• Turn off the Internet on the phone. Turn off the Internet on Android. No network - more battery life

    How to turn off the Internet on the phone? – This can be done in different mobile companies in many ways, so the portal cellular assistance the site offers subscribers in Russia and the CIS countries to find out what exactly you should pay attention to when you need to turn off the connection to the Network as soon as possible and prevent money from being debited from the account. It is noteworthy that the shutdown cellular internet allows you to save your money in time, because, for example, with the option enabled in roaming mode, you can lose extremely more finances in a short time. Turning off the mobile Internet can be done after a few interesting ways, therefore, all will be discussed in this material. What will the conversation be about today?

    1. Shutdown via Internet Assistant
    2. Shutdown via a call to the operator
    3. Disconnect via USSD code
    4. Disable via settings mobile phone

    It is curious that there are so many ways to close access to the Internet. However, choosing one from it and going through it to the very end is what can help to finally solve the problem and the question as a whole. Turning off the Internet on a mobile phone can be done not only through standard methods that everyone knows about, but also through a series of steps that may not seem quite right.

    What information do you need to know right away?

    For example, you can turn off the Internet on a Megaphone phone through the operation of a regular call. Of course, there are additional services - USSD codes or work with the Internet Assistant, however, in any case, it is enough to call the connection number with the telecom operator (0505 + “Call”) and talk with the person about your problem: this will help him give precise instructions on what exactly the subscriber should do, or he himself will personally turn off the connection to the Network on the number.

    IMPORTANT: You can turn off the Internet on the MTS phone in the same way as on Megafon. A little lower in the article there will be a detailed manual on what exactly needs to be done. What steps to take and how to look at it. Shutdown will be performed immediately. It is worth noting that the relevance of the article is August 20, 2014, so you can use the material for an extremely long time.

    How to turn off the Internet in a short time?

    How to block internet on phone? - This is supposed to be done through the steps that are indicated just above. It is only necessary to understand those points that will help the subscriber not to make mistakes: switching off is always free and it is performed using all available methods that are offered mobile companies on the territory of the Russian Federation or other countries.

    1. Let's start with mobile operator No. 3 in Russia. So, you need to turn off the Internet on your Beeline phone through the following options: "Highway" 1GB and 3GB with daily payment are disabled by the command "*115*030#" + "call" and "*115*050#" + "call".
    • 1 GB - "*115*040#" + "call" or by calling the phone at the number: "067 471 7020+ "handset"
    • 3GB - "*115*060#" + "call" or by calling cellular telephone by number: "067 471 7030+ "tube"
    • 5 GB - "*115*070#" + "call" or by calling a mobile phone at the number: "067 471 740+ "handset"
    • 10 GB - "*115*080#" + "call" or by calling the number: "067 471 750+ "handset"
    • 20 GB - "*115*090#" + "call" or by calling the phone at the number: "067 471 760+ "handset"
    • 60 GB - "*115*100#" + "call" or by calling a cell phone at the number: "067 471 770+ "handset"
    1. It is supposed to turn off the Internet on the tele2 phone through the Internet assistant, which can be accessed at an address like "my.tele2.ru". This also includes a call to the phone "611". Or an appeal to the office of the company, the address of which can be seen in your city on the tele2.ru website.
    2. Closing access to the Internet on Android is available through a tricky move, which was discussed a little higher. The conversation is that you can simply change the APN data and entry points in the settings, where in any case it says either “MTS”, or “Megafon”, or “Beeline”, or “TELE2”. The step is to arbitrarily change the names or simply delete them, in which case the system will not work, because the user will enter the wrong move. It is supposed to go to the mobile Internet settings through: “Settings, Network settings, wireless Network, Connections”. And there all the steps above are perfectly done.
    3. It is supposed to prohibit access to the Internet on Samsung of any mobile operator in a similar way: changing the settings inside the cellular device. It is enough just to follow the steps in question, after which everything will stop working. This is very convenient when it is not desirable to use traffic while roaming, since it costs a lot.

    IMPORTANT: What other options are there for well-known mobile operators? So, for example, for Megafon it is worth using things such as USSD codes. For MTS - exactly the same. There will be a discussion about this a little lower.

    How to turn off access to the Network on Megafon or MTS?

    In order to deactivate access to the Network from a mobile phone on Megafon, you must enter the following USSD codes that relate to a particular mobile subscription rate:

    • – «*236*0*0#» + «Call» — removal of the «Internet XS» service;
    • - "*236*1*0#" + "Call" - deletion of the "Internet S" service;
    • - "*236*2*0#" + "Call" - liquidation of the "Internet M" service;
    • - "*236*3*0#" + "Call" - deletion of the "Internet L" service;
    • - "*236*4*0#" + "Call" - refusal of the "Internet XL" service;
    • - "*105*264*0#" + "Call" - deletion of the "Internet 24" service;
    • - "*105*224*0#" + "Call" - deletion of the "Internet 24 PRO" service;
    • - "*510*5*0#" + "Call" - liquidation of the service " EBook»;
    • - "*522*0#" + "Call" - deletion of the "Children's Internet" service;
    • - "*105*504*0#" + "Call" - deletion of the "Be calm" service;
    • - "*105*369*0#" + "Call" - refusal of the service "BlackBerry® Internet Service";
    • - "*105*221*0#" + "Call" - liquidation of the "Non-stop" service;
    • - "*105*275*0#" + "Call" - deletion of the Internet Owl service;

    How to turn off the Internet on MTS?

    Mobile phone manufacturers amaze customers with a wide range of newfangled gadgets. It is not necessary to understand all the capabilities of smartphones, but it is desirable to be able to work with their main functions.


  • Each modern model mobile phones somehow has the ability to access the Internet. Some devices support only the simplest online communication managers, while smartphones provide an almost perfect connection to the network and the work of many applications. For these reasons, the default settings of most smartphones allow the device to have an open Internet connection for downloading necessary updates. Be careful about this phone operation if you have limited or expensive Internet traffic or low battery, as resources may run out without your knowledge.
  • Smartphones equipped with a built-in receiver WiFi connections, allow you to access the Internet via Wi-Fi, if there is an activated device within access. Set the Wi-Fi Priority first if you don't want to use mobile traffic when connected to the Internet. You can enable this feature in the "Settings" section. wireless connection”, “Selecting an access point”, etc. depending on the brand of the phone. In chapter WiFi settings turn on notifications for available wireless networks if you need to. To save battery power, turn off WiFi reception when this function is not used.
  • The “Wireless networks setup”, “Mobile networks” or “Mobile Internet” section will allow you to configure access to the network via GPRS. Uncheck "Enable Packet Data" to disable internet. When you log out of the network, the checkbox will become inactive, and the icon indicating that the Internet is on will disappear on the phone screen.
  • Enter the application settings item. In the "Update notifications" section, configure the options for downloading updates from the Internet: on/off (applications will update themselves), Wi-Fi only, packet data. When updates are found, the system will ask for your permission to work on the Internet. Only allow updates when connected to Wi-Fi and with sufficient battery power.
  • Tip added April 25, 2012 Tip 2: How to turn off the Internet on your phone Many modern mobile phones support the Internet access function. There are several methods to disable this option. The choice of the appropriate method, as a rule, depends on the purpose of deactivating the service.


  • First, try setting the wrong Internet connection settings. Opportunity manual setting connection is available for almost all models of mobile phones and smartphones. Turn on the device and go to the "Settings" menu.
  • Select the "Internet" or "Connection setup" submenu. Select active profile Internet connection and click Change. Enter a different access point value. Write down the login and password, the values ​​of which will not meet the requirements of the mobile operator.
  • Save your settings and restart your mobile phone. When working with smartphones, it is important to disable additional communication channels. Open the settings menu and go to the Wi-Fi category. Disable the wireless network adapter. This step will save battery power consumption.
  • Some mobile devices support the function of completely blocking access to the Internet. Open the device settings and go to the "Protection" item. Find the "Block Internet Connections" box. Save your settings.
  • A certain part of the phones can work in the "Calls only" mode. It is not entirely convenient, because it makes it impossible to actively use important features devices. Activate this option if you use your phone exclusively for calls.
  • In the event that you could not block access to the network on your own, call the technical support of your operator. Explain to the specialist the essence of the problem and ask them to disable the ability to use the Internet channel for this SIM card.
  • After blocking access to the network, be sure to restart mobile device. It is important to understand that using the last method described will not allow you to quickly connect to the Internet if necessary.
  • How to turn off the Internet on your phone - printable version

    Mobile Internet has become popular among owners of smartphones, tablets, laptops and even desktop computers. This service is provided to MTS subscribers both in the form of separate Internet packages and as part of tariffs for communication and all-inclusive packages. In the latter cases, the Internet traffic specified in the tariff is provided to the subscriber automatically upon connection, and its cost, one way or another, is included in the monthly subscription fee.

    It happens that the circumstances of the user of communication services change, and he no longer needs such a functional tariff. In addition, the rejection of unused services can significantly save the budget. There are several simple ways to disable the Internet service by MTS subscribers.

    Ways to turn off the Internet on MTS on your phone or smartphone

    If you want to disable the MTS Mobile Internet service, you can do this in the following ways:
    1. USSD commands
      To disable the MTS Internet in this way, send a request *111*18# on short number 111 . In confirmation of the operation, the subscriber will receive an SMS message about disabling this option.
      The USSD command can also be found using the MTS service. To do this, on the phone you need to dial *111# and then, following the prompts of the operator, select the desired menu item. The result in both cases will be identical - the option will be disabled, and a confirmation message will be sent to the subscriber's phone.
    2. SMS messages
      IN this case to disable the Internet, just send a text message 21220 to a short number 111 . The request will be processed within a few minutes, and the operator will send a confirmation to the subscriber about the success of the operation.
    3. User's personal account on the MTS website
      To disable the MTS Internet on a smartphone via the Internet, you must be registered on the mobile operator's website. After registering and entering the site, you must go to the user's personal account. Using the services of an Internet assistant in your personal account, you can control and track financial operations with balance, add and , change tariff plans, add and remove Internet traffic packages and more. Personal Internet Assistant, thanks to a simple and understandable menu, it will help you quickly disable an unnecessary option, including the Internet.

    Disabling the options "BIT" and "Super BIT" MTS

    The "BIT" option is the most budget option for the MTS Internet package. At a low subscription fee the user is offered 75 Mb of traffic per day. " Super BIT» designed for a wider use of the service than communication in in social networks. You can check the remaining available traffic within these options using the combination *217# .

    You can disable the "BIT" and "Super BIT" options on the MTS in one of the following ways:

    1. through the user's personal account on the website of the telecom operator;
    2. using USSD request - *111*252*2# (or *252*0# ) to disable the "BIT" option, *111*628*# to disable the "Super BIT" option.
    In case of using several Internet packages at once, the command *111*931# will allow one action to disable them all.

    Disabling the Internet Tablet option by MTS subscribers

    The MTS operator provides its subscribers with Internet traffic packages specially designed for tablets. The peculiarity of the Internet Tablet tariff is its zero cost for the user. Tariff connection feature - the option is provided as part of the MTS TV application. Thus, only when using the application, the operator does not charge the consumption of the traffic used by the subscriber.

    Ways to disable the Internet Tablet option:

    1. using the user's personal account on the website of the telecom operator. To do this, using the prompts of the Internet assistant, you need to find the item MTS-Tablet Mini or MTS-Tablet and press the "Turn off" key;
    2. using USSD request - *111*885# for TP "Tablet-Mini", *111*835# for TP "MTS-Tablet";
    3. via SMS to a short number 111 with text 8850 for TP "Tablet-Mini" and 8350 for TP "MTS-Tablet".

    Disabling Internet service from MTS on a computer or laptop

    To disable the service, you need to know exactly its name - Internet Mini, Internet Maxi or Internet VIP. If necessary, such information can be obtained at the operator's call center by calling the number 0890 . This method is quite time consuming, as there may be a long wait for an answer on the line.

    You can disable the service using the user's personal account much faster. To do this, you need to use the tips of the service and find the connected Internet package (one of the three above). Any of them can be disabled by simply pressing the " Stop».

    One way or another, registration on the official website and the user's personal account provide the MTS subscriber with a wide range of opportunities. You can view the settings of all services connected by the subscriber, their tariffs, connected packages, control spending Money from the SIM card balance. The provided series is the most optimal, convenient and fast to use.

    Mobile Internet service may not be included in the basic terms of service for certain tariff plans, which makes it necessary to activate additional traffic packages and other subscriptions in order to gain access to world wide web. This situation makes it relevant to study the question “How to disable Mobile Internet on MTS?”, to the study of which this material will be devoted.

    As the largest Russian telecommunications operator, MTS has developed a number of additional services, allowing you to extend your pastime on the World Wide Web. However, their use is accompanied by write-offs from personal account additional funds. Consider the most common cases of clients contacting services technical support with the request "How to turn off the Internet on MTS", which will allow customers to independently cancel an expensive subscription at any time.

    Turning off the Internet on Smart tariffs

    The Smart line is a series of tariff plans, the cost of which already includes traffic. Disabling such an Internet is impossible by technical capabilities, regardless of whether it's a Smart Mini, or an older solution. You can restrict access to the World Wide Web:

    1. having completely spent the rest of the prepaid traffic according to the tariff plan;
    2. using the functionality of a mobile phone, which restricts access to the World Wide Web.

    Turn off the Internet on other tariffs

    Considering other tariff plans with prepaid traffic volumes, we can come to the same conclusions as in the previous question. Some customers resort to activation additional packages Internet, which allow you to extend stable access to the World Wide Web in case of premature use basic package. In this case, the client will be helped by sending a USSD request *111*936# or using a personal account. We will consider working with the user control panel in the corresponding section.

    The above information is also relevant for HYIP subscribers.

    Turn off the "Single Internet"

    A single Internet is the ability to connect to one personal account up to 5 devices that will use the prepaid traffic volume. This function It is quite common among customers and allows you to organize high-quality Internet distribution with data consumption control.

    Here stand out the following types commands:

    • the service is automatically deactivated immediately after the removal of all participants. You can do this by sending a message with the text "0 (space) *" to the number 5340;
    • You can also remove a specific member from the network by sending an SMS with the text "0 (space) 79 (space) member number" to 5340.

    A special interface for managing this service has been added to the user control panel, which greatly simplifies the procedure for interacting with subscribers.

    Disabling data transfer for a day

    The service "Internet for a day" is also common among customers, but is accompanied by a daily write-off of funds from the balance of the personal account. The following condition must be observed here: the deactivation of the service must be done before 00:00 of the current day, otherwise funds for its extension will be automatically debited from the balance of the personal account.

    To disable the service, it is enough to send a USSD request *111*670# , which will be performed completely free of charge. As confirmation of the action, the client will receive a corresponding notification.

    Turn off on 3G and 4G modems

    Considering how to turn off the Internet on MTS, it is worth mentioning the popularity of 3G and 4G USB modems, which allow you to use high speed connection on personal computers or laptops. Working with the service is similar to the classic version:

    1. cancellation of the Internet at the TP with prepaid traffic is impossible by standard means;
    2. Detailed management is available in your personal account.

    How to disable unlimited internet on MTS

    Mobile TeleSystems also offer to use the services unlimited internet, making this question relevant for consideration. To disable MTS mobile Internet, you must first find out the name of the tariff or specific service.


    • "BIT" can be deactivated by sending a USSD request to the number *252*0#, or by sending an SMS with the text 2520 to the number 111;
    • "SuperBIT" can also be disabled by dialing *111*628# or forwarding a message with the text 6280 to number 111.

    Detailed information on other tariffs or services can be obtained in the relevant section of the operator's official website.

    How to turn off the Internet on MTS through your personal account

    You can also turn off MTS Internet on your phone in your personal account, which is the most effective method. Get access to user interface you can in the appropriate section of the company's website, or by downloading official app to a mobile device based on operating Android systems or iOS.

    Any modern application accesses the Internet. Even if an application is not directly connected to online services, it can still consume data. The simplest example is in free program there may be advertising, but it is loaded from the Internet. In this article, we will analyze:

    • how to completely block (turn off) the Internet on an Android tablet or smartphone;
    • how to disable background communication and updates;
    • how to close Internet access for a single application.

    Why turn off the Internet on Android

    • not to waste paid traffic 3G internet.
    • To an application or operating system could not connect to the server for various reasons.
    • To save battery power.

    How to Completely Deny Internet Access in Android

    1. Turn off mobile Internet (mobile data) and WiFi

    Pull down the status bar and open the notification panel. Turn off WiFi and mobile data:

    2. Enable offline mode

    In many smartphone models, it is enough to long press the power key and select Offline mode:

    It is important to remember here that you will turn off not only mobile data, but also mobile network, i.e. you won't be able to receive calls.

    3. Configure APN with wrong parameters

    Or choose an access point (APN) from another operator. To change open:

    • Settings
    • Connections
    • Other networks
    • Mobile networks
    • Access points
    1. Add a new point.
    2. Set a name.
    3. Specify the wrong access point.
    4. Select a freshly created AP:

    After that, the mobile Internet on the Android device will stop working completely.

    How to prevent applications from accessing the Internet

    This option is suitable for you if you want to disable it, but you want, for example, your browser, mail, VKontakte to work, but when you close these applications, data exchange stops: messages do not come and nothing is synchronized and updated.

    1. Disable sync

    This will disable the update. mail client, Chrome, VKontakte, Facebook, etc.:

    2. Disable auto-update applications via mobile Internet.

    Run Google Play Market.

    Click on the "sandwich" icon

    Sign in Settings.

    Select auto update mode Only via Wi-Fi or Never:

    How to block Internet access for a separate application

    Some particularly self-contained and determined applications (such as Skype), . Therefore, for such there are separate methods for closing access to mobile data.

    1. Install an application to control Internet access

    Install separate accounting and control software Android traffic. For example, Droidwall.

    You will be able to control traffic, and some applications can be completely blacklisted.

    2. Sign out of the account in the application

    3. Disable background data

    • Settings
    • Connections
    • data usage

    Select the app for which you want to restrict background data:

    Clear the corresponding checkbox:

    After disabling data, you must completely close the application. The best way to do this is through Clear Memory.

    Setting the traffic limit in Android

    You can use convenient function— set a daily traffic limit. This feature will help you avoid wasting money if a program uses up your allowable daily limit.

    • Go to Settings;
    • Connections;
    • data usage
    • Check box Mobile data restriction;
    • Set a limit;
    • Select the threshold at which a warning will be displayed:

    Attention! We cannot guarantee that if you turn off mobile data and sync, the device will not be able to transfer data in any way. Therefore, we are not responsible for possible withdrawals from your account.