• Creating an American apple id without a card. How to create a US Apple ID without a credit card

    To use all Apple ID services, you need a special Apple ID account, which can be registered in any country. While creating account you must indicate the state in which you are located. If for some reason you do not want to have a Russian account, then there is a way by which you can get a foreign account.

    Why create an English, American, Australian, New Zealand account?

    The account gives access to the official Apple stores - iTunes, App Store, Apple Music and others. The fact is that different countries have different restrictions. For example, in Russia, an application is prohibited, but if you create an account in which another country is indicated, you can access this prohibited application. This also works with games, music, movies and other entertainment content.

    Another reason to have a foreign account is the price difference. Some programs are cheaper in the US App Store, others - in Australia. Before changing the country in order to save money, keep in mind that if one content in a country is distributed at a lower price, then another may cost more.

    Registering an Apple ID

    It will not work to transfer the country in your old account, you can only create a new one. You will have to go through the registration process through iTunes if you are using a Mac OS or Windows computer, or through the App Store if the account will be created from an Apple phone or tablet.

    Via Windows or Mac OS

    1. Open the iTunes app.

      Open iTunes

    2. We connect the device to the computer using a USB cable and wait for the synchronization to complete.

      Connect device to computer via USB cable

    3. We log out of your previous account by clicking on your login and selecting the "Log out" option.

      Press the "Exit" button

    4. Go to the "Applications" section.

      Go to the "Application" section

    5. Let's go to the App Store.

      Go to App store Store

    6. We click on the flag of Russia, as it is by default.

      Click on the flag of Russia

    7. Select the country that will be indicated in your future account. Let's take the USA as an example.

      Choose a country

    8. In the list of applications that opens, select any free one.

      Choosing a free app

    9. Click the Get button to install it.

      Click the Get button

    10. You will be asked to log in, but you do not need to do this, since you need to click the "Create Apple ID" button.

      Click the "Create Apple ID" button

    11. We skip the introductory words.

      Skip the greeting

    12. We read and accept the standard license agreement.

      We accept the user agreement

    13. We fill in all the required fields. In the Email field, you need to specify the mail, it is advisable to use the mail of the country that you specified at the beginning. Enter password, Control questions and date of birth in order to be able to restore access to the account in the future.

      Fill in the required fields

    14. You can uncheck subscriptions if you are not going to read them.

      We remove the checkmarks

    15. You will be prompted to specify a payment option. You do not need to do this if you do not have a card issued in the specified country. Select the None option.

      Choose a payment method

    16. The next step is the indication of personal data. If you are registering an American account, then it is better to write the state of Florida in the line with the location, since prices are lower there, due to the lack of tax on purchases in the App Store.

      Specify personal data

    17. The left address can be found via google maps, for example, use the address of some hotel.

      Looking for the right location

    18. If you were able to find all the necessary data, and they came up, the system did not start to swear, then a message will appear on the screen asking you to confirm the previously specified email.

      Need to confirm email

    19. We open the mail and the received letter in which you need to open a special link.

      Confirm account

    20. We are trying to log into the account using the data received during registration.

      Login to your account

    21. If everything went well, you will receive a notification.

      registration completed successfully

    Via IOS

    How to use a foreign account

    If you managed to create a foreign account, then when you open any store, it will automatically start with applications and prices set in the country that you specified when registering the account. To install free applications, just click the "Install" button and wait for the process to complete.

    Click the "Install" button

    Problems may arise at the time of replenishment of the balance for the purchase paid apps, because in order to transfer money to a foreign account, you need a foreign bank card. But there are several ways to get around this limitation.

    Use of gift certificates

    Apple stores have a special gift system - the user can purchase special card for a certain amount and give it to anyone. Many build a business on this: they buy a large number of cards and resell them to those in need. You can use this, but there are three problems:

    • High prices - people who resell Gift certificates, should have some plus from this, so they make their own margin, which may not be so small.
    • You will have to buy cards from foreign sellers, since, for example, in Russia only ruble certificates are valid, in America - dollar ones.
    • You can fall for the deception of an unscrupulous seller. To prevent this from happening, find a seller with a good reputation and a lot of good reviews.

    Gift Certificate

    Gift in the form of an application or money

    This method is similar to the previous one, but it differs in that not certificates are given, but the applications themselves or some amount of money. The problems in it are the same as with gift cards, because without a friend or seller in the country that you indicated during registration, nothing will come of it.

    Gift in the form of an application and money

    FreeMyApps app

    FreeMyApps is an app that gives you special credits that can be redeemed for iTunes gift cards for completing various tasks.

    The disadvantage of this method is that you won’t earn much at such a pace and you can hardly collect for the application you need. But if you have a lot of free time, and the purchase of the application is in no hurry, then you can try and save up for a certificate in some time.

    It is also worth considering that FreeMyApps is not the only application offering such services, so you can search the Internet for others to earn money in several at once, this can speed up the accumulation process.

    Possible problems and solutions

    The problem can only arise if you have entered some data incorrectly. For example, fields related to the location were filled in incorrectly, or the email did not match the country specified during registration, and the account confirmation email did not reach it. There is only one way out of all these situations - to use other, more correct, data for registration.

    If you decide to change the country that is listed in your Apple account ID, for some personal reasons, then you have one way out - to create new account. You can do this through a computer, phone or tablet, specifying the state you need during registration. There should be no problems with anything other than replenishing the balance. Buying from a foreign store can become an insoluble problem if none of the above methods of replenishing your balance helped you.

    Often in the US App Store App store appear earlier than in Russian. We don't have any applications. So, for example, while the situation is developing with the game Pokemon GO (read). In such cases, the only way out would be to create an additional, American accounting Apple records ID. In this article I will tell you how to make an account without an American bank card.

    You probably already have Russian Apple The ID you are using. First, you need to get out of it. To do this, go to "Settings" -\u003e " iTunes Store and App Store" and click on your account on the right.

    Select "Logout" from the menu that appears.

    Next, you need on your device, through Safari, to open a link to any free application that is not in the Russian App Store. We will use the Pokemon GO game link. You will receive an error about the unavailability of the object and a suggestion to change the store to an American one.

    The store region will change and you will see the requested Pokemon GO game. Click "GET" -> "INSTALL", then select "Create Apple ID":

    You need to make sure that "United States" is selected as the region, and click "Next":

    The most important point is the choice of payment type. In the "BILLING INFORMATION" field, you need to select "None":

    If you have any questions, we are always ready to help you!

    Many of our owners of "apple" mobile devices they probably know that there are much more programs, games, music or videos in the American AppStore than in the CIS countries. That is why many people would like to create an American Apple ID in order to access this content. There is nothing complicated about this, however, there are a couple of nuances and issues, without understanding which the registration procedure will become useless or cannot be carried out at all.

    What is an Apple ID?

    Let's start with the simplest. In fact, Apple ID on "apple" devices is exactly the same identifier as Google account based on linkage to postal address Gmail on Android devices that accesses storage software and multimedia, as well as to some services.

    The only difference is that the information presented in the AppStore and focused on the countries of the post-Soviet space differs from the American service quite strongly.

    What is the point of creating an American registration

    Let's leave the question of how to create an American Apple ID for now and look at the feasibility of such actions. As one of the main reasons for American registration, one can note the fact that new products appear on the American software and entertainment market much earlier than in Europe, not to mention the CIS countries. On the one hand, if you create an American Apple ID, the ability to access such content before others will be a definite plus. But there are also disadvantages.

    This is primarily due to the fact that most of this content is paid (although some free services can also be found). In addition, in America, prices for similar content are much higher than ours, so you have to pay. True, our specialists are able to circumvent such restrictions in such a way that it would never even occur to an ordinary American.

    How to create an American Apple ID on a computer?

    So, creating a registration can be done in two ways - use a computer with installed program iTunes or directly on mobile device.

    On the computer in running program iTunes needs to select the main menu of the account and sign out of it, if in this moment she is active.

    Next, select the applications section and go to the AppStore. In the list of countries and regions, scroll down the contents and click on the US flag to specify the region. In the sidebar, look for some free application and click the Get button.

    Next, a window will appear asking you to enter a login and password, in which you need to use the button to create a new account, then click the continue button, agree to the terms license agreement and go to the data entry form.

    Here you have to enter the address Email, without using European domains or domains of the countries of the former USSR for this. Then the password is entered, secret questions and answers to them are indicated, and then the date of birth is set.

    After that, you should uncheck the mailing confirmations and proceed to setting up the content payment method. Here the main problem is how to create an American Apple ID without a credit or debit card. It's simple - as a payment method, indicate that it is absent (None).

    At the next stage, you need to enter a real-life American address and phone number, in which you need to write the last seven digits. Most experts recommend using localities and organizations in the state of Florida, since there is no tax on software purchases in the AppStore service. You can find such institutions quite simply through google app Maps, which provides comprehensive information.

    The following parameters should be used for input:

    • Street (street);
    • City (city) - for example, Orlando;
    • State (state) - Florida (FL);
    • Zip Code (index) - for Florida 32830;
    • Area Code (city index) - for Orlando 321;
    • Phone (telephone) - the number of the institution indicated on the map and corresponding to the selected address (7 last digits).

    Entering Mailbox, open the letter, enter the data of the created Apple ID ID and click on the Verify button. As soon as the mail address is confirmed, the identification window will change to a congratulatory one.

    How to create an American Apple ID on a mobile device

    On a mobile device, this whole procedure is almost completely similar to the one described above, only the last digits are not seven, but the last ten digits, and the initial actions are performed directly from the accounts section.

    Here it is worth paying attention to one more point. Many are wondering how to create an American Apple ID without a (geographic) card when there is no information on a real institution or the card service is not available. Yes, just enter the browser and search for information on some American company by entering central office (central office) or office in Florida in the search field. You can enter any world-famous name, for example, General Motors or something else. The search engine will return the full text information with phones, address, etc.

    What should you pay attention to?

    Finally, you need to be especially careful when choosing an institution or entering data on it, since all information will be instantly checked. Why is it better to use organizations, and not individuals, just because they can have thousands of employees, and it is simply physically impossible to determine which of them created the account.

    In some cases, you may need to turn off location (geolocation) on your system, but this is usually not required.

    Instead of total

    As you can see, creating an American Apple ID is not so difficult. The main thing is to correctly enter real data. True, the expediency of using such registration remains a big question, since America is the country in which you have to pay for everything. And the freshest content, especially, will be paid.

    You can create an American Apple ID both from your device and from personal computer. For this you will need:

    • The device on which the new account will be created.
    • Internet.
    • A mailbox in google that was not previously linked to an Apple ID.
    Sign out of your current Apple ID. To do this, go to settings, click on the iTunes Store and App Store, click on your account and click "sign out".
    Open the App Store and download any app that doesn't require payment. In the window that appears, click "Create an Apple ID".

    Find United States in the proposed list of countries and check the box next to it.

    Scroll down the page and click "Agree".

    Enter your details in empty fields. In the first line, enter your google mail, previously not activated by Apple. The next two are the password for the new Apple ID. Then fill in the fields with secret questions and answers, enter a spare email, as well as the month, day and year of birth.

    In case you do not have an American bank card then choose “None”. If you have a card, enter your card details.

    Fill in the fields. In the column "Title" choose any of the options. in the columns "Name" write your first and last name. You can enter an invented address, for example: Address - Moskovskaya, Address - ulitsa, City - Los Angeles, State - California, Zip - 90012. You can also enter any phone number. After entering the data, click "Next". Ready. Now it remains only to confirm your new Apple ID with google mail to which you registered the account.

    It is more difficult to register an American Apple ID from a computer, since you need an American bank card. If you have it, then launch iTunes, log out of the current account and click "Sign in". A window like this will pop up:

    Click "Create Apple ID", in the next window - "continue". Change the region, to do this, click on the top of the agreement "click here" and select the United States, click "change". Check the box at the bottom of the agreement and click "Agree".

    Bought your first iPhone, iPad or Mac? Then the first thing to do is create an Apple ID. I will tell you now how to do this and why it is needed.

    I will create an Apple ID on iPhone example 8 with iOS 12, and then a MacBook running macOS Mojave.

    What is an Apple ID and why is it needed

    So, Apple ID is a single account for all your Apple devices. It is desirable to create an Apple ID from the very first day of purchase, as this will open access to all the company's online services.

    With an Apple ID, you can:

    • install apps from the App Store;
    • use services for communication iMessage and FaceTime;
    • use Apple Music;
    • synchronize data;
    • download music and movies from the iTunes Store;
    • find your iPhone, iPad or Mac in case of loss or theft.

    How to create an Apple ID for free on iPhone or iPad

    At the final stages Apple registration ID you will be asked to provide bank card details. Not everyone has such a card, but registration cannot be completed without it.

    To create an Apple ID without a card, you need to start registration by downloading any free application. You can do it like this:

    • Run app Store on iPhone;
    • Go to the "Games" section from the bottom panel;
    • Find any free game. Near paid games there is always a price, and next to the free ones there is a “Download” button;
    • Click the button Download»;
    • In the authorization window that appears, click "Create an Apple ID".

    Be sure to start creation of Apple ID from free app download
    • Next, you will be asked to enter your email address and password. After registration, this email address will become your Apple ID;
    • In addition to mail, fill in everything that Apple wants from you;

    Complete all fields required by Apple
    • In the last step, you will be asked to enter a "Payment Method". Here you need to choose the cherished "No". It was this option that was not available during normal registration.
    • After that, all you have to do is confirm your phone number and email address.

    Select "None" as the payment method. Then all that remains is to confirm your email and phone number

    How to create an Apple ID using a computer

    The principle of creating an Apple ID without a card through a computer is exactly the same, only registration takes place through the "desktop" App Store.

    • Go to Finder, select folder Applications and launch the App Store. Usually the App Store is also located in the Dock - a panel with icons at the bottom of the desktop;
    • Go to section Creation and choose any free application. Near such an application there is always a button " Download”, and then - “Create an Apple ID”;

    Start creating an Apple ID by downloading any free app
    Once your Mac asks for your Apple ID, click on the "Create Apple ID" button
    • Fill all necessary fields. Your email address will be your Apple ID;
    • At the last step, you will see the "Payment Method" field. Select "No";

    Fill all necessary fields
    Select "None" as the payment method.
    • Next, you just have to confirm your email and phone number.

    How to unlink your device from your Apple ID

    If you decide to buy an iPhone or iPad from your hands, or received it as a gift from a loved one, then it does not hurt to first untie the phone from the Apple ID of the previous owner. Otherwise, he can easily access your messages, browsing history photos, etc.

    This will allow you to create your own personal Apple ID, so that you can then link a card to it and buy apps, movies, and music. The main thing is that the previous owner gives you all the data from his Apple ID.

    To unlink your iPhone from your Apple ID, go to Settings → Your name and click "Logout" at the very bottom of the page.

    You can unlink your iPhone from your Apple ID in your account settings.

    Ready. If, on the contrary, you want to sell or donate your iPhone / iPad, then I also advise you to do all these points, but do not forget to complete all the other steps necessary for.

    Please note that once you unlink your device from your previous Apple ID, you will no longer be able to use any apps, music, or movies you purchased with that Apple ID, and you won't be able to use iCloud storage, iMessage services and facetime.

    🌿 Remember

    1. An Apple ID is required to fully use any Apple technology: phone, tablet, computer and Apple TV;
    2. To create an Apple ID without credit card, you need to start registration by downloading a free application;
    3. after registering an Apple ID to protect it from thieves and scammers;
    4. that you received with your Apple ID;
    5. As a bonus.