• The browser itself starts with advertising: possible causes and solutions to the problem. The browser opens by itself - how to get rid of this error

    Malicious software continues to improve, and its creators are looking for more and more ways to make money from inexperienced computer users. One of the modern methods of influencing users by viruses is the intrusive display of advertisements to them. This could be advertising for various casinos, bookmakers, binary options and other things.

    To show advertising to the user, the virus must open the browser, or open a new tab in an already running browser and transfer the user to the advertised site. If the browser itself opens with advertisements, you need to solve this problem as soon as possible. In this article we will look at how to do this.

    Table of contents:

    Why does the browser open by itself with advertisements?

    If the browser opens on its own with advertising without user interaction, this most likely indicates the presence of a virus. But this problem often persists even after the computer has been scanned and the infection itself has been eliminated.

    This is due to the fact that the virus itself does not cause the browser to launch with certain sites. He just registered the command in the operating system task scheduler, which performs this task under certain conditions. After removing the virus from the computer, this task will not disappear from the scheduler and will continue to be executed. This is why antiviruses do not help solve the problem due to which the browser itself opens with advertising.

    What to do if the browser opens by itself with advertising

    As mentioned above, most often this browser behavior is due to the presence of a corresponding task in the task scheduler. It follows that to fix the problem, you will need to go into the task scheduler yourself and disable the command in it that is responsible for these actions.

    To launch the task scheduler, press the Win+R combination on your keyboard. After this, the “Run” line will open, in which you need to enter the taskschd.msc command and click “OK” to execute it.

    A list of scheduled processes that execute at a certain time or under certain conditions will open. Among the list of these tasks, you need to find the one that is responsible for spontaneously opening the browser and clicking on the link.

    Important: Since virus creators try to disguise the changes they make as much as possible, most likely the name of the task will not correspond to its action. For example, a task may be called “Updating Driver”, but its actions will include launching the browser every time the computer boots to a specific site. Accordingly, in order to find a problematic task, you will need to study all the scenarios presented in the task scheduler and find the problematic one.

    Having discovered a task that causes the browser to open by itself at certain moments, you need to select this task and click “Delete” on the right side of the utility.

    A window will appear asking if you really need to delete. Click “Yes” to get rid of this task.

    If after performing the steps described above the problem is not resolved, this indicates that the creators of the virus also hid the task of launching the browser in startup. At the same time, startup in the “Task Manager” in this case will not be informative, since the creators of viruses are more cunning and hide the process directly in the registry.

    Open the registry editor with the regedit command in the Run window to check if there are startup commands to launch a browser with a specific site.

    Follow the registry editor to the startup section:


    Here on the right, look for parameters that can launch a specific site when the computer starts. Remove the found settings to get rid of this task.

    After completing the steps described above, most likely, you will be able to get rid of the spontaneous launch of the browser with advertising.

    Many of those reading the article have encountered a magical effect when the browser opens by itself, and immediately loads some unknown page with intrusive advertising.

    There are many reasons that cause this behavior, but their meaning is the same.

    We will look at the most common cases and methods for solving problems for each of them.


    This is the main question that arises for the user when his browser spontaneously opens and displays advertising or is launched by the user and also displays.

    The reason for this is the installation of applications downloaded from untrusted sources or the use of various types of downloaders - programs that allow you to download the files you need (app installers, games).

    Such unwanted software also includes “gray” software, such as uBar.

    Why is this being done? Not very good people make money this way.

    A couple of hundred lucky people like you will gather in a day and make money for someone together.

    An Internet browser can either launch spontaneously without user intervention or display unnecessary pages or the same advertisement (sometimes they change cyclically) after the user opens the browser.


    Since it so happens that the browser opens on its own and shows ads, then you need to find what makes it perform these actions.

    In the first case, we will do without third-party tools, since the program was installed without anyone’s knowledge and added to .

    First we will delete it, and then the culprit of this task.

    • Open the command interpreter through the Start menu or with the key combination Win + R.
    • Enter the command in the “Run” text line « msc" and launch it with the "OK" button or the Enter key.

    • Click on the button, which will display the contents of the Scheduler.

    Here we need to find the task or tasks responsible for launching the web browser. As a rule, they have the names of system services, processes or popular applications, for example, etc. Another distinctive feature of similar recordings is that they are performed periodically with high frequency (once every few minutes, at least several times per hour).

    The easiest way to find malicious entries is if there are few of them, using the following algorithm.

    • Click on assignment.
    • Go to the "Triggers" tab.
    • In the form located under the tab name, study the frequency of task execution.

    It is given in the column "Details" usually after a brief introduction to the basic conditions of the launch.

    The job status will be "Allowed", and after the path to your Internet browser, the path to the site is written, which is loaded after it is launched.

    • Select this Scheduler entry, if you are sure that it is the cause of the browser launch, and delete it through the context menu or with the corresponding button in the toolbar, which is located on the right side of the window.

    If the steps performed above did not solve the problem or if a record of this kind was not found, then we are looking for the wrong thing. We view the contents of the “Action” tab for each line.

    We are interested in something like executing a batch file with the extension bat or , which contains the path to your Internet browser with a link to a malicious resource or just the address of an advertising site.

    The last command causes the page to open in the system's default website browser.

    • We delete this entry or, as before, first disable it, and if everything works out, delete it.

    After successfully solving the problem, it is necessary to add this task if it did not appear as a result of the work of an installer downloaded from a source with a dubious reputation.

    Reset Browser

    Advertising viruses are becoming more aggressive every day. If previously we could only see advertising banners when moving from site to site, now sites open on their own. Let's find out how to fix this problem and completely clean your computer of unwanted programs.

    Causes of the problem

    Even without knowing about the potential danger, the user may personally agree to install a dangerous application. Today there are three main ways to infect a PC:

    1. Advertising banners. If you accidentally clicked on an animated window, after which several tabs with incomprehensible content opened, your browser is most likely already infected. This is an advertising script that changes browser settings and provokes arbitrary opening of advertising tabs without the user’s consent.
    2. Bundling. This infection method is designed for users who do not read the user agreement before installing the software. Owners of file hosting services “sew” adware into installation packages in order to make money on people’s inexperience.

      Attention! Pay attention to the product license agreement and install programs only from official sources.

    3. Camouflage infection. The reason here is inattention. After downloading an object, always pay attention to the extension of the downloaded file. If it is an .exe, quickly delete the object and do not run it under any circumstances.

    How to fix it?

    The process of cleaning a PC is divided into two stages: disinfecting the operating system and resetting the browser settings.

    Checking and cleaning your computer

    Let's look at the most powerful way:

    In Google Chrome

    In this browser, do the following:

    In Opera

    Here you need:

    In Mozilla Firefox

    In FF do the following:

    In Yandex Browser

    The method is similar to the instructions with Google Chrome:

    1. Go to “Options” – “Settings”.
    2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the “Reset settings” button.

    3. Confirm the action and wait until the operation is completed.

    There may be several reasons for the situation when the browser opens on its own with advertising:

    1. You have installed a web browser extension that displays unwanted advertisements.
    2. You visit gaming or entertainment sites that are unsafe. From such a site you can get installation of harmful software.
    3. An advertising virus has been downloaded to your computer – adware/

    Dealing with the problem is not that difficult.

    Job Scheduler

    This is a service in Windows 10 that allows you to delete unnecessary tasks. Are you tired of ads automatically opening in your browser in a new tab, and you're wondering how to remove them? Let's take it step by step:

    We told you what to do if pages with advertisements open in your browser. There is another way to get rid of this trouble.

    Removing software

    What should I do if, when I start my computer, a browser with advertisements opens on its own? You need to remove unnecessary software.

    AdwCleaner program

    This software is designed to combat ad viruses. It doesn’t see everything else, so it’s not a replacement for a full-fledged antivirus. Download it from the link (adwcleaner.ru) and install it.

    It is good because it cleans the registry, carefully removing all traces of adware.

    Click the Scan button and everything will be done.

    Browser shortcuts

    Sometimes a virus attributes itself directly to the launch of a program. Check it out. Find the shortcut on your desktop. For example, Chrome. Right-click on it and select "Properties".

    Check that nothing else is specified after the startup file.

    If you find anything other than quotation marks, delete it. Tabs or windows with advertisements will no longer open.

    Protection in Yandex browser

    If you use this software, then you can take advantage of the special Adguard function. Click on the menu and select add-ons.

    In the “Security” section, check that Adguard is activated.

    After this, unwanted messages will be blocked automatically and will no longer be opened.

    If you are facing the problem of constantly being redirected to dubious websites, then there is a possibility that you have become infected with a redirect virus or Google Redirect Virus.

    The redirect virus targets Google and other search engines to redirect the user to fake and other infected websites.

    In most cases, redirected pages contain many advertisements. These ads usually convince users to pay for something or give out their bank account details. The main function of such viruses, or browser hijackers, is to track user actions and hack their data. Thus, the redirect virus is quite dangerous.

    If your browser opens by itself with advertising, then this is also the work of malware. As in the first and second cases, this is AdWare - programs that show unwanted advertising. We will talk about how to get rid of this problem, as well as the redirect virus, below.

    If your browser starts itself up, opening sites with advertisements or an error page, then this is the work of malware. What's scary about this problem is that it can persist even after you remove the malware. The thing is that even after removing the cause of the problem, the effects of the malware may remain, since it modifies the registry and Windows task scheduler, making entries in startup sections and creating tasks. Read below about how to solve this problem.

    The browser starts itself and a website with advertising opens. Solving the problem

    If you don’t want your browser to live its own life, constantly opening unnecessary sites, you must delete system tasks - the original source of the problem. To solve it, follow the step-by-step instructions below:

    1. Using the keyboard shortcut “Win+R”, open the “Run” window. In this window, paste “taskschd.msc”. Click "OK" to continue.

    2. In the new window that appears, click on the task scheduler library, as in the example below.

    3. You need to find the tasks that are to blame for your browser living on its own. The names of the tasks do not mean anything, since malware is perfectly camouflaged and cannot be detected this way. A distinctive feature of malicious tasks is that they are launched once every few minutes. You can select a task and go to the “Triggers” tab to look at the repetition frequency.

    4. If you want to know what triggers a task, go to the Actions tab. Malicious programs launch websites using commands.

    5. Disable any dubious tasks that make you suspicious. To do this, click on the task and click “Disable” (do not delete if you are not completely sure about the harmfulness of the task).

    Check your browser to see if the problem is gone or not.

    You can remove the redirect virus using an antivirus utility. This could be Kaspersky, Malwarebytes Anti Malware, or any other antivirus program you can trust. Such tools allow you to remove the virus along with all malicious files and unwanted programs. In our example, we will use the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program.

    1. Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and install it on your computer following the instructions during the installation process.

    2. Open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. You will be taken to the main page.

    3. Go to Settings (bottom left) and then enable the Scan option for rootkits. To do this, click the switch so that it turns green.

    4. Now that you have enabled rootkit scanning, click the Scan button.

    5. Make sure Threat Scan is selected and then click the Start Scan button. If an update is available for Malwarebytes, it will automatically download and install it before running the scan.

    6. Wait until the scan finishes. When it finishes, you will see a screen with all the malware, adware, etc. found.

    7. Click on "Remove Selected". The antivirus will delete all selected files and add them to quarantine.

      Note! When deleting files, the program may require a reboot (to delete some of them). If you see a notification that says you need to restart, restart your computer. If you don't want to reboot, you can turn it off and on again. After removing malicious files, close the program.

    Any other antivirus program works in a similar way. First it scans, and then you remove malicious files and viruses if they are found. In addition, this method will not only help get rid of viruses and threats, but will also protect your computer in the future, since an anti-virus program must be on every computer. If it is not there, then the computer is not protected and, therefore, is at risk.

    Video - Brother itself opens advertisements, tabs with advertisements. Solution