• How to choose keywords for effective contextual advertising

    Keywords – a set of specific words or phrases that, when used in search queries or website context, will be shown advertisements specific advertisers.

    • using the advertising system interface;
    • using additional software- Direct. Commander;
    • via Excel spreadsheets.

    Adding keywords in the Yandex.Direct interface

    Keywords are added to the interface when creating a new campaign or editing an already running campaign.

    To create a new campaign, click on the “Create Campaign” button on top panel controls:

    From the drop-down list, select the type of advertising campaign “Text and image ads”. The first form to fill out is loaded on the page - information about the advertising campaign. Here in mandatory indicate the campaign name and display region:

    Information is indicated directly in the form - about the name and type of group, headings, text and links to which the advertisements lead are entered. Here they also add additions to ads, as well as information about keywords and negative phrases.

    The field for adding keywords to an ad group looks like this:

    Add no more than 200 keywords to one ad group. Keys are inserted into a field as a list, in a column, or entered manually. The system will offer options for new keywords in the right column, similar in meaning to the keys entered in the left column. If you click on the arrow next to a word, it moves to the left column, that is, it is added to the list of keywords that will be used to display ads.

    If the situation with keywords is unsatisfactory, or they have not yet managed to collect keywords, go to help will come word selection function – built-in statistics collection service Wordstat. First you need one phrase that corresponds to the advertised product:

    If you intend to use individual negative phrases for this ad group that do not affect impressions of other groups from this campaign, enter the following phrases in the “Negative phrases per group” column:

    In each ad group, set individual parameters for display region, audience selection, tags, bid adjustments, and the highest bid for new and changed display conditions.

    After filling out the required fields (don’t forget about the ads themselves), saving and sending the group for moderation, the keywords will be published, and after passing moderation they will become active.

    Since all actions in the interface are performed online, do not worry about cross-backing, as the system will make the adjustment automatically.

    On the ad group management page, set bids for the added keywords, either individually or all at once.

    To add keywords to an existing group, click “Edit Group” in the interface, after which you will see a form for editing an ad group with the same fields as when creating it. The added keywords will be placed in separate fields, and the area for entering new keys will remain empty. Then add new phrases to this area.

    How to add keywords via Direct. Commander?

    Direct. Commander is an application for working with the Yandex.Direct advertising service. The main advantages of the application are processing a bulky array of data and working offline. The main rule is that before making changes to already downloaded campaigns, update the campaign data by downloading from the server.

    Interaction with accounts, campaigns, ad groups, ads and keywords occurs in separate windows, into which the program interface is divided:

    The first window is a list of managed accounts for agents (partner accounts), which regular accounts do not have. The second window is a list of campaigns and account parameters (in the tab). The third window is a list of ad groups and campaign parameters (in the tab). The fourth window is advertisements and phrases (keywords).

    Add keywords to Direct. Commander manually or automatically.

    To add keywords to Direct. Commander manually, create a campaign and ad group. On the “Campaigns” tab, click “Create a new campaign” and select “Text and image ads” in the new list:

    Enter the name and go to the ad groups tab. Click “Add group” – this will give you access to adding keys and advertisements manually.

    A red STOP sign means there are one or more errors in the ad set. To find out about the problem specifically, hover your cursor over the symbol. The field with an error is highlighted in red dash-dotted line. Until the error is corrected, the campaign cannot be uploaded to the server:

    When creating ad groups manually, errors occur due to missing data in the Title, Ad Body and Link. Uploading changes without announcements is prohibited, but without phrases in the group it is allowed, so be careful when entering keywords.

    Add keys in the tab phrases by clicking on the “Add Keyphrase” button:

    In the pop-up window, add one or more key phrases - in a column or separated by commas.

    Let's not forget. You can add a maximum of 200 keywords to one ad group.

    To add phrases with negative keywords at once, add them to the line next to the keyword with a dash before each negative word. If these are general negative keywords that will be suitable for all ad groups in one advertising campaign, add them at the campaign level in the parameters (Ad Group Window - Parameters Tab).

    To adjust the intersections of added keywords automatically, select the “Multi-Editing” tool – “Adjust phrases” – “Adjust intersections”:

    The Multi-Edit tool also allows you to find duplicate phrases in campaigns, ad groups, selected phrases and remove unnecessary ones. So, the keywords have been added and are awaiting bid settings.

    Set bids for key phrases manually by entering the amount opposite each key into the “Bid” column, and for all keywords at once using the “Bid Wizard”:

    Set a single rate or a rate that will provide the required amount of traffic. The last bid option is calculated automatically by the system for each keyword:

    There are phrases for which the cost per click, even to receive a minimum amount of traffic, is too high and exceeds the projected income from such a key. Here it is advisable to calculate the maximum allowable costs per click and set bids with an upper line that cannot be exceeded. Add this cost as a condition in the Bid Wizard to automatically place bids on all keywords.

    Add a small number of keywords via Direct. Commander manually is possible and easy. But what to do when there are more than 20 keywords and ads? In this case, automated addition of keywords will help using Excel tables(we are not saying goodbye to the Commander).

    Adding keywords to Yandex. Direct via Excel

    As mentioned above, the advantage of Direct. Commander - ability to work with large amounts of data. Yes, the program has useful feature“Import a campaign from a file” and “Import campaigns from the clipboard”. In both cases, prepare information for the program in Excel tables.

    To correctly upload keywords with ads, create Excel file with the following headers:

    • Campaign name
    • Group number
    • Group name
    • Phrases
    • Heading 1
    • Heading 2
    • Ad text
    • Display link
    • Link
    • Headings quick links
    • Quick link addresses
    • Quick Link Descriptions
    • Clarifications

    If you only need to upload keywords, for example, to an already running campaign, the first four columns are enough:

    We insert already grouped keywords into the “Phrases” column (possibly with minuses separated by a dash, or without minuses). If two or more phrases are included in one group, opposite the phrases in the columns “Group number” and “Group name” should be present same values so that the system classifies them into one group:

    If you need to add advertisements, fill in the remaining columns in Excel. Next to each keyword we write the corresponding headings and ad text, display links and end links. If the number of phrases in 1 ad group does not correspond to the number of ads, you can leave empty cells in the column with a smaller number, but write the names of groups and campaigns in all rows.

    For example, clarifications:

    We work 24/7||Fast delivery||For all holidays

    Quick link addresses:


    Pay attention! The total length of quick link titles is no more than 66 characters.

    Before importing, check whether the line types match the header names that are written in the file. If a heading is not recognized by the program, manually select the desired column name from the drop-down list:

    If the campaign is new, at the bottom of the form, select “Create a new campaign (or campaigns) for imported ads.” If you want to add keywords to an already running campaign, select “Place all imported ads into the currently selected campaign.”

    To import campaigns from the clipboard, before clicking on the corresponding button in Direct. Commander, select the desired data range with headings in the Excel table:

    When you click the button, the program will automatically use a fragment of text on the clipboard and provide the user with the same form for edits as when importing from a file.

    After downloading all the keywords, ads, filling out information on the campaign, upload it to the network: That's all. Now you know how to add keywords to Ya Direct and you can cope with this task without any difficulties.

    Today we will talk about selecting keywords for Yandex.Direct. The success of a future advertising campaign depends entirely on the correct selection of keywords. Keywords in Direct influence the volume of traffic, cost per click, reach and quality of the audience.

    What are keywords

    These are words and phrases that users enter when they are looking for certain information, product or service on the Internet. Moreover, methods of searching for the same product, different people may differ radically. That's why it's so important find and include in your advertising campaign as much as possible more keywords that our future client may be looking for.

    Selection of Yandex.Direct keywords in Wordstat

    The selection of keywords for Yandex Direct is based on query statistics. This statistics is completely open and first we go to the service - https://wordstat.yandex.ru/. Here you can find query statistics for the last month or any other period of time, as well as separately view the statistics of keywords in individual regions and cities.

    Step 1. IN search bar Enter the main activity of your business. For example, if your company is engaged in low-rise construction, then you need to enter [house construction] or [timber houses] (depending on the material you use in construction.

    Selection of keywords by region

    Step 2. To view statistics for the region in which you work, select "All regions", and then mark your region or city, then confirm your choice by clicking Select.

    We'll see detailed statistics for key queries over the last month in our region. Now all we have to do is collect the keywords. To do this, we recommend using a browser plugin. It will help you quickly select the right keywords for our advertising company and next to your queries you will see “pluses”. By clicking on the plus sign next to a keyword, you instruct the plugin to remember it.

    Go through several pages of statistics and select the keywords for which you would like to advertise, while eliminating unnecessary ones: [ construction of houses vacancies] or [ house construction work]. Such queries are entered not by clients, but by job applicants.

    After you have selected the required list of keywords, click the “Copy to clipboard” button, and then paste them into the Excel spreadsheet.

    Ask yourself and your employees, how else can users search for you online? Brainstorm. After all, there are so many people, so many opinions. Analyze what synonyms the keywords you have already selected may have. For example, someone might search for [ construction of a summer house] or [ cottage construction], but they can also be your clients. It should also be taken into account that a person may not mention any of the keywords in the query at all and enter, say [ turnkey timber house], thereby also implying construction.

    Here, we specifically chose the construction topic to clearly show how different customer requests can be. Yes, in some cases, they may be limited to a few hundred, and in others, even 50000 it will seem small. This is precisely why the selection of keywords for Yandex Direct is so important.

    Manual keyword checking

    Step 3. Before using the collected words, they need to be cleared of junk queries or empty queries. “Dummy” queries are queries that are used as part of other queries, but are not used separately.

    Let's take the phrase [ order a house]. According to the service, it is used 219,376 times a month.

    We check the phrase, to do this we put it in quotation marks and write before each word without a space exclamation mark ["!order!a house"]. And we see that there are much fewer real requests.

    This is the so-called keyword frequency check. The disadvantage of this approach is that each keyword needs to be checked separately. If you have a small amount of semantics, up to 100 keywords, then you can do this manually. In other cases, we recommend using online parsing services, which we will discuss below.

    Step 4. You can use all the keywords we have selected when creating your advertisements. For one advertisement, you can set up to 200 keywords for which it will be shown.

    Paid and free services for keyword parsing

    At least once, the path to collecting semantics for an advertising company should be done manually in order to understand what little things it consists of, how it is structured and how it works. Then, for automation, it is better to use services for selecting keywords. Most services allow you to collect keywords and check the frequency of each. And all this is done in a matter of minutes.


    Wordstat parser with the ability to collect across all Yandex regions. Eat free period for 14 days and up to 1000 collection limits. Enough, at a minimum, to collect keywords for one company. Does not require installation on a computer.

    The starter package costs 999 rubles/month (or 799 rubles/month if paid annually). And includes 999 limits. 1 limit allows you to parse 40 Wordstat pages for a specific request. More professional packages cost more, include more packages, and allow APIs.

    Key Collector

    A tool for professionals. In addition to collecting keywords and parsing frequency, you can check competition for a phrase, seasonality, do clustering, etc. To work, you will need to create an additional account in Yandex and connect to the program. Also, for large volumes, it is better to use any of the automatic captcha entry services.

    The main disadvantage is that it requires installation on a computer. The main advantage is that you only need to pay for the program once. The cost is 1800 rubles for one license. The license is tied to the device on which the program is downloaded and installed.


    An online service that will help you analyze contextual advertising of competitors: keywords, ads, approximate cost and number of impressions. Helps to significantly supplement your company with competitors' phrases.

    The downside is that from the Yandex regions there are statistics for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. In addition, the service is paid, the minimum tariff is $19 per month. Eat free version, but its functionality is significantly limited.

    Positions itself as a service for automation contextual advertising, but also allows you to work with Wordstat.

    The cost of parsing depends on the number of keywords being checked and varies from 0.02 to 0.07 rubles per request.

    In future publications we will talk about how to create effective advertisements and in different ways advertising campaign settings. Follow the news on the website!

    We released new book"Content marketing in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


    The correct selection of Yandex.Direct keywords is the key to successful and profitable advertising that brings high-quality traffic and, as a result, profit. How to choose the right “keys”? What are “minus phrases”? And what is the difference between manual word selection and automatic selection? We'll tell you in the article.

    How contextual advertising keywords are grouped

    A keyword (phrase) is a query by which the system finds the necessary data and displays it in the results..

    Key phrases allow you to briefly describe the activities of the page and bring target customers to the site who will definitely be interested in the advertised objects. All words are grouped according to three criteria:

    • frequency;
    • temperature
    • number of words.

    Each of them affects the quality and quantity of traffic, as well as the success of the advertising campaign.


    Each search query corresponds to a certain frequency, for example, the key “Dog food” has an indicator of 328,951 views per month. This means that 328,951 users entered this query into the system and were looking for something with this phrase. There are also keys with fewer impressions, down to one.

    Thus, requests can be divided into three groups according to the number of impressions:

    • low frequency – from 1 to 500;
    • mid-frequency – from 501 to 2000;
    • high-frequency – from 2001.

    As for traffic, the indicators vary depending on the frequency:

    • high-frequency – a large amount of low-quality traffic;
    • mid-frequency – optimal amount of traffic good quality. (It is the middle requests that most Yandex.Direct advertisers use);
    • low frequency – low amount of traffic of the highest quality.


    However, you should not judge the value of a key based solely on the number of requests. There is another factor that indicates the likelihood of a purchase - “temperature”.

    Hot keys. These are words that indicate a high probability of purchase. Such requests are accompanied by selling prefixes: “price”, “order”, “buy”, etc.

    For example, take our query “dog food”. It will become hot in the following combinations:

    • cheap dog food;
    • dog food price;
    • buy dog ​​food.

    Why does the likelihood of buying food increase? It’s simple: by clicking on such a request, a person has already set a goal - to buy a product, which means that when he gets to an advertisement with the appropriate key, he will be able to find what he is looking for.

    Warm keys. These are some indicator words that check a potential client, find out details about him and his preferences . For example:

    • dog food in St. Petersburg;
    • where to buy premium dog food;
    • how much does dog food cost?

    Here the person has not yet decided whether to buy food for him or not. However, he is interested, which means that advertising with a similar key will help guide the user and turn ordinary interest into a purchase.

    The selection of keywords for Yandex.Direct is mainly based on warm queries that provide the advertiser with useful traffic.

    Cold keys. Simple phrases without target prefixes. These are queries with a low probability of purchase and may not seem worthwhile to use. But that's not true. The fact is that such keys have the highest frequency, which means they attract more users who see the advertisement and go to the site.

    • dog food;
    • Shepherd food;
    • premium dog food.

    Word count

    • basic queries (a phrase of two words that clearly explain the essence of the advertisement);
    • nested queries (basic keys supplemented with qualifying words).

    Let's assume that you are selling smartphones, in which case the following queries will be considered basic:

    • buy a smartphone;
    • smartphone Voronezh;
    • new phone, etc.

    Nested queries:

    • smartphone buy cheap online store;
    • smartphone at a discount Voronezh;
    • iPhone X with delivery in Moscow, etc.

    Selection of words for contextual advertising

    This is a painstaking procedure that requires maximum concentration on detail. One missed request can ruin the entire advertising campaign, but, on the contrary, careful development will allow you to achieve your goals.

    Process Features:

    1. Search queries must reflect the subject of the ad.
    2. The case of letters and the order in which words are written in the key do not matter.
    3. The total maximum number of characters in a request cannot exceed 4096 characters.
    4. Particular attention should be paid to synonyms by which the client can search for the required product (For example: food - treat - food, etc.)

    Finally, we come to the most interesting part of the article - the description of the selection of words for Yandex.Direct. Conventionally, the process can be divided into manual and automatic. Let's look at each of them.

    Manual selection of words Yandex.Direct

    Selection options search queries without the use of special programs have two undeniable advantages. The first is efficiency, and the second is that you don’t have to pay for the selection process itself. Of course, you will need to spend an invaluable resource - time, but the result is worth it.

    We'll tell you how to quickly type about 100 key phrases for Yandex.Direct using a table. We used Excel.

    Algorithm of actions:

    Attention! The location should only be provided if the business requires it. For example, a regional online store or delivery service.

    Now you have a ready-made scheme, combining words in which you will get the initial mass of queries.

    Another manual method finding words for advertising - working on basic phrases in the keyword selection service for Yandex.Direct. This is the most common and reliable option that will allow you to receive high-quality traffic.

    Algorithm for working in Wordstat:

    1. Go to the website https://wordstat.yandex.ru and enter the base key in the selection line.

    First of all, you will need a set of keys that best characterizes the essence of the advertisement. For example, the key “dog food” is basic, based on it we will consider the work process.

    2. You will see a list of queries that users use in conjunction with the given key. Your task is to choose the phrases that are most suitable in meaning and quality.

    We have highlighted the best requests, in our opinion, that will bring profit to the store.

    3. Next, you can click on any selected key and a list of “hot” phrases that can be used in advertising will open in front of you. The action must be performed for each, in your opinion, high-quality key.

    We clicked on the key “buy dog ​​food” and received the following list:

    This type of selection key queries requires a significant amount of time, and when processing requests, it is important to rely on the specifics of the business and customer needs.

    Automatic word selection

    For those who want to save time, and maybe even nerves, we have developed special programs– parsers that allow you to quickly and effortlessly select best keys for an advertising campaign.

    The way all services work is to automatically process the basic phrase. Your task is to specify the required request and set the settings; the rest of the process takes place without user participation.

    Most popular program for selecting keys is KeyCollector. This is a paid parser, but its functions ensure the selection of the highest quality key phrases, which you only need to select from the list of proposed ones and include in the advertising text.

    Important! If the key queries in the selection overlap, you need to add negative keywords to them. What is it? Let's look further.

    Selection of negative phrases Yandex.Direct

    Negative wordsThese are words that allow you to refine your search and show ads only to target consumers.

    To describe the term more clearly, let's give an example:
    You are launching an advertising campaign for an online store selling luxury floor tiles. Your target audience is wealthy people who are planning or are in the process of renovating. Their need is to buy high-quality, exclusive tiles. They are not interested in the market option that their neighbor has. Your advertising campaign is built on the phrase “buy tiles.” And if you don’t use negative keywords, then your ad will be seen based on the following keywords: buy cheap tiles; inexpensive tiles; chocolate bar; third grade tiles. etc.

    From this example, there are several benefits of negative keywords:

    • reduction of non-target transitions. You will pay for each transition, and if you forget to create a list of stop words, you will have to pay for useless transitions that do not generate income;
    • increase in click-through rate. This will result in a lower cost per click.

    This is why it is important not to forget about safe words. Let's look at a few simple options.

    Using Wordstat

    Who is suitable for excluding words using Wordstat:

    • those who have a lot of free time to manually search and enter stop words;
    • for those who launch just one advertising campaign.

    If the selection of negative keywords is necessary for several keywords at once, the process of working in Wordstat may be delayed.


    This quick way selection of negative keywords, which is done in Direct itself. The big advantage of the method is that you don’t have to look for safe words yourself and decline them in your mind. The system automatically calculates morphology and provides full list negative phrases.
    To get started, you need to create an ad in Direct, then the system itself will offer to refine your search.

    You can use the refinement function not only after creating an ad, but also in the “Budget Forecast” section. This is possible if you know at least an approximate set of stop words.In this case, you can more accurately calculate your budget and save on advertising.

    For the campaign

    Stop words for a campaign should take into account all ad groups and cut off untargeted clicks on the ad.

    If you are creating a campaign for ceramic mugs, you should exclude metal, wood and clay ones. Even if they are presented in the catalog of your IM.

    You can add negative keywords before presenting your ad to users.

    In order to study stop words, go to the “Unified list of negative phrases” section.

    For a group

    This set of phrases will allow you to exclude untargeted clicks for each specific ad.

    You can add stop words in the “Group Settings” section.

    Or in the group editing functionality, if stop words were not added before the launch of the advertising campaign.

    For the key query

    The big advantage of Yandex.Direct is that you can specify the key itself; this function is not available, for example, in Google.

    We talked about how to choose the right words for advertising and found out why stop phrases are needed. We hope that the information presented will help you create an effective advertising campaign and receive maximum profit after the first advertisement.

    To be as broad as possible, you need to use keyword parsers. General principle work is like this: making lists basic queries, from which we will collect other requests; select the region we need; We enter the necessary queries and by pressing a button we begin collecting keywords. Further using quick filter we delete key phrases containing . After this, we will find out the frequency of all ready-made key phrases for the area we have chosen. We export the data to Excel, sort the phrases into low-frequency and high-frequency ones. Next, we begin to work on creating ads for the selected keywords.

    Watch the video on correct selection Yandex Direct keywords

    The most popular and in a convenient way selection of keywords for Yandex Direct is a service from Yandex itself called “Wordstat” at . In this article, we will consider in detail its main functions and capabilities, and also use an example to show the process of collecting the semantic core. You can also watch our video below.

    Let's start working with Wordstat by selecting the region or regions for which further promotion is planned. For example, let's take the most popular ones - Moscow and Moscow Region.

    We see that people searched for our phrase a total of 91,367 times in one month. To find out how many people entered the exact request “Yandex Direct”, let’s put it in quotation marks.

    We learn that it was administered about 40 thousand times. Let's return to the previous window to select keywords. We have work ahead of us in several stages:

    Stages of creating a semantic core for Yandex Direct

    1. Collect what you find search phrases.

    2. Find additional mask queries from the right column. These are similar relevant queries to ours, but with a different component. For example, our request “Yandex Direct” and the request from the right column “Yandex Advertising” are both suitable for compiling a semantic core, but they differ from each other and belong to different masks. The form of the word is not taken into account: “ ” and “ ” are the same search phrase, although the meaning may be different.

    3. Save the masks in a separate file.

    4. Using ready-made masks, we collect queries that Wordstat shows.

    5. Filter requests.

    Let's give another example. Let's say we have an online store selling all types of furniture. Enter the word “furniture” into Wordstat.

    In the right column you can select masks such as: kitchen, sofa, closet, and so on.

    However, when we enter the same word “closet” we see a huge number of search phrases. In this case, it is necessary to segment the mask into subsections to avoid collecting unnecessary non-target phrases. For the theme “Wardrobe”, masks for further collection of phrases can be the phrases “Buy a wardrobe”, “Wardrobe” and so on.

    Once the masks are selected, we move on to the fourth step - collecting search phrases. It is not possible to do this manually (especially with a large semantic core), so we will turn to a third-party service for help. In our case, this will be a program from the site. Go to the “Seo software” section, and then select the second program in the list (it is free, unlike the first). Download and run on your computer.

    Working with the Yandex Direct keyword parser

    1. Open the program and go to the “Create project” tab.

    2. Select the required regions below to collect indicators and search phrases (as in Wordstat). We also indicate exactly your region, as shown in the photo below.

    3. On the right there is a menu “Manage groups”. We use them to enter our previously collected masks. We enter the first “Yandex Direct”. Next we have two similar phrases “set up direct” and “set up direct”: logically they are the same thing, however, despite the common root, the form of the words is different. Therefore, they are 2 different masks and you need to collect search phrases for each of them separately. Let’s add the “advertising direct” mask to our program and start collecting phrases.

    4. Go to the settings section. Next, go to Yandex Direct. We indicate the login and password for the unused Yandex Direct account using a colon. This is mandatory, since he may eventually be banned due to being too large quantity requests from our program. If you don’t have an extra account, create one. Click the “Save changes” button.

    5. Now directly collect search phrases using masks. Select “batch word collection” as shown in the image below.
    In the window that opens, select “distribute into groups.” Let's add all the masks and subgroups (if you have them). It looks like this:

    To prevent phrases from intersecting, leave a checkmark at the top for “Do not add a phrase if it is already in any other groups.” And click “Start collection”. It is worth considering that when collecting a large number of phrases, the program can work for hours, and sometimes tens of hours. At this time, you can prepare your pages for future advertising. If you have a small or medium semantic core- Most likely, one hour will be enough. Once the search phrases are collected, it's time to move on to the next step - filtering keywords from non-target queries.

    The next step in selecting queries deserves special attention, as it contains quite a few nuances. We will describe filtering results in the next article and in the corresponding video.

    Detailed instructions on how to quickly and easily collect keywords for contextual advertising.

    Contextual advertising is an ad on the search results page that a user sees after entering a specific search query. These ads respond to his request and are placed at the top and bottom of the page - either in Yandex or in Google.

    This effective tool promotion that brings quick sales to a business, helps make the brand more famous and attracts warm and hot traffic to your website. Contextual advertising works provided that the campaign is set up correctly and the right keywords are selected.

    Keywords are phrases that potential clients use to search for your products and services. And, of course, the advertiser’s task is to show their ads in the advertising results of search engines specifically for these queries.

    The first stage in launching any advertising campaign is just collection of key queries. You can approach this process in different ways. Some people spend months collecting as many keys as possible, and do it manually. Some people use automated services.

    The latter greatly facilitate the work of collecting semantics and save a lot of time. But you shouldn’t blindly rely only on programs and think that smart scripts will do everything for you. You will still have to work with your hands and head, but much less.

    Today we will tell you how to collect keywords for contextual advertising using free service Click.ru.

    From the very beginning, let's understand a little theory: what keys exist, which ones you need to collect and why.

    How to choose effective keywords

    What is the basic principle of contextual advertising?


    • Enters a search query.
    • Sees several ads in the search results that meet his search query.
    • Follows the link in the most attractive ad.
    • Orders a product or service that is presented on landing page(the one where he ended up by following the link).

    For the scheme to work and you really get high percentage conversion, several conditions must be met:

    • choose the right keywords – those by which users are searching for your product. They are looking not just to read about what it is, but precisely with the goal of buying it;
    • The topic and content of the ad must meet the user's request. And also - contain a tempting offer, USP, which is no longer in other advertisements;
    • the page that the user lands on must contain the answer to the user's search query and correspond to your ad.

    Link " Request - ad - landing page» must work in a comprehensive manner and convey your proposal to target audience. Then contextual advertising will bring results.

    But it all starts with keywords. It is the selection of search queries that are used to create an advertising campaign that is the key to its success.

    What does the advertiser pay for? For a user clicking on your ad, for clicking on a link. Thus, the primary task is to make sure that clicking on the link is as cheap as possible, and the answer to the search query is as relevant as possible.

    What are the key queries?

    Every niche has keywords that most advertisers use - these are hot, high-frequency keywords. For example, “order pizza.” This query is most often entered by potential clients in the fast food and fast food delivery niche. Of course, everyone who cooks and delivers pizza wants to show their ad using this keyword. As a result, the auction heats up, and the cost of a click for such a key request is very high.

    At the same time, there are keys that are entered less frequently - mid- and low-frequency ones. Transitions for such requests are much cheaper, however, their number is significantly reduced. But if you collect more of these keys, you can get the required amount of traffic at an affordable price.

    Therefore, it is important to find keywords that are inexpensive and at the same time provide a high CTR (click-through rate) due to an exact match to the user’s interests.

    Main factors for selecting keywords for contextual advertising

    1. Cost per click. Low-frequency keys are cheaper than high-frequency ones, but high-frequency ones are more effective. Therefore it makes sense to collect different types keys, but it all depends on the niche.
    2. Click through rate. You need to choose keywords that will ensure the maximum number of clicks on your ad due to the high relevance of the user’s needs - as a rule, these are low-frequency keywords.
    3. Key conversion– how many conversions you can get using this request. Nobody will give you the exact answer. But the Key Planner will tell you the approximate number of conversions Google words based on your budget.
    4. Elimination of negative keywords. – these are the words and phrases for which the display of your advertising is undesirable. For example, by choosing the “kitchen” key to display advertising, you can attract to the site those who simply love the series of the same name and want to watch funny pictures. To prevent this from happening, you need to add “series”, “show”, “comedy” to the negative keywords. There are words that need to be added “by default”: “download”, “abstract”, “free”, “do it yourself”, “film” and the like.

    How to collect key queries?

    There are two ways to collect keywords for contextual advertising - manually or using automated services.

    Each search engine offers its own keyword selection services. In Yandex it is Wordstat, in Google it is Keyword Planner.

    Where you decide to promote is the best service to collect keywords. But this will require a lot of routine manual work from you. You need to initially make a list of basic queries that best characterize your product. Then, based on these queries (masks), collect the rest. It takes a lot of time, requires perseverance and attentiveness.

    It is much easier to collect keys using automated services. One of these, designed to make your work easier, is .

    Let's look at how it can help you quickly gather keywords for your advertising campaign..

    Selection of keywords for Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords (Ads) in the Click.ru interface

    Сlick.rufree service, which will help you quickly collect keywords for contextual advertising, create relevant ads and manage your campaigns.

    Registration takes literally two minutes, after which you can immediately get to work.

    By default, you are taken to the so-called Master account, from which user accounts are managed. There may be several of them.

    You can add keywords to campaigns from your user account. To go to it, click on the “Go” button:

    Then go to the Media Planning tab. This is where you can start working with keywords.

    First you will need to fill out the details in a simple form:

    You need to add the address of the site that will be advertised, select a system - Yandex or Google (or both at once), set the geography of promotion - in which countries or regions you are going to promote.

    “Automatic correction of phrases with negative keywords”cross-checks words (automatically, of course) while they are added to the media plan. This feature will save you from unnecessary headaches and save a lot of time.

    "Automatic fixation of stop words"will place the “+” operator, thereby forcing search engines take prepositions into account. Without this operator, search engines do not take into account prepositions. As a result, they read the keyword “buy an apartment in Odessa” as “buy an apartment in Odessa,” but for us these are already two different keys!

    Click.ru has two modes for selecting keywords: manual and automatic.

    IN manual mode you simply enter keywords. The service will tell you the approximate cost of a click, the price charged, and predict CTR and budget. All you have to do is “Add to the media plan” the words that suit you:

    Manual work can take an unreasonably long time. The solution is to use automatic selection.

    Automatic selection keywords in Click.ru is carried out:

    • based on the site content;
    • based on competitor analysis;
    • using statistics counters that are installed on your website.

    Automatic word selection is very easy to start. After you have filled out the form (indicated the website address and everything else), you need to click the “Start new selection” button.

    This way you will start automaticselection of words based on the content of your site– it is enabled by default:

    The robot will immediately begin analyzing the content of your site. As a result of the analysis, he will select and offer you about 100 key phrases.
    But looking only at the content of your site is short-sighted. It wouldn't hurt to parse thosekeywords used by competitors.

    Click.ru has a separate function for this:

    The system itself will offer you a list of competitors. You can add sites you are interested in and/or remove unsuitable ones. You can independently find competitors even in search results, entering the keywords of interest and analyzing the ads.

    Click.ru will collect competitors' keywords. You can view them by clicking on the “Show competitor words” button:

    The third option for selecting keywords iswords from statistics counters.

    To work with this function, you must have one of the counters on your website: Google Analytics, Liveinternet or Yandex.Metrica. Based on site statistics collected over several months, the system will offer an optimal list of search queries that brought users to your site. To collect keys using statistics counters, you need to give the system access to them. Select the “Words from statistics counters” function and click “Connect”:

    The system will request access:

    Specify the required counter and click “Grant access.” You will be transferred to your Yandex account, where you need to allow the Click.ru application to receive data:

    As a result, you will see a table with a list of words that users used to visit your site. There will also be data on the number of conversions for each key query, failure rate, depth of views, time on the site. Based on this data, you can select the most effective keywords and add them to your media plan.

    How to analyze the data received and choose words for an advertising campaign

    The service did the main work for you - it collected and displayed key queries in a table. Now analyze the collected data.

    Each list contains:

    • keyword frequency according to Yandex Wordstat;
    • approximate cost per click;
    • conversion forecast;
    • budget forecast;
    • forecast of the amount written off.

    To decide whether to add a word to the media plan or not, open and look at the forecast for positions, click on the name of the position next to the selected key, and you will see detailed information:

    Make this job easier by clicking on the column header and choosing the same position for all words (for example, if being in first place is important to you).

    If the word suits you, mark it with a tick.

    For convenience, use filters. You can filter queries by any parameter or word.

    Then transfer all marked words to the media plan or add them to manual selection. In manual selection, you can break down queries into low-frequency ones.

    After adding words to the media plan, add negative words by clicking on the minus icon next to the selected query.

    A window will open in front of you in which the system will offer options for phrases with highlighted negative words. Check the box next to those phrases for which you do not want to be shown:

    As an example, let’s consider a campaign for a website selling granite tiles. In this case, concrete tiles or chip tiles will not be sold. Visitors who may come to the site based on these queries will not be targeted. Anyone looking for thickness does not intend to buy - he is simply interested (maybe a student is looking for data for a course paper). That’s why we minus these words.

    That's not all. The Click.ru service has a tool that will help you automatically adjust positions to your desired budget or required number of transitions:

    By clicking on the “Fit to budget” button, you can set the desired amount or number of transitions. Moreover, you can do this both for all words and for individually selected ones:

    Once you've finished working with keywords, you can upload the data to an Excel file or create ads by clicking on the appropriate button:


    Collecting semantics is an important stage in preparing an advertising campaign. You can select keywords for contextual advertising manually - using Google Keyword Planner or Wordstat from Yandex. But this will require a lot of strength and patience from you. Even a small campaign will take at least a couple of weeks to prepare.

    It’s much easier to use Click.ru - it will save you a lot of time by quickly collecting a pool of key queries based on the site’s content, competitors’ sites or from statistics counters. All that remains is to analyze and select the most “tasty” and interesting keys for you.

    Another Click.ru tool, the keyword clusterer, will help you organize the collected semantics. Read about how to work with it.

    Get the maximum reward* in the first month of working with Click.ru - use the promotional code key.

    *Offer valid for members only affiliate program. Terms of the affiliate program and requirements for participants.