• SEO promotion: principles and stages. Search Engine Optimization

    Category: SEO Created: 09.19.2016 13:32

    Good afternoon friends!

    Today we will talk about a painful issue for many beginners. This post will focus on the concept of SEO, what is SEO and what types of search engine optimization exist in principle. We will also touch upon the topic of Why do you need SEO website optimization? and why it is necessary to carry it out on your website and engage in search engine promotion of the site as a whole.

    Many seasoned webmasters and bloggers often neglect search engine optimization of their sites, and they do it in vain, because they miss the opportunity to take higher positions in search results in Google and Yandex search engines.

    Many who have been working on the Internet for several years can say that it is enough to post useful, high-quality original content on the site that will be of interest to potential site visitors. Here, of course, you won’t see that the basis for promoting any website is high-quality and unique text. But it often turns out that the text written in one’s own hand, after a while, does not reach the visibility of search engines. The question arises: How then did competing sites reach the first page of search results? This is the perfect time to dive into the concept of SEO, what SEO is, and how to properly optimize a website for certain promoted queries.

    One of the important factors, as mentioned above, is high-quality unique text. This is the most important component of any Internet project. All other factors are based on the content component of the site.

    What is SEO? Why do you need SEO?

    SEO is an abbreviation for “Search Engine Optimization”, which means in English: “Search Engine Promotion and Optimization”.

    SEO is a set of measures aimed at improving the site’s position in search results in search engines, which leads to an increase in targeted traffic (attendance) on the site, and, accordingly, to an increase in orders for the goods or services provided.

    SEO includes work to increase indicators such as:

    TIC (Yandex Thematic Citation Index); (in 2018, TIC was officially canceled as a search engine Yandex system. Now Yandex has changed the TIC indicator to the VIC indicator)

    PR - Google Page Rank (PR was officially canceled by Google search engine in 2016);

    TrustRank - site trust (trust in the site from search engines).

    At this stage of time, search engines are the most visited Internet portals on the Internet all over the world. Search engines are designed to allow visitors to find the Internet as quickly as possible. necessary information on other sites. Essentially, any search engine is an intermediary between the visitor and the site, where the visitor can find the information he needs. In the overwhelming majority, it is search engines that bring the main traffic to websites.

    If you go to the main page of the Yandex search engine, enter the query you are interested in into the search line, you will see in the search results first advertisements (Yandex Direct), and then natural search results (TOP10). Traffic from advertisements Ya.Direct is called paid traffic, and transitions to the site from natural search are called “organic traffic”.

    The search engine displays Ya.Direct advertisements as the first block, and accordingly these links are clicked on more often. Next, the cream of the crop is captured by the first three organic search positions. They account for approximately 60-70% of the traffic, and only a small part of the traffic is received by all other sites.

    In order to get into the TOP3 on a long-term basis for the queries that interest you, and the queries you most likely want to make highly competitive, you need to constantly study search engine SEO optimizing your website. Read more about what can be classified as SEO in the “Types of SEO” section.

    Types of SEO

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is divided into two types:

    1. On-page search engine optimization

    2. Off-page search engine optimization

    On-page search engine optimization is a set of works on a website aimed at improving the site’s visibility in search engines. That is, improving those factors on the site that search engines pay attention to and which accordingly affect the position of your site.

    Internal search engine optimization of a website can be called the most painstaking and time-consuming work. Internal website optimization must be done constantly so that your website has positive dynamics in positions in search results, and not vice versa.

    Internal website optimization includes the following list of works:

    Drawing up the semantic core of the site (selection of keywords to promote your Internet project);

    Work on the internal structure of the site (HNC (human-readable URLs), Robots.txt, SiteMap);

    Identification and elimination of errors on the site (removing duplicate pages, fixing broken links on the site, speeding up the site’s performance);

    Working on the general improvement of usability (convenience) of your website;

    Work on content (texts) (selection of thematic keywords for the site, optimization of images for keywords);

    A set of works on internal linking of the site;

    Search engines are constantly improving and, accordingly, complicating their algorithms, and therefore the factors for selecting quality sites that have the right to occupy good options in search results are becoming more and more numerous. Every year, website promotion becomes more difficult and you need to have an analytical mind in order to understand what factors keep your competitors in the TOP in order to ultimately beat them.

    Be that as it may, internal search engine optimization must be given due attention when developing an Internet project. The site must be informative and have fast loading, an intuitive appearance and functionality for most site visitors.

    If this is not the case, then there can be no talk of high search positions and traffic to your project as a whole. If the site is not particularly convenient, it will have technical problems, the content will be borrowed from other sites, such a project will not be able to reach the TOP and receive targeted search traffic. Therefore, make websites thinking about people, how convenient it will be for them to use your project, and whether they will get answers to their questions by surfing the Internet and ultimately going to your website.

    External website optimization- this is a set of works aimed at increasing the number of high-quality incoming links to the site. Of course, there are other activities, such as analyzing competitors in your niche, but this issue will not be considered in this article.

    Just 3 years ago, incoming links to a site with promoted anchors worked perfectly, that is, with promoted queries in the text of the incoming link, along which the site page was promoted. It was enough for an SEO optimizer to purchase more links than from a competing site, and thus it was possible to be in the TOP, using authoritative Internet resources.

    On at the moment incoming link mass, of course, has lost such relevance as it was several years ago, and does not have such weight in website promotion as it did then. Nevertheless, it is not worth neglecting the purchase of quality links from good sites today, since incoming links still work, although not as well as they did before. Now, of course, it’s worth spending more time on internal website optimization, filling and developing your project with useful original content.

    The incoming link mass can be increased as follows: free methods, and paid. I recommend paid method, since this way you can select only high-quality donor sites where links to your site will be placed. Purchased links can be with a monthly rental fee or perpetual links. I recommend buying links forever, because once you buy a link, you can essentially forget about it, since exchanges provide a guarantee that the link will be indexed by search engines on the donor site, and it will not disappear anywhere for at least 1 year.

    Hello, dear friends!

    Judging by yesterday's and today's lessons, this week can be called a “discovery”. After all, today we are talking about what it is. Surely, many of you know very little about SEO, but whatever, I myself only understood the full meaning of this abbreviation a few months ago. And this, by the way, is an integral part of online sales.

    Let's start with the definition of SEO:

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is external and internal website optimization aimed at improving its position in search engines for user queries.

    The phrase “search engine promotion” contains enormous commercial potential. If you promote your site to the TOP-3, you will receive large number orders (well, at least the maximum for your niche). True, no matter how rosy everything looks, it is very difficult to promote a site to the TOP-3 for tasty queries.

    In addition, effective promotion is not free. Someone will have to spend a lot of money to get at least into the TOP 10. But when the result is achieved, all costs will pay off in one fell swoop. Now let's talk in more detail about the stages of SEO promotion.

    Stages of search engine promotion

    Search engine promotion can be roughly divided into several stages:

    1. . Semantic core- this is a kind of base, the basis for your site. What does working with the semantic core mean? , based on the topic of your niche. That is, at this stage, interest in your topic on the part of users is assessed and a list of requests is formed for which promotion will take place;
    2. . This is a very broad topic that will take a lot of time to study. At this stage, you need to start writing and (articles written according to all SEO rules), do (internal link exchange), check the validity of the site code (how correctly the code is written). We will look at internal optimization in more detail in the following lessons;
    3. External optimization. Further you can already from other sites. You pay money (usually not much) to the owner of a site, and he places a link to your site on it. Thus, it is achieved more in the eyes of the search robot, and therefore a position in search results will grow up. In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can grab the filter and screw everything up. You can, of course, not purchase, but simply post links on thematic forums and question-answer sites ([email protected]), but this is long and tedious;

    Each stage requires special attention to all details, even the smallest. After all, SEO is a complex work.

    Promotion methods

    To go into more detail about what it is SEO promotion, I want to mention promotion methods. Remember, in the lesson about I talked about white and black methods of promotion. It’s the same in SEO: there are both legal and illegal ones.

    Black methods include:

    • Creation of a doorway website. This is a small, simple website with two or three pages. Its purpose: to redirect the visitor to the main site. I don’t understand how such sites can help, but they exist. Search engines (SEs) have long learned to recognize them;
    • Cloaking. Interesting name, Certainly. The essence of the method is to show different versions text to search robots and visitors;
    • Linkators are programs that allow you to automatic mode exchange links and articles;

    PS know how to deal with sites promoted in such ways and do it very simply. So DO NOT use them!!! You can get a filter that is very difficult to get out of.

    White methods:

    • Unique content (). This phrase means writing unique articles, texts according to all SEO rules, which we will look at very soon. PSs really value sites with unique content and rank them very high in search results;
    • High-quality link mass. IN lately attention to links that are bought by sites has become special. Anything that goes wrong results in an immediate downgrade of positions. Therefore, purchasing links should be done very carefully;
    • Good website usability also affects rankings.

    In general, PSs are very fond of sites for people and willingly raise them to the top. For this reason, it is important to improve your website, which is what we will do in the near future.

    Finally I got to this section and one of the most relevant topics. SEO optimization and website promotion are words familiar to every website administrator and webmaster. SEO optimization has always been a priority in website promotion.

    It was also aimed at improving a large number quality characteristics site. Changes in ongoing optimization affect more than one section of the site. The entire resource is affected, from technical to external optimization. Codes, structures, texts, links and much more are changed directly.

    In this way, the best, high-quality effect and a surge in positions in search results are achieved. With this article, I begin a series of publications aimed at revealing this rather large topic. Let's go through all the main methods in this area.

    Contents of the article:

    What is SEO website promotion?

    The concept, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, implies improving website performance for search engines. Today we will get acquainted with the basics of this complex topic.

    When the Internet first appeared, there were a relatively small number of sites, a couple of million to be exact. If we compare the scale with today's twenty billion, one can only guess about the difficulties of indexing given volumes of information.

    Every year SEO promotion has become a more pressing topic. If the site is not optimized for specific user requests, target audience may not even be aware of its existence. The task of webmasters is not only to provide useful information, but also to do it correctly. Search engine optimization helps increase quality traffic on resources.

    What is SEO optimization?

    There are many articles on the Internet that say that no website can do without optimization. However, this is not entirely true. Resources normally exist without SEO, but the meaning and income from them is not enough for the owner. It is necessary to talk in more detail about what SEO optimization is. This science helps specialists organize work to promote a resource to high positions for selected queries. From the impressive volumes of relevant phrases, optimizers select those suitable for promoting a particular resource.

    You can make the necessary changes in two ways:

    What is SEO promotion?

    Experts identify several serious and time-consuming areas:

      Keyword analysis. It is impossible to clearly determine which phrases will help the site get to the TOP, and which ones will not cope with the task. The optimizer assigns certain priorities to requests based on market research and the interests of the customer. It is worth considering several development strategies in order to always have an alternative.

      Study of competition. There are many specialized systems and portals that, among millions of resources devoted to the same topic, choose direct competitors. Let's look at the example of women's sites that occupy a special niche among information resources. Some describe fashion news and beauty secrets, others reveal issues of motherhood and health. By identifying competing portals, you can avoid their mistakes, eliminate your own mistakes and take advantage of their success strategies. Competitors are only those who work on the same key phrases.

      Troubleshoot technical problems. No matter how interesting and useful the site is, even colorful design will not save you if the pages load too slowly. Only SEO specialists can identify and eliminate non-indexable or difficult-to-index materials, move incorrectly located objects and resolve other technical issues.

    We should summarize what SEO website promotion is. This is a comprehensive use of external and internal optimization methods. Ideally, such work should be done by experts, but with some effort you can do SEO promotion yourself with no less success.

    Why is website search engine optimization needed?

    Contrary to popular belief, the Internet has long ceased to be just a source of interesting and useful information. Today it is rightfully one of the most effective marketing tools for sales and other areas of business. A striking example is the exponential growth in the number of online stores, along with the profits of their owners. All serious companies and organizations have official websites. Technologies are regularly improved: applications for online ordering, connections with customer support and other advantages.

    Every day, hundreds of thousands of people search for goods and services online through computers or mobile phones. Search engine promotion is effective for companies that strive to occupy high positions in search results. Even for representatives of highly competitive areas, such as the sale of women's shoes and clothing, with the help of regular application of external and internal optimization methods it will not be difficult to break into the TOP.

    Search Engine Optimization site is important for owners information portals, since with its help the number of guests will increase significantly. An equally significant factor will be the fact that among them there will be a minimum of people who ended up on the portal’s pages by accident. As for online stores, for them SEO optimization is a source of income and the key to its stable increase. The higher the position in search engine results, the better for business. That is why the costs of search engine optimization are completely justified.

    The importance of using SEO

    Search engine optimization is a subtle science, the incorrect application of which can only harm your position in the world rankings. SEO should be done with knowledge of the matter or with the help of professionals. The key to success will always be correct selection list of promoted requests and further strategy. It is worth highlighting several points confirming the importance of using SEO:

    • Preferences modern users. Every second buyer carefully approaches the choice of an online store when it comes to serious purchases. People are interested in the information presented on official resource, reviews from other consumers and data from reputable portals. If there is a choice between an unknown brand and a company that has gained a reputation, the user will certainly choose the second option. We are talking about the prestige of the company. The more reliable information about it can be found, the higher the likelihood that customers will definitely use the services offered.

    • Favorable location. Everything is simple here. If the site is in the TOP 10, it will probably have more guests and clients than the resources for which you have to go to the second, third and other search pages. Statistics say that more than 95% of people stop at the first one.

    In today's highly competitive environment, the importance of SEO is undeniable, but the implementation of search engine optimization must be approached as seriously as possible.

    Impact on site positions

    If we talk about what SEO website promotion leads to, many people think about increasing traffic volumes. Much depends on the goals that the optimizer and the owner set for themselves. information resource or online store. Search engine optimization is also relevant for sites that have impressive traffic. Master SEOs will also take care of expanding the client base by attracting target clients.

    Proper optimization has a positive impact on performance indicators. Makes the promoted resource more popular among users, increases the number of mentions on social networks, increases the size of the client base and brings additional profit. However, you should understand that competitors are not asleep, so attention should be paid to search engine optimization regularly. There will be daredevils who dream of overthrowing leaders from their pedestal.

    Website optimization helps to create a product that satisfies the preferences of visitors, bring it to the TOP and maintain positive results for a long time. Ignore current methods It would be unreasonable when the whole world is actively using such developments to improve business. The results of optimization are not immediately visible, since the work process takes at least several months, but in the end they take sites to a new level.


    Now you know the most necessary actions aimed at raising the site’s position in search. The following articles are aimed at a consistent explanation of each method of website promotion. Stay tuned)

    Hello friends! The other day a great idea came to my mind, to sit down and write an article on the topic of SEO website optimization yourself, step-by-step instructions for beginners, after studying which it will immediately be clear what you need to do with your website in the first stages for effective promotion.

    The stated topic is very popular and at the same time voluminous in order to reveal its most important points and at the same time do it in the form detailed guide I ended up with more than 20,000 characters, so I divided all the material into 2 parts. You are now reading part 1, link to part 2 at the end of the article.

    I hope you understand that it is impossible to fully disclose the stated topic within the framework of one post, but I will try to give you all the information on the most important actions in website SEO optimization, which you can do yourself and right now. After publishing this post, I will gradually fill it with additional links to articles with detailed instructions.

    For example, I will tell you about a file robots.txt, as soon as I publish a note on my blog dedicated to setting up and creating this file, I will immediately attach a link so that you can follow it and get acquainted with a more comprehensive and detailed information. Agreed? Great, then let's continue the conversation.

    High-quality hosting is an important link in the development of a web resource

    Formally, this point is mine step by step instructions can be considered the first, and before starting a conversation on the topic of today’s post, I want to ask you a question. What hosting do you use? If this free hosting, then throw it in the trash immediately. You must understand perfectly well that if you are going to promote your Internet project, then it must work on high-quality and reliable hosting.

    This may seem trivial to you, but search engines take this issue quite seriously. And if you have free hosting or cheap and slow hosting, then without warning they lower such resources in search results. Do you need this? More likely no than yes. Your web resource should work smoothly and be always online - 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

    Most likely you want to ask what is a good hosting and which one would I recommend. First, read the article “Which hosting to choose”, but I can only recommend the proven hoster Makhost, because I have been using it for a long time and all my Internet projects, including this blog, are hosted on it.

    Now, let's get back to the topic of today's post. Do you know where the construction of a house begins and what will determine its strength and durability? Did you guess it? Of course, from the foundation, so, before promoting a web resource and engaging in its SEO optimization, you need to draw up semantic core and do it right.

    The semantic core is the basis of website SEO optimization

    Perhaps someone has already heard these 2 words, and for some they may seem strange and incomprehensible. Therefore, I propose to start with a definition, and then I will tell you several ways how to compose it and where to get a ready-made one SY.

    Semantic core- this is an ordered list of keywords that most accurately describe and characterize the site’s niche, as well as its type of activity.

    This element in promotion is extremely important; traffic and the further fate of promotion of the web resource in search engines will depend on the correctness of its composition.

    The semantic core is a hierarchical structure of search queries. As a rule, it is headed by one or more high frequency queries (home page), and lower in the hierarchy mid-frequency(headings, categories) and low frequency queries (articles, product cards).

    If we take as an example a web resource dedicated to DIY construction, then it SY might look something like this:

    Keep in mind that this is a very abbreviated and exaggerated example, SY usually consist of several thousand words. And now there are several options for where and how to create semantics for your Internet project:

    Compose yourself using free tools for keyword selection - wordstat.yandex.ru and adwords.google.com/ko/KeywordPlanner

    A more advanced option that professionals use is the use of SEO software key-collector program and its brother with reduced functions Slovoeb, and you can also use the free Bukvarix database.

    If you don’t want to sweat and rack your brains on how to correctly assemble semantics and at the same time want quick results, then contact the professionals from the 1ps.ru web studio; they will do everything quickly and efficiently. Trusted guys, for the quality of their work I vouch.

    Clustering of search queries

    The next important stage of the step-by-step instructions, which comes after compiling the NL, is the effective distribution of key phrases throughout the site. In other words, the task this stage distribute queries as accurately as possible into the most appropriate groups, namely by pages, sections, headings and articles.

    Many novice webmasters are lazy to do key distribution, but when they realize the importance of this stage, they have to redo everything all over again. Just imagine how much work needs to be done when a web resource has several hundred articles, several dozen pages and subsections.

    Of course, it’s easier to do everything right right away, and then fully control the promotion process and know which direction to move next and what needs to be done for this. How to quickly and efficiently cluster search queries? There are several options:

    Do it yourself by hand Microsoft Excel(long, but high quality)
    special software, For example, Key Collector (it turns out quickly and efficiently, minus that the program is paid)
    take advantage of special online services, there are paid and free ones (they do it quickly, but not always good quality, you have to modify it manually)

    From my point of view the most best option usage seo software - Key Collector. Yes, it is paid, but it is worth the money and even more. I do many labor-intensive and time-consuming tasks in the collector in a few minutes and have never regretted buying it. Google him on the Internet and you will be very surprised to find out what he is capable of.

    By the way, I have the opportunity to purchase Key Collector at a discount, if anyone needs it, write through the form feedback. I don’t take interest or commission, I just help in a friendly way. The only condition is that you must be my regular reader.

    Internal website optimization

    Now we have reached the most interesting and large section. After distributing the keys, you can, with a clear conscience, begin work on internal optimization, which consists of several stages. Next, I will try to briefly and clearly talk about each of them.

    It would be better to write a separate article for each stage. I will definitely do this in the near future. So let's begin.

    1. We optimize each page for search queries from the local language

    We correctly write meta tags (title, description, keywords) for pages, subsections, categories and articles. All pages must have: unique titles, descriptions, meta tags and text. Remember the golden rule, there should be only one heading in h1 format on a page.

    Use headings h2-h6 in articles, use key phrases in them and in the text. With their help, the readability of the text increases and its attractiveness to search robots increases. Know when to stop, everything should look harmonious and natural, remember that you are writing for people.

    Attention! Must be present in title and h1 key phrase in direct occurrence and it is desirable that they are not the same.

    Text in articles or pages must be at least 3000 characters. Keep in mind that search guards are not asleep and strictly punish with penalties for over-optimized, spammed and non-unique text.

    Be sure to place thematic images in articles and sharpen them under search query. To do this, write meta tags images (title, description, alt) using key queries.

    Some webmasters ignore this point, but in vain, because this is an additional plus to the overall SEO optimization of the site, as well as a small increase in traffic due to transitions from services Yandex Pictures And Google Images.

    As you may have guessed, for the process that is popularly called SEO website optimization, step-by-step instructions can serve as an excellent assistant for effective promotion in search engines. So, we have dealt with this point, now let's move on to the next one.

    2. We make internal linking of the site

    Another important point in my guide. To make it clear to everyone what this is, let's start with brief definition. Internal linking is the process of placing thematic links within a site from one page or article to another that is similar in meaning.

    For example, if a page is dedicated to the topic of how to catch pike with a spinning rod, then it would be useful to place a link here to another page of the same web resource, which talks about 5 popular lures for catching pike with a spinning rod. Did you get the point?

    How is internal linking useful? Firstly, they improve behavioral factors, since users will follow the links and receive necessary information fully, and this in turn increases total time presence on the web resource and the number of page views.

    Secondly, accelerated indexing of the entire resource occurs, since search bots, when indexing, like to follow all the links found on the page. You need to remember this and try to use at least one thematic link on the page.

    Thirdly, the overall usability quality. Remember that your Internet project is created for people and it should be convenient and understandable to use. These are not all the benefits and beneficial properties internal linking, in fact there are many more of them.

    Within the framework of this article, I cannot fully cover this topic, so subscribe to blog updates, because a separate, detailed article will be coming soon.

    3. Correct CNC setup

    For those who don’t know what it is, I’ll give you a breakdown. CNC- these are human-readable URLs (links). The appearance of links plays a big role important role, both for people and for search engines. If your web resource, like mine, runs on the WordPress engine, then setting up the correct display of links will not be difficult for you. I will write more about this in future articles.

    As an example, look at how links should look correctly:

    1. http:///kak-vesti-blog/kak-pisat-stati-dlja-bloga.html
    2. http:///2016/post-36=?274-

    4. Setting up Sitemap.xml

    Don't be alarmed if you hear this strange word for the first time :) Now I will tell you what it is and why it is needed. Sitemap.xml- this is a map of your web resource, intended exclusively for search robots, it contains information about the pages and links of your site that are subject to indexing.

    Simply put, it's like this special file, which helps search engines do their work faster and better. Why is Sitemap.xml useful? It makes the indexing process much faster. As an example, you can see my Sitemap at http:///sitemap.xml.

    If you still don't have this file, create it right now. For those who have the WordPress engine, download and install Google XML Sitemaps plugin, it will automatically generate a map and update it as needed. For those who have another content management platform or a self-written website, Google information on this topic on the Internet.

    5. Setting up an HTML sitemap for people

    This map increases ease of navigation for visitors, improves behavioral factors, and also helps to increase the speed of indexing the site as a whole, since it contains a large number of internal links.

    HTML map- This separate page, which is available to visitors and search engine m. Bloggers often call it “All Articles” or “Site Map”. This page displays all sections, categories, pages and articles of the Internet resource. In WordPress, an HTML map can be created in a few clicks using plugins Dagon Design Sitemap Generator or WP DS Blog Map.

    This is what the html map of my blog looks like - http:///vse-stati-bloga.html

    6. Setting up the robots.txt file

    Robots.txt file- this is normal text file, which contains a set of detailed step-by-step instructions for search engines, which spell out the rules for indexing pages, sections, files, folders, directories, etc.

    This file is located in the root folder. What is it for? Robots.txt - plays an important role in SEO optimization, since it can be used to prevent search engines from indexing system files, pages that do not contain useful content, and much more.

    7. Use micro markup

    At the beginning of 2011, the search giants Yandex, Google, Yahoo and others announced to the whole world that they were introducing into the algorithms of their systems, innovative technology called micro markup, also called semantic markup.

    Micro markup- this is SEO markup of website pages, which uses special tags and attributes thanks to which search robots (SR) recognize and analyze the information presented on the web resource much faster.

    See what websites look like with and without micro-markup:

    Advantages of micro markup from an SEO point of view:

    attractive appearance snippet in search results
    increase in the number of clicks on article titles
    improving overall relevance

    As you probably noticed, the topic is quite large, despite the fact that I tried to talk about everyone important points short and to the point. As I said at the beginning of the post, I divided this material on the topic of SEO website optimization on your own, step-by-step instructions for beginners, into 2 parts.

    >>> You can read the second part by following the link - “How to competently do SEO optimization of a website yourself - step-by-step instructions for a beginner, part 2.”

    After studying, do not forget to implement the acquired knowledge, remember that water does not run under a lying stone. How do you like the article? Which points from the step-by-step instructions do you implement on your website? What would you add from yourself?

    Despite the active development of Internet marketing, Not everyone understands what SEO is. What do these letters mean? This is site optimization for search engines, organized using a set of measures for external and internal site optimization, in order to help search engines quickly find the necessary information on the site. Simply put, the content of the site must be structured in such a way that Yandex and Google quickly find the necessary keywords on the site and show the site in the first positions of the search results for them.

    Search engine optimization is not the primary goal of Internet marketing in all areas of business. Because if there are not enough requests for your activity, then even if you advance through them, you will either still not get clients, or it will not be economically profitable. This is simply because no one is looking for a specific product or service. For statistics on key queries, you can contact the service. Only after analyzing the number of requests can you conclude whether your business needs SEO or not.

    How to raise a site to the first lines in a search engine?

    We need to work and work on the site again. Improve it all the time, both in terms of content and in terms of ease of use of the site and finding the necessary information on it.

    SEO copywriting

    First, this is 100% unique content, which will be useful to the user. For example, the article “How to choose plastic windows?, should talk about manufacturers, prices, conditions under which it is profitable to buy and other aspects of purchasing windows. The more useful this becomes to the user, the better for the site.

    Also, your resource should contain keywords from which you are promoting. At the same time, they must be organically integrated into the content, otherwise the search engine will simply mark your site as a Spam resource. Keywords are also selected based on data on keywords Wordstat. This is called SEO copywriting and it assumes that you primarily write texts for people, and not for search engines.

    SEO optimization

    Second, this is a convenient site, with a logically constructed and understandable structure for the visitor, which loads quickly and its pages are interconnected by links. This is called SEO optimization.

    One of the indicators of the convenience of a site is how long it takes a new visitor to find the information he needs. This is called (usability - literally “possibility of use”, “usefulness”). These indicators are better recorded in cases where the Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics analytics systems are installed on the site.

    SEO promotion

    Third point, this is SEO promotion or external website optimization. Buying links is a thing of the past, and if you continue to use this method, you can only do harm. If you want to post links to your site, then you need to select information sites from your topic and order the placement of an advertising article with a link to your resource.

    Also very important, from the point of view of external optimization, is activity on social networks. For example, Google is very good at indexing posts from its social network Google +.

    Rising to the top of the search engine rankings does not mean the job is done. To stay in the TOP, you should constantly monitor the search results and, if you lose your leading positions, “tighten up” your SEO again.

    But don’t forget that the main goal of SEO is not to be in the TOP, but to sell goods and services from your website! We hope that we were able to fully answer the question “What is SEO?”