industry ( cable television) began to put things in order. Rostelecom somehow promptly began reforms and in a short time the payment automatically began to grow. Now each apartment pays 144 rubles. To be fair, it should be noted that previously the signal to the house was analog, but now it is digital (further to the apartments it is analog), so the quality is good + there are now not 15, but 40 channels.
    Thus, now you can watch TV - there are all sorts of Discovery, Science and music and some other channels.

    However, turning off the antenna is also useful, especially if you don't watch TV.

    How to do it:

    1. We go to the EIRC (this is a center where you can get certificates about the house) and take a certificate about the absence of rent arrears (they know what needs to be issued and they do it in 2 minutes).

    2. We send to email address [email protected] : scan of a handwritten statement on behalf of the property owner + certificate from the EIRTs + scanned copy of the housing ownership certificate (full name of the applicant):

    To the Director of the MRF
    "Moscow" JSC
    Mr. Bragin D.L.
    from full name
    living at the address:
    <адрес отключения>


    Please disable the subscriber withdrawal from GSKT by specified address. Antenna debt on<дата со справки>No.

    1. Certificate of payment utilities
    2. Certificate of state registration rights

    Best regards, Full name


    3. The letter receives a response:
    "Your application to disable the Antenna service has been accepted and sent for further processing to the Settlement Department.
    Nosan Ekaterina
    It arrived on the same day!

    IN next month The line “antenna” will no longer be on the payment slip. I don’t even know if someone turned off my antenna...

    4. Profit! 144 * 12 = 12 * 12 * 12 = 1728 rubles/year

    Whoever follows the instructions, I allow you to treat me to coffee :)).

    P.S. I have always been amazed by companies like Akado, who have been calling and offering their television for ten years, but no one has thought of offering to turn off the antenna when connecting to their service. Now it’s not so relevant, there are about 40 channels, but before the difference was not in favor of the antenna.

    P.P.S. If one of your neighbors has connected Akado, then you will see a 2nd antenna splitter on the staircase (newer wires are plugged into it). It broadcasts 40 channels completely freely. excellent quality and again, no one controls the number of connections.

    UPD about RADIO [March, 2015]:
    To turn off the radio, you need
    1. take a paper stating that there is no rent arrears.
    2. Take the application to the street. Usievich, d.? about turning off the radio.
    There they will scare you that you still need to wait for your uncle locksmith, who will turn everything off, but in reality they are no longer interested in you).
    Profit is almost 800 rubles/year!

    UPD about RADIO [June, 2017]: Article about the head of radio points. An excellent reason to turn off everywhere:

    Every year we increase prices for certain housing and communal services. This year there were some changes and from the new year the subscription fee for a collective antenna in Moscow increased to 204 rubles per month. This is already higher than many digital television tariffs, but many people pay for an antenna out of habit.

    In fact, the collective antenna in Moscow is a city cable television relaying fifty channels in analog format at frequencies different from those broadcasting. In most of the city, 52 channels are broadcast by Rostelecom, and in some places in the southeast of Moscow, 55 channels are rebroadcast by Akado.

    Of course, the picture of analogue TV on modern large TVs looks very mediocre and if you watch TV, it makes sense to switch to digital television, there are many options for connecting to it in the city, and prices already start at 145 rubles for 129 channels, including 13 channels in HD. True, you will also have to buy a TV set-top box (about 3,000 rubles) or pay for its rental, however, there are tariffs with free rental.

    Picture high resolution FullHD in digital television will no longer surprise anyone, and operators are starting to introduce UltraHD 4K. MGTS even plans to rent 4K TVs to viewers of UltraHD channels.

    In addition to the picture quality and variety of channels in the main package, all operators offer additional packages channels by interest: sports, children's, TV series.

    There are several large operators in Moscow digital television- Online, Akado, MGTS, Beeline, NetbyNet, 2COM and several dozen other small ones. Competition in the digital television market is high, so operators regularly organize various promotions, using which you can pay even less for digital TV.

    All operators are also operators home internet, so everyone has Internet + TV package offers.

    Digital television also has its disadvantages: you need a set-top box with a separate remote control (the exception is Online and Akado, which offer not only set-top boxes, but also CAM modules for the TV), you need to pay extra for connecting a second TV, but there are still more advantages.

    Of course, in addition to the analogue community antenna and digital cable television, there are other options for television reception:

    Individual analog antenna. There are currently only 19 channels on air. Reception requires direct visibility of the Ostankino Tower and good antenna. Quality is limited by analogue broadcast capabilities.

    Digital terrestrial television DVB-T2. There are three multiplexes with 10 channels each (in the third multiplex the channels change throughout the day). For reception you need an antenna directed towards the Ostankino Tower (but sometimes it also works on a reflected signal), DVB-T2 support on your TV or a DVB-T2 set-top box. The picture quality is much better than in analogue broadcasting, but there is no HD and there are few channels.

    Satellite TV. To receive it you need enough expensive equipment(dish, receiver, access card). There are many channels, there is HD, and the price of packages starts from 25 rubles per month.

    In order to stop paying 204 rubles a month for a collective antenna, all you have to do is go to the Rostelecom or Akado office and write a statement, according to which a technician will come and turn off the antenna.

    In addition to providing access to cable, digital and interactive television different versions, the Rostelecom company also connects subscribers to analog television. Moreover, this option is very popular throughout the country, including in the capital, Moscow.

    And today we want to pay attention to the nuances of using the analog TV service from Rostelecom, information on how to connect and disconnect it.

    Analog TV from Rostelecom

    The All-Russian telecommunications provider awarded a very high rating for its analogue television service. original title"Antenna". The service is available for connection to all interested subscribers. After its activation, clients gain access to the widest range of television channels, which, although broadcast in an analog signal, have impeccable image quality.

    By connecting to TV, subscribers can count on providing access to all the most popular and in-demand television channels a variety of topics. Among them there are such popular channels, How:

    • First;
    • Russia 1;
    • REN-TV;
    • Match TV;
    • Paramount Comedy;
    • Sports plus.

    And the list of available TV programs is not at all limited to this list, including at least several TV channels of each topic.

    As for the network coverage area, analog signal Rostelecom covers most of Russian Federation, being available in most regions. Therefore, if you want to save money on television, but do not want to give it up completely, we recommend that you consider connecting to the “Antenna” option from Rostelecom.

    One of the main advantages of using the “Antenna” option is that invoices for its payment are sent to subscribers along with a single payment document (UPD) for utilities and rent. This is very convenient, and many RT subscribers take into account this aspect when connecting to a provider.

    In addition, it is noted that the company offers preferential discounts to some categories of its subscribers, which amount to 50% of the monthly subscription fee. The following clients fall under the category of subscribers who can count on benefits:

    • Low-income and single pensioners who receive a subsidy;
    • Disabled people living independently;
    • Heroes of Labor;
    • Heroes of the Russian Federation;
    • Knights of the Order of Glory;
    • Families of pensioners who receive a subsidy.

    How to connect an Antenna from Rostelecom

    In order to connect analog television from RT, future subscribers must contact directly the offices in their city. There they will need to fill out a written application, after which they will have to wait for the arrival of the TV setup specialists.

    It is important to note that the initial connection service is not provided free of charge, and Antenna connection prices include the following payments:

    • Laying a cable to the subscriber device – 2500 rubles;
    • Television setup – 700 rubles;
    • Laying the cable to the subscriber device ( closed method) – 4500 rubles.

    That is, depending on how you want it to be routed tv cable in your home, the cost of connecting analog television from Rostelecom can vary between 3200 and 5200 rubles.

    How to disable the Rostelecom Antenna

    If you are interested in the answer to the question of how to disconnect the “Antenna” from Rostelecom in Moscow or in any other city, then it is extremely simple and obvious. You also need to contact the provider's office, where you fill out the appropriate application. After it has been processed and you have confirmed your intentions, the relevant specialists from the provider will arrive at the connection location to perform the physical disconnection procedure.