• Statistics of Yandex queries by city. Basic WordStat operators. How to determine search volume on Google

    Now we will try to figure out why it is necessary to know the number of requests in Yandex and what advantages this information opens up for the user or website creator.

    Let's start with the definition

    Let's start by understanding what keywords are and their frequency.

    No less important question: "Why is quantity so important? search queries"Yandex" for website development?" Obviously, on a website or blog, one of the main roles is played by traffic, or rather by visitors who most often access the resource from search engines, and that is why it is so important to understand the principles of their operation.

    All queries in Yandex can be divided into 3 groups, depending on their prevalence: low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency. In most cases, the group to which the request belongs is determined by the fact that each topic has its own level of competition.

    Let's move on to statistics

    Now let’s look directly at where to look at the number of requests in Yandex per month. First of all, you need to visit the page of this search engine, called WordStat, literally this term means “word statistics”. Finding the appropriate service in a search engine is easy. And now you have arrived at the specified page.

    which you want to check the number of Yandex requests per month. After that, click on the button called “Select” and get statistics of the entered key, as well as words close to it. The arrow shows the total number of such requests. Opposite each of the keys is shown the number of requests in Yandex exclusively for it. So we have figured out the basic principles of this service; we will discuss the details further.

    Ideal world

    Idealists believe that it is not worth spending time trying to find out the number of requests in Yandex. After all, in their opinion, the main thing that helps in promoting a resource is unique content. If you write articles yourself, the project will definitely be successful and visited. At the same time, the main share of visits will come from transitions from

    Unfortunately, in reality the situation is somewhat different, and this is due to -

    ill-fated requests in Yandex, which dictate their terms and force you to make adjustments to your work.

    Internet users sometimes formulate their desires in rather strange ways, and if this is not taken into account, even the most informative and interesting site can be doomed to failure. In no case should you spam the text of the article with keywords - this can ruin everything.

    Number of requests in Yandex: why isn’t it hidden?

    Why does Yandex give us the opportunity to study statistics? After all, optimizers have always been on the other side of the barricades from search engines. As sad as it is, everything, as always, comes down to money. Optimizers unwittingly take away from search a certain part of its main income, which is generated through contextual advertising.

    It’s strange that the Yandex system opens access to And again money from Advertisers need this information to create optimal ads in Direct. Thus, the search engine has to open the data to everyone, which is successfully used by people who want to attract additional audiences to their resource.

    More details about the service

    Yandex statistics are the main tool for webmasters. In Wordstat, all data is displayed in a simplified form - all word forms are combined, most often prepositions and interrogative forms are not taken into account. It’s great that the service provides both derivatives of the entered words and associative queries typed by Yandex users along with the words they are interested in.

    This feature allows you to significantly expand and improve the semantic core. The first statistics tab, “By Words,” lists the total number of impressions of the specified words. In turn, the “by region” tab allows you to understand how often the question of interest to a webmaster is asked in different regions. Yandex system
    divides the search area into approximately 300 regions.

    Use the map

    Another one is available to users of the service interesting feature, which you can’t pass by. Pay attention to the “on the map” tab, thanks to which you can visually assess the frequency of use of certain words on the world map. In addition, you can track changes in the frequency of a specified question over a certain period of time using the “by week” and “by month” tabs.

    Flies separately, cutlets separately

    Keywords and search queries are often confused with each other, so let’s try to clarify. A search query is a set of words typed by any user in a special search bar. Keywords are individual words from the queries you have defined, based on which you will move to the top ten resources in the search results.

    Often, for a certain article, it may consist of only a few words, which need to be written several times in the text of the article, making sure to include them in the title. Be careful not to increase the key density to 3 percent or more - your material may be excluded from the system index. It is better to use keywords in various word forms, according to the logic of the story.

    Let's sum it up

    When you write on a piece of paper the requests through which you expect to receive

    additional influx of visitors, you will need to choose from the resulting semantic core keys, making sure to use them in the title of the material. In addition, it is necessary to use keywords with a density of 1-2 percent in the text itself.

    It can take quite a long time to master the principles of analysis in all its details. Many professionals who work with other promotion methods find it difficult to learn new techniques, but sometimes you need to take a breath and see if you are moving in the right direction. Taking into account the number of requests in Yandex, using the Wordstat service to analyze your own project, you can reconsider your views on work and, if necessary, change the direction of movement.

    You can use Yandex statistics to manually find all the options related to the topic of your resource. This will have to be done manually, so such work will take a lot of time, but in the end you can get incredibly valuable results. Gradually, the analysis reveals the majority of obvious mistakes, and also makes it possible to determine in advance the topics of future publications, since the questions that users most often ask search engines are of primary interest to them, and therefore should primarily concern the developers of various resources for greater efficiency.

    It should also be noted that during the analysis you can find out whether the site you are creating has at the moment any positions regarding the phrase or word you are interested in. For this purpose you can use various programs, among which “Site Auditor” should be noted.

    Or before launching it is necessary to create a semantic core. It sounds scary, but in reality these are just queries that users will use to search for your services or products in search engines. If you select the right key queries, your site will quickly rise in Yandex and Google rankings and bring you clients. To understand which direction to move in, think about how you yourself would search for your products, using what phrases. You can write down 3-5 main topics and build on them. But, in order not to rack our brains and invent a wheel, we created an assistant - Yandex Wordstat.

    Wordstat shows statistics of user requests. The service displays all phrases with the entered key and the number of users who searched for this key query. In this article I will talk in detail about the service and what nuances should be taken into account when working with it.

    Yandex Wordstat comes to the rescue

    To view the statistics of the query you are interested in, you need to enter it into the search bar, click “Select” and the service will display the result. Below is a schematic representation of the main blocks of service functionality.

    1. Search phrase.
    2. Latest update.
    3. Total number of impressions per month.
    4. The number of impressions for a specific phrase.
    5. Similar queries.

    You can search phrases by:

    • words;
    • regions;
    • request history (by month, week, etc.).

    The service shows the result not only for the entered query, but also similar phrases that users searched for.

    Basic operators

    To understand how it works, let’s enter the query “Italian pizza”:

    The service gave us the result that this request was entered 16,654 times per month. But is this really so? No. It should be kept in mind that users could search for the query in different variations, for example, “buy Italian pizza” or “cook Italian pizza.” Some requests are clearly not worth considering. And to see a more truthful picture, the service has basic operators.

    1. Quotes:"Word". This operator allows you to see the exact number of impressions of this request, but for all possible endings and word order.

    Now, instead of the number 16,654, we see 1,152 impressions per month. This is a more plausible figure.

    2. Exclamation mark:!. Allows you to view the number of impressions on request, taking into account the end.

    We changed the ending of the query, and we see that only 225 times users searched for this phrase and with this ending.

    Auxiliary Operators

    There are additional operators, which open up more opportunities when analyzing and selecting queries.

    1. OR operator. Helps to combine queries and compare several phrases.

    In the figure on the right, we see how many requests for each phrase were made per month.

    2. “Square brackets” operator. Fixes the order of words, taking into account all word forms and stop words. Denoted by .

    3. Operator "Plus". Searches for the query itself plus an additional word. Denoted by the + symbol.

    4. Operator "Minus". Gives the result without the word that comes with the - sign. Indicated by the symbol -.

    Using this operator, we removed all queries containing the word dodo (dodo is a brand of pizza).

    5. Operator "Grouping". Used when you need to group multiple statements. Denoted by ().

    Additional features

    At the beginning of the article, I mentioned that Wordstat has the ability to search and analyze queries by words, by region, and by history. Let's start with the request history.

    Request history

    New Year is coming soon and you are already wondering when to start notifying your subscribers about New Year's promotions and sales. To track when people start to become interested in this topic, let’s go to the “Request History” tab and look at seasonal fluctuations in the request “New Year”.

    If you look at the graph, you can see that the peak occurs in December (month 12). But they begin to become interested at the end of October.

    Number of requests in a given region

    In this tab you can see the number of impressions of a request in a region or city. You can also estimate popularity as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the higher the interest.

    In the “Map” mode you can see the number of queries and their popularity by country on the world map.

    Collection (parsing) of requests of a given length

    Sometimes it becomes necessary to search for queries of a given length (of 2, 3, 4 words, and so on) with the occurrence of a keyword.

    For example, we want to find a phrase with the keyword “pizza” and a length of 4 words:

    Queries from 2 to 7 words in length can significantly increase your audience reach.

    The article discussed the main functionality WordStat service. Now all you have to do is correctly apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Be sure to use this tool in your work if it is important to you to have high quality, launch effective and efficient.

    It is very important to make sure that the queries you are planning to promote are actually searched by anyone. If you type “semantic core”, where all the keys will have zero frequency, then your site will be zero. Therefore, let's not bend the ox, but let's get started.

    What is Keyword Frequency

    Obviously, different queries have different popularity among search engine users. The number of times a specific query is entered into a search engine is taken as one month. Thus, frequency keywords is the number of query entries per month.

    It is quite possible that even here there are dummy requests

    To promote your website, you need to create original content. For example, if you write articles, the uniqueness of your text should generally be above 90%. In theory, unique content brings a high rate of traffic, consisting largely of transitions from Yandex and Google. However, in real conditions write rankings unique article- only half the success.

    Search engines pay attention not only to the uniqueness of the text, but also to the content in it key queries, corresponding to the topic of the article or any other text content. The correct distribution of keywords in an article is called text optimization. A unique, but not optimized article containing vague queries may not attract visitors to the site at all. This situation will mean wasted time and resources on content creation.

    For optimizers, frequency is a criterion for choosing a particular query for use in the text. Depending on the frequency, high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF) requests. When optimizing an article, first of all, pay attention to HF and MF queries. However, every year the promotion of new sites becomes more and more difficult, and optimization becomes more subtle. It is now believed that the use of low-frequency keys can also bring some amount of traffic.

    How to check request frequency

    The frequency of keywords can be found using the corresponding search engine services, as well as special programs on compiling a semantic core. Search engines provide their services based on the selection of queries for contextual advertising.

    Wordstat (Yandex)

    Wordstat is a Yandex service for determining statistics of key queries. Wordstat uses most optimizers not only to create commercial queries for advertising, but also to extract keywords as part of regular text optimization. Wordstat distinguishes three types of frequencies:

    1. WS frequency is the base frequency of a query in Wordstat.
    2. Frequency "" WS - frequency based on exact query input. For example, statistics for the query ["car"] will match the query [car] without adding any other words.
    3. Frequency "!" WS — frequency based on the exact input of each word in the query, excluding declensions, etc. The request [!Chinese] means that statistics will be returned for the word [Chinese] without possible inflections (Chinese, Chinese).

    The search for [car] currently has more than ten million impressions. However, the basic metric involves adding all kinds of words to the keyword that the article will rank for.

    If you enclose the query in quotation marks, the statistics will be reduced from ten million to 28 thousand. The optimizer may find it useful to have a right column with similar queries that complement the semantic collection.

    The “By words” tab means that statistics are given by total amount impressions of the entered request. The “by region” tab displays impression statistics in different regions of the country. And on the “Query History” you can graphically track changes in query frequency over the course of a month or week, as well as statistics on queries via PC or mobile devices.


    The Google AdWords service itself is more tailored to contextual advertising, than Wordstat. In the “Tools” section you can select the necessary keys for required request. In the “Targeting” column, set the desired display region and language. You can also specify negative keywords.

    Unlike Wordstat, where monthly statistics are indicated, in AdWords you can select a monthly range of impressions in the “Date Range” column. The disadvantage is the average number of results. The statistics themselves are divided into two blocks:

    • Keywords are an analogue of Wordstat frequency;
    • Keywords (by relevance) are an analogue of the base frequency and similar WS queries.

    The advantages are the presence of a level of competition, as well as the ability to download selected words to a CSV file or to Google Drive.

    In addition to AdWords, Google has another query analysis tool called Google Trends. This service evaluates the popularity of the entered query for a certain period of time and presents statistics in the form of a graph. You can compare several key queries with each other. Statistics by region are also displayed.

    For the graph, not exact numbers are used, but relative ones, based, among other things, on relevant queries.


    Mail.ru also has a search query statistics tool in its service for webmasters. In addition to general impressions, the table shows the distribution of queries by gender and age of users.

    It is no secret that Mail cooperates with Yandex, since the search engine places Yandex advertisements.


    Rambler is losing its popularity every year, but their Wordstat can be very useful. The fact is that query statistics in Yandex and Google cannot always display real situation things. Many companies can enter “idle” commercial inquiries for the purpose of spying on competitors, i.e. for analysis of TOP, titles, etc.

    Due to the low popularity of Rambler, their Wordstat statistics are less spammy and can provide some clarity for optimizers. In general, it is quite suitable as an additional tool.

    How to check the frequency of queries en masse

    Most optimizers choose programs such as Key Collector or Slovoeb. There are also online services for determining frequencies.

    Key Collector

    You can obtain the necessary keys for the semantic core and check their frequency en masse using the desktop program Key Collector. Open Wordstat, enter the main keys with new line on your topic and click “Start collecting”.

    In the settings, you can set the required region for collection, as well as stop words. After the keys are collected, we determine the frequencies via Direct.

    As a result, you will have a table with keys and frequency of impressions. We immediately delete all keys that have the exact frequency “!” equal to zero. To do this, we do filtering in the “Frequency!” column. Click on the blue icon. A filter window will appear. Select “greater than or equal to” > “1” and click “Apply”.

    To receive larger list keys, you can collect search tips from Yandex. Let's do new group(window on the right). Also make sure that the “Collect only the TOP hints without brute force…” checkbox is enabled. Now click on the created group - a new empty tab will open. Click the icon for collecting search tips.
    After collecting phrases, we do the same as when parsing Wordstat: we remove frequencies, remove phrases that are inappropriate in meaning and phrases where the frequency is “!” equal to zero.

    Same with using Key Collector allows you to collect keys and frequencies from Google.

    Rush Analytics

    Rush Analytics is an online alternative to Key Collector. The advantage of the key collection tool is that there is no need to use a proxy, anti-captcha, etc.

    To collect frequency from Wordstat, you need to go to the “Frequency collection” tab and check the box next to !keyword, that is, the exact frequency. Next we enter the keywords. After the service calculates the costs, click “Create a new project.”

    The results can be saved to an Excel file.

    We released new book"Content marketing in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


    Today, once again, we dive into the abyss of Yandex Wordstat and figure out how to find out the number of requests for keywords that match the site’s theme. This is necessary if you want to estimate how many people are looking for your products and services, optimize website pages for search engines or launch a mind-blowing context that users will click on like mad. Let's see what functions of word selection services are useful for assessing and collecting the semantic core, and find out how to work with. Let's go.

    Why is it important to know the number of keyword requests in Yandex?

    First, let's decide why we need this at all.

    • To collect a semantic core for website optimization;
    • To collect keywords for launch advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct or Google Adwords.

    Everything is simple here. To attract traffic from search and context, you need to:

    • Make the landing page of the site relevant in the eyes of the search engine and the user.
    • Make sure that the request is sufficiently frequent and not too competitive, otherwise there will simply be no transitions in both cases.

    Let's get to the heart of the matter.

    How to find out the number of requests in Yandex?

    To do this, you can use the service. It helps you select keywords, look at the number of impressions for queries, including dynamics and depending on the selected region. Let's go through each point.

    Checking keywords in Yandex Wordstat

    Let's say we entered the request “Flower delivery”. Wordstat immediately gave us 267,090 impressions per month, with this phrase, and in broad terms. This means that the results take into account all requests that mentioned “flower delivery” and there were a little over 267 thousand of them.

    Impressions and requests should not be confused; they are counted differently. The user enters the query once, and each transition to the search results page is considered an impression. If I'm looking for flower delivery, then I entered one request. Moreover, every time I switch to next page in search results, a new impression is counted.

    Just below, the service displays a list of queries in which the given one was found, and all of them are included in the main result. That is, Wordstat goes from the general to the specific: first it shows how many impressions there were for such keywords in a month, and then it details these statistics. For example, there were 18,892 impressions for the query “low-cost flower delivery” and all of them are included in the total 267,090.

    Now let's figure out how to find out the number of requests in Yandex for specific keywords. Let's say we want to find out how many times people requested the combination “flower delivery” without any additional clarification. Search operators will help us with this. First, let's list them all:

    • “” – quotes. Helps to search only for specified keywords, but in any word form (that’s what we need).
    • ! – exclamation mark. Does the same thing, only without taking into account different word forms. That is, if you request “!flower delivery”, then the results will be shown specifically for this request, without taking into account all sorts of “flower delivery”, “flower delivery” and so on.
    • + – plus. Makes Wordstat take into account conjunctions and prepositions.
    • - – minus sign. In this case, the specified words will not be taken into account when compiling the report. Example: “flower delivery is free.”
    • (|) – brackets and forward slash. Needed to combine statistics on several queries into a report.

    Let's return to our example. Let’s do a check and find out the number of requests in Yandex for the keywords “flower delivery” in any word form.

    Already less - 16,409 impressions. Now let's exclude the remaining word forms:

    The number of impressions dropped even further. Let's try using other operators:

    The last operator is a great help when checking the number of keywords in Yandex for several queries. We received a sample from the following requests:

    • flower delivery;
    • bouquet delivery;
    • order flowers;
    • ordering bouquets.

    Now let's look at the remaining tabs. First, let's look at what mobile device users are looking for.

    Now we’ll find out how to view the number of requests in Yandex in a specific region. Let it be the city of Kazan. To do this, go to the “by region” tab. For a more accurate result, we will search for “”!delivery!flowers”” in exact correspondence. We get:

    The first number is the number of impressions, and the second is regional popularity. If it is more than 100%, then interest in the request in the region is increased, and if it is less, then there is decreased interest.

    Remained last tab: "query history". We go there and see a graph of changes in the frequency of requests. It looks like this:

    As you can see, at the end of January every year, people suddenly get upset and start looking for bouquets with delivery. I wonder why?

    Let's look at the rest of Wordstat's functions. In the “By Regions” tab there is a map mode. There you can see the popularity of the query in different countries world and regions of Russia.

    On the main search page there is a right column with queries that appear along with the given one. Sometimes it is useful and helps expand the semantic core.

    Checking keywords in Google

    Now let's figure out how to do the same thing in Google. Here you can use the search engine’s own service – Google Keyword Planner Tool. You can get into it from home page Google AdWords– the required link is located in the “Tools” tab.

    To use the service, register with AdWords. Keyword Planner differs from its Yandex counterpart mainly in its interface and convenience: it does not require a captcha, and negative words can be specified directly in the search settings. The Google tool displays keywords immediately in exact matches. It is worth considering that the competition tab here is “advertising” and not “search”.

    Other tools to check search volume and keywords

    If you are too lazy to collect information manually, you can use special parser services. The problem is that almost all of them are paid. There are exceptions, for example the Slovoeb service. This is the same paid KeyCollector with reduced functions. It helps you search for keywords using Wordstat, check the frequency and competitiveness of queries, determines the relevance of pages and uploads data to Excel. It differs from its older brother - KeyCollector - in that it does not provide statistics on Google AdWords. But it will do.

    Frequency and competitiveness of requests in Yandex

    In addition to the number of impressions, you need to know the competitiveness and frequency of requests: they are high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF), low-frequency and, accordingly, high-medium- and low-competitive (VK, SK, NK). The dependence is usually direct - the more frequent the request, the higher the competition for it, but there are exceptions (and they are your goal). High-volume and competitive queries look the most promising, but in reality, they often end up being ineffective. It is very difficult to get to the top using them, so betting on them is a bet on a budget that has been lost to nothing. Much tastier than medium and low frequency queries. If done correctly, they will help drive traffic to your site and find new customers. Any parser will help you calculate the competitiveness and frequency of requests in Yandex. This can also be done “by hand”, but this is a topic for a separate article.

    In order to competently build an advertising campaign or promotion strategy, you must find out the number of queries for keywords in Yandex, their frequency and competitiveness. This can be done either using native search engine services or using parser programs. In any case, you still have to seriously analyze the collected semantic core, because simply collecting keywords is not enough - you need to weed out the unnecessary ones and draw up a page optimization plan or an advertising campaign strategy.

    Have you ever asked yourself the question: what are people looking for on the Internet? What are they interested in? I think if you are a webmaster, or you are simply interested in the topic of the Internet, then you have asked yourself this question. Let's find out which search queries are the most popular in 2017 in Yandex and Google.

    The most popular queries in Yandex 2017

    The most popular phrase in Yandex is download for free, and other phrases are also very popular: either with the word “free” or with the word “download”! Well, what can you do, people love free things: download for free, watch for free, play games for free. But besides them, there are other common requests: March 8, New Year, February 23. Yes, holidays, this is another very popular topic. True, these are so-called situational requests, the traffic for which increases immediately before the event itself. Usually this happens 2-3 days before the holiday and after its completion, requests drop to almost zero. I also want to mention seasonal requests. These are those requests that arise during a certain period of time of the year. There are a lot of such requests, for example, “answers on the Unified State Exam,” “where to relax in the summer,” etc.

    Here is a list of the most popular queries in Yandex in 2017.

    The most popular queries on Google in 2017.

    In Google, the list of the most popular queries is similar to the Yandex list. But there are also some differences. For example, here is the most popular word- download. Download for free (also a leader), download MP3, download a movie, download a game. By and large, the lists of the most popular queries for both search engines are almost the same. This is if we take, of course, the Russia region in Google.

    Well, now, look at the list of the most popular queries on Google in 2017.

    What topic for an article should a webmaster choose to get maximum traffic to the site? First you need to check how many times a particular question has been asked. Some requests are very popular (download for free), others are extremely rare. It is clear that according to popular phrases, there is maximum traffic. But the competition for them is very strong. As a result, get into the TOP10 for such queries search results, very hard. For rare requests, and even more so for zero ones, getting to the top is usually not a problem. The problem is different, according to them, the traffic is either very small or there is none at all.

    To determine the popularity of queries, there are two popular tools - Yandex Wordstat and Google keyword planner.

    How to view keyword statistics in WordstatYandex

    Yandex Wordstat is the most popular tool in RuNet for obtaining search query statistics. It is free, it allows you to collect data on all search phrases entered by users of the Yandex PS. It's no secret that Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia.

    What I like about the WordstatYandex service is its simplicity. To use it, just create an email account in Yandex and go to wordstat.yandex.ru. Next, enter a query and get its statistics. And that's all!

    This way you can get the dynamics of statistics for any search query. Moreover, you can get data by region and month.

    Yandex Wordstat shows statistics not only for the selected phrase, but also for other search queries related to the search phrase.

    Unfortunately, this tool has some disadvantages.

    The display of statistics is not entirely clear. For example, if you need statistics on the phrase “summer dresses,” then Yandex will show that this search query was requested 73,000 times. But that's not true. In fact, 73,000 times is the total number of searches that included the words “Summer Dresses.” That is, they also searched for “summer dresses photos”, “buy summer dresses” and so on. If you look at the statistics directly for the phrase “summer dresses”, it turns out that there were significantly fewer such search queries.

    To determine exact statistics for a phrase, you need to use the “quote” operator. And then the answer will be completely different.

    But find out the exact data for each search phrase You can use the exclamation mark operator, see the screenshot.

    Thanks to Yandex Wordstat, you can quickly find out statistics on the selected phrase and only then decide whether to use this phrase for promotion.

    How to view statistics in Google Planner.

    In addition to the Yandex Wordstat service, there is another service. This is a Google service and it is called Google Planner (Keyword Planner). In RuNet, the description of this service is much less common than the description of Yandex Wordstat. And in vain. Since the capabilities of the Google planner significantly exceed the capabilities of Yandex Wordstat.

    As with Yandex, here you also need to have your own account. Simply put, you need to have an email account in Google. Next, go to adwords.google.com, after which you need to go to the Tools menu,

    and select the item – Keyword Planner.

    Now you need to select the item – Search for new keywords by phrase, site or category

    Enter the desired search term. You can also put it here additional settings: landing page, category and so on. However, it is not necessary to specify these settings; you can simply enter the desired phrase and click on the button - Show options.

    A window will open with a lot of numbers. It displays how many options there are with the selected keys (as in Yandex), and separately, how many options there are for the selected query. There is also a button here - Download.

    The report shows how many impressions a particular search query had. The statistics displayed are approximate. The values, from and to, differ tenfold: a hundred to a thousand requests, a thousand to ten thousand, and so on. For example: the search query, “Summer dresses,” has a total number of one hundred to one thousand (region – Russia). And this error applies to all search queries.

    For a general assessment, such statistics will be sufficient. After all, in any case, this is only a rough assessment of whether it is necessary to work with this request. But there is one trick in AdWords. Thanks to this feature, you can get accurate statistics on all queries. True, for this you need to transfer money to an advertising company. Each country has its own minimum requirement for creating an advertising company.

    Since I have such an account, here is a screenshot with the exact readings.

    As you can see, the exact numbers are already displayed here. More precisely, exact average figures for the year. Although, when creating a report, you can check the box, and then it will indicate the values ​​​​for each month for the past year.

    Finding out the statistics of search queries in Yandex is not a problem. It's even easier to do this in Yandex. But Google outputs all related queries to a file at once Excel programs, thanks to which you can immediately select the necessary keys. You can sort the keys alphabetically, by frequency, by level of competition, by approximate cost.

    What is the cost of advertising for a search phrase? First of all, AdWords is designed for advertisers. And of course, it is simply vital for potential advertisers to know how much advertising costs for a particular request. But for webmasters who do not intend to provide paid advertising, it will not be superfluous to know the meaning of this parameter.

    In Yandex you can also find out how much advertising costs for a specific request. But for this, you need to open another service. And this is not at all so convenient.

    One more thing. The fact is that Google can show phrases that may not contain the keywords you requested. However, these search queries may also be related to the search phrase.

    For example, for the phrase “summer dresses,” Google will also suggest the word “sundress.” Essentially, this is a tip for webmasters. Which will allow you to use even more search queries for search engine promotion.

    How to combine Yandex and Google tools.

    Although Yandex is ahead of Google in terms of the number of search queries, Google also has a very large share. And therefore, for me these search engines are equal. When I receive statistics in Yandex, I understand that the statistics in Google will be similar. And vice versa. Therefore, both tools are relevant to me. And here the scheme of my work is simple.

    For example, for Yandex requests
    “buy an apartment in Moscow” and
    “Buy an apartment from Moscow” will be the same

    To avoid this, you must use the + operator before the preposition
    “buy an apartment + in Moscow” and
    “Buy an apartment + from Moscow”

    This is especially important when creating semantics for Direct!


      Nice addition according to the operators, they really need to be used. By the way, I myself also often use “+”


      • Well, I think that any user who is going to work with Wordstat should memorize these operators and understand what each of them represents.
        Moreover, there are not so many of them.