• How to name a channel on Youtube. We name the channel on Youtube. How to name a channel on YouTube: come up with a cool and original name

    The channel name, like any other name, is an important component of success. For example, remember the cool and funny names of your favorite channels on YouTube, they are all sonorous, quite short, and largely determine the theme. Therefore, you need to approach creating an account thoroughly and choose a name that suits it. But remember, even YouTube platforms with a good name, but without quality content, will not gain popularity among viewers.

    What should the name be

    You can title a channel on YouTube in different ways. Which specific name you choose should depend on the topic and what content will be on it.

    Uniqueness– This is an important feature when choosing a name for a YouTube channel. Imitate your idols and extract useful information from their videos this is of course good, but completely copying their style along with their name is bad idea. Originality is valued online.

    How to name your YouTube channel

    Now, perhaps, many companies promoting goods or services have their own accounts on YouTube, since this good way attracting new clients. Therefore, if you have a channel for promoting services or goods, then a name with the name of your brand. This way you can make it even more popular by reaching a larger audience. Even such giants as Coca-Cola, Samsung, Nescafe have their own accounts with the names of their brands. To the benefits This approach can be attributed to: promotion of brand popularity and conciseness.

    The choice of name can be approached based on its theme; it is best that it be identical to the name. For example, for entertainment, titles in the style of “Maximum Fun”, “Laughter to Tears”, “New Jokes” are well suited. If an account, for example, is about mysticism and everything otherworldly, you can use “Paranormal Phenomena” or “Secrets, what they hide from us.” In general, for each topic you can choose many names, the main thing is that it reflects essence of the content. The advantage of a thematic heading is that the viewer will immediately understand what content awaits him.

    Can be used key phrase. If you are making money on the Internet and want to create a channel, then excellent options would be “How to make money on the Internet?”, “Earning money on the Internet without investments” or “How to make money on the Internet from scratch?”. Such a title immediately reflects the topic and users can easily stumble upon it by entering similar queries into search engines. Therefore, adding a key phrase to the title will be good decision not only in terms of aesthetics, but also in terms of attracting new audiences.

    If you are an expert in some field and want to give master classes or upload training videos, your First and Last Name would be a good option. In this case, you increase the credibility of the channel by showing that behind all the videos there is real person, which you can contact. By choosing a name, for example “Vitaly Anokhin”, you will also popularize your personal brand. If you have good content, people will talk about you and advise each other, thereby you will attract more large number audience.

    Can be done compound name, collecting it from a couple of points that are above. The name “Vitaly Anokhin bodybuilding” is both thematic and includes initials, thereby developing a personal brand. You can also combine other points, making the title concise and original.

    If after all of the above you still haven’t come up with any worthy ideas, you can always contact a specialist. On freelancing forums and websites, a fairly common service is “naming,” where you can describe the topic of your account or the content you want to post there, and creative people will come up with good nicknames and titles for you. I think it's clear that this service is not free and you still have to pay for someone’s creativity.

    How to come up with a YouTube channel name

    If you decide to do naming yourself, then the first thing you should do is take a pen and a piece of paper and start write down all options that come to your mind. Don't be afraid to write down things you find silly or comical. Such ideas are often refined in the future and are used to name the account. When you have written down all the options that came to your mind, put the piece of paper aside, do other things and give your brain a rest. After some time, return to this sheet, remove the names that you like least, and so on until there are 2-3 of the best names left from which you can make your choice.

    Choose a short and simple name

    By choosing a simple and short name, you increase the likelihood that the user will remember it. Simple names accounts look laconically on YouTube. It’s convenient to insert them into the preview and account header. Short name can fit completely on the icon, which will increase your recognition. Examples of short names can be attributed"DaiFiveTop", "IGM", "Oblomoff".

    Decide on a goal

    Before creating an account and naming it, you should decide on the purpose of creation. If you want to maintain a personal blog, then your First and Last Name will be most appropriate. If you plan to conduct some kind of project, then it is better to think carefully about it. Think over the topic, evaluate what audience it will be designed for, and then base your choice of title on that.

    Focus on your audience's interests

    It is also important what audience is watching you. If the account is designed for a children's audience, then the name, accordingly, should attract children to visit it. In the title you can insert the words “games, play, children”, they will help in search engine promotion. If the channel is intended for adults, then naturally no inappropriate jokes or “gags” should be allowed in the title, as this may alienate adults.

    Analyze your competitors

    There are many accounts on YouTube due to its age and accessibility. Therefore, there is a high probability that there are already channels in the topic you have chosen. It’s worth analyzing them, looking at their names, what they consist of, and how close in meaning they are to the content of the account. After this there will be easier to call your YouTube platform, based on the available information.

    Use rhymes or wordplay

    It will be good if you have I'll be able to rhyme name or use a “play on words”. Such combinations are firmly imprinted in the viewers’ memory, which increases the likelihood of their repeat visit.

    Use an oxymoron

    By using an oxymoron in the name, you will emphasize the originality of the name. On the current popular YouTube, you don’t often see channels that use an oxymoron in the title, which means your account will be easily remembered and attract attention.

    Come up with a funny name

    Humor will never lose its popularity. Therefore it is possible come up with something humorous, funny name to interest the viewer. Similar examples could be “Flying Penguins”, “Awaken the Genius Within”.

    What to name a channel for boys

    In the account header for boys you can use First Name Last Name, interesting nicknames from games. Can add to name the words “Mister, Super,” or a slightly simpler title, for example, “I am Kirill Egorov.” This name is simple and will be easily remembered by its viewers.

    How to name a channel for a girl

    In the name of the channel for girls, in turn, you can use the same techniques as in the previous paragraph. Titles like “Polina Makarova’s Blog” or “From the Life of Polina Makarova” would look good. By using such names, viewers will immediately understand what the channel is about and who its author is.

    What nickname to come up with for YouTube

    Nick is your nickname on the Internet; people remember and recognize you by it. Therefore, it is important that it is beautiful. Nickname for YouTube can be used your real First Name Last Name or choose a nickname that matches the theme of the channel. If nothing comes to mind, you can use the nickname generator for Youtube.

    Generators of nicknames and names YouTube

    Have you read the article and still don’t have any ideas for naming your channel? Then they will help with this generation services nicknames Let's take a closer look at them.

    The first NickName service, one of the most popular services to generate nicknames. In it you indicate the first letter of the nickname, the number of letters in it and clicking the " Generate"get your nickname.

    The next service is called “Plagiarist” It uses more functionality, and accordingly there are more customization options. Having chosen which symbols to use, whether numbers and symbols can be used, press the button “ Pick up» and get a ready-made interesting nickname.

    Use similar services quite convenient, but don’t forget that nicknames from generators can be combined with the Name or brand title, or the subject of the account. In order to get the most unique and memorable name.

    You have decided to create a YouTube channel. Let's start choosing a name?

    At first glance, this is a simple matter, but... for me this is always the most difficult thing. And for you?

    Read the article to the end, and you will forget about this difficulty once and for all.

    Why is it important to name your YouTube channel correctly?

    This is what your visitors see first. They decide whether to continue exploring the channel or not. Click on it in the search results or scroll down the page.

    In addition, the correct name will promote the channel on its own. Every time visitors enter a key phrase, visitors will find you.

    What should the name be?

    There are no clear rules. But several criteria can be identified. Make it:

    • Clear - Explain to your visitors what your channel is about.
    • Original - To make your YouTube channel name easy to remember, it needs to stand out.
    • Memorable - this way they can find you by simply typing the phrase into a search engine.
    • Non-copyright-infringing - avoid the names of popular brands. After all, when you promote the channel, these enterprises may require you to change the name.

    How to come up with a name for a YouTube channel?

    Start inventing different options. Don't limit yourself to 5-10. Give free rein to your imagination and write down 40, 50, 100 points. And after that, choose the name that will meet the criteria specified above. You can consult with friends/colleagues/customers.

    What can be used as a channel name:

    A brand name with a light and beautiful sound

    Apple, Nike, Tesla - simple and memorable. If you are also planning to create your own brand, then there should be no problems with the channel name. Give it the name of your brand or company. The more often your business appears online, the more more people will look for your channel.

    Another option is to name the channel after yourself. You can choose different options:

    • first and last name;
    • pseudonym;
    • surname + word “channel”.

    This name is also good for shooting vlogs or reviews where you, your life and interests are the focus.

    A title that reflects the theme

    This is a good option if you plan to promote content rather than yourself. To do this, first think about what videos you will publish, write a list of several categories and after that come up with a name.

    Possible options:

    • Hunting and fishing.
    • Find your recipe.
    • MyHome.ru – Interior design, decor, architecture.

    YouTube channel name with keyword

    Do you want to make friends with search engines and attract new users for free? Select using the following algorithm:

    • Write down up to 10 topics on which you can create a channel.
    • Think about how your target audience might search for you using these options.
    • Enter the selected phrases into a search engine and look at the tips:
      • enter the beginning of a phrase into a line and see how Google continues it;
      • Scroll down the page and look at the abandonments in the “Search related to [your phrase]” block.
    • Check the number of requests for selected topics using Yandex.Wordstat.

    Compound name

    Combine the previous options. This way you can promote your brand, plus visitors will immediately understand what the channel is about. For example, take a name and add a subject (using a dash, slash or other symbol):

    • Vegetarian and Lenten cuisine of Elena | Good recipes.
    • Cooking with Irina Khlebnikova.
    • Victoria Snow Workshop of Inspiration.
    • Beautiful Nails by Alina Bykova.

    Contact a specialist

    If you don’t have the time or imagination, entrust this difficult task to a specialist. Find a freelancer and give him a task. Or contact a specialized agency (this is more expensive, but more reliable)

    To do this, write:

    • the overall direction and goals you want to achieve with your YouTube channel name;
    • length and association requirements;
    • possible video categories and topics.

    The more detailed you explain all your wishes, the greater the chances of getting the desired name the first time.

    Channel naming is the first step in generating free leads from YouTube. Find out how to hook your visitor and .

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    Tips to help you come up with a name for your YouTube channel

    If you have been sitting for an hour in front of almost a blank sheet of paper with options, use these tips:

    1. Keep it short

    Pay attention to the names from the list of TOP 10 popular channels. What do they have in common?

    They are short. Because such names are easy to remember and find. A good option is the name YouTube channel in one word, for example:

    • ELLO is a popular Russian music channel.
    • Sorax is a channel with web development tutorials.
    • Barboskiny is a channel for children.
    • Lifehacker - advice on health, work, sports, relationships, finances.
    • NTV - all the most interesting things that were on the air: programs, series, original projects.

    2. Come up with a name based on the purpose

    Typically, people watch videos to learn something or to relax and have fun. What will you bet on? And what kind of videos will you shoot? This could be: educational or motivational videos, reviews, an entertaining show.

    • Online Java lessons.
    • Yoga for Health.
    • United Traders - Learning to be smarter than money.
    • Traveler's blog ✈ World@Around.
    • I am a Guitarist (video lessons on playing the guitar).

    3. Choose a name for your YouTube channel depending on the interests of your audience

    Create a portrait of your buyer. Think about what he strives for, what difficulties he faces, what he looks for in searches, what videos he watches and what channels he subscribes to. And based on this, come up with a name.

    • How to learn to draw.
    • Unleash the genius within you.
    • Chess lessons for beginners (RUS).
    • How to learn to sing - Vocal Academy.
    • Video lessons for Lady.

    4. Analyze your competitors

    If you don't have ideas, look for them from others.

    • Explore popular channels and choose the most interesting and revealing titles. For example, statistics on the number of subscribers, videos and views were collected.
    • Browse your competitors' channels. What techniques do they use? Try to understand their approach and apply it to your business.

    You will find more tools and tips in this article:.

    You will not become popular from the very first days. Promoting a channel takes time. And perhaps you will have new opportunities. Have you noticed how the content on channels changes over time? Become more advanced in both image and content.

    Think about what you want to implement in the future and choose a name based on that. So, you won’t need to change your name a year later and confuse existing subscribers.

    6. Use rhymes

    This is a good way to create beautiful name for YouTube channel. Yes, they are difficult to find. But popular brands, bloggers, and film directors use this. Join this company.

    7. Wordplay

    Since YouTube is primarily an entertainment resource, a pun will help grab your visitors' attention.

    Catch a few interesting examples for inspiration:

    • have long been hated;
    • uncontrollable attack of brightness;
    • the more you know, the more you take revenge;
    • work burden;
    • drugs;
    • chocolate relieves abs;
    • freedom;
    • I wish I could turn back the time to sleep.

    8. Alliteration

    This is the repetition of the same or similar consonants. Its main advantage is ease of memorization. For example, Coca-Cola.

    9. Or an oxymoron

    This is an expression that contains contradictory concepts. Thanks to the connection of the incompatible, the brain stops at this phrase and tries to imagine it. This engages the creative right brain and sparks interest.

    Examples of oxymorons:

    • sad joy;
    • dead souls;
    • the end of eternity;
    • true lies;
    • Dead Poets Society;
    • back to the future.

    10. Come up with a funny name for your YouTube channel

    Humor is popular. And if you can pick up cool name, your subscribers will like you.

    Finally, catch a few more interesting examples:

    • English like clockwork.
    • Unleash the genius within you.
    • Adventures of Flying Penguins.
    • Wool stories.
    • Your own gardener.
    • Piping hot! - recipes in a minute.

    What happens if you name your YouTube channel incorrectly?

    Actually, it's no big deal. Visitors will not run away, and your channel will not end up at the very bottom of the rankings.

    Sometimes the quality of the video, frequency of publications, optimization of the title and description of the videos are much more important.

    But a YouTube channel name is an additional factor that will help you promote it. All together will be the key to your success.

    Also check out the list of other articles that may be useful to you:

    What options did you consider?

    Caramel, creative chaos in my head, do I adore myself or things like JlABPYlllKA, XyEpLeT and I(andNDER $URpRиzZz?

    I welcome everyone to the pages of this blog, Pavel Yamb is with you. Today we’ll talk about such an important topic as the name of your channel. I think there is no need to explain the importance of its name. Everyone knows that the name speaks for itself. YouTube was no exception. It would seem: what’s so complicated about this? But the devil is in the details, mistakes at the beginning of your channel’s life can simply ruin everything in the future - when your business takes off. So, how to name a channel on YouTube? How far are you from the YouTube blogosphere? And then take a fun test.

    You can take your channel seriously, especially if you are planning to make money on it, read a lot of literature, take courses, but the name of the channel is your brand. Let's say you are filming a program about film news, it would be logical that it would have a name close to the topics of films, news, etc... A name for such a channel like “Vasily Pupkin” will not work. Here it’s better to choose something like “Movie news from Vasya” or “Movie news”. Got it? The name of the channel must 100% reflect its essence, its content and the topic of the video.

    If you want to try yourself as a teacher or trainer in any field, then your name will be ideal. “Vasya Pupkin. Business Lessons” will fit perfectly here, as it immediately makes it clear the whole essence of the content that can be found on your channel. Clearly choose a topic that matches your activities. It will be ideal if the name includes keywords that will be used in further promotion. Try not to go too far, the name should still be easy to understand and be “for people”, not for search engines.

    Try to come up with a beautiful and memorable name. From my own experience, I can say that names that are best perceived are laconic and written in capital letters; it should hit the target and be clearly different from those that YouTube viewers encounter on the Internet. At one time, the very famous blogger Stas Davydov named his channel for reviews of viral videos “This is Good.”

    This is a channel name that I think is perfect in my humble opinion. Stas (or his manager) combined Russian and English languages in the title what is unusual solution, both from the point of view of visual perception and from the point of view of sonority. Also, the name of the channel works for the author in his videos: he constantly repeats the same phrase: “And that’s good!” . A phrase like this sounds great and is easy to remember; perhaps, in part, it has even become popular on the Internet. This serves as excellent additional PR for the development of the channel.

    Try to keep the channel name as simple as possible, this will allow viewers to remember it easily and quickly. Try to avoid unnecessary and complex language and long phrases - be concise. Everything ingenious is simple.

    But promoting a channel and your videos is not so easy. There are nuances that you may not even be aware of. here is my 11 second video that has 20,000 views. Imagine 100 such videos, what if there are about 100,000 views? Another level, here comes the earnings. But the main thing is that this thing is fun.

    But don't forget about beauty. The name should be pronounced beautifully and look beautiful from the point of view of visual perception. For examples, let's turn to the help of such business giants as Apple and Coca-Cola. Did these companies choose beautiful names? Yes. Are they easy to remember? Of course! Are they simple? Simple as can be! And this plays into their hands.

    Look ahead. When coming up with a name, clearly decide whether you will be able to release videos with the theme of the channel in the future. If you start making video reviews of games, and your channel is called “Filmovzor” and before that you posted reviews of films, then problems may arise. Some of your viewers may not like this because they subscribed to a channel dedicated to movies, not games! The target audience of such topics is different and their change may not be to the taste of subscribers. Clearly plan a rough outline of the content that will appear on the channel. Ask yourself: will the topic exhaust itself in the future? Will I have to change the name of my channel later?

    Despite these tips, I still advise you to focus on the content and give it maximum attention. Constantly work on video quality and improve it. It’s just that the situation with the channel name can get ridiculous. It took you a week to come up with your ideal name, and a month later you suddenly realized that you don’t need it at all and the channel is just standing still.

    My main advice: It is not the channel name that is the determining factor in successful development, and your videos and desire, coupled with perseverance, to achieve your goals on YouTube, whatever they may be. Even if you don’t want to take YouTube courses, you can make a great channel and promote it. Everything is in your power.

    Thanks to those who read the article to the end, I sincerely hope that it will help you decide on your questions. See you soon!

    Modern information Technology open up many new opportunities for people. They provide access not only to new information, but also to ways of self-development, realization of creative potential and earning money. One of the most popular and available methods Many people consider publishing videos on YouTube to increase their income. To do this, you will need to create your own platform for posting materials (using a computer or mobile version resource). To correctly name a channel on Youtube, you can use the services of professionals in the field of naming, but if you wish, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

    How to name your channel on YouTube?

    The very fact of creating a channel and regularly filling it with new content does not guarantee success and achievement of your goals. The user needs to first study material about promoting his site, the rules for shooting videos, choosing a plot, and marketing. One important factor that is often overlooked is choosing the right name.

    When filling out a standard form during channel creation (it will be offered through a link when trying to leave a comment, create a playlist or upload a video), its name will be duplicated from the user’s Google account. To change the name, you need to create a channel that will be associated with the brand account. To do this, you need to go to the “List of Channels” tab in your profile menu on YouTube, select “Create a channel” and select a brand account from the list. Then all you have to do is fill in the “Title + pages” field, confirm the action and press the “Done” function button. This will allow you to effectively use to promote your videos with using Google+, YouTube. You can change the old name in “Channel Settings”. Find detailed instructions Regarding the creation of a channel and the procedure for naming it, you can find it on the YouTube website in the “Help” section.

    What should you consider when choosing a name?

    A beautiful and eye-catching name, of course, does not guarantee success, because the most important thing for a channel is its content and promotion strategy developed by the owner. But it significantly influences the formation of a permanent audience of viewers, the authority of the author of video materials, and the increase in the number of views. In any case, the name should be easy to read and perceive, evoke positive associations, be original, and attract attention.

    To create a sonorous and useful from a marketing point of view name for a YouTube channel, you can start from several recommendations:

    1. Creating a brand account and using an already promoted name.
    2. The nickname must correspond to the theme of the videos.
    3. The name should be interesting, original, and attract attention.
    4. In the selection process, it is important to take into account popular key queries on your topic (to determine them, you can use query selection services, for example, Yandex Wordstat).
    5. You should not include numbers or symbols in the name, this complicates perception and memorability.

    When choosing a name for a channel on YouTube, it is important to focus not on your preferences, favorite expressions, other people’s advice, but on the topic, the purpose of uploading the video. Coming up with a good name is quite possible, you just have to approach the selection process responsibly.

    What not to do:

    • call the channel a name that is radically different from its topic;
    • a female, male name (but they can be combined in an original way, creating your own versions);
    • choose a name that is consonant or very similar to something already known.

    What to name a YouTube channel for boys?

    The name for a boys' YouTube channel should evoke a positive image of the author and a desire to view the content. For selection cool name you can use popular literary devices, create a neologism - a new word, use a selection service key queries. Examples of names: PewDiePie, ALEX TOY SHOW, Fun Toyz, WWE, SUPER TEMA, I want to know everything, Baby Games Toys & Songs, Hero Factory, League of Detectives, Mister Boy, IgroBoy.

    What to name a YouTube channel for girls?

    The names of channels for girls should correspond not only to the theme of the site, but also to the image that viewers expect to see. To create, you can use many techniques: rhyme, wordplay, alliteration (repetition of identical, homogeneous consonants), oxymorons (semantic combination of incongruous), etc. The choice depends on the age of the child, the key theme of the videos, and the characteristics of the expected audience. There are many cool options, for example: Miss Ketty, Fairy, Best Friend, Ksenia And You, Mini Baby, Cooking You City, Lizzy Games, Tiki Taki Cook, Malinka TV, etc.

    Channel names for YouTube - list

    The best name for your YouTube channel will be a name chosen taking into account exactly those factors that are important for a particular owner and his audience. But analyzing examples will help you navigate the endless stream of options and create your own unique name. Here's what you can name a channel on YouTube:

    • game with proper names – Adam Tomas Morgan, Milena Lena;
    • a combination of words in Latin and Cyrillic - Thisis good, Forward Go;
    • expressions with a call or a word corresponding to the theme of the channel in a foreign language - Let’s Play (“Let’s play”), Spy (“Spy”);
    • Nickname reflecting the theme: Traveler's School (travel), Super Games with Eric (games), Channel of the History (history), Blue Tractor (children's cartoons), Get Movies (video).

    Save the article in 2 clicks:

    The Internet has long entered into direct competition with traditional television, and its victories are increasing every year. YouTube is one of the most popular video hosting sites. It makes it possible not only to watch other people’s videos, but to post personal materials and even make money from it. To successfully promote your videos, you need to adhere to several important rules, in particular regarding the choice correct name for the Youtube channel.

    Hello guys. Today we’ll get creative and flex our brains, we’ll figure out what to name the channel on YouTube.

    Yesterday I sat all evening and thought about what name I could give to my project, looked for ideas, selected meanings. As a result, I came up with a name and decided that I definitely needed to write an article for beginners and give some tips on how to come up with a cool and original name for a YouTube channel.

    This article will be the perfect complement to the second step, which I am now doing for you.

    Is a good channel name important?

    In general, yes, the name - the “name” of the channel - is very important element in its further promotion, this is your brand, which, in order to become successful, must be remembered and spread throughout the Internet.

    But no matter what brilliant name you come up with, success will still depend on the quality of the downloaded content. Therefore, do not get too hung up and think that because of the chosen name your channel is not gaining popularity. Come up with something simple and understandable for your target audience Name.

    A few principles of what it should be:

    • Simple.
    • Easy to read.
    • Easy to remember.
    • Not long.
    • Conveying the meaning of the channel and its themes.
    • In English, Russian or translit. Consider your core audience.

    Also, do not violate the basic rules of YouTube and create an account with a name or nickname famous person or project.

    How to come up with a YouTube channel name?

    Instructions that are suitable for both boys and girls. Let's start generating options.

    It’s better to write down all your ideas right away!

    Even the stupidest ideas. Usually the stupidest ideas give rise to brilliant options. When the entire list is before your eyes, it’s easier to come up with something new and play with word forms with those that already exist.

    I have a huge one hanging on the wall at home for such occasions. I fill it with all sorts of options, and then I erase all the unsuccessful ones and choose the best one.

    Based on the content of the channel

    1. What topics are you going to shoot and upload videos on YouTube? Think about how you can combine all this into one name. So that a person who comes to your channel immediately understands what he can find on it and whether he should subscribe to it.

    Name the channel after yourself

    2. I want to say right away that channels on which the author’s identity is revealed become successful and popular faster. It is more interesting to follow a living person who is doing something than a channel where videos are simply uploaded, and it is not clear who the author is.

    Channels are often called by their first and last name. The name becomes a brand, people listen to it and trust it. The more trust, the more people will buy your product or services, the more advertisers will want to buy advertising from you, etc. Having your own brand on the Internet means a lot of money.

    It's not just that people create their own personal blogs and YouTube channels.

    Conventionally, all channels can be divided into 3 types:

    1. personal,
    2. projects (also personal),
    3. gray and various garbage.

    If this is your personal channel and you are going to shoot a video on some topic or just keep it like a diary, then you can use as a title:

    • First and last name
    • Interesting nickname

    For example, my personal channel is called that “Vasily Blinov”. On it I post various videos from travel, interviews, thoughts out loud, etc. From it I comment on videos of other users, and this works great as self-promotion; it is clear that the author of the comment is a living person, you can contact him by name. Do you agree that there is immediately more trust and interest?

    And the second one is called “Remote Worker School”, where training videos related to remote work and earning money via the Internet are published. It also reveals the author's identity and is a companion piece to this blog.

    The word “Remote Man” on at the moment understandable to a narrow circle of people on the Internet, but soon, I believe, it will be clear to everyone.

    If you have a gaming channel, then your name or nickname from the game will also work well, by which you will be recognized both on YouTube and in the game.

    Write everything out possible options and ideas into a text document.

    Analysis of competitors and popular channels

    3. After you have brainstormed on your own and gotten all the ideas out of your head, you can turn to the search. See the names of similar and popular channels.

    The list of top channels can be viewed on the services:

    • VSPstats.com
    • SocialBlade.com

    If you look at the TOP 100 on the Russian-language Internet, you can see that all the names are unique, in which there is nothing unusual. They have simply become brands due to their long existence and hard work on content.

    Advice: beginners should not compare themselves with such large projects that have millions of subscribers. But as you watch their videos, try to find consistent ideas and tricks they use and apply them to your project.

    Many people use various additions in their names, such as: TV, channel, show, club, vlog, diary, magazine, etc., somewhere they are really consonant and fit well with the name or nickname. Try it, maybe something will suit you too. When you make a list of options, read them out loud and listen to how they sound, whether you like them or not.

    Name for the channel theme

    4. In other words, we can say names tailored to users’ search queries. When the name makes it absolutely clear what videos are posted on it.

    For example: cartoons, travel, making money on the Internet, recipes and others.

    I wanted to name my channel “ Remote work and freelancing”, but, in my opinion, the name is too general and unmemorable. But it would win when a person searches for these words in a search.

    A little later I will tell you in a separate article how to collect search queries and intelligently optimize your videos.

    Search phrases for your topic can be used in addition to the title. For example, first there is a first and last name, nickname or project name, and next to it, through a dash or some other symbol, there is an addition with key phrases according to your topic and target audience.

    Quickly, you can search for queries for your topic on the website wordstat.yandex.ru

    Generate titles for your channel with keywords, just make sure it is not long.

    Use other people's brains

    5. There is such a thing as naming. This is when you create a task in which you describe what you need to come up with a name for, and give this task to a person, he thinks and offers his ideas.

    You can find creative guys on any website. In my list of exchanges there is a section of sites that specialize in this “Sites of tenders and competitions”.

    There you can even organize a competition and whoever offers best idea, will receive his reward. I think it's clear that this is not free way, how to name a channel on YouTube, namers need to be paid for their work.

    You can organize a competition for free among your acquaintances and friends somewhere in social network, maybe they will give you cool and funny ideas.

    That’s it, I don’t have anything left to advise you in finding a name for your YouTube channel. If I remember, I’ll add it to the article a little later.

    Take your time and work through the list.

    6. Now that you've listed dozens of name ideas, play around with phrases, rhymes, synonyms, etc. Choose best option, you can consult with friends, read out the options to them and listen to their opinions.

    If no more ideas come to mind, put off this activity until the next day, in the morning or during another activity, some may come to you original ideas. Usually this is what happens when you sit and strain yourself, nothing comes up, but when you go out with friends or play sports, various brilliant ideas begin to pop into your head, just have time to write them down.

    Friends, that’s all for today, I hope my article will help you in choosing a channel name for YouTube.

    If you have questions or suggestions, ask them in the comments. I wish you all good luck and see you in the next articles.