• Which outdoor antenna is best for a TV. Indoor antennas for digital television

    Any FORUMHOUSE user knows: country life doesn’t let you get bored even without television. All the time you need to build something, improve it, remove weeds, but in the evening you want to take a break from the labors of the righteous. And nothing could be better than getting together with friends and watching a football match with your favorite team on TV. Therefore, together with the users of our portal, let’s find out which antenna to install at the dacha so that the signals are received well and the price is reasonable.

    Which antenna is better for a summer residence?

    If even one strongly protruding channel exceeds the maximum permissible level after the amplifier, it will “overwhelm” the amplifier (overload) and the output will be a mess of channels.

    The main disadvantage of active antennas is the impossibility of adjusting the gain ("playing" by changing the supply voltage - nothing), the impossibility of Skylink rejection, the impossibility of weakening strong "crawl-out" channels.

    If the outdoor antenna and the amplifier are located from each other at a distance of 0 meters to 10 meters (mast + descent into the attic), then in the vast majority of cases this does not lead to signal attenuation.

    It is also necessary to remember that for the amplifier to operate normally, it is necessary that the signals arriving at its input be approximately the same and of a certain level. Any television channel (or interference from a 450 MHz cellular network, radio alarm, etc.) that greatly exceeds the level of other channels overloads the amplifier and “dirt” appears on the screen. At a very high level, the amplifier may overload so that nothing will be visible on the screen at all. In this case, it is impossible to turn off the amplifier without altering such an “antenna”.

    Alexander 2 :

    - X good antennas for the dacha are good, but a lot depends on the cable, I recommend taking SAT 50 or SAT 703.

    And even living next to a transmitting repeater does not guarantee reliable reception.


    – It seems to me that the signal from the air is getting worse and worse from year to year. I can’t say about the Moscow region, but I have TV antenna for the dacha - an ordinary inactive UHF broadcast, a year ago it showed 15 channels, and this summer 10 federal +2 regional. Here, the problem is obviously in the frequencies, which are affected by the many installed cell towers. My clients on satellite television live a hundred meters from the TV station, and still their TV shows poorly! Therefore, it is better not to rack your brains which outdoor antenna to choose for your dacha, and switch to satellite TV.

    Alexander 2 :

    – “Ultra-close” TV reception is a special case! You have to think here. Branded terrestrial antennas require installation at an angle of +5 - +10 degrees to the horizon and it is necessary not to amplify the signal, but to selectively suppress channels using notch filters.

    And in order to prevent obstacles and range from affecting the quality of picture reception, digital terrestrial television was invented.

    How to install an antenna at your dacha yourself

    Let's look at all the stages of installing a television antenna using the example of the experience of a member of our portal.

    H.J.S. :

    – My garden is located a hundred km from Moscow (to the northeast), there is no data yet on the signal level and quality of reception. There are no obstacles in front of the building, the estimated antenna mounting height is 6m, the house has a splitter for 3 TV outlets. I would like to receive central channels in more or less decent quality. I think my a The television antenna for the dacha will be passive, larger in size and a separate amplifier for it.

    Alexander 2 :

    – In this case, you can install the antenna in several stages, which will allow you to choose the most optimal design. Here's a suitable installation diagram:

    • To begin, install three separate antennas for each band. You need to choose a standard mast, not a stick/pole or pipe. Don’t buy an amplifier yet, but combine the signals from three antennas on a special summing filter;
    • Then divide the signal into three tails using a divider.
    • If the picture does not suit you, then you will need a three-input range amplifier. They are usually called mast-mounted, but in our climate it is better to place them in the attic;
    • During installation, in order not to confuse anything, it is necessary to mark the cables from all three antennas.

    A participant of our portal used the above-described scheme, and the results of the first test met expectations - they show all the channels from his personal rating, except for sports.

    Test results:

    • Channel 1, TV Center, Channel 5 and Zvezda - shown with minor interference;
    • Home, REN TV, STS, TNT, 7TV, DTV, MTV, MUZ TV, 2X2 - show very well;
    • Russia is bad, NTV is very bad, Sports is not visible at all.

    H.J.S. :

    – We can say that the test result is positive, this is almost enough, the only thing I would like to see is the Sport TV channel, but for this you need a dish.

    But in addition to the fact that you need to choose the right TV antennas for your dacha, you need to attach them to something. There are many wall brackets or installation matches on sale, but sometimes not a single option is suitable, and in order not to spoil the gable of a private house, it is easier to install an outdoor antenna on a tree. And it won’t even worsen its appearance!


    – When installing, you don’t want to spoil the pediment of the cottage, drill siding for a bracket, etc., but next to the house there is a hundred-year-old linden tree, 15 in height, why not a mast?


    – You can put both a plate and ethereal on the tree. The tree trunk does not rotate around its axis, and swinging does not lead to signal loss.

    Let's see how outdoor TV antennas for a dacha can be mounted on a tree:

    You can read an article about how to properly supply electricity to a private home

    On FORUMHOUSE you can see our users - many of them have sites 100-200 km from the city. The installation of TV antennas is described. And if you need to fix a satellite dish on a house with a wet facade, then you can find out how to do it correctly on our forum. Even if you are completely satisfied with your TV antenna for your dacha, you can find out which one does the job better on our forum. If you are just deciding which antenna to install in your dacha or which television to choose, which may suit you best, read FORUMHOUSE.

    • do not use the one bought when your grandfather went to first grade;
    • don't buy the cheapest one with virtually no braid. Choose normal ones;
    • do not shorten as much as possible;
    • do not make sharp creases;
    • Do not roll the excess into a coil.

    Even if you connect the pieces with a standard coaxial connector, the signal quality is guaranteed to deteriorate.

    Using the amplifier

    This inexpensive antenna for the garden gives good results. If you plan to receive only with this antenna, then its two long side “whiskers” can be unscrewed.

    Wave channel

    They give good results, especially for remote signal reception when it is quite weak.


    Many TV viewers use the “Polish” antenna - a grid and four rows of antennae. It doesn’t matter where it was made, they used to call it “Polish”, and sometimes “mesh”. Very often it does not demonstrate the best characteristics for receiving a digital signal.

    In general, for reception at the dacha , very sensitive too. If the reception of the digital signal on it in your area turns out to be normal, then you are just lucky. The amplifier of this antenna can be powered by 5 Volts, which can be taken from a digital tuner, and then there is no need to use an additional power supply.


    indoor antenna shows good results for . Even if you paid dearly for it, the result may be zero.

    If you only want an indoor antenna as an on-air antenna for your dacha, you may be “advised” to buy it more expensive and “better”. But if you hope that she will start giving you a wonderful signal in your room, then this hope is in vain. If there is a bad signal in the house, no antenna will help. External - this is the solution to the problem if there is no reception in the room.


    Remember? We're talking about ethereal, so forget about satellites. You will not receive terrestrial television in the DVB-T2 standard through a satellite tuner. You will not connect the T2 tuner to the . We receive the T2 signal from the nearest broadcast tower in the UHF range. To a regular over-the-air antenna for a summer residence, not a “dish”.

    Ending the day in front of a blue screen has become a tradition among our population. Therefore, every owner of his dacha has a TV. Since the house is located outside the city, in order to view at least a few channels, you need an antenna for the dacha. In order not to waste your money and choose the right model, you need to know the main types of antennas and their purpose.

    Types of antennas

    Before choosing an antenna for your dacha, you need to know what they even exist. It is on the correspondence of their functionality to your needs that the choice of this design for a TV for the dacha will be based. Antennas come in the following types:

    1. Satellite. The “dishes” that are popular today do not depend on the TV tower and receive the signal directly from the satellite. Their signal strength is constant and does not depend on the terrain. Even the simplest direct focus or offset satellite dish will provide you with high picture quality, an assortment of your favorite channels and viewing pleasure.

    But behind the comfort comes a good price: you need to buy the “dish” itself (the worse the terrain, the larger its diameter should be), a receiver, you may need a convector (to amplify the signal) and, of course, for broadcasting, a good TV.

    1. "Polish"- This is the most common antenna for a TV in the country. With its help, you can watch a dozen local TV channels on your country TV screen. The antenna is located in the house itself, often near a window, pointing towards the TV tower. It will catch the signal provided that the tower is located within a radius of 30 km and nothing interferes with this signal (forests, hillocks, waste heaps, high-rise buildings, etc.). An amplifier can remove minor interference and make broadcasting stable.
    2. Improved models of “Polish” antennas with built-in amplifier. This is already an active antenna for good reception of many channels. Its design consists of several separate parts arranged in a special way. The amplifier inside picks up waves at a greater distance (up to 80 km) and recognizes even weak signals, amplifying them. Install the active antenna on the street, at the highest possible point.
    3. Traveling wave class antennas equipped with high receiving characteristics. Such an outdoor antenna for installation in a country house is a good choice; it is compact, picks up signals well on several bands, and all its components are mounted on a common boom.
    4. "Double Square"- This is a directional type device. The simple design combines a high gain of the signal wave and ease of control without any burdensome settings. This is the best TV antenna for a summer house if you also want to catch a Wi-Fi signal.
    5. Digital antenna for a country house is practically no different from the usual ethereal model.

    The design of the digital version for the dacha is as simple as possible, because part of the responsibility for receiving the signal lies with a special tuner. In addition, the digital broadcasting format is noise-resistant, so even an inexpensive digital antenna is suitable for these purposes, the main thing is that it operates in the decimeter range.

    Choosing a model for a summer residence

    Based on the above types, you can understand which antenna to buy specifically for your dacha. The main questions that you should find answers to before purchasing:

    • How far is your hacienda from the city?
    • How far is the nearest TV tower from your dacha?
    • How many channels do you want to watch on your country TV?
    • What is the terrain like in your holiday village (is there a forest nearby, how dense is it, are there hills, ravines, etc.)?
    • How much money are you willing to spend on an antenna for a country house?

    It is better to choose outdoor antennas for your dacha, since indoor options are only effective if the radio tower is close.

    You can try this: if a regular wire can catch at least some signal, then an indoor antenna will suit you. Otherwise, buy an outdoor antenna.

    Which antenna to choose for long service: active or passive?

    Which antenna to choose for long service: active or passive? Definitely, a passive antenna will last longer, the amplifier of which is a separate device located nearby (for example, an antenna on the roof of a house, and the amplifier is in the attic).

    The service life of active antennas is a little more than a year; due to bad weather and corrosion, the built-in amplifier gradually fails. You can continue the service of such an antenna using regular silicone. Before putting it on the roof, seal the board. The time will come, and you will still have to change it, but with less losses.

    Even the best TV antenna needs a quality cable and sometimes a good amplifier. Therefore, do not save money and buy an imported cable, preferably an Italian one. But don’t overdo it with the amplifier - it’s super powerful, it can pick up “unnecessary” signals, on the contrary, worsening the viewing quality.

    The antenna model that is best to buy for a summer residence:

    • traveling wave class model (Uda-Yagi) - if your hacienda is located within the city limits. Because industrial interference predominates in such an area, and it greatly affects the signal reception by the built-in amplifier. Such antennas receive exclusively the main signal, ignoring all reflected interference.
    • “Polish” with a built-in amplifier - if the dacha is located far from a big city. It will be able to pick up a weak signal and, amplifying it, transmit it to your screen.

    Rating of the best models

    There are a large number of different models, each adapted to specific signal conditions. Therefore, it is impossible to advise which antenna to install at the dacha in your particular area. But it’s quite possible to make a rating of the best manufacturers.

    Delta antennas. They occupy first place, their range is diverse: both narrowly directed (which receive only meter or decimeter waves) and broadband devices. Most of them pick up a digital signal. The connection is easy - just insert the wire into a special connector with an F-connector. Receives signals even over long distances.

    Antennas "Lokus». Available in active and passive models. They are attracted by the low prices for these designs and good quality. Antennas work mainly for 2-3 TVs; their design is simple and lightweight, and installation does not require special preparation.

    Another leader in the antenna market. It maintains an average pricing policy, while positioning itself as a manufacturer of devices for areas with uncertain signal reception. He copes with the task successfully.

    Company "GoldMaster» . This antenna is the latest to be included in the rating of popular manufacturers. According to consumer reviews, even in places with a very poor signal, the picture on the screen does not slow down, does not “snow” or become clogged with other signals. Bad weather also does not affect signal reception. At the same time, the prices for such antennas are just a “country” option.

    If the TV tower from your dacha is within sight, then you can try to make an antenna yourself. The author of the video tells how to catch a digital signal at home. This recipe is so simple that even housewives can handle it.

    It should be noted that digital television is becoming more and more popular every year. It is likely that in five years everyone will install a digital tuner or satellite dish in their dacha.

    Let us describe in a few words the wonderful qualities of digital television. The technology is distinguished from the traditional one by the form of the broadcast signal. Analog systems change the field strength continuously, digital systems encode each pixel value with ones and zeros. The indoor digital television antenna receives any signal. Reception does not care about encoding; polarization plays a decisive role.

    Reason for mastering digital broadcasting

    The digital signal is very stable. Ones and zeros are sometimes additionally encrypted with a code that is known to the recipient. Against a background of noise, the equipment scans the received signals; the correspondence of the sample to the incoming wave produces a peak that is many times higher than the noise level. Digital broadcasting will allow transmitter power to be reduced.

    It is clear that in conditions of increased background electromagnetic radiation, quality is very important. This explains the obvious fact: digital television is gaining popularity.

    Let's discuss quality separately. The encoded signal accurately conveys the colors of the pixels. The picture looks real; similar performance is difficult to achieve using analog transmission. Billions of colors can be recognized from the signal received by a digital television antenna. You may not notice the differences on the screen only because it is not profitable for free channels to increase the cost of equipment or buy double frequency bands in order to please the user with the Diamond Color shade presentation system.

    Digital television has managed to narrow the signal spectrum. Let's discuss the physical meaning of the spectrum. The fact of conversion means: previously there were 10 analogue channels, now there will be approximately 35 digital standard definition channels.

    There are three side properties that are useful to both sides of the client-provider connection:

    1. Protecting the channel from viewers who have delayed the subscription fee. A valuable advantage provided by digital television antennas. Look at what you need, cutting off what is unnecessary.
    2. Integration of broadcasting with the Internet. It is now possible to use special provider keys without purchasing additional equipment (receiver). The satellite access code is transmitted to the Internet network by the service provider's server. Usually there is a free test mode for viewing satellite digital television.
    3. We consider interactivity to be a novelty in video playback technologies. Live DVD Digital Options.

    Digital TV antennas demonstrate a dozen advantages. If logical arguments do not convince you to choose digital, know that by 2015, 100% of broadcasting was planned to be digital.

    Why can't you use regular antennas?

    Wideband devices lower the gain by capturing a wider range of frequencies. A deficiency does not always turn into a disaster. Residents of problem regions with a weak signal will have to think about it.

    Signal polarization

    A constant electric field is not transferred by the ether. Only dynamic systems are characterized by the property of mobility. The world allows a change in the electric field to cause an adequate reaction in the magnetic field. The result is a wave that resembles a New Year's garland twisted and cut along the paper. It narrows and expands.

    An electromagnetic wave, if the human eye detects the phenomenon, looks similar. Two school sinusoids, mutually perpendicular. The first chose the horizontal plane, the other - the vertical. One is the amplitude of the electric field, the other is the magnetic field. Polarization is usually divided:

    1. Vertical.
    2. Horizontal.

    Polarization is characterized by a spatial figure that describes the vector of the electric field amplitude. Owners of smart TVs catch a horizontal or vertical plane (radio). Digital broadcasting uses the simplest waveform.

    The polarization formation process is performed entirely by the transmitting antenna. The reception area must have equivalent characteristics. The identity is called electromagnetic compatibility.

    The matter is not limited to the considered case; spiral antennas have circular polarization, right-left. Determined by the direction of twist of the turns. Helical antennas are incompatible with linear ones.

    Elliptical polarization occurs; circular polarization is considered a special case. You see - simple information. It remains to add that the amplitude vectors of the electric and magnetic fields do not occupy perpendicular planes, rotating continuously. Resembles an image of a human DNA chain.

    Frequency band

    Let's consider the concept of frequency. The students saw a sine wave. The period of the function is contained in the denominator, the unit is in the numerator, and together the frequency is obtained. Shows the rate of change in the amplitude of electric and magnetic fields. Occupy perpendicular planes. Circular polarization is characterized by frequency; the dependence is more complex.

    Real signals differ from sinusoidal shapes. A short time interval allows the field to be viewed approximately (short time). The actual satellite signal occupies a fixed frequency interval. The result is summed up by adding the elementary harmonics (sine waves). The graph represents the process as the dependence of the amplitude of single sinusoids (volts) on frequency (hertz). The representation is called the spectrum of the signal, the occupied horizontal segment is the frequency band of the signal. Let's add that in digital television harmonics are separated by a strictly defined distance. The spectrum is discrete.

    The digital television reception antenna is characterized by polarization and operating frequency band. You cannot use arbitrary modification. It is impossible for one antenna to cover the frequency band occupied by digital television.

    Digital broadcasting can be satellite, terrestrial, or cable. Today the second type of television is being addressed. Satellite signals are received by parabolic and toroidal antennas.

    Nominal broadcast frequencies are prescribed by GOST 7845-92. According to the manuscript, 5 bands are allocated for digital television. They fit into the range 48 - 790 MHz. This span corresponds to sixty channels. Antennas for digital terrestrial television can cover this list 100% or catch one broadcast, VHF or UHF.

    The standard clearly specifies the carrier frequencies for picture and sound. Polarization in digital television antennas is horizontal, but the standard also regulates the use of vertical polarization. But in any case linear. The image carrier is modulated in amplitude, and the sound carrier is modulated in frequency. In this, digital television is not far removed from analogue. The lower sideband is suppressed to save power and reduce the bandwidth of the transmitter and receiver paths.

    For device connections, it is recommended to use a 75 Ohm coaxial cable. Accordingly, both the input and output resistances of the devices are close to this value.


    Antennas for digital television follow the requirements specified in the previous section. Models on sale:

    • indoor;
    • street;
    • hybrid.

    It is relatively easy to choose which antenna for digital television you will need. If the repeater is outside the window, then the indoor option is preferable. It is enough to buy a couple of meters of coaxial wire, and this will be enough to install the equipment. An indoor antenna is cheaper, equipped with a stand, and often the instructions allow it to be placed near a window.

    Outdoor options are required where the signal is relatively weak. The reception on the roof is incomparably better, and this fact can be used to enjoy digital broadcasting. I haven’t come across passive outdoor antennas, but if they exist in nature, it’s worth considering that the signal level at the TV input will greatly depend on the length of the cable. Those living on the second floor will most likely need an active antenna.

    Hybrid options will allow you to install yourself both in the room and on the roof without compromising quality. Well, the price, of course, will be higher than that of a room apartment.

    When choosing equipment for signal reception, make sure that the antenna and broadcast ranges match. For information about the latter, please contact your digital television provider. They produce both varieties that cover entire channels and selective antennas.

    NPP Ost produces a product that is attractive to Russians. Delta is an antenna for digital television, but searching for products through Yandex is a lost cause. The St. Petersburg manufacturer distributes products through dealers. And everything that the consumer needs is available.

    Not only that, there are any designs on the counter in terms of installation locations, but the design also shines with variety. It is based on logarithmic and frame elements, but the external form is so amazing that it is recommended to visit the site at least just to admire this magnificence. The wealth of engineering solutions is amazing. Unlike foreign products, which look the same.

    Self-taught people chose the simplest method for making devices. The material chosen is coaxial cable. Use a TV with a characteristic impedance of 75 ohms. It is enough to ensure reliable reception of a single broadcast frequency. Muscovites have access to three multiplexes, the spectrum is constantly expanding.

    Good luck! Read our reviews, watch digital television.

    Digital television comes into our lives with rapid steps. And right now you need to think about purchasing it. After all, it is planned to turn off the analog signal very soon. In this case, your TV will not show pictures without the appropriate equipment. Today we will think about purchasing an antenna for receiving DVB-T2 digital television.

    Selecting an antenna for receiving DVB-T2 digital television

    To choose an antenna for reception, you first need to consider the distance from the transmitter. This is a very important criterion. After all, the closer you are to the transmitter, the stronger the signal and reception in this case is possible even with the smallest or even indoor antennas.

    In some cases, it is easy to make an antenna yourself from a piece of television cable.

    Manufacturing will not be difficult.

    For strengthening a weak DVB-T2 signal Any amplifier, as for a Polish antenna, with medium or low gain is suitable. It can be easily connected to an antenna type DIPOL. In this case, reception digital television DVB-T2 will be possible at a distance of more than 100 km from the transmitter.