• Domestic market of specialized dow automation programs. Implementation of a comprehensive dhow automation system. General characteristics of AIS

    Basic concepts of preschool automation Documentation is the creation of documents, i.e. their preparation, execution, coordination and production. Record keeping: a set of measures to ensure the preschool education of an enterprise or organization. It is sometimes said that the preschool educational institution is the main function of office work. Organization of work with documents - ensuring the movement, search, storage and use of documents.

    Basic concepts of automation of preschool educational institutions Systematization of archival storage of documents - determination of rules for storing information created in the organization, its search and use to support management decisions and business procedures. Document flow is the movement of documents within the preschool educational institution. Business procedure is a sequence of certain operations (works, tasks, procedures) performed by employees of organizations to solve any task or goal within the framework of the activities of an enterprise or organization. The electronic archive solves the problem of systematizing the archival storage of electronic documents within the preschool educational institution.

    Tasks solved in the preschool educational institution Documentation (drawing, execution, coordination and production of documents). Organization of work with documents in the process of management (ensuring movement, control of execution, storage and use of documents). Systematization of the document archive.

    A simple business procedure for selling a product to a client: 1) the client calls the company to place an order; 2) the order is registered in the customer database; 3) an invoice for the goods is issued; 4) the account is transferred to the accounting department; 5) the accounting department receives money for the goods, which is recorded in the accounting system; 6) the goods are shipped from the warehouse, which is noted in the warehouse database; 7) an invoice and delivery note for the goods are issued; 8) the goods are shipped to the client; 9) the invoice and delivery note are transferred to the accounting department.

    Categories of automation systems for preschool educational institutions, workflow systems (automation of business procedures); groupware systems (teamwork); document management systems (mainly provide registration, storage and retrieval of documents); email systems (used for exchanging documents).

    Problems of automation of preschool educational institutions in Russia: lack of finished products for automation of Russian office work; lack of active demand for automation of business procedures; confusion in the positioning of products from Western manufacturers for office automation purposes, etc.

    Problems that arise as the scale of the enterprise grows. Management loses a holistic picture of what is happening. Structural divisions, lacking information about each other’s activities, cease to carry out their activities in a coherent manner. The quality of customer service and the organization's ability to maintain external contacts inevitably decline. The consequence of this is a drop in labor productivity; there is a feeling of lack of resources: human, technical, communication, etc.

    Problems that arise as the scale of the enterprise grows. It is necessary to expand the staff, invest money in equipment for new workplaces, premises, communications, and employee training. For manufacturing enterprises, an increase in staff may entail a change in production technology, which will require additional investment. In a situation of unjustified staff growth, falling productivity, and the need to invest in production, there is a need to increase working capital, which, in turn, can lead to new loans and reduce planned profits.

    Tasks for improving the organization of preschool educational institutions Improving all work on the preparation and processing of documentary information by creating a mechanism for document support of the enterprise (preschool educational institution). Choosing the right automation strategy, including choosing the right products.

    Groups of operations for maintaining personnel records with paper document flow: accounting and storage of primary documents included in the personal file; formation, implementation and storage of orders for personnel; preparation and provision of statistical and other reports; storage of copies of orders for core activities.

    Positive effects of integrating HR records and EDMS Protection of transmitted data. High-quality mechanisms for entering large quantities of paper documents in SADD. For current work, the personnel officer needs to promptly receive copies of individual orders for the main activity. SADD will provide the personnel officer with copies of all necessary orders in a timely manner and at any convenient time.

    Prospects for the Russian office automation industry Absolutely all organizations and a large number of individuals work with documents. Almost every organization faces problems in office work, even if we are not talking about its automation: documents are lost, are not controlled, are not executed, etc. By improving office work, enterprises and organizations get a real chance to improve the quality of their management, which is one of the most pressing problems of the modern Russian economy.

    Prospects for the Russian office automation industry The qualifications of secretaries and persons responsible for office work in organizations are insufficient and require increasing their level. User requests for improvement of office automation programs and their integration with numerous automated workstations, information and application systems are extremely high.

    The level of automation of technological processes for working with documents today acts as an important evaluation criterion associated with priority areas for improving documentation support for management (DOU). The presence or absence of automated technology in an organization, and in the near future - a corporate document automation system, can be considered as a formal indicator that allows us to judge the quality and efficiency of work.

    The needs of document automation and advances in the field of new information technologies lead to a constant increase in offers on the software market. Nowadays there are software products on the market that provide the ability not only to perform the traditional functions of registration, execution control and document search, but also to provide various document management functions and use elements of electronic document management. Unlike the systems introduced in the 80s of the last century, which were aimed at minimizing labor costs when performing specific operations in office work (for example, when registering and monitoring the execution of documents), modern tools make it possible to create an automated system for working with documents throughout the institution or enterprises.

    Currently, development companies offer not only custom developments, but also “boxed” options, i.e., replicable developments that take into account typical needs for document automation. Accordingly, choosing a software product to automate document flow is becoming an urgent task for many organizations in various industries.

    To automate office work processes in the UDOiV, it is necessary to formulate the basic requirements for the system, taking into account the specifics of the institution, and identify from the existing systems the one that will satisfy the following requirements.

    First of all, an automated document management system (ADMS) must perform all the tasks of document management support in full: preparation of documents, their registration, execution control, search for documents, their storage and reference work on an array of documents. The system must be built on uniform methodological principles, software, hardware and technological solutions and within the framework of existing organizational and legal conditions in the form of domestic legislation, state standards, instructions and requirements. The automated control system must ensure the full use (integration) of the accumulated information resource and implement the principle of one-time input of information and its repeated use, both documented and factual. The system should also help select routes for the movement of documentation within the organization, providing the necessary degree of information protection from unauthorized access.

    So, a corporate document automation system for parole and B must satisfy the following functional and system-technical requirements.

    A. Functional requirements

    Focused on compliance of the proposed technology with state regulations and corporate standards of preschool educational institutions, ensuring ease of use of the system.

    1. Office work

    · Creating documents (using templates)

    · Registration of documents

    · Control of document execution

    · Information and reference work (search for registration card)

    · Maintaining a list of cases

    · Preparation of statistical data on document flow

    · Automatic entry of information from paper media

    2. Organization of electronic archive

    · Document archiving

    · Fully functional search

    Security of document storage

    · Organizing access to archive documents

    3. Ensuring electronic document management tasks

    · Electronic digital signature technology (EDS)

    ·Working with electronic files

    · Cryptoprotection tools

    · Registration of documents received via electronic communication channels

    4. Document management

    · Managing document flows within the organization

    · Transfer of documents for execution

    · Control of movement (transfer) of documents

    · Control of user actions

    · Document routing

    · Coordination of documents

    · Regulating access to registration cards and document files

    5. Business process management

    · Collaborate on documents in real time

    · Work with remote offices and departments

    · Creation of reporting using any details and in any sections

    · Receiving notifications from the electronic document management system

    · Working with reference books

    B. System and technical requirements

    System technical requirements must take into account the compliance of the products being assessed with the system technical platform used.

    1. Software implementation

    · Client-server technology

    Internet technology

    · Support for open systems standards

    Availability of application development tools

    · Availability of document scanning tools

    · User-friendly interface

    2. Network OS for the server part

    Windows Server 2008

    3. Network OS for the client part

    4. Operational requirements

    · Reliability of the automated system

    · System security

    · System administration

    · Number of concurrent users - up to 100

    5. Adaptive capabilities

    · Simplicity and convenience when implementing the system

    · Ease of system setup

    · Possibility of system development

    Thus, choosing a software product can be considered the first step towards creating a corporate document automation system. Clearly defined tasks and requirements for the system allow you to make this choice more balanced and consistent. This creates the most important prerequisites for the successful implementation of the system and for users to work with it.


    Information technology






    automated enterprise management systems differ in their focus. For example, for “Best” or “Parus-5” the trade sector is a priority; Infosoft is one of the leaders in the field of accounting automation in production. In addition, there are universal “enterprise management systems”: “Parus-4”, “Infin”, “Abacus”, BOSS”, “Galaktika”, “Supermanager-6-7”, etc.

    However, the purpose of this article is to assess the capabilities of systems for automating personnel document flow, and only the most promising ones, belonging to fourth-generation systems.

    Integrated system M-2 based on the use of modern technologies. M-2 is a single software package based on a centralized corporate database. At the same time, the openness of the M-2 system allows the use of existing enterprise databases with integration into a single complex, as well as modern software packages (Microsoft Office 97).

    The M-2 system is developed on the basis of the Oracle 7.3 database server, which provides high speed characteristics and a high degree of reliability and data protection. Client sites are developed on the Delphi 3.0 software system and can operate on Windows NT or Windows’95 operating systems.

    The fundamental difference between an integrated system and an arbitrarily complex set of automated workstations lies, first of all, in the design ideology. Workstation systems are designed as automation of existing workplaces, and in the future they are linked to each other. At the same time, naturally, such an information system can implement only those management technologies that were available at the enterprise at the time of its creation, since the design of the modules itself was carried out based on specific existing jobs.

    The integrated system is designed immediately as a single complex, focused on modern management technologies; jobs are created in the second stage in an already created integrated environment.

    In addition, workstations created within the framework of the file server architecture do not meet modern requirements either in terms of speed characteristics or in terms of system security and reliability. It should be noted that the work that was done to create automated workstations will not be lost. First, many elements of the created jobs can be used as modules for creating jobs within the new system, especially since the design of jobs takes up at least 50% of the creation time. Secondly, users have acquired computer skills, without which it is impossible to implement any system. Thirdly, as part of this work, a cadre of programmers was formed who know the specifics of the enterprise, who will also be needed when writing jobs in the environment of the new integrated system. Therefore, investments in previous developments will certainly pay off. Unlike a complex of automated workstations, when introducing an integrated system, existing jobs are not simply automated, but the entire information processing system is reconstructed with the design of new jobs in relation to new technologies.

    Simultaneously with the implementation of the M-2 system, specialists are trained and are issued with appropriate certificates. Specialists trained in this way receive the right to create their own modules in the M-2 system, as well as modify existing modules within the framework specified by the certificate. Thus, the enterprise does not become dependent on the company that developed the system and is able to maintain the functioning of the system independently.

    Corporate accounting system NS2000 meets the requirements of functional completeness and is a laureate of the sixth International Software Competition in the field of finance and business. The system is designed and developed using BP-WIN, ER-WIN, PROGRESS 4GL tools.

    The scheme of the complex, therefore, is a set of modules, all of which can be grouped into three main areas: management, finance, logistics.

    Included R/3 systems includes the Oracle Applications Human Resources module, which allows you to achieve maximum productivity from employees through effective recruitment, personnel management, training, compensation and career planning. Today, in its class of products, the “Oracle Applications Human Resources Management” module is one of the most functionally complete systems for organizing the work of the HR department of a modern enterprise.

    Its use allows you to solve the following problems:

    · planning of organizational changes, including modeling of the organization's structural and job hierarchies;

    · planning of structural units, description of rank, position, position, maintenance of directories, etc.;

    · personal records of employees and candidates with a full record of their professional qualities (for optimal use of labor resources), data for payroll, data on the use of working time, employee track record, needs for advanced training and employee training results;

    · analysis and reporting on standard government forms, non-standard reporting using Oracle development tools, operational data analysis and decision support.

    System “Orakl-Personnel” all the advantages of previous systems are inherent. However, it also has a number of additional advantages. The system provides the ability to work with a database system (full-time employees, dismissed employees, archive, personnel reserve, temporary employees, etc.), which significantly reduces the request processing time. The second undoubted advantage is the content of the registration card, which includes 102 topics (according to the resolution of the State Statistics Committee, the card must contain at least 55 topics).

    There is the possibility of arbitrary modification of the staffing table with automatic calculation of vacancies, as well as a developed module for processing unregulated requests. The system provides procedures for maintaining time sheets (personal and per department) with automatic control of vacations, business trips, financial assistance, etc. Only some systems have all the required sections of personnel records, but only in the “Orakle-Personnel” system they are available in in full. Therefore, taking into account its acceptable cost (up to $500), it can be argued that currently this system is the leader among enterprise automation systems, including all functions of HR document flow automation.

    Business Process Automation System (BAPS) is a class of software products that automate the description and execution of arbitrary business processes (in whole or in part), while documents, information, and tasks are transferred to perform the necessary actions from one participant in the process to another in accordance with specified rules. The main concept of SADP is work flow.

    Workflow is a system for ensuring the execution of work flows within the framework of process management. Automation of business processes is impossible only through the implementation of an accounting system, since such systems do not resolve the issue of interaction between participants in accounting processes. BPMS class systems are also designed to solve similar problems. "PiterSoft: Process Management" on the 1C platform- an example of a BPMS class software product, which is implemented to solve issues of interaction between participants in business processes.

    Also, the SADP system is a subset of electronic document management systems (EDMS).


    A huge increase in the volume of information and large changes in the demand for information began to place new demands on the organization of information and documentation services in the organization.

    Requirements for services involved in information and documentation support began to change. Abroad, they began to be called the service of management (or management) of information and documentation resources, in our country - the service of documentation support for management (DOU).

    The main direction of improving the preschool educational institution and adapting it to modern conditions was the use of the latest computer and telecommunications technology, and the formation on its basis of highly effective information and management technologies in working with documents.

    The proposed educational and methodological manual was developed in accordance with the work program of the discipline “Information technologies in documentation support of management and archival affairs” of the training direction “034700 Documentation and archival science” (6th semester, bachelor). The goals of mastering this discipline are: the ability to create a local regulatory framework for documentation support for management and archival affairs, as well as the ability to document management information, rationalize document flow, document processing technologies for the purpose of their safety and transfer for storage.

    Topic 1. Basic terms and concepts

    Fundamental terms and concepts: mechanization and automation, information, information technology, computer technology, computerization and informatization, automated information systems

    The management activities of any organization are based on the processing of incoming official documents, regardless of the methods of their receipt and types of media, as well as the production of documentary information and official documents intended both for internal use within the organization itself and for external use.

    Using special technologies, incoming documents are converted into the information necessary to achieve a certain result. The very concept of “technology” is used in industrial production and is defined as a system of interconnected methods of processing materials and methods of manufacturing products in the production process. In the field of documentation support for management, taking into account the specifics of the information processes on which it is based, the technology for documentation support for management is defined as a system of methods and methods for collecting, transferring, processing, accumulating, storing documents and documentary information based on the use of uniform methodological techniques and rules.

    Technologies for documentation support of management, in accordance with the difference in information processes, are divided into:

    · technologies for processing incoming and outgoing documents;

    · technology for transmitting (bringing) document information to the end user;

    · technologies for entering documents into the organization’s information database, based on its internal structure;

    · technologies for processing document information and accumulating documents;

    · technology for storing and using separate local groups of documents.

    Thus, documentation support for management (DMS) covers issues of documentation, organization of work with documents in the process of management and systematization of their archival storage.

    Information technology is a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware, combined into a technological chain that ensures the collection, processing, storage, distribution and display of information in order to reduce the labor intensity of the processes of using an information resource, as well as increase their reliability and efficiency.

    Information and communication technologies are proposed to be understood as a set of objects, actions and rules associated with the preparation, processing and delivery of information in personal, mass and industrial communications, as well as all technologies and industries that integrally support the listed processes.

    Information technologies have become actively used due to the computerization of enterprises. Computerization refers to the process of introducing computer technology that ensures the automation of information processes and technologies.

    Computerization allows us to talk about two sets of measures: mechanization and automation of processes associated with preschool educational institutions.

    Mechanization clerical processes is the use of technical means to perform documentation operations and organize work with documents. The goal of office work mechanization is to transfer the execution of non-creative (auxiliary) operations to technical means.

    Under automated information technology(AIT) management is understood as a system of methods and methods for collecting, accumulating, storing, searching, processing and protecting management information based on the use of developed software, computer technology and communications, as well as the ways in which this information is provided to users.

    Based on the degree of coverage of management tasks, automated information technologies are divided into the following groups: electronic data processing; automation of control functions; decision support; electronic office; expert support.

    According to the class of technological operations being implemented, AIT can be divided into: systems with a text editor; systems with a table processor; database management systems; systems with graphical objects; multimedia systems; hypertext systems.

    Based on the type of user interface, automated information technologies are divided into:

    Batch (centralized processing);


    Network (multi-user).

    According to the method of constructing the network, AIT can be divided into:




    Topic 2 Main stages in the history of automation of preschool educational institutions and archival affairs

    2.1. Automation of work with documents as an integral part of automation of management processes.

    2 .2. The first stage (1960s – 1970s) – the concept of automated control systems (ACS). Creation and implementation of document processing systems within the framework of automated control systems. Shared computing centers. The first information retrieval systems (IRS). Partial automation of some office and archival functions.

    2.3. The second stage (1980s - early 1990s) - development of technological solutions based on PCs. Creation and development of the concept of automated workstations (AWS). The emergence of the possibility of comprehensive automation of preschool educational institutions and archival affairs. Development of specialized software.

    2.4. The third stage (1990s - present) is the widespread introduction and use of new information technologies, which combine computers, communications and office equipment. Comprehensive automation of all stages of document flow and archival storage of documents.

    The need for office automation is due to the rapid improvement of computer production technology, software, and the widespread introduction of information technology. Automation has traditionally been understood as the displacement of routine mechanical labor, the “freeing up” of workers. However, cost reduction is not the main goal of automation. The main goal of automation is to acquire new management qualities and obtain effective management. This automation concept involves reorganizing management and redesigning the information system.

    Automation of preschool educational institutions and archival affairs began in the 1960s of the 20th century. Automation was preceded by a stage of mechanization, which began at the end of the 19th century. In the period from the end of the 19th century. until the 1950s mechanization concerned mainly departmental archives. The use of “small mechanization” means was sporadic and limited to the use of matrix information media (manual punched cards, punched tapes, codes) and counting and punching devices to solve specific problems in the field of population accounting (population census), planning, reporting in production, etc.

    The first stage was the time of accumulation of empirical experience in the field of creating local and inter-archive automated information retrieval systems - AIPS. The growth in the scope of application of automated systems in archiving is associated primarily with the evolution of information carriers (microfilms, magnetic tapes, cards, disks, forms, etc.) and technical support (electronic punching machines, electronic computers, personal computers). the emergence of special application software packages for AIPS. The process of creating automated control systems (ACS) in all sectors of the economy also had a significant impact on the automation of archiving during this period.

    Automated control system (ACS) - a set of hardware and software designed to control various processes within the framework of a technological process, production, or enterprise. The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, founder of the scientific school of strategic planning Nikolai Ivanovich Veduta.

    The most important task of the automated control system is to increase the efficiency of facility management based on increased labor productivity and improved methods of planning the management process.

    The period of the second half of the 1980s - 1990s. - associated with the beginning of spontaneous computerization, first of Moscow and then of local state archives. The leaders of this process were the National Research Center of TD of the USSR (RNITs CD), VNIIDAD, TsKHIDK, TsGAOR (GARF) and other archives. In the 90s In the Russian Federation, legislative and regulatory acts introduced more than 20 industry-specific automated office work and documentation systems, creating huge arrays of machine-readable (electronic) documents. The creation of arrays of electronic documents also occurs through the digitization of paper sources in state archives (in order to create an insurance fund and a use fund), as well as the creation of full-text databases. In addition, new information technologies in the field of conservation and restoration of documents, the creation of an insurance fund and a use fund make it possible to extend the life of valuable historical sources.

    At the present stage, the state of information technology in preschool educational institutions can be characterized by:

    The presence of a large volume of databases containing information about the activities of the organization;

    Creation of technologies that provide interactive user access to information resources;

    Expanding the functionality of information systems and technologies that provide information processing, creating local multifunctional problem-oriented information systems for various purposes;

    Inclusion in information systems of elements of intellectualization of the user interface, expert systems and other technological tools.

    Comprehensive automation of all stages of document flow and archival storage of documents includes: automation of work with documents, automated workstations, electronic office systems.

    The federal target program “Electronic Russia (2002-2010)” states that the development and widespread use of information and communication technologies is crucial for increasing the efficiency of the economy, state and local self-government. One of the areas of use of information communication technologies in the activities of government bodies, organizations and enterprises is the “development of an electronic document management system, office work and document management standards.” The relevance of improving traditional office work is determined by the need for efficient management activities, accelerating the movement of documents in the organization, and reducing the labor intensity of document processing. The created automated system (hereinafter AS) of office work should increase the efficiency of management by creating a single documented information space, giving users the means to effectively collaborate with documents anywhere and at any time. Modern office automation and document management systems (SADD) allow you to solve a full range of office work tasks:

    Organization of complete and convenient accounting and processing of all incoming, outgoing and internal correspondence.

    Saving all documents related to the organization’s activities in a more convenient and rational way, allowing you to quickly find any necessary document if you have the appropriate access rights.

    Tracking the status of each document, the route of its movement, as well as the relationship with other documents.

    Ensure timely document processing requirements are met.

    Modern office automation systems make it possible to build a full-fledged system for managing document processing processes and monitoring their implementation. SADD covers all processes of creating, processing, replicating, transferring and storing documents, and also automates the basic procedures of modern office work. The life cycle of a document, from creation to its write-off or destruction, is presented in the form of successive stages, each of which the document goes through over a certain period of time. Office automation systems allow you to automatically record the transition of a document from one stage to another.
    Currently, the presence of a successfully operating office automation and document flow system indicates the well-being of the institution and its management. This means complete controllability of those subordinate to the leadership of the apparatus, their competence, solidarity, discipline and interest in the most successful implementation of the assigned work. An automated system makes it possible to quickly and efficiently exchange information between all areas of the production process, reduce the time required to prepare specific tasks, and eliminate possible errors in the preparation of reporting documentation. The introduction of an automated system will ensure ease of use, rational organization of production and reduction of psychological stress. Physiological stress will also decrease, because with the implementation of appropriate software, the time spent on the same work will be significantly reduced. This will have a positive effect on the employee’s performance, because will lead to a reduction in the amount of information processed, and staff will also have additional time to analyze and make management decisions.

    Stages of implementation of automated technologies for processing, creating, using and storing documents. The evolution of these technologies and their impact on documentation processes. Studying the features and patterns of working with documents recorded on new storage media (machine-readable documents, electronic documents).

    Creation of a national system for collecting and processing information for accounting, planning and management of the national economy (OGAS), automated sectoral management systems (ACS). Standard management documentation system (DSMS). Creation of automated information retrieval systems for accounting and statistical documentation, automated systems for monitoring the execution of documents (ASKID).

    Topic 2. Legal and regulatory framework regulating the problems of implementation and use of information technologies in dows. International and national standards.

    International legal acts. Okinawa Charter for the Global Information Society of 2000. Declaration of the World Summit on the Information Society of 2003 (as amended). International legal acts.

    Legislative and by-laws of the Russian Federation. Law of the Russian Federation dated April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures”. Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection.” Codes of the Russian Federation.

    Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal and regional programs, concepts. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 6, 2012 No. 890 “On measures to improve electronic document management in government bodies.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2009 No. 754 “On approval of the Regulations on the system of interdepartmental electronic document management.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2011 No. 751 “On amendments to the Rules of office work in federal executive bodies.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 No. 477 “On approval of the Rules for office work in federal executive authorities.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2007 No. 931 “On some measures to ensure information interaction between state bodies and local governments in the provision of public services to citizens and organizations.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2002 No. 65 “On the federal target program “Electronic Russia (2002-2010)” (as amended and supplemented, dated August 15, 2006). Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2010 No. 1815 “On the state program of the Russian Federation “Information Society (2011-2020)”. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 2299-“On the plan for the transition of federal executive authorities and federal budgetary institutions to the use of free software.” Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12

    2011 No. 176-r “On approval of the action plan for the transition of federal executive authorities to paperless document flow when organizing internal activities.” Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2008 No. 632-r “On approval of the Concept for the formation of electronic government in the Russian Federation until 2010.” Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2006 No. 1024-r “On the Concept of regional informatization until 2010.” Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2004 No. 1244-r “On the Concept of the use of information technologies in the activities of federal government bodies until 2010.”

    Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation (Approved by the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin on February 7, 2008, No. Pr - 212).

    Information Security Council under the President of the Russian Federation.

    Regulatory and methodological documents and standards. GOST 34.03-90. “Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems: Automated systems: Terms and definitions”, GOST 34.601-90. “Information technology. A set of standards for automated systems: Automated systems: Stages of creation." National standards developed on the basis of international ISO standards (GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007 “SIBID. Document management. General requirements”; GOST R ISO 23081-1-2008 “SIBID. Document management processes. Metadata for documents. Part 1. Principles"), GOST R ISO/IEC 26300-2010 "Information technology. Open Document format for office applications (OpenDocument) v. 1.0" etc.

    International standards ISO and IEC. (ISO 26300, ISO 29500, ISO 19005, ISO 16175, ISO 13008, ISO 13028, ISO 30300 series, IEC 82045, etc.); MoReq 2, MoReq 10, etc.


    Faculty of History

    UDC 005.92


    Head department history and


    Doctor ist. sciences, prof.





    Tatyanenko Ekaterina Viktorovna

    Scientific supervisor

    Art. lecturer, candidate of history sciences


    Tomsk 2010

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


    Faculty of History

    Department of History and Documentation


    Head department history and documentation

    Doctor of History, Professor

    N.S. Larkov

    "___"___________ 2010


    On the preparation of the thesis for student Tatyanenko Ekaterina Viktorovna

    1. Topic of the thesis: “Automation of preschool educational institutions in the Administration of the Tomsk region”

    2. Deadline for the student to submit the completed thesis:

    ^ 3. Initial data for work:

    Purpose of the study: analysis of the process of implementation of automated preschool educational institutions in the Administration of the Tomsk region.

    1. Objectives of the study: familiarize yourself with the regulatory and methodological package of documents of the preschool educational institution service of the Administration of the Tomsk District Administration; assess the state of current paperwork; consistently study the stages of automation of preschool educational institutions and the problems that arise during this; to study the opportunities acquired as a result of the implementation of the program and further prospects for the development of AS preschool educational institutions in the TR Administration.
    Object of study: automated preschool education system.

    Subject of research: implementation of automated preschool educational institutions, problems and prospects for automation of preschool educational institutions in the Administration of the Tomsk region.

    Research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, induction, observation, survey, graphical, statistical, description, forecasting.

    ^ 4. Summary of the work:

    Thesis supervisor

    Ph.D., senior teacher ________________V.V.Mirkin

    The task was accepted for execution on February 26, 2010 ________________ E.V. Tatyanenko


    The thesis examines the functions, stages, and problems in the implementation of automated management documentation systems. The theoretical and applied aspect of automation of preschool educational institutions has been studied using the example of the Tomsk District Administration. A general assessment is given of the results of the implementation of the automated preschool education system, and a forecast for the development of electronic document management is given.

    Introduction 6

    1. Functions, stages, problems of implementation of AS DOU 15
    1.1 Functions of documentation automation systems

    management support 15

    1.2 Stages of automation 21

    1.3 Problems of automation of preschool educational institution 28

    2 Automation of preschool educational institutions in the Administration of the Tomsk region 47

    2.1 Stages of automation of preschool educational institutions.

    Study of the implementation process of AS DOU 59

    2.2 The result of the implementation of AS “Kodeks” and prospects for the development of automation of preschool educational institutions in the Administration of the Tomsk region 68

    Conclusion 73

    List of used sources and literature 77

    APPENDIX A List of legislative and regulatory framework for preschool educational institution 86

    APPENDIX B Quantitative composition of documents 92

    APPENDIX B Official correspondence regarding

    Correspondence questions 96

    APPENDIX D Types of documents 97

    APPENDIX E Schedule “Citizens' Appeals” 98

    APPENDIX E Correlation of documents

    For the period 2008 and 2009 (from January to November) 99

    APPENDIX G Route map

    Documents 100

    APPENDIX 3 Terms of reference for the development of software for an electronic document management and office management system 101


    Currently, it is difficult to imagine your activities, any institution, or organization without information technology (IT). Information technology (IT) is a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for managing and processing data, including those using computer technology. Recently, information technology is most often understood as computer technology. Specifically, IT deals with the use of computers and software to store, transform, protect, process, transmit and receive information 1 . Thanks to computer technology, the load associated with information processing has significantly decreased. Documentation support for management is no exception. To improve work in the field of office work, many automated systems have been developed.

    According to the New Illustrated Dictionary, automation is the use of machines, automatic and automated systems in production, scientific, management and other areas of human activity. The main goal of automation is to increase labor efficiency, optimize management, improve quality, and eliminate people from working in conditions hazardous to health 2 .

    Today the market offers a great many synonyms for the concept of “preschool educational institution automation”: document automation system, computer document management and office work automation system, office management system, distributed document management system, document flow system, industrial office automation technology, electronic document management system, etc. Researchers at VNIIDAD propose to combine all the various available software products under the code name automated document management systems (AS DOU). In their opinion, this definition most fully reflects the current state of affairs 1 .

    Automation of office work processes is the rational organization of operations taking into account the latest technologies with information and documents: compilation and registration, transfer (delivery), accounting, creation of an information and reference apparatus based on registration, organization of control over the implementation of decisions made, current storage, possibility of destruction ( value examination), creation and maintenance of an archive 2 .

    Modern activities of any organization occur through the automation of certain processes. So, in turn, local governments need a reliable foundation for organizing management processes, cooperation and fulfilling orders of the executive branch. The activities of the Administrations are carried out on the basis of preschool educational institutions. Consequently, there is a need to optimize this area through automated systems. The implementation of AS is a complex job that requires an integrated approach.

    In recent years, more and more organizations have come to the need to automate work with documents in general. This circumstance was facilitated by the adoption of:

    1. Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signature”. This law significantly expanded the scope of application of documents in electronic form.

    2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2002 No. 65 “On the federal target program “Electronic Russia (2002-2010)”, providing for “translation into electronic digital form of most of the document flow carried out between business entities, government bodies and local government bodies" 1 .

    In this work we will talk about the introduction of modern technical means in the field of documentation management, both in the Russian Federation and directly in the Administration of the Tomsk region.

    Any research work involves the study of theoretical material on a given topic. The main stages of the research include: studying literature and other sources; study of regulatory and methodological documentation in the Administration, other documents used in the work; office operations research; studying the compliance of the work performed with rules and standards; interviewing employees of the Office of Affairs; study of the stages of implementation of an automated system (AS); analysis of the results of AS implementation; forecasting further work on the development of electronic document management.

    However, it is worth noting that, despite the high demand for domestic literature on this issue, there is still a shortage of sources, a lack of work aimed at studying office automation. This can be explained by the relative newness and extremely rapid development of computer and information technologies. Consequently, many textbooks, works, articles, etc. quickly lose relevance.

    Today, most sources offer information on the practical use of certain software products. Such magazines as “Secretary Affairs”, “Office Management”, “Directory of the Secretary and Office Manager”, and others help to analyze and become familiar with possible problems and stages of automation of documentation support for management.

    The authors of articles and other works are specialists in the field of document management and archival science, dealing with the problems of electronic documents, AS preschool educational institutions, as well as employees of various organizations. Among them the following specialists can be distinguished: O.I. Ryskov 1 - senior researcher at VNIIDAD, participant in annual scientific and practical conferences; S.L. Kuznetsov 2 – Ph.D., Head of the Scientific Information Center of the Gorbachev Foundation; T.V. Kuznetsova 3, head. Department of Document Management, IAI RSUH, professor; G.A. Serova 4 - Ph.D.

    Serova G. A. reveals in her articles the main objects and principles of automation of preschool educational institutions. A significant contribution to solving the automation problem was made by T.V. Kuznetsova. Help in getting to know the stages and functions of automation was provided by articles by S.L. Kuznetsov, as well as by Polina Kochetkova 5 (leading specialist of InterTrust Company CJSC).

    Marina Tarasova highlights a practical approach to the implementation of electronic document management systems (EDMS) 6 .

    ABOUT. Podolina, company employee "Inter T rust" , consultant of the Center for Consulting Services and Implementations examines the life cycles of documents within the framework of the EDMS and explains the significant differences from traditional office work 1 .

    Zhuravleva N. in her articles focuses on document scanning and the need for recognition using various software tools. Pays attention to training employees when working with EDMS and problems arising during selection, implementation and operation 2 .

    Belaya T.R., researcher at the preschool educational institution department of VNIIDAD, examines in detail the process of creating and organizing the implementation of automated preschool educational institutions 3 .

    The data provided by scientists, researchers and specialists in the field of office work and process automation of preschool educational institutions can be divided into two types. The first type of work represents a regulatory and methodological framework, an analysis of legislative initiatives. Works of the second type offer examples of practical application, analysis of the capabilities of automated preschool educational institutions.

    The source base for the study was the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as State Standards (GOSTs), the charter of the Tomsk District Administration, Regulations, Regulations on the Preschool Educational Institution Service, instructions for preschool educational institutions, job descriptions of specialists, as well as rules directly or indirectly regulating issues of use, creation of AS DOW. From the accounting and reference documentation we used: the database (DB) of the automated system "Code", the DB of AS "KORD", the nomenclature of cases for 2009. As well as document forms and the documents themselves, instructions and guides for users and administrators on working with the automated Codex system.

    Among the significant, main sources, the Federal Target Program “Electronic Russia” should be noted. Chairman of the Government of Russia V.V. Putin signed Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 721 of September 10, 2009, which approved amendments to the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)" 1.

    The main goals of the program are to create conditions for the development of democracy, increase the efficiency of the functioning of the economy, public administration and local self-government through the introduction and mass distribution of ICT (information and communication technologies), ensuring the rights to free search, receipt, transmission, production and dissemination of information, expansion training of ICT specialists and qualified users.

    During the course of the program, several important Federal laws were prepared that directly regulate the field of information technology. On July 27, 2006, Federal Law No. 149 “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection” was approved, effectively introducing a unified system of record keeping in state bodies and local governments 2.

    The Federal Law “On Personal Data” established requirements for the protection of personnel databases. The law imposes a number of restrictions on office automation systems. For example, in accordance with Article 19, “when processing personal data, the operator is obliged to take the necessary organizational and technical measures, including the use of encryption (cryptographic) means, to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking , copying, distribution of personal data, as well as from other unlawful actions” 1.

    A document is inextricably associated with authenticity, and as a result, with legal force. Currently, a document is not only a material medium containing information, but also electronic documents. In order to protect an electronic document from corrections, forgery and addition of information, the Law “On Electronic Digital Signature” 2 was developed, which introduces the concept of “electronic digital signature” as a requisite of an electronic document to protect it from forgery.

    The issues of creation and operation of automated systems are regulated by GOST 34.601-90 3. GOST identifies eight stages in the creation of automated systems used in various fields of activity. In the management field: formation of requirements for automatic systems (AS), development of AS concepts, technical specifications, preliminary design, technical design, working documentation, commissioning, AS support. GOST 34.602-89 4 establishes the composition, content, rules for drawing up the document “Technical specifications for the creation (development or modernization) of a system”, as well as the procedure for its development, coordination and approval. This standard notes that the requirements included in the technical specifications must “not be inferior to similar requirements for the best modern domestic and foreign analogues.”

    The studied material demonstrates the inconsistency of the legislative framework in the field of regulating the work of electronic documentation. At the same time, the experience of legislative regulation is not great, and the problem has not been disclosed from the point of view of document management, which is why there is reason to consider the topic of the proposed work relevant.

    This thesis project also has practical significance. The analyzed information is presented in a concise and convenient form for use in work. This is a kind of practical guide for anyone who wants to master the basics of preschool automation. The theoretical part allows you to form a general idea of ​​automation processes, and the practical part provides confirmation or refutation of accepted concepts. In each specific case, when it comes to automation, a dilemma arises - which document management automation system to choose, what to guide the choice, how to draw up an “action plan”, limit yourself to solving pressing automation problems or create a system “for growth” 1 .

    The object of the study is the all-Russian principles of automation of preschool educational institutions, automation of the preschool educational institution's Office of Affairs Management service in the TR Administration and the introduction of electronic document management in the Administration as a whole.

    The subject of this study is problems that may arise at all stages of work with the automation of preschool educational institutions, stages of the process of introducing automated preschool educational institutions, problems and possible prospects for automation of preschool educational institutions in the Administration of the Tomsk region.

    Research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, study of documents, direct observation, survey, graphical, statistical, forecasting.

    The purpose of the study is to analyze the process of introducing automated preschool educational institutions in the Administration of the Tomsk region.

    Tasks that realize the goal of the thesis: consider the functions of the AS preschool educational institution; study the stages of automation and problems arising during the implementation of optimization tools for preschool educational institutions; familiarize yourself with the regulatory and methodological package of documents for the preschool educational institution service of the Administration of the Tomsk District Administration; assess the state of current paperwork; investigate problems encountered during the automation process; to study the opportunities acquired as a result of the implementation of the program and further prospects for the development of AS preschool educational institutions in the TR Administration.

    The diploma project consists of an introduction, a main part, which includes two chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources and literature used, and an appendix.

    ^ 1. Functions, stages, problems of implementation of automated preschool educational institutions

    1.1 Functions of automation systems for document management support

    When examining the main functions of office automation systems, it is necessary to highlight the required set of characteristics that a full-fledged automated preschool educational institution must meet.

    First of all, this is the ability to create a document. The document can be created either independently in the appropriate editor (text, graphic), or based on prepared templates.

    The program provides automatic document registration. For each accounting document, a registration and control card is generated, in which information about the document is entered. The system can register both documents created directly in it and imported from outside.

    AS allows you to work with correspondence. This function, as a rule, is characterized by the fact that the connecting beginning of the package of documents is the addressee - the sender, even if he writes on different issues.

    The system supports technologies for registration, processing and control of administrative documents.

    Documents combined according to certain characteristics are formed into the user’s working folders. Moreover, often they store not the document itself, but a link to it.

    The system allows you to implement control over the execution of documents. Control of the execution of documents is carried out, both at the level of the author of the resolution, and centralized control with the possibility of generating reports on the execution of control documents.

    Processing and storage of documents. The registration card offers the possibility of attaching files containing the document itself in a computer form of presentation (for example, text, audio or video material, etc.). The system must have the ability to merge documents, allowing you to bring together separate text and graphics files to form a complete document.

    Working with interrelated documents. The ability to establish links between registration cards of documents that are thematically related, canceling or complementing each other, repeated, etc. is supported. When working with a document, you can always view all correspondence on an issue, its history, copies of cards sent to other departments, having instant access to each card of interest.

    Movement of documents, entering resolutions and comments. The document movement mechanism ensures the processing and transmission of documents between system users. The basis for the automatic transfer of documents can be the introduction of a resolution. The routing of document movement can be hard-coded or user-defined. The path of the document from the moment it is transferred to the head for initial consideration until it is written off for the file is recorded.

    Support for nested subsystems. The organization's office management system includes subsystems of departments with their own functions (accounting, control, movement of documents, etc.)

    Track versions of one document. When several users work together on one document, the problem of “versions” and the problem of “copies and originals” takes up a lot of time and effort.

    Registration of license plates, reporting.

    Distributed processing, sending documents by mail. The document processing process must be the same for all system users. To exchange information between users, the system provides e-mail, the functions of which include: official and personal correspondence; automatic sending of messages and notifications. The system allows you to create mailing lists.

    Work via the Internet. The system implements a Web-server for office work, which provides access to data about documents and the documents themselves from any local or remote computer via the Internet. The user is given the opportunity to create a search request for a document or group of documents registered in the system.

    The search system allows you to find a document using several criteria: document name, addressee, sender, date of the document, words contained in the text of the document, etc.

    The system allows you to archive documents. After processing, signed documents are placed in the archive. The archive administration workstation allows you to configure modes for archiving and restoring documents, and set access rights to archives.

    Writing off the document for use. When a corresponding entry is made in the registration card in the automated system, the document is written off for the file.

    Maintaining and automatically updating dictionaries and reference books. The system directories include: users, departments, organizations, citizens, thematic document rubricators, standard texts, case nomenclatures, access marks, mailing lists. In some systems, you can create new lookup tables yourself.

    Providing automation of reference and analytical work. The system generates standard reports and charts (certificates, summaries, journals, lists of documents). It is also possible to download a report and graph generator. During operation, system actions and user actions are recorded.

    Regulation of access rights. User rights in the system regulate both access rights to file cabinets and documents in accordance with their classifications, as well as the set of functions available to a given user (registration, editing, filing a document, removing control, etc.). If necessary, department employees can be given the opportunity to work only with documents of their department. Documents from other departments will be inaccessible to them at all or available only for viewing.

    Delegation of signature rights. The system provides for electronic signature of documents and resolutions on documents. If necessary, it is possible to delegate the right to sign one document or set up automatic delegation for all documents received for signature by the manager.

    Information protection. Each workplace can be protected with a password from attempts of unauthorized access to information and performance of actions on behalf of the user. At the same time, the system must comply with existing office practice and support the full life cycle of a document in an organization: from its initial registration to write-off. The system must undergo state certification for compliance with GOST standards for office management.

    The creation of records management systems for organizations with special requirements for information security is carried out taking into account the fact that it is necessary to ensure compatibility of the system with any special information security tools, including certified ones, which will allow its use to be harmonized with existing security standards 1 .

    So, summing up the above, the following should be noted. Automated preschool educational systems serve the following functions: creation and registration of documents, transmission of correspondence, control, entry of executors and subsequent control over the execution of documents, removal from control, write-off, reference work and archival storage. As well as protecting information from unauthorized use, copying, modification, transfer and granting access rights.

    Thus, we can identify the main tasks of the automated preschool educational institution and automated processes.

    The main tasks of office automation are:

    1. Organizing order in working with documents without increasing the staff;

    2. Reduction of staff if necessary;

    3. Improving customer service and management of the company, enterprise, organization;

    4. Reducing the processing time, registration and transmission of documents;

    5. Elimination of loss of documents;

    6. Centralized tracking of the progress of office processes;

    7. Improving control over execution;

    8. Improving the quality of document processing;

    9. Ensuring document storage;

    10. Reducing time for reference work.
    The following processes can be automated in a preschool educational institution:

    1. Reception, registration, processing and distribution of incoming correspondence;

    2. Preparation, signing, registration and distribution of outgoing correspondence;

    3. Preparation, signing, registration and sending of internal and organizational and administrative documents;

    4. Creation of instructions, resolutions for all types of documents and the ability to register responses to them;

    5. Monitoring the execution of documents and resolutions;

    6. Scanning a large number of documents, creating and maintaining electronic archives of documents.

    7. Conducting business correspondence between organizations, individual departments and employees 1.

    8. Restricting or expanding access to sources of information.
    The implementation of an office automation system is a complex and responsible process. An incorrectly chosen system, at best, leads to unnecessary costs, and at worst, it can significantly complicate the work of employees and ultimately compromise the very idea of ​​automation. In some cases, the process of implementing an automated system that has dragged on for several years leads to the fact that the organization is forced to abandon the software package, in which a lot of effort and money has already been invested, and look for something else on the market of automated systems designed for working with documents.

    In addition, it is necessary to take into account that office automation is only a reflection of the document management system operating in an organization (institution, enterprise, firm, holding, corporation). Therefore, any automation to achieve the best results should begin with optimizing the existing document management schemes in the organization, and only on the basis of this optimized model should an automated office work system be built. Otherwise, the transfer to a computerized basis of an imperfect, contradictory and confusing scheme for working with documents will lead to the creation of the same contradictory and imperfect automated system. For successful automation of preschool educational institutions, this process should be divided into several stages.

    ^ 1.2 Stages of automation

    The first stage Automation of preschool educational institutions is the creation of a package of legislative, normative and methodological documents describing and regulating the conduct of office work in the organization 1.

    The formation of a regulatory and methodological package of documents should begin with a selection of GOSTs regulating the office work industry. This package should also include various Federal laws that control the processes of working with documents depending on the type, type of enterprise, organization of the institution, Regulatory acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, documents of federal executive authorities. (APPENDIX A (reference))

    I consider it advisable to highlight a separate section within the package of normative and methodological documents - manuals on office work and periodicals examining office work processes. Among other documents, it may be necessary to: Standard for interaction of automation systems for management documentation support 2 .

    According to Dubrovin S., a professional view of the activities being carried out, the development of methods and means to achieve the goal, and the development of software requirements are necessary.

    The first step on this path is the nomenclature of cases. It’s good if it exists; if it doesn’t, it needs to be done. Existing recommendations for working with the nomenclature of files are general, but they do not take into account all types of documents that a modern secretary or office has to work with. These include films, photographic documents, sound recordings, raster and vector images. A special section is occupied by documents received in the form of a report from databases. All this diversity must be considered from the point of view of document flow. The easiest way to organize your workplace is to create a list of folders on your computer that corresponds to the nomenclature of cases, with the corresponding numbering in the name. In this case, the order of folders will not change when new ones are added, and the operating system will always give the opportunity to sort them in ascending order of numbers. But at the same time, it is necessary to create the opportunity to take into account other types of documents that are traditionally not included in the nomenclature of files 1.

    ^ Second stage– preparation of technical specifications containing a detailed description of what and how the organization plans to automate, what should change after the implementation of the automated system, how this system should work.

    When starting automation, it is necessary to formulate detailed requirements for the system or, in other words, technical specifications for automation. Taking into account this technical specification (TOR) in cooperation with I The organization's T-service will select and configure a program for use in office work. The success of the implementation of modern technologies and the convenience of employees working with the installed computer office management software package largely depend on how detailed such a list of requirements is formulated. 2 .

    To prepare technical specifications, the following GOSTs may be useful: GOST 19.201-78 Unified system of program documentation. Technical specifications. Requirements for content and design , GOST 34.602-89 Information technology. A set of standards for automated systems. Terms of reference for the creation of an automated system 1. Today, the European specification MoReq-2 can be used in Russia. The document presents detailed recommendations on the formation of technical requirements for building full-fledged automation systems for preschool educational institutions. 2

    Thus, we can say that the package of normative and methodological documentation for the effective work of preschool education service employees is quite complete.

    ^ Second stage is a study of current office work. In order to give an objective assessment of the state of office work, its study is required. The study of the preschool education system includes two main parts:

    1. Study of the composition and movement of documentation. This section provides a description of the quantitative and qualitative composition of documents and their movement routes.

    2. Study of basic office processes.
    Study of the composition and movement of documentation

    To study the characteristics of the quantitative composition of documents, the period from 01/01/2009 to 11/31/2009 was taken. The total number of all groups of documents registered in the Administration of Affairs (AD) was 11,795.

    The entire set of documents in the Tomsk District Administration consists of 3 groups.

    1. Incoming (incoming) – total 4897 1;

    2. Outgoing (sent) – total 2596 2;

    3. Internal documents – 4302 3.
    The main layer consists of incoming and outgoing documents.

    Analyzing the graph (APPENDIX B (reference)), we can say the following: the relatively small number of documents at the beginning of the year is associated with a large number of weekends and holidays. The increase in the mass of internal documents in the spring is apparently associated with a large number of approvals of resolutions on land issues. It can be assumed that it is the weather conditions that set this trend, since all construction and land work takes place during this period. The general decrease in the summer months is associated with the vacation period, including the vacation of the Head of TR. The decrease in incoming documentation at the end of the year is due to changes in the rules for registering duplicate documents. Until September, all incoming duplicate documents were registered as duplicates and the program assigned them an additional end-to-end number. For example, if you already have 01-01-2365, additionally 01-01-2365/1, 01-01-2365/2, etc. Next, only the first document arrived was registered; if the original document arrived (with a blue stamp by mail, brought in with your own hand), it was attached without registration to the document with the Chapter’s resolution.

    It should be noted that fax and email messages are not re-registered, but delivery reports are retained.

    For the most complete description, you should provide a table and graph on correspondence issues (APPENDIX B (reference)).

    The diagram shows the amounts of incoming and outgoing official correspondence regarding activities. The numbers in the legend correspond to the data in the table (item no.).

    The pie chart shows which questions are most often encountered in correspondence. The largest segment is occupied by correspondence on law enforcement issues with organizations (internal affairs department, prosecutor's office, courts, justice). This is due to frequent requests from the prosecutor’s office, participation in trials, etc. Correspondence on issues of land resources and land management – ​​segment 11% of the total number of incoming and outgoing documents. The third most important place is occupied by the share allocated to documents of public authorities sent for information (laws, decrees, resolutions, decisions, protocols). The work of the Administration is also based on financial activities, which is confirmed by the 7% division.

    The diagram by types of documents (APPENDIX D (reference)) demonstrates all the names of documents registered in the Office of Affairs in the Code system (outgoing, incoming, internal). Among the general mass, such types of documents as letters, resolutions and orders stand out. These groups are determined by the activities of the organization.

    Citizens' requests (only incoming letters) are registered in a separate module of the automated Codex system. Outgoing correspondence regarding citizens' requests is registered in the traditional way in the journal of outgoing letters. Two sources were used to construct the table and graph (APPENDIX E (reference))

    The number of requests from citizens is not large, but they are given special attention. All of them are under the control of the Head of Administration. A large number of appeals, both oral and written, are sent from the Administration of the Tomsk Region.

    When performing a comparative analysis of the volume of documents for 2008 and 2009 according to the graph and table (APPENDIX E (reference)), we can see an increase in incoming, internal and a small increase in citizen requests in 2009 compared to the previous year. The number of outgoing documentation has decreased slightly. Thanks to the histogram, it can be assumed that the volume of documents increases every year in the TR Administration.

    ^ Document movement routes.

    The route diagram for groups of documents (APPENDIX G (reference)) allows you to identify and eliminate repeated passages of documentation. This saves time and labor resources.

    Absolutely all incoming documentation (official correspondence, citizens' appeals, emails, faxes, etc.) goes through the DOU Office of Affairs Management service. Documents can be received by mail, delivered by courier or visitor, received by fax, or email. Upon receipt of documents, first of all, the correctness of their delivery is checked. Erroneously received correspondence is returned to the sender or forwarded to the addressee. After opening the envelopes, the correctness of the contents and its integrity are checked, i.e. availability of all document pages and all attachments. For faxing, both the total number of pages received, their correspondence to the number indicated on the first sheet of the fax, and their readability are also checked. If a fax message is received incompletely or the quality of individual pages is poor, the sender will be notified.

    If documents are received by mail, all envelopes are opened, with the exception of those marked “personally”. Once opened, envelopes are destroyed, with the exception of letters from private citizens, since the return address can only be indicated on the envelope. Envelopes from documents received already overdue are also saved. In this case, the stamp on the envelope can serve as proof of the day the document was received. Envelopes regarding law enforcement issues with organizations (internal affairs department, prosecutor's office, courts, justice) are also kept.

    Sorting is carried out into non-registered documents - advertising and information letters, invitations and many others, citizens' appeals - they are registered by another employee (senior specialist) of the Office of Affairs in a separate module of the Code system, therefore, in a separate automated workstation (AWS). Unregistered letters, in turn, are also sorted by executor for subsequent transmission (put into cells or folders).

    Letters are registered only in the name of the Head and his deputies.

    Letters subject to registration are opened. The employee responsible for registration familiarizes himself with the contents and sorts them into urgent ones (response period up to 3 days). Next, urgent documents are registered first and a route is assigned to them, and then others. The route is set in several directions: letters without registration are transferred directly to the executors (for example, to the heads of departments, if the letter is addressed to them), registered letters are transferred to the head of the Administration Department for review and verification. This makes the work of the Head of Administration easier. If the issue is within the competence of the head of the department, the document is returned with a resolution for control. Others are submitted to the Head for consideration. Documents from the head are returned with a resolution for control, indicating the executors. Next, the document is transferred to the user for review and/or execution of the order later. This is where the mechanism for outgoing documents starts. Upon completion of execution, the document is checked and, if necessary, given to the Head for review and personally removed from control. If the response is prepared on the letterhead of any Department, and not on the Administration’s letterhead, the signature of the head of the relevant department is sufficient (exceptions are documents submitted personally by the Head for control - they require mandatory signature by the Head, and must be prepared on the Administration’s letterhead). The completed signed documents are returned to the UD for registration and dispatch. The last step of the documents in the chain of events is writing them off and placing them in storage areas. The document can then be subsequently used, then transferred to the archive or destroyed.

    The passage of internal documents has the following route. After preparation, the document goes for approval, then the manager gets acquainted with it, signs it and submits it for registration. Next, the document is sent to the executors and put under control. Once completed, it is written off, used in the future, transferred to the archive or destroyed.

    Documents addressed to the Head of the district (Head of the Administration), as well as without specifying a specific person or body of the Administration, are first considered by the Deputy Head of the Administration - Business Manager. We can say that additional passage of documents through the head of the department is justified. A preliminary review of documents is carried out with the aim of distributing received documents into those requiring mandatory consideration by the Head of the district (Head of the Administration) and those not requiring and sent to the deputy Heads of the Administration, as well as those directly sent to the Administration bodies.

    ^ Research of basic clerical operations

    Specialists of the preschool educational institution service are regulated by instructions for office work, regulations, the Federal Law on Citizens' Appeals, as well as job descriptions.

    The main office work stages are:

    1. Registration;

    2. Organization of execution control;

    3. Operational and archival storage;

    4. Setting up reference work.

    All documents received by the UD are processed by a specialist of the first category. According to the list in the documentation instructions, non-registered documents are highlighted:

    The following documents are not subject to registration:

    A) letters of congratulations, invitations, notices;

    B) reports;

    D) price lists, copies thereof;

    D) material consumption standards;

    E) accounting documents;

    G) anonymous requests;

    H) statistical reports, bulletins, collections sent for information.

    The documents listed in paragraphs: c, d, e, f, h are subject to special registration in the relevant authorities of the Administration.

    An important feature is that official correspondence must be registered on the day of receipt, and citizens’ appeals within 3 days from the date of receipt in accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” 1

    All registration is carried out in the Code system. This system is divided into several modules. In the “Office Correspondence” module the following are registered: incoming, outgoing initiative, responses to incoming documents. Registration is carried out by a specialist of the first category.

    The “Citizen Appeals” module is used to register only incoming requests and complaints from citizens. The subsystem does not have a section for registering outgoing documents.

    ^ Organization of control over the execution of documents

    Document execution control is a set of actions that ensure timely execution of documents.

    Control is carried out in accordance with the instructions for office work.

    The main tasks of the execution control group (the employee exercising control) are:

    1. Tracking the progress and recording the actual execution of incoming, outgoing and internal documents that have recorded instructions from management;

    2. Summarizing information obtained during monitoring the process and results of execution, bringing this information to management in a convenient formalized form;

    3. Development of proposals to speed up document flows and strengthen performance discipline
    Control (over the timing) of document execution includes several successive stages:

    1. Submission of documents for control;

    2. Verifying the timeliness of delivery of documents to specific executors;

    3. Preliminary check and regulation of the progress of execution;

    4. Removal of documents from control;

    5. Accounting and summarizing the results of control over the execution of documents