• Examples of three high-converting landing pages. Best Landing Page practices for high conversion. Traditional examples

    Landing pages ( Landing Page) or landing pages are becoming increasingly popular among online businessmen. Moreover, many do not even think about how to calculate the conversion or effectiveness of a project’s advertising campaign. Lately, it is believed that landing is the solution to all problems in the field of online sales, but this is not always the case.

    What do we see in the online market? Most customers and performers use phrases like “Conversion from 15 to 50%.” Sometimes you can come across completely absurd offers when a web studio boasts that it creates landing pages with a conversion rate of, for example, 76% or other fairly accurate figures.

    Many people tie the success of a project directly to the conversion rate. It is clear that the ratio of visitors to sales is important, but you need to look at things soberly and avoid misconceptions associated with landing pages.

    Misconceptions associated with landing pages

    It is believed that the Landing Page must have a special “magic” structure that can provide high level sales But, as we know, there is no place for magic in entrepreneurial activity.

    You need to understand that universal methods does not exist, because each business is designed for its own special target audience. Yes, there are general trends and rules, but high conversion can only be achieved through fine and painstaking tuning.

    A headline, a block with benefits on the right, an image on the left, several rave reviews and sugary sales text - all this cannot guarantee an increase in sales.

    You can't sell it head on

    To begin with, put yourself in your place target audience. Do you like it when people insistently try to push goods in? This aggressive approach to sales has a right to exist, but in an area where “hot” sales predominate. For example, this could be selling ice cream, because no one will search on the Internet best place to purchase such a product.

    However, if the cost of a product or service is at all significant, then front-line sales do not work. Customers may need to visit the product page multiple times to accept final decision.

    As a rule, people study reviews about the place of purchase, but on third-party resources, because they do not trust the responses on the site itself. In addition, the consumer must compare prices and terms of the transaction. Accordingly, in order to achieve an increase in the conversion rate, you will have to take this state of affairs into account.

    To attract a buyer you need to think like a buyer. Look at your sales page from the perspective of your target audience. If you make purchases on the Internet, then you need to analyze the work of the sites with which you cooperate. If you buy offline, then you need to figure out why.

    This is necessary in order to make changes on your own landing page that will force users to perform conversion actions.

    For example, you own clothes, but you buy things offline. If you don't think buying things online is a good idea, then why should your users buy anything?

    6 Easy Ways to Increase Conversions

    1. Analyze competitors' prices. If you can favorably differ in price, then you do not need to strive for this by any means; as a rule, the quality of service or the product itself will suffer. Try to find an objective reason that compensates for the need to pay more. For real sales we need real benefits.
    1. Quite often you can see this situation. You go to the site, and at first glance everything there is nice, a good headline, but when you start to interact more deeply with the site, you notice open praise of the company, an information mess and a huge number of intrusive lead forms. Users try to ignore such sites.
    1. You need to find money and time for high-quality selling texts. All subsections, if any, must be completed. Quite often there are elements that remain from the landing page template and are completely unnecessary on the site.

    1. Pop-ups and menus, especially those that can't be closed immediately, can significantly increase your bounce rate, which can negatively impact conversions. People are already fed up with such dynamic elements. Now it’s better to abandon this approach and make simple, comfortable websites.
    1. If out of 1,000 visitors, 800 immediately leave the landing page, then perhaps the issue is not with usability, but with incorrect traffic sources. Thus, incorrectly configured contextual advertising can attract completely irrelevant traffic. In addition, you need to analyze search queries, through which users come to you.
    1. The landing page must contain information about payment and delivery methods. The user should not look for such information somewhere in the footer or through a separate link.

    Effective design or flashy wrapper?

    The landing page should be clear, concise and neat. To do this, it is not at all necessary to use animation, flash effects or other complex graphics. The main thing is that the design is an integral part of the site, and not just a bright wrapper.

    A common mistake is to create a design first and then fill it with some content. So, many web studios offer to use ready-made templates. With this approach, the content and design will not look as harmonious as possible. This indirectly affects conversion, as users will immediately notice that the site is not designed professionally enough.

    19.10.17 300

    The essence sales landing page structures is to encourage visitors to take a specific action. For example, make a purchase, register, or subscribe to a newsletter.

    We can say that landing almost 100% determines the success of an advertising campaign. Good landing page= good ROI ( return on investment ratio). A bad landing page is a waste of money.

    Three unbreakable rules

    Rule 1: Never send ad traffic to your home page

    Home pages are overloaded with information and action. Confused by all this, the user may ignore the necessary action. Therefore, you need to direct advertising traffic to pages that make it possible to perform only the targeted action of the advertising campaign.

    Rule 2: Clarity and relevance come first

    Visitors spend only a couple of seconds to understand how useful and relevant the this page. If visitors don't find necessary information, or the site has problems with functionality or usability, the page will be closed.

    To prevent this from happening, answer the questions that each user has:

    • Is there what I need here?
    • Do I have enough information?
    • Can I trust this site?
    • How long will it take?

    Before you decide what product to sell on the landing page, you need to understand that it should encourage visitors to stay on the page and take a targeted action: filling out a subscription form or making a purchase.

    Rule 3: a quality landing page has a specific structure

    1. Headline promising benefits

    If a visitor lands on the site after clicking on a banner, then the texts of the landing page and the advertisement must match each other. If a banner or PPC advertisement promises “ A unique meditation technique", then this phrase should also be present in the landing page title.

    1. Brevity and relevance

    Choose simple and meaningful phrases. Do not place too much text, because the visitor should be able to skim the information and understand its essence. Highlight the main idea bulleted list. Advertisement and the landing page must be written in the same language.

    1. Focus on one action that the visitor needs to complete

    The user should be able to perform only one action on the page. The more options on the page, the lower the conversion.

    1. Remove distracting navigation links

    1. Make your subscription or checkout form visible

    The target action should be eye-catching. Highlight it. Place a large login form on the right side of the landing page. If the landing page allows scrolling, then duplicate the form or button at the very bottom of the page.

    1. Keep your style consistent

    The landing page design should not deviate from the overall concept of the site. Stick to the general color range and fonts, maintain a unified perception of the site and landing page. This way you can increase brand awareness.

    Quality selling landing pages templates load quickly. Monitor page loading speed using the Google Page Speed ​​service. There you can also get recommendations for improving site performance.

    Four stages of creating a landing page

    Before starting work on the landing page, draw a layout on paper. For a correct sketch, you must be guided by four basic principles. And let the designer work with real data. So write a draft first.

    1: Decide on your audience

    It is important that the landing page appeals to the target group of users. Consider the concerns, wants, and needs of your target audience. Create a draft page for specific, not abstract readers.

    If you attract traffic to your landing page from different ads, then create your own landing page for each advertisement. Let these pages be almost identical, but with different headings and slogans that duplicate the texts from the advertisement.

    2: Decide on the most desired action (MWA action)

    What it will be depends entirely on the product and strategy. If you have an expensive and complex product, then it is better to use user email and start building relationships with clients via email.

    Well, if you are selling cheap or simple goods ( for example, wine or a subscription to a publication), then it makes sense to immediately move on to direct sales. When selling software, it is better to offer trial versions.

    3: Decide on the Message

    You know your audience, their problems and theirs. possible solutions. All that remains is to come up with a meaningful message. There is no universal template here, so come up with a few slogans and do split testing.

    4: come up with a landing page design

    How to create beautiful landing page selling, which can motivate visitors to take a specific action? First, come up with a list of all the elements that should be presented on the page.

    What should be on the page:

    • headline addressed to the target audience;
    • company logo;
    • brief description offers " above the fold line» (the fold line is the part of the screen that is visible without scrolling);
    • full description of the offer " below the fold line» (depending on the complexity of the offer and product);
    • image of the offered product;
    • simple registration form. Ideally with 1-3 fields ( usually it's a name and email, but do you really need a name?);
    • button "Buy" or "Login" (depending on the desired response) and a link to " Privacy Policy» ( open it in a pop-up window, not on new page– this way you can keep visitors on the landing page).

    What is better to remove from the page:

    • navigation menu. Remember that the emphasis should be on the sentence itself;
    • links to other sections of the site ( for example, “About the company”);
    • any graphics not related to the offer. Otherwise, you will distract visitors from the main thing;
    • hard to read text. Anything smaller than 10 px is bad;
    • any links from the series " to subscribe, click here" or " click here to read the continuation" If you can't fit all the content at the top of the screen, then have the user use scrolling. Scrolling is better than moving to another page;
    • bulky and intimidating forms with extra fields ( for example, “position”, “fax”, etc..);

    Every rule has its exceptions, and you definitely won't be able to copy everything. best ideas to your landing page. But these tips should help in the initial stages.

    5: Putting it all together

    After the sketch has been created sales landing page template and the content has been invented, you need to combine them into one and upload them to the site. We recommend using simple and easy to remember addresses. It happens that you have to register a separate domain for landing, since domains with precise keywords receive more traffic from PPC advertising.

    If the landing page is dedicated to vacancies on an oil rig, then it is better to choose the address www.OilRigJobOffers.com or www.somesite.com/oilrigjoboffers.

    Such addresses attract much more traffic than a standard click on a link from PPC advertising on Google. The user who logs in search engine and looking for " oil rig jobs", is more likely to open an ad with keyword in the address.

    Landing page length

    Usually for free offers A short landing page is ideal. The more money you want to get from your visitor, the longer your landing page should be.

    According to Bob Kemper , the relationship between landing page efficiency and page length is influenced by:

    • user motivation;
    • initial level of anxiety about the product/company;
    • level of costs/obligations associated with conversion.

    To sum it up: a short landing page is better for free, cheap, or low-concern products. It also works great with impulse purchases or purchases that provide emotional satisfaction ( tickets to concerts, sweets, all sorts of beautiful things).

    Long landing pages are more suitable for complex or expensive products. When rational thinking and pragmatic analysis are included before making a purchase, a long landing page looks more solid, as it provides the visitor with additional argumentation, evidence and reviews. It is ideal for products where more information can persuade the visitor to make a purchase.

    Many people are afraid to create long sales landing page schemes, because they subconsciously associate them with hype, fraud and from the series “ get rich in a couple of days" Don't be afraid of length, be afraid of poor content.

    Conversion Rate Experts increased the SEOMoz landing page conversion significantly by changing only the page length:

    Take a look at the product pages on Amazon – Kindle landing page is VERY long. And at Amazon, as we know, they test everything!

    If you choose a long landing page, then make sure that your visitors are aware of scrolling. There are great services, such as CrazyEgg and Clicktale, that help people “feel” the length of the page.

    Tests, tests, tests

    Once everything is ready and configured, proceed to testing the effectiveness of the landing page. Come up with at least two landing page options, test them, choose the best one and polish it.

    Errors in landing pages

    I looked at a lot of landing pages that I ended up on after clicking on an ad. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find the ideal landing page.

    Below is a short debriefing consisting of the pros of the landing page and what I would change.

    University of Phoenix

    What they did well when writing sales text for the landing page:

    • live title and pictures;
    • a simple and clear call to action;
    • clear branding.
    • would reduce the orange area and make the shape more visible;
    • increased the title and font size in the form;
    • white text on an orange background is quite difficult to read;
    • too much text important information gets lost against the general background;
    • I would remove the details about the program.


    What they did well:

    • the headline is benefit oriented;
    • social proof;
    • all the main advantages are listed;
    • a clear call to action;
    • clear branding.

    What I personally would change or test further:

    • I removed the link to the price lists – I think it’s distracting. I would add free plan with the possibility of subsequent acquisition of paid features;
    • added information about personal data in a pop-up window, rather than taking the user to another page;
    • reduced the number of marked elements to three, made the font darker;
    • V sales landing page diagram changed the text on the CTA button. There it is better to indicate what will happen after clicking.


    What they did well:

    • advantages are visually highlighted;
    • a prominent call to action;
    • clear branding.

    What I personally would change or test further:

    • design. It's like a newbie opening FrontPage for the first time;
    • The title is terrible. There is no specific proposal. You shouldn't have included the brand name in the title;
    • button " Get a free consultation» opens exactly the same form as the one on the right. Why create duplicates?
    • request for a free consultation – why is it needed at all? Instead of selling advice, they are trying to distract me with free booklets and promotions. If I opened this site, it means I already want to publish!
    • forms are too long;
    • I would change the call to action/offer completely. I chose something related to journalism. Consultations are an unnecessary hassle and a waste of time. I would be scared by aggressive sales technology in the structure of the selling landing page.

    Allstate auto insurance

    What they did well:

    • brand strengthening;
    • they play up the most important thing: how to save on insurance;
    • a clear and completely understandable call to action.

    What I personally would change or test further:

    • terrible picture. It would be better to take a more realistic image;
    • It’s worth updating the signature on the picture. The phrase “important to you” in combination with the image of a car seems at least strange to me.

    Text Link Ads

    What they did well:

    • clear branding;
    • two main advantages are highlighted;
    • a call to action is highlighted;
    • The screenshot shows how to use the service correctly.

    What I personally would change or test further:

    • What does this site actually do? Better write selling text for landing page with explanations.
    • removed the menu from the landing page.
    • removed additional calls to action and links;
    • I tried another template with better conversion. This one looks too bulky. There is nothing to catch your eye on;
    • separate landing pages for each target audience (publishers and advertisers);

    Tools for creating a landing page

    There are many services for creating landing pages. Please note the following:

    • Unbounce is the most powerful.
    • KickoffLabs – viral landing pages.
    • LaunchRock is an excellent option for announcement landing pages (from the “opening soon” series).

    This publication is a translation of the article “ How To Build a High Converting Landing Page: Rules, Process and Critique", prepared by the friendly project team

    Good Bad

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    Landing page conversion is the ratio of targeted actions performed by visitors to your website to the total number of visits. This figure is calculated as a percentage, so we multiply by 100%.

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    The literal translation of the word conversion means “transformation.” In relation to commercial ones, we can talk about turning site visitors into money, the main goal is to sell goods and make a profit. That is, if 1000 visitors came to the page per month, and 20 of them bought something, the conversion for the goal “purchase of goods” will be 2% (2/1000x100).

    Another example. An advertisement for an expensive salon hair care procedure. The extremely high price of the complex is probably justified by the fact that the silkworms themselves weave threads of natural Chinese silk into the hair of clients. On the page they posted a quite reasonable price offer to try one stage at a discount. The goal of the salon, in addition to making quick money, is to increase the customer base to whom you can then sell additional services.

    How to calculate landing page conversion rate

    The most common goal options for tracking conversions

    • Add item to cart.
    • Make a purchase. Depending on the settings, this may include receiving an application number, the fact of payment, etc.
    • Visit a page with a specific URL.
    • Submit your application via .
    • Get a lead - conversion with those who switched to the landing page from advertising.

    For each of these target actions, a satisfactory conversion percentage under equal input conditions (budget, number of visitors, time interval) will be different.

    How to calculate conversion

    For example, if visitors to a wholesale website requested a price list only 9 times out of 300, we get 9/300*100%=3%. This is an extremely low indicator; you should analyze whether there are any failures when filling out forms, whether the request form or button is clearly visible, look in services like topvisor at what stage visitors leave the site.

    If 30% of visitors asked for a price list, and then 3% came back and ordered products, it may well be that this is .

    Here you need to figure out what the average percentage of sales is for this organization and its competitors in the industry. If the landing page brings below average conversions, work on the content and promotion methods. Perhaps the advertising campaign has incorrect settings, eliminating which you will receive a greater influx of customers and the likelihood of a higher conversion.

    Why do you need to count?

    Another indicator that should be taken into account is the funds spent on this channel promotion. Without going into depth, you need to compare two figures: all expenses for maintaining the landing page, advertising campaigns, the work of a dedicated manager, if there is one, and the income received from these transactions.

    In total, the evaluation criteria can be money, orders, and the flow of visitors.

    Accounting systems

    For a long time there is no need to carry out calculations in a column, all statistical systems are Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics, as well as accounts contextual advertising with appropriate settings, they allow you to track the percentage of conversions for different goals.

    How to increase landing page conversion

    There is no clear answer to what landing page conversion is considered good. Conversion, in essence, is the visitor’s reaction to your landing page. If you want to be liked, at least make a list of parameters that can positively influence the site and put them into practice.

    • At the page design stage, determine for what purposes it is important for you to count conversions. The structure, blocks, design and other components depend on this.
    • Business goals and objectives. Put this item first on the list. Many people often forget to build a chain of Goal - Methods of achievement - Result. And then they ask: “Where?”

    Doing it just to be there because it’s fashionable or because it’s quick and inexpensive makes virtually no sense. This format should work with your potential buyer: talk, appeal, convince, prove and lead to measurable results.

    Landing page structure with high conversion

    Is there an ideal landing page template? Probably not. Just as there is no one correct answer to different questions. Everyone has different goals, target audience, product.

    There are general rules:

    1. A one-page website should solve some problem for the client and offer answers to questions. The target audience may differ significantly: wholesale and retail, income level, values. To increase landing page conversion, it is correct to develop a separate landing page for each segment of the target audience.
    2. It is difficult to fit all product categories on one page without damage. We'll have to prioritize. The ideal case is a separate landing page for one product category.

    Set of blocks:

    • On the first screen: the name of your product or service, contact information, navigation elements.
    • Information on how your proposal solves all the customer’s problems. Why you should buy from you: 90% discounts, delivery to your apartment, test period, 3 Michelin stars.
    • Contact information collection form. Can be duplicated on the page in in the right places contact.
    • Product Description.
    • Price offer.
    • Examples of work. Significantly increases confidence in a video showing the process and result of the work. Relevant for the construction industry, beauty and health, sports.
    • Reviews, certificates, diplomas, logos of famous partners.

    Examples of high-converting landing page content

    The task is to create a positive image and offer customers commercial offer. Here it is resolved in full: the company declares its many years of experience in the market and lists the advantages of its work. Requesting a price list is easy.

    Factors influencing landing page conversion

    For more than 5 years now, in the practice of Ukrainian website development, the landing page has been almost the only way to effectively advertise a product or service using one page. And the popularity of orders for landing page creation confirms this. After all, even a small selling one-page website can bring a conversion of more than 25%, keeping the visitor with one offer and leading him to the coveted lead generation button.

    In this article we will give examples of sites with high conversion, which have already shown incredible results in various topics, brought new clients to customers and scaled their business. We’ll also show you some great examples of high-converting landing pages that we consider incredibly successful. Let's go!

    An example of a high-conversion landing page for the design of private houses and luxury cottages

    We have been conducting detailed analytics on landing pages for several years in a row and have come to a funny conclusion. Users are still not accustomed to one-pagers. At first glance, and often even at the second and third, it is difficult for visitors to realize that it is impossible to go to some page on the site. Therefore, they continue to click on everything that even remotely resembles a button. In this example of a high-converting site, we will demonstrate the result of click analysis, and also analyze each block that together led the company to growth.

    Place a CTA button immediately after the banner. Showed good results. Looks like a call to action, value + value. The call in the button should be the same as the call in the header to get high conversions.

    The next conversion block is social proof + CTA. The most powerful block in the landing page.

    In the next block we show our expertise. We place a CTA button at the very bottom with a very ambiguous call to action. However, the form has become one of the most effective.

    Of course, the main and main proof of professionalism in the construction field is the work of the company. In the most effective block with “juicy, interesting projects”, in order to attract the “hottest” clients who are ready to take action right now, we place an important call to action to “sign up for a viewing”.

    The next example of a high-converting landing page is the industrial theme "ventilation and air conditioning"

    The two services are dependent on each other, so an effective landing page should answer the potential client’s questions as much as possible and put pressure on his fears.

    Banner with USP, motivating second headline and lead generating button

    An analysis of the client’s business showed that the customer company has a very wide target audience. Our goal is to reveal the company's capabilities by indicating the types of businesses that can order ventilation and air conditioning services. Places a lead-generating button under each type of business entity, personalizing the potential client and his type of activity.

    The following blocks are benefits, advantages and manifestation of the company's expertise. We work to address consumer fears, eliminating them and confirming that the company is a true professional. When demonstrating benefits and benefits, it is important to use factual language. Therefore, it is necessary to go as deep as possible into the business of your client-customer and find out its competitive advantages.

    CTA with a call to action. The call contains motivation for a free estimate of equipment and work. We talk about consumer safety, pointing out confidentiality.

    Social proof block - the most important block to the landing page. We talk about facts that build his confidence in the company and lead to targeted action.

    CTA with a call to action. We give the potential client a choice: fill out the form feedback and get a free consultation from an engineer or contact the contact number.

    We introduce the consumer to other services of the company with the opportunity to get acquainted in detail and receive a discount.

    Finally, there is one more lead-generating button for a group of target audiences who want to get answers to individual questions regarding their business.

    An example of a high-conversion landing page for heating system organization services

    It’s a very competitive niche in Ukraine, so our landing page should not only motivate the client with information about the company and its service, but also place a strong emphasis on its expertise so that the consumer understands that this is a professional who can satisfy requests and make a very profitable offer.

    The first spread immediately declares the professionalism of the company. We focus on experience, guarantees and adequate pricing policy.

    A call to action contains a personal message - an important marketing ploy.

    For the target audience who wants to get to know the company better and draw conclusions for themselves, we offer a list of services

    We talk about the company’s experience, list the tasks that the company can handle. We play on the visitor's fears.

    The next few blocks are benefit blogs. We offer consumers to save on services. And, in order not to be unfounded, we indicate ways to save. At the end of the second block there is a CTA with benefits that motivates action.

    The social proof block increases consumer trust. A very important block from a motivational point of view.

    We offer a unique service from the company - a comparative calculation of the heating system, which can show the difference in cost between the estimate that has already been presented by a competitor. Such services “kill two birds with one stone.” Firstly, the visitor is given the opportunity to save money and, if there is a difference in the calculations, then choose a more economical, but no less high-quality option. Secondly, the company receives a potential client who can be “pressured” with cold calls or additional benefits. However, the form does not oblige the consumer to place an order. This shows respect for the visitor.

    Next, we talk about the stages of cooperation with a lead-generating button and below it places a CTA + form with a calculation recommendation, which does not oblige the visitor to anything. From our experience, we can say that such offers are very convertible. Both the consumer and the company benefit. In the first case, this is a calculation and an opportunity to save money; in the second, it is a hot client who needs a heating system.

    The next turn is a manifestation of the company’s expertise through its experience. With the information provided, we protect potential clients from charlatans and provide recommendations. This move helps the visitor understand that the company is aware of his fears and guarantees transparent cooperation, given facts and guarantees.

    At the very bottom of the landing page are the brands of equipment used by the company.

    A striking example of an effective website with high conversion is a landing page for a children's festival

    Volumetric, interesting work and an excellent result in the form of a very high conversion. The purpose of this landing page is to attract the maximum number of participants in the children's festival. The task of the landing page is to tell the visitor about the festival and provide him with the opportunity to become a participant.

    Banner - a unique selling proposition indicating the main information - the date of the holiday

    They did not place CTAs, because on at the moment the visitor knows nothing about the event. Instead, they indicated its value in the next block.

    To motivate the participant, they offered a gift for reposting. The result was amazing! A separate feature is the visitor’s motivation in the form of the child’s “desire”.

    We reveal the advantage of the festival and place a lead-generating button with an interesting CTA. We call the child an “entrepreneur” to enhance the desire.

    We answer the question about the participants, not forgetting the adults

    We motivate the landing page visitor with reasons to become a festival participant

    Increasing desire by showcasing speakers and special invited guests

    We talk in detail about the structure of the event. We divided each service into blocks, adding a lead-generating button with a CTA to each

    We talk about the goals of the project. This block is designed to provide the visitor with an understanding of the main objectives of the event and to provide the opportunity to become a volunteer to help children in need.

    The last block is a CTA form with an offer to repost for a gift and a small motivation for the visitor, with the help of which the visitor has a desire to identify his child’s talents and become a participant in the festival.

    An example of a cool, in our opinion, effective landing page with high conversion

    Rating this landing example page, we came to the conclusion that it is doomed to a very high conversion rate. Judge for yourself.

    The first banner contains a unique photo of the company’s work + USP + list of services + advantage of indicating the price + lead-generating button. In fact, the visitor already has all the information on hand to make an order or get advice.

    Attracting the visitor's attention with a catchy and motivating headline, detailed description tasks and professional solutions + photo of the kitchen set.

    The next block works great for conversion. Placing and constructing a price sample with demonstration of offers for the selected price category introduces the visitor to the company catalogue. Below, the developers suggest contacting the company if the consumer has not found suitable option. I would like to note the very bright, stylish and cool design. The color combination is perfect!

    The company’s advantages are presented in a fairly standard manner, but the highlight of the block is the emphasis on guarantees. The content is really interesting to read.

    For "hot" clients, we invite you to fill out a form and get a consultation with additional benefits, which are also indicated in the CTA.

    Social proof comes in the form of showcasing customers that everyone knows

    The next block is a powerful marketing move. The title of the spread motivates the visitor to choose the type of facade by clicking on the lead-generating button. After clicking on the button, the visitor has no choice but to fill out the feedback form and become a client of the company. Bravo!

    For those who have not decided to choose their future kitchen, it is proposed to calculate the project, indicating the visitor’s fears of overpayments. And a solution is immediately proposed: calculation of the headset by a specialist with minimization or optimization of costs.

    The trust block combines the most powerful components: real photo specialist

    as well as customer reviews and video messages.

    The last block is a brief description of the stages of cooperation, an offer to familiarize yourself with the company’s services, and a form with a call to action.

    This example of a high-converting website deserves admiration. Every detail in design, functionality is carefully thought out, calls to action and content motivate the visitor as much as possible. It is not surprising that such sites have high conversion rates.

    Another example of a high-converting landing page

    This example of a high-conversion landing page is distinguished by its laconicism and sufficient modesty, which makes it very stylish. The developer paid special attention to headlines and selling texts. By the way, it is the copywriting services that this one-page website advertises.

    The second spread helps the visitor understand the essence of the offer. A smart move, since not every visitor understands the “power” and capabilities of the selling text. Thus, the block fuels attention to the company. Read more about the rules for writing sales texts if you want to learn how to create ultra-converting content.

    Next is getting to know the performers. The consumer should know their heroes by sight :-) Photos of real specialists increase trust in the company. At the bottom of the block there is a lead-generating button with an offer to get a consultation.

    Demonstration of the company's expertise. The block is played out in an interesting way - the unusual title attracts attention and motivates scrolling

    A separate feature in this block is a demonstration of the company’s work and two buttons. Both are lead generating, which again allows the company to capture the target audience.

    For clients who still doubt their choice of contractor, they are invited to download a checklist that reveals the company’s expertise.

    Trust block demonstrates last job companies. The client can get acquainted with the work of specialists. The block also contains a lead generating button that allows the client to check the quality of the text that he already has. Such an offer helps a potential client draw conclusions about the professionalism of the former contractor, get better quality work, and help the company get a new client.

    The next block is a demonstration of experience. The list of topics that the company has already met increases its rank in the eyes of the consumer. This same block eliminates the fears of a potential client, who can be sure that the contractor will cope even with complex topics.

    The penultimate block is informational. The site visitor is invited to find out answers to the most frequently asked questions.

    In this article I want to show you an example of a scary landing page with high conversion. High is 8.5% per call and more than 4.7% per order. This is a very decent indicator for a one-page website, you understand. And I know the indicators for sure, because I made this landing page myself and set up traffic for it.

    First, I'll show you exactly how I made traffic (because a lot depends on it). And then we’ll look at how we changed the one-page itself, and why it began to provide 5 times more conversions than its predecessor.

    And at the very beginning, let me describe in a nutshell what kind of project this was - what was sold to whom and what were the results.

    What were the results before changing the landing page?

    During my life I have managed to make a lot of landing pages. But all of them, with rare exceptions, sold information products - courses, trainings, master classes and all that. And this time it was about selling services for setting up satellite and digital television(as well as all related equipment).

    I have never worked with such a niche before. Therefore, when the owner of the company asked me for help, I agreed.

    At the time of our acquaintance, things were going very badly for them. Here is a screenshot showing the Yandex Direct numbers. One click cost almost 33.5 rubles, and the CTR was only 1.2%.

    If we translate all this into human language, then they paid 3-5 times more for advertising than their competitors, and at the same time received 3-5 times less visitors. This is how contextual advertising works.

    All visitors were sent to the landing page, a screenshot of which you see below.

    This landing page gave virtually no conversion. That is, not only did they pay a lot of money for advertising, but they also received almost no orders. After much questioning with the owner of the company, I found out that the conversion rate per call was approximately 0.5%. I was never able to figure out the conversion to order.

    I entered the game with these cards in my hands. And before everyone redesigned the landing page, I had to get normal traffic.

    The first step to high conversion

    A good landing page conversion doesn’t start with a brilliant sales headline. And not even from the bright ones professional images your product. And certainly not with beautiful design with pop-up elements and dynamic blocks.

    Conversion always starts with traffic. If you send untargeted traffic to your one-page website, then no tricks will help you. You won't see any conversion. And as I already described above, the traffic there was a complete problem.

    In the Yandex Direct campaign, only one ad was set up with the most general text. And it was shown for a couple of dozen of the most common queries on the topic.

    How I set up 450 unique ads

    So, I decided to do it the right way. To do this, I parsed about 2000 narrow key queries using KeyCollector, and manually deleted those that were clearly not suitable for us. For example, “setting up tricolor TV with your own hands.” Of the two thousand keys after this, 1300 remained.

    Then I forced the owner of the company to look at the list too and remove those key queries, for which clients will not come to them. These are the specifics of products and services that I do not know. After the second screening, only 750 keys remained.

    An interesting point - we set up advertising for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. And there were quite a lot of requests for the keys “setting up satellite TV for 5 TVs”, “tuning for 4 TVs”. For me, who doesn’t have a TV at home at all, this was very surprising. Write in the comments how many TVs you have in your house =))

    Next, I started creating ads and in the process removed another 300 that we missed on the first two visits. In total, we were left with approximately 450 narrow key queries that were 100% relevant to our target audience.

    Then I created 450 unique ads - one for each keyword. It sounds simple, of course, but it took me almost a whole week. But now we could not be afraid that non-target visitors would come to us (and in the end this gave us a very decent CTR).

    Now we could move on to creating landing pages. By the way, at first I tried to direct traffic to Yandex business cards instead of landing pages. Sometimes this gives a very high conversion rate. But this time it didn’t work. We have not received any calls or applications. So, after all, it was necessary to work on a one-page website.

    How we made a high-converting landing page for free

    Another important point, which greatly influences landing page conversion. There should be several landing pages. In our case, I divided all key queries into four large groups:

    • Equipment and setup of satellite TV
    • Equipment and setup of Tricolor TV
    • Equipment and setup of NTV+
    • Cable TV equipment and setup

    For each of these groups of requests, we had to make our own separate landing page. This is necessary so that a person, by clicking on the ad “Setting up Tricolor TV,” would be taken to a page where it will be written specifically about setting up Tricolor TV, and not just about all types satellite television straightaway.

    In theory, it was possible to come up with more ad groups - separate equipment, separate settings, something else separately. But I decided that in this particular topic such a division would be quite enough.

    Therefore, we needed to make four landing pages. But first we had to make one general template, in which we would then simply change the words and images.

    Title and description

    As a basis, I decided to take a group of keys about Tricolor TV and make a landing page specifically for it. Initially, the landing page was made in the Tilda constructor, and I had to redo it there. By the way, the designer is quite wow, you can work with it. And there is a free plan.

    Let me remind you what our landing page looked like at first:

    There are a lot of mistakes made here. In order not to take up a lot of space, let's just give a small list:

    • Company logo on the left top corner doesn't talk about anything to anyone;
    • The “vk” icon in the header leads away from the landing page to a dead and small VKontakte group;
    • The headline doesn't tell you exactly what the company offers;
    • The subtitle gives some description, but the words “based on your preferences and budget” never sell or catch;
    • The form on the right only takes up space;
    • There is no specific call to action;

    The design itself is also, of course, not so hot. But this just doesn’t matter. I left almost the same design. First of all, I wrote a clear title and description. If a person immediately understands where he is and what is being offered to him, this is a big plus.

    And for this there is no need to reinvent any “wheel”. Write as simply and clearly as possible. I wrote “Official sale and installation of Tricolor TV in St. Petersburg.” Everything is extremely simple.

    I again got out of the situation very simply - that is, I wrote everything honestly as it is: we will arrive an hour after your call. Plus indicated a specific price range, instead of “based on your budget.”

    Being honest with yourself and with your clients is a profitable strategy. First, understand for yourself - why would someone suddenly order a service from you and not from your competitors? And then just write it on the page. That's all copywriting is.

    Contacts and call to action

    Yes, on the old landing page there was also a phone number at the top in the corner, and a potential client, if desired, could find it and understand that he needed to call it. But we don’t need to rely on the attentiveness and ingenuity of Internet residents. Tell them specifically what to do, and then they will be more likely to do it.


    The average cost per click became 9.7 rubles, instead of 33.5 rubles. CTR on search became 20.5% instead of 1.2%. We began to receive three times more clicks per day, and pay 3 times less for it. I think this is a good result for an amateur director))

    And if we return to the landing page, here is a small summary of what I wanted to say in this article:

    • You can create a high-converting landing page yourself for free;
    • Conversion starts with the right targeted traffic. Without this, not a single landing page will help you;
    • To increase conversion, make several landing pages for different groups of requests;
    • Pay the most attention to the first screen of your landing page. It is he who largely determines the conversion;
    • Use simple and honest words to describe your offer. Don't try to express yourself "nicely." This way you will only confuse everything;
    • If there is not enough space for a high-quality image of your product or service, insert it in the background;
    • Write yours contact phone number and the phrase “Call now.” This will work better than the common stock forms.

    I hope this analysis was useful to you. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the most fast way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)

    Wishing you high conversions and see you soon!