• What is the Periscope application on the Internet? Ksenia Nova. Book "Create your own style". Interview

    They are incredibly convenient to work with, and it becomes impossible to live without them. One of these useful applications becomes Periscope.

    The application almost instantly gained multimillion-dollar popularity due to the fact that even a child can master the functionality, and with its help you can keep in touch with many people 24 hours a day!

    The purpose of the periscope: to see the events and situation of the user in the real world, having the opportunity to communicate with him.

    Pros of periscope:

    An unlimited number of users can connect to one channel. Also, anyone can leave an unlimited number of comments and put hearts.

    Hearts are the main indicator of viewer attention. During one broadcast, you can click on the heart endlessly.

    The more spectators put them on, the more they turn into a fountain. IN this application hearts resemble applause for an interesting dialogue and a quality show.

    Also, the place of the person showing in the top depends on the number of hearts. The more he gains in one live broadcast, the higher his popularity, which will further allow users to easily find their idol.

    The most interesting personalities are in the "Current" section. Another convenience is that there is a separate column for celebrities who quite often film broadcasts while at home or at an event.

    At any time, you can turn off one person's broadcast and immediately switch to another to chat in the real world or watch an already completed conversation.

    How to use Periscope

    The application is supported on Android platforms and iOS. Registration is carried out using a Twitter page or linking a phone number. Since the broadcasts are in real time, they can be commented on. You can only reply to comments using your voice.

    Periscope Features

    Despite the fact that in modern world It is becoming increasingly difficult to surprise users; the Periscope application has successfully coped with this task. The application proves that nothing is impossible, because now famous singers, psychologists and businessmen broadcast live, answering questions from fans in real time, without rehearsing.

    So, what are the capabilities of Periscope?

    24-hour re-broadcast

    This function is amateur, that is, it can be turned on or off if desired. While the function is working, after the end of the broadcast, users who did not have time to watch the broadcast in real time will be able to turn on the replay throughout the day. After 24 hours, the entry is automatically deleted.

    It is worth knowing that no more than 20 broadcasts are stored inside the application. When 21 appear, the first one is automatically deleted, and so on in turn.

    If you want to save the broadcast as a memory, you need to check the “synchronization” section in the settings. In this case, all broadcasts will be sent to your phone upon completion.

    Previously, if you did not set permission for daily repeat, the broadcast was automatically deleted. Now innovations have been introduced: when you enter the hashtag #save in the title of the broadcast, it is saved until the owner decides to delete it.

    Private broadcast

    Periscope provides privacy. If you want to talk not with everyone at once, but only with certain users, you should click on the Private function before going live.

    Selected users will instantly receive a notification and join the broadcast. Privacy commenting is also available, that is, the live broadcast will be seen by all people, but only those selected by the broadcast owner will be able to comment.


    In addition to the fact that everyone will receive notifications about your broadcast, you will also receive them when other people's broadcasts are released. This way, you will always be one of the first to know where the people you are interested in are located.

    If necessary, notifications can be turned off until they are needed again. They can also be temporarily muted, that is, it will be displayed that the broadcast has started, but no sound will appear.

    Application in content marketing

    Find out in our where to look for quality links!


    Periscope has its own limitations, violation of which can result in an untimely block. Violations include:

    • Broadcasting of violent scenes (pornography, violence against people/animals).
    • Voice acting/showing confidential information(residence address, telephone number, etc.).
    • Impersonating another person (do not pretend to mislead a person).
    • Buying/selling accounts.
    • Non-compliance with copyright.

    The popularity of the Periscope application is constantly increasing. Instagram, YouTube offer people to communicate via video, which means that Periscope will remain famous for a long time and will probably become the main way to communicate through broadcasts.

    In addition, the application allows you to be sincere, honest, and talk frankly, which helps bring even people you barely know together. Periscope is convenient for conducting webinars and podcasts, and simply for live communication.

    Have you already downloaded Periscope?

    The article describes in detail the Periscope application and how to work with it.


    IN this review we'll talk about an application like " Periscope", we will find out what it is, how it will be useful, how to register in it, and also consider other issues related to " Periscope».

    Periscope app

    Application " Periscope» is special free program from " Twitter" For online broadcasts video that can be viewed by Internet users. That is, you can, for example, admire the Champs Elysees on the screen of your monitor, if at this time your interlocutor in Paris is conducting a similar broadcast and filming the world around him.

    This application has become available to all users " Twitter“Literally recently – a year ago. There is also support for the Russian version " Periscope" On at the moment « Periscope"is used by at least several tens of millions of Russian-speaking citizens.

    Why do you need the Periscope app?

    Using the application " Periscope"you can create your own video broadcasts or view your friends' broadcasts from gadgets running " Android" And " iOS».

    You can even, by conducting your broadcasts, not only introduce your distant interlocutors to the places where you live, but also sell your own, for example, trainings, courses, master classes. Your friends will receive notifications every time you go live.

    Registration on Periscope

    Then you need to enter the application itself " Periscope" and register there using your account from " Twitter" Thus, you can quickly enter Periscope every time by pressing a button:

    If you want, then choose a name for your social network " Periscope", which may differ from your nickname in " Twitter».

    How to register your account on Periscope?

    If you expect to remain just an ordinary viewer, then in “ Periscope“You don’t have to register your account – there is no particular need for this. But if you need to create your own broadcasts, then it’s still worth going through the design process.

    After you come up with a name, you will need to start describing where you should indicate brief information about myself. Your potential viewers will read this description and, based on what they read, will subscribe or not to your broadcasts:

    How to watch broadcasts?

    You can watch broadcasts at any time, you need to select any of them on interactive map or in the list of broadcasts via a search engine:

    It is also possible to view already recorded broadcasts, although they are deleted from the system one day after the end of the broadcast:

    You will learn about the launch of your friends' broadcasts through a notification:

    When watching broadcasts, you can freely leave your comments, answer questions, send your sympathy in the form of special hearts, view other people's accounts by clicking on the comments they left.

    Create your own broadcasts

    If it’s not enough for you to just watch other people’s broadcasts, and you need to create your own, then in this case you need to follow the following instructions:

    • First, you will need to come up with a name for your stream. Try to come up with something attractive so that users cannot pass by, also use keyword, where you can find the broadcast.
    • Next, at your choice, you can indicate the geographical location of your broadcast or not, but know that by this criterion it will be possible to find your home.
    • The broadcast can be either public or private – you will also need to choose here. If your broadcast is private, then only the viewers you invite will be able to view it, and they will receive notifications every time you go live.
    • Choose who can leave comments on your broadcasts - everyone or only subscribers
    • If you want to share your broadcasts, then click on the bird:

    • To start the broadcast, click on “ Start broadcasting»
    • If you need to save your broadcasts, then set autosave in the settings
    • To end the broadcast, you need to pull the screen from top to bottom, and then click on “ End broadcast."

    How to find other users?

    If you want to receive from " Periscope» maximum benefit, it is best for you to watch those broadcasts that would suit your interests. This, firstly, can be done by direct search, and secondly, try to find out who else the users you found are subscribed to:

    Block unwanted users

    If you are broadcasting and you don’t like a particular viewer, you can block him. Just click on his name and block:

    As soon as you block him, he will be blacklisted and will no longer be able to watch or comment on your broadcasts until you unblock him back.

    What else is there on Periscope?

    • If you have several topics, you can classify your viewers according to their interests and create the corresponding number of your accounts in “ Periscope" When registering in the application " Periscope» use your mobile number, which will receive a confirmation code:

    • You also have the opportunity to configure notifications - to receive or not to receive:

    • If you click on the comments of your viewers, you will have access to options such as writing a message to this user, view his profile, block him.
    • If during the broadcast you click on the icon indicating the number of your viewers, you can view their entire list.
    • Be in solidarity with other users and try to give them hearts

    Video: Periscope - How to use periscope Accessible and understandable


    Instructions updated February 19, 2016
    and includes new features of the Periscope application

    Just a month ago, the Periscope application appeared on Android (version 4.4 and higher).

    2. Login to the application via Twitter or phone number

    When you open the Periscope app on your phone, you'll be given a choice: sign up using your Twitter account or using your phone number.

    Before you make a choice, THINK:

    Registering via Twitter will save you from having to enter the SMS confirmation code each time you log in.

    What should those with multiple Twitter accounts do?

    On Periscope, like on Twitter, you can have multiple accounts. I have 3 of them at the time of writing - under different tasks.

    How to register on Periscope using a phone number:

    1. Select an option Login using your phone.
    2. Enter the required information and click Send verification code.
    3. You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code. Enter it.
    4. If the SMS did not reach you, click you can return to the previous screen and request a new SMS.
    5. Wait a moment until the app redirects you to the screen to create your profile.

    3. Choose your Periscope username

    This important step.

    Just because you signed up via Twitter doesn't mean you have to save your Twitter name.

    If you DO NOT like your Twitter name, choose a new name for Periscope(while there is such an opportunity).

    It’s up to you to choose your first/last name or the name of your brand. After all, you can have multiple accounts on Periscope :)

    Whatever name you choose, keep in mind:

    Mine looks like this:

    How to find your page:

    Type https://www.periscope.tv/ in your browser and add your username without @.

    What else can you do in your Profile?

    How to manage your followers, blacklist and who you follow

    In your profile you also see:

    • who you are following (and you can unsubscribe in 1 click)
    • who follows you (you can follow them)
    • blacklist (who you blocked)
    • recording of your broadcasts (you can watch them yourself or delete them, there is no more functionality yet)

    How does blocking users on Periscope work?

    When you block a user on Periscope, this user cannot be your subscriber, cannot watch your video broadcasts, write in chat and give you hearts.

    You will also not be able to subscribe to him or watch his video broadcasts.

    To block a user:

    1. Click on that user's name.
    2. Click Block user.

    You can unblock a user at any time in your " Profile«.

    To unblock a user:

    1. Click on the " Blacklist» in your Profile to see a list of everyone you have blocked.
    2. Select the user you want to unblock by clicking on their profile.
    3. Click on Blocked to see the option Unblock. Click on it.


    The user will NOT see a message that you have blocked him.

    How to change push notification settings on Periscope

    By default, you will receive notifications when:

    • The user followed you: “Maris Dresmanis @Maris_Dresmanis now follows you.”
    • The one you follow starts broadcasting: “Maris Dreshmanis live “Name”
    • Someone you follow invites you to a private broadcast: “Maris Dreshmanis invited you to a private broadcast “Name”
    • Someone you follow shares with you a video broadcast of another user: “Maris Dreshmanis shared the broadcast “Title” with you
    • Someone you follow on Twitter is doing their first video broadcast.

    How to edit notification settings?

    1. You can turn off notifications that new user subscribed at you(see screenshot above).
    2. You can turn off notifications about a specific user's broadcast, but remain his subscriber?! (see screenshot below).
    3. You can unsubscribe from users whose broadcasts are no longer interesting to you.
    4. You can turn off all notifications on Periscope altogether.
    • Go to Settings your phone.
    • Find it in the list of applications Periscope. Click on it.
    • Select Notifications. Disable the option Allow notifications.

    Next step. Where to look, who to follow

    When you follow a user on Periscope:

    1. You will receive invitations to video broadcasts, provided that you have notifications turned on.
    2. A replay of their video broadcasts will be available to you within 24 hours on Home screen applications.
    3. They may invite you to watch other users' broadcasts.
    4. You can chat on their private broadcasts.
    5. Anyone you follow can invite you to a private broadcast.

    How do you know who you should follow?

    Ideally, the people you follow should:

    • Conduct video broadcasts on Periscope.

    If they don't broadcast, what's the point of subscribing to them?!

    • Have similar interests.

    There is already enough information garbage on the Internet. So, we are looking for like-minded people with similar interests.

    1. Follow @AlenaInfoClub

    Why not?!

    Let me introduce myself: Alena Starovoitova is the head of the Keys of Mastery project.

    Things to know before you start your Periscope broadcast:

    1. Broadcast title

    It should be short, understandable and clickable.

    Users decide by title whether to attend your broadcast.

    And yes, you can use emojis and hashtags in the title?! Just don't overdo it with them...

    2. Broadcast location

    You you can indicate the location from which you are broadcasting.

    Please note: Geotargeting on Periscope works right down to the street you're on.

    Therefore, if you are broadcasting from home and do not want your address to be known to all users, it is better not to indicate your location.

    3. Confidentiality of the broadcast

    Will your stream be public or private? Private broadcasts are not displayed on the “Watch” screen; only those users you invite receive notifications about the broadcast.

    If you want to broadcast privately, click on the lock icon (like in the screenshot above) and select who you invite to the broadcast.

    4. Limit who can comment

    This new feature on Periscope, is designed to help you control the quality of comments during your broadcasts.

    If you click on this icon, only users who follow you will be able to comment during the broadcast.

    6. Autosave broadcasts

    If you would like to save ALL your broadcasts, you can enable this option in your Profile settings.

    What else can you do with Periscope broadcasts?

    Delete replay of video broadcast recording

    You will see this option immediately after the broadcast ends.

    Double click to flip camera

    Double-clicking on your phone screen during a broadcast will allow you to switch the front camera to the back camera to show not only you, but also the landscape around you.

    7. How to end a broadcast

    Pull the screen down from the top and tap End Broadcast.

    What happens to your broadcast after the broadcast?

    Periscope saves your broadcasts 24 hours.

    Periscope users can watch a replay of the video broadcast during this time period.

    During the replay, viewers can enjoy live interaction with the broadcast, with comments and hearts read, or mute chat while watching the replay.

    Simply enable/disable chat while watching the broadcast recording.

    You can also view the history of your broadcasts in your Profile on the " tab Broadcasts“, but you won’t be able to show it again 24 hours after the broadcast.

    (Eat third party applications, which allow you to overcome the 24-hour limit; I have talked about this more than once on Periscope.)

    Is it possible to watch Periscope broadcasts from a computer?

    Yes, you can. Viewers can watch live broadcasts and a recording of the broadcast (24 hours only) on periscope.tv.

    But just WATCH. Viewers will not be able to write comments or put hearts when watching broadcasts from a computer or laptop.

    Why is the recording of your broadcast NOT saved to your phone?

    If your phone does not have enough memory, the broadcast recording will NOT be saved.

    Moreover, the recording of the broadcast will NOT be available for viewing for 24 hours...

    Therefore, before going live, DO NOT forget to make sure that your phone has enough space to save the video recording.

    Periscope rules that should not be broken

    Before you dive headlong into exploring the capabilities of the Periscope application, be sure to study Community Rules .

    The rules prohibit:

    • using Periscope for illegal purposes or to promote illegal activities (pornography, violence and cruelty),
    • disclosure of confidential information (passport data, numbers credit cards, exact residential address, telephone numbers and email address),
    • to misinformation (do not impersonate other people in order to mislead),
    • for selling or buying accounts,
    • against spam during broadcasts (both for speakers and viewers).
    • Violating the Periscope Community Guidelines may result in your account being blocked.

    Periscope: Checklist for implementation

    The Periscope app is actively being updated, so I will continue to update this guide as new features and functionality become available.

    P.P.S. I stop answering questions on periscope in the comments... Sorry, but at the moment Facebook Live is closer to me...

    It is possible that not everyone knows what Periscope is on the Internet. And it’s possible that someone is already thinking about how to start conducting their own broadcasts there. One way or another, this service deserves all the attention of users of all interests and ages: here everyone can find a lot of interesting things for themselves.

    Social service Periscope was discovered by the developers of the world famous Twitter relatively recently - in 2015. However, its popularity today is no less than Twitter itself. At the moment, more than ten million people around the world have become its active users, and the number of those who access Periscope daily is about one and a half million.

    To explain it more simply, Periscope is a service that allows each user to broadcast live what is happening to him right now, at the present time. Perhaps many of you have dreamed of becoming professional reporters - so this is a wonderful opportunity!

    You can broadcast anything you want: talk about certain events, just chat in real time with your subscribers, play games, sing songs, share problems... Many world-famous stars already have their own channels on Periscope, including Russian ones .

    How to use Periscope

    You can simply view broadcasts on Periscope, or you can create your own. Either way, it's very simple and free. If you just want to watch, then just go to the project website from a browser. You don't even have to register. But the registered user receives additional features:

    • subscribe to the most interesting channels and receive real-time notifications as soon as the broadcast starts;
    • comment on videos;
    • put a “like” mark.

    Well, to start running your own Periscope, you will need to download mobile application Periscope, register on the service - and you can start. Of course, before starting the broadcast, you will need to come up with a name for it, you can also provide the video with hash tags, allow or disable commenting, and also allow general viewing, or only for subscribers.

    All videos are stored on the service for only a day. And even then - if the author of the channel has allowed such saving in his profile. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to broadcast from a computer. After all, Periscope was intended to be really mobile device for running a blog like this. A personal computer contributes little to true mobility. The developers did not want to turn their brainchild into a platform for traditional online broadcasting, especially since services of this kind already exist on the Internet in quite a large number.

    Periscope is a mobile cross-platform application from Twitter inc, for smartphones based on iOS and Android. Allows live online broadcasts. Periscope gained the greatest popularity among Internet users in November 2015 and already in December Apple company christened him best app year.

    Do you want to conduct webinars, but you don’t have a special one? software? Do subscribers require live broadcasts to communicate with you? Now all you need is Periscope app. What kind of periscope is this and what it is eaten with, let’s figure it out in order.

    Figure 1: Periscope logo

    Periscope is one of the latest developments Twitter and you've probably already heard what this program is. This social network, in which users no longer share tweets, posts, or photographs, but entire video broadcasts. Absolutely everyone has the opportunity to broadcast live video to their subscribers. What does access to new Internet resources mean for the development of your projects.

    Cons of the application:

    1. requires a lot of resources - the device discharges quickly, be prepared for this.
    2. works exclusively for modern gadgets(devices on Android based starting from version 4.4, iPhone 5, 6).

    Video broadcasts are an additional development of the brand; you become closer to customers, those who are waiting for some information from you, and most importantly, you can receive and transmit information in real time.

    How to start using the application?

    To start working in Periscope, you need to:

    1. install a mobile application on your smartphone (Android or iOS);
    2. get acquainted with quick guide program capabilities;
    3. create account using your twitter account or mobile phone number;
    4. read the user agreement;
    5. complete registration.

    Periscope is a development of Twitter, so it is not surprising that it is closely related to it. And the best place to find subscribers for your broadcasts is here.

    Why is all this needed?

    1. to share your emotions, impressions and what surrounds you live;
    2. helps to expand boundaries with followers who constantly follow your news;
    3. a new level of development of video blogs;
    4. helps promote business.

    Periscope opens up the opportunity to conduct webinars and invite your listeners to them, without any additional support. All you need is a smartphone with the application installed.

    Figure 2: Application Features

    How does the broadcast happen?

    After registration, you can immediately start video broadcasting.

    During trance* (trance, the abbreviated name for broadcast on the Internet), subscribers can give you a like - a heart. The more likes you get, the higher the video will rank in the rankings and the more subscribers you will have.

    Unlike YouTube, likes on Periscope look like hearts, but mean the same thing. When a person says or does something during a broadcast and listeners like it, they put hearts instead of likes. If a real extravaganza of colored hearts begins on the right side of the screen, then the listeners are delighted.

    Figure 3: Application interface during broadcast

    After the broadcast starts, your Twitter followers receive a notification about the start of the broadcast. They log in to trance and can watch the live broadcast, write messages, ask questions, and put hearts depending on whether they like the video.

    Within 24 hours after the end of the video meeting, the video will be available for viewing or discussion. Your task is to make a high-quality, interesting video to get more likes and move up in the rankings.

    Methods for attracting and retaining subscribers

    What needs to be done to keep viewers tuned in?

    Before conducting a trance, think in advance about what to do on air. Don't improvise, always write a script. This way you won't fall flat on your face in front of your listeners. Consider your actions in force majeure situations. Jokes that you will use to respond to negative comments or the most popular questions from your viewers.

    An interesting title is the key to popularity

    If you are a well-known video blogger or the name of your Internet project has an established name or nickname - a brand, be sure to use it in the title. Don’t come up with anything too new when scrolling through the list of broadcasts; it will be easier for subscribers to find you by a name they know.

    What kind of broadcast is this?

    If you have not yet gained sufficient fame in the field of Internet bloggers, then try to intrigue viewers with an interesting headline that will intrigue and provoke them to watch your broadcast. Don’t overdo it and take care not only of the title, but also the content of the trance itself. The broadcast turns off just as quickly as it turns on.

    To use or not to use**?

    **"use" - computer slang, from English. "use" - use

    Periscope has a lot interesting features. If what is holding a broadcast is clear (by analogy with holding calls - a pause), then the function of displaying on the map and the request “allow the application to track your location?” It scares many people and they panic and click “no!” And what’s interesting is that it’s in vain. The following argument can be made in favor of this function: the viewer may be interested in the source of the broadcast, but this is unlikely to be a reason to ignore the trance.

    Figure 4: broadcasts on the map

    Keep the dialogue going

    The way the periscope works provides a real opportunity to support feedback with subscribers. Ask questions, respond to comments, ignore negative messages and spam, but listen to them. Sometimes they mean you really need to change something. Be receptive to criticism.

    Demonstration of the program (video)

    You can see an example of a successful video broadcast on Periscope from video blogger Olga Yakovleva in the video below. Olga communicates with her subscribers, answers questions and wishes. On the screen you can see comments from subscribers, and on the right is that same “extravaganza of hearts”, depending on the number of likes given.