• Google AdWords Keyword Planner: A How-to Guide. Keywords Google: competent selection in practice

    The topic of this article is Statistics of search queries in the largest at the moment search engines Google systems and Yandex.

    I think many people realize that to successfully promote your website on the World Wide Web, you need to fill it with unique content. With this, everything seems to be clear, sit down at the computer, remember, compose, write down. But it's not that simple.

    Of course, the first and most important thing here is unique content. However, a significant role is played by the correct and competent, from the point of view of optimizing search queries, drafting an article, for which you will need to compose semantic core. This is where statistics services come to our aid.

    To get a more or less reliable picture of keyword statistics, it will be enough to use the main statistics selection services:

    1. Statistics keywords from Yandex
    2. Google Keyword Tool
    3. Statistics on search queries from Rambler

    You can access the service for selecting keyword statistics from Yandex at http://wordstat.yandex.ru/.

    Everything is quite simple here

    I just want to draw your attention to the fact that you can request keyword statistics:
    - by region,
    -by months and weeks.

    It is necessary to request keyword statistics by region if you are going to promote the site on a regional scale, thus attracting target audience from your region. For example, if you are going to promote a beauty salon website, you will need to take into account the statistics of search queries in your region.

    Requesting keyword statistics by month (week) is necessary if you offer seasonal services or your product is in demand in certain time year. For example, when promoting the website of a travel agency or an online store selling seeds, this should be done in mandatory. This will allow you to predict the seasonal growth and decline in the number of visitors who come to your site for certain queries.

    After you have entered key query and click the Select button, the service will give you a list of search queries for the keyword, as well as the number of impressions of this request per month. The left column will contain queries containing the keyword. On the right, associative search queries may appear, i.e. queries similar to the one you indicated.

    I would like to remind you that search queries are divided into:
    1. HF - High frequency queries(over 5000 requests per month)
    2. MF - Mid-frequency requests (from 1000 to 5000 requests per month)
    3. LF - Low frequency requests (up to 1000 requests per month)

    Compiling a semantic core is the topic of one of my next articles. But for now I will tell you that it is often better to select several low frequency queries, and move along them rather than one high-frequency one.

    Google search statistics

    Google's keyword selection tool is very similar to the Yandex keyword statistics service. At least the functions they perform are similar. You can find it at http://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal.

    Here, by analogy with Yandex, the number of requests per month for a specific keyword is displayed. The number of requests in the world (total) and in target regions is shown.

    In addition, Google's tool shows, based on the analysis, the level of competition for each keyword.

    Since the key selection tool Google words was originally created to search for keywords to buy links, here you will also find the approximate cost per click.

    Rambler search query statistics

    This service is not very developed and does not offer any special functions. WITH search engine Rambler currently receives a minimum number of visitors. Therefore, using it to select keywords is not entirely rational.

    What's in the article

    Google Adwords Keyword Selection— the basis of a search campaign. They are going to respond to your proposal using various services and programs. Let's look at an example of how and where to look for them and how to add negative words to the collected ones.

    Adwords keywords.

    Basic principle contextual advertising Adwords - search the largest number low-frequency keys for accurate entry into queries. To do this it is necessary to carry out brainstorming and write down in the columns the basic semantic core by which you will select these phrases:

    • product category - gadgets, cosmetics, phones;
    • the name of the advertised product in all variants (synonyms, slang, brand, brand) - Nokia, Nokia, Nokia 56;
    • hot - buy, purchase;
    • delivery, purchase - on the Internet, online, by courier;
    • quality - best, highly durable;
    • features - green, leather, for men, intravenous;
    • geography - in Moscow, village;
    • parts of speech - quickly, inexpensively, efficiently;
    • other.
    • from Yandex Wordstat;
    • with Adwords scheduler;
    • search via Keyword Tool.

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. In the first article in this series we looked at general questions, nuances and differences, and also began to create the first advertising campaign, setting the basic settings for it. I advise you to at least briefly familiarize yourself with its contents to make it easier to perceive the materials in this publication.

    Today we will finish creating advertising campaign, let’s consider adding new groups for ads and a list of keywords for them (in AdWords, keys are assigned directly to a pool of ads, so that ineffective ones are then automatically eliminated and only those that work well remain). We’ll also look at the basics of creating effective ads and understand the tool’s capabilities for automatically selecting keywords.

    Creating groups and individual ads in Google AdWords

    The previous article has been completed. The next step is to create ad groups, which we will do now. It is better to create separate ad groups for different categories of goods and services.

    If you remember, in the first part I mentioned that in AdWords key words are set for groups, not for individual ads. This ensures that when searching for a specific word or phrase, the user sees the most relevant ad. As I mentioned, it's a good idea to create separate ad groups for the different products and services you offer.

    Create an ad group in Google AdWords

    So, after the task basic settings campaign, we will automatically move to the second step (second tab) of the wizard, which is called "Creating ad groups". Here you will be prompted to immediately enter the address of the page where you will attract users. This is necessary so that the system tries, based on an analysis of the content of this page, to select the most suitable keywords for which ads from this group will be shown.

    First, let's create one group, giving it a name and adding keywords for which you expect ads from this group to be displayed. The keywords issue is not easy (and we'll get to it later), but hopefully you've already thought of everything, or at least used something from the set of keywords suggested by the Google AdWords wizard.

    Actually, the tooltip gives very good advice:

    We talked about different types of compliance in some detail in the first article.

    You can watch the video for clarity:

    Well, or finally, use Google’s own help for selecting good keywords. In general, first of all you need a head, and then experience will come. When you are finished working with groups, click on the “Go to announcements” button located below.

    Creating an ad

    As a result, you will be taken to the third step of the wizard, where you will be asked to create your first ad. This is a responsible matter and there are no trifles here. If it turns out not to be attractive to the users to whom it will be shown (if they entered the keywords you specified above into Google), then the CTR of the ad will be low and you will be forced to pay for clicks without discounts.

    To begin with create the first ad within the first group. Let's assume that after carefully studying the previous article, you have collected a semantic core and planned your ads. The target URL (landing page that will open after clicking on the ad) will be copied from the previous step of the wizard if you specified it there for automatic selection keys. If you haven't indicated, please indicate now.

    Next, you are asked to fill out fields with the title, description and displayed URL of your site. Google has a Help page dedicated to creating effective ads and an explanatory video on the topic:

    In the first article about Google Adwords, I discussed in detail, what is an ad in Google AdWords and what parts does it consist of:

    1. The title is the most important part, which must correspond to the query entered by the user of the Google search engine and preferably contain the keywords (in any word form) that the user used in his query. There is a length limit of 25 characters.
    2. The first line of description (in AdWords there are two lines of description) - here you indicate the most important points your commercial offer, possibly using the query words for which this ad will be shown. Limited to 35 characters.
    3. The second line of the description is a call to action (get a discount, call only now, or as in our example - “+100% to your account with every top-up!”). No more than 35 characters.
    4. Display URL - the URL that will appear in the contextual ad. Usually they just use the address home page(the main host, to be more precise). Again, no more than 35 characters can be its length.
    5. Target URL - here you will need to specify the address of your landing page, where, in fact, the user will go when they click on a Google AdWords ad. Here the limitation is less serious - as many as 1024 characters are allowed.
    1. In the second line (sometimes in the first too) it is advisable to use text that would stimulate clicks on the ad. Usually this is an offer of all sorts of freebies ( free shipping etc.), discounts (today only) and other things that make the user “flow”. Look at the results of your competitors' work necessary requests(in Google results), add creativity and...
    2. One ad should not contain requests different types. Your ad should be a response to this specific user request. For general queries, this condition is very difficult to meet, so it is better to choose keywords such that it is clearly clear what the search engine user wanted to see in response when entering these words.
    3. If you have a unique selling proposition that your competitors don’t have, then be sure to try to play on this in order to stand out from your neighbors in the search results.
    4. If the ad is of a “parochial” nature, then this should also be played up so that the user does not have any doubts or hesitations that this is exactly what is intended for him.
    5. In order for your ad to successfully pass moderation (this is a check for compliance with Google Adwords rules - we’ll talk about it a little later), you need to study at least in general terms the law on advertising in order to know which products can be advertised and which cannot (or with restrictions).

    In the right pane of the Google AdWords ad creation window, you can see how it will look when displayed on the side or at the top (or bottom) of the results. If you are satisfied with everything, then click on the “Save” button.

    You will be asked to create at least one more ad variant for this group, which can be done using the button shown in the screenshot:

    After that you can click on the button "Campaign Check" to get to the fourth step of the setup wizard, where all the settings you have specified will be listed. Although, you could immediately press the button "Save and Finish", if you are confident in advance of your infallibility.

    I think that it would be unnecessary to describe filling out various forms of payment information, since this is a purely bureaucratic aspect.

    Google Adwords interface features

    You can see the newly created campaign by selecting from the most top menu your Google AdWords account with the same item. On the page that opens you will see a rather “horrifying” picture with many tabs, filters and parameters. It will take some time to get used to it and get used to it.

    You can enter the settings of an individual campaign by clicking on its name either in the left menu or in the central table. There will already be ad groups related to this campaign, the settings of which can again be accessed by clicking on their names. Well, already there you can work with keywords and advertising texts. Those. There is a strict hierarchy (in descending order) - campaign, ad group, ads and keywords.

    Although, being, for example, in the mode of viewing all online campaigns in Google Adwords (the item of the same name in the left menu), you can navigate through the horizontal menu viewing all groups, advertisements, ad extensions (locations on the map, additional links and telephone numbers) and keywords, relevant to all campaigns. In general, this “tool” is quite functional, but at the same time frightening in its sophistication.

    It is noteworthy that when adding another ad group to an existing campaign, you will see a single interface (without wizard steps, as we discussed just above), where you will be asked to give the group a name, create the first ad and select a pool of keywords for this group.

    Let's return to the interface of the “Campaigns” window (the corresponding item in the top menu). The Quick Statistics tab allows you to see big picture for this advertising campaign in fast mode. Naturally, this information will only be available after your ads start running.

    In some cases, for different campaigns (for example, those with different regional targeting or focused on different display areas - search or YAN) there is a need copy ads of the same type, so as not to create them every time again. To do this, go from the top horizontal menu go to the “Ads” tab, check the boxes you need and click on the “Change” button and select the “Copy” option:

    Then open the desired campaign and check the box the desired group, where you want to paste the copied advertisements, and from the “Edit” button menu, select the “Paste” item:

    You will be asked to confirm the actions being performed:

    After this, the ads will be copied to the desired group and you can start editing them, if necessary. just move the mouse cursor to the desired ad and click on the one that appears in its right top corner pencil icon:

    Yes, I also want to say about the differences between AdWords and Direct. Keywords, as you noticed, are set for an entire group of ads. Why are ad groups used?? And in order to start displaying ads from the group (for these keywords) in uniform rotation mode (for each request a new ad and so on in a circle).

    After a certain number of impressions, the system will compare their effectiveness (primarily taking into account the CTR or, in other words, the click-through rate of the ad). As a result, the rotation will no longer be uniform, but with an emphasis on efficiency. More effective ads will receive larger number impressions, and in the future ineffective ads will not be shown at all. It turns out that groups in Google AdWords are automatic ad testing mechanism and weeding out unsuccessful options.

    This is especially important at the start of a campaign. Create several ad options, and the system itself will determine which of them will “go into circulation” and which “will end up on the shelf.” The period of such test placements usually lasts a couple of weeks, after which all the wheat will have to be sifted from the chaff.

    We mentioned just above that all ads in Google AdWords are pre-screened. Moderation carried out in semi-automatic mode (most of the ads are moderated programmatically, and a smaller part - manually). The advertisement can be published only after passing moderation (this may take several hours). The status of your ad can be tracked in the “Status” line on the “Ads” tab.

    Tools for selecting keywords in Google AdWords

    In the system interface (in its top menu) there is a “Tools” tab. In its drop-down list you can see the “Keyword Planner” item, which will help in selecting keywords for text ads that will be displayed in Google search results. There you can also find "KMS Scheduler", which is a tool for selecting queries in the context-media network (what webmasters call Google Adsense).

    Let's start with keyword planner. It looks unpretentious:

    In principle, this is clear even from the names of its four components, which have the following purpose?

    1. The “Find Keyword and Ad Group Options” module helps you select keywords. To do this, you can either indicate the product or service that you will advertise, or indicate the page of your website where you will attract visitors, or select a product or service from an existing catalog. See details below.
    2. If you already have a list of words, then in this module you can see their frequency based on statistics collected by Google.
    3. Find out the approximate traffic based on the words you collected
    4. You can combine lists, i.e. words from one list will somehow be combined with words from another (for example, a list of nouns with a list of verbs). Quite a specific and not often required function.

    Let's look at the first module called “Find Keyword and Ad Group Ideas”. It allows you to select keywords based on the starting phrase (similar to ). It will also be possible to indicate the site to which links from the ad in Google Adwords will lead (indicate the URL landing page, the content of which will be analyzed and keys selected based on it). Or you can select one of the product categories available in the list.

    In the “Targeting” field, select your region. It will also be possible to select the area of ​​data collection and expand it to “Google and search partners”, including in the statistical database all the data collected, which is installed on thousands of resources on the RuNet.

    Over time you will accumulate many stop words (minus words), which should not be in the queries for which you want to show your ads. For example, when trying to sell a product or service, it would be unnecessary to show up for queries with the words “free”, “sell”, “download”, etc. And, of course, they should be selected individually. For example, when selling contact lenses, it would be wise to add “camera”, “camera”, etc. to the stop words.

    In general, we turn on our brains and try to get exactly into the target audience (which is interesting to you and who is at the same time interested in your site), while remembering that too active and ill-considered use of negative keywords in Google Adwords can seriously “kill” this same audience. Everything is needed in moderation. List negative keywords, separating them with commas. Also, negative keywords can be added not only in this tool, but also in the list of keywords using the link located at the very end of the list.

    However, let's return to our Google AdWords keyword tool. In my opinion, it is not necessary to use the filters located in the right area “Search Options”. You can safely click on the “Get options” button.

    After a while you will see results of the keyword selection tool, summarized in a fairly functional and visual table:

    What’s remarkable is all the selected options. This is the name of the tab that opens by default - “Ad group options”, and next to each phrase in the “Ad groups” column you see the number of keywords included there. In principle, you could immediately add them in this form to your account, but in practice the system does not collect groups very well, so it is better to manually view the keys.

    To see detailed information about each selected key, you can either open assembled groups by clicking on their names, or select the “Keyword Options” tab from the top menu. Looking at these keywords, you can probably start making a list of negative keywords for the future.

    The data in this table can be sorted in descending or ascending order of indicators in certain columns (by clicking on the column header):

    If you decide that these selected queries suit you, you can save in your Google account AdWords, using the button of the same name located in the upper right corner. In the window that opens, you will be given two options to choose from: either add the selected keywords to a new campaign (which you are prompted to create right away), or add them to an existing one:

    If you want to add selected keys, then you will be offered to either create for them new group ads, or again use an existing one:

    In this way, individual keywords selected by Google Adwords itself are added. If you were satisfied with the keywords collected in the already ready-made groups(suggested by default), then you could use them. They are added to the plan in the same way using the arrow buttons in last column, and then transferred to your account to an existing or newly created ad group.

    I think that's enough for today - we'll continue soon. Don't switch.

    To be continued >>> (You can subscribe to the newsletter so as not to miss it)

    And here is the continuation: (but you still subscribe - there will be a lot more interesting and useful).

    It can be quite difficult. It's easy to skip keywords or add keywords without enough search volume. Additionally, even if there is a large list of keywords, as with a large directory, it can be difficult to organize them into thematic groups. Therefore, the Google AdWords Keyword Planner can be an excellent way to start creating your next campaigns.

    Where to Find Google AdWords Keyword Planner

    You can find it in your account AdWords under Tools > Keyword Planner

    Keyword Planner has several options to help you create a list of keywords or expand an existing one. You can find new keywords using phrases, a site, or a category. You can also download existing list to get a budget forecast.

    Find new keywords

    You can list products or services from your site, and the tool will expand the list to find more low-volume keywords. For example, when creating a search list for jewelry and engagement rings, we used this tool to expand the number of options.

    Keyword options

    If you click Get Suggestions, the planner will show a list of keywords with their average monthly search volume and suggested bid. So, the query 'engagement rings' has an average monthly search volume of 135,000, and a recommended starting bid of $2.71.

    Expanding the list of requests

    If you scroll further down, you can see additional suggested keywords sorted by relevance based on the initial list. The picture shows that more people searches for 'engagement rings' than 'wedding rings', but the CPC is almost twice as high. The searches for 'ring' and 'jewelry' are very broad and very cheap. You can use them in a small campaign to get additional search queries.

    Options for groups and grouping requests

    Then, if you select the Ad Group Options tab, the tool will organize these keywords into tight topic groups and you can create relevant ads for those keywords. This tool will show you the average search volume for grouped keywords and the recommended starting bid.

    Google Search and search partners

    Additionally, on the left side of the page, under Targeting, you can select a Google filter to view average search volume with and without Google search partners. For example, if you select only Google, the query 'engagement rings' has an average monthly volume of 135,000.

    If you add search partners, you'll get a rough estimate of how many monthly searches are available across all affiliate networks. This increases the monthly request volume from 135,000 to 368,000.

    Search partner evaluation

    You can determine whether partners are worth it based on performance. Once you have the data, under Segments you can select Network (with search partners) to measure performance.

    You can then expand the window to determine the exact performance of search partners compared to Google search. This account shows that search partners have a lower cost per conversion with a 906% ROAS. U Google search ROAS is 454%. In this case, search partners benefit from Google search. So, this will help you decide whether to stay on all networks or choose certain ones.

    Domain or landing page

    You can also use a domain or landing page to help build your keyword list. You can even select a date range to compare to measure the difference in traffic. Depending on the site, it may be worth considering these keywords to determine whether they are relevant to the product or service being offered.

    Tip: It is best to include 10 keywords per ad group. At the advertising Bands Men has 21 keywords, and you can review this list to determine if any queries should be removed or excluded.

    In addition, Yandex and Google, different algorithms formation search results, hints, and accordingly popular queries also different. This means that in order to get the maximum possible traffic from Google, we need to collect semantics on it. In this article we will look at how to do this completely free of charge, spending no more than half an hour.

    If you have previously launched an advertising campaign, then additional information According to the statistics of queries in Google Adwords, you can see by monitoring which queries your ad was shown for. To do this, go to the section "Reports" and create a new one in the form of a table.

    Then, under Targeting, find Search query and drag it into the table field. Next, the data obtained in this way, in any convenient format, including an Excel file, can be saved on your computer, and then cluster or make a sample of interest. The figure below shows real data for one of our clients, where it was collected 1894 unique requests! Isn't that cool?

    Among these queries, you can select all queries that indicate company names, phone numbers or competitors' website addresses, and add these keywords to your companies in KMS and/or on search.

    The second use case is to improve SEO optimization of websites or separate page: .

    Also, these statistics will help determine the real needs of users:

    • intends to buy, but not soon;
    • evaluates proposals from different companies;
    • ready to buy right now;
    • will not buy, looking for general information.

    Another example of collecting statistics on queries

    For example, our company repairs computers and hardware in Moscow. At the same time, we have a fairly limited budget for advertising, so we want to find keywords for which there is the lowest competition (few advertisers), so that advertising can be a priority choice for users and thus get the maximum number of conversions with minimal coverage.

    1. The query for which the words will be collected: “laptop repair”.
    2. Region: Moscow.
    3. Level of competition: low.

    Here are a few of the 300 keywords that the system showed us, among which the request looks very promising "tablet repair". You don’t have to focus on the recommended bet level here, since in fact it can differ significantly from the real one, both with a “+” and a “-” sign.

    After checking the request "tablet repair in Moscow" We didn't find any advertisements.

    Therefore, we can conclude that statistics Google queries Adwords is a treasure trove useful information, at correct use, which has enormous potential. But whether you use it or not depends entirely on you.