• Statistics of queries by keywords. Statistics services for selecting search queries. Rambler request statistics



    Compiling the correct semantic core is one of the main tasks SEO optimization. Independent selection of keywords of the semantic core is difficult to implement without analytical and statistical services that collect information on the search queries of Internet users.

    17 keyword selection services for Russian-language sites

    And it is done to optimize the site for certain search engines. For this purpose, query statistics stored in the database of search engines and services are used.

    Yandex keyword selection


    Free selection and analysis service search queries made in Yandex.

    Yandex advanced search


    Advanced search allows you to analyze the results for low-frequency queries in Yandex. Compiling an extended semantic core from search phrases of 3-4 words.

    Yandex Direct


    Clarifying the competition of search queries for advertising phrases used in advertising on Yandex.

    Yandex Webmaster


    Correction of the semantic core: identification popular queries published site.

    Google AdWords


    Selection of keywords and analysis of search traffic in the Google search engine. Analysis for registered users only. Selective analysis of requests by country.

    Google advanced search


    Refinement of results for search queries in advanced search.

    Rambler statistics on search queries


    Statistics of search queries made in the Rambler search engine. Disadvantage: query statistics are rarely updated.


    Multifunctional service for website optimization and analysis search results. One of the tools: Selection of phrases of the semantic core. The selection cost is 3 rubles per request. The number of selected phrases is unlimited.


    Another multifunctional service for webmasters. Registration is required to operate. Word analysis and selection tools are available for 14 free days. Next, for selecting keywords, pay 50 kopecks per request from the service database (20,000 results) and 1 ruble from the Yandex database.

    Megaindex keyword selection


    Megaindex service is a multidisciplinary service for website analysis and promotion. One of the best keyword selection services.

    Keywords are selected after registration and adding a project (site). The tool is free. In addition to the selection of phrases of the semantic core, analysis of the site’s visibility in search results for queries (2) and analysis of thematic queries (3).

    Provigator, search phrase competition analysis


    Analysis of competitors by search phrase. Can be used for indirect analysis of the competitiveness of search queries.

    Keywordtool service


    Shows analysis by search query and key phrase for this query in Google search engines, including separately on Google.ru, Bing, YouTube. The selection of phrases and keywords is free, however, query statistics, CPC (cost per click in advertising) and the level of competition of a phrase in Google are only available in a paid version.

    Advodka.com service


    A free service that has a tool for selecting phrases and semantic core words for search engines Yandex and Google. There is an analysis of the geography of requests.

    Google Search Trends


    Service of popularity of search queries for a month, a year by sections and countries. Shows only queries made on Google.

    Service Mutagen


    Keyword selection service for Runet sites. In addition to the selection of key phrases, it shows the degree of competition between phrases. There is a mass key check.

    To check, you need to register and top up your balance by 1 ruble.

    Rush Analytics service

    A good service for site analysis, keyword selection, query clustering.

    Grouping requests


    Free service for clustering (grouping) search queries.

    Service seolib.ru

    17 keyword selection services: seolib

    Multidisciplinary service for website optimization and analysis. One of the services: free selection 25 keywords per day from one IP address.

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I will try to tell you about such a concept as semantic core, in any case, I’ll try, because the topic is quite specific and is unlikely to be of interest to everyone, although...

    And the internal pages of the site, the static weight of which is not very high, can be optimized for low frequency queries(LF), which, as I have already mentioned more than once, with a successful combination of circumstances, can be promoted practically without the involvement of external optimization (purchasing backlinks to these articles).

    But since we're on the subject request frequency, without which we are unlikely to be able to compose a semantic core, then I will allow myself to remind you a little about this and how to determine their frequency. So, all queries that users type in the search bar of Yandex, Google or any other search engine can be fairly roughly divided into three groups:

    1. high frequency (HF)
    2. mid-frequency (MF)
    3. low frequency (LF)

    It will be possible to assign a key phrase to a particular group based on the number of such requests made by users during the month. But for different topics, the boundaries can differ quite significantly. The point here is that, in essence, when selecting keywords, we are not interested in the frequency of their input by users, but in how difficult will it be to advance according to them (how many optimizers are trying to do the same thing as you).

    Therefore, it will be possible to introduce three more gradations, which will be of great importance for compiling the semantic core:

    1. highly competitive (VC)
    2. average competitive (SC)
    3. low competitive (NC)

    But determining the competitiveness of a particular keyword or phrase is not always easy. Therefore, to simplify things, parallels are often drawn and VC is identified with HF, MF with SC, and LF with NC. In most cases, such a generalization will be justified, but as is known, there are exceptions to any rule, and in some topics, NPs may turn out to be highly competitive, and you will immediately see this by how difficult it will be to move to the TOP for these keywords.

    Such collisions are possible in topics where there is extremely high competition and there is a struggle for each individual visitor, pulling them out even for very low-frequency queries. Although this may be inherent not only to commercial topics. For example, when compiling a semantic core, information sites on the topic “WordPress” must take into account that even queries with a frequency below 100 (one hundred impressions per month) can be highly competitive for the simple reason that there are a ton of sites on this topic, because even such “stupid guys” like me are trying to write something on this topic.

    But we will not go into details so deeply and will consider when compiling the semantic core that competition (how many optimizers are trying to promote their projects for this key) and frequency (how often they are entered into search bar users) are directly dependent on each other. Well, we’ll somehow be able to determine the frequency of certain keywords, right?

    You can use several for this, but I like the Yandex tool the most. Previously, it was intended only to allow advertisers to correctly compose the texts of their contextual ads, taking into account which words users most often ask this search engine for.

    But then access to online keyword selection service called Yandex Wordstat (Wordstat.Yandex.ru) was open to everyone, which these same people did not fail to take advantage of. Well, why are we any worse?

    Yandex Wordstat - what to consider when collecting seeds

    So, let's go to this miracle service from Yandex, which is called “keyword statistics” and is located at Wordstat.Yandex.ru. This service was created and is positioned as an indispensable tool for working with Yandex Direct, as well as for SEO promotion of your website for this search engine. But in essence he became the most powerful tool for analyzing keywords in RuNet.

    Therefore, in addition to its direct purpose Yandex Wordstat can also be successfully used:

    1. When working with Google Adwords
    2. To search for popular hashtags on social networks
    3. To obtain data on demand for a particular product
    4. To build the site structure
    5. To search for similar words
    6. To test demand for goods or services in another region when searching for new markets
    7. To analyze the success of offline advertising by analyzing the frequency of mentions of brand words

    With all this, the Wordstat interface can be said to be spartan, but this is, perhaps, only for the better. If you want more, you can use various programs to work remotely with this service, or install a plugin like Yandex Wordstat Assistant in your browser.

    After Yandex introduced the division of search results depending on the region, you have the opportunity to see the frequency of entering certain search queries for each region separately (for this you will need select region by going to the appropriate tab).

    If regionality does not bother you, then it makes sense to look at the statistics on the first tab without taking into account geodependence. In principle, this is not so important at the stage of studying the principles of compiling a semantic core for a site. As well as the recently appeared opportunity to view separately statistics only for mobile users (using tablets and smartphones). This may be relevant in light of the exponential growth of mobile traffic.

    In any case, first you will need to allocate for yourself a number of basic keywords (masks) on the topic of your future project, from which we will begin to dance further and select all other keywords using Yandex Wordstat. Where can I get them? Well, just think or look at the competitors you know in your niche (there is a service called Serpstat that can help with this).

    And simple logic is often very useful. For example, if your future site will be on the topic of “Joomla”, then to compile a semantic core it would be quite logical to enter this keyword into Yandex.Wordstat first. The logic is simple. If the site is based on SEO, then there can be a lot of initial keys (SEO, website promotion, promotion, optimization, etc.).

    Well, we’ll take another phrase as an example: “wordstat”. Let's see what this online service will tell us about himself. Here it is worth making a few comments right away.

    What you need to know and understand to successfully use WordStat

    1. Firstly, in order to start receiving a significant influx of visitors for the key you have chosen, your site should be in the Top 10(after the first ten years of life, alas, there is practically no) search results (sickle - see). Imagine that there are hundreds, or even thousands, of those interested (competitors). Therefore, the cotyledon is only necessary condition success of the site, but not at all sufficient.
    2. Secondly, in addition to this, now almost every user gets his own results, somewhat different from what even his neighbor on the floor sees. The preferences and desires of this particular user are taken into account if Yandex was able to identify them earlier (well, and the region, of course, if the request is geo-dependent - for example, “pizza delivery”). The positions in this regard are “ average temperature in the hospital" and will not always lead to the expected influx of visitors. Want to see the true picture? Use it.
    3. Thirdly, even if you get into the Top 10 results (shown to the majority of your target users), the number of transitions to your site will greatly depend on two things: position (the first and tenth may differ in click-through rate tens of times) and the attractiveness of your ( information about the page of your site displayed in the results for this specific request).
    4. The queries you have chosen for promotion and formation of the semantic core are simply may turn out to be dummies. Although dummies can be identified and weeded out, beginners quite often fall for this bait. Read below on how to see and correct this.
    5. There is such a thing as cheating search queries. I personally can’t think of anyone who needs this and why, but such requests do occur. If you start promoting using them, you will not get the traffic that you could count on based on Yandex Wordstat data. Again, read below about ways to identify cheating.
    6. Check your region (if you have regional business or regional queries) when viewing statistics, otherwise you may get a picture that is completely inconsistent with reality.
    7. Be sure to take into account the seasonality of your requests (if any) when analyzing your promotion results. In Wordstat, seasonality is clearly visible on the “Query History” tab. You should not take into account seasonal ups and downs as a factor in your failures or successes in promotion.
    8. Working directly with the service interface is convenient for a small number of requests, but then it becomes “torture”. That's why main question successful using Wordstat— automation of routine operations. How and with what to automate will be described below.
    9. If you learn how to use Wordstat operators correctly, the return on it can be increased significantly. These are quotes, a plus sign, and an understanding of what this service produces when entering unusual queries. Read about this below and in the section “Secrets of YanVo”

    Scared? Even I was scared, despite the fact that my blog is in the Top for hundreds of requests (quite frequent) (and not least due to the fact that I almost immediately began working based on the semantic core, albeit in a somewhat stripped-down version - selecting clues for a future article immediately before writing it). But if I started now (even with current experience), I would not believe that I would “be able to break through.” Is it true! I think I was mostly lucky.

    Wordstat operators in examples

    So, let's take a closer look at the last two points - dummies and fake requests. Are you ready? Well, then off we go. Let's start with dummy requests. Remember the example we used just above? Enter the word VORDSTAT in the line of this service and click on the “Select” button.

    So, you need to understand that the number displayed for this word (or any other phrase) does not at all reflect the real number of requests for this key. Displayed (attention!) is the total number of phrases requested per month in which the word “Wordstat” was found, and not the number of queries that included this single word (or phrase, if you entered a key phrase in the Wordstat form). Actually, this is clear from the screenshot - “What were you looking for with the word...”.

    But Yandex Wordstat has the appropriate tools that allow you to separate the wheat from the chaff (identify dummies or obtain frequency information adequate to reality) and obtain the data we need. These are different operators, which you can add to your request and get a refined result.

    Quote and exclamation mark operators - filtering out dummies in Wordstat

    As you can see, there are few main operators and the main ones, in my opinion, are enclosing a key phrase in quotation marks and placing an exclamation point before the word. Although for highly competitive topics the new Wordstat operator in the form of square quotes may also be relevant. Sometimes it is important to know how users most often arrange words in the query you need (for example, “buy an apartment” or still “buy an apartment”). However, I don't use it yet.

    So, Wordstat operator "quotes" will allow you to count the number of entries of this particular phrase into the Yandex search line during the course of a month, but at the same time all possible word forms of it will be taken into account and counted - another number, case, etc. (for example, Yandex Wordstat queries will not be taken into account, but only Wordstat in our example). Essentially, this is the same thing that we discussed in the article about. The frequency figure after such a simple operation will decrease significantly:

    Those. this is the number of times per month that users entered one single word VORDSTAT in all its word forms (if they exist at all) into the Yandex search bar. Of course this request not a dummy at all, but a full-fledged high frequency, but there are cases when simply putting a phrase in quotation marks reduces the frequency from several thousand to several tens or even units (for example, try the phrase “earning 100” with and without quotation marks). This really was a dummy.

    Second important operator in Wordstat this is exclamation mark before the word, which will force this service to count only words in the exact spelling in which you entered them (without taking into account word forms). As I expected, for the word “Joomla”, installing the exclamation point operator did not add any adjustments, but this is only due to the specifics of this particular keyword.

    Well, but for the key phrase “site promotion” the difference will be obvious and striking:

    And add "!" before each word without adding a space:

    Where did this difference in numbers come from? Obviously, there is a request(s) with the same keywords, but in a different word form, which eats up the remaining numbers. For our example, it’s easy to guess that it will be plural:

    Thus, by enclosing a phrase in quotation marks and placing an exclamation mark in front of each word, you can obtain completely different frequency values. In this way, you can not only weed out dummies, but also get ideas about the word forms of the phrase, which it would be desirable to use in the text more often, and which ones less often (although do not forget about synonyms). Although, personally, I don’t see much difference when adding exclamation marks, so I’m content with simple quotes.

    How to quickly remove garbage and leave only targeted queries

    There is another operator that allows you to cut off all unnecessary things and see the real frequency of the phrase. This "+" before a word. It means that given word must be present in the phrase. Why might this be necessary? Well, it’s all about the peculiarities of the Yandex search engine.

    By default, the ranking (and therefore the Wordstat statistics) does not take into account conjunctions, prepositions, interjections, etc. words. This is done for simplicity, but often we are interested in the prospect of promotion specifically under a phrase with a preposition or conjunction. This is where the plus sign operator comes in handy.

    By the way, minus operator will allow you to immediately clear keywords from those that are not targeted for you. For example, such a query to WordStat will immediately give the required result:

    Smartphones (+to|+from|+to) -download -games - Internet - MTS-photo

    Here, in order not to repeat this request three times, the operator is used "vertical bar", which allows you to collect phrases with three prepositions at once (to, with, on). Well, words with a minus (stop words) are needed to clear phrases of garbage.

    Here's another example of using operators for the same purpose:

    Washing machines (machines) (samsung) -repair -errors -review -codes -video -spare parts -faults

    It is very convenient and quick to cut off unnecessary things and save time.

    Selection of keywords in Yandex Wordstat

    It is probably already becoming clear to you that those basic key phrases (masks) that you are able to formulate yourself, based on the future topic of your project, will need to be expanded with the help of Wordstat. And here too there is, as it were, two directions in obtaining new keywords to compile a complete semantic core.

    1. Firstly, you can use the advanced options that Wordstat provides in the left column your window. There will be queries containing words from your mask (for example, “construction”, if your project has a relevant topic). They will be sorted in descending order of frequency of their use by users in the Yandex search bar per month.

      What's important here? It is important to immediately highlight those extended key options that will be targeted for your project. Target- these are queries whose content immediately makes it clear that the user entering it is looking for exactly what you can offer him on your website that you plan to promote.

      For example, the query “core” is very high-frequency, but I don’t need it at all, because it is absolutely not the target keyword for this publication. You never know what users are looking for when they enter it in the Yandex search bar, well, certainly not “semantic”, which, by the way, will be a prime example of a target query in relation to this article.

      But you need to choose target keys in relation to the entire future site, although sometimes it can be useful to promote general queries, but this is rather the exception to the rule.

      Target phrases will be of lower frequency and users who come from search results for them will be able to find at least something similar to what they wanted to find, which means they will not immediately leave your project, thereby worsening your results. And such visitors are very important to you, because they can perform the action you require (make a purchase or order a service).

      I think that there is no need to talk further about the selection of just such keywords from Yandex statistics - everything is already clear to you. The only "but". All the phrases from the right column of Wordstat are for you again need to check for pacifiers, namely, enclose them in quotation marks (statistics with exclamation marks can be viewed and analyzed later). If the frequency does not tend to zero, then add it to the stash.

      You probably noticed that for many phrases the list in the left column is not limited to one page (there is a “next” button at the bottom). The maximum that Wordstat produces is, in my opinion, 2000 queries. And all of them will need to be checked for dummies. Can you handle it? But this is only one of many “masks” (initial keys) of your semantic core. After all, you can “move your horses” there.

      But don't be discouraged, because there is a way. Follow the link you will find detailed article, and if after this something remains unclear, then throw a stone at me.

    2. The second nuance when selecting phrases for the semantic core is the possibility of using the so-called associations from Yandex Wordstat statistics. These same associative queries are given in the right column its main window.

      Here, it is probably important to understand how these very associative queries in Yandex statistics are formed and where they come from. The fact is that the search engine analyzes the behavior of the user searching for something.

      For example, if the user, after (or before) typing our key phrase “semantic core,” entered another query into the search line (this is called one search session), then Yandex can make the assumption that these queries somehow connected to each other.

      If the same associative connection is observed among some other users, then this query, specified together with the main one, will be shown in the right column of Wordstat. Well, all you have to do is use this data to expand the semantic core of your site.

      All associations will have an indication of the frequency of their request during the month. But, naturally, it will be general, i.e. you will still have to identify dummies by again checking all these phrases taken in quotation marks (Slovoeb or Key Collector to help you - read about them at the link given just above).

      Some of the associative queries have probably occurred to you, but there will always be others that you have overlooked. Well, the more target keywords your semantic core includes, the more You can attract the right visitors to your website with proper internal and external optimization.

    So, we will assume that based on basic masks (keywords that clearly define the topic of your future project) and the capabilities of Yandex Wordstat, you were able to type a sufficient number of phrases for the semantic core. Now you will need to clearly separate them by frequency of use.

    Secret techniques for working with WordStat

    Of course, this title is somewhat bright, but still, it is the “secrets” described below that can help you use this tool 200%. It’s just that if you don’t take this into account, then you can waste time, money and effort.

    How to see search query boost in Wordstat

    However, it is obvious that for some keywords Wordstat gives incorrect information. Is this related to any cheating options and how to identify such pacifiers I'll try to explain. Of course, checking all the phrases in this way can be tedious and probably just requires experience (gut), but it works quite well.

    Personally, I proceed from the premise that, as a rule, they do not cheat for years on end, which means the deviation from the average frequency value can be tracked on the graph "Request history"(the switch is hidden under the service request input line Yandex Wordstat). For example, I recently ran queries related to “ affiliate program” and just encountered cheating (of almost all keywords related to the topic).

    It’s just that I’ve been working with these requests for a long time and I roughly know the “alignment”. There the HF was miscalculated once or twice, but here it’s not the key, it’s the HF. But just look at the history of the frequency of this request in Wordstat (just don’t forget to remove the quotes first) and everything becomes clear (they started spinning at the beginning of summer):

    Moreover, the frequency of the request increased by almost two orders of magnitude in a few months, and a couple of years before that it was stable and did not even undergo any special seasonal fluctuations. Obvious cheating - I don’t know why, but they twist all the related keys.

    How to automate the collection of keywords in the Yandex service

    In principle, you can work through the web interface, but it’s very tedious. There are programs (paid and free) suitable for this purpose. There are even browser extensions that allow you to beat the routine a little. Let me just list them:

    Why is the frequency of queries with repeated words so high?

    If you have already more or less immersed yourself in the issues of compiling a seed and parsed a lot of queries in Wordestat, then you have probably come across strange queries with repeated words, which for some reason have a high frequency even when they are enclosed in quotes and exclamation marks are placed before the words.

    Even if you add “watch” a few more times, the frequency will still remain almost as high. So, should we trust Yandex and optimize articles for such nonsense? Not on your nelly. This is another type of "pacifier". In fact, Wordstat only perceives one of the repeated words, but “mentally” replaces the rest with other possible words with the same number of characters. In general, despite the large numbers, you should not pay attention to requests with repeated words. This is a phantom.

    We are completing the compilation of the semantic core

    As I said just above, we will consider HF and VK by default, which means to promote them you need to choose those pages of your site that will have the greatest static weight. This one is generated through incoming links to this page.

    It is important to understand that when calculating it, the content of the anchor link is not taken into account and it does not matter whether it is external or internal. Read more about it at the link provided.

    That. for promotion according to the highest frequencies queries (from the compiled semantic core) the main page is most suitable, because, as a rule, there will be links to it from all other pages of your resource (with a normal structure), as well as most external links, especially those obtained naturally. So the static weight of the main one for most resources will be the highest (previously this could be understood by reading the toolbar value of Google PageRank, which for it will always be higher than for internal ones, but now Google has decided to stop sharing this information with us).

    Under other equal conditions (the same quality of internal and external optimization), search engines will rank higher the page whose static weight is greater. Therefore, if you choose to promote via HF inside page(with a obviously lower status), then competitors will have an advantage over you if they promote using the same keywords, but already home page your website. Although, the best way there will be an analysis of the Top 10 for the keyword you need to determine the number of main ones that participate in the ranking (this, by the way, indirectly indicates the competitiveness of the request).

    If the internal linking structure of your future project includes other pages with a large static weight (sections, categories, etc.), then in the semantic core you will need to mark them as potential candidates for optimization for more or less high- and mid-frequency queries from those you selected.

    This way, you can take advantage of the features of static weight distribution on your site and, in accordance with this, select the most suitable queries in terms of frequency for each page, i.e. create a completely semantic core: match pairs request - page.

    However, when optimizing a page for promotion by a high-frequency or mid-frequency keyword, you can also add a lower-frequency keyword, which will be obtained by diluting the main key. But again, not all keys can be made neighbors on the same landing page . An analysis of your direct competitors in the Top 10 for your main keyword phrase will help you understand which ones can be used together and which ones cannot. If they are in the Top, it means the search likes their version of the seed.

    However, it is easy to say, but difficult to do. Try to search the results for hundreds (thousands) of queries from your preliminary semantic core to see if they are compatible or incompatible. Here, for sure, “the horses can be moved.” However, I will come to your aid here too, by providing a link to a detailed publication about. A small program really simplifies everything.

    When performing external optimization (purchasing and placing links with the necessary anchors), you must again take into account the created semantic core and place backlinks taking into account the keywords for which you optimized this page your site. Do not forget that in the era of Minusinsk and Penguin, it is better to put one backlink with a direct entry, but from a very bold and thematic site, and “dilution” with non-anchors, article titles, etc. It's worth doing more.

    In practice, your semantic core will probably represent a rather branched scheme of pages with keywords selected for them, for which they will be optimized and promoted. A diagram of the internal linking for pumping will also be drawn there. required pages static weight.

    In general, everything possible will be included and considered; all that remains is to start building (or remodeling) a website based on this project (semantic core). Personally, I'm in lately I always follow the rule about compiling it in advance, because working blindly may not be a profitable activity - I will waste my energy, and those who will be interested and useful in the material will not find it either in Yandex or Google...

    If we talk about this blog, then before writing an article I always go to Wordstat and look at how users formulate their questions on the topic I plan to write about. Thus, I am more likely to find my reader, who, with successful publication, can become a regular one. This is not bad for anyone, except that you have to spend a little time.

    Well, in the case of a project on a new topic for you, and especially if you are a novice optimizer, compiling such a core and selecting suitable keywords can significantly help you and allow you to avoid unnecessary mistakes. However, not everyone has the time and energy to carry out such work, but do it anyway absolutely necessary. However, if there is demand, there will be supply. There will always be people who are ready to do this for you; another thing is that they may not always be honest and diligent.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    Statistics of search queries from Yandex, Google and Rambler, how and why to work with Wordstat
    Taking into account the morphology of the language and other problems solved by search engines, as well as the difference between high-frequency, mid-range and low-frequency queries

    Correct selection of keywords is the basis search engine promotion and quality settings contextual advertising. It is on the formation of the semantic core (compiling a database of queries and creating pages relevant to them) that the further result largely depends: the popularity of the resource and conversion.

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    On at the moment There are two main ways to collect popular queries in Yandex - Yandex.Direct and Yandex WordStat. Let's study them in more detail, consider the advantages and disadvantages.


    Search engine Yandex system regularly collects information about user requests - based on this data, a convenient Yandex WordStat service has been created. It helps website owners and optimizers become familiar with the needs of Runet visitors, track trendy topics, and select the most appropriate keywords.

    Screenshot of the Yandex.Wordstat interface

    Among the advantages of the service, one should highlight the simplicity and high speed work. This free service has excellent functionality. With it you can:

    • find out the frequency of the request in Yandex in exact, phrase and broad terms;
    • get statistics on a particular region;
    • use “Query History” to determine seasonality.

    Now about the cons. Advanced SEO specialists agree that the selection of keywords in Yandex.Wordstat allows you to compile a list of keywords of only up to 50% of the full semantic core. To save data to your computer and search for other phrases, you will need to use additional services.

    Another drawback is that WordStat only shows 2000 nested phrases (up to 40 pages), missing low-frequency queries that lead additional traffic. Many people are annoyed by the frequent introduction of captchas, and there is a possibility of account blocking.

    Advice! To collect more keywords, use paid Key program Collector or use a little trick of advanced optimizers. They get around the limitation by introducing queries into different options. For example: blouse, blouse, blouse, blouse.

    Remember! Are you going to collect a lot of keywords? Create separate account in Yandex to avoid the consequences of potential blocking.


    It is a contextual advertising service on search engine pages and YAN partner sites. Despite its different purpose (the service was created to carry out paid promotion And fine tuning advertisements with output for specific queries), Yandex.Direct also allows you to select keywords.

    Besides, this service provides an opportunity to study search phrases, used by competitors, so that next time they can be used in their own website development strategy.

    The majority of Yandex. users Direct are advertisers and online sellers, so this commercial tool is also designed to calculate the profit received from promoting individual keywords.

    The main disadvantage of Direct is that it is not particularly convenient for solving large-scale problems. In such cases, it is better to opt for a powerful Key Collector or free service"Wordbanger."

    How to use Yandex.Wordstat to select keywords?

    The platform interface is simple and understandable even for beginners. Main elements of the main screen:

    • query input field - here you need to enter the search phrase about which you want to receive information;

    • button “by words” - displays the list taking into account the specified operators ( special characters to narrow the search range);
    • “by region” - allows you to go to the section dedicated to geodependence;
    • “request history” - generates data received over the last two years;

    • left row - shows statistics of queries in Yandex for the entered word;
    • right column - used to identify other keys from users who searched for the original phrase;
    • transition to statistics by device type: requests from mobile phones, phones and tablets.

    Advice! To improve your work with Yandex.Wordstat, study its operators - they will save your time by excluding unnecessary words or combining information for several queries at once.

    Instructions for working with Yandex.Wordstat

    1. Log in or register a Yandex account.
    2. Go to the page https://wordstat.yandex.ru/.
    3. Enter the phrase you are interested in in the search bar.
    4. Click the "Select" button.

    For clarification the desired request use a set of service commands:

    Word order in keys

    The statistics collection method in Yandex WordStat has serious drawback- there are no differences in the frequency of queries that are essentially the same, but with different word orders. Even taking into account the operator "!" the service provides the same number of impressions per month. But in fact, the phrases “radio online” and “ online radio» have an uneven number of views.

    Attention! You must first activate the “Take into account word order” option in the settings.

    Defining keywords based on regions

    To analyze the demographic aspect, you will need the “By Region” tool. It will be useful when the optimizer is looking for queries for advertising or creating a semantic core for a site selling goods or services.

    Of all the functions, the most interesting is regional popularity - the percentage that a city occupies in impressions for a phrase, divided by the share of all search results. If you see more than 100%, it means that the region’s interest in the keyword is increased, if less, it means it’s decreased.

    Analysis of seasonality of requests

    Would you like to determine the dynamics of demand for the selected key throughout the year? Then you need to look at the statistics in Yandex.Wordstat (the “Query History” tool).

    Using the service, you can assess the seasonality of any topic with detailed frequency by month and week. In addition, the tool will save money and effort by further eliminating the “dummy” phrases that site owners have created in a short time.

    Advice! To get a deep understanding of traffic dynamics, analyze different keywords from the same group. Be sure to take into account the obvious seasonal requests(for example, “buying a swimsuit” or “how to decorate a Christmas tree”), as well as unforeseen important events and news that could change SEO trends.

    Advice! Low-frequency operators are focused on more effective and less costly promotion; they specify the request as much as possible. We recommend using them in the semantic core.

    Low frequency phrases are phrases that users have entered less than 10 times in the last month.

    Parsing queries with a fixed number of words

    If you need to search for queries of a certain length, type the keyword on the appropriate line the required number of times, enclosing it in quotation marks. For example, a webmaster needs to find popular three-word phrases with the key “flowers” ​​- he should enter “flowers flowers” ​​into the search.

    Experiments like these, up to seven words in length, can increase reach target audience, because as a result, WordStat will replace identical words with analogues that are often entered by Runet users.

    Expansion of the semantic core

    To increase traffic to an Internet resource, try to cover as many queries as possible that are similar in linguistics and syntax. By finding the maximum number of keys, you will create an effective and powerful semantic core.

    When compiling it, pay attention to other interests of the target audience - by deciding to look at such query statistics in Yandex.Wordstat, you will better understand the needs of your potential readers and clients, and expand the list of queries by topic.

    Browser plugins for comfortable work

    To ensure that using the service leaves only pleasant memories, we recommend installing the Yandex Wordstat Helper or Yandex Wordstat Assistant extension. The mentioned plugins will significantly speed up the selection of keywords and take your website’s Internet marketing to a new level.
    The first extension allows you to add your own queries; it copies, deletes and appends data to the buffer.

    As for Yandex Wordstat Assistant, it also displays the total frequency of key phrases, supports different types sorting.

    1. Go to https://direct.yandex.ua/ and click “Create a campaign” - Text and image ads.

    2. Below, select the region you are interested in.
    3. Open the “Group Management” tab and enter the masks collected in Yandex.Wordstat there, that is, the main phrases. Click "Save" and proceed to create an ad group. In the “Settings for the entire group” column, enter the masks collected earlier in Yandex.Wordstat.

    4. Start searching for additional phrases by selecting "Find Words"

    5. Click “Start collection” and be patient: the operation can take many hours, especially when working with a huge semantic core.

    6. Filter the received keys from non-target requests.

    Want to learn how to use Yandex.Direct to select keywords for maximum benefit? Find duplicates as well as obvious negative keywords that are not suitable for your site, and then remove them all collected by the program phrases that contain them.
    Interface features

    In 2017, Yandex.Direct developers distributed options into semantic blocks and improved usability - working with the service became even more pleasant. Previously, the platform supported two versions of the interface: light and professional.

    Now all that remains is a convenient advanced option, with which you can find out the frequency of the request in Yandex with the addition of negative keywords, independently adjust the keys, manage bids and receive data on financial expenses.

    Other services and key selection programs for Yandex

    • Key Collector - helps automate advanced collection of the semantic core, obtaining effective search phrases as quickly as possible. In this paid program The latest statistics are always used and updates are released frequently.
    • "Slovoeb" - convenient free analogue, suitable for compiling a large list of queries. It analyzes regionality and seasonality, allows you to determine the timing of promotion, as well as calculate its approximate cost.
    • "- it can be used for free and without registration. The service instantly selects search phrases from its own large database. It shows not only their frequency, but also competition and seasonality.


    Having gained experience in selecting keywords in Yandex.Wordstat, Direct and other programs, you will become a real promotion specialist, because its basis is precisely right choice keys. After compiling the semantic core, all that remains is to create high-quality pages relevant to the selected queries.

    Good traffic and crazy conversion to you!

    Novice SEOs often ask questions regarding query frequency. What do midrange, bass and treble mean? Is it possible that the theme of the site influences the assignment of requests to any of the intervals? And the like. In this article I will try to give comprehensive answers to these questions.

    What is request frequency

    Different queries enjoy different popularity among Internet users. Some queries are asked search engines only a few times a month, while others several thousand or even tens of thousands. The more often this request is used, the higher its frequency.

    How to find out the frequency of a request

    In order to find out the frequency of a particular request, you can use several special services.

    The frequency of queries in Yandex can be found at wordstat.yandex.ru. To do this, enter the keyword we are interested in in the search bar and click the “Select” button. Yandex will show you how many times users have asked queries that contain the words you specified.

    As you can see, for the request search engine that's 365,398 impressions per month. Quite an impressive figure. However, as mentioned above, this is the sum of all queries containing these words. In order to find out how many times a query was asked in a particular form, you need to enclose it in quotation marks and put an exclamation point before each word. Thus, you need to enter in the search bar "!search!engine".

    As you can see, there are only 3705 impressions per month.

    To find out how many times this question asked Google go to https://adwords.google.com. Here everything is exactly the same: enter the keyword and click “Search”.

    The only difference is that in order to find the frequency of a keyword in a certain form, you need to check the box in the “Match Types” section opposite “phrase.

    Classification of search queries by frequency

    Among optimizers, it is customary to divide all queries into three categories depending on their frequency. These are “low-frequency”, “mid-frequency” and “high-frequency”, abbreviated LF, MF and HF.

    • High-frequency queries - HF, these are the words or phrases that are most often requested in a given topic, the most popular, so to speak. It is generally accepted that all requests with a frequency of 10,000 and above are high-frequency. As a rule, these are one-word queries like “TV” or “car”, etc.
    • Mid-frequency request - MF, these are requests with a frequency from 1000 to 10,000. Usually these are verbose requests, more specific than HF, for example “buy a TV”
    • Low-frequency queries - LF, these are queries with a frequency of up to 1000. This is the most specific type of queries like: “buy an LG TV in Moscow.”

    Well, that's all I wanted to tell you today. By the way, I recently came across one on the Internet good company, which provides server rental and hosting services. If anyone is interested, here is the link http://www.di-net.ru/collocation/colocation/. I liked the prices for their services.

    Today we will dive into the Wordstat service from Yandex and learn how to find out the number of queries by words per month, how the number of queries changes depending on the month, region, etc.

    Why is it important to know the number of queries in Yandex by words?

    The fact is that the entire advertising campaign originates from the semantic core (this is a set of keywords), onto it, like on a skewer, all the add-ons, YouTube tags, fancy bidders, whatever you want are strung on it. But if we don’t know what words in Yandex people use to request our product, then we will advertise blindly, and, accordingly, we will simply waste our advertising budget. When we clearly understand that there is a list of queries with a certain frequency, according to which people are looking for our product, for example, from December to March there is a decline in activity on queries, we can build an advertising strategy. Very convenient and practical.

    So, understanding the number of requests in Yandex by words helps us:

    • Collect a semantic core for setting up contextual advertising in Yandex and Google
    • Collect a semantic core for website optimization (for SEO promotion)
    • Choose the time to enter the advertising campaign so that the return is as high as possible (for example, launching an advertising campaign in the summer using the keyword “snow removal” is pointless).

    How to find out the number of requests in Yandex by words?

    Using the example of the keyword “buy sand-lime brick”, we see that for this request in all regions (all countries) the number of impressions in the previous month was 8,883. By the way, there is no need to confuse the concept of “impression” and “request”. If you typed “buy sand-lime brick” into a search engine, then this is a request when the search results page appeared in Yandex - this is a display if you went to next page search, then + another display, i.e. there is only one request, but there can be many impressions if you turn the pages.

    It happens that we need to look at the number of impressions per month for the phrase “buy sand-lime brick” while excluding all other additional phrases. There are data operators for this. You just need to put certain characters in the request and Yandex will understand what you need.

    Data operators

    1.Operator "" Quotes

    "" Quotes - will show only the specified keywords, but in any word form

    2. Operator Exclamation mark (!)
    Exclamation mark - we fix the given word form. Those. if we don’t need words like sand-lime brick, sand-lime brick, but only sand-lime brick is needed, we put an exclamation point before each word

    3. Minus operator (-)

    - Minus - using this operator we exclude words that we need to exclude from the search. For example, we want to remove the phrase “Moscow”. Then the request will look like this (again in the case of sand-lime brick):

    4.Plus operator (+)

    Plus – we force Yandex to take into account prepositions

    5.Bracket operator (|)

    Parentheses and forward slash – Using this operator we can combine multiple queries into one report. For example, we have several main keywords and we need to understand how many requests there are for them, but we don’t want to mix these words with each other ourselves in order to get all the statistics - Yandex will do this for us

    How to find out the number of requests in Yandex for words in a specific region?

    Very simple! We need to go to the “All regions” tab and select your region or city

    How to find out the number of requests in Yandex by words in a specific month?

    And we have the answer to this question! Go to the “Request History” tab, we see a graph of frequency distribution by month, as well as absolute and relative figures for each month

    Conclusion about the number of requests in Yandex Direct

    So, today we have learned how to determine the number of requests in Yandex by words for a certain period, in a certain region, and exactly by the words that you need using data operators. This information is necessary for niche analysis, as well as for creating an effective advertising campaign. Thanks to the Yandex Wordstat service, we can easily understand how many people are interested in a product and how many such people are in a particular region, and don’t forget about seasonality!