• A detailed review of the free book “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte” by Egor Sheremetyev. Intellectix project blog - intellectix - all about the development of intelligence Secrets of successful dating on VKontakte Egor Sheremetyev

    Special expert guidance that will help you become more attractive and in the eyes of most girls on the VKontakte website

    I'll show you step by step...

    Here is just a small part of what you will learn after receiving from me the author’s Video Course “Secrets of Successful Dating in Contact”:

    How to fill out your personal VKontakte page and what photos to post to automatically arouse a lively interest in your person in girls. You will learn how to attract girls on a natural level, and not on the level of pathos and show off.

    10 terrible mistakes that 95% of guys make in attempts to get acquainted on VKontakte (I’m sure that you have made these mistakes many times, thinking that this is how you can get girls to like you).

    You and I will penetrate the thoughts of any woman and find out what scenario for her ideal VKontakte acquaintance.

    10 most successful ways in my practice to roll up beautifully and naturally to the girl you like on VKontakte - works both on shy girls and on unapproachable beauty queens.

    What topics and in what direction to communicate? with the girl you need on VKontakte, so that she wants to leave you her number or even hints at a meeting in real life.

    A detailed description of what was tested by me and my students step-by-step method of seducing girls VKontakte. It was thanks to this scheme that I went on over 100 dates in the past year.

    78 best templates (first phrases for dating on VKontakte). So that you don’t have to worry about coming up with interesting openers, I have prepared ready-made phrases for you. All you have to do is choose the one you like and send it to the girl you want on VKontakte.

    17 proven secrets conducting effective correspondence on a social network in order to bring girls into the real world without wasting extra time and effort.

    How to quickly identify the right girls - for sex, for relationships or for friendship. Simply by analyzing their VKontakte pages (uncensored version).

    How to behave correctly when adding as a friend, inviting to groups, etc., to increase the girl’s interest.

    How to quickly and beautifully take phone numbers. No refusals, oink-moo and “I have a boyfriend.” I guarantee that after such tricks the girl will be really looking forward to your call (if you now thought that you can just intrigue her, then you are mistaken - think again).

    And a lot more useful information about how to meet a girl on VKontakte...

    The video course “Secrets of successful dating on VKontakte”, in my opinion, includes EVERYTHING you need to know and do, so that you can absolutely make a correct VKontakte page on the very first day, write to a girl you like and the same Meet her in the evening for a pleasant date.

    I have put five years of experience into it, and I strongly recommend that you, as my reader, learn absolutely ALL THESE SECRETS from beginning to end and use them to attract girls into your life.

    The Video Course consists of 17 lessons filled with valuable knowledge, with a total duration of more than 7 hours of educational video and includes the most modern technologies on how to meet and like a girl on VKontakte.

    If you want to learn how to easily meet girls on VKontakte once and for all, then this course will be a real discovery for you.

    Here are reviews from guys who have already learned my dating methods from me and used them to meet girls on VKontakte:

    While this offer is valid, you will receive FOUR more valuable gifts!

    These bonuses will disappear after:

    This video course contains visual video lessons on:

    1. Developing you as an interesting person
    2. This is reflected on your VKontakte page

    "Macho VKontakte" will solve the following problems once and for all:

    1. The girl doesn't respond to your messages
    2. The dialogue between you and the girl is going very badly
    3. The girl flatly refuses to give you her phone number
    4. A girl is added as a friend for a while, then suddenly and unexpectedly removed
    5. You see her actively texting another guy, not you.

    This wonderful 6-hour video training will teach you how to dress correctly and stylishly, so that girls will stare at you in admiration. As you understand, your Appearance in VKontakte photos plays an important role when dating on VKontakte. If you look brand new and your clothes are chosen correctly, any girl will note this as your definite plus.

    In addition, as a gift from me, on the DVD “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte” you receive a wonderful bonus - audio recording of the seminar “Effective dating”!

    From this 2-hour seminar you will learn how to call, set up and have a great date with a girl you met on VKontakte, without much time, money and effort. This is a great addition to the main course!

    Plus a couple more useful gifts from me personally. I sell these gifts separately at a price of 2000 rubles. But I’m including this course for free!

    These bonuses will disappear after:

    There is a 100% guarantee that the course will increase your popularity among women several times!

    Perhaps you are now doubting whether it is worth purchasing this DVD course to learn the techniques of easy and effective dating on VKontakte or whether to leave everything as is...

    “Yes, it’s all interesting, but I’d rather do it myself” or "I'll probably wait and buy the course next time"- you might think.

    To do this, I will give you a guarantee that you may be surprised by.

    I constantly receive feedback from my satisfied clients and I GUARANTEE that what I show you in the course will work successfully for you too. It’s enough just to get acquainted with a proven scheme.

    Therefore, if, using my methods, you are not completely satisfied, then just let me know and I will return the entire amount to you without any questions asked.. If I suddenly cannot teach you anything, then this will be an absolutely honest step on my part.

    You risk ABSOLUTELY nothing! I put all the risk on my shoulders - leave your shoulders for other purposes - for example, for hugging...

    I subscribe to this guarantee,

    How much does this DVD course cost?

    Perhaps you already want to know the cost of the DVD course “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte”.

    I promise you that the number of your dates will increase, and the amount of your expenses will greatly decrease. Now you won't need to spend your money in order to please a girl. After all, she ALREADY liked you when you met on VKontakte. This work was taken over by our correct VKontakte page. Imagine how much money you will save on bouquets of flowers, paying bills in an expensive cafe or restaurant?

    Why not invest the saved amount in the most important things? The person you see in front of the mirror every day?

    I evaluate the information, skills and results you will receive after taking this course in 7000-8000 rubles But instead of this completely adequate value of the DVD course “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte”, during these 36 hours I decided to set this ridiculous price:



    3750 rubles

    I won't say that some guys spend MORE money on just one date with a girl and still manage to completely screw it up. So that after that the girl doesn’t want to meet or even call...

    You now have two options:

    1) You are closing this page and, I am sure, you will continue to meet harsh refusals from girls when trying to meet them yourself...

    Perhaps you will even feel the urge to go somewhere for some special expensive training, after completing which you will need to think it out yourself and waste time trying to meet and like a girl on VKontakte...

    2) The second option - just use my simple and clear techniques from the course “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte” and repeat my success with girls...

    “Secrets of successful dating in contact” is my pride. I put not only many years of experience and soul into it - all the questions and subtle aspects of online dating are revealed there, which are known only to expert seducers.

    In this post I decided compare my course with the course of Alexander Guly on a similar topic. Many people wrote to me by email, asking why my course was better than others.

    Now you will get the answer to this question.

    In addition, at the end I’ll tell you a little about the release of new ones.

    But first I would like to give you a couple of tips, which, if applied in practice, you can greatly increase the number of girls in your bed.

    The main principle of dating in “real life” is maintaining a fine line in which you communicate with a girl, interest her, showing initiative, but at the same time do not cross the line when your attempts to seduce her develop into neediness.

    The same principle applies when dating online.

    Neediness is the same pitfall, which almost no one notices. And in half the cases, it is he who becomes the reason why you failed to meet the girl again (in the second half of the cases, the reason is the inability to interest the girl “from the first lines”).

    To show the absence of this very neediness, you can:

    • Ask her something and immediately leave Vkontakte (a method that always works - her surprise that you don’t care about her answer will know no bounds).
    • Instead of asking one-word questions, ask open-ended questions that force her to write more words and you to write fewer.
    • Make fun of the girl so that she understands that she has yet to earn your interest.
    • Do not comment on her photos often, do not give compliments.

    This is a very important secret of dating in VKontakte, but for some reason not everyone uses it. More precisely, they don’t even understand that they are not using it.

    Evaluation frame– an equally important component of communication. The girl uses it almost constantly to show you that it is you who should try to please her.

    But we ourselves must begin to communicate with her in such a style that she understands that it is we who evaluate her, and not she who evaluates us.

    For example, you can ask her assessment questions like:

    “What were you like as a child? Probably she misbehaved often? "

    Seemingly a common question. But when a girl hears him, it's immediately changes the frame of communication, where you become the chooser.

    Just 2 tips, but if you put them into practice, they will be enough to become a successful Internet seducer.

    Of course, you will not always be able to do this, since this is a kind of art.

    For example, a girl may not be interested in communicating with you at all or even be negative. In my course “Secrets of successful dating in contact”, I wrote how to overcome negativity, and talked about 3 different correspondence strategies depending on the girl's level of interest.

    By the way, the time has come to compare my product with the product of Alexander Guly.

    Sheremetyev VS Guly



    Examples of openers



    Working with a profile


    Yes, but more

    Description of important differences from dating sites

    A little


    Life of your page

    Not fully


    Analysis of a girl's page



    The structure of step-by-step seduction in contact

    Not fully


    Ways to meet



    Different correspondence strategies depending on the girl’s level of interest



    Taking a phone number



    Bonus materials on flirting



    Bonus for developing a sense of humor



    Analysis of guys' pages using specific examples



    As you can see, there is a difference. Taking a look at exactly how it manifests itself, you will understand that these important points play a very important role.

    For example, 3 different correspondence strategies, depending on the degree of interest, are very important. If you use one texting strategy for the wrong occasion, you will not get a date, but your messages will be ignored and you will not understand why she behaves this way.

    Lack of understanding of the difference between dating on social networks and dating sites also leads to sad consequences.

    The structure of seduction in contact, described with specific examples, will give you the most important thing - understanding. Having understood it, you will be able to feel like a fish in water even in the most difficult situations and you will know what exactly this or that behavior of a girl means.

    By the way, the course will be out very soon“New secrets of successful dating in contact.” Unlike the first version, they will include answers to all the questions that I received from buyers of the 1st version + the theoretical part will be expanded with examples. I won’t tell you what exactly will happen there! New and that's it!

    If you don’t want to miss his release, then in the form below. Then you will be one of the first to know about its release.

    Find out the Secrets of How a Simple Guy Was able to Meet More than 100 Girls in a Year and Seduce Them Using the VKontakte Site!

    Study the legendary video course by Yegor Sheremetyev about dating on VKontakte, which will teach you how to meet girls online and then seduce them live...

    The guy mentioned above in the title of the page is Egor Sheremetyev. He is indeed about a year into his activity on the social network VKontakte I was able to meet and establish warm communication with more than a hundred beautiful girls and women. Egor had sex with dozens of these hundreds no longer online, but in real life.

    Many publications wrote about this, such as MAXIM magazine, and there were many TV reports about online dating, including on federal channels. This guy is the author of the largest blog in Russia and the CIS, dedicated to meeting, communicating and corresponding with girls via SMS, on social networks, on dating sites, etc. He is the No. 1 expert on the subject.

    If you want to achieve success in communicating with the opposite sex online and gain access to thousands of women’s hearts that are already waiting for you on the Internet, then there is a lot to learn from Yegor Sheremetyev!

    The video course “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte” by Egor Sheremetyev is precisely about how, thanks to the well-known VKontakte site, you can make beautiful and attractive girls want to start communicating with you and then, after correspondence, they will happily meet with you offline - to continue communication and of course for sex.

    The great thing about dating on VKontakte is that you can look for beauties for yourself without spending a lot of time, effort and money on it. It doesn’t matter what your appearance is or what you do in life - you can seduce women through VKontakte easily, simply and effectively!

    By the way, online you won’t have to, as happens in real life when you see a stranger on the street or in a cafe.

    You don’t have to worry about your appearance when you meet - are your hands shaking, is your breath fresh, is your shirt clean, is your hair washed, etc.

    Also, the beauty of online dating through VKontakte is that you don’t need to answer her questions and suggestions instantly. You have enough time to think about what to answer. In addition, from the girl’s profile - from her photographs, activities, correspondence - you can understand what kind of fruit she is and choose a specific approach and strategy of action for her.

    All you need is the VKontakte website and a detailed step-by-step video course “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte.” Egor Sheremetyev ate the dog in this topic and knows exactly WHAT and HOW to do in order to achieve success in VKontakte dating.

    Believe me, hundreds and thousands of representatives of the fair sex spend hours online and subconsciously look for an opportunity to meet an interesting, cool guy. Why don't you be that guy?

    Some girls sit online with the goal of meeting each other and starting communication (you can’t get sex with them right away, but over time), and some girls are ready to have sex with you this evening. This is great! You just need to know HOW and WHERE to find such cuties and HOW to communicate with them correctly on VKontakte.

    The practical training video course “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte” will tell you and show you, using specific examples and steps, how to become a more attractive guy in the eyes of girls on VKontakte, how to become an interesting person for women that they themselves will want to meet.

    You will receive in one place all the personal experience of Yegor Sheremetyev in dating and seducing girls through VKontakte, all the practical tricks and tricks, tricks and tricks of communicating with the fair sex, with the help of which the author of the course was able to seduce more than 100 girls. And every day different beauties write to the author and want to meet him.

    Of course, you can try to walk the thorny path on your own. Create a VK page if you don’t already have one (by the way, take a look if you haven’t seen it yet). Then fill out your profile, mark up photos, videos, provide information about yourself, add a status, post something on the wall... and start trying to meet people online. But I can say with 100% confidence that little will come of this in the near future, because you don’t know the subtleties and nuances of online seduction. If you are more or less successful in dating and seducing offline, then on the VKontakte network tricks and tricks from real life do not work well. You will stupidly waste time that you could spend with girls whom you will find soon after watching Yegor Sheremetyev’s video course “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte.”

    The course itself includes 17 video lessons filled with valuable knowledge, the total duration is more than 7 hours. The lessons contain EVERYTHING about HOW to meet and like a girl on VKontakte.

    Be sure to watch the video, which demonstrates the real VK page of Yegor Sheremetyev, as well as his correspondence with hundreds of girls, most of whom the guy had sex with)))

    Do you want the same results? Watch a detailed video course from the #1 expert in this topic!

    He is one of the best experts in Russia in the field of pickup, flirting and seducing girls on VKontakte and via SMS. “Honored Seducer of Russia” according to MAXIM magazine. Author of the best-selling book “Man in Great Demand”, educational courses, programs and trainings for men.

    While studying the video course by Egor Sheremetyev, you will learn:

    Correctly fill out your VK profile (VKontakte page). You will learn what photos to add to the page in order to automatically arouse a strong interest in your personality in girls.
    With the help of your well-designed VKontakte profile, you will learn to attract girls at a natural level, and not at the level of pathos and imaginary show off.
    You will learn about ten gross mistakes guys make (95% of guys make them) in the process of dating women on VKontakte. Surely you yourself have made these mistakes, mistakenly believing that this way you can arouse interest in you from the fair sex.
    Together with the author of the course, you will literally get into the head of this or that girl and dig around there to unravel the scenario of her ideal acquaintance on the VKontakte social network.
    10 most successful and working ways to beautifully, unobtrusively, naturally approach the girl you like. The methods were developed by the author himself and these tips work both with modest girls and unapproachable beauties.
    Topics to talk about. Which way to communicate with a girl on VKontakte so that she gives you her mobile phone number and even agrees to an offline meeting.
    A detailed step-by-step description of the method of seducing girls through VKontakte. The method has been tested many times by both Egor Sheremetyev and dozens of his students. It is thanks to the technique that is described in detail in the video course “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte” that Egor Sheremetyev organized more than 100 dates with women from online over the past year!
    A set of 78 best templates for first phrases and starting correspondence with girls on VKontakte. You don’t have to worry about writing interesting and catchy phrases, comments, etc. The author of the course has prepared ready-made phrase templates for you, tested on hundreds of women. Just choose, adjust to your situation and send to the girl you like on VKontakte!
    You will learn 17 practice-tested secrets and techniques for conducting effective correspondence on social media. networks. These rules and secrets will help you easily and guaranteed to agree with this or that woman to meet in real life.
    How to quickly figure out who the girl is in front of you? She is for sex, she is for a relationship, or she will just be friends with you and communicate. You will simply learn to competently analyze the pages of “your victims” on VKontakte in the good sense of the word))
    Your correct actions when adding as a friend, inviting to groups, etc. How to increase girls' interest?
    Strategies for how to get phone numbers from her quickly, beautifully and without refusal. The author of the video course guarantees that after using these tricks while seducing girls online, they themselves will really want and wait for a call from you!
    TOP 5 most cunning and sophisticated ways to meet a girl on VKontakte. Few guys even know about these tricks, and you can get even more options for accessing female attention and a female body. Use the author’s advice and meet people online in very unusual ways!
    In the course you will find a lot of useful information, tips, tricks and tricks HOW TO GET TO KNOW A GIRL ON VKONTAKE, seduce her and get sex!

    Use this proven method to meet and like a girl on VKontakte. Professional guidance that will make you as attractive as possible in the eyes of any girl on the VKontakte website!

    If you use my proven methods to meet girls on VKontakte, then I guarantee you a wave of female attention will fall on you. Get ready for the fact that even your VKontakte wall will be filled with inspired girls who really like you. They will all want your attention

    • and newly added girls
    • and old friends from school
    • and even girls who were once clearly removed from your friends list
    • and now - desperately looking for a reason to add friends to you again.

    A fascinating step-by-step seduction of girls through the VKontakte website awaits you. Imagine how much freedom in communication, attention and admiration from girls will give you confidence in all your affairs!

    And the coolest thing is that you don’t need any prior knowledge or work on yourself! I will clearly demonstrate how to easily and quickly apply all the secrets of successful dating to quickly and easily seduce any girl.

    I'll show you step by step...

    Here is just a small part of what you will learn by discovering my original Video Course “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte”:

    • How to fill out your personal VKontakte page in such a way as to automatically arouse a lively interest in your person in girls.
    • 7 fatal mistakes that 95% of guys make when trying to meet someone on VKontakte.
    • You and I will get into the thoughts of any woman and find out which guys she prefers and why.
    • 10 most successful ways to beautifully and naturally approach any girl you like on VKontakte - from shy girls to unapproachable beauty queens.
    • What topics to talk about with the girl you want on VKontakte, so that she can single you out from the many men who write to her every day and answer you with interest.
    • A detailed description of the Step-by-Step Method of Seducing Girls on VKontakte, tested by me and my students, which is guaranteed to give you the number of any girl you like!
    • 78 best templates (first phrases for dating on Kontakte.ru).
    • Just copy a pre-prepared phrase and send it to the girl you want on VKontakte!
    • 17 proven secrets of conducting effective correspondence on a social network to bring girls into the real world without wasting extra time and effort.
    • The secret of an amazing technique is how to quickly identify the right girls - for sex, for relationships or for friendship. Simply by analyzing their VKontakte pages.
    • In detail - what your time on VKontakte should be like so that a girl literally falls in love with you and is ready to come to you at your first call.
    • How to behave correctly when adding as a friend, inviting to groups, etc., in order to increase the girl’s interest.
    • How to quickly and beautifully take phone numbers (take, not ask) so that the girl is really looking forward to your call.
    • Revelations of professionals: a rating of the 5 most cunning ways to meet people on VKontakte that other guys don’t even know about.
    • A complete set of ready-made options for filling out your profile, thanks to which the girls themselves will add you as friends!
    • And a lot more useful information about how to meet a girl on VKontakte...

    The video course “Secrets of successful dating on VKontakte” includes EVERYTHING you need to know and do so that you can absolutely create a correct VKontakte page on the very first day, write to the girl you like, meet in the evening and wake up together in the morning. I put three years of experience into it. You will learn absolutely ALL THESE SECRETS from beginning to end.

    Not long ago I came across a free book by Yegor Sheremetyev “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte”. I liked it and I decided to make a short review in which I will tell you what the book is about and who will be interested in it.

    What is the book about?

    The book is entirely dedicated to meeting girls on the social network VKontakte. Here are the main points that Egor discusses in detail:

    1. Advantages and Disadvantages dating on social networks.
    2. How to boost your page so that girls would like to get to know you: which photos should be posted and which ones should not, how to fill out a profile correctly, how to attract new visitors to the page and stimulate their activity.
    3. How to choose the right girl for dating, what you should pay attention to on her page.
    4. How to meet a girl: writing the correct first message, examples of successful dialogues.
    5. Examples of successful phrases and dialogues from real experience of online communication with girls.

    Here are some interesting points that you will learn from the book:

    • Why is it better to meet people on VKontakte? Why is it better than other social networks and dating sites?
    • Why do most guys fail when trying to meet someone online?
    • How to create an attractive image of a successful and confident person that girls themselves will want to meet?

    My impressions

    I liked the book. The text contains little fluff and a lot of interesting and useful information. I can confidently recommend it to all ManLife24 readers.

    Let me remind you that the book is free. In order to download it you need to leave an e-mail address. You will receive an email with a link to the pdf file. I wish you pleasant reading!

    In addition, you can leave your opinion in the comments.