• Rating of the best uninterruptible power supplies. Help in choosing a UPS

    All owners of personal computers have repeatedly encountered the problem of lack of voltage in electrical network, causing them to have to stop working unexpectedly. Every PC user can save himself from these inconveniences if he installs an uninterruptible power supply on his computer. Currently on domestic market UPSs are presented in a wide range, so every customer has the opportunity to choose a device of the required power.

    Is it worth using an uninterruptible power supply?

    According to many experts, a UPS for a computer is an indispensable device that can protect it from serious damage that often occurs during sudden failures in the electrical network. It is worth noting that absolutely any PC components can be damaged:

    Attention! After a rapid power surge, a personal computer may not start due to damage to system data. In this case, it must be given to service center, where programmers will write new software and recover important information.

    What can be protected with a UPS?

    Many inexperienced users personal computers believe that they are installed only for protection system unit, which houses the “brains” of the PC. This opinion is erroneous, since it is necessary to make a combination of the system unit and the monitor. In this case, when the power is turned off, they will be able to slowly complete the work they started and save all their money. In addition to these two devices, the UPS can protect:

    Attention! Experts recommend purchasing several uninterruptible power supplies instead of one powerful device. They can be individually connected to all important devices. Thus, it will be possible not only to save money, but also, if necessary, to temporarily use the device from one point to protect a more important device.

    Which model should you choose?

    Due to the fact that uninterruptible power supplies are presented in a huge assortment on the domestic market, many people who are ignorant in technology often find it difficult to choose a device. To avoid mistakes, they should take into account the recommendations of experts:

    How to determine the required power?

    When choosing an uninterruptible power supply for home use, personal computer owners should pay close attention to a very important parameter - power. In order not to make a mistake and purchase a truly high-quality and reliable UPS, they should carry out accurate calculations. The load (maximum) should not exceed 70% of the UPS output power. Manufacturers must indicate such characteristics in the accompanying documentation. But, each buyer is able to carry out all the calculations independently, without the involvement of third-party specialists. To do this, it is enough to make the following calculations:

    • consumes up to 65W;
    • video card up to 170W;
    • motherboard up to 40W;
    • DVD drive up to 20W;
    • HDD up to 40W;
    • other equipment up to 30W;
    • possible losses up to 20%.

    As a result, the personal computer will consume up to 365W, without taking into account possible losses. If you add them, the total amount will increase to 438W. Therefore, the owner personal computer You should purchase an uninterruptible power supply, the power of which ranges from 500-620W.

    What modifications are available today?

    Before you go shopping, every person should find out what modifications of uninterruptible power supply systems can be offered to them in retail outlets. Currently, the following types of UPS are available to domestic consumers:

    1. Standby. This category includes the most inexpensive and primitive modifications of uninterruptible power supplies. They are not capable of stabilizing the output voltage, but they can filter the input voltage. When it drops to 180V, the devices will start working on batteries within a few minutes.
    2. Smart. The devices are designed to protect both home and office computers, so server equipment. Such devices have reasonable prices. They are capable of producing a stabilized voltage at the output. After switching to batteries, the devices are capable of powering computers for 60 minutes.
    3. Double conversion. Such devices have the highest cost, as they are capable of providing computer equipment maximum level protection. Most often they are purchased for server equipment, since due to the high pricing policy they cannot afford them regular users PC.

    If people want their personal computers to work without breakdowns as much as possible long term, they just need to purchase uninterruptible power supplies. Using such devices they will protect both the structural elements of the PC and other equally expensive equipment. When studying the range of UPS presented in specialized retail outlets, people should pay attention to the manufacturer, power and other technical and operational characteristics.

    How to choose the right UPS: video

    Having surrounded himself with computers and gadgets, a person remains powerless in the face of a banal power outage. Let's imagine the situation. A worker in an office works tirelessly, typing page after page of text. There's just a little bit left, but... the power goes out and work is lost. How to protect yourself? After all, no one expects such a problem. In this case, a UPS for the computer will save the day, which will allow you to prolong the operation of the computer without voltage in the network. A person has time to save the necessary information and turn off the device in the proper way. Today we will look at the characteristics of sources uninterruptible power supply, let’s analyze how to choose them correctly and what to pay special attention to.

    Read in the article:

    Why do you need an uninterruptible power supply for your computer?

    In addition to saving the necessary information during a power outage, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) ensures the correct closure of running programs. After all, improper shutdown of the PC leads to software failures, which requires reinstallation. This is an unpleasant matter for the user. Some information is lost, not to mention the waste of time and money on paying a computer technician.

    A battery is installed inside the UPS case, supplying 220 V to the PC after turning off the power to the unit itself, for another 5-15 minutes. This is enough to complete the actions that are necessary. The battery life depends on the power of the installed batteries.

    Good to know! Uninterruptible power supply for a computer is needed not only for frequent outages and power failures. It eliminates power surges, extending the life of your personal desktop computer. In laptops, the charger plays the role of protection, and the battery provides backup power.

    UPS for a computer: main types

    Uninterruptible power supplies for the home differ both in technical characteristics and cost, as well as in operating principle. There are three types:

    • backup source, or Back-UPS;
    • line-interactive – Smart-UPS;
    • Double conversion UPS – On-Line.

    The choice of one device or another will depend on the equipment that is connected to it. Let's look at the types in more detail.

    Backup uninterruptible power supply: advantages and disadvantages

    Inexpensive devices that switch power from the mains to batteries in the event of a low or blackout in the mains voltage. The speed is 10 milliseconds, which is enough for the smooth operation of the computer. The most popular due to their low cost, high coefficient of performance (efficiency) and silent operation. However, there are also disadvantages. The durability of such devices is lower than that of other types, and batteries for UPSs are not cheap.

    When purchasing such equipment, it makes sense to include a reserve of 20-30% in the nominal power.

    Features of linear interactive equipment

    Here a voltage stabilizer is included in the circuit. Due to this, the cost of the equipment increases, however, switching to battery power occurs only in the event complete shutdown voltage, which saves battery life. If the previous type is designed for 5-15 minutes battery life, then the linear-interactive is capable of providing uninterrupted power to the computer for up to 20 minutes.

    Among the shortcomings, we note the noise generated by the stabilizer cooling fan during operation.

    Double conversion uninterruptible power supplies

    Complex and expensive devices that convert mains current into direct current and then back into alternating current. As a result, the output is smooth AC with a sinusoid close to ideal parameters. The batteries are constantly connected, which reduces the response time to zero.

    But such equipment also has enough disadvantages - these are high level noise, low efficiency and increased heat generation. There is no need to talk about the cost - it is higher than that of previous types. However, in some industries it is impossible to do without such equipment. We are talking about connecting high-precision equipment that does not allow power interruptions even for 1 millisecond.

    Technical parameters of uninterruptible power supplies

    When choosing a UPS for your home, you need to pay special attention to the technical characteristics of the device. Among them we highlight:

    1. Rated power of the device.
    2. Battery life.
    3. Number of connectors for connected equipment.
    4. PC communication software.
    5. Controls.

    All parameters must be selected in optimal relation to the connected equipment. This will save you from purchasing a device with insufficient characteristics or overpaying for excess ones.

    Rated power of the uninterruptible power supply

    The power of uninterruptible power supplies is indicated in volt-amperes (VA). This means you need to convert this figure into the usual watts. It's not difficult: 1000 VA = 0.7 kW. We get, with a UPS power of 1 VA, the maximum permissible load will be 700 W. However, do not forget about the need for a reserve, which is 20-30% of the total power consumption. Let's make approximate calculations. Average consumption modern computer– 200 W, laser printer– 10-20 W, but inkjet – 150 W. We take the maximum, getting 350 W. Perhaps additional devices will be connected - that's another 150 W. As a result, 500/0.7 + 30% = 929 VA. This will be the required UPS power. But it is worth mentioning that experts do not recommend connecting a printer (especially an inkjet) to such equipment. But this is not necessary for the printer.

    UPS battery life

    This parameter plays a major role. But do not forget that the higher the battery life, the heavier and larger the devices will be. The operating time during a power outage depends on the power consumption of the connected equipment. So, than more powerful than UPS(with the same consumer), the longer the battery life.

    It makes sense to think whether it is worth purchasing a powerful uninterruptible power supply device for the home with high-capacity batteries if 5-7 minutes are enough to save the necessary information? Why overpay for unnecessary technical features?

    What number of connectors is considered optimal?

    There are 2 types of connectors on the case of the uninterruptible power supply for the home in case of a power outage. One is provided with uninterruptible power supply, and the second is powered directly from the network. There may be 2 or more connectors of both types.

    It is worth selecting equipment taking into account the connected equipment. If you plan to connect 2 system units, 2 monitors and a couple of peripheral devices, then you should choose a UPS equipped with 4 connectors of each type.

    Software: what is it for in a UPS

    Uninterruptible power supply devices for a private home may have the function feedback with a computer. This requires software that is installed by the manufacturer. In this case, the UPS comes with a driver disk for the PC. Such models are located in high price category. The device transmits to the computer data about the battery charge, equipment status, network voltage, and also notifies the user about switching to autonomous power mode. You can configure the UPS parameters from your PC.

    Useful information! If a similar model was purchased secondhand and the disc is missing, necessary drivers can be downloaded via the Internet on the official website of the manufacturer.

    Display and controls

    The UPS for PC is controlled using buttons on the front panel or via a computer. Modern uninterruptible power supplies are equipped with indicators that indicate the moment of switching to offline mode or the need to replace the battery. It is also possible to equip it with liquid crystal displays, which display data on the network status, load on the device, mode switching or battery status.

    Well-known manufacturers of such equipment

    There is plenty of such equipment on the Russian shelves of manufacturers. But there are brands that are more popular than others. Among them we can highlight:

    • P-Com;
    • Inelt;
    • Ippon;
    • Powercom.

    Each company has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in general the quality of the equipment is high for all brands. This means that you need to consider not the brand itself, but the products that it produces. Today we will rank the best models from the lines of these manufacturers, but first we’ll talk about the rules for choosing uninterruptible power supply devices.

    A competent solution to the question of how to choose an uninterruptible power supply for a computer begins with calculating the power of the PC, but it is worth considering other issues - the type of connection, voltage range and battery life. Additional functions are also important, but they are secondary and depend on financial capabilities.

    Important! Before choosing an uninterruptible power supply, you should understand what requirements it has. After all, a new generation PC UPS will not be able to work with older models, whose power consumption is much higher.

    How to choose a UPS for a computer based on power

    To begin with, we determine the total power consumption of all equipment planned for connection. Only equipment powered from connectors provided with uninterruptible power supply is taken into account. The power of peripheral devices is not important, but you need to know their number to count connectors. Afterwards we calculate the minimum required power uninterruptible power supply in VA (how to do this was discussed above).

    Selecting a UPS by connection type

    There can be two options here - standard and modular. If possible, the modular type will be optimal - it eliminates the N number of unconnected wires that get confused and interfere with the user. In the modular version, only the required wires are connected to the block, the free ones are disconnected and put aside.

    Input voltage range: what does it affect?

    The input voltage range is the range between the upper and lower, indicating the ability of the UPS to withstand overloads. The optimal choice would be the device with the highest upper limit. This will allow you not to be afraid of sudden voltage surges.

    Expert opinion

    ES, EM, EO design engineer (power supply, electrical equipment, interior lighting) ASP North-West LLC

    Ask a specialist

    “You should not rely on the fact that the voltage in your apartment or house is always at the same level and there are no surges. Given the quality of work of Russian energy sales companies, anything can happen, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to prove their guilt later.”

    Related article:

    In this publication we will look at which one is better to choose and what to pay special attention to, consider popular models and their technical characteristics.

    Select by battery life and additional features

    The battery life, as already mentioned, is quite sufficient even for cheap models. But it happens that the computer works very slowly. This occurs if you are using an old PC or if there are viruses in the software. In this case, the time it takes for programs to close may increase. This means you need to either change your PC, or buy an uninterruptible power supply for your home with an increased battery life - 15-20 minutes (if there is a virus, you can reinstall the system - it will cost less).

    UPS for a computer: rating of the best models of 2017-2018

    Buying a good uninterruptible power supply is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the rules presented above. And to simplify the choice, we will present several of the best, in our opinion, models, simultaneously considering the technical characteristics. Perhaps this will help the reader.

    5th place – P-ComPC 500

    This uninterruptible power supply can work not only with a computer, but also with a gas boiler. Switching speed is 5 milliseconds, weight is 6.5 kg. In general, the device does not cause any complaints. The only let down is the cost - 7,300 rubles, in the absence of batteries. Here they are external and purchased separately. Has a built-in stabilizer. The power transformer is plate-type, W-shaped.

    4th place – Inelt One Station 600

    The UPS manufactured in Taiwan is equipped with three uninterruptible power outlets with a power of 600 VA. The manufacturer promises battery life from 3 to 30 minutes, depending on the load. The device has proven itself well, it is compact and light weight.

    Cost per Russian market– 3,500 rub.

    3rd place – Powercom WOW 300

    Compact UPS, equipped with three full-fledged sockets (2 – uninterrupted supply, 1 – direct from the network). The device weighs less than 2 kg, which allows it to be placed in any convenient place. The power is small - only 300 VA, but for a modern computer this is quite enough. Voltage range from 165 to 275 V. Built-in indication informing about switching power to the battery, overload, malfunction and depletion of charge.

    Overall, a worthy device, captivating with its compactness. The disadvantage is low power, but this is only relevant for “advanced gamers” with a computer high power. The cost of the equipment is 2,300 rubles.

    2nd place – APC Back-UPS Pro BX650 LI-GR

    According to the manufacturer, APC Back-UPS Pro BX650LI-GR is an ideal device to ensure PC functionality during power supply problems. The battery is fully charged in 4 hours and provides a power of 650 VA. Accelerated performance - 6 milliseconds. It is possible to connect two devices (monitor, system unit).

    Input voltage range is from 170 to 280 V, output voltage – 230 V. Warranty period, subject to conditions, is 24 months. Cost – 3,300 rubles.

    1st place – IPPON Back Basic 650 Euro

    This model is suitable for both home and office use. The manufacturer guarantees the operation of the device for at least 24 months. As for the equipment, we note the presence of two bypass sockets with filters, protection against short circuits, overload and deep discharge of batteries. The battery life is 20 minutes, which is quite a lot. The weight of the device is small, 4.35 kg, which allows you to install it on a shelf. UPS type is line-interactive, input voltage range is from 162 to 285 V, and time fully charged battery– 6 hours

    The cost of IPPON Back Basic 650 Euro is 2,500 rubles.

    Where to buy a UPS for a computer and what are the prices for such equipment

    You can purchase an uninterruptible power supply both in a regular store and from online sellers. Let's consider the cost of devices in low and high price categories:

    Make and modelPower, VANumber of battery connectorsAverage price, rub.

    APC Back-UPS 650VA BX650LI-GR
    650 180-270 2 3600

    Ippon Back Comfo Pro 600 New
    600 162-268 1 4400

    Defender AVR Real 1500i
    1000 150-280 2 3300

    CyberPower Value 400E
    400 175-285 2 3500

    And now the prices for a UPS for a premium computer.

    Make and modelPower, VAInput voltage range, VNumber of battery connectorsAverage price, rub.

    IPPON Innova RT 6000
    6000 120-276 4 142000

    APC Smart-UPS SRT SRT 3000 RMXLI
    3000 160-275 8 160000

    POWERCOM Vanguard RM VRT-6000 w/o Bat
    6000 170-240 4 78000

    APC Smart-UPS SMT1500RMI1U
    1500 160-275 4 65000

    In conclusion

    When purchasing equipment such as an uninterruptible power supply, you should carefully consider the necessary functions, power and technical characteristics of the device that is required. Don’t be shy to ask the seller about anything that is not clear from the documentation for the device. Find out how the warranty is issued and for how long. On similar devices it is 18-24 months. Only by making the right, balanced and informed choice can you count on full protection home computer.

    We hope that the information we presented today was useful to you. Questions on the topic can be asked in the discussion below. Our specialists will answer them as soon as possible. Write, ask, communicate, share your opinion and experience.

    And finally, by tradition, a useful video on the topic of today’s article.

    Sometimes this happened while you were typing up an important report or were about to move on to the next level in a game; An abrupt shutdown of the computer resulted in data loss, and I had to start all over again. Once you turned a blind eye to it, twice, three times, but with the next failure it may happen that one incorrect data recording session will destroy the entire file system. Agree, it’s a shame to lose in a matter of seconds the collection of your favorite music or films that you’ve been collecting for several years. To prevent this from happening, here are 10 simple tips that will help you choose the right source to protect your equipment.

    Tip 1. Decide what kind of equipment you want to protect, and how important continuous operation is to you.

    Today it is difficult to imagine a computer without peripheral equipment (scanners, printers, etc.), right down to the telephone and home theater. Almost all of this technology is subject to negative influence voltage surges, both from the power grid and through data lines. The easiest way to protect your home electronics from damaging electromagnetic interference and power surges is surge protector. But it is suitable for equipment whose shutdown due to a power failure does not lead to data loss, for example, a printer or fax. Devices that are more sensitive to power quality, such as a personal computer or external hard disk, it is better to protect it with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The rechargeable battery built into them continues to supply power and allows you to save valuable information in the event of a power failure.

    Of course, a surge protector can also be used for a PC, but here everyone decides for himself how important it is for him to continue working for some time during a power outage. If it is not critical for you that if there is a network failure you will not finish playing the game and will not be able to print a document on a printer, then it is advisable to buy a simple surge protector. If it is important for you to be able to finish the presentation or complete the download at any time the desired file from the Internet, then without a UPS with the function backup power can't get by.

    If the computer is equipped with an uninterruptible power supply, the user can continue to work or enjoy interesting game, not paying attention to power surges or power outages. The time that the computer can work in offline mode, enough for the correct shutdown of the operating system and application programs.

    A UPS is also a benefit. Calculate, in case of burnout, the cost of a new one. electronic device can be measured in tens of thousands of rubles, or you can play it safe and buy a UPS, the cost of which is often several times lower.

    Tip 2: Find out what the most common electrical problems are in your home.

    The range of UPS products produced is very wide, both in terms of characteristics and price. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to find out what kind of problems there are in the power supply, what kind of failure can be expected, and in accordance with this, choose the appropriate type of UPS with a simple, complex or super-sophisticated degree of protection. Therefore, before you go to the store, try to determine by external signs how often your voltage jumps, whether the lights are blinking, how often a complete unplanned power outage occurs. Also pay attention to how much power your computer requires. If you have a powerful gaming station or premium equipment at home, then you will need appropriate protection.

    There are three main technologies (topologies) by which UPS are manufactured; they differ in the following parameters: what output voltage is generated by the uninterruptible power supply, how stabilized it is, and how it changes when switching to a battery. Another important factor is the time it takes for the UPS to switch to battery mode. In order for the computer to operate without interruption, the switch must occur quickly, usually in no more than 10 milliseconds. Depending on this, UPSs are divided into backup, line-interactive and online (or double conversion).

    Backup UPS(or off-line UPS) is the simplest type, which, in the event of a power failure in the external network, switches to the battery within 10 milliseconds. If you just need to protect your computer, then a backup source will be sufficient. But such a UPS does not have a stabilizer, and if the voltage in your home network fluctuates, the UPS will switch to the battery more often, which will have a detrimental effect on the battery life of the uninterruptible power supply.

    When the voltage is unstable i.e. often “jumps” in the range of 175-190 V, you can prepare in advance for the fact that in a year and a half you will have to buy new batteries. The most the best option in this case there will be use line-interactive UPS with automatic voltage regulator. Such a source, before switching to the battery (approximately 2-4 milliseconds), will try to adjust the shape of the output voltage in the event of a decrease or increase in the signal in the external network. Undervoltage The autotransformer at the output of the UPS stabilizes the electrical network to an acceptable level by switching to a step-up winding, and at increased voltage - to a step-down winding. UPSs of this class are more expensive, but the degree of equipment protection is much higher.

    The tightest stabilized voltage (about ±1%) and zero switching time to battery provide online UPS. Such a source constantly converts incoming energy into voltage DC and regenerates it in real time, providing power computer equipment. Online uninterruptible power supplies are most often used in server rooms to protect very sensitive equipment; There is no urgent need for purchasing such an expensive UPS for a home.

    Tip 3. Buy a UPS whose power is 20-30% greater than the capacity of your system.

    When choosing a particular UPS, you should focus on the technical characteristics of the equipment being protected, the main one of which is power. Connecting a computer whose power exceeds the rated power of the UPS itself will lead to an overload of the uninterruptible power supply, its shutdown and, as a result, the shutdown of the computer itself. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the power connected to UPS equipment, and select a UPS whose rated power is greater than the maximum load power. It is desirable that the power of the UPS is 20-30% higher than the power of the equipment being protected. So, if the power of your equipment is 750 VA, then the UPS power must be at least 1000 VA (1 kVA).

    For example, UPS with a capacity of 350-500 VA are suitable for power supply standard computer with an LCD monitor, a 700-1500 VA UPS may already be sufficient for a home gaming computer with a monitor, including individual peripherals. A load such as a laser printer requires a UPS with a power of at least 1500 VA, although protection with a surge protector is quite sufficient for it.

    If you still cannot determine which UPS you need, then use special programs that can be found on the websites of UPS developers. There you simply indicate the model of your computer, its “stuffing”, and the system will give you the power that the PC consumes in this configuration. Such an accurate calculation will allow you to avoid overestimation of power. After all, the maximum power is written on power supplies, the actual consumption of which depends on the components that are in the PC.

    Tip 4: Determine how much battery life you need.

    One of the main characteristics of a UPS is the battery life during which it supports power to the computer. The backup time in each individual case depends on the power of the UPS and the equipment being protected. The average battery life is 5-7 minutes; as a rule, this is enough to save all open documents and shut down work correctly. But if you need to automatically close very complex systems longer time, you can easily select the appropriate UPS depending on the system parameters. For example, the APC Back-UPS ES 700 supports a standard desktop (for example, 200 W power consumption) for 15 minutes.

    Also, the UPS backup time is increased by installing additional batteries, where the UPS has connectors for connecting external standard batteries. However, there is a misconception that the more powerful the UPS, the longer it will work. A large UPS will only work longer if the load on it is less than the maximum. It is more correct to look at the graphs or tables of battery life provided by the UPS manufacturer, depending on the power of the protected equipment.

    The main purpose of an uninterruptible power supply is to protect your computer and data, which is why file saving programs come with almost all UPSs. Such software displays the electrical parameters and the operating status of the UPS, and during a prolonged network failure automatically saves all data in open applications. This convenient feature allows you not to lose information, even if you were not near the computer during a power outage. When the power supply is restored and you return to your workplace, you won’t even notice that anything has happened.

    Tip 6: Buy UPSs that have enough outlets for peripheral devices and connectors to protect the telephone line.

    Users typically use a UPS to protect not only their PCs, but also their peripherals. If you plan to connect to a UPS various devices(LCD TV, printer, etc.), make sure that the uninterruptible power supply has special sockets with surge protection. If you have modems and faxes, it's good to have a UPS to provide protection telephone line. Imagine that due to a thunderstorm, excess voltage is generated in the wire connecting the computer to the external network. If the line is protected by a UPS, then you don’t have to worry that the resulting interference will reach the modem and disable it. Some UPS models also have protection connectors network equipment connected to the local network.

    Tip 7. Before purchasing a UPS, decide where it will be located in the apartment.

    When purchasing a UPS, you need to take into account such a parameter as noise, and think in advance about the placement of the source. A battery-powered UPS generates about 40-45 decibels at a distance of 1 m from the UPS, which can be irritating. Therefore, it is not recommended to place a working source in the bedroom. If necessary, to reduce noise, place the UPS behind a partition rather than next to the bed, ensuring that the UPS is cooled effectively.

    Tip 8. Buy a UPS with clear display and controls.

    Every user is pleased when information about the operation of the system comes to him in an understandable and convenient form. All UPSs inform the user using sound signals, for example, about switching to battery mode. In addition, UPSs have LED indicators, which signal various conditions, including abnormal ones, for example, if it is necessary to replace the battery.

    Now innovative UPSs with an LCD display have appeared on the market, which displays up to 20 different parameters of the UPS operation and the state of the power grid, such as battery life, network voltage, power consumption, etc. Now, to get this information, you don’t need launch special program on a computer - the data is clearly presented on the display.

    When purchasing a personal computer for home or office, the user pays more attention to the characteristics responsible for high performance, but stability of operation does not come into view at all. And only when there is a voltage drop in the network or a power outage, does anyone ask the question “how to protect yourself from such situations in order to be able to quickly save important documents.” But it is possible. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) will help users with this.

    Classification of UPS devices

    Without going into the complexities of electromechanics, computer UPS manufacturers have adopted a division into three basic types.

    1. Filter device. This UPS allows you to filter the incoming voltage to the computer. By setting the required range (mostly within 190-230 volts), you can expect that the device will only work if the set voltage thresholds are violated. Such devices are the cheapest on the market.
    2. Battery device. When the power goes out, the UPS takes over the computer, ensuring its autonomous operation within a few minutes, which is enough to save information and complete work.
    3. Interactive filter-accumulator. The device can not only support the computer’s power supply, but also protect the system from voltage surges. It is this UPS that will be discussed in the article.

    Justification for choosing an expensive device

    In the 21st century, most users give their preference universal devices. This is evidenced by numerous reviews and testimonials. This choice fell on the UPS, whose task, especially in the post-Soviet space, is to maintain electrical supply in case of disconnection. As well as equalizing the voltage in the network, which “walks” in multi-story buildings due to heavy loads and weak electrical wiring. Naturally, two devices with different functionality will cost the buyer more than one universal equipment.

    The price of an uninterruptible power supply for a computer depends on only three factors:

    1. Manufacturing company. It is clear that the more famous the brand, the more expensive the device. However, well-known brands provide the user with excellent functionality. This supports remote control and works with all known operating systems.
    2. Uninterruptible power supply power. A device for an office PC with low power consumption will cost much less than a UPS for a gaming computer.
    3. Functionality. Number of connected devices, protection computer network, fine tuning response thresholds, etc.

    Greeted by clothes

    You should not choose an uninterruptible power supply for your computer based on its appearance. Never a nice color and beautiful view will not relieve problems associated with a fall or power outage. Yes, manufacturers always want to please the user, but often, in an effort to provide a competitively priced product on the market, they distract the buyer’s attention from functionality and reliability with flashy and unnecessary additions.

    First of all, the buyer’s attention should be focused on power, functionality, capabilities warranty repair and service. Only after making sure that the UPS satisfies all the initial requirements can you begin to select the appearance among the selected models. Many devices are equipped with information displays, all this is good, but it is worth noting that many people place a UPS for a computer under the table; naturally, the panel indication will be of little use in operation, and therefore there is no need to overpay for its presence.

    UPS functionality

    Each manufacturer tries to provide their device with additional features, which will provide the user with ease of use. You can do without additional functions, but sometimes there are situations when during work you need to connect additional equipment or fine-tune.

    1. Ability to connect multiple devices. A UPS for a computer has two 220V outputs by default. One for the system unit, the second for the monitor. Sometimes there is a need to connect lighting, speakers, a router, but there are no free connectors. You can buy a power strip in the market that can be connected to a UPS and satisfy your needs.
    2. Possibility of remote connection. The UPS can be configured so that, through a special interface cable, they can correctly shut down the PC in the absence of power, in the absence of the user, which is quite convenient. Also remote control allows you to independently adjust response thresholds during voltage surges.
    3. Availability of a cooling system. The built-in transformer tends to heat up, and accumulated dust over the years can lead to overheating of the device.
    4. Battery calibration. The ability of the device to customize batteries allows you to buy Chinese fakes, which are an order of magnitude cheaper than the original ones.

    UPS power calculation

    The main mistake of users is that when buying a UPS for a computer, they do not understand how to choose a device so that the battery capacity is enough to operate for a long time without electricity. Sellers are happy to try their best, offering devices with maximum power, the price of which approaches the cost gasoline generator. This is the wrong approach. The main task is to purchase an inexpensive UPS that allows uninterrupted operation for a few minutes, which is enough to save important information and the correct shutdown of the computer.

    The main criterion is the power of the UPS. If you do not plan to upgrade your computer, data can be taken from the characteristics of the monitor and PC power supplies. For a reserve, you can add 10-20%. When purchasing, many users recommend using “Moore’s law”: adding up the current power consumption, the result is multiplied by two - for the future. A 220V uninterruptible power supply without exceeding power consumption will always provide the user with the opportunity to complete the work correctly and save.

    Strange power markings on the UPS

    Many users, when purchasing UPSs, are faced with incomprehensible markings on the devices. Unscrupulous sellers convince buyers that 600VA is nothing more than 600 W and is quite suitable for running a gaming computer. After all, the law of physics from the fifth grade textbook states that power is equal to the product of voltage and current. But the effective load factor is overlooked.

    Without going into the details of physics, every user needs to know that when purchasing any equipment, the figure marked VA must be multiplied by the effective load factor. For lighting and heating elements it equal to one. A rotating tool, such as a hammer drill, has a coefficient of 0.8. But the marking indicator for all electronics must be multiplied by 0.65. Accordingly, a PC UPS labeled 600 VA will have an effective power of 390 W. All conscientious IT equipment manufacturers indicate not only the effective load factor on their devices, but also make full information in the form of a sticker on the case, where the full and active power. It is also considered good practice to specify the nominal output voltage values ​​and input voltage ranges without switching to the battery.

    Cold start

    Judging by reviews from UPS owners, the “ Cold start", which allows you to turn on the equipment in the absence of power, transferring the entire load to charged batteries, is useless for PC operation. Who would be interested in running a PC for a couple of minutes? For some, the operating system takes much longer to load. But craftsmen have found a slightly inappropriate use for this function.

    Cold start will be useful for people who have frequent power outages. The weakest uninterruptible power supply for a computer allows you to charge phones and tablets repeatedly. Connecting a portable lamp to the UPS daylight, you can get coverage for more than one day. Even a small LCD TV will have enough power for several hours. True, many owners will have to sacrifice silence, because not all UPSs turn off tweeter, which loudly reminds you every 5 seconds that the device is running on battery power.

    Which brand should you prefer?

    There is a huge selection of UPS devices on the market. Each seller guarantees that by choosing any uninterruptible power supply for a computer, the user will receive the object of his desires with greater functionality and high performance. And how many UPSs, whose brand name you can’t pronounce the first time, are all capable of satisfying the user?

    If there is no buyer in mind specific model UPS, you need to trust your choice to a brand that has been on the market for decades. A manufacturer that has its own website with support for hundreds of languages, a service center in a regional city and the availability of “ hotline» services technical support. It is impossible for a well-known brand of UPS to be produced for only one segment. A serious manufacturer will take care of all price niches, including the corporate segment. The names of these brands are APC, General Electric, LogicPower, Powercom and Sven. Even if the price of UPS from some well-known manufacturers is overpriced for a certain segment, but this is due to high quality product.

    Cheap segment

    The low-cost segment includes devices with low power up to 300 W, sufficient to operate office computers. The autonomous operation of the UPS declared by the manufacturers is about five minutes, which is quite enough to save documents and correctly shut down the work. Additional functions such as remote connection and cold start in the low-cost segment from well-known manufacturers are out of the question, but all the declared technical characteristics of the UPS will be more than provided.

    Sven is considered the best inexpensive option in this segment. The UPS of this manufacturer, unlike its competitors, charges batteries from scratch quite quickly. Even though this leads to wear on the batteries, the device will be useful for users who have frequent short-term power outages in the office or at home. This segment is also well represented by products from the well-known company General Electric, which provide users with great functionality, but the price of UPSs in the category of low-power devices is a little overpriced.

    Middle segment

    For most users who have multimedia or a gaming computer, this segment will be of interest. A UPS power of 300 to 600 W is enough to keep your computer running during a power outage for up to 15 minutes. This time is enough not only for the computer to shut down correctly. You don't have to worry about saving in your favorite game at a certain point.

    In the middle segment in terms of price-quality, LogicPower UPSs have proven themselves well. With a slight difference in price, the manufacturer's range is impressive. From a discreet appearance to a device with an LCD panel and the ability to control settings directly on the UPS case. Powercom also offers its devices in this segment at affordable price. Devices of this brand boast additional connectors and a short circuit protection system.

    Luxury home equipment

    Not every home user can afford a device that consumes one kilowatt; therefore, an uninterruptible power supply with the same power is required. Although the UPS is very powerful, its cost remains in an affordable price category. So it may be useful for game and multimedia lovers. The device is capable of extending the long-term operation of not only the monitor and the system unit. Judging by the reviews of the owners, home theaters and stereo systems are connected to the UPS. It's quite interesting to watch a movie, play a game or listen to music while everyone else in the house is sitting without electricity.

    All well-known manufacturers paid special attention to the expensive segment. After all, the main direction of a 1 kW UPS is to ensure continuous operation of network and server equipment entry level, not the long-term performance of gaming computers. General Electric UPS offers a huge range in this segment.

    Server equipment

    UPS devices with a capacity of several kilowatts are intended for the corporate segment. They are very expensive not because they have larger batteries. UPS for servers have complex systems controls, built-in temperature sensors, have their own operating systems. Most server UPSs are designed for installation in server cabinet racks. Accordingly, their appearance and shape differ from the sizes that the user is used to seeing in the store.

    The Smart-UPS server uninterruptible power supply from APC has proven itself well all over the world. Over the course of several decades, the well-known American manufacturer has achieved worldwide fame for its unrivaled UPS quality. The main factor in APC products is fault tolerance, which is necessary in the operation of server equipment for large and small businesses. When watching feature films related to hackers or artificial intelligence, you can note that among the huge number of servers that the director shows to TV viewers in the frame, there is equipment with the APC logo.

    In conclusion

    Having received complete information about uninterruptible power supplies, the buyer will not have any difficulties in making the right choice of the device needed for the home. The main thing to remember is that a UPS is not purchased for one year. This is a long-term purchase, perhaps for decades. Therefore, it is important to buy decent equipment that will last a very long time. It is only important not to forget to replace the batteries every 5-7 years of use.

    You should select the right UPS based on the power consumption of the equipment. The battery power should be 20-30% higher than that of yours. computer system. To select the optimal energy source, it is not necessary to calculate the energy consumption of the system, power supply, video card, etc. It is enough to roughly estimate the performance of your machine.

    So, for a standard computer with a normal configuration (for example, with a dual-core processor and a 350 VA power supply), a UPS with a power of 1000 - 1500 VA is suitable. Such a device will be sufficient to provide uninterrupted power supply and protection against sudden power surges.

    If you have a computer game configuration, you should select a more powerful UPS (from 1500 and above).

    If you cannot decide on the power of your equipment, visit the UPS manufacturer's website and use the selection program or tool suitable model. You only need to indicate the approximate configuration of your equipment.

    UPS type

    The simplest and most inexpensive will be a backup UPS, which operates primarily in saving mode and, in the event of a power surge, will instantly switch to the built-in battery. This guy will reliable protection For regular computer And standard network electricity.

    However, if you experience fairly frequent surges in your home network, you need to turn your attention to a line-interactive UPS with a voltage regulator. This power source will switch to the battery much faster. The device has a long service life and a degree of protection against sudden changes.

    The most serious protection against power surges is provided by online UPS, which operate in constant mode and generate stable energy during computer operation, providing constant power. This type devices are certainly effective, but also the most expensive.

    Buying a UPS online for your home is usually not justified and in most cases it is better to save money and purchase a backup or line-interactive power supply.

    The cost of a UPS can be determined by the battery life (battery volume), power and type of power supply.

    When purchasing a UPS, you should choose models that have software that will allow you to save running programs. In the event of a sudden shutdown, the device will reopen all running programs.