• Cheating behavioral factors is deceiving search engines. Good or bad? About one of the incorrect methods of search engine promotion and its consequences

    We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


    Important! Our studio does not use site promotion in Yandex and Google and categorically does not advise you to do so, since in 90% of cases this leads to sanctions from search engines

    Behavioral factors are the basis for website promotion (in current conditions), a key factor in promotion for high-frequency and mid-frequency search engine queries. The most important behavioral indicators are click and post-click.

    They take into account:

    • number of users who followed the link;
    • Website CTR upon request;
    • user region;
    • time and number of pages viewed.

    How to increase behavioral factors: standard settings

    Firstly, you can start increasing search results from the TOP 50, but if the number of visitors increases sharply, it looks strange for the search engine. Therefore, it is best to start boosting the site with behavioral factors from the TOP-10 in order to bring the site to the first position. The TOP 10 differs greatly from each other. For example, the top three sites have traffic that exceeds the rest of the results that follow them. It rarely makes sense to take sites that are below the top 10.

    Secondly, it is necessary to increase traffic taking into account statistics and request frequency. Everyone knows that in Wordstat the entire frequency of queries is very relative and has nothing to do with reality. To evaluate the real traffic to the site you need to use your own statistics, it will allow you to achieve 100% results. To increase behavioral factors, it is necessary to build on it.

    The devil is in the details: the subtleties of PF settings

    We open the statistics and look at the queries that attract visitors. You need to remember the number of visits and the position from which the click was made. We know very well the distribution of CTR of sites in search results; if not, then the approximate table is below:

    • 1st position: about 33%
    • 2nd position: about 17%
    • 3rd position: about 11%
    • 4th position: about 8%
    • 5th position: about 5-6%
    • 6th position: about 5%
    • 7th position: about 5%
    • 8th position: about 4%
    • 9th position: about 3%
    • 10th position: about 4%

    Don't forget that many factors play a role when you click on a certain position. The values ​​above are averages. Even being in position 7 and below, we only receive the rest of the traffic, so being in the top 3 for a request is very important.

    Based on the data above, we can roughly estimate the flow of traffic that sites receive is lower than the top 3. It is necessary to intensify behavioral factors based specifically on real traffic, and not other parameters.

    It’s worth choosing your traffic optimally and logically. There is no point in overpaying for more, and also trying to get as much as the first site has in search results.

    Cheating behavioral factors: services


    This system uses user PCs that independently installed special software. This software allows you to perform tasks on behalf of users in a regular browser. Simultaneously with the operation of the computer, the program collects statistics about the user’s work in search engines, and then tasks are issued taking into account the characteristics of a particular user.

    All program actions are strictly controlled and do not change the user’s behavior style when performing tasks. For cheating behavioral factors this service is used quite often.


    1. This is a manual surfing service, with possible advertising specific site.
    2. Automatic surfing is no different from manual surfing, but its cost is lower.
    3. Paid tasks: users perform tasks related to clicks and transitions on banners, can perform registration, posting and much more.


    • this project has existed for more than 10 years;
    • the site is hosted on dedicated hosting;
    • very large number of users, average weekly attendance is 80 thousand people
    • interesting and functional design;
    • there are statistics on any type of advertising;
    • there are bonuses and competitions;
    • the ability to promote any website topic;
    • geotargeting and mailing;
    • substitution and hiding of information about the transition HTTP_REFERER, substitution of HTTP_REFERER for any other;
    • advertising is placed in automatic mode, advertising will become available to users within a couple of minutes;
    • It is possible to rank tasks by days, weeks, hours specified in advance, as well as in a specific country.


    This site and its technology are based on working with the topics of a large number of interested Internet users. As soon as the system has a task to attract visitors to the site, which will significantly increase behavioral factors, the SeoPult system, using DMP Uptolike, immediately identifies users who were looking for similar information in well-known search engines. This topic should always be close to the topic of your site.

    After all the above steps, the system marks interested users in the specific topic you need, and then, when suitable user groups are found, non-search advertising is ranked for them, which allows you to attract them using the search engine.

    SeoPult purchases traffic from such giants as GoogleAdX, AdFox, Republer.

    To maximize the result of boosting behavioral factors by the service and traffic, you need to install the Uptolike analytical counter. It will allow you to “squeeze” the maximum result from the work of DMP Uptolike.

    The only limitation is the one available region with which the technology works. This region is only “Moscow”. On the one hand, this is, of course, a minus, but on the other hand, it allows the technology to rank advertising results as accurately as possible. In addition, there is no need to optimize the technology for gigantic volumes of traffic.


    System Features:

    1. The ability to evenly distribute tasks among promoted requests. This reduces the likelihood of detection by the search engine.
    2. When users receive tasks, they view large number pages, and will also find results in search results.
    3. The search engine will respond to increased interest in your site and the site will be ranked much higher than before.


    The system allows you to work perfectly with search engines and most well-known social networks, such as Facebook, VKontakte, etc. The operation of the system is based on the promotion of behavioral factors. Advertising campaign The webmaster configures it himself.

    Users who earn money from Userator complete tasks compiled by webmasters. The most common task is to search for a specific site by search query, with setting the region and installing the necessary search network. After finding a site for a request, the user must spend a certain amount of time on the site and visit several pages. In addition, a short view of competing sites is provided. This makes it clear to the system that the user cannot find useful information for himself.

    Thus, the promoted site improves its position, demonstrating to the search engine that the information turned out to be useful and necessary for a particular user. To successfully promote your website, you need to consistently increase behavioral factors over 2-4 months.

    The most optimal period that will allow you to significantly promote your site in search results is approximately six months. During this period of time, both Yandex and Google will raise the site in search results.

    Important! Our studio does not use behavioral factors to boost a site and categorically does not advise you to do so, since in 90% of cases this leads to sanctions from search engines on the site

    The cats transcribed one of the reports (Octavian Nizamov: “Does cheating behavioral factors work?”), delivered at the Baltic Digital Days 2018 conference. We tried to subject it to minimal editing (but shortened a lot) and used the presentation slides for the report in the design of the article so as not to miss the point.

    We also remind you that you can go back to the original sources, so to speak, by studying all the reports yourself. Just by purchasing the video.

    It is known that around December 2014, it became unfashionable to inflate behavioral factors. Before this it was very cool topic, but then there were problems. During this period, a lot of things have accumulated: rumors, gossip, versions of how things really are now.

    We decided to clarify the situation a little, to understand what is fiction, what is a myth and how everything really is there.

    Some reports and cases on this topic have already been published. Last year Denis Narizhny covered this topic. What we lacked in this information: firstly, the cases are quite closed, because most often this was done on some real projects, no one will shoot them, everything is unverifiable, you just need to trust the speaker. There is very little information, it is somehow difficult to look.

    The second problem is that a fairly small sample was used, questions always arose about whether this was really behavioral or, perhaps, luck. Sites with history that were used in such experiments, we understand, they further disrupt the picture. We don’t know, maybe they are sitting under the filters, maybe they came out from under the filters, it’s unclear.

    Basic hypotheses

    Last December we planned this experiment. We developed basic hypotheses that we wanted to test. The most fundamental thing about Yandex is that we have the 4th hypothesis. The most important thing is how they react, whether they react well, whether it works.

    Secondly, at the level of rumors, we have a hypothesis that Yandex distinguishes who is doing the promotion, the owner of the site or a competitor, so that it does not accidentally happen that the site that was promoted by competitors is banned. Let's try to check it too.

    The third hypothesis is that Yandex approaches users with and without history differently. If the user has no history, then he ignores it. I would also like to understand whether the different degrees of riskiness of tools, public services, non-public services, and how much this affects the danger of this event.

    There are fewer hypotheses and rumors about Google. The main thing is that behavioral ones don’t work on Google, they don’t work. And the search engine itself states this, and there is a lot of thought on this topic.

    What follows from this is that if behavioral ones don’t work, then they can’t ban them either.

    The plan of the story is this: first I’ll tell you about the technology, how exactly it was used, what methods and tools were used, then about the sites that we tested and the general chronology, then I’ll summarize.

    Experiment technology

    To be honest, we wanted to use several different services, but we haven’t found anything viable right now. In reality, only Morozov had some kind of developing live service available to us. Moreover, there we took two interesting options. One is the old, classic Userator, which has not changed over the years, and new tool- this is the so-called SEO bonus.

    We spent most of our energy working manually. We tried to change the behavioral ones manually, which was also an interesting part of the experiment.


    Maybe someone doesn’t know about Userator or has forgotten. In principle, the system of work is such that the customer pays for each session, there is a system that the performer installs on his computer special program, she gives step by step instructions, some control screenshots are being taken. Performers are real people, working from different IP addresses. Mainly desktops, because the program is for desktops. Payment for performers is fixed. I note that the behavior pattern of the user-performer is quite fixed in the user. This is a fairly typified scheme.

    SEO bonus

    The difference is that there is no program that is installed on the computer. There is a telegram bot that distributes tasks. The difference is that the tasks themselves are simplified as much as possible, and one task per day is given to one performer.

    Firstly, it's more mobile.

    Secondly, this is a more realistic user. The first system provokes him to sit, hammering out a lot of requests for hours, this may not look very realistic.

    Manual cheating

    Using manual promotion, we rented a server on which we raised a certain amount virtual machines. Each machine has its own configuration. Accordingly, there operating system, your permission.

    "Owner" and "Competitor"

    We also needed to test the hypothesis with the owner and competitors.

    Accordingly, we divided each group into subgroups. One subgroup of us compromised itself as much as possible, ran into the user’s account, immediately became a webmaster, and installed all sorts of extensions.

    The “competitor” behaved carefully and did not give himself away in any way.

    For manual promotion, we used virtual machines with different configurations. Three browsers, each browser has user profiles. What’s important is that we allocated a resident proxy to each user. This proxy is not a hosting provider, but a real IP address.

    To get a realistic picture of our user base, we took an upload from the metrics of a site that has a lot of visits and compiled an approximate picture. Our crowd roughly looked like this: there were 56 virtual machines, multiplied by 3 browsers, you get 168 configuration options, plus in each configuration you get several dozen profiles, such an organized team.

    Users with and without history

    For manual promotion, we needed to test the hypothesis “user with history, without history.”

    Accordingly, some users worked according to a scenario as close as possible to the real one, that is, this is an account in Yandex, logged in, linked to a phone, to Yandex Disk, even to social networks. We tried to make it beautiful.

    A clean session in incognito mode.

    Plus, it was made even more complicated by the fact that our “live” users behaved a little differently, not in a single pattern, as in the user. Someone clicked through all the sites one by one, reaching our target site, someone scrolled through, went to our target site, someone, as if using the user’s system, reformulated the request, that is, a certain script was used for this matter.

    The formula was adopted approximately as follows: they took the frequency of the request and increased it by 20-30%, if only this request is found in the top 50, or in the top 20, because the SEO bonus only works from the top 20 and above. If it is a very low frequency (5 or less), then just 1-2 visits per month. For brand requests, the formula was different. They are essentially zero, because our brands were fictitious. So, we just played as much as we needed until we reached the top 5.


    On the one hand, we did not want to take on a super-competitive topic, plastic windows, for example, because it would delay the experiment, and we might not meet the deadline.

    On the other hand, it needed to be quite large and extensive, with many sites, many offers and quite a lot of keys. We got about 250 non-zero keys in the topic, we moved around Moscow, Maine Coon kitten nurseries.

    What were they promoting? For these tasks, 21 sites were created. Why 21? These are 7 groups. By main groups. User: 6 sites are divided into 2 subgroups (owner, competitor), SEO bonus is similar to 6 sites, owner, competitor, manual promotion - with history, without history, and three sites - control group, which we basically did not play to understand Don't they grow on their own?

    The domains were all new. Domains without history. Everyone was registered at about the same time. The IP addresses have been destroyed, the hosting is public. We tried to ensure that the IP addresses did not overlap. The sites are all on WordPress, the templates are different. We had the same number of pages, and the metrics, analytics, search console and webmaster were installed.

    Basic optimization in the form of texts, in the form of a catalog was done. Regionality was added to the Yandex webmaster; in Google, organizations were simply created on Google Maps, as it should be, so that regionality was in order.

    Start of the experiment

    We started work at the beginning of January. During January, we prepared these sites, wrote texts, all the work was done during January. The sites look something like this.

    Simple design, all images from the Internet, a catalog without tricks, SEO text at the bottom of the page. For each site we came up with a unique brand name, this was important for us, we will understand why later. As far as contact information is concerned, everything is very modest: address, e-mail.

    On February 1st we were ready for indexing.

    Indexation began in February. We expected that everything would be successful for us in February. Some positions will reach the top 50, top 70, and we can start to spin them nicely. At first it was like that.

    But they all came in and left. All. Started from zero, ended with zero. This came as a bit of a surprise, so at the end of February we ended up with zero positions.

    It was Yandex, Google was also reluctant to enter the index. Here is an insight that if we want to launch a young, zero site in Yandex, it would be good, probably, not to miss the first wave, then you will save a lot of time.

    Then in March we decided that we needed to start marketing by brand. We composed the nonsense very simply. Let’s say there is a Maine Coon cattery and our brand name “Wild beauty” - this is our brand request. We have allocated two months for this matter.

    We play branded ones, and others respond. They respond slowly. In the user we play as a competitor, as an owner. The SEO bonus gets a better response. All sites reacted somehow.

    In principle, the reaction to the owner and the competitor was the same. Manual, in principle, is like a SEO bonus.

    It turns out it's the same thing. At the same time, branded ones themselves are zero queries, no one is looking for them, they are instantly dragged into the first and second positions. It happens easily.

    Here is an important insight for us: we drag the branded ones, the main semantics are dragged along. Even fairly high-frequency queries.

    Brands on Google also reacted to our activities and are being dragged along, but less willingly. I had to spend more effort on this matter, I had to twist more.

    The main trouble is that they do not drag in other requests.

    You spin this request, it spins, no other request spins nearby. This is how our semantics reacted, that is, in no way. All methods are equally bad. The control group is the same.

    We've come to the point where it's time to turn things up semantic core with targeted queries that interest us. At this stage we cut off some of the participants. One site was left in each group. First of all, because it is really labor-intensive. At first we underestimated how much, because the semantics are quite large. Secondly, we were wondering, there are sites that we tried and abandoned, what would happen to them.

    Proof of hypotheses using Yandex

    We have scientifically proven that cheating works in Yandex. It works well too. The fact that users without history are not taken into account by the search engine is a fake. In fact, they are very well accepted if the only difference between users is that: there is a story or there is no story, our wonderful realistic accounts had no effect, in incognito the same result.

    The fact that Yandex can distinguish the owner’s cheating from the competitor’s cheating. Unfortunately, nothing was banned from us.

    We really wanted to. We spun as best we could. We played for five months. Wait another month? Fine. We'll wait. We couldn't prove anything.

    The only thing that follows is that the effectiveness of cheating - you are the owner, you are not the owner - no one can distinguish. You don’t have to worry about this, but there’s probably a risk of a ban.

    We couldn't say anything scientifically sound about safety. There is probably a danger.

    Proving hypotheses by Google

    We definitely refuted those skeptics who said that Google ignores the behavioral factor altogether. He doesn't ignore them, he takes them into account, but in a slightly different way. We have not received any sanctions, so we cannot say anything more definite.

    General conclusions

    It’s clear that cheating works in Yandex and Google. Manual promotion using our technology works best in Yandex, although other methods also work. It’s interesting that, on average, everything was televised on Google, but for users of our manuals without history there was absolute zero. Google really ignores users without history. This we can definitely conclude from this experiment.

    Another insider is that if we abandon a site, it does not collapse instantly, it can continue to grow, it can continue to remain stable, but maybe there will be some kind of decline. In principle, such a starting impulse is given to him, and it remains with him, at least at a distance of more than three months.

    How much did it cost

    I’ll tell you a little about the cost of the experiment, how much it cost us. Our main costs are labor costs, because it is such a hassle and such a routine.

    Moreover, this cannot be entrusted to a novice specialist. We usually include such costs in our customer prices.

    We spent more than 600 thousand in this situation, more than 400 hours were spent.

    If we talk about external costs that we paid directly in money, we spent 250 thousand on domains, proxies, hosting, and so on. The user himself, we thought we could lose more money, but we couldn’t do more. We tried our best, we managed to spend 33 thousand in 5 months on all sites. If we had the desire, we would have worked for another six months, then we would probably have swung ourselves.

    A few thoughts

    To spin or not to spin services?

    On the one hand, it is tempting, because the costs are quite small, the effect is quite noticeable, but in our opinion the risk is in this case outweighs, because, as far as public service is concerned, getting burned is a no-brainer.

    We even tried how the performers entered the seobonus, and on the third day we received our own task. There is no problem in merging the database of all performers, and even easier from the user. There is no need for nano-technologies, you just merge the database and ban according to the list.

    Either understand the risks or not take risks.

    About manual. Here it turns out that on the one hand, it’s cool, on the other hand, it’s expensive. Still, risks cannot be ruled out. We have used some kind of technology here, but we need to do a lot of experiments to determine 100% that you won’t get banned, that you won’t make any mistakes, that you won’t get burned. Theoretically, there are risks, but they are probably fewer. The project must be worthwhile in order to invest such resources into it.

    Questions after the report

    Thanks for the report. I have a question: did you use something a la Zennoposter or tried browser emulation to automate manual cheating?
    - We did not build a workshop for manual wrapping. We were just doing an experiment. At this distance there was no point in automating much.
    - Thank you. You said that the brand was connected, but related queries on Google did not reach...
    - Almost. No, something came out.
    - Was it used with a toponym, and did it work with the toponym?
    - No. Not used.
    - Only the brand?
    - Yes.
    - Did you use a separate IP for each request or for each site?
    - Each user profile has a separate IP. Did they cross paths from the same IP address on different sites? Maybe there was some kind of crossing process. In principle, such a task was not strictly posed.
    - Thank you, informative report. You've probably heard that PFA bans are being updated. One update, a large number of sites are mowed down at once.
    - We've heard a lot.
    - Did you hear during the experiment whether there was an update on behavioral bans?
    - I can’t answer this question. We are not saying that we have proven that we will not be banned. Perhaps they would have banned me.
    - Thanks for the report. Question about economic feasibility. If you take the best method. Economic feasibility. How much could they earn from this topic? And secondly: the cost of the user, like SEO pickup costs about 80 rubles per click, and, in my opinion, you indicated less.
    - There is a user, there are about 11 rubles. This is the first diagram. The second tool was a SEO bonus, where people are on Telegram, VKontakte, they send them tasks and that’s it, this is not a SEO pickup.
    - Didn’t you use a pickup truck?
    - No. We don't have much money.
    - It's clear. What about economics?
    - We did not set such a task, to calculate how expedient this is. We did not set out to determine how profitable this is. We simply tested the main hypotheses, and there was no question of price. Of course, if you put this on stream, you will probably automate, optimize, and then the economy will be different from ours. I just told the economics of our experiment, and not how it would be for other guys.

    Hello dear readers of my blog.

    Everyone is wondering about promoting their own Internet projects to the top of Olympus. For this, all methods are good, both white and black hat SEO.

    Today I will talk about dark side traffic production, or rather about tools for improving PF.

    For your convenience, I decided to collect each service for promoting behavioral factors in this post.

    I don’t want to go into the details of each one, much less test them myself. I don’t have many sites to burn them in the eyes of Yandex.

    I'll just give a few brief characteristics and descriptions for each tool for general information.

    TOP online tools for promotion using behavioral factors


    They promise to take your site from average positions to the TOP 10

    Price – 5 rubles/transition

    The SERPClick system does the following for you:

    • Evaluates requests;
    • Competently packages clicks throughout the site;
    • Report on the budget;
    • Distribute tasks to users;
    • Distribute tasks to users;
    • Summarizes the results (statistics).

    Based on the reviews I collected, I conclude that the service is not worth using. Many bloggers conducted experiments, but alas, 90% ended up under the PS filter for cheating behavioral factors.


    They promise to completely simulate search traffic!

    • Price – 4 rubles. 00 kop. (5 rubles Moscow IP)
    • Quite a Trust service to increase behavioral factors. One of the leaders on the Russian Internet. There is a personal support forum where you can learn a lot of interesting things.
    • Author Roman Morozov, Honored Artist among SEO Optimizers.


    It is said to be effective in improving behavioral factors.

    Transitions are analyzed in detail.

    They effectively configure the system themselves.

    They consider their methods to be real.

    The reviews write about good attendance and promotion statistics. It seems that all operations are carried out by living people.


    The service drives traffic from different IPs, but not a word is said about increasing behavioral factors.
    Price: 1000 visits for 30 rubles.
    They give you a visit bonus for registration. Not bad affiliate program and three service packages.

    What behavioral factors take into account:

    Separately each CTR upon individual request;

    User ip region;

    Period and depth of page viewing.

    Where to start improving behavioral factors: basic settings.

    To begin with, behavioral factors can be boosted from the TOP-50, that is, the middle of the search results.

    It is worth considering that a sharp increase in visitors is not natural and Yandex may not like it. In this regard, I recommend starting with search queries that occupy the TOP 10 positions.

    You need to use PF to regulate traffic taking into account the frequency of requests. Since there is no point in throwing money away on phrases with a frequency of 10 to 50.

    This parameter depends on the theme of the site. For some WS - 1000 will be the best option, and for narrow niches 100 is enough.

    How to kill a competitor with behavioral influence?

    Yandex assures optimizers that this is not possible.

    Contrary to search engines, some SEO gurus claim the opposite. It is unlikely that you will be able to influence mega-popular sites that occupy leading positions, but it is quite possible to influence some upstarts (slightly ahead of your competitors).

    Download a shitty program like "TRAMP" and boost competing sites. This is not a panacea; of course, more serious methods can be used.

    How to protect your web resource from competitors' attacks?
    1. Monitor traffic periodically.
    2. Monitor traffic coming from constant, same suspicious IPs (use webwizor from Yandex Metrics).
    3. If there is a strange, unjustified flow of visitors, immediately write to the service Google support and Yandex and hope for a miracle.

    Keep an eye out for strange things happening on your site and take action to fix them without delay!


    Whether to use these services or not is your decision, dear readers.

    Let me just say that I would not engage in this kind of activity, the percentage of sanctions being imposed and ending up in the BAN is too high.

    To bring your site to good positions, read (only proven methods).

    If you know any other existing tools, write in the comments, it will be useful to consider them too.

    Good luck with your promotion!

    There are black and white methods of promotion in RuNet. White hat methods are when a website is made for people, taking into account personalization, it is made for the target audience.

    Why are white methods bad? With white promotion and white promotion, time is lost, and the loss can be astronomical. For example, you can get great links by writing good content. The question is how long. You can get wonderful behavioral factors by improving usability, improving the site, and making all interfaces crazy. The question is how many years will it take and will you get required traffic. During this time, others who use purchased links, inflated behavioral factors, or inflated social factors can collect clients, be in the top, and receive traffic. But they have other risks - getting banned.

    Roman noted that to date there are no serious bans for behavioral factors. For example, Yandex now mostly ignores link explosion. If the site is trustworthy enough, it is impossible to kill it with behavioral factors. That is, using dark methods of promotion, you, in the worst case, will not get anything, but in best case scenario- Very good traffic, visitors and audience.

    All purchased methods can be implemented in a completely natural way, spending serious time.

    Speaking about general statistics on boosting behavioral factors, Roman provided data: today 52% are Yandex, 32% are Google, link strengthening is 15%. They also search by vendor - about 1000 requests per day.

    When cheating behavioral factors, people trust bots more, automatic promotion(66%), although there are absolutely manual methods when behavioral factors are adjusted by real people (34%). A person is given a task - to go to the site, take a screenshot, read one page, then another... That is, people do absolutely live actions, and no statistics or analytics systems can distinguish between real people who visit the site for money, and real people who who don't go for money. Such methods have not yet been invented. AND manual method, according to Roman, the most reliable.

    Geo-independent queries (9.2) perform slightly better than geo-independent queries (8.4). By region, ahead, as always, is Moscow (68%), second place is St. Petersburg (16%).

    There are also queries by brand name or domain name. These queries have weight in the sense that they change the overall ranking of sites. If we talk about cheating, then approximately 6% of users engage in just this kind of cheating. The rest are engaged in standard cheating. If there are a lot of domain requests for a site, then for some reason in Yandex this site has a very good efficiency impressions If people type your site manually and go to it, then, oddly enough, you are seen very well for all other requests. This assessment is quite controversial.

    White-hat methods of cheating behavioral factors: cheating search suggestions, the “topsy-turvy” method, cheating groups and communities on social networks.

    The whitest and most safe methods cheating of behavioral factors for which you cannot receive any sanctions is cheating of search suggestions.

    The second method is the topsy-turvy method. You can increase the number of search queries for those queries for which you are in the first positions.

    Cheating groups on social networks is a fairly popular method, but it works primarily in Google. If you are interested in some mid-frequency query, create a group with an exact occurrence of the search query. Then you catch up with 200 people, create discussions and traffic there. Two weeks later, this group is automatically announced on Google somewhere in 20th place. Then you catch it up with the behavioral factor, bring it to the top and get a group at the top that can drive traffic without compromising your main site at all.

    Popular mistakes in boosting behavioral factors are increasing the number of transitions by more than 70% of natural transitions and low quality site optimization.

    Behavioral and social factors can be combined. There are social networks, there are cheats in social networks, there are cheats in posts, groups, and so on. You can send traffic through these social networks. This traffic is taken into account by Yandex and affects the overall ranking formula.

    Today, Yandex takes into account about 1000 factors, and one of them is when a direct impact is made. There are also all sorts of cases of indirect impact. There is such a task - searching by keyword. For example, keyword[iPhone broke]. And we get people whose iPhones are broken. You can write to each of them that there is a company that quickly and efficiently repairs iPhones in two days. No link. If they wish, they can find a company by name. And there is a certain probability of getting an absolutely natural behavioral factor from living people who will be interested in what kind of company it is that repairs the phone so quickly. And there is a definite opportunity to get buyers.

    The top three take up 75% of markups. VKontakte - first of all, because you can create a group there and put it in the top in the main search results - that's it. The second reason is that there are a lot of users there. Twitter works for indexing. You can also create complex link influences from Twitter, which are taken into account by search and taken into account when ranking. Facebook is also very good system, which can add you a couple of dozen clients.

    Methods to enhance natural behavioral factors through social factors - do not use links, and work with search queries on social networks.

    The most popular task on VKontakte is to join a group. Firstly, this is necessary because you can create a group and it will appear in organic search. The second is a purely psychological moment. If you create a group and there are 0 people in it, no one will go there. When there are 1000 people there, that’s normal. Therefore, all SMM users are happy to use promotion in this case. Posting on a wall on VKontakte, reposting, the “VKontakte” button, and the “I like” button are also popular. Comments on VKontakte work the least.

    Twitter still defeated VKontakte. For the SEO audience, Twitter is by far the most serious and most interesting tool because, firstly, you can quickly get your pages indexed through Twitter. Let's say you bought links somewhere and you need them to be indexed quickly. You take this entire list and order them to be tweeted one at a time. Within five hours, this entire database will be re-indexed. This is the fastest, most reliable and safe topic on how to send documents for quick re-indexing. Also very popular is the Twitter button on the site, the “retweet” button.

    The easiest way is to create a popular tweet. This is the most powerful impact you can create on Twitter. Links from such popular tweets are especially taken into account and are particularly effective. This is done by retweeting, commenting, adding to favorites.

    On YouTube, you can write comments under any video, and then put several likes on it. And this comment will rise to the top. This can be done en masse, which is why today the most popular task on YouTube is to like. This simple method allows you to get free links from YouTube under other people's videos, unless the comment is deleted by the owner of the video, which does not happen often, in about 10% of cases.

    When promoting on the Mail.ru network, you need to use Mail.ru buttons, diary posts, and posts in My World. They work great, they work great. If you want to be at the top in Mail.ru, buy Mail.ru.

    Tasks in social network Yandex is also incredibly popular. First of all, the “I” button, diary posts, comments. You can even buy comments in Yandex.Market - also a very popular task. You can buy good reviews for your product, even if no one has seen your product.

    About last year the idea arose to wind up App Store And Google Play. It turns out that it’s great to cheat, especially in the App Store, because there are practically no protection systems there. You can register an unlimited number of accounts and leave comments from these accounts. If you have a mobile application, then you can raise this application to the top. The system also works great on Google Play. And this is a pretty good method.

    Yandex constantly releases for promotion mobile applications― Yandex.Navigator, Yandex.Electrics. When you use applications, you are constantly reminded that Yandex did it. And when you come to search, you will use Yandex. Therefore, I would advise large brands to make cool and useful things for mobile phones, and make them free and easily accessible because it good source good clients.

    1. Post on Twitter - 12.30%
    2. Join the VKontakte group/community - 9.50%
    3. Post on the VKontakte wall - 8.10%
    4. Tell friends on VKontakte - 7.90%
    5. Twitter button on the website - 5%
    6. Facebook wall post - 4.80%
    7. Google/share button on the site - 3.60%
    8. Yandex button on the website - 3.30%
    9. I like/Likes VKontakte - 3.20%
    10. Retweet - 3.20%
    11. VKontakte button on the website - 3%
    12. Google+ (like, share) from SERP - 2.90%
    13. Facebook Likes - 2.90%
    14. Join a Facebook group/community - 2.90%
    15. Become a subscriber/Add to Followers - 2.70%
    16. Facebook button on the website - 2.70%
    17. Share on Facebook - 2.40%
    18. Post in the ya.ru diary - 2.30%
    19. Likes/Likes on YouTube - 2%
    20. +1 (like) on Google+ ― 1.80%
    21. Vote in the VKontakte poll - 1.70%
    22. Reply on Twitter to a search query - 1.30%
    23. Post on Google+ wall - 1.30%
    24. Mail button on the website - 1.20%
    25. Post in a diary/blog Mail.ru - 1.10%
    26. Post on Odnoklassniki - 1%

    Hi all! Today we will take a closer look service for boosting behavioral ranking factors, which was discussed in the previous article. We go to the website userator.ru and see the slogan that it is best way quickly promote your website to the TOP 10 of Yandex. It is unclear why Google was offended. Oh well. To successfully increase rankings, the page must already be in the TOP 50. This must be taken into account.

    As it becomes clear, the system is designed to solve problems for two types of people:

    1. optimizers promoting websites;
    2. ordinary Internet users who want to make money.

    I’ll say right away that making money with the help of Userator doesn’t bother me much. Who is interested in this, you just need to download the Userator program after registration, install it on your computer and make some settings.

    As its creators promise, now you will receive passive income and yet do nothing. The program will do everything for you automatic mode while you have fun. Sounds tempting. Just for freebie lovers. As can be seen from the reviews of Userator, in 4 hours manual mode you can earn 100 rubles. In general, not for everybody.

    I’m more interested in the possibility of improving behavioral ranking factors using this service. This matter is undoubtedly important for any optimizer and webmaster who independently promotes their website in search results. It is on this topic that reviews of the service would be most interesting to me. Anyone who has experience in successfully cheating behavioral factors, please share in the comments.

    What are behavioral ranking factors?

    Briefly about what PF (behavioral factors) are:

    • click-through rate (CTR) of the snippet on the page search results;
    • bounce rate;
    • time spent by the visitor on the site;
    • page viewing depth;
    • return to search;
    • repeat visits (returns) and transitions from bookmarks.

    Behavioral factors are now increasingly taken into account by search engines when ranking pages. Their role is no less than internal and external factors. Links alone won't get you very far in the long run.

    Even if the site page, thanks external factors, took a high place in the search results, but during impressions they do not click on it (low CTR), then it will soon lose this place. It will be occupied by a site to which people actively go from searching and do not return to the search results page. To do this, the site must undergo competent internal optimization, so that the visitor will like it.

    Internal website optimization directly affects user behavior on it. If everything on the site is top-notch, then the visitor will be interested in staying there longer, thereby increasing the depth of page viewing.

    Cheating behavioral factors in the Userator service

    The userator.ru service offers cheating of behavioral factors, and promises that it will look as natural as possible.

    So what they offer us:

    I would especially like to note the point of strengthening links. As is known, than more authoritative Internet sites links to a promoted one for a specific request, the higher its position for this request in the search results.

    It was like that before. Now the situation is somewhat different. It is not enough for the acceptor site to have many links from trust donors with the necessary anchor. It is also necessary that these links be “live”, that is, transitions are made on them.

    I won’t talk now about the presence of natural anchors (here, here, resource address) and their proper dilution. Although in lately this is very relevant not only for Yandex, but also for Google. Especially when promoting sites after the introduction of Penguin.

    For example, there is a link to the site that no one clicks on, that is, it is of no interest to anyone. In this case, search engines will consider that this is a purchased SEO link, supplied only to manipulate the search results. At best, it will not be taken into account or will have minimal weight.

    If there are a lot of such links, then you can get sanctions from search engines. We can't expect positions to grow; they will go down. And, conversely, when such links are removed, positions may creep up.

    It's always better to have a few workers than dozens that are not used by anyone. A link that is actively followed has maximum weight in the eyes of search engines. These are the transitions that the Userator service provides.

    Personally, I find the information about this function very interesting. If anyone has used this feature, share your impressions in the comments.

    I must say that social signals are very important for successful promotion of a web resource, but they must be natural. Surely Google and Yandex have been snatching up Userator and the like for a long time. This means that search engines will be able to calculate the increase and rank the page lower. If they want.

    After all, they are also well aware that links are bought and sold. However, the links continue to work and promote sites to the TOP. As they say, you need to know moderation in everything. Young sites especially need to be careful. Both with the promotion of behavioral factors and with the purchase of links. What an old trust resource can get away with, a new one can fail under the filter. Therefore, whether to use Userator to promote your site or not is up to you to decide.

    To emulate the popularity of the site, you can buy comments on special exchanges. Search engines will see that there is an active discussion of articles on the site by readers, which means they are interested in it, and they can give the site some kind of bonus for this. Read the WPcomment review. This can be useful for new sites when visitors are reluctant to leave comments at first.

    Well, now, continuation video from MegaIndex about promotion and the influence of behavioral ranking factors on search results. Started in the last article. I advise you to watch it. See you at!