• Behavioral ranking factors. How to improve behavioral factors - secrets of moving to the TOP Increase behavioral factors

    There is no magic in SEO, and search engine promotion has long ceased to be simply increasing links to a site and adding texts with key queries to pages. There are works that seem like shamanism related to the preparation of content, structure, links, etc. This is discussed a lot at conferences, on YouTube, articles on websites and courses.

    I suggest look at SEO from the perspective of user happiness and look at the work we do for this.

    SEO = user happiness

    The main task of an SEO specialist is to make sure that the user can solve his problem, expressed in the request, on the site pages.

    A user's happiness is determined by his behavior, his actions on and off the site. In a professional environment, we use the concept of “behavioral factors”.

    Behavioral factors

    Behavioral factors (PF) are a group of factors associated with user behavior on search results and on the website, as well as some host and document characteristics.

    In this article we will look at some mechanics of influencing PF.

    So, behavioral factors are divided into external, host and internal.

    How to improve external (click) and host behavioral factors

    We will influence external (click-through) PFs through improving snippets, improving the CTR of the site in search results. First, we need to find out the average CTR of pages.

    The CTR of a page is the aggregate of the CTR of all requests on the page.

    We need to know it because we first need to work with snippets (and content) of pages with a poor average CTR.

    You can obtain information in the following way:

    1) Use Yandex.Webmaster: “Search queries” – “Query statistics” – “Popular queries” – Select a region and download the sample in XLS. We work with requests for which there were transitions. In the resulting file, we calculate the average using the CTR column.

    2) We add the upload to Key Collector, find relevant pages for queries, synchronize the data with the file and calculate the average CTR of the pages.

    3) We take on pages with a CTR below the average for the site. What to do with pages with zero CTR: the file will contain a list of queries without clicks. We understand the reasons, the main ones are lack of positions, bad snippet.

    4) From the list, select the pages with the worst performance.

    Interpretation of such a metric can give rise to a bunch of unnecessary and possibly harmful manipulations on the site. This formula definitely does not have enough position and, probably, the maximum possible CTR for the request (maybe even the maximum for the position or for the interval) for normalization. Or weigh it in some other way. Accordingly, working through queries in comparison with “CTR is below the average for the site” (how is that even?) can be a rather strange activity. For example, “site average CTR” = 0.05, and page N has average = 0.01. What does this mean? That's right, nothing, just the fact that they compared something and got something - Pavel Nikulin, Head of Analytics and Research at Demis Group.

    What to pay attention to when working with snippets:

    • Relevant Title tag.
    • Complete and relevant Description meta tag.
    • Noticeable Favicon.
    • Using extended snippets from Yandex and Google.

    • Fully completed Yandex.Directory and Google My Business.

    • Micro markup of bread crumbs, product cards, listings, reviews, “Contacts” pages.

    • Editing quick links in Yandex (via Webmaster).

    • Correction of text content, from where the snippet is now snatched.

    • Using html symbols and emoji.

    • Connecting Yandex.Dialogues.

    1. Turbo pages and AMP.
    2. Pictures and videos in the snippet.

    How to influence internal PFs

    We determine the indicators of competitors

    To begin with, what data can be analyzed:

    • Time on site.
    • Number of pages viewed.
    • Bounce rate.
    • Traffic sources.


    1. We identify the closest competitors by key queries using the engine.seointellect.ru service - search for competitors, 4-5 sites are enough.

    Handling requests and pages with high bounce rates

    Our task is to identify such queries and pages and eliminate the cause of the high bounce rate.

    We use Yandex Metrica. Go to “Reports” – “Standard” – “Search engines”.

    Then we sort the results by bounce rate; you can additionally set a filter for the number of visits from 10 (to remove random transitions with bounces).

    We get data on the pages with the worst bounce rates, broken down by search engine. Now we need to understand the reasons for such a large number of refusals.

    Possible reasons:

    • Product out of stock (for ecom).
    • There is no response to the user's request.
    • Usability problems.
    • High price.
    • Low assortment.
    • Lots of other things.

    Speed ​​up page loading

    Loading speed is an important parameter that affects internal PFs. Speeding up page loading times reduces bounce rates. The tool to check is Google PageSpeed ​​Insights.

    Please pay attention to desktop and mobile versions. For desktop we try to score more than 80%, for mobile – about 50% (but not less than 30).

    Adding texts

    When preparing text for pages, you need to be guided by the benefit for the visitor, and not just by the volume and number of occurrences. The task of preparing the text is divided into two stages.

    1) Please note that the text should not be diluted with various layout elements: headings, tables, lists, pictures, etc. When composing headings, in addition to the text analyzer, keep in mind that before reading, users quickly scan the text, clinging to the headings. If they do not reflect the content of the page, reading may not occur. Also, the text must correspond to the topic, i.e. contain words that describe the topic.

    2) After adding text, be sure to monitor the scroll and transparency map to make sure that the text is interesting to the visitor and that it interacts with the elements. You can view such data in the Yandex.Metrica service, in the “Scroll Map”. The redder the area, the more attention users pay to it.

    One of the works to improve usability and the overall quality of the resource is an audit of the content of pages and content. With this work, you can understand what the user wants to see on the site’s pages, what type of content needs to be placed, and what elements are important.

    1) We analyze top sites using marker queries to compile a table of contents.

    2) We pay attention to all the elements, starting from the upper left corner of the site, moving to the lower right, recording all the data in the table.

    3) We look through the sites one by one, mark repeating elements, write new ones at the end of the list and check them on all sites.

    4) After compiling the table, you can determine which elements your competitors use most often and begin to systematically implement them on your website.

    Example of a simplified table of contents:

    5) It is imperative to control the basic values ​​of the internal PFs, which we examined earlier.

    How to influence host factors

    Collecting a complete correct semantic core to cover the maximum number of queries in the topic

    It is important to try to cover the maximum number of queries in the subject of the site and build the correct structure based on key queries. If you sell TVs, you need to create a CN with a maximum of brands, types, sizes, types, features and extensions to them.

    Improving the average position in SY

    After creating new pages according to the collected semantics, it is important that the site ranks for the majority of queries. To do this, it is necessary to carry out standard SEO work: commercial audit, technical audit, text on page optimization, working with external links, improving behavioral factors (discussed in this article above). Based on the requests collected, we monitor the average position and try to ensure that it is not lower than the TOP 50.


    In the article we looked at correct actions to improve PF. These mechanics must be used in conjunction with other website promotion efforts, which in turn should also be aimed at meeting user needs. Incorporate work with behavioral factors into your promotion processes and your sites’ positions will improve.

    Good luck in conquering the TOPs!

    PF is the most obvious trend in modern SEO and a truly fundamental concept in website promotion. Today the situation is like this: you are unlikely to achieve high website traffic if you have poor PF.

    The fairly well-known blogger Arbeiten even claims that sites are promoted solely by behavioral factors.

    To get the maximum effect from knowing a topic, let’s first determine what it is.

    What are behavioral factors

    Behavioral factors (abbreviated as PF) are user actions that are taken into account when ranking. That is, it is not necessarily just their actions on your site - what the user does, for example, in search engine results is also taken into account. Another normal definition in the video:

    The influence of behavioral ranking factors is especially high for promotion on high-frequency queries and for fighting on the first pages of search results. That is why you can still advance in low-frequency speakers by registering the key in the title. Or move from 80th to 40th place on request, simply by adjusting the text on the page. And to get the top 3, you need to work on your subject.

    Types of PF

    PFs are divided into three main groups - click, host and traffic sources.


    Click-through behaviors are those that occur on search engine results. The three most important ones are:

    • CTR is the click-through rate of your snippet. If the description of your site gets more clicks than the descriptions of competitors, this is taken into account by the search engine as a good sign. Moreover, CTR is calculated only for those sites that have enough traffic. For all others, a conditional CTR (default CTR) is used - it is approximately at the 10th place in the search results, so sites without traffic may not spend much time on improving this factor.
    • Last click in the search results. If after visiting your site the user does not return to the search results, there is a high probability that he found the answer from you, which means your site is really good.
    • The only click in the search results. This is generally a 100% hit.

    It is debatable whether these factors are equally important for all sites. After all, there is such a thing as casual interest, when the user looks at a lot of sites to pass the time and is not looking for something specific. Agree, this is radically different from the situation when he is looking for a specific product.

    PF in Yandex is just part of the Matrixnet algorithm, which has a crucial role in generating search results and takes into account the specifics of the topic. It’s not a fact that if you reduce the bounce rate to zero on your website, it will skyrocket. Maybe in your field, 50% failures are the norm. This is the superiority of Matrixnet over stupid SEOs. Think with your head, get used to the topic, put yourself in the user’s place.

    Finally, there is also such a thing as click weight. That is, if a user made 100 clicks in the search results, then, naturally, each of them will be valued much less than one click from a user who clicked only once.

    It is possible that Yandex takes into account data that you don’t even think about. For example, switching to another search engine (usually buttons for this action are available under the pagination in the results).

    The main way to improve clickable PFs is to work with snippets. The more clicks and visits to the site, the better. Click factors are more powerful and important than others.


    This takes into account everything that happens on your site. The most important ones here are:

    • Total number of site visitors
    • Bounce Rate
    • Presence of a “core” audience, community
    • Returning Visitors
    • Browsing depth (average number of pages viewed within a session)
    • Time spent on page
    • Average time spent on the site
    • Active actions (filling out forms, comments, etc.)

    One way to improve is to increase the site loading speed. You can also read Mikhail Slivinsky or Dmitry Satin in improving host PFs.
    Host behavioral ranking factors, as Arthur Latypov said, are taken into account by monomials. That is, the number of failures plus something, and all this is multiplied by the weight indicator (how important this combination of factors is).

    Traffic sources

    For good ranking results, it is also important that the site does not receive all its traffic from search engines. It should also have a share of direct visits, transitions from bookmarks, from social networks, transitions from links to the site.

    And here is an infographic from blogger Seoprofy, whom I also highly rate:

    What behavioral factors are taken into account?

    Here are the main points:

    • Last click (whether the guest remained on your site, having completed the search session on it, or went to search further, in other “spaces” of the network).
    • Snippet CTR.
    • Browsing depth (how many HTML documents were scrolled through in one session).
    • The percentage of refusals, the so-called bounce rate (time less than 15 seconds on the page is not taken into account by search engines and is considered a refusal).
    • How much time do guests spend on the resource on average?
    • Actions that a person performs on the page (clicks on an advertisement, scrolls, opens links, etc.)
    • The number of direct visits (the more permanent target audience a resource has, the better; this is one of the most important influential factors).
    • Returning visitors.
    • Social signals (if people share material on social networks, this indicates its usefulness and interest; search engines are favorable to such actions).
    • Traffic sources (where users most often come from). Search engines quickly recognize fake, inflated traffic and are able to identify natural traffic.

    Where do search engines get information about user actions?

    Oh, their toolkit is growing every year. It is thanks to this that it became possible to increase the role of the PF in ranking. Here are the main sources:

    • Your browsers. I even think that it doesn’t matter whether you unchecked the box to send information about your actions - Yandex Browser and Google Chrome will still analyze you.
    • Search results.
    • Analytics systems Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics.
    • Any additional crap like Yandex Bar.
    • There are also scary stories about how developers of popular software (some kind of mutorrent, for example) are paid to also collect information about user actions and send it to a search engine. Or, let’s say, why did Yandex buy PuntoSwitcher?

    Also, to obtain more information about PF, technologies such as Yandex’s “Multi-Armed Bandit” are being launched. Previously, the domestic search engine was limited to shuffling places 9-11 after updates.

    How to improve PF?

    A trivial piece of advice is to maximally improve the content, usability, design and other aspects of the resource that will allow a person to use the site comfortably. The usefulness of the information presented, its relevance to search phrases, content.

    Before you start working on improving the PF, be sure to think about which of the factors are relevant in this topic and for your resource. And only then start working on them.

    One of the best ways to analyze PF is to order audits on askusers, or hire many editors on text exchanges. Some of them can correct errors in the text, some can write in a reasoned manner whether the text answers the request. They can be hired through microtasks on Turbotext, as Kirill Lakimanov advises: http://www.lucky-seo.com/post/pochemu-moy-sayt-ne-v-tope.

    To understand whether your work to improve behavioral factors has had a positive impact, look at site traffic on Google, since the Western search engine evaluates changes much faster than Yandex. If traffic from Google drops (give it 2 weeks to evaluate), it means you missed the mark, and it’s better to roll back the changes. Yandex, most likely, won’t even have time to figure anything out.

    Increasing the duration of the session

    To make the user stay on the page longer, you need to give him what he is looking for. To do this, pay special attention to the relevance of the content. There should be no discrepancies between the title displayed in the snippet and the text itself, which the user will see if he follows the link.

    This is done like this: take a request and think about what the user wants to get from the page by asking this request. And so with all the keys.

    In articles, try to cover topics as deeply as possible, giving maximum answers to hypothetical questions within the framework of the subject being discussed. If you are a specialist in the topic, first make an outline of the article, subheadings, and then expand it.

    Try to use such a psychological trick in your articles as asking questions to the reader. This will make him think, scrolling through the answers in his head.

    I don’t think that increasing time on page is relevant for online stores.

    The structure of the presentation of the material should also be easy to understand: an easy-to-read font, paragraphs in the text, even distribution of images and links throughout the document. All this will allow you to keep your guest longer.

    Increasing viewing depth

    You can increase the number of pages viewed through high-quality usability, well-placed links and attractive phrases in the content.

    Think about it, why do sites like Adme have fantastic browsing depth? Because if you go to an article, then on the page there are links to other articles with such headings that there is simply no choice but to go to these articles.

    It is imperative to use cross-cutting blocks, urging users to look, for example, at a selection of the most popular or most commented articles. Navigation links will help people quickly navigate a large article; breadcrumb links will make it easy for the user to go back if the user needs such a need.

    Contextual links in articles are of great importance; by clicking on them you can find materials related to the topic and get more answers to your query. At the same time, you need to avoid intrusiveness; all this should look like good advice, and not compulsion to “jump” on other pages.

    A special plugin for WordPress YARPP links similar articles together and has a great effect on PF. There are also plugins that, when a visitor scrolls through an article, will create a pop-up window advising him of a similar post to view.

    Reducing the number of refusals

    Some of the main reasons for failures are advertising plugins that “jump out” on half the page and too slow document loading speed. Nobody likes it when, when entering a website, you are bombarded with an annoying banner that is far from the search query; Most people immediately close such a page.

    The modern user does not like to wait. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of high-quality hosting and clean code so that the pages load quickly. Do not clutter the document with heavy widgets or images.

    Oh, and by the way. Don't forget to work on the mobile version of the site.

    Users also leave when they do not find answers to their questions within a few seconds. Of course, no one will have time to read the text in a few seconds, but people have learned to scan it, and if in a couple of moments the eyes do not catch on to attractive phrases, then attention is lost. Therefore, it is important to present the material in a structured manner, make more subheadings, highlight interesting points, significant phrases, and deeply reveal the topic. The presence of pictures, photographs, other images and videos only helps to attract the attention of the guest.

    Remove from view everything that can irritate, use harmonious colors in the design, present articles in a “beautiful” structure, emphasize interesting places, use psychological techniques to create attractive headlines and then the refusal of views will decrease.

    In general, here is another very good video on promotion by behavioral factors from Dmitry Sevalnev and Artur Latypov - these are two of the leading SEO specialists.

    Control of snippets based on requests

    When making a request to a search engine, a person receives results consisting of website page titles and short announcements - snippets. In the top places are resources that, in the opinion of the search engine, answer the question more accurately than others. But this is just the machine's opinion. A real person may have a different opinion. Reading the snippets, he may decide that the page in 7th place better matches his request and will go to it, and not to the 1st or 2nd site. And if more and more users do this, then the robot will understand in its analyzes that this resource is more relevant to certain requests, and will raise it to the TOP.

    It is necessary to control snippets so that they look more attractive and inviting. To do this, you need to write the Description well (PS, especially Google, sometimes take information from it for the announcement) and check what the snippet looks like based on keywords after re-indexing the page and text update. If the bot has generated a not very successful passage, you can correct the text in the place where it was taken from in the snippet.

    An online store also requires setting up rich snippets.

    Of course, the click-through rate in search results is also influenced by the favicon, domain name, and URL.

    Create a newsletter

    Use links

    Leave links to your site on forums, in comments on other sites, in social network groups. Regarding links, remember the iron rule - only those links that have clicks work. If there are no transitions, these links are useless.

    Ask readers to share comments

    Update content frequently

    Add new materials - the higher the constant traffic, the more often you should update the content. Don't forget that articles should be useful and interesting.

    Offer something to users

    These could be some gifts, for example, in the form of a free book that the user can receive for certain actions, or a link to a useful video within the topic that is not available in normal mode. In short, give something to the visitor in exchange for his little effort. A person is always pleased to receive gifts, even if they seem insignificant. This will only show that you value the attention of your guests and are ready to provide something more than just quality material.

    How to do PF analysis?

    The most convenient, popular and accurate statistics services are Yandex Metrica and Google Analytics. Firstly, they are free - just register with them, add the code to your site, and you can use all the features. Secondly, they have many other useful analysis tools.

    Metrics - which PFs we pay attention to first

    I prefer to track user behavior through Yandex Metrica. Because, firstly, Google Analytics assigns your sites a single identifier, through which you can burn down sites of the same owner, and secondly, the Yandex product is simply much more convenient.

    Arbeiten wrote that for commercial sites the indicator should not be 12% or more, and for informational sites - 13% or more. He advises raising it to 7 and 8 percent, respectively. Here I can only add that these are very general figures, and in general it depends on the topic. You must always think with your own head. For example, for informational sites, the time spent by the user on the page is very important - it would be better if it was at least 2 minutes.

    By the way, try using Metrica to weed out all the pages on your article where the user spends the least time. Most likely, these will be articles that drag your site down. Also look at which requests have a high percentage of refusals - it is better to remake the content for them.

    Webvisor can provide the most basic and sometimes unexpected data. Google has no analogue to this service. Make it a rule to devote 40 minutes every day to studying Webvisor data - and soon you will not imagine how you promoted your site without it.

    Another important factor that blogger Arbeiten discussed is regular visitors. You can’t just look at it in Metrica, because the number of “returners” also includes visitors who simply visited your site again - maybe through a link or an advertisement, they did not set a goal to visit your site specifically. And by constant, we mean exactly those who are consciously looking for you. Direct visits also do not always mean regular visitors, since this also includes clicks on links from Skype, from pdf files, and so on. That is, you won’t just find out the number of regular visitors through Metrica. Arbeiten suggested selecting in Webvisor those visitors who have more than 10 visits in history:

    And to cut off robots and those who come from the search, you can tighten the filters:

    And then you will get your regular audience “without any admixtures”.

    All this data will allow you to evaluate the overall quality of the entire site. But if we are talking about promoting a specific page, then all these indicators must be looked at in relation to it.

    Nowadays, search engines are paying more and more attention to behavioral factors. On the one hand, they can determine the quality of a site using numerous search algorithms that take into account hundreds of different metrics. On the other hand, user behavior on the site is also a powerful indicator of the quality of the site.

    Therefore, the range of tasks for website optimization is expanding, and the optimizer needs to present the site from the best side - both to search engines and to users.

    You need to achieve success in two directions:

    1. Show the advantages of the site to search algorithms using methods of external and internal site optimization.
    2. Win the loyalty of the target audience, improve behavioral factors (PF).

    PF is tracked by search engines in various ways, for example, counters on the website (Yandex.Metrica, LiveInternet), and tool bars in user browsers (Yandex, Mail.ru, etc.).

    Particular attention is paid to the following PFs:

    • Duration and depth of the session,
    • Traffic sources.

    If the process of search engine optimization of a website requires a competent approach, then improving the PF even more so requires careful attention. That is, boosting behavioral factors can harm the site, as well as its over-optimization.

    Safe methods for improving behavioral factors should be as natural as possible.

    In this article we will look at what methods of improving the PF of a website will be useful both for its promotion and for doing business.

    Some of these methods are indicated by and, so by working on them, we will simultaneously improve the PF.

    None of us want to deal with slow-loading sites, sprawling layouts, poor design, or annoying pop-ups.

    Therefore, we will draw up a checklist for improving the technical performance of the site, and note in it the most important points:

    • Download speed,
    • Attractive design,
    • Refusal of outdated and specific technologies.

    Download speed

    If your site is actively developing and gaining more and more visitors, then when choosing a hosting you need to take into account the possible increase in the load on the server.

    In addition to high-quality hosting, we will need to properly configure the site, but the following actions will help us maintain high speed:

    • Optimizing web server settings (NGINX is recommended for high loads)
    • Setting up server security (to avoid viruses and hacking)
    • Good choice of CMS (or moving the site to a faster CMS)
    • Correctly setting up CMS caching
    • Optimize PHP code, reduce the number of database queries, compress JS and CSS
    • (content images and CMS template files)

    Attractive design

    Put yourself in the user's shoes, ask yourself a few questions. What sites do you like and why? What sites do you want to close and never return to? What's annoying about them? Critically evaluate your site.

    Relevance of style

    Good website design is not necessarily achieved with flash elements, pop-ups, on-site music and similar solutions. The reality is that the tastes of the site owner do not always coincide with the expectations of the target audience.

    A home page about your pets and a commercial site have different tasks, which should always be emphasized by matching the design style.

    To avoid wrong decisions, you need to analyze which design has proven itself well on the example of the most popular sites of similar subjects. Get a clear idea of ​​the right style for your site, and you can confidently set the right design goals.

    At the same time, you should not completely copy someone else’s design, because the site must be original.

    An additional advantage will be given by your own corporate style, logo, recognizable elements, characters and much more - everything that will help to maximally involve the visitor in the atmosphere of the site.

    It is imperative to take into account that visitors can come from mobile devices; their behavior on the site also plays a role. For example, the share of mobile visitors on the website of a restaurant in a large city may exceed 50% of all website traffic.

    You can create a mobile version of the site or design a responsive template that will be displayed correctly on different devices (desktop/netbook/tablet/phone).

    Outdated and non-standard elements

    The current trend is that Flash technology is confidently being replaced by the new HTML5 standard. If you are still using flash elements on your site, then find a way to replace them with more modern solutions.

    Please note that Flash is not supported on most mobile devices without installing additional applications. The same goes for other components that may be needed to work with your site. Most users are not like you; they will not install additional flash or silverlight plugins to view your site.

    Attractive snippet

    For most visitors, their acquaintance with your website begins with a snippet in the search results. A good site snippet ensures high CTR in search results and loyalty of the target audience.

    To improve snippets, such articles will be useful:

    Creating attractive snippets is a very important part of working on website usability.

    Translated into Russian, website usability means convenience, comfort, and a good impression that the website makes on the visitor.

    Convenient menu

    The menu structure should be clear so that the user does not get lost in it. A convenient website menu helps the visitor understand what functions this or that menu item performs.

    If the menu structure is complex and contains nested categories, then it is not recommended to use drop-down menus. Most people find it very inconvenient to use the cursor to find hard-to-reach menu items.

    Intuitive interface

    It is important so that the visitor can easily guess what each element of the site is for. There are generally accepted standards that should be followed when designing interfaces. It should be immediately clear where social media buttons, search forms, subscriptions, comment fields, and the like are located.

    To get the best results, you need to clearly understand how the visitor will benefit from each element of the site.

    Commercial factors of the site include:

    • Contact information in short and full form (telephones, map, forms, opening hours)
    • Methods of delivery of services or goods, payment methods, guarantees
    • Representations on social networks
    • Online chat with fairly fast response time
    • Feedback forms, “request a call”
    • Attractive product cards with high-quality pictures, 3-D models or videos, a unique description will be a plus
    • Product comparison filters, “buy with this product” tips
    • Customer reviews, online reputation management (SERM) work
    • Promotions and discounts
    • Mailings to regular customers

    It is advisable to place order forms, service calculators, etc. on the website.

    Forms on the site

    Separately, registration forms in online stores or similar services should be highlighted. When drawing up registration forms, the principle of reasonable sufficiency must be observed.

    Sometimes it is enough to ask the user for Name, Phone and E-mail. But your last name, delivery address, etc. will be required only after making a specific purchase.

    Usability, content and bounce rate

    There is an opinion that in order to reduce the bounce rate on a website, you need to keep the visitor on the site at any cost. However, what happens if you do it using the wrong methods?

    Most often, this leads to long footcloths of watery text on the site and poor usability. A viewing depth of more than 3-4 clicks is not a reason to be proud, but an indicator of poor site structure.

    Search engines have an adequate perception of the bounce rate for sites on different topics. For example, comparing a taxi service website to a content website based on bounce rate does not make any sense.

    To reduce the bounce rate, you can.

    Completeness of information

    The website text should provide a sufficient amount of accurate information to satisfy the user’s request and most fully answer his question.

    Search engines believe that if after visiting your site the majority of users enter the same query again, then they are not happy. Such a behavioral signal indicates a lack of quality of the site and can negatively affect the search results.

    After Google announced a new algorithm, the accuracy of factual information becomes quite important for content sites. Sites with false article information no longer have prospects.

    Texts: lack of water

    The site must fully disclose information so that a typical representative of the target audience can understand what the article is saying.

    On the one hand, information that is too compressed and overloaded with facts is poorly perceived. On the other hand, articles on the site should not contain too much water, otherwise no one will want to re-read them.

    If your site is not a personal blog, the site of a writer or poet, and your target audience is not aesthetes of fine literature, then stick to a laconic style, use lyrical digressions, explanations and examples in moderation. Value your time.

    Question to think about: On which sites do watery text irritate you the most?

    Linking in texts

    A good content site should be a real information portal, so it is recommended to link articles together. Links in the body of articles work especially effectively if they help the user understand certain terms or more fully reveal the topic, complement or help understand the material.

    Cross-linking increases the time spent browsing the site, improving PF.

    While working on a website, it is important to monitor behavioral factors. There are various analytics tools for this.

    Of these, it is worth noting the services and the service for webmaster Mail.ru.

    Google Analytics is interesting for its event map, which can be used to track the transitions of visitors to the site.

    Yandex.Metrica provides us with an excellent web viewer service and a click map that will show us how to improve the site interface.

    allows you to measure, how attractive the site snippet is and to what extent the user is satisfied with its content.

    Using analytics tools, you can determine which methods of improving PF should be used first.

    Bottom line

    Thus, we come to the conclusion that improving behavioral factors is a complex process that requires careful planning and competent organization of various specialists.

    And the larger the project, the more professionalism it may require from SEO analysts, system administrators, programmers, copywriters, usability and design specialists.

    Since search engines cannot ignore behavioral factors, a competent process of improving them is very important for successful website promotion.

    But cheating on behavioral factors should be avoided, because it can lead to sanctions from search engines.

    Today we will talk about behavioral factors. Yandex search robots consider this parameter a priority when ranking. Do you want to improve it and advance in your search? Then this is the place for you.

    List of behavioral factors

    Bounce rate

    In fact, this means refusing to view the site. It looks like this: a visitor enters the site, but from the first seconds realizes that he is in the wrong place. He sees that the content of the page does not correspond to the query that he entered in the search bar or, in scientific terms, is irrelevant to him. In addition, the user may leave the resource due to a bad, inconvenient menu and similar factors. Small font, poor-resolution images, and even poorly chosen colors can lead to rejection. Even if the content is good, a person will not bother and will look for something more convenient.


    The visitor came to the site by request “”. His goal is to find a platform to create. But instead he sees articles on the site about how to do this. A person is not interested in this; he already has the information. Therefore, the user closes the page and continues searching. The next behavioral factor is about this.

    Return to search

    The situation is the same: the user opened a page from the search results, only this time he was satisfied with everything. A convenient and functional site and at first glance it is clear that the information is adequate to the key request. Let's say this is some kind of article on a topic that interests him. A person reads the material to the end, after which he realizes that the information was not exhaustive: he did not receive answers to all his questions. What does the visitor do? He closes the tab and continues to look for information on other sources.

    The search algorithm also takes this into account. It lowers the ranking of sites, after visiting which visitors use the search again. If the search continues, the problem is not solved or not completely solved.


    A person types the key query “replacing brake pads on a Renault Logan.” He goes to one of the search results pages and starts studying the material. Everything is fine, but here’s the problem: the portal only says about replacing the front brake pads of this car. There is not a word about the rear ones, but the user needs this information. The visitor reads to the end, closes the tab and goes to another resource.

    There he finds information about replacing both front and rear pads, but does not see video how to do it live. The person goes to the third site, where all this is available. He reads the material, watches the video, then stops searching and closes the browser. The last site, all other things being equal, will be a priority for the search engine.

    Session length

    This is simply the time spent by the visitor on the pages of the site. Everything is relatively simple here: the more time he was on the resource, the better. This means that the materials are interesting to him and the site is convenient to use. And if a person also “walks” through the pages, moving from section to section, that’s even better. The next behavioral factor is just about this.

    Session depth

    Shows how many pages of the site the user has visited. In general, the more, the better. The factor shows not only that the materials are interesting in principle, but also that the resource is convenient for surfing.

    Often, in order to increase the depth of the session, webmasters artificially complicate the structure of the site, for example, placing continuation of articles on other pages, making a redundant menu, and so on. You shouldn't do this: users will leave portals with a complex structure, because they are inconvenient to use. This means that the failure rate will increase.

    Internal behavioral factors using the example of Yandex Metrica

    Does the site have direct traffic?

    If visitors type in the search bar not a key query, but immediately the name of a specific site, they receive . The same applies to cases when users access the site from bookmarks, the “favorites” folder, a magazine or personal TOP (visual bookmarks). This factor says two things. Firstly, the resource has its own constant. Secondly, the site is simply known to a large number of people- he has a powerful brand.


    The visitor types “ ” in the search bar and goes to a certain site from the search results. In this case, the resource receives search traffic. If the user immediately types, for example, “Svyaznoy” or “Euroset”, then this is already a direct transition. The more such transitions, the higher the site’s position in search results.

    Search algorithms use this parameter to calculate dynamic page weight And recognize artificial cheating of behavioral factors. The robot analyzes the movement of the mouse cursor on the page. If you try to increase the movement indicators, they will be primitive and of the same type. A real user moves the cursor more chaotically. Below we will talk in more detail about boosting behavioral indicators.

    Site heat map: page elements that attract the most attention from visitors

    Click-through rate of links from the snippet

    If users often go to sections of the site they are interested in directly via a link from the search, this also increases the site’s ranking by robots. The factor says, firstly, that information is relevant to the target request. Secondly, the visitor finds the necessary information faster: he does not use the menu and does not even open it, but immediately goes to the desired section.

    CTR of social media buttons

    Search engines also take into account How actively users share content. This also means that the information on the site is useful and interesting.

    What to do to improve behavioral factors on the site

    The answer is simple: create websites that quickly and efficiently solve user problems. Here's what you need to do for this:

    • publish . If these are articles, then they should be written in simple and understandable language and provide comprehensive information upon request. Feel free to give more information. Sometimes you can hear the opinion that people are reluctant to read large chunks of text on the Internet. This is only partly true, and mostly applies to social networks. When you're writing about a serious topic, don't be afraid to give the reader more data. Firstly, this reduces the risk of refusal, and secondly, the session time increases;
    • make the site convenient. What good is a good article if no one finds or reads it? Work out the UX characteristics, make a convenient menu. Set up an adequate search on the site: this way visitors will quickly find the information they need;
    • work on the design. Now the trend is a large amount of “air” - free space on the pages. Make readable headlines that immediately catch the eye and can be read at a glance. The background of the text should be as contrasting as possible. If everything merges and this dazzles the eyes, the user will leave the site, even if there is useful content;
    • create an optimal structure and menu. Do not forget about the three-click rule: the user must reach the goal in 3-5 clicks on the mouse button;

    One more point: behavioral factors do not work separately and their combinations must always be taken into account. An improvement in one indicator may have a negative impact on another. For example, you wanted to increase the depth and time of the session due to redundant structure. But this can increase the bounce rate, as well as search continuation. A person will simply leave an inconvenient resource where they need to constantly switch something, search and do a lot of unnecessary actions. Your task is to find the optimal balance of behavioral factors.

    Interesting fact. There is a debate between SEOs and webmasters about which is better: open sections of the site in the current tab, or redirect the user to a new one. There is no ready-made recipe here. On the one hand, if everything happens in one window, this increases the length and depth of the session. On the other hand, switching from the current tab to a new one can be regarded by the robot as a refusal or continuation of the search. In addition, this format is not always convenient for the user: he would like to finish reading the current material first, but if he clicks on the link in the body of the text, he will not be able to do this - a new section will immediately open. Then you will have to go back and finish reading, or look for a link in the text after reading.

    The irony is that no one fully knows how search algorithms work. Therefore, it is difficult to give a definite answer. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the site.

    Why you shouldn’t cheat behavioral factors

    Term SEO (search engine optimization - optimization for search engines) arose almost simultaneously with the advent of search engines. Website creators tried to tailor their creations to robot algorithms in order to improve search rankings. At first it was relatively simple: I stuffed more keywords into the text, and the site went to the TOP. Ranking by keywords is the first and only Yandex algorithm, which was used at the very beginning of the system. Let's not say what this led to.

    Now, according to Yandex itself, the search engine takes into account 800 different parameters and their combinations. They all boil down to one thing: a site in the top should satisfy user requests as much as possible.

    In addition, the domestic search engine mercilessly punishes any attempts to artificially cheat any of the parameters. Behavioral factors are no exception.

    If a few years ago (until August 31, 2018) it was possible to promote a website through purchased links, now agencies for creating and promoting websites offer a new service - boosting behavioral factors. Dozens of exchanges have been created where performers, for a small fee, are offered to create the appearance of movement on a particular resource.

    It looks like this: a certain customer places a simple task on the site - go to a certain site and perform some actions on it. For example, open the desired section, click on the links provided, and so on. In this case, the performer must spend a certain time on the resource. The calculation is clear: the more users visit the site and stay there for some time, the better the behavioral results. And everything would be fine if not for one “but”. Search engines have long learned to recognize such manipulations.

    Remember about the site heat map? For a custom visitor, the cursor movements are too formulaic and monotonous. The robot immediately sees this and regards it as an attempt at artificial optimization. For this, the site can be lowered in the search results and even have a filter applied.


    Does this mean that the creators of search engines have outplayed unscrupulous SEOs? Perhaps yes. But all those who work honestly only benefit from this. The end user also benefits. Now he is more likely to receive truly high-quality material, and not a creation tailored to the work of robots, which will not solve his problem. Make the site convenient, post quality content and take your well-deserved place in the TOP of search results. Good luck in your promotion!

    Internet Marketing Short Course from WebEvolution

    Andrey Baturin, January 21, 2019

    Behavioral factors

    - user actions on the resource and in search results, which search engines evaluate and interpret in order to establish satisfaction with the site. These factors have a major impact on ranking.

    Previously, SEO specialists called search queries and link building work the main methods of website promotion. About why these methods no longer work.

    What works? The approach to ranking the key search engines, Google and Yandex, has long shifted in favor of behavioral factors. What is this, how do these indicators affect the site’s promotion in search results?

    Behavioral factors are divided into positive and negative.

    List of negative indicators

    Negative parameters include such behavior of resource visitors, which leads to a decrease in its position.

    • High failure rate. A person entered a web page and left it after no more than 15 seconds. Refusal differs from refusal: perhaps the guest immediately saw the information of interest? But more often there is a situation when the content of the page simply did not satisfy the visitor’s interest.
    • Return to search results. The user may spend more time on the page, but if they are then directed back to the SERP, this is a warning sign. This means that the user did not find what he was looking for and is forced to turn to the search engine links again.

    List of positive PFs

    Positive factors traditionally include those that help a site get a high rating from search engines.

    This behavior includes:

    1. Good attendance. A very general and most impressive factor. The more people come to you, the better it affects your rankings. Not only the number of people is taken into account, but also the number and variety of sources. They can be search engines, social networks, partner resources (except affiliates), forums, maps, links on other sites, review platforms, etc.
    2. Duration of stay on the page. The guest stays for 15 seconds or longer: great, the algorithm perceives this as interest in the content and the portal itself.
    3. Internal transitions. When the resource is liked and provides the required information, the user begins to study not only the login page, but also other sections. He follows the navigation chain, is interested in recommended content and internal links, and uses search within the site. Great, this greatly improves rankings.
    4. Viewing depth. It is not equal to internal transitions and duration of the visit. It is rather a combination of them. A person can superficially open several pages and click on links. But if he reads the contents of many sections of the portal to the end, this is an even bigger plus in the bonus box.
    5. Adding pages to favorites, bookmarks. Yes, search engines also detect and take this into account. They notice this behavior when a user repeatedly visits a resource, and comes not through a search, but from a favorite page saved in bookmarks.
    6. Attractive snippet. This is the text part displayed after the link to the resource in the search results. Typically formed from the contents of the description meta tag. So, if there are a lot of clicks on the snippet, then the description is tempting for users. Great!
    7. Direct transitions. When a person comes to our resource not by the request “order a website in St. Petersburg”, but by “webevolution”, this is a direct visit. Why is this good? Because it shows how the user distinguishes the site and the company from many others, trusts it, and wants to get information here.
    8. User route map. The algorithms see the cursor movements on the screen and the navigation of the guest’s movements from statistics data. For example, from the Yandex webvisor. The user's path shows what interested him on the resource. Analyzing this behavior helps prevent PF cheating.
    9. Number of open tabs. Let's say a person reads an article or looks through a section with services or goods. He wants to learn more and opens several tabs to explore each page one by one. This demonstrates his involvement and interest, which is, of course, good for the site.

    And the last thing is the distribution of materials. If you read an article on our blog and shared it on social networks or simply sent a link to a friend via messenger, you have improved our behavioral factors! The more users you have who post or share content, the more useful it is. This means that the resource deserves to take a higher place in the search results.

    Basic user metrics are also divided into external ones, that is, those actions that the visitor performs directly in the search, and internal ones, which characterize a person’s behavior on the resource itself.

    External factors

    There are fewer of them. These indicators include:

    • The CTR indicator is the clickability of a link to a website in the search results.
    • Just click on the results and go to the resource.
    • Return to the results output.
    • The “final” click, after which the person does not return to the search.

    Everything is clear here: if the user liked the snippet, was interested in the proposal formulated in it, the title meets expectations, then the site is worthy of attention. When a person visits a resource, but then returns to the search results again, it turns out that he did not find the expected information or was not satisfied with the offer, service, or price. This is a minus.

    Internal behavioral factors

    These metrics reflect how a guest behaves on the pages of a web site. These include:

    • Duration of viewing.
    • Depth (how many pages a person visited).
    • Duration of the session.
    • Bounce rate. The guest spends less than 15 seconds on the site and does not move from the login page to other sections.
    • Entry and exit points.
    • Page traffic.
    • Activity on the resource: likes, comments, questions.
    • Content sharing, number of external links.
    • Download speed.

    These are factors that can and should be influenced in order to improve the site’s performance and increase its evaluation by search engines.

    In other words, when a guest:

    • I selected your link in the search results and clicked on it;
    • Spent more than 15 seconds on the site, scrolled through the pages, lingered in the catalog, read the blog materials;
    • Or bought something, registered, called, used an online consultant, asked questions;
    • Then he didn’t return to the search again, because he found what he was looking for,

    Such a site deserves a high rating in the eyes of the algorithms, for which it will receive additional “points” when ranking for good PF. This pattern of events is the goal for each resource.

    How search engines analyze behavioral factors

    There are too many pitfalls here. Many indicators are conditional and are assessed taking into account the type of activity of the site and its type.

    Let's say a person clicks on a link to a resource to find out the phone number and contact the company. He quickly finds contact information and calls. The portal satisfied his need for information, although the guest quickly left him. The situation is similar with various services, for example, food delivery, taxi ordering. It seems that there is a refusal, but in fact this cannot be taken as a refusal. Such sites do not decrease in rankings for short-term visits. This proves that the search engine takes into account the characteristics of the resource and the typical behavior of people on it. Therefore, PFs and their interpretation are to some extent individual.

    It’s clear how search engines track the user’s path in search results. How do they get data regarding behavior on the resource? It is clear that if the site is connected to Metrica, then Yandex is aware of everything that happens on the site. Google has a toolbar called Toolbar, a free application. It has many analogues in the form of various “bars”. In addition, there are other counters that can be installed on the site. Another question is how this data then gets to search engines. But the fact is that Google and Yandex monitor user metrics. Website owners can view and analyze the status of these characteristics through Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica services.

    There are techniques that suggest how to improve behavioral factors. A significant part of these methods are aimed at keeping the user on the site by various means. Let's move on to analyzing the methods.

    How to improve behavioral factors

    External PF

    We need to work to ensure that the first information that the user receives about the site is pleasant to him.

    To do this, you need to perform the basic steps of the initial stage:

    • Think through titles in detail. This also applies to first-level headings.
    • Page URLs should be entered according to the CNC principle. That is, make the URLs human-readable.
    • Work with snippets. Check out our post about... It is ideal when the snippet includes a target request, shows the client’s benefit, and covers possible objections.

    In addition, you need to promote your brand on the market. The more recognizable it is, the better its reputation, the more people will choose it in the search results and follow the link. Helpful too. We advise you to read the article: there are instructions on how to get on the map and why it is worth doing it.

    Well, you can’t give up the idea of ​​​​working with the reference mass. Purchased link building is a tool that should be used extremely carefully. Otherwise problems may arise. For example, if it turns out that the donor site has a bad reputation. We must strive to accumulate high-quality and natural reference mass. To do this, we recommend developing SMM, posting in directories and specialized forums. Additional traffic will flow, which is also regarded as an improvement in behavioral factors.

    Internal PF

    You need to understand how behavioral metrics appear on the site, and then move on to improving them.

    Let's name the main aspects:

    • Any web product requires constant development. Evaluate whether the design is relevant, whether the functionality is convenient, and whether the content is useful. Working with a resource is always a plus. This is the main aspect of improving behavioral factors.
    • Ensure the comfort of your stay on the resource. It is formed by properties. Until you analyze which pages a guest leaves the site from and why, you cannot change this indicator. Therefore, view the Webvisor data.
    • Come up with features that will be interesting and useful for potential clients. Briefs, tests, games, questionnaires, calculators, recommendations, etc.
    • Engage visitors in interaction. Online consultations, in which chatbots are increasingly being used, help. This also includes forms for call back, comments, and reviews.
    • Encourage activity on the resource. Timeless technique - holding promotions, competitions, providing promotional codes. This will be useful for both traffic and session duration.
    • Optimize. This is important to reduce the failure rate.
    • Publish high-quality, valuable, interesting, expert, competent and unique content. A readable blog can greatly influence the behavioral factors of the site. Also make sure to regularly update the news section. Make your content varied: one text in a field is not a warrior. We need photos, videos, graphics, animation, infographics, etc.
    • Provide the site with easy navigation.
    • Don’t forget about the importance of linking: you can use links to recommend materials to users and thus prolong their stay on the resource.

    How else to retain the user

    Much depends on the type of site, topic, and type of activity of the company. For online stores, the decisive factor is the USP and its benefits, for news portals - the freshness and relevance of the topic.

    Therefore, we provide only approximate tips that you can adapt to your niche.


    1. Videos are a type of content that can convey a large amount of information in a short time. People are increasingly agreeing to watch a video rather than read it. It's hard to say who the videos won't suit. Stores can publish product reviews and instructions, companies can present services and talk about the team. Any text material can be supplemented with a thematic video if it is well-filmed and useful for the user. Please note: if previously “long” videos of 30-40 minutes received more attention, now it is better to keep them to 5-10.
    2. Carousels and sliders with photos. It's nice to see beautiful photographs. In online stores, these can be images of goods; in companies providing services, reports on events, cool photos from the life of the company, and interactions with partners. For construction companies - photos of finished projects, etc.
    3. Useful longreads. A long article should be attractive in all respects: with valuable content, with competent layout, with pleasant additions in the form of graphs and illustrations. A captivatingly written longread will keep the guest engaged for a long time.
    4. Content or functionality that engages in dialogue was mentioned above. So, an online consultant or a feedback order form is a must-have for a modern website.
    5. Interactive, engaging content. Intriguing or funny tests, online quizzes, and mini-games will definitely keep the visitor engaged for a while. If they are catchy and made well.
    6. Sometimes guests are asked to fill out questionnaires and write reviews. It works when they are offered unobtrusively and in exchange for some benefit. We have an article where they are named.

    Invent new, most suitable ways that will prevent the visitor from leaving quickly.

    Sanctions for cheating

    On the Internet you can find services that offer artificial promotion of behavioral factors. The resource is automatically injected with traffic, which creates the appearance of activity. However, search engines have long learned to recognize such manipulations, so you shouldn’t use them.

    At Google, the Florida algorithm began to answer for this in 2004, then merged into Panda. And since 2011, Yandex fought back against cheating when a campaign called “Clean Search” was launched.

    Previously, search engines were severely punished for manipulation: you could fall under the filter and remain there for several months, sometimes up to a year. Nowadays, scams are quickly recognized. They do not count towards the site, so there is no point in them. In case of serious violations, pessimization in the search is possible. Therefore, it is better to direct your efforts and budget to improving the resource, rather than to manipulative tactics.

    How to find things to improve

    Sometimes we perceive our resource with bias. It seems that the site could not be better! The opinion of visitors is a relative concept; it does not always coincide with ours. There are reliable methods that will tell you what needs to be improved in order for behavioral factors to improve.

    • Technical audit of the site. It will help identify problems that concern. As a result, you receive detailed recommendations for eliminating obstacles that hinder development.
    • SEO audit. Accordingly, it will identify weaknesses in SEO optimization. The link mass, correctness of the semantic core, SEO content, development of meta tags, and other aspects are analyzed. Following the recommendations of experts will improve the site’s ranking in search results, which is also good for behavioral metrics.
    • A usability audit diagnoses where a website visitor experiences discomfort.
    • A content audit is an analysis of content. Sometimes not only the website, but also communities on social networks and other platforms where the company is represented. It will show how useful and attractive the content you provide to users is, what needs to be changed in order to grow upward.
    • Analysis of the causes of failures. One of the most harmful factors, but you can work with it. The pages are examined to see how relevant they are to the request, whether the keys are chosen correctly, whether the content is useful, whether the USP has been worked out. It is necessary to establish why the visitor quickly leaves the resource and eradicate the shortcoming. Perhaps the page is just taking a long time to load. Too high a price for a product is a different kind of problem. Here it is appropriate to make a comparison with competitors.
    • Website adaptability. A resource that is not adapted for mobile devices loses approximately half of its traffic.

    All events can be combined within one service - which can be ordered from WebEvolution.

    How to improve the behavioral factors of a site - characteristics that directly and greatly influence ranking?

    First, you need to identify problem areas; a comprehensive audit will help you do this. Next, you need to analyze the situation and eliminate the shortcomings. And if external factors do not really depend on you, then you will have to carefully work with internal ones. This is a complex process related to how useful, convenient and attractive the resource is for users. What you definitely shouldn’t do is cheat behavioral factors. Because due to black or gray schemes, the site may suffer, and then it will definitely not be among the leaders in the search results.