• What is SMM and how it will help promote your business. SMM marketing for blogging

    Svetlana Kornyushina
    SMM manager, Uniap
    "I'm preparing delicious content"

    Over the past 10 years, social networks have replaced users world wide web most of the “functions” of the Internet. For many they have become the only source of information. Watch a movie, listen to music, find out the news, play games and just chat - all this can be done in social networks.

    In addition to entertainment, social media offers various services and allows you to keep track of latest news favorite brands. Now it’s hard to imagine that any company, even the smallest one, doesn’t have a page on social networks. Some companies do without a website at all and limit themselves to a public page. Therefore, promotion on social networks is for modern business extremely necessary.

    Brand presence management and promotion social channels called SMM marketing. Social Media Marketing is the effective use of social platforms as channels for business promotion, aimed at working with the target audience on social networks. SMM is the most promising method of promotion and at the same time quite affordable in price.

    This type of marketing is aimed at working with subscribers in corporate groups and expanding them. The main task of SMM is to create high-quality and interesting content that users will rate, comment and distribute on their own, thereby increasing their knowledge about the brand, its reputation and the number of readers.

    The SMM manager is responsible for promoting the brand on social networks. His tasks include increasing audience coverage, creating a positive client image, and working with negativity. This specialist determines in which social networks the company will be promoted and by what methods the promotion strategy will be built.

    What problems does SMM marketing solve?

    Social Media Marketing solves a whole range of problems related to brand promotion:

    • branding, brand promotion;
    • growing popularity of the brand;
    • increasing traffic to the company website;
    • increasing audience loyalty to the company;
    • increasing the number of site visitors;
    • increasing the number of subscribers;
    • obtaining company leads;
    • informing about promotions and discounts;
    • receiving feedback;
    • creating a personnel reserve for the company;
    • brand reputation management.

    Basic SMM marketing tools.

    1. Development and creation of pages, groups, public pages and blogs on various social platforms.
    2. Filling with materials and designing social networks.
    3. Attracting new subscribers, stimulating audience interest in the community.
    4. Supporting discussions, responding to comments, hidden marketing, conducting discussions on behalf of the company.
    5. Website promotion in communities.
    6. Advertising in thematic communities and on the pages of famous bloggers.
    7. Working with negativity, creating a positive brand image.
    8. Viral marketing.
    9. Creation of applications, games and their promotion among social media users.
    10. Analytics and creation of a brand promotion strategy.
    11. Ability to customize targeted advertising.
    12. SMO - optimization of Internet resources for social networks.

    How to create content for social networks?

    Social networks differ from each other both in their audience and in the types of content that are interesting to this audience. To create the right content, specialists from Europe have developed the so-called “golden content formula”.

    Engaging content – ​​40%

    Engaging content allows group readers to communicate, watch photos and videos about the company, participate in promotions and competitions, and receive bonuses. All these actions increase loyalty and interest in the company or brand. For group members, such content is interesting because it contains useful information.

    Brand content – ​​30%

    Brand content is the content of “brand advocates”. This type includes customer reviews, interviews with company employees, videos about the life of the company, blogs about events within the company, photographs from meetings or conferences, answers to questions. Subscribers are interested in learning information about the company first-hand; such information is more trustworthy than advertising.

    Educational content – ​​25%

    Educational content helps group members learn more about a company or brand. It includes: company history, various studies, information about new products and products, links to useful information, industry news. Publications may be advertising, but must contain useful and educational information.

    Advertising content – ​​5%

    Advertising content contains direct advertising of a company or brand. The following may be presented here: advertising videos, booklets, posters; company innovations, information with a call to purchase, facts about products. The most important rule is not to post this type content constantly, as this may affect the loyalty of subscribers.

    It is worth paying attention to the quality of content and group design. All channels of communication with the audience must have uniform style. In addition, viral marketing is important in social networks - these are bright headlines, beautiful images, interesting videos, clear text information for subscribers. Thanks to this, the group members themselves will spread information about you - word of mouth will work. Every social network needs different materials, so forget about the “ctrl + c” and “ctrl + v” keys.

    Social networks suitable for SMM promotion

    Today there is large number social media, so SMM promotion is possible on any social network. But there are more popular social resources in which the level of views and coverage, clicks, likes and reposts will be higher. The most popular social networks include: Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, YouTube, Twitter.


    To summarize, it should be taken into account that today there is practically no free methods promoting a company or brand on social platforms. If you plan to do promotion yourself, then you can’t do it without investments. Creating content, advertising in communities and with bloggers, targeting requires additional costs, and not every company employee has the skills to promote on a social network. Therefore, for a literate and effective promotion companies contact professionals in their field.

    Uniap company knows everything about SMM and even more. Our specialists will develop a competent strategy for promoting your company, create high-quality and interesting content and bring you a large number of subscribers who will become your clients.

    Leave a request on our website, and our manager will answer any of your questions and tell you how to get a 20% discount on our services.

    To evaluate whether the results that advertising on social networks provide are worth the time, effort and investment, you need to analyze its effectiveness. Russian social networks have more than several hundred million active users, foreign ones – even more. But even a high concentration of the target audience on one site does not guarantee the success of an advertising campaign on social networks.

    What is SMM?

    In Internet marketing, promotion on social networks is called SMM promotion. SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a process of attracting customers implemented using social media channels. SMM is part of internet marketing. But due to the fact that promotion in social networks is very different from website promotion in search engines, marketers have separated it into a separate direction - SMM marketing.

    Most often, social networks are used for informal communication with clients, attracting traffic to the company’s main website, and promoting the brand of b2c and b2b companies. If SMM is used as one of the main tools for doing business, then a separate vacancy opens in the marketing department - SMM manager.

    His responsibilities include:

    • Development of an SMM promotion strategy.
    • Determining the target audience and its needs.
    • Targeted advertising management.
    • Increasing user activity in the community.
    • Group design development.
    • Filling the community with quality content.
    • Statistics analysis and more.

    In addition, the SMM manager must work with other social media channels, for example, forums or blogs. Instead of employing such a specialist on staff, you can also use the services of specialized agencies or freelancers.

    Pros and cons of advertising on social networks

    Before including the cost of advertising on social networks in a company's marketing expenses, you need to evaluate how feasible it is. When a businessman first encounters SMM, he is attracted by a large number of social network audiences. And therefore they seem to be an ideal platform for business development. However, the situation is not so one-sided.

    • Risk of account blocking, hacking or deletion. Social network is good platform for promotion, but all rights to regulate activities within its framework belong to the administration. You can invest a lot of time, money and effort into promoting a community, but end up with nothing. In addition, social media accounts are the most likely to be hacked.
    • Limited functionality. Social media channels have a limited set of features. In particular, this concerns the branding of official communities. For some types of businesses, this prevents subscribers from fully engaging with the brand.
    • High level of competition. Both large companies and private entrepreneurs are engaged in business promotion on social networks. It is affordable and does not require major investments. Therefore, there is a very tough fight for clients on social networks.
    • Lack of complete confidentiality. It is believed that some government organizations have access to commercial information, personal correspondence and company activity as a whole. There is no direct evidence of this, but if a businessman values ​​this kind of data, then you should not put it on social networks.

    It is best to use SMM promotion as an addition to an online advertising campaign. It’s not worthwhile to completely transfer brand promotion activities to social networks, but it’s also not advisable to give up a bonus source of traffic.

    Social media promotion tools

    Before engaging in SMM promotion, you need to figure out what you can do and what you can’t do. Promotion tools are qualified according to legality of use:

    • Completely legal methods (white) - officially approved for use.
    • Partially legal (gray) – allowed Russian legislation, but are prohibited by the rules of social networks.
    • Prohibited (black) - prohibited by rules and legislation.

    It is strongly recommended to promote a company on social networks using only white hat methods. Otherwise, you can not only waste a lot of time and effort in exchange for a ban from the administration, but also “tarnish” the company’s reputation.

    White methods of promotion:

    • Targeted advertising. Targeted advertising is a kind of contextual advertising only within the social network. In its settings, you can also specify the parameters of the target audience, select a payment method, determine the time of displays, etc. To effectively place advertisement, first you need to create a portrait of a potential client.
    • Advertising in communities. You can advertise a group in another community either for a fee or for free. For paid advertising, you need to contact the administrator and discuss the conditions. For free – find an interested partner. For example, a wedding planner and photographer can collaborate pro bono, mutually benefiting from the partnership.
    • Competitions. It is appropriate to use competitions when the community has already gained a starting number of “live” subscribers. The essence of this promotion tool is that users must independently spread information about the community in exchange for a valuable prize. Therefore, most often the main conditions of the competition are subscription and repost.
    • SEO optimization. The social network's internal search uses ranking algorithms similar to search engines. Therefore, to get to the TOP search query, you need to optimize the title and description of the group.

    Another important factor influencing the effectiveness of advertising on social networks is content. By setting up targeted advertising, you can regularly pay for clicks and receive nothing in return. The quality and quantity of posts influences the attraction of new subscribers and the retention of old ones. To save time on systematically filling the group, you can use auto-posting.

    Gray methods of promotion:

    • Increase subscribers, views, likes, reposts. The use of bots to promote the community is prohibited. Therefore, if the administration of a social network suspects that a group is rising in search results, thanks to the artificially created activity, it will immediately block it.
    • Purchasing offers. Buying offers is a less risky way to get a starting number of subscribers. But it should be remembered that the offer only creates visible demand for the community and is not included in the target audience. In addition, services for selling offers are not honest. Therefore, instead of “live” users, you can get a stream of fake subscribers.
    • Massfollowing. Mass following is a subscription to users in the hope of mutual subscription. This is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, so special automated applications are used to carry it out.

    Gray promotion methods are only applicable to initial stage community promotion. When there are only 100–200 “live” users in your subscribers, it’s not as scary to lose them as it is to lose several thousand.

    Black methods include hacking pages and sending spam. Sending spam is prohibited not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world. And the effectiveness of its use is not commensurate with the possible risks.

    Social Media Promotion Strategies

    Developing an SMM promotion strategy begins with setting a goal. To set a goal, it is enough to know why social networks are usually used by businesses. The goals of SMM marketing are:

    • Promoting the company on social networks.
    • Brand promotion.
    • Website promotion through social networks.
    • Promotion personal brand.

    If the goals seem the same at first glance, they are not. For example, to promote a brand, informal communication with clients and building trust relationships, and to promote the site - the uniqueness and exclusivity of the content with a link to the main source.

    To make a competent SMM strategy, you need to work through each stage. Strategy stages:

    • Setting a goal.
    • Defining and segmenting the target audience.
    • Selecting social media channels for promotion.
    • Creating a company image on social networks, creating content.
    • Development of a communications plan for each segment of the target audience.
    • Selecting indicators for analyzing advertising campaign costs.
    • Preliminary budget calculation.

    After drawing up a strategy, you can begin to implement it. But if you plan to work on several media channels at once, then you cannot do without a specialist in the field of SMM. The fact is that each social network has its own specifics and features, so you need to create content separately for each social network.

    Contract for promotion on social networks

    Freelancers and SMM agencies have standard contracts for the provision of services. But certain nuances for each project are prescribed individually. To get the desired result from SMM promotion, you need to pay attention to the following clauses of the contract:

    • Subject of the agreement. The subject of the agreement is the provision of promotion services on social networks. Object – group, page, community on a social network. The contract must clearly state the characteristics of the object at the time of its signing (number of subscribers, data on activity and traffic, targeted advertising).
    • List of works on promotion in social networks. The list of services can be specified in separate application or directly in the contract itself. This may include SEO optimization, design, content filling, etc.
    • Required volume of subscriptions, subscriber criteria. The contract will be considered fulfilled when the contractor reaches the number of subscribers specified in it. Therefore, the document indicates the exact figure. You can also specify subscriber criteria to protect the group from banal cheating by bots.
    • Obligations, rights and responsibilities of the parties. The main obligations of the performer that you should pay attention to are the coordination of all promotional activities, for example, the provision of a group design layout and a refund if the account is blocked. In addition, the contract may provide for a penalty charged to the contractor for failure to comply with the deadlines for completing the order.
    • Validity of the contract. The term of the contract specifies the maximum allowable time for fulfilling obligations. If the performer was unable to achieve by the specified deadline necessary indicators, he must bear the punishment for this specified in the “Responsibility” section.
    • Estimate. The estimate is the approximate cost for the entire range of services provided by the contractor. Each item in the estimate must be studied very carefully. Many performers include services there that are of little value to the customer.

    In addition to the contract, professional SMM managers offer customers to fill out terms of reference. It gives a detailed idea of ​​the task at hand and allows you to indicate all the nuances that the performer must pay attention to.

    Viral advertising on social networks

    is media content distributed by social network users through reposts. She is one of the most effective ways promoting a company or brand on social networks. Since the initiator of the spread of viral advertising is “live” users.

    It is almost impossible to develop viral advertising on your own. Entire teams of marketers work on creating video stories (the most common viral ad format). The project is developed according to 4 principles:

    • Creativity.
    • Brevity.
    • Target audience response
    • Quality.

    A viral video should contain a minimum of advertising (a few frames with the brand logo at the end of the video) and a maximum of exciting, interesting, and sometimes indecent and flashy plot. In any case, one video is not enough. Viral advertising unpredictable, so it is impossible to determine in advance what exactly will hook users.

    How to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising on social networks?

    When promoting a brand, assessing the effectiveness of advertising on social networks is complicated by the fact that it cannot be measured in terms of sales. The goal of companies that promote their brand is to increase customer loyalty, create an image and increase awareness. But these parameters cannot be represented in numbers. In this case, the effectiveness of advertising is assessed based on the following criteria:

    • Audience growth.
    • Increased user activity.
    • Increasing the number of transitions to the company’s official website.
    • Involvement of subscribers in the life of the group.

    When a company has a completely different goal - sales, then the effectiveness of promotion on social networks is measured by classic indicators:

    • Conversion rate (CTB) – the ratio of the number of real buyers to group (site) visitors.
    • Click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions of an advertisement.
    • View Rate (VTR) – the ratio of the number of views to the number of impressions of an advertisement.

    An advertising campaign is considered successful when its costs are recouped through sales. But due to the specifics of some companies, payback may not occur immediately. For example, a company selling cheap jewelry will be able to assess the effectiveness of promotion much earlier than a company resale of used cars.

    TOP 10 books on promotion on social networks

    SMM has become a serious trend in internet marketing. Industry conferences, seminars, and thematic courses dedicated to this area are held annually in Russia. But social media promotion trends are changing so quickly that techniques that were effective yesterday are becoming hopelessly outdated today. Therefore, books on SMM will only give a hint to beginners; only constant practice will bring professional experience.

    Books are not the only source of information for training a novice SMM manager. Today, many successful specialists lead personal blogs and make video lessons in which they share their observations and life experiences. But the main task remains with the student - to apply the theory in practice.

    1. Understanding the company's objectives. First of all, it is necessary to understand whatresults are expected from you, over what period of time and by what criteria success will be assessed.Read more about the goals and evaluation criteria . When goals and objectives are formed, start searching for working promotion strategies and tools.

    2. Knowing the target audience. It is important to clearly describe the target audience. A detailed portrait of the client, understanding his motives and desires - SMM basics. You can determine the portrait of the target buyer using Yandex Metrics, Google Analytics and community statistics on social media. networks. The first two tools provide a comprehensive description, but the use of Yandex Metrics and Google Analytics is only possible if you have a website. The last method is suitable for those who have a group “not created yesterday” and have already accumulated relevant statistics.

    3. Choice of social networks. The basics of SMM include a competent determination of the platform for promotion. How to choose a social network? A way for the lazy: compare the portrait of the target client with the characteristics of the audience of each social network and choose the most suitable one. There are published studies on the Internet that will help with this.Hardcoreway: launch communities and advertising in key social networks. networks and gradually select the most effective sites.

    4. Competitor analysis. The basics of SMM also include competitor analysis. Find popular communities on the chosen topic. Analyze the design and content of the group, the frequency of posts, highlight popular types of content, and see how the administration works with comments. Competitor analysis is a chance to borrow good experience and create an improved promotion strategy.

    5. Understanding the promotion strategy. You already know four important ones SMM basics, but the fifth one will be key on today's list. Promoting a community on social networks always pursues some kind of business goal. Clear understanding goals, knowledge of your target audience, vision of the content plan, clear communication model, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the implementation of the assigned tasks that's the point SMM strategies.

    6. Understanding content marketing. I advise you to carefully review the previous basics of SMM in order to master this point. Understanding how content marketing works requires a clear knowledge of the target audience. Competitor analysis will help determine the type of popular content, optimal time publications, topics and format of posts. When forming a Social Media Marketing content plan, the strategy acts as a kind of filter. Publish only what is consistent with the company’s goals and is interesting to the target audience. will help you with this. Discard the rest. This simple basics SMM, there is nothing complicated here.

    7. Constant correction and improvement. Over time you come to understand what gives desired result, and what not. At this stage, adjustments to the strategy and refinement of the content plan are needed. Use effective tools, techniques and techniques for promotion in social media. networks and discard those that do not work.

    These are the basics of SMM. I hope the article turned out to be useful and interesting. Ask questions, leave comments and subscribe to my blog.

    See you.

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    The development of social networks has given rise to a new huge business industry - SMM marketing. This is when we come with our product to some social network, find our target audience there, and offer our product to them in different ways.

    Sounds easy. But in SMM (Social Media Marketing) there are a number of pitfalls. They are the ones that often prevent “traditional” sales gurus from seizing new opportunities.

    And let's first look at how this " new marketing» from old ways of promotion.

    3 differences between SMM and other types of marketing

    #1 - Communication and fun

    SMM primarily means “social”. That is, all marketing through SMM is built on communication. Social networks are generally a very interesting environment. People come to social networks for only two purposes:

    • Communicate
    • Have fun

    If you give them some content that is not aimed at communication or entertainment, they will “scroll through” you and not notice you. That is, all your actions related to attracting the target audience should somehow engage in communication or entertain.

    I can give you a simple example. VKontakte shows you various advertisements on the left. It's called "targeted advertising." Do you know which targeted advertising works best? The one where the picture contains some funny or interesting image. Which ad would you most like to click on?

    #2 - The role of personality in SMM marketing

    Another feature of social networks is that all of your “ins and outs” are exposed for everyone to see. Previously, of course, they also tried to create a business “with a human face,” realizing that people prefer to buy from people rather than from faceless companies.

    For these purposes they hired special people, which most suited what he loves target audience. Then a special image was created for these people, and they were placed as “puppets” at the head of the company. But the true owners and leaders have never appeared anywhere.

    But only social networks made it possible to develop a personal brand so quickly and in this way. Again, we’ll talk about this a little later, but one of the main goals of promotion through SMM is to get people to recognize you by sight. This is trust. And where there is trust, there are sales.

    And if you are promoting your face, make sure it is at least visible. And even better - to make it clear that you are a real person, and not a mannequin. Which of the two ads based on the idea of ​​a personal brand inspires more confidence in you?

    #3 — A virus is a form of life

    The main engine of SMM is a virus. New people come to your groups, and then even non-selling pages, after they see a repost of your post on their friend’s wall. They come and also make some kind of repost or leave a comment.

    And his friends already see this in their news feed, and they also come to you. On regular sites free traffic was (and is) supplied through search engines. This is the so called SEO promotion. And here is the virus.

    However, SEO “always works”, and a new virus must be constantly launched. That is, if you wrote one good article, and it reached the TOP of search engines, then most likely it will remain there for a very long time, and will bring you traffic every day.

    But on social networks everything is more complicated. If you did a great one once viral post, then he will work for you for 2-3 days maximum, and then everyone will forget about him. Because during this time another hundred thousand cool new posts will appear. By the way, this is one of the main reasons why I don’t like doing SMM. I love it when the results “accumulate”. But, of course, I have my own VKontakte group. Join us.

    In the meantime, let's look at the stages of promotion through social networks and SMM.

    4 stages of promotion through SMM

    #1 - Choosing a social network

    It would seem - why do people need so many different social networks? This includes VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, and much more. Why shouldn't everyone be on the same network? And the whole point is that they are different. And the people who are there are also different.

    For example, it is believed that Facebook audience- more intellectually developed and serious than VKontakte (Russian-language Facebook, of course). And this is how it really is. People there prefer to discuss complex issues of world politics and economics and all that jazz. These are the people, by the way, who most often use Google as a search engine, not Yandex.

    VKontakte audience- lighter and more fun. She prefers to like cats and funny pictures, without deep social connotations. This does not mean that “there are only schoolchildren on VKontakte.” You just need to approach them the same way - easily and cheerfully.

    Instagram audience- these are mostly girls who post their photos and discuss the photos of other girls. And if your product is for a female audience, you will find it in abundance on Instagram. Sellers of courses and trainings on women's topics feel especially at ease there.

    Audience of classmates- this is what is usually called the “average resident of Russia” - with an average salary, pension and life expectancy.

    For some reason, residents of urban settlements and factory outskirts of large cities prefer to communicate there. And this entire network emanates a very simple folk humor in the spirit of Petrosyan. I would come there with “new products” (which have long been known on the Internet to everyone except the inhabitants of my classmates).

    All other social networks are not very widespread in our country, so they are in this review can be omitted. Your task is to choose the social network where your target audience lives. Even if you yourself prefer to communicate with other people, nothing can be done. Magomed must come to the mountain.

    And after choosing a network, we need to create a “gathering point” for our audience.

    #2 — Creating a platform for communication

    On VKontakte, for example, it is prohibited to conduct any commercial activities through your personal page. But I know people who are not at all embarrassed by this ban. They post content on their account and make sales there.

    Another important point— don’t be scattered between several social networks. You need to choose only one site and pay all your attention to it. This way you will have more chances of success.

    #3 - Creating Viral Content

    At the first stage you need to do a lot interesting posts so that people share them and attract new audiences. I identify 4 types of viral content that people share most willingly:

    • Content is a provocation
    • Content - instructions
    • Content - medal
    • Content - laugh

    You can read more about all these types of content and how they work in the article.

    You will also most likely have to invest money if you want your community to develop faster. Almost all social networks have built-in advertising mechanisms. If you prefer “slowly but surely,” then you don’t have to pay. The main thing is that the content is truly viral.

    #4 - Monetization

    Here it is immediately very important to understand that attracting an audience and making money from this audience are completely different things that are in no way related to each other. You can have a group of 100 thousand people, and you will earn pennies.

    And vice versa, a group of 2 - 3 thousand active participants will give you huge profits. It all depends on what monetization methods you use. There are only three main options for making money on the Internet on your content platforms:

    • Advertising (the most common and least profitable activity)
    • Affiliate programs (depending on your luck)
    • Selling your goods and services (a bonanza, but you have to work hard).

    Figure out in advance how you are going to make money on your site, and based on this, prescribe a strategy. This will help you a lot free templates content plan for social networks.


    • SMM marketing is the promotion of goods and services through social networks.
    • SMM differs from other types of marketing in three ways: the emphasis in content is on entertainment and communication, the personal brand plays a huge role, and promotion is based on the virality of the content.
    • All social networks are different, and you need to find the one where your target audience lives.
    • In your chosen social network, you need to create a platform where your audience will come for new content every day. This could be a group, community or your personal page.
    • To promote, try to make each of your posts as viral as possible. You can read more about this in the book “Contactless Selling”.
    • If funds allow, pay for advertising on social media to promote faster.
    • Think in advance about how you are going to make money from your audience. Otherwise, you risk sharing the fate of those who spent two years collecting a huge group, and then were unable to earn anything from it.

    Hope. the article was useful to you. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the most fast way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)

    See you soon!

    Yours Dmitry Novoselov

    As you know, all work in Social Media Marketing is based on the proposal and generation of valuable content for the user, which can be text, photos or videos. Different social networks give preference different types content. And if we certainly associate YouTube with videos, Twitter with text messages, and Pinterest and Instagram - with photos, then Facebook and VKontakte, for example, give everything out right away.

    Choosing a venue SMM-campaign, of course, depends on your goals and the audience you need to work with. However, in most cases, it is advisable to use not one, but several tools at once to attract the attention of the target. In other words, it is recommended to establish a system of complementary actions in different social networks, which will ultimately form into an effective SMM strategy.

    Rules and tips SMM marketing and for dummies

    So, here are 30 tips and rules for working with social media(SMM marketing), which are designed to help attract audience attention to your brand. Some of them may seem obvious to some, but this is a kind of list of necessary actions that can strengthen your online presence in a leading position.

    1. Try to increase the number of subscribers. The more there are, the better for you.
    2. Attract bloggers from your niche using servicesTweepi.com or Twellow.com . This will help you find the most influential microblog authors.
    3. Regularly and systematically post links to posts by bloggers who are considered experts in your field.
    4. If you share a link to interesting information, be sure to give it a short description.
    5. Share the content of influential Twitter users and notify them about it, including their nickname (Oleg Ivanov) in the message.
    6. Automate some processes on Twitter using the service