• Cancel the consideration of links in the ranking of commercial queries. It's finished! Cancellation of link ranking in Yandex. What to do

    Hi all! There are big changes coming in the world of SEO that will impact search rankings in the coming year. This time Yandex distinguished itself. Only came out at the beginning of November new filter AGS 40, as always, is aimed at combating low-quality sites in the search results. That is, resources that do not have any added value and are created mainly for selling links. The debate on this issue has not yet subsided, but yesterday Alexander Sadovsky released much more sensational news - from the beginning of 2014, ranking in Yandex search will take place without taking into account external links. If this news divided webmasters and optimizers into two camps, then another one will not please anyone. And now in more detail.

    Yandex will cancel link ranking

    What was supposed to happen sooner or later happened on December 5 at the conference on Internet marketing and web development IBC Russia 2013 in Moscow. Supervisor search services Yandex Alexander Sadovsky stated in his report that from the beginning of 2014, the search leader in RuNet will no longer take into account links in the ranking formula for commercial queries. For now, the new algorithm will only affect Moscow and the Moscow region. In the near future, the influence of links will be canceled in all regions. Link ranking for information queries will continue to be taken into account. Currently, Yandex has only about 50 links from 800 different ranking factors. If you remove them, then the remaining ones will be enough to rank sites without losing search quality.

    Already at the Optimization 2010 conference, the same Alexander Sadovsky stated that links have practically no effect on the relevance of information queries and one can, as it were, turn a blind eye to them. But in commercial search results the picture is completely different; to achieve the TOP there is a war of budgets. To stop such pointless activities, Yandex tries to detect SEO links and neutralize them. As a result, the role of reference factors in commercial ranking constantly falling.

    Change in the number of link factors in the TOP 20 main ranking factors:

    • 2008 - 70%;
    • 2009 - 30%;
    • 2010 - 2 factors out of 20.

    As you can see, even then the influence of links was not as significant as before. Sadovsky directly voiced Yandex’s position: “We say NO to links!” Some heard, some didn't. Or maybe he just didn't want to.

    And now, “may those who are possible” - links will not be taken into account. So far in commercial topics, but where is the guarantee that this will not soon affect other types of requests. Still, the line between a commercial request and an informational one is sometimes too thin.

    For example, the request “buy iPhone 5S” is clearly commercial, in the search results of online stores. The same request without the word “buy” gives us a list information resources with reviews and Wikipedia. And if you can’t make it to the TOP in commercial search results, then why don’t other stores promote information requests with links with reviews or reviews by installing a “Buy” button on the page? And how can one unambiguously evaluate the queries “where to buy”, “how much does it cost”? It seems like the user is looking for an answer to a question (information), but with a clear desire to complete a transaction. Or maybe he’s just interested and doesn’t intend to make a purchase? Okay, enough reasoning, there are already plenty of them on Serch and other SEO forums. You can read it at your leisure, it’s quite interesting.

    To correctly understand the essence of what is happening, it is better to turn to the original source. Oops. I wanted to publish a video from the IBC Russia 2013 conference with a report by Alexander Sadovsky, but while I was writing the article, it was closed from viewing. Now this is a video from limited access. Why would this be?

    The original with answers from Yandex employees to the most frequently asked questions is here http://my.yandex.ru/webmaster/replies.xml?item_no=16843. As they say, no comments. Although there are plenty of them there :-).

    • Obviously, many commercial resources will begin to attract the main traffic for information requests by creating their own blogs (who don’t have them yet) or corresponding sections that will occupy the TOP of information output in some topics. Competing with them in budgets, including link budgets, will not be realistic for many information sites and blogs.
    • The money released from purchasing links will be redistributed towards contextual advertising. Apparently, this is exactly what Yandex is trying to achieve. More advertisers means more competition and cost per click. And this is already in the hands of sites that make money in YAN.
    • The role will increase internal factors And SMM promotion on social networks.
    • Cheating of behavioral factors, although Yandex stated that it can easily determine this.
    • Not only Yandex, there is also Google. Although not everything is smooth there either and purchased links are also in disgrace.

    Personally, I’m not very worried about these changes yet; I haven’t bought links for a long time and have never sold them. Now you can not worry about this at all, and use the freed up time and financial resources to improve the quality of sites and create new projects for the context. The cost per click will increase and income from Direct may increase if there is traffic. But where is the guarantee that increased competition for information requests due to commercial resources will make it possible to attract search visitors just as easily? And getting into the YAN will now be much more difficult.

    I’m already silent about collecting statistics on search queries It won't be easy either. And this is the basis for creating content projects for traffic. First Google removed “ Hint tool keywords ” and closed the search queries in Google Analytics in “not provided”. Now Yandex is there too.

    Yandex will hide search queries

    On the same day, Russian search engine No. 1 began another experiment, the purpose of which is to protect the personal interests of users. At first, for 2% of them, when leaving a search, the Referer header will contain the text of the search query in encrypted form. Later this will affect all Yandex users.

    This is justified by the fact that the information that a person entrusted to the search engine is available not only to the owner of the site to which he went, but also to third-party services installed on the site (advertising units, widgets, counters).

    They promise that statistics on search queries will remain in Metrica and Webmaster. Now, without them, nowhere and nothing on your site will escape all seeing eye Yandex.

    Do you think this is all news? No matter how it is.

    How to get to the TOP of Mail.Ru results

    Doesn't want to lag behind his older brother and Mail.ru. On July 1, 2013, the company launched its search and now we need to master search engine optimization and under this system.

    The head of the [email protected] project, Andrey Kalinin, spoke at the conference. According to him, getting into the top search results of [email protected] is as easy as shelling pears. We need to go to “ Webmaster's account” and simply add your request and page. That's it, now you are in the TOP. To promote your sites, you need to get some points (apparently not for free), and the webmasters themselves will evaluate the sites in the search results. If you didn't fairly evaluate your competitor's site, you will be banned for life.

    To be honest, I didn’t really understand anything there, and I don’t want to delve into it too much; I must first digest the news from Yasha. Here is the link http://www.searchengines.ru/articles/ibc_russia_ob_o.html For those interested, you can find out what Mail offers. Although, I must admit that the traffic from it on some sites is higher than from Google. And given the latest quirks of Yandex and Google, it’s unlikely that it will become the main one :-).

    Well, that's how it is for now. But these are not all the topics from the IBC Russia 2013 conference, which took place on December 5-6 in Moscow. I'm sure there will be many more surprises waiting for us.

    What do you think about refusal? link ranking Yandex and how can this affect us, ordinary bloggers? And wasn’t Roman Abramovich in a hurry with the purchase of Sape? The link industry is billions of rubles a year, which can now be directed to the comprehensive development of sites, and rightly so. Let's discuss these questions in the comments. On Twitter, for example, those dissatisfied with the cancellation of links write under the hashtag #linkmaydan. Do you think it’s good or bad that the links will be cancelled?

    It became possible thanks to tracking statistics on the behavior of live visitors on pages, which allows PS robots to judge the quality of content in order to increase the position of the best sites at the expense of PF. Thus, statistics of visitor behavior became an important factor in ranking; it also took into account how often people choose a particular site in search results. Therefore, it became possible to tighten the automatic filtering algorithms for “bad” sites, and in November 2013 new modification AGS-40: many optimized sites have dropped out of the index, even some trusty old SDL positions have dropped in search results.

    AGS-40 came as a real shock to most webmasters, because despite the tricky algorithms, everyone has already learned how to promote “professionally” optimized sites to the TOP search results for the right keywords. Rumors about big changes in Yandex search results have been circulating for a long time, especially since testing of Yandex “Islands” interactive responses was already underway. It soon turned out that Yandex was canceling link ranking , . It seems now useless to adapt to the new AGS algorithm.

    Yandex has stopped taking into account external links since 2014

    On December 5, 2013, the head of the search departments of Yandex, Alexander Sadovsky, made an official statement that Yandex is canceling links, and in the new 2014, algorithms will begin to gradually abandon the factor of external links when ranking search results. Only far-sighted analysts among SEO specialists guessed in advance that in the future ranking without links in Yandex was real, because there was already an example of Google, which even earlier began to take into account the PF and the influence of statistics and social networks.

    So, what did Sadovsky say about the abolition of link influence:

    • Now Yandex uses more than 800 factors when ranking and, according to Sadovsoky, specifically link influence only takes up about 6% of this number, therefore Yandex is canceling link ranking, but the quality of the search results will not be affected.
    • However, Sadovsky noted that for information requests the influence of external links will remain to improve search updating (really, how quickly will the PS robot rise to the TOP current news without taking into account the reference factor).
    • SEO-2014 in Yandex without a link will begin for Moscow and the region, then it is promised to spread the disabling of factors influencing external links to all other regions.

    Yandexoids claim that without the influence of external links they will get rid of search spam and sites promoted through large purchases of link mass will leave the TOP. Yandex will hit SEO in a commercially important region - Moscow and the region where selling commercial queries are promoted more. In principle, something similar happened after the introduction of AGS-40, but really high-quality resources with good content will get better positions, because users not only make purchases on the Internet, but also look for information. This means that in the TOP 10 there should not be 5 online stores at once, which were promoted through external links for different requests, because it was well compiled.

    Promotion in Yandex without external links in the future

    Google has long tightened its algorithms for determining purchased links, but even “natural” external links may not help you reach the TOP if the site is poorly optimized or the statistics show that the number of failures is off the charts. All over the world, probably except for the CIS countries, the majority of SEO specialists almost no longer buy links, but invest in contextual advertising and actually improve the content. Obviously, Yandex does not take into account links either in order to force everyone to use its Yandex.Direct contextual advertising system, but only secondarily to “improve the search results.” So far, the abolition of link ranking affects only Moscow and the region, which means that regional sites can be promoted with links as before.

    • Perhaps someone has the idea that now they can save money and buy cheap links to promote regional sites. When in the future Yandex cancels the influence of external links by region, you can simply remove them and continue to promote using new methods. But this is fraught, because the AGS-40 algorithms will probably act as before and domains to which missing or “blinking” links lead will simply be banned from the search results.
    • It is best to purchase “eternal” links from old domains, keep track of high quality donors. Relevance in link exchanges will not disappear: contextual links from good SDLs and placing links in articles bring live traffic, so it always makes sense to purchase links on thematic platforms.
    • Yandex has stopped counting links only for commercial requests, which means that now information requests that can bring in target audiences can still be promoted with external links. Although we do not know the exact difference between a commercial request and an informational one, embedded in the Yandex algorithms, because the more semantic core, the better.
    • We will have to come to terms with the fact that now the terms of SEO promotion will increase even more, and the price of placing links will really good venues will grow.

    Difficult times are coming for all specialists involved in SEO promotion: Yandex is canceling links, and it will be difficult to promote new commercial sites to the TOP. There are serious passions on webmaster forums, as entire companies have spent huge amounts of money on experiments to determine the best methods for purchasing links and the most effective promotion. Far-sighted analysts foresaw a similar situation, especially since Sadovsky had long been talking about reducing the influence of external links.

    A good optimization and promotion specialist already knows how to work further, because the struggle between PS algorithms and professional webmasters is constantly growing. They will inflate other factors, buy or attract traffic in any other way.

    • In 2012-2013, only comprehensive optimization of all pages made it possible to achieve high positions in the TOP. If not unique content, poor usability, the site does not hang out in the TOP for long, it will be “pushed” by the best SDLs, since PFs are monitored.
    • Therefore, PF will also be promoted, there have already been methods and they will be improved, although more often it turns out to be easier to just make a really convenient, interesting website.
    • SEO in its pure form has long lost its meaning; now comprehensive Internet marketing is required (price-quality ratio of goods or services, good presentation, all types of advertising and viral or “guerrilla” marketing in social networks and forums).
    • Competition will increase and old developed SDLs will strengthen their positions; it will be difficult for new projects to move them to the TOP, because indeed many will go entirely into contextual advertising Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords.
    • Finally, they will stop fighting for the TOP search results and start looking for traffic, attracting target audience with interesting materials and promotions. In the future, links will be purchased primarily to attract real people; in principle, this is normal, in contrast to the mass purchase of links for PS robots.
    • As always, email newsletters will be successful and communication with the target audience on social networks (Social Media Marketing) will increase.

    On January 28, 2014, the Yandex company makes an official statement, which pleased some and saddened others: within a month they promise to introduce a new algorithm to lower the ranking of any sites with “shocking advertising.” This means that even an SDL that is correct in all respects and has placed advertising teasers with “shocking” (unpleasant, erotic) pictures will appear lower in the search results than “worse” (in other respects) sites without advertising. Once again, Yandex seems to be hinting to us that new advanced algorithms are able to distinguish a good site from a bad one based on hundreds of factors and it is easier not to try to deceive the PS, but to make honest “white” sites for people.

    Hi all. As you already know, at the IBS Russia 2013 conference, which took place on December 9 last year, Alexander Sadovsky, head of the search department at Yandex, talked about all the current and future innovations in Yandex. The final chord was the news about the abandonment of link ranking, which continues to worry us to this day.

    After the presentation, Sadovsky answered questions from visitors, most of which were related specifically to canceling link ranking. To be honest, not all webmasters believed that this would happen. In the article about the year, I already mentioned the abolition of the influence of links and immediately said that more attention now needs to be paid to behavioral factors.

    By the way, here is a video of this conference. I advise you to watch, and especially listen to the answers to questions at the end of the presentation.

    3 months later, on March 12, 2014, at the Bynet Week conference live, the same Alexander Sadovsky disabled link ranking. Although this particular action was carried out, if I’m not mistaken, by Denis Guryev. On the same day, the corresponding news was posted on the blog "Yandex for webmasters".

    So, on March 12, Yandex was link ranking canceled. But not all at once. Links will be disabled gradually. First, sites with commercial themes and those regionally related to Moscow will be distributed. The presentation also included a list of topics that are subject to link cancellation (the quality is not very good, screenshot from the video):

    Indeed, congratulations!

    At the conference the question was also asked about further development linkless ranking algorithm. It is not yet known how soon it will expand to other regions and topics. Alexander Sadovsky said that websites with commercial themes have a noisy link factor. Such resources may have a huge link mass, but the quality is very far from ideal.

    Informational, non-commercial sites do not have this problem (at least, everything is not so bad), so if the abolition of link ranking affects such sites, it will not be so soon. Another question sounded something like this: “You have given up links, but what factors will have an increased influence? What will replace links? The answer is simple - Yandex has at the moment about 800 ranking factors, no more than 50 of them are allocated to links. The remaining 750 will replace links.

    There were also a few questions about behavioral factors. Everyone already knows that Yandex can recognize bots, but instead of simply not counting their visits, the search engine decided to lower the site in the search results. That is, the path opened up for the direct “destruction” of competitors (with links, by the way, there was also such an option). If your site finds itself in such a situation, then write to Yandex support, Sadovsky said.

    Other issues were also raised. Separately highlighted new technologies, for example Islands. Sadovsky announced the results of introducing Yandex.xml. There was even a question about captchas, which sounded something like this: “Would you like to enter any mathematical expressions and smoothly get to the Unified State Exam tasks in captchas? Imagine what contribution you will make to Russian education!”

    Sadovsky also repeatedly repeated the phrase "No links at all". Whether this will have an impact is not known for sure. However, I still recommend leaving internal linking, which helps improve the PF. This phrase also means that clicks on links will not be taken into account in the ranking.

    In general, the conference turned out to be very interesting, eventful and... just as importantly, not boring. On my own behalf, I would like to recommend that you seriously engage in improvement (not to cheat, but to improve, by working on sites), and to start this as soon as possible. Still, you shouldn’t forget the links, but put them in the background. I would even recommend using link buying to attracting additional traffic, but here it is better to use works.

    That's right, friends. Yandex “cancelled” link ranking on March 12, 2014. Alexander Sadovsky announced the disabling of links at the “ByNet Week” conference. I learned this news from Twitter, when Platon Shchukin, respected by all optimizers, published the following tweet:

    I write “announced”, and I put the word “canceled” in quotation marks, because the cancellation of links will take place in stages.

    Where the reference no longer works

    For now ranking sites without links works only in the Moscow region and for the following topics for commercial requests:

    • electronics and household appliances
    • clothing and accessories
    • real estate
    • beauty and health
    • tourism and recreation
    • legal services
    • website development and promotion

    Accordingly, in other regions and topics, as well as for information requests, links are still taken into account when ranking sites.

    What Yandex representatives say

    To understand why all this is being done, I recommend watching a short excerpt - an interview with Alexander Sadovsky at IBC Russia 2013. This is the same conference at which Yandex announced that it would rank sites without taking into account backlinks.

    Yandex considered that the link signals had become “noisy” and decided to cancel them. According to Yandex representatives, the quality of search does not become worse. Let's hope. But there are a lot of doubts and questions about this...

    What to do? How to promote sites in search?

    I can imagine that many optimizers are confused and looking for a new strategy for website promotion in the context of link-free ranking, which is quite natural. But something tells me that the answer to the question “How to promote a site without links?” is obvious and lies in the question itself :)

    Most likely, SEOs will begin to pay more attention to on-page optimization, content management, usability, social signals and behavioral factors. I assume that behavioral ones will receive special attention, because this is the lever that is now easiest and cheapest to control.

    Have you decided to promote your website using behavioral factors? Try the SerpClick service - it's easy.

    How will you promote your sites?

    How did the removal of the link factor affect the traffic of your sites?

    Is Yandex moving in the right direction, and what do you think about it?

    Write your answers in the comments!

    Website promotion against an active background information war between Yandex and link exchanges is becoming an incredibly hot topic. Various forums, one way or another related to promotion, are filled to the brim with depressing messages about the cancellation of the link, about the pointlessness of further promotion; many Top Starters do not see the point in buying links on popular exchanges. People, for a long time those who successfully promoted their resources do not know what to expect tomorrow - will the impending wave of link leveling affect them and what to do with already purchased links? — continue to pay for them every day and simply throw money into the air, or abandon links and get filtered by merciless search algorithms?! In fact, the situation in the modern Russian SEO market is no less acute than around Crimea, and the most interesting thing is that both of these events occur within the same time frame. But let’s try to understand in more detail whether everything is really so bad and we’ll deal with how to still promote sites under Yandex in modern conditions.

    What is really happening or a viral marketing master class from Yandex

    We will try to understand the current situation in as much detail as possible. So, December 5, 2013 Yandex publicly declares that at the beginning of 2014, the link factor, as such, will completely disappear from the SERP generation algorithms. In itself, the statement is so provocative and revolutionary in nature that it spreads at the speed of light, producing the effect of an exploding atomic bomb. How can you cancel the link factor if all SEO rests primarily on it?! How to further promote sites and what to do with already purchased links? The worldview of the vast majority of site owners is being turned upside down... Personally, I had the feeling that this is a new round of the Cold War, only this time Yandex and the largest link exchanges became its participants, but first things first.

    The first step is to take a more thorough look at the information we have and understand how we should actually perceive this sensational cancellation of the reference. According to Sadovsky (this is the guy who heads the Yandex web search department), link factors will be disabled step by step in various topics and the Moscow region will be the first test subject. That is, Moscow is a kind of test site where Yandex will test its new algorithms and check whether it will suffer overall quality issuance. The question arises - why Moscow and not some Uryupinsk, where in the event of an error, the consequences will be minimally critical for the reputation of the search engine... Here some clarification should be given. In fact, the December statement was intended to become a kind of viral bomb that would force our brother to seriously think about the advisability of SEO promotion and... remember such a wonderful thing as Direct! Which, in fact, is what happened. But what has actually changed? - the answer is simple - practically nothing! I’ll tell you a terrible secret - all the factors influencing the search results can be divided into 4 large groups and the reference group has ALREADY BEEN the least significant for a LONG time, especially in competitive topics. But here it is worth noting one very important point- even by influencing just one group of factors, you can pull a request to the first places in not very competitive topics, which is what many did - they influenced the reference group. Some webmasters influenced only the internal group of factors and were no less successful in bringing not very competitive queries to the TOP, but even in 2013 it was impossible to bring the most competitive queries to the TOP 10 without including all 4 groups of SERP formation factors. And what do we have now? It would seem that we only have 3 strings left in our hands, by pulling which we can achieve the desired results, but even here the situation is ambiguous...

    When talking about canceling a link, Yandex is actually hiding the truth between the lines. Why does he need this and what will all this lead to? To the question why, the answer is simple - to create panic and a redistribution of the market against the background of which, without applying any special material resources, you can replenish the already large fraternity of Direct users. What will this lead to - as mentioned above - to the redistribution of the SEO market between old school exchanges link promotion, such as the giant Sape and the new trend in optimization fashion - behavioral promotion exchanges, with a clear advantage in favor of the latter, and, of course, Direct, which will catch up with those who have not been able to understand what is really happening. When thinking about effective strategies for further website promotion, you should first understand what a high-quality link is, how to create it and why it will continue to work.

    How to create a high-quality link that Yandex will take into account

    It's no secret that Yandex has long learned to detect SEO links and do not take them into account when ranking sites. Agree, everyone knows about this, but then I’ll ask a completely fair question - where did the panic around the statement about the cancellation of the reference come from in this case? It turns out that either site owners and optimizers believe that they buy ONLY high-quality links, or maybe the Russian way works - I’ll buy 10 links and one of them will be good. But now, no matter how much you buy links, there will be no effect from them.

    Let's try to imagine what a really good link should look like:

    1. This context link completely relevant to the topic of the article
    2. This is a link from the article, in full corresponding to the topic of the site, or a link from an article on any topic posted on a news site
    3. This the only one external link from the page
    4. This qualitative, visited donor
    5. This link is the top link pyramid(I’ll tell you more about this in one of the following articles)
    6. This is a link with anchors that fully match canons of the Russian language
    7. This is the link that appears simultaneously with a carrier article
    8. This is the link where there are transitions

    Particular attention should be paid to point No. 8 - it is this that opens a logical loophole for Yandex, allowing you to openly declare the total abolition of link factors by simply transferring them to the social signals section. I advise you to read it again last sentence and you will understand what the point is... To put it simply, a link without clicks on it will be considered an SEO link and will not be taken into account, but a link through which Yandex sees clicks will work perfectly, but here we can say that it is not the link itself that is taken into account, but the link itself , transitions In practice, practically nothing has changed, if you had previously built a diverse and high-quality link profile for the site you were promoting or used, and if all you did was buy rental shitty links or use automated promotion systems, then you are in In fact, we will have to reconsider the policy regarding promotion in Yandex. Next, we will look in more detail at each of the 4 factors and I will talk about how to promote websites in modern conditions.

    4 factors influencing the formation of search results

    So, all methods of influencing search results can be divided into 4 large groups:

    1. Internal factors
    2. Behavioral factors
    3. Social signals
    4. Reference factors

    The most important thing for Yandex PS is ingroup factors, least important - reference group, in general, as in the above list, from most to least important. Being an extremely request-dependent machine, Yandex will never allow a mediocre site to reach the TOP in a competitive topic, so before promoting, you should first decide on the following: Is it possible for a promoted site to be in the TOP for the selected query?. This can be done in 2 ways:

    • analyze the TOP 10 for the desired query and check your site for compliance (age, number of pages in the index, TIC, mentions, etc.)
    • easier way - check the current position of the site for the phrase of interest- if this is the TOP 20, then the site will be able to occupy the TOP 10 (I will tell you why this is so in one of the following articles), but if the site is not included in the TOP 20, then you will have to analyze the results, as described in the previous paragraph

    If we have decided that we can generate a request for the position we need, we can proceed directly to promotion.

    Internal factors

    This group of factors is the most important. And here it should be understood that influencing it is the least costly from a material point of view, but the most costly from a time point of view. Learn more about how to properly use internal website resources:

    1. Technical optimization. This, one might say, is the basis of the basics. On at this stage we check the site for common technical errors and we try to make it as suitable for promotion as possible. It is important to check such parameters as gluing of mirrors, the presence and correctness of technical robots files and sitemap, correct handling of error 404, presence of broken links, etc. In more detail I
    2. Promoted page optimization. Everything here should be the same as that of competitors who have already taken the TOP 10 for the request we need. The volume of text, the volume of the promoted word and other page parameters should correspond to the average value of sites that have already ranked TOP. It should be noted here that nausea indicators for different phrases can vary dramatically - For some topics, outright spam is required, while for others, Yandex categorically does not accept it.
    3. Internal linking upon request. Here you should use the most relevant pages on your site. To do this, you need to select advanced settings in Yandex search and set the option to search inside the site, enter your site as the site. Yandex will kindly give us results sorted by decreasing relevance. From the first ten pages you should definitely link to the one being promoted with a diluted entry of the required keyword
    4. Publishing relevant articles and linking from them. It is worth noting that Yandex ranks sites devoted to one specific topic very well. And the more documents from one resource are relevant to the request, the better. To do this, you should regularly publish articles on the site that are optimized for the promoted query and link from them to the entry point.
    5. Cross-links have long established themselves as effective tool ranking improvements, do not neglect them.

    Behavioral factors

    The behavioral group of factors is, without a doubt, the youngest in the formulas of search algorithms, but its importance is enormous and is second in importance after internal ones. To manipulate behavioral factors, I advise you to use the Userator exchange. Everything here is extremely simple - you need to register on the exchange, create a new campaign, enter the URL address of the site being promoted and select the promotion region. The exchange allows you to cheat behavioral factors in two modes: auto(using botnets) and manual(using real Internet users). To promote a request, you must use exactly manual mode, because scope of use automatic mode somewhat different. Next, you need to enter the queries necessary for promotion and set the desired number of transitions (the system itself will tell you the required number). It is worth noting one point - do not use behavioral influence on a request if it is located further than 50th place in organic results - Yandex simply will not use this data in ranking, it is clear what normal person will climb further than 50th place

    Social signals

    The next group of factors is social. It is convenient to influence it using the same Userator. Let's see how we can influence this group factors:

    And here is the very factor influencing search results that Yandex promises to completely abandon. It is worth noting here that the links will continue to work, but only those links which are really high-quality and which are followed by real visitors. As I already said, Yandex with a pure heart announces the abolition of the link factor, by default transferring this group of factors to the social section. Getting users to click on links is simple - just use the exchange module Userator - link strengthening.

    Summing up or false panic

    Summarizing all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself that nothing terrible happened. Yandex is indeed gradually abandoning unnatural links without transitions in the Moscow region on a number of topics. Many sites have indeed lost positions and this trend will continue, covering more and more sites, in more topics and regions, but this is not at all scary and SEO, as many mistakenly believed, will not die... You just need to approach website promotion as diversified as possible, paying more and more attention to social and behavioral ranking factors. The ones who will suffer the most in this situation are the owners of sites that actively made money from selling links and the managers of the largest SEO exchanges on the Runet, although, on the other hand, relatively young exchanges that influence behavioral factors, on the contrary, will noticeably increase their profits, which can already be seen now ( On April 5, Userator increased the cost of behavioral promotion by almost 2 times, causing this to increase loads).

    Someone will actually go to Direct, which Yandex will no doubt be happy about, because that was its goal. In fairness, it is worth noting that the situation with the cancellation of the reference and the hype around this event can rightfully be considered one of best examples hidden viral marketing that Runet has only seen. Bravo Yandex!

    And you can also order from me!