• Personal account of the electronic journal of schoolchildren. Mos ru electronic student diary: login. Other similar services

    If previously it was necessary to ask a child how much he received for a particular day at school, now parents can know everything about the progress of their children even without their knowledge using a service such as “pgu.mos.ru electronic diary.”

    This service is a full-fledged diary indicating all the student’s grades for the entire period of his education.

    In fact, the creation of this service has made classic paper diaries simply unnecessary.

    Although today many people have problems when working with an electronic diary.

    Therefore, it would be useful to consider all the features of the functioning of this service.

    How to activate such a service

    From the very beginning, you need to find out whether your school and your class are connected to the electronic diary at all.

    If you live in Moscow, most likely this is so or will soon be so.

    Indeed, today the government is making great efforts to make new technologies as popular as possible among all spheres of society.

    Actually, this is why the website pgu.mos.ru was created.

    On this resource you can pay for housing and communal services, make an appointment with an official, obtain any documents, find out the schedule for the supply of water or other vital resources.

    This site itself looks like what is shown in Figure 2.

    Among other services, there is also a MRKO student diary. The login and password to enter the system can be obtained from the class teacher.

    The connection to the service is handled directly by the head of the educational institution.

    And he, in turn, should find out about the connection at the local branch of the public services center.

    But usually this is reported in detail to the heads of educational institutions.

    In any case, the employees of the public services center will always come to the rescue and organize the connection of the student’s diary.

    The conditions for using the student’s online diary are as follows:

    1. Access is available only to parents or legal representatives of the student, to whom a login and password can only be issued by the class teacher or another person specially appointed for this purpose at the educational institution;
    2. The service is provided free of charge;
    3. No documents need to be provided;
    4. The validity period of the electronic diary is throughout the entire learning process.

    Now let's move on directly to how to use the electronic diary.


    As for parents whose children study in educational institutions that are connected to this service, they can go to their child’s diary page on the same government services website - pgu.mos.ru.

    Only the official website of government services suggests that in order to use any of its options, a person must be registered.

    Therefore, the use of the MRKO diary begins with registration on the government services portal.

    This happens in several stages:

    • On the main page you must click the “Register” button.

    • After this, you need to fill out all personal fields and click the “Register” button, which is located at the bottom of the page.

    • After registration you need to log in to the site. To do this, on the same start page, click the large “Login” button, then enter your username and password specified during registration, and click the “Login” button.

    • Now, on the official page, you again need to go to the “Electronic student diary (MSDS)”. The system will automatically redirect the user authorized on the public services website to the authorization page in the electronic diary.

    Clue: If the main page does not have the item “Electronic student diary (SSD)”, you need to find it in the “Education, studies” section. This section is located in the menu, which is located on the right side of the main window. Accordingly, to find the desired item there, you need to click on this section. Then the item “Electronic student diary (SSD)” will become visible in the window to the right of the section names, as shown in Figure No. 6.

    This page looks like what is shown in Figure 7. As for the field called “Account Name”, you can enter anything there.

    It is designed for when one parent will be checking on the progress of two or more children and wants to create different diary accounts for them.

    Then they should be called differently. The fields “MRKO Login” and “MRKO Password” are filled in according to the login and password provided by the representative of the educational institution.

    After entering all the data and clicking on the “Continue” button, a window will appear for checking the data. Its appearance is shown in Figure No. 8.

    If all the data is correct, you must click the “Finish” button.

    After this, you will enter directly to the personal diary page, that is, to the parent’s personal account.

    If you have any questions about entering the MRKO diary, the employees of the public services portal themselves advise you to contact the forum, where there is already a list of the most frequently asked questions.

    About use

    So, we have already discussed how to enter a student’s diary through the official website of government services.

    Actually, after entering your personal account, that same MRKO diary will become visible.

    It looks almost the same as a regular paper diary - the fields and format are taken exactly from it. The appearance of the student’s personal diary is shown in Figure 9.

    As you can see, there are also days with the same fields for each of them - subject, homework and grade.

    All grades that the teacher puts in this diary or in the class journal will be transferred here.

    But an electronic diary has a huge number of advantages.

    The main ones are as follows:

    1. Possibility to view grades and homework for the selected subject. To carry out this task, click on the “Selected Item” tab, which is indicated by the number 1 in Figure No. 9.
    2. The ability to find out all grades for a selected period - day, month, quarter or academic year. To complete this task, you need to click on the “All assessments” tab (number 2 in Figure No. 9).
    3. The ability to find out the final grades for each subject (this is the “Final grades” tab - number 3). Again, this can be done within the selected period.
    4. The ability to view grades, lessons and homework for the entire school year, including those days and weeks that have already passed. To select a schedule for a specific period of time, you need to click on the current date and in the drop-down calendar, indicate the boundaries of the week or other period of time you want to view. In Figure No. 9, the date is indicated by the number 4.

    Other similar services

    As one might understand, the electronic diary of the MRKO is available only to residents of Moscow and the region, since it is located on the public services portal of the city of Moscow.

    But those teachers and students who do not live in the capital can also use modern technologies.

    In fact, there are quite a few even more functional services that provide almost the same functions.

    These features boil down to the ability to provide online grades for teachers and the ability to view those grades for parents.

    We list the main such services:


    Dnevnik.ru is a full-fledged social network that allows direct communication between teachers, students and their parents.

    Basically, this is the most common

    Nowadays, elements of e-education are becoming increasingly popular, when the latest developments are introduced into the learning process, the task of which is to increase the level of education, as well as to make information about the learning process more accessible and timely.

    In this regard, the country's educational institutions are switching to electronic education, the key elements of which are an electronic journal and an electronic diary, which are analogues of paper documents known to everyone. By the way, an electronic diary, like a magazine, not only replaces paper media, but also expands its capabilities.

    A special place is occupied by the student’s electronic diary, which is of interest not only to the students themselves, but also to their parents, as well as teachers and school administration.

    Such a student’s diary allows you to obtain information about the class schedule, homework, as well as the student’s progress, thanks to the current and final grades posted here. And all this happens online.

    However, it is worth considering that logging into the system is only available to registered users. And the first thing that needs to be done is to connect the desired educational institution to the system. Representatives of a particular school can do this by filling out the necessary application. After this, a person responsible for maintaining the system in working order should be appointed, which will allow for continuous informing of all participants in the educational process about the progress of the training.

    After this, you will receive a login and password that will be needed to log into the system. In order to use the electronic diary service, students and their parents will need to contact their class teacher or the person responsible for working with electronic services at school to obtain a login and password.

    Login to the electronic diary

    It is worth remembering that you should not transfer your login to other persons, since they will be the ones who will be able to log into the system and use the data presented in the electronic diary. Therefore, ensuring security is the responsibility of not only school employees, but also all users of the system.

    If your password has been lost, you can contact your class teacher who will help you recover it. You can also use the link to recover your password; when you click on it, you will need to provide your contact information (mobile phone number or email address) that you specified when registering in the system.

    Password recovery

    Logging into the system can be done either directly from the electronic diary page or from another resource, as in the case of the School Portal of the Moscow Region, where to log in you will need to go to the Portal of State and Municipal Services of the Moscow Region, and then select the appropriate section - “Your school".

    If you have difficulty logging into the student’s electronic diary, you can use the support section, which contains answers to frequently asked questions and also contains step-by-step instructions regarding registration. All this will help you understand the work in the system, which in turn will not take much time and will give a positive result.


    A student’s electronic diary is not only an opportunity to keep abreast of the child’s progress, but also his behavior. Since the diary allows you to leave comments, as well as make positive notes regarding the student’s discipline. Teachers can also inform parents about upcoming school events and parent-teacher conferences.

    Among other things, the electronic diary is a place of communication where parents can communicate with teachers and among themselves. Students from different schools can also exchange information.

    Electronic diary for students

    The service of sending SMS and receiving information by email is also available for parents, which makes the electronic diary even more efficient and easy to use.

    Electronic diary for parents

    In order to log in to the system, you only need to have a device with Internet access. By the way, if you do not have the opportunity to use the Internet, all you need to do is write an application addressed to the school principal. After that, the information that is entered into the electronic diary for the desired student will be duplicated in a paper diary by printing or filling out by hand.

    Student's electronic diary login.

    What is an electronic student diary? Who and how can use a student’s electronic diary?

    Technical progress and modern IT technologies are increasingly penetrating our lives. Fortunately, most of them are designed to simplify and greatly facilitate our existence. One such invention in the field of education is an electronic diary.

    An electronic diary is a digital analogue of a regular school diary. Such a service allows parents to be informed every minute about the progress of their child. In addition to grades, the electronic diary contains all the necessary information for both the student and his loved ones. Such information includes:

    • change of lesson schedules
    • date of parent conferences
    • teacher progress report
    • student rating
    • the performance of each student, class and school as a whole
    • homework
    • intra-school social network
    • teacher blogs
    • school news

    The positive aspects of an electronic diary include:

    1. Impossibility of losing the diary.
    2. Constant monitoring by parents of their child’s grades and attendance.
    3. Inability to correct grades.
    4. Increased sense of responsibility among schoolchildren.
    5. Ease of interactive communication between teacher and parents.
    6. Convenience for teachers - getting rid of paperwork.
    7. Save on office supplies for school - paper, pens, folders, etc.
    8. Making performance analysis easier for teachers.
    9. Ease of use.
    10. Confidentiality of individual information.

    But, despite a number of advantages, this service also has several disadvantages:

    1. Poor awareness of teachers (especially the older generation) in computer technologies.
    2. Not all teachers and parents have access to the Internet.
    3. Possibility of hacking the system (advanced students).
    4. The likelihood of losing information as a result of hacking or a virus.

    Who can use the electronic diary service?

    The services of the electronic diary can be used by all those who have access to it. Access is provided by the school administration by providing a login and password to each student. Thus, users of the electronic diary are:

    • students
    • parents of students
    • teachers
    • school administration
    • supreme bodies of the education system
    • school health worker

    How can parents enter the school electronic diary of a student?

    How can parents log into their student’s electronic diary?

    In order to enter the student’s electronic school diary, parents need to register on the website and also ask the class teacher for their child’s individual login and password. The student's login and password are assigned by the school's IT workers. They are responsible for connecting the school to the electronic diary system. They also carry out explanatory work for the administration of the educational institution on how to use such a system. The task of teachers is also information work with parents, because not all parents can independently deal with such a rather complex task.

    Student’s electronic diary - school educational network: log in to your page

    • Log in to the website http://dnevnik.ru.
    • Let’s get acquainted with the structure and rules of the site in the “About the project” tab.
    • We go to the authorization page.
    • We enter the code provided by the class teacher.
    • Click the “Next” button.
    • We fill out the fields in 3 windows - full name, login and password.
    • Full name - enter yours.
    • Login - the name of your personal email account.
    • We come up with the password ourselves.
    • We confirm the information.
    • Follow the link provided to go to your email account.
    • In the email from the site, we confirm registration by clicking on the provided link.
    • Using the link we return to the electronic diary again.
    • Enter your username and password.
    • Click the “Login” button.
    • We are successfully using the resource.

    It is worth noting that for Moscow residents, the procedure for registering and visiting the electronic diary is slightly different from the registration procedure in other regions:

    • We enter the PGU website (city services portal).
    • We register on the site (login/password for PGU and login/password for the electronic diary are completely different things).
    • We find the service “Electronic student diary” (MRKO).
    • In the “Account” field, create a new entry - you can simply call it “Diary”.
    • Enter your login and password.
    • The MRKO login is the login issued by the class teacher.
    • MRKO password is a password issued by the class teacher.
    • Click the “Finish” button.

    Attention! When the school administration issues a personal password and login, it is advisable for parents to request an individual parental login/password for themselves. The fact is that student access to the site is much more limited than parental access.

    How parents can enter the electronic diary: Video

    How to enter an electronic diary: Video

    The school diary connects the school management with the student’s parents - marks are made in it based on the results of knowledge surveys, tests, teachers write comments about behavior or poor preparation, and this technique always continued until an analogue of the paper version came into use - an electronic diary. What is this, how can a parent log into an electronic diary and check how things are going with their student child?

    With the development of new Internet services, every parent registered on the State Services portal can promptly receive all information about studies and various comments, missed classes, made simultaneously in both paper and electronic diary form. That is, the student will no longer be able to hide from parents any information that the school wanted to bring to the attention of parents. And if previously a careless student could tear out a page or correct 2 by 3, the new service for parents already eliminates this possibility.

    Any parent who is interested in their child’s success at school will be able to obtain all the information they are interested in through the State Services Internet portal using the “electronic student diary” option. To do this, you must be registered to enter the portal in a section specially created for this. You can gain access absolutely free.

    In order for each parent to have access only to their child’s page, a colossal amount of work was done - a list of students was compiled, correspondence by school institutions and classes was developed, and personal input data for parents was developed.

    At this point in time, not all regions have prepared the system in order, so this service is not yet available everywhere.

    Getting login information

    One of the parents must contact the secretariat of the educational institution with a statement indicating:

    • Information from the child's birth certificate.
    • Personal details of the applicant.
    • A request containing a request for access to the electronic diary of your child.
    • Give agreement to the processing of data on the Internet.

    The secretary will check the specified information with the available data and issue information and instructions for gaining access to the desired service on the State Services.

    Please note that you can get access not on the national website gosuslugi.ru, but only on the regional one. For example, for Moscow this page is located in the “Study and Education” section, for the Moscow Region.

    It should also be taken into account that not all regional educational institutions have switched to the new format for maintaining school records. Moscow is at the forefront here, and its experience will be transferred to other regions.

    1. To log in, you need authorization, and if you don’t have an account, you should create one.
    2. Contact the class teacher and request input data - each student has his own personal page, and you can only log in using this data.

    Registration procedure on the portal

    As an example, we will consider Moscow. Open the main page of State Services in Moscow, click on the banner - register:

    1. Enter your personal data, email address and mobile device number sequentially in the appropriate fields - confirmation codes will be sent to them.
    2. Click on the button - registration, and after checking the entered data, messages with confirmation codes will be sent to your email address and phone number - enter them in the appropriate fields;
    3. Create your login password and complete the process by clicking on the “Done” banner.

    Now you will be able to log into various electronic services, including the “Education” section, where the necessary functionality is located.

    Procedure for logging into the electronic diary

    Now let’s learn more about how parents can access the student’s electronic diary:

    1. Open the portal page and click on the button – log in (at the top of the page).
    2. Enter your login details and log in.
    3. From the general list, follow the link “Education”, to the section “Electronic student diary”.
    4. Now you should enter the data received from the class teacher - login and password, then a new page will open with records of your child’s progress. Data for the last school month will be displayed here, but parents do not need a longer period.

    You can also log into this service from the Gosuslugi mobile application; the authorization process is similar to the traditional login from your desktop computer.

    What information will be available to parents?

    Important! If you have an electronic signature, then you can put it through the service, thereby notifying the teacher that you are familiar with his comments and wishes.

    By opening a personal page, parents will be able to find out about all the important events of the educational institution and other important information:

    • Scheduled class and school-wide meetings, agendas;
    • Missing classes for an unexcused reason (truancy);
    • Homework for each subject;
    • Receive personal information from the class teacher or any subject teacher, if you have an electronic signature, and respond to them via the Internet.

    All information is provided by the Department of Education of the Moscow region.