• Yandex has decided to gradually abandon link ranking. Cancel the consideration of links in the ranking of commercial queries


    Today we are no longer taking into account links in ranking for commercial queries. Implementation this change happens in stages. At the first stage, the change will affect the ranking of queries in the Moscow region for a number of commercial topics, such as, for example, real estate, tourism, electronics and household appliances. In the future, the changes will extend to other topics. We hope that the resources that were used to manipulate links will now be used to actually improve the quality of the site. Ultimately, this will benefit users, businesses, and search engines.


    Today we are no longer taking into account links in ranking for commercial queries. This change is being implemented in stages. At the first stage, the change will affect the ranking of queries in the Moscow region for a number of commercial topics, such as, for example, real estate, tourism, electronics and household appliances. In the future, the changes will extend to other topics. We hope that the resources that were used to manipulate links will now be used to actually improve the quality of the site. Ultimately, this will benefit users, businesses, and search engines.

    Today we are no longer taking into account links in ranking for commercial queries. This change is being implemented in stages. At the first stage, the change will affect the ranking of queries in the Moscow region for a number of commercial topics, such as, for example, real estate, tourism, electronics and household appliances. In the future, the changes will extend to other topics. We hope that the resources that were used to manipulate links will now be used to actually improve the quality of the site. Ultimately, this will benefit users, businesses, and search engines.

    ","contentType":"text/plain"),"authorId":"30364427","slug":"18092","canEdit":false,"canComment":false,"isBanned":false,"canPublish" :false,"viewType":"old","isDraft":false,"isOnModeration":false,"isSubscriber":false,"commentsCount":243,"modificationDate":"Wed Mar 12 2014 16:24:00 GMT +0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)","showPreview":true,"approvedPreview":("source":"

    Today we are no longer taking into account links in ranking for commercial queries. This change is being implemented in stages. At the first stage, the change will affect the ranking of queries in the Moscow region for a number of commercial topics, such as, for example, real estate, tourism, electronics and household appliances. In the future, the changes will extend to other topics. We hope that the resources that were used to manipulate links will now be used to actually improve the quality of the site. Ultimately, this will benefit users, businesses, and search engines.

    ","html":", today we are no longer taking into account links in ranking for commercial queries. This change is being implemented in stages. At the first stage, the change will affect the ranking of queries in the Moscow region for a number of commercial topics, such as, for example, real estate, tourism, electronics and household appliances. In the future, the changes will extend to other topics. We hope that the resources that were used to manipulate links will now be used to actually improve the quality of the site. Ultimately, this will benefit users, businesses, and search engines.","contentType":"text/plain"),"proposedPreview":("source":"

    Today we are no longer taking into account links in ranking for commercial queries. This change is being implemented in stages. At the first stage, the change will affect the ranking of queries in the Moscow region for a number of commercial topics, such as, for example, real estate, tourism, electronics and household appliances. In the future, the changes will extend to other topics. We hope that the resources that were used to manipulate links will now be used to actually improve the quality of the site. Ultimately, this will benefit users, businesses, and search engines.

    ","html":", today we are no longer taking into account links in ranking for commercial queries. This change is being implemented in stages. At the first stage, the change will affect the ranking of queries in the Moscow region for a number of commercial topics, such as, for example, real estate, tourism, electronics and household appliances. In the future, the changes will extend to other topics. We hope that the resources that were used to manipulate links will now be used to actually improve the quality of the site. Ultimately, this will benefit users, businesses, and search engines.","contentType":"text/plain"),"titleImage":null,"tags":,"isModerator":false,"publishCount": 1,"commentsEnabled":true,"url":"/blog/18092","urlTemplate":"/blog/%slug%","fullBlogUrl":"https://webmaster.yandex.ru/blog", "addCommentUrl":"/blog/createComment/webmaster/18092","updateCommentUrl":"/blog/updateComment/webmaster/18092","addCommentWithCaptcha":"/blog/createWithCaptcha/webmaster/18092","changeCaptchaUrl":" /blog/api/captcha/new","putImageUrl":"/blog/image/put","urlBlog":"/blog","urlEditPost":"/blog/569def45cb28c8a506119c3b/edit","urlSlug":" /blog/post/generateSlug","urlPublishPost":"/blog/569def45cb28c8a506119c3b/publish","urlUnpublishPost":"/blog/569def45cb28c8a506119c3b/unpublish","urlRemovePost":"/blog/569def45cb28c8a5 06119c3b/removePost","urlDraft" :"/blog/18092/draft","urlDraftTemplate":"/blog/%slug%/draft","urlRemoveDraft":"/blog/569def45cb28c8a506119c3b/removeDraft","urlTagSuggest":"/blog/api/suggest/ webmaster","urlAfterDelete":"/blog","isAuthor":false,"subscribeUrl":"/blog/api/subscribe/569def45cb28c8a506119c3b","unsubscribeUrl":"/blog/api/unsubscribe/569def45cb28c8a506119c3b","urlEditPostPage ":"/blog/569def45cb28c8a506119c3b/edit","urlForTranslate":"/blog/post/translate","urlRelateIssue":"/blog/post/updateIssue","urlUpdateTranslate":"/blog/post/updateTranslate", "urlLoadTranslate":"/blog/post/loadTranslate","urlTranslationStatus":"/blog/18092/translationInfo","urlRelatedArticles":"/blog/api/relatedArticles/webmaster/18092","author":("id ":"30364427","uid":("value":"30364427","lite":false,"hosted":false),,"aliases":(),"login":"webmaster","display_name" :("name":"webmaster","avatar":("default":"0/0-0","empty":true)),,"address":" [email protected]","defaultAvatar":"0/0-0","imageSrc":"https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-yapic/0/0-0/islands-middle","isYandexStaff": false),"originalModificationDate":"2014-03-12T12:24:22.000Z","socialImage":("orig":("fullPath":"https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-yablogs /51778/file_1461153249801/orig")))))">

    Link ranking played a significant role in search engine optimization of any website until recently. Now this parameter is not very important for determining the success of a certain resource by search engines, since in lately more functional and effective ways determining the quality of sites. This is why it is important to understand what internal linking is and the basics of link ranking.

    However, traffic and other user factors still play a huge role. For example, internal linking of an Internet resource is very important. It's like Wikipedia. In general, our topic is very broad, and we definitely need to learn the basics of link ranking and what algorithms search engines have for ranking a site. Understanding them is very important for advancement.

    What is link ranking?

    In science, the number of references used by other scientists plays a huge role in the credibility of a particular specialist or publication. This is the law. The same goes for the Internet. A site is considered worthy if it does what it can. At the same time, it can be good and of high quality. There can even be many visits. But who can guarantee that no one cheated the visit data? This is hardly possible.

    That is why search engines have been using the link ranking method for a very long time to check the quality of a certain resource posted on the Internet. It is only important that it be indexed. If we talk about science, then link ranking- this is the correspondence of what users are looking for with the text of the links that visitors post. That is why, to ensure a favorable ranking mechanism, you need to pay special attention to anchors - the texts of these links.

    The more the link matches the request, the better it is in the eyes search engines. This is called "weight". The heavier the links are on a resource, the better the site itself is for search engines. Accordingly, for successful link ranking, you need to ensure the maximum number of transitions and the best user factors when visiting your site using this link. This is a whole science, and let's look at it in more detail.

    Search engines are very careful to ensure that sites are ranked correctly. And each of them has its own views on how sites should do this correctly. Therefore, let's take a closer look at what specific mechanisms each search engine uses. We will consider search engines from Yandex and Google, since they are the most popular in our latitudes.

    In principle, the mechanisms of their operation are very similar. Therefore, when optimizing sites, you can only take into account general characteristics data algorithms. So, when promoting sites, both search engines use such a parameter as link weight. Among other things, it is important to consider the relevance of links to your resource. Relevance is similarity in topic. Now let's take a closer look at how search engines rank websites.

    Google ranking algorithm

    This algorithm is applied to documents that are interconnected by links. At the same time, each of these documents is assigned a number symbolizing the importance and quality of a particular page based on which specific link is used. Documents that have a lower PR (this is the name of the algorithm from the American search giant) are located lower in search results. Accordingly, one of the factors that determines the position of a resource in Google search results is the PR of this resource.

    How can you define PR? For this purpose there is such an add-on as Google Toolbar. It displays the rating of each page on a ten-point scale. It is important to note that the search engine itself does not disclose the specifics of calculating this indicator. At the same time, many webmasters and SEO optimizers have noticed that the site must be old enough for this parameter to be more than five.

    Ranking algorithm from Yandex

    The algorithm from the domestic search engine is called a citation index. This is exactly the indicator that scientific works and their authors have. It is determined by the number of links. In Yandex, things are approximately the same. We can say that this is quality characteristic, expressed in quantitative terms. As for science, this definition will be inaccurate. But there is absolutely no difference, because the citation index really determines the quality of the document.

    This algorithm, as in “American Brother,” shows how close a certain resource on the Internet is to the topics and queries entered by users World Wide Web. It is important to understand that all sites must be indexed by a Russian search engine. In principle, the same can be said about the American one. At the same time, the citation index has a completely different scale. If Google has a ten-point rating, then Yandex can have absolutely anything.

    Information about the cancellation of ranking by Yandex

    However, Yandex recently said that it is canceling link ranking. Moreover, the information appeared long enough for the panic to subside. So you can look at these data soberly without losing your brain from a storm of emotions. Some people immediately say that the links will no longer work. But no, they really work, despite all Yandex’s statements. It is unlikely that our manufacturer can come up with something original, to be honest, and even something that will exceed the achievements of the American giant, which has offices in many countries of our world.

    Don't forget about It is more important than the external one. If the pages of your site are not optimized, then no matter how much link mass you have, it won’t do any good.

    The influence of internal linking in ranking

    Website optimization is affected not only by weight but also by internal ones. Therefore, it is very important to do internal linking for optimal ranking of links on your Internet resource. An example would be Wikipedia, which was partly promoted precisely thanks to this system of resource organization. Internal linking also improves because users literally “jump” from one link to another. And this has a positive effect on the time they spend on the site. In general, internal linking is a very important component of a good website.

    How to do internal linking correctly

    In general, there are two types on the site: manual and automatic. In the first case, you insert all the links yourself. This is good when you need to direct a person from one page to another while reading. In the second case, linking is created automatically using special plugins.

    Automatic internal linking

    How to make automatic linking. It all depends on the engine. For example, in the Ucoz website creation system there is such an item as informers. These are special blocks that implement this task. There are also other informers. For example, you can display the time. But this does not correspond to the topic of our article.


    We figured out what link ranking factors exist, what they are, and also looked at search engine algorithms for determining the ranking of a particular resource. We also figured out one more thing important issue. The cancellation of link ranking by Yandex, despite the panic among the masses, did not significantly affect optimization. The links still work. Internal linking of websites and the basics of link ranking is a rather complex topic. At the same time, remember that internal link ranking will only work if the content is interesting and correctly optimized for the requirements of search engines.

    Supervisor search services“Yandex” Alexander Sadovsky on December 5, 2013, at the IBC Russia 2013 conference, during the report “Yandex: a year later,” said that from the beginning of 2014, Yandex will no longer take into account links in its formula for ranking sites for commercial queries. At the same time, for information requests, the links will work the same as before. The new formula will begin to work for Moscow, but over time, links will no longer be taken into account when ranking sites in other regions.

    Alexander Sadovsky, head of Yandex search services, announced the abolition of link ranking.

    Purpose of the algorithm change

    Yandex’s task is to lead the user to the answer to the question he asked as quickly as possible. Pursuing this goal, Yandex strives to fill the search results with “sites for people” with high-quality and relevant content, easy navigation, and to avoid sites with rude technical errors. Therefore, over the past years, we have observed a steady decline in the role of link ranking factors and an increase in the weight of factors reflecting Yandex’s assessment of the attractiveness of the design, the convenience of interfaces, and the usefulness of information. Despite the fact that A. Sadovsky’s statement came as a “surprise” for the Internet community, it can hardly be called completely unexpected. Yandex has long and consistently fought against “pseudo-optimization of sites”, which is based only on purchasing commercial links and ignoring the qualitative development of the content of the Internet resource.

    People reacted to the abolition of link ranking by the appearance of demotivators

    How will changing the algorithm affect website promotion?

    * Already the role of links is low

    There are about 800 factors in the Yandex ranking formula. Only about 50 of them are “referenced”.

    Good news: completely canceling 50 reference factors will not do search engine promotion impossible, but will only increase the weight of the remaining 750.

    Bad news: this can lead to an increase in the cost of optimization and promotion, since in the new conditions the labor intensity of work on “internal” and “behavioral” ranking factors will increase. In addition, it is unlikely that it will be possible to fully compensate for the increase in the cost of such work by eliminating the reference budget.

    * Integrated approach

    The time has come for an integrated approach to website promotion (working through all ranking factors, not just “link” ones). This includes many tasks, ranging from a thorough analysis of behavioral statistics, subsequent usability studies and designing pages “for people”. We are confident that the new algorithm will only lead to evolution, not collapse: it will only strengthen the strong and sweep away the weak.

    Avada has never been a service for “automatic promotion” of sites with purchased links - we have always considered this method of promotion to be a dead end.

    Canceling link ranking is another step by Yandex in its fight against purchased links

    How will search results change?

    It is possible that even Yandex itself will not be able to answer this question absolutely accurately.

    We predict the following scenarios:

    • When the algorithm changes, sites with a large link mass will either not lose their positions in the search results, or will fall as much as they grew due to the influence of the link factor. In the future, sites with a large link mass that retained their positions at the time of the algorithm change will, in any case, be forced to compete on equal terms for a place in the TOP 10 with sites that do not have such a link mass. This means that their owners will have to adapt their sites to the new Yandex requirements in a short time, either independently or with the involvement of professional agencies.
    • Assessing the impact of changing the algorithm on the positions of our clients’ websites, we predict their unchanged position or a slight temporary decline in the TOP of search results. At the same time, we are confident that the new algorithm will open up new opportunities for growth in the positions of our clients’ sites by reducing competition in search results from sites whose owners frivolously regarded the purchase of links as the main factor in promotion.

    So many people are afraid of Yandex filters, but not our team!

    How will website promotion technology change?

    The algorithm change has not yet occurred and therefore it is not yet possible to accurately calculate its consequences (any information about specific changes is closed and strictly protected by Yandex). It is possible that Yandex’s refusal to take into account link ranking factors will not lead to radical changes in either search results or radical changes in technology comprehensive promotion sites. Let us remind you that changing search algorithms is a constant process. It is possible that the fate of “Islands” and “Search Personalization” awaits this change in the algorithm. Having caused a huge resonance, in the end they have not yet led to tectonic shifts in the practice of search engine optimization of websites.

    Alexander Sadovsky’s statement about changing the algorithm is part of Yandex’s long-term public policy of clearing search results from “useless sites clogged with borrowed or meaningless content.” The value of links when ranking sites in search results has been steadily declining over recent years. It was impossible not to notice this. Therefore, all market participants who understand the development trends of search engines have already had the opportunity to prepare for the changes: adjust their promotion strategies, increasing the weight of “non-referential” factors in them.


    The exact timing of the launch of the modified algorithm is not yet known. In accordance with the statement of Alexander Sadovsky, the change in the algorithm should occur in the first half of 2014 and will initially affect only “Moscow” search sites.

    Who will lose?

    It is obvious that the change in the algorithm will hit the business of link aggregators (link exchanges). They will be forced to either significantly reorganize their business or leave the market. But the maximum losses from changes in the ranking formula will be suffered by site owners for whom purchasing links was the only way to promote. They will have to give way in the search results to more forward-thinking competitors who did not skimp on the development of their sites.

    Saving on website development may result in loss of positions in search results

    What to do?

    • Improve the usability of your website;
    • Work out behavioral factors (program people’s actions on the site);
    • Create or order high-quality content for the site;
    • Use social signals (site promotion on social networks).

    To start moving in the right direction, you need a usability audit, which our company will conduct for you absolutely free.

    Contact us now!


    You will receive a selection of useful articles about business promotion

    That's right, friends. Yandex “cancelled” link ranking on March 12, 2014. Alexander Sadovsky announced the disabling of links at the “ByNet Week” conference. I learned this news from Twitter, when Platon Shchukin, respected by all optimizers, published the following tweet:

    I write “announced”, and I put the word “canceled” in quotation marks, because the cancellation of links will take place in stages.

    Where the reference no longer works

    On at the moment ranking sites without links works only in the Moscow region and for the following topics for commercial requests:

    • electronics and home appliances
    • clothing and accessories
    • real estate
    • beauty and health
    • tourism and recreation
    • legal services
    • website development and promotion

    Accordingly, in other regions and topics, as well as for information requests, links are still taken into account when ranking sites.

    What Yandex representatives say

    To understand why all this is being done, I recommend watching a short excerpt - an interview with Alexander Sadovsky at IBC Russia 2013. This is the same conference at which Yandex announced that it would rank sites without taking into account backlinks.

    Yandex considered that the link signals had become “noisy” and decided to cancel them. According to Yandex representatives, the quality of search does not become worse. Let's hope. But there are a lot of doubts and questions about this...

    What to do? How to promote sites in search?

    I can imagine that many optimizers are confused and looking for a new strategy for website promotion in the context of link-free ranking, which is quite natural. But something tells me that the answer to the question “How to promote a site without links?” is obvious and lies in the question itself :)

    Most likely, SEOs will begin to pay more attention to on-page optimization, content management, usability, social signals and behavioral factors. I assume that behavioral ones will receive special attention, because this is the lever that is now the easiest and cheapest to control.

    We decided to promote the site through behavioral factors? Try the SerpClick service - it's easy.

    How will you promote your sites?

    How did the removal of the link factor affect the traffic of your sites?

    Is Yandex moving in the right direction, and what do you think about it?

    Write your answers in the comments!

    Hi all! There are big changes coming in the world of SEO that will impact search rankings in the coming year. This time Yandex distinguished itself. Only came out at the beginning of November new filter AGS 40, as always, is aimed at combating low-quality sites in the search results. That is, resources that do not have any added value and are created mainly for selling links. The debate on this issue has not yet subsided, but yesterday Alexander Sadovsky issued much more sensational news - from the beginning of 2014, ranking in Yandex search will take place without taking into account external links. If this news divided webmasters and optimizers into two camps, then another one will not please anyone. And now in more detail.

    Yandex will cancel link ranking

    What was bound to happen sooner or later happened on December 5 at the conference on Internet marketing and web development IBC Russia 2013 in Moscow. The head of Yandex search services, Alexander Sadovsky, stated in his report that from the beginning of 2014, the search leader in RuNet will no longer take into account links in the ranking formula for commercial queries. For now, the new algorithm will only affect Moscow and the Moscow region. In the near future, the influence of links will be canceled in all regions. Link ranking for information queries will continue to be taken into account. Currently, Yandex has only about 50 links from 800 different ranking factors. If you remove them, then the remaining ones will be enough to rank sites without losing search quality.

    Already at the Optimization 2010 conference, the same Alexander Sadovsky stated that links have practically no effect on the relevance of information queries and one can, as it were, turn a blind eye to them. But in commercial search results the picture is completely different; to achieve the TOP there is a war of budgets. To stop such pointless activity, Yandex tries to detect SEO links and neutralize them. As a result, the role of reference factors in commercial ranking constantly falling.

    Change in the number of link factors in the TOP 20 main ranking factors:

    • 2008 - 70%;
    • 2009 - 30%;
    • 2010 - 2 factors out of 20.

    As you can see, even then the influence of links was not as significant as before. Sadovsky directly voiced Yandex’s position: “We say NO to links!” Some heard, some didn't. Or maybe he just didn't want to.

    And now, “may those who are possible” - links will not be taken into account. So far in commercial topics, but where is the guarantee that this will not soon affect other types of requests. Still, the line between a commercial request and an informational one is sometimes too thin.

    For example, the request “buy iPhone 5S” is clearly commercial, in the search results of online stores. The same request without the word “buy” gives us a list information resources with reviews and Wikipedia. And if you can’t make it to the TOP in commercial search results, then why don’t other stores promote information requests with links with reviews or reviews by installing a “Buy” button on the page? And how can one unambiguously evaluate the queries “where to buy”, “how much does it cost”? It seems like the user is looking for an answer to a question (information), but with a clear desire to complete a transaction. Or maybe he’s just interested and doesn’t intend to make a purchase? Okay, enough reasoning, there are already plenty of them on Serch and other SEO forums. You can read it at your leisure, it’s quite interesting.

    To correctly understand the essence of what is happening, it is better to turn to the original source. Oops. I wanted to publish a video from the IBC Russia 2013 conference with a report by Alexander Sadovsky, but while I was writing the article, it was closed from viewing. Now this is a video from limited access. Why would this be?

    The original with answers from Yandex employees to the most frequently asked questions is here http://my.yandex.ru/webmaster/replies.xml?item_no=16843. As they say, no comments. Although there are plenty of them there :-).

    • Obviously, many commercial resources will begin to attract the main traffic for information requests by creating their own blogs (who don’t have them yet) or corresponding sections that will occupy the TOP of information output in some topics. Competing with them in budgets, including link budgets, will not be realistic for many information sites and blogs.
    • The money released from purchasing links will be redistributed towards contextual advertising. Apparently, this is exactly what Yandex is trying to achieve. More advertisers means more competition and cost per click. And this is already beneficial for sites that make money in YAN.
    • The role will increase internal factors And SMM promotion on social networks.
    • Cheating of behavioral factors, although Yandex stated that it can easily determine this.
    • Not only Yandex, there is also Google. Although not everything is smooth there either and purchased links are also in disgrace.

    Personally, I’m not very worried about these changes yet; I haven’t bought links for a long time and have never sold them. Now you can not worry about this at all, and use the freed up time and financial resources to improve the quality of sites and create new projects for the context. The cost per click will increase and income from Direct may increase if there is traffic. But where is the guarantee that increased competition for information requests due to commercial resources will make it just as easy to attract search visitors? And getting into the YAN will now be much more difficult.

    I’m already silent about collecting statistics on search queries It won't be easy either. And this is the basis for creating content projects for traffic. First Google removed “ Hint tool keywords ” and closed the search queries in Google Analytics in “not provided”. Now Yandex is there too.

    Yandex will hide search queries

    On the same day, Russian search engine No. 1 began another experiment, the purpose of which is to protect the personal interests of users. At first, for 2% of them, when leaving a search, the Referer header will contain the text of the search query in encrypted form. Later this will affect all Yandex users.

    This is justified by the fact that the information that a person entrusted to the search engine is available not only to the owner of the site to which he went, but also to third-party services installed on the site (advertising units, widgets, counters).

    They promise that statistics on search queries will remain in Metrica and Webmaster. Now, without them, nowhere and nothing on your site will escape all seeing eye Yandex.

    Do you think this is all news? No matter how it is.

    How to get to the TOP of Mail.Ru results

    Doesn't want to lag behind his older brother and Mail.ru. On July 1, 2013, the company launched its search and now we need to master search engine optimization and under this system.

    The head of the [email protected] project, Andrey Kalinin, spoke at the conference. According to him, getting into the top search results of [email protected] is as easy as shelling pears. We need to go to “ Webmaster's account” and simply add your request and page. That's it, now you are in the TOP. To promote your sites, you need to get some points (apparently not for free), and the webmasters themselves will evaluate the sites in the search results. If you didn't fairly evaluate your competitor's site, you will be banned for life.

    To be honest, I didn’t really understand anything there, and I don’t want to delve into it too much; I must first digest the news from Yasha. Here is the link http://www.searchengines.ru/articles/ibc_russia_ob_o.html For those interested, you can find out what Mail offers. Although, I must admit that the traffic from it on some sites is higher than from Google. And given the latest quirks of Yandex and Google, it’s unlikely that it will become the main one :-).

    Well, that's how it is for now. But these are not all the topics from the IBC Russia 2013 conference, which took place on December 5-6 in Moscow. I'm sure there will be many more surprises waiting for us.

    What do you think about the abandonment of link ranking by Yandex and how this might affect us, ordinary bloggers? And wasn’t Roman Abramovich in a hurry with the purchase of Sape? The link industry is billions of rubles a year, which can now be directed to the comprehensive development of sites, and rightly so. Let's discuss these questions in the comments. On Twitter, for example, those dissatisfied with the cancellation of links write under the hashtag #linkmaydan. Do you think it’s good or bad that the links will be cancelled?