• Is it possible to delete a profile on Twitter. Deleting a Twitter account

    Many users wonder how to delete a Twitter account. Twitter is a fairly popular social network, but not everyone uses it, so after a while they decide to delete it. Twitter is deleted for various reasons. In this article we will look at how to do this correctly.

    Removing Twitter from your computer

    To delete, you need to log into your account - enter your login and password. This will give us access to the settings. At the top right we see an avatar; you need to click on it and select “Settings”. This menu contains all information about the user, page settings, and access of other users to the page. At the bottom of the page there is an option called “Deactivate my account.” This point will lead you to the permanent deletion of account data in this social network.

    When the page opens, it will have the inscription “So, we say goodbye?”, as well as information on deletion - terms of deletion and consequences. At the very bottom you can see “Delete account” and “Cancel”. If you want to delete all entries, personal information, settings, then you need to click the first option. Next, you will have to enter your username and password again (this is done for security purposes). The Twitter has now been deleted.

    It is worth considering that after deletion, the page can be restored within a month. To restore a page, you must go through authorization, so if you deleted a page, do not forget your login and password so that you can restore it later. Also, the contents of the account will be displayed for several days - these are the features of this social network.


    Delete your account only if you really won't use it. The fact is that the features of a social network mean that for one email address and you can create an account only once for one login. Or, before deleting your account, you can change the email address in the settings in order to create an account in your main email in the future.

    Today, no one can be surprised by applications on a mobile phone. Therefore, it is worth considering how to delete Twitter from mobile phone. The social network interface is adapted for the phone to make it convenient for users to use the application. The application allows you to write posts, read news, exchange photos, subscribe to pages - in principle, everything is the same as on a computer, only adapted for a phone.

    Is it possible to delete Twitter on my phone?

    Through official application You won't be able to delete your account. To delete Twitter, you need to go to settings, find Twitter. Select your account and select “Delete account” at the bottom. Click on this button to delete your account.

    Deleting Twitter on your phone

    In fact, after the deletion described above, the account will still exist, because Only the application will be deleted. If you want to delete your account completely, you will need to do this only through your computer.


    As you noticed from this article, deleting Twitter is quite simple through the settings. But keep in mind that you can completely delete your account only through a computer. You won't be able to delete it on your phone. Only the application is deleted from the phone, but the account remains. Follow our instructions and you will succeed.

    How to delete a Twitter account

    How to remove yourself from Twitter

    Twitter is a microblogging service that has become extremely popular in the last few years. People post various small notes, news, photographs and even videos in it. The most interesting thing is that the maximum number of characters in one post on the site is only 140 units - you need to use them to express your thoughts. Oddly enough, but this is quite enough for users of the project.

    I will not go into detail about how Twitter was created and what successes it was able to achieve - you can read about all this on Wikipedia. Today I want to draw your attention to deleting a user account from this project (I already talked about it earlier).

    Where to start? Of course, first of all we must get into our personal account. To do this go to home page project and enter your login and password.

    If authorization is successful, you will be taken to the tweets page. There is a small menu at the top right of the screen. Find the avatar on it and click on it so that a submenu appears, select the “Settings” section in it.

    Once the download occurs, you will be taken to your account settings page, including username, address email etc. Scroll down the page. There is one inconspicuous link “Deactivate my account.” We click on it.

    And now the final touch is to finally delete your account by clicking on the big blue button that says “Delete account.”

    Please note that the page is not permanently deleted - within 30 days you can restore it by simply logging into your account. This was done because many users previously deleted pages, and then, after a day or two, began to flood support with letters asking for account restoration.

    Plus, you don't need to delete your account if you just want to change your username—this is easily done through Settings. The same goes for your email address.

    After you click on the “Delete account” button, the account will be deleted instantly, however, recordings from it may be broadcast for a few more days - this is normal.

    Well, if you are not sure whether you need to do this at all or not, it is better not to touch anything at all.

    Greetings, dear readers, site. In this article I will give a simple and detailed instructions how to delete your Twitter page (account) if you no longer need it. The situation when you need to cover your tracks is not uncommon; someone needs to delete their profile in order to hide from prying eyes, someone deletes an account because it represented a line of business that is now closed - but who knows what other reasons.

    On Twitter, you can permanently delete any account (), but provided that it belongs to you, you won’t be able to spoil other people’s pages.

    The removal process itself is not instantaneous - it is extended over 30 days. Well, that is, you do all the actions immediately, but within a month the account can still be restored. After this period, all data goes into darkness and is lost forever.

    So, if you have anything valuable in your account that may be useful in the future (interesting tweets, useful links), then to be on the safe side, it’s worth making an archival copy. This is where we begin our instructions.

    How to backup your Twitter account

    It is implemented in the form of a simple button, clicking which packs all tweets from the very first one that appeared in your account to the last one. After which this entire database is sent to your email address.

    To start archiving, go to your profile settings. The link to them is contained in the drop-down menu opened by clicking on your profile photo (top right):

    All settings may not fit on one screen, so to get to the “Request archive” button you need to scroll down.

    After clicking, the entire procedure will proceed automatically; if the archive is large, it may take some time; if there are few entries in your profile feed, then an email with a link to download the archive will arrive almost instantly.

    How to delete a Twitter page

    So, we've created an archive just in case, it's time to show how to delete a Twitter account. A special button has also been implemented for this purpose; it is located in the same menu item as archiving.

    So, go again to “Settings and privacy” (click on the profile photo in the upper right corner).

    Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and find a link there that says “Deactivate your account”:

    Read 5 theses on the page, in case you don’t have to get rid of the page to solve your problem, maybe you just need to change something.

    The main thing is that the service will give you 30 days before deleting your Twitter page forever. During this time, recovery is as simple as logging into your account again. During these 30 days, your profile will not be available to other users, but will be stored in its original form for you.

    To confirm the deletion, click on the “Deactivate @profile_name” button, after which you will see another confirmation window, this time you will be asked for your account password:

    Now, clicking the “Delete Account” button will do the final thing and after 30 days (unless you are tempted to log in again) all your Twitter footprints will be cleared.

    How to recover a deleted Twitter account

    If you read the text above, where I talked about deletion, then you already guessed that there are no secrets or mysteries in the process of restoring a profile.

    Just go to twitter.com, indicate your login and password deleted account and, if 30 days have not passed since it was turned off, it will work automatically in the same mode.

    If a longer period has passed, then it is no longer possible to restore the page; alas, you have lost it forever, but you can re-use the freed email and phone number to re-register.

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    Deleting your account is quite simple. But this can only be done in the full version of the site. Therefore, if you finally decide to leave, you will need a computer or laptop.

    On twitter.com or mobile applications You will not be able to delete your account on the microblogging service. When you try to open full version site from mobile devices(including tablets), the site is automatically converted into a stripped-down mobile version.

    What to do if you don’t have the opportunity to log in from your computer or laptop? You can, for example, use mobile version Google browser Chrome, where there is an option to “go to the full version of the site”.

    So, you have somehow visited the full version of the twitter.com website. Now you only have a little time left.

    You need to click on the hexagon icon on the right top corner screen (between the envelope and the feather) and in the drop-down menu click on the “Settings” button. The page that opens must be scrolled to the end, after which at the very bottom of the screen you will see the “Delete my account” button.

    All that remains is to press the confirmation button on the page that opens and that’s it. You have left Twitter.

    After deleting your account, you will lose all your followers!

    Features of deleting from Twitter

    Your data will be stored for another 30 days. That is, if within a month you change your mind about leaving Twitter, you just need to log into the site using your old account - and it will be restored. After 30 days, it will no longer be possible to restore your account.

    If you want to change your username or your address, then you do not need to delete your account and register again. You just need to change this data on the settings page. In this case, all your mentions and subscribers will remain with you.

    Some of your tweets may be saved in search engines. Twitter itself does not control the information that search engines index.

    Until your account is completely deleted (another 30 days), you will not be able to use the email address or username assigned to it. To, you should either get a new one by mailbox or wait until the old profile is completely deleted.

    Sometimes the amount of information consumed begins to consume a person and causes the need to reduce the number of its sources. One way to solve the problem is to remove yourself from social networks.


    First you need to open your twitter account in the window of any browser convenient for you. Next, click on the “Settings and Help” icon once. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu. Your account settings page will open in front of you.

    On the left there are several tabs to choose from: “Account”, “Security and Privacy”, “Password”, “Phone”, “Email Notifications”, “Profile”, “Design”, “Applications”, “Widgets”. You are interested in the "Account" tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the words “Delete my account”, click on it once.

    In the window that opens, click on the blue button “Delete account @/your nickname/”, after which you will be asked to enter your current password. After this, you will receive a message that your account has been deleted. This message will also be sent to your email.

    If you change your mind about deleting your account, simply log into Twitter within 30 days of deletion - the social network stores your account data for a month after you request deletion. Additionally, if you plan to use your nickname to create another social media account, Twitter networks or register new account to the one indicated in this account email, then change your nickname and/or email information before deleting an unnecessary account. Otherwise, you will not be able to use them until complete removal account – for a month after deletion.

    If you want to change the username or URL of your twitter account, you don't have to delete your account and create a new one. Just go to the “Account” tab and replace them there. After changing your account information, the system will require you to enter your current password. To change the current email, you will need not only to enter a password, but also confirmation via email, and a confirmation request will be sent to the old email.

    According to statistics search engine Yandex, in 2011, the number of microblogs in Russian created on Twitter exceeded 5 million 600 thousand. What can we say about the present day, when it’s 2015?

    But, nevertheless, despite the cosmic popularity of the social network Twitter, there are still those who want to delete their account in its virtual space. Is this good or bad? Of course, it's up to them to decide; strictly speaking, it’s everyone’s personal business. And then, the desire to delete a once dear and beloved account comes to mind, and if you want, even to the soul and heart for various reasons. I'm tired of communicating on the Internet, I want to create a new profile on Twitter, or even hide from someone altogether... In general, anything can happen...

    So, be that as it may, you need to know how to properly delete a Twitter account, without unnecessary research and loss of precious nerve cells. Actually, this article is devoted to solving this issue.

    Let's consider step by step instructions, how to remove a personal page from Twitter.

    Account deactivation procedure

    1. Log into your Twitter account.

    2. Click on the avatar thumbnail. It is located at the top of the page, on the right, next to the “Tweet” button.

    3. In the menu that opens, select “Settings”. You will be redirected to the options page.

    4. Make sure the Account tab is open.

    5. Scroll down the settings web page. And then click “Disable Account”.

    6. In the window “So we say goodbye?” read the terms of deletion, etc. useful information using alternative profile settings. Next:

    • if you want to tell the management of the social network why you decided to leave, then follow the link “Tell us” (located in the first line, under the title);
    • If you need to quickly delete an account, click “Delete account...”.

    7. B additional window Enter the password for the page and click the delete button again.

    8. A page with the message “... recording disabled” will open in the browser. Your profile will no longer be available to other users. However, for a total of 30 days, his data is stored on the social network server. And only upon completion of the specified period they disappear forever.

    Advice! Want to create a new account right away? On the same page, click the link in the last line “Click here”.

    How to recover your Twitter account?

    If suddenly you get bored with your microblog, and a month from the date of deletion account has not passed yet, the profile can be easily restored. Log in to Twitter using your username. And immediately the page will open in the browser, and in the same form as before.