• Wordstat Yandex top queries. Why do you need search query statistics? Word selection service in Yandex

    Today we will dive into the Wordstat service from Yandex and learn how to find out the number of queries by words per month, how the number of queries changes depending on the month, region, etc.

    Why is it important to know the number of queries in Yandex by words?

    The fact is that the entire advertising campaign originates from the semantic core (this is the set keywords), on it, like on a skewer, all the add-ons, tags, fancy bidders, whatever you want are strung. But if we don’t know what words in Yandex people use to request our product, then we will advertise blindly, and, accordingly, we will simply waste our advertising budget. When we clearly understand that there is a list of queries with a certain frequency, people use them to search for our product, for example, from December to March there is a decline in activity on queries, we can build an advertising strategy. Very convenient and practical.

    So, understanding the number of requests in Yandex by words helps us:

    • Collect semantic core for setting up contextual advertising in Yandex and Google
    • Collect a semantic core for website optimization (for SEO promotion)
    • Choose the time to enter the advertising campaign so that the return is as high as possible (for example, launching an advertising campaign in the summer using the keyword “snow removal” is pointless).

    How to find out the number of requests in Yandex by words?

    Using the example of the keyword “buy sand-lime brick”, we see that for this request in all regions (all countries) the number of impressions in the previous month was 8,883. By the way, there is no need to confuse the concept of “impression” and “request”. If you typed “buy sand-lime brick” into a search engine, then this is a request when the search results page appeared in Yandex - this is a display if you went to next page search, then + another display, i.e. there is only one request, but there can be many impressions if you turn the pages.

    It happens that we need to look at the number of impressions per month for the phrase “buy sand-lime brick” while excluding all other additional phrases. There are data operators for this. You just need to put certain characters in the request and Yandex will understand what you need.

    Data operators

    1.Operator "" Quotes

    "" Quotes - will show only the specified keywords, but in any word form

    2. Operator Exclamation mark (!)
    Exclamation mark - we fix the given word form. Those. if we don’t need words like sand-lime brick, sand-lime brick, but only sand-lime brick is needed, we put it in front of each word exclamation mark

    3. Minus operator (-)

    - Minus - using this operator we exclude words that we need to exclude from the search. For example, we want to remove the phrase “Moscow”. Then the request will look like this (again in the case of sand-lime brick):

    4.Plus operator (+)

    Plus – we force Yandex to take into account prepositions

    5.Bracket operator (|)

    Brackets and forward slash – Using this operator we can combine multiple queries into one report. For example, we have several main keywords and we need to understand how many requests there are for them, but we don’t want to mix these words with each other ourselves in order to get all the statistics - Yandex will do this for us

    How to find out the number of requests in Yandex for words in a specific region?

    Very simple! We need to go to the “All regions” tab and select your region or city

    How to find out the number of requests in Yandex by words in a specific month?

    And we have the answer to this question! Go to the “Request History” tab, we see a graph of frequency distribution by month, as well as absolute and relative figures for each month

    Conclusion about the number of requests in Yandex Direct

    So, today we have learned how to determine the number of requests in Yandex by words for a certain period, in a certain region, and exactly by those words that you need using data operators. This information is necessary for niche analysis, as well as for drawing up an effective advertising campaign. Thanks to the Yandex Wordstat service, we can easily understand how many people are interested in a product and how many such people are in a particular region, and don’t forget about seasonality!

    Keyword selection is the initial and most important step in the search engine optimization process.

    Semantic core- a set of keywords and words by which users will find your site in search engines Oh.

    An incorrectly composed semantic core of a site is fraught with promotion for inappropriate search queries or highly competitive keywords, which will not bring noticeable results. Therefore, keywords should be focused primarily on the user.

    How is analysis, selection and statistics of keywords useful?

    Yandex is the largest search engine on the Runet, therefore keyword statistics on Yandex is the primary guideline for website promotion on the Russian market.

    Yandex.Direct is a service for placing contextual advertising in the mentioned search engine. For a successful advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct, keywords must be selected most carefully.

    There are several reasons for this:

    • Saving your advertising campaign budget. The main secret to the effectiveness of advertising in the Yandex.Direct system is the low cost of attracting a client. If you do not pay attention to this, the advertising campaign will turn out to be ineffective and expensive;
    • Best ad conversion. Your website should be visited only by necessary and solvent clients who find on it exactly what they were looking for. If you do not approach the selection of keywords correctly, your site will be visited by uninterested people.

    How to implement efficient search Yandex keywords?


    The Yandex.Wordstat service is specialized tool, which allows you to select Yandex.Direct keywords based on search queries users.

    The principle of its operation is simple: you specify the word for which you want to view statistics, after which the system displays all key phrases in which the specified word is used.

    Advantages of the Yandex.Wordstat service:

    • Easy to use;
    • Displaying statistics of both target and associative queries;
    • Since Yandex is the search leader on the Runet, Yandex keyword statistics are an extremely significant detail in the promotion of Russian websites.

    Disadvantages of the Yandex.Wordstat service:

    The service does not display the number of users who made a request for the key, but provides information only on the number of impressions for the request.

    Thus, the actual number of users who turned to Yandex search with a specific request will be several times less than what is displayed in the service statistics.

    The top line of query statistics displays all queries that include the key you are researching. Statistics of Yandex key queries in exactly the declension and case you need will be displayed only with the help of special operators.

    An example of keyword selection in Yandex.Wordstat

    Checking Yandex keywords that users request in the search engine is not difficult.

    Go to the service website and select a region, if necessary:

    Let's consider, as an example, the selection of Yandex keywords for the query “ semantic core»:

    The numbers next to each request represent a preliminary estimate of the number of monthly impressions.

    Request " semantic core» has 6295 impressions per month. The service has special operators that allow you to check keywords in Yandex. For example, “quotes” will allow you to count impressions solely by word and word forms without additional words.

    When prompted " semantic core" impressions for various forms of the phrase were taken into account, such as " semantic core», « semantic core", but not " semantic core of a web resource" The exclamation point allows you to take into account the word in this particular spelling.

    By adding quotation marks and an exclamation point, we see that the Yandex keyword check shows 1270 exact occurrences:

    This request is low competitive and is subject to promotion. However, in Yandex key queries There are those in which the difference between the total number of the request and the exact entry reaches 10-20 times.

    As practice shows, promoting such key phrases and words does not make sense. In addition, the right column displays associative phrases based on your request, which will also expand the semantic core of the website.

    Thus, Yandex keyword analysis - powerful tool website promotion on the Internet. Good luck with your promotion!

    Good Bad

    This article will talk about search query statistics: how to view it, where you can view it, what it is for, etc. This topic will be very interesting for those new to SEO. Let's not pour too much water, but let's get closer to the point.

    1. Why do you need search query statistics?

    Now let's talk about how and where you can view query statistics.

    3. Yandex and Google query statistics services

    I will consider two services in the most popular Runet search engines: Yandex and Google (this is quite enough for analyzing queries). If you compare the statistics of other search engines, the difference in numbers will be very small (naturally, if you compare proportionally the frequency and audience of search engines).

    3.1. Yandex Wordstat service

    In Yandex there is special service: wordstat.yandex.ru (Yandex Wordstat). This is very popular service, however, it does not show the frequency of search queries, but the frequency of queries in Yandex Direct. In most cases, this is enough to understand whether the request is popular or not.

    I’ll briefly explain how to use wordstat yandex. By entering a request in the form, Yandex will offer all word forms of this request:

    The frequency of the request in the general table will be indicated taking into account all the clarifications and additions. If you need to find out the frequency of a specific keyword in the same word form, then you need to write it in quotation marks and put an exclamation point before each word:

    It is also worth considering that Yandex makes no difference whether phrases are written in the plural or not. Yandex does not take into account word forms at all, and also does not take into account all prepositions.

    Having received some data on search queries in Wordstat, you need to remember that this data is far from accurate. For example, I take them into account only proportionally, i.e. if a query is popular in Yandex Direct, then it is logical to assume that it will also be popular in search results.

    To take into account prepositions (that, how, in, on, etc.) you need to put a plus sign “+” in front of it. For example, the request “+how to make money +on the Internet”.

    3.2. Google Adwords service

    Now let's talk about Google, which provides an even slightly more interesting tool than Yandex. Link to service: adwords.google.com. You need to log in, then click on “Tools and Analysis” and then “Keyword Planner”. Here you need to enter keywords and you are offered a large selection to choose from key phrases, which Google finds from its Adwords contextual advertising database. It’s also very cool that you can see the history of changes in the frequency of a request.

    When Rambler had very good service, but recently it no longer has its own search base, because it uses Yandex output. In general, there are only two in RuNet good service, which I considered.

    All systems for keyword analysis, collection of keywords, etc. they take data from these two services - remember this!

    4. How to find out the dynamics of the popularity of a query

    Yandex and Google give free opportunity see the dynamics of the popularity of the request. This is convenient for determining the general trend and prospects of some queries. You can also use this to determine the seasonality of requests.

    In Yandex Wordstat, you need to select the “Query history” checkbox and you will see a change graph.

    We will analyze Yandex Wordstat selection of keywords to start your first advertising campaign in Yandex system Direct. It's no secret that contextual advertising is one of the most effective ways advertising on the Internet.

    This is especially important for all online stores. Now we will select just a few words so that you can use them to start advertising in Yandex Direct.

    So now you need to go to the Yandex keyword tool (wordstat.yandex.ru). With the help of this service, we will learn how to select the appropriate words. So, you can understand how to get the first customers for your online stores.

    We specify the region in Yandex Wordstat

    The first thing we do is specify the region in Yandex Wordstat (1) .

    For example, if an online store operates throughout Russia, then we specify the region and check the box “ Only Russia«.

    If the store is aimed at some narrower market (for example, only Moscow and Moscow region), then you can easily select the desired region for which you will work. Next, click “ Choose«.

    Selecting a high-frequency query in Yandex Wordstat

    Now we select high frequency request in Yandex Wordstat. Let's say we have an online store that sells children's products (in particular, baby strollers).

    Enter the phrase “ baby stroller". Since our online store operates throughout Russia, our region is Russia. Press the button " Pick up"And what do we see?

    We see keywords and statistics in this system for each request. So, let's see.

    Baby strollers - a huge number of shows (more than 192,000 impressions per month). This is a high frequency request. Now I need to copy this request and write it into a separate file to search for keywords in Yandex. By the way, this is . So, I submitted the first request.

    Now I want to explain to you one mistake that most newbies make in contextual advertising. They leave this request just like that.

    In fact, the request " Baby strollers" shows the frequency of impressions per month, taking into account all lower Yandex keyword suggestions that include the word " children's" And " strollers". In order to see how many people searched for the phrase only “ Baby strollers", then this request must be enclosed in quotation marks ("").

    The end result will look like the picture below.

    Now only this phrase will be displayed, which had 10,042 impressions per month. It is this high-frequency phrase in quotes that we will need to add to the list of keywords for a contextual advertising campaign. We add it in quotes.

    What are transactional queries in Yandex?

    There is such a thing as . These are phrases that contain some kind of verb that calls for action. For example, " Buy a baby stroller" is a transactional search query.

    In general, words such as buy, show, order, and so on are queries that imply that the user already wants to take a specific action. Such requests are very effective.

    In order to ensure that at the very beginning of working with contextual advertising If you get some results, be sure to add such words to your separate list. So we copy " Buy a baby stroller" and add it to your list.

    I also found the query " Stroller store“, which will also be effective. For this query, users are looking for a specific store. But among the many baby stroller stores, these people will choose and compare prices, conditions, and so on accordingly.

    Therefore, it is very important that your store has a unitary sales offer. This is an offer that the visitor will find very difficult to refuse.

    1. "baby strollers"
    2. buy a baby stroller
    3. baby stroller store
    4. baby strollers online store

    Basically, that's all for now. We have these 4 requests left. Firstly, they have a high frequency. Such queries are often searched for and accordingly, you can find large number visitors and potential buyers to your online store.

    Secondly, the selected queries are the most targeted. That is, a person already knows what he wants. And he wants to buy a certain product. You simply give him information in your ad that you are selling this product. Therefore, the effectiveness of such advertising will be very high.

    Yandex Wordstat selection of keywords with an example

    Yandex Wordstat selects keywords for us in the simplest form. Let's try again to choose keywords. This time we will search online using the query “ Child car seats«.

    We see the top request “ baby car seat” with 45,135 impressions per month. We take this phrase and insert it into the list with quotation marks.

    Next I'll have " Buy a child car seat". Also an excellent request. Let's copy it, but without the quotes.

    (Last update: 01/13/2019)

    Hi all! Post updated. Today we'll talk about the service Wordstat Yandex(Yandex Wordstat) and the Yandex Wordstat Assistant tool. The service from allows us to select keywords for the site. To be honest, I myself have not paid attention to such tools before to find the best keywords for my blog. Now Wordstat Yandex my most faithful friend and assistant. You can't go anywhere without him.

    Selection of keywords in Wordstat Yandex

    Before writing a post, the first thing I do is select keywords in Wordstat Yandex (keyword statistics on Yandex).

    Word selection (wordstat)- This free service, which helps to obtain information about Yandex user requests. For example, it allows you to find out how many people per month search for a particular phrase, and see queries that are similar in meaning to your phrase.

    Keywords for the article title

    Selection of Yandex keywords - wordstat.yandex.ru when writing an article

    Selection of keywords in Yandex or to How to choose the right title for an article

    That's all I have. I hope it was useful to you. Until next time. Bye bye!