• What does feed mean? What is a feed and who needs it? Create dynamic feed ads

    An XML feed is a structured real estate database presented in XML format. This is a text file that allows Yandex to process and structure information. Its use saves time and makes the work of real estate specialists easier, eliminating the need for them to independently add and edit information in advertisements.

    What is an XML feed

    In the process of work, companies that provide intermediary services between seller and buyer experience the need to connect the site to the popular information integrator system - Yandex.Real Estate. The integrator is designed for publishing and searching advertisements for the sale/rent of apartments, houses, land plots and commercial areas.

    An XML feed must be created in case of a large number of objects. It allows you to work with a variety of advertisements, significantly simplifying the task for employees. Today, almost every agency uses this tool. It is generated directly from the real estate agency website or offline database in XML format, after which the ad is sent to the real estate board. You can create a feed in several ways:

    1. Create a web resource with a built-in XML upload module. This is the most reliable and fastest type of data transfer. When creating, we recommend using the real estate website builder script CMS Sitebill. It offers users several modules for generating a feed in XML format Yandex Real Estate, CIAN, AFY.
    2. Use of external services. There is CRM application software that allows you to generate XLM feeds from ads. The most famous services are ReCRM and JCat.

    These services save time and contain the optimal balance of necessary functions. However, using them requires an investment of money, and in order to publish advertisements on popular boards on the Internet, it is necessary to transfer them from the site database to the service database.

    How to create a feed

    There are several ways to create an XML feed. The first, and easiest, is to find a specialist. For independent work on the Internet there are special generator services. They allow you to automatically generate XML files for Yandex.Real Estate. The process of working in them is extremely simple: you need to specify a link to a web resource, set individual parameters and start generating.

    Another way to create a feed is manual setup. To make the process easier, it is recommended to use ready-made examples from Yandex and, using them, create files for your own website. Here you will need Excel or another free text editor that provides the ability to edit text and automatically create a backup copy of saved files. Upon completion of work, you need to save the feeds in CSV format and upload the finished result to Yandex.

    There are a number of rules that must be followed when filling out the feed. In particular, it should contain only relevant advertisements present on the web resource. Moreover, each ad category must contain a separate set of parameters. If these rules are not followed (the accuracy and number of parameters are displayed incorrectly), the semantic relevance of the ads to the search query will decrease, and they will take low positions in the search results.

    The ad text should not contain HTML code elements, and the feed should contain the parameters noted by the advertiser for Yandex.Real Estate. It is important to exclude all web resource settings related to geographic coordinates so that this information is not displayed in ads.

    How to edit and validate an XML feed

    Export XML files are checked using the XML feed validator from Yandex. The tool simplifies debugging of export files and significantly reduces the time it takes to get into partner program databases. The validator allows you to check the structure of a file, but not its content.

    After the files are uploaded, the user can view detailed information about all advertisements, find out what errors have occurred, and what needs to be done. But checking XML feeds doesn’t end there. There are types of errors that neither the validator nor the loader can recognize.

    First of all, you need to get the free text editor Notepad++, since a regular Excel spreadsheet will not be able to display the data correctly. Notepad++ has a lot of advantages, the main one of which is the ability to see the feed as it will be presented in Yandex. Here you need to check:

    1. Completeness of the downloaded data. To do this, you should select a random ad from the site, find it by IP in the uploaded file in a text editor and check how much the content of the site corresponds to the data presented in the file itself.
    2. Correctness of data format. It is necessary to check whether the existing format meets the basic requirements for an xml feed on Yandex. Real estate: correct spelling of numbers, units of measurement, text content, etc.

    If the site database contains a large number of advertisements (from several thousand to tens or hundreds of thousands of advertisements) and therefore the XML file is too large, we recommend using the gzip file compression and recovery utility. This will speed up the download process and protect against network failure.

    With the development of information technology and the increase in the number of Internet users, many new words have appeared in the Russian language, the meaning of which is still clear only to programmers and other narrow specialists.

    However, knowledge of the meaning of technical terms will also be useful for ordinary users. What is a feed and who needs it? Even if this word is not useful in everyday life, it is always useful to improve your level of education and expand your horizons.

    What is a feed?

    In English, the word feed is translated as “graze” or “feed.” From a technical point of view, this translation quite accurately reflects the essence of this term: it is an information display format created by Google, the purpose of which is to supply search robots with information.

    To understand what a feed is, it is enough to imagine a news feed that contains the names of articles, their authors, publication dates and other information useful to the reader.

    How does the feed help in the development of the site?

    Website owners are interested in getting on the first page of search results: this guarantees a stable influx of new visitors. Thanks to the feed feed, Google robots can quickly learn about new materials published on the page, index data in a shorter period of time, which as a result can help the site rise higher in search results.

    Feeds can also be used by various aggregators to automatically distribute information on social networks and other similar sites, notify blog subscribers about new publications, and generate email newsletters.

    There is a possibility that other search engines, such as Yandex or Mail.ru, use the feed to collect data, but there is no confirmation of this information. Algorithms for generating search rankings are a corporate secret and are inaccessible to ordinary users.

    Knowing what a feed is, owners of Internet resources can put it into practice, but no one can guarantee that this will affect the position of the site.

    How to make a feed feed on your website?

    When the owners of web portals learn the meaning of the word “feed,” they usually have a desire to install a similar feed on their resource. To make your site more convenient and understandable for the Google search robot, you need to go through a simple registration on the page feedburner.google.com, enter your site data, set up the flow of information and observe the result.

    For ordinary users, a feed can be useful when you need to collect interesting data from several sites on one page. Information is displayed on the screen of a computer, tablet or smartphone in a compressed form, so that you can read the news much faster. By understanding what a feed is, it’s easy to make the resource interesting and visited.

    Another useful feature on YouTube that will improve engagement with your audience is feeds.....

    Many people have not yet fully understood the purpose of this option, so they often ignore it.

    Below we will tell you in detail how to open your feed on YouTube, as well as what benefits your channel will receive ↓↓↓

    Why is it needed?

    On many sites you can find RSS feeds where all the latest news is published.

    This is very convenient, because the user can quickly view the latest content from his phone or any other device...

    On YouTube, this option is called a feed and it reflects the user’s activity (all his actions) - added videos, ratings, comments, etc.

    By visiting the page, you can see the owner's preferences and much more.

    So what is a channel feed?

    Translated from English, “feed” is the food that you give to the audience.

    In simple terms, this is your activity feed. Here the viewer can always see what's new on the channel.

    This is relevant, first of all, for popular projects with a large user audience.

    If necessary, you can hide all this data.

    3 reasons to open your feed on YouTube: ↓↓↓

    1. The page becomes more attractive;
    2. Users will learn about your preferences;
    3. Confidence in the project increases.

    Simple instructions

    First of all, you must go to the section with your account settings.

    Here you will need the privacy clause (https://www.youtube.com/account_privacy).

    Here you need to uncheck the “Like” section:↓

    1. Do not show information about which videos I liked;
    2. Do not show information about saved playlists.

    After that, mark all the items that are available in the “Feed” section.

    Here you can briefly familiarize yourself with why this option is needed and so on.

    1. Next, go to the main page of the channel, and go to the “Information” tab.
    2. Here in the upper corner of the page there is a “Pencil” icon, by clicking on which you can customize the appearance of the page.
    3. In this section we select the "Overview" page view.
    4. Here we check the necessary boxes so that “Like” marks, comments, etc. are displayed on the page.
    5. Now you click on the “Save” button and you can move on to the next step.
    6. To check, you can put a few likes, watch interesting videos, leave comments and subscribe.

    If everything is configured correctly, then corresponding notifications should appear on the main page. This is what your users will see.

    With the development of information technology and the increase in the number of Internet users, many new words have appeared in the Russian language, the meaning of which is still clear only to programmers and other narrow specialists.

    However, knowledge of the meaning of technical terms will also be useful for ordinary users. What is a feed and who needs it? Even if this word is not useful in everyday life, it is always useful to improve your level of education and

    What is a feed?

    In English, the word feed is translated as “graze” or “feed.” From a technical point of view, this translation quite accurately reflects the essence of this term: it is an information display format created by Google Corporation, the purpose of which is to provide information

    To understand what a feed is, it is enough to imagine a news feed that contains the names of articles, their authors, publication dates and other information useful to the reader.

    How does the feed help in the development of the site?

    Website owners are interested in getting on the first page of search results: this guarantees a stable influx of new visitors. Thanks to the feed feed, Google robots can quickly learn about new materials published on the page, index data in a shorter period of time, which as a result can help the site rise higher in search results.

    Feeds can also be used by various aggregators to automatically distribute information on social networks and other similar sites, notify blog subscribers about new publications, and generate email newsletters.

    There is a possibility that other search engines, such as Yandex or Mail.ru, use the feed to collect data, but there is no confirmation of this information. Algorithms for generating search rankings are a corporate secret and are inaccessible to ordinary users.

    Knowing what a feed is, owners of Internet resources can put it into practice, but no one can guarantee that this will affect the position of the site.

    How to make a feed feed on your website?

    When the owners of web portals learn the meaning of the word “feed,” they usually have a desire to install a similar feed on their resource. To make your site more convenient and understandable for the Google search robot, you need to go through a simple registration on the page feedburner.google.com, enter your site data, set up the flow of information and observe the result.

    For ordinary users, a feed can be useful when you need to collect interesting data from several sites on one page. Information is displayed on the screen of a computer, tablet or smartphone in a compressed form, so that you can read the news much faster. By understanding what a feed is, it’s easy to make the resource interesting and visited.

    Yandex.Direct offers a number of tools that will help automate the creation of contextual advertising. In particular, for online stores it will be useful to create product feeds - unique product databases that, with certain manipulations, can be shown in Direct ads without additional tedious manual work.

    What are feeds in Direct?

    Feeds are used primarily to create and. That is, these types of ads that provide a template where you can simply insert product names, prices, and some other data, and in a couple of clicks create ads for hundreds or thousands of products.

    A product feed is a file in one of the following formats:

    • YML (Yandex Market Language) - a format created specifically for

    Using the feed is very convenient because it makes it easier to update information on product availability, prices, promotions, add product characteristics, and group ads depending on product category.

    How to create a feed for Direct

    As mentioned, feeds work for dynamic ads and smart banners, which have their own restrictions on the subject of goods. Perhaps the number of topics will expand over time.

    We will look at creating a feed for retail.

    The feed for retail products must be in YML format (for other topics, CSV or XML is possible). It, like an XML document, uses one element: . The list of all product offers is in the element , and the element contains information about one product. To make it clearer what it looks like:

    There are several ways to create a YML file. We recommend trying the automated one using the service mysitemapgenerator.com. Here you will need to go to the section YML generator.

    As can be seen in the example above, there are a number parameters, which can be entered into an XML file (or YML). For retail, for example, the list looks like this.

    As you can see, there are many settings. Each topic has its own list with its own characteristics, and the full set of parameters can be found in Help from Yandex.

    Create dynamic feed ads

    When uploading a feed, select its type and provide a name.