• SMM (SMM) Social media marketing. SMM - what is it? Decoding the concept

    At the same time, the share of television and radio in the media market is gradually declining, not to mention print publications. People now increasingly prefer to obtain information on the Internet and social networks. The transition from “traditional” media to “electronic” is a trend of the 21st century. The main reason is that on the Internet a person can choose the information he will watch: for example, in a news feed, he can select only those news that are interesting to him and read them whenever he wants. In television there is no such choice: willy-nilly, viewers are forced to watch what is shown to them. As for advertising, on the Internet, users can decide whether they will watch a particular commercial or not: if the user wants to watch the video, he will click the banner, if not, he will not. On television, advertising comes in an endless stream, and people are simply tired of it. That is why SMM promotion is one of the most relevant and promising areas in modern commerce and will remain so for a very long time.

    What tasks do we set for ourselves?

    In the article “Social networks for business” I already touched on the topic of promoting a company on social networks. Let me remind you that I wrote there that the most important question The question you need to answer is what do you want to get from social media: direct sales or loyalty to your brand? You need to understand that not every product can be promoted through social networks. For example, equipment for repairing tractors or diagnosing combines is unlikely to be advertised on the market social media. You also need to clearly understand what average bill at your service. The newest trend is that products or services with a large average bill (50,000 - 200,000 rubles) are now promoted by creating a loyal audience around the project. But not everything is as simple as it might seem. Your project should really stand out from the rest and provide invaluable benefits to people so that people see the results of your work.

    Let's say that we have finally decided what we will sell through our project. Let it be the services of a fitness trainer in St. Petersburg. What's next?

    We create thematic and near-thematic groups

    Why two groups and not one? It's very simple! Promoting a group of a fitness trainer costs much more than a group dedicated, for example, to the city of St. Petersburg. And subscribers of the group about St. Petersburg can become our customers! Therefore, the first thing we do is promote the project about St. Petersburg. And then, through the group about St. Petersburg, we begin to promote our main fitness project.

    We often use this promotion model for our clients. First, a group is created women's theme and then – an online store for this audience. It was this model that was implemented in . Thanks to her, he now receives 60,000 rubles. net profit.

    It must be said that with this approach much greater profits are possible: it all depends on the amount of investment that the company is ready to make in promoting initial stage. If it is 10,000 rubles, then you cannot count on excess profits. If the budget is serious, then the profit indicators will be corresponding.

    If you need more detailed advice, you can ask a question in the section or write to me personal message on VKontakte.

    Deadlines for SMM promotion (lead typology)

    When you work with live traffic, you need to understand that a new lead (subscriber) of your group has a period of warm, cooling and cold states. This is what these periods are about.

    "Warm" lead– this is the period when a person has just subscribed to news from your group. This is the most important stage in SMM promotion. After a person has subscribed to your group and spent the first 15 minutes in it, he should definitely want to return to it again. This can only be achieved through permanent job over the content. It is from “warm” leads that 80% of sales are made.

    "Cooling" lead– the period when a person begins to lose interest in your group. He enters her less and less often. Depending on the topic of the group, the transition from a “warm” lead to a “cooling” one takes from one day to several months. “Cooling down” subscribers bring in 20% of sales.

    "Cold" lead – a period when a subscriber has not been visiting your group for a long time and is not interested in its development. In large projects, such users tend to prevail.

    On what platforms should you promote your resource?

    Of course, on the most popular ones! Today the following platforms are used for SMM promotion:

    If you contact a company and they tell you that they can promote you absolutely anywhere, this is the first sign that this company is engaged in “gray” promotion methods that will turn out to be not only ineffective, but even harmful for your brand. Working with social media promotion specialists, I came to the conclusion that 99% of experts worked only in highly specialized areas, one might say niches. It is physically impossible to know the subtleties and nuances of all existing at the moment social networks. For example, our company works with two social networks: VKontakte and Facebook and promotes websites in search engines Yandex and Google.

    SMM promotion: do it yourself or work with professionals?

    To get a comprehensive answer to this question, I advise you to read the article. In it, I told you which promotion methods should be used and which ones should not. I can say right away that if you decide to promote your project on social networks yourself, be prepared for the fact that a fairly large amount of money will be spent on experiments. As a rule, this is from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. – it all depends on the ability to work with a “live” audience. And only after that you will find the first opportunity to make money. I would recommend working with professionals, because this approach will save your budget and organize your work more efficiently.

    If you have any questions regarding promotion on social networks, I will be happy to answer them in our section. You can also leave me

    Today we will talk about one of the most important areas. After reading this publication, you will find out what it is SMM marketing what they do SMM managers how to promote a website or business on social networks yourself and much more useful information on this issue.

    What is SMM?

    The abbreviation SMM stands for Social Media Marketing, that is, marketing on social networks. In Russian, a similar abbreviation SMM is often used to denote this concept.

    SMM (SMM) is the process of promoting a business, website, brand, product or service through popular social networking platforms.

    The main principle of SMM promotion is to create some kind of content that will be distributed through social networks in order to attract the attention of their users to something.

    Now SMM marketing is actively used in a wide variety of businesses (from large transnational corporations to small home services performed by freelancers), it is also one of the important areas in any subject. For example, the media, information sites, and bloggers are actively involved in SMM promotion.

    Why is SMM promotion on social networks important for any business? It's simple: social networks are best place concentrations of the target audience. The main task of SMM marketing is to identify your target audience among the huge mass of users and turn them into real buyers of your product/service and/or visitors to your online resource.

    SMM promotion on social networks is now very popular, so there are many companies and individual SMM specialists who offer their services in this direction. U large companies SMM managers are required to be on staff; sometimes even entire departments are created to promote a business on social networks. You can contact such specialists, or you can do SMM promotion yourself using various methods, which I will describe below.

    SMM promotion methods.

    First of all, it must be said that there are 2 SMM promotion strategies:

    1. Open strategy– a certain brand, product, service, or Internet resource is openly promoted on social networks on behalf of official representatives of the company.
    2. Hidden Strategy– unobtrusive, hidden PR occurs; the names of a brand, product, service, or Internet resource are mentioned as if by chance, not on behalf of official representatives of the company.

    It cannot be said that some strategy is better and some is worse - it all depends on the specific situation, on what brand/product/service/site SMM promotion is used for. However, we can say for sure that the hidden strategy is more complex and requires a very competent and professional approach. Because if users notice hidden PR, it will be more like anti-advertising.

    Let's consider the main methods of SMM promotion that are successfully used today.

    Method 1. Creation and promotion of official communities/pages on social networks. Perhaps this is the most important thing where SMM promotion generally begins. Communities/publics/official pages of a brand or website are created in social networks, to which subscribers will be attracted in the future, and in which the brand/product/service/site will be directly and actively advertised.

    In the future, many methods of SMM promotion come down to attracting subscribers to these communities, from where they will go to the company’s main website or order goods/services directly in the communities.

    Simply creating a community or page on a social network is not enough - it will be empty and no one will subscribe to it. In the future, you need to work on this page every day, promote it, attracting more and more new subscribers. To do this, high-quality thematic content is laid out on the page, ideally unique, but even if not, then at least high-quality.

    Content dedicated directly to the brand/product/site can be alternated with content on a similar topic that will be positively received by subscribers (for example, in the public page of a pizzeria you can post various humorous pictures and videos related to pizza).

    You can attract subscribers to your pages in different ways:

    1. Targeted advertising on the social network itself.
    2. Advertising on other pages, in communities with the required target audience.
    3. Placement of widgets and links to social networks on the main website.
    4. Carrying out promotions, competitions, sweepstakes.
    5. Providing discounts to subscribers.
    6. Using hashtags, etc.

    And advertising on the Internet today is one of the fastest growing and most effective types of advertising. This is especially demonstrated by such indicators as the cost of the target client and the possibility of advertising campaign. This is a significant advantage over such media types of advertising as mass media, television and radio broadcasting.

    The audience of social networks is constantly increasing, both quantitatively and qualitatively. They are used daily by both young people and adults with different levels of income. In conditions of close competition, this type of advertising will be successful, especially if it is aimed at young people. This is why advertising on social networks is becoming more and more popular.

    What is SMM (SMM)?

    Thus, it appeared new business industry - SMM marketing (SMM). In other words, promotion and advertising of a product or service within social networks. Social networks, in a sense, have become a real gift for advertisers, because they do not require a lot of labor and money to find their audience. Here the audience often finds what it needs on its own.

    Nowadays on the Internet you will hardly find a site that does not have its own group or page on such popular platforms as Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte, Instagram, etc.

    Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a set of actions whose goal is to attract attention to a brand or product through social networks.

    For clarity, you can imagine a social network as a collection of people in a certain place, for example, on the beach. Some swim, some sunbathe, and some just chat with friends. The task of SMM is to find among these people those who are interested in a certain product or service. Need to unwrap your sunscreen or umbrella? We are looking for people who have been sunburned. We need to talk about a new game on fresh air? We are looking for bored companies. And so on.

    Now we need to imagine that these people are not relaxing at sea, but are sitting at computers or holding phones that are connected to the same server (the same social network). And for promotion we need to use the tools that this site provides us. In SMM, this is called registering on a social platform and becoming active. What instruments are we talking about?

    10 SMM tools (SMM)

      Creation and maintenance of pages, groups, communities;

      Creation and/or selection of content for publication on pages, groups and communities;

      Direct marketing directly on behalf of the company;

      Creating/participating in discussions in communities, organizing thematic discussions;

      Working with comments and reviews;

      Increasing the audience and its involvement on the page, in groups and communities;

      Participation in discussions on thematic forums/communities using hidden marketing techniques;

      Optimizing the company website for social media (Social Media Optimization, SMO).

      Let's look at each in more detail.

    Creation and SMM maintenance of pages, groups, communities

    Create personal page(account) is possible on every social network. But with groups things are a little different. In most social networks, the ability to create a community is present as additional function, with appropriate tools (statistics of joining the group and interactions with posts, the ability to manage from several accounts).

    What you should decide before you start publishing (in other words, by drawing up a content plan):

      Number of posts per day (preferably no more than 3, otherwise you will quickly become a source of irritation for the subscriber);

      General style of posts (for example, the same frame for all photos or a corner with your logo);

      Main audience (in what style is it better to write text and on what basis do you choose images).

    Direct marketing directly on behalf of the company

    How to present selling content? One of the main tools of SMM promotion is a guaranteed benefit for the subscriber through his participation in the company community. The likelihood that your subscribers will buy something from you will increase tenfold if they see that it is only for members.

    As mentioned above, selling content from a company should look very attractive due to the quality of the image and text. However, do not overdo it, otherwise you will be considered a cheater. Use photo editors within reason, especially if you are promoting cosmetic and medical services.

    Creation/participation in discussions in communities, organization of thematic discussions

    Quite often, potential customers have additional questions about products. Therefore, the brand page should have such methods feedback, like discussions and .

    You can also discuss abstract topics, this will help the audience of your group unite, but in addition to these topics, there must be those directly related to the brand.

    Working with comments and reviews in SMM

    One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of SMM promotion is the presence of feedback from the community with its participants. Subscribers usually demonstrate their keen interest in products through comments.

    This is also one of the factors that the social network itself pays attention to when determining its leaders. If your posts are not reacted to in any way, they will appear less often in the user’s feed, according to the Facebook algorithm.

    Comments generate something called engagement. And its percentage is significant, not only for demonstrating the success of the community, but also for the price of advertising on this page. Thus, the presence of opinions under your posts results in real material benefits.

    Increasing the audience and its involvement on the page, in groups and communities

    There are two different approaches to measuring audience engagement:

    1. by publication coverage = (likes+reposts+comments) / number of people who saw the publication
    2. by community members = (likes+reposts+comments) / number of community members or subscribers

    As we can see, comments are not the only indicator of effectiveness.

    The first approach still demonstrates real audience involvement, since the second ignores the fact that not 100% of the group’s audience saw a certain post.

    However, the participant-by-participant approach also has its place, because it makes it easier to compare yourself with your competitors. As a rule, it is not always possible to see how much coverage a competitor’s post had. We only see interactions with the post and the number of followers the competitor has.

    From this we get a logical conclusion - the community needs as many living participants as possible. Alive, because the so-called . These are accounts of fake people with real or fictitious names and personal information. As a rule, they are created to imitate large quantities members or subscribers, and after joining they cease to be active. And in most cases, we see communities with a huge audience and posts that get 5-10 likes.

    How to attract real people to the group? There are white and gray and black ways to increase your audience. The first ones are ideal option, since they do not contradict the internal rules of social networks and do not threaten account blocking, however, they require a creative approach and often financial costs.

    I will tell you about white methods, starting from the next point.

    Gray methods do not directly contradict the rules of social networks, but they may arouse suspicion among the administration, which may not be available for long. These include approaches such as mass mailing friend requests (Facebook, Vkontakt), mass subscription(Instagram), .

    It works like this.

      Then you create a subscription task or friend request aimed at members or subscribers of a specific page (for example, a competitor).

      After making new friends, you send them invitations to your community.

    Not entirely safe this method does what after the first complaints from people who consider your page spam or unwanted advertising, it may be blocked.

    To avoid this, use an account real person- a member of your team (with his permission, of course), who is ready to communicate with potential buyers, will be able to provide information of interest about your products and explain the reason for the addition. A kind of sales manager, but not too intrusive.

    With black methods of promotion, everything is quite clear; the name speaks for itself. These include stealing accounts and groups, then replacing the name and/or category, deleting old content and adding your own. Yes, this way you can get live subscribers very quickly, but for how long?

    Imagine that the art teaching community changed its focus to teaching music. How many people do you think will suspect something is wrong? :) Half will simply leave, having first complained to the social network administrators. And if the content is not changed, then the owners will complain and your account will be deleted without the possibility of recovery.

    Participation in discussions on thematic forums/communities using hidden SMM marketing techniques

    Today, people are already tired of advertising directly from the seller. They began to trust the recommendations of the same users more. Even if the product is truly high-quality and useful, if no one but you approves of it, then sales prospects will not be rosy.

    Therefore, hidden marketing becomes a very relevant tool. The consumer should not realize that he has become the target of an advertising campaign. Most of all this sounds like rumors. The effect of hidden marketing is achieved by imitation or entering into a discussion of a product/service among users.

    To create such discussions, multiple injections are made necessary information to different sources and its artificial or natural discussion begins. After a while, new interlocutors join in, and this discussion attracts attention and spreads among ordinary users.

    It is not at all necessary to start a discussion with an imitation; it is enough to find a community with your target audience and enter into a dialogue with them in the comments.

    Explicit and native advertising on the pages of bloggers or thematic communities

    As for advertising with bloggers, this is quite old model marketing. Suffice it to remember any advertisement for perfume or expensive watches on TV or in print - almost every one stars a famous movie star who uses her popularity and loyalty of fans to promote the company's brand. This format has a completely official name - influencer marketing.

    Using the example above, it becomes clear to buy advertising from bloggers, because thanks to the Internet, they have become modern idols not only of teenagers, but also of a solvent audience.

    Thematic groups can be explained by the beach example from the beginning of the article. Just imagine it not as a social network, but as a community. It is unlikely that anyone on a hot beach will be interested in a tent with hot tea or a winter goods store. It would be appropriate to sell cold drinks and diving equipment there.

    Exchanges will help you quickly find and post with a blogger or community. You can read about them. Searching for a site and coordinating placement can be carried out also.

    When we have decided on a blogger or placement platform, we should choose an advertising method - explicit or native. The native method is advertising in the context of the site and user interests. For example, a community dedicated to fitness, in a post, unobtrusively asks about the diet of subscribers and at the same time talks about the benefits of shakes for training.

    Based on the name, it may seem that this is ordinary spam and a black method of SMM promotion, but this is not so. Each of us, especially if you are an active user of social networks, has encountered a similar phenomenon more than once. These are all kinds of prize draws in communities.

    Guaranteed benefits usually attract a huge number of people who quickly go viral, which explains the name.

    Optimizing a company website for social media (Social Media Optimization, SMO)

    SMO is a whole set of actions performed not only to attract traffic to the site, but also to improve its convenience for users of social networks. The main principles of SMO are:

    1. the information presented on the site should be of interest to visitors from social networks;

    3. in social media it is necessary to create a group that unites people with similar interests (identifying a target audience for referral to the site);

    4. community content must be presented not only from the site, it must be diluted with general posts that visitors of social networks like (preferably viral ones);

    6. On the site you can add a form for comments from social networks, so that to write them you just need to log in.

    Who is an SMM specialist?

    After we have understood the term SMM and its tools, let's define: who is an SMM specialist?

    When determining the scope of responsibilities of an SMM manager, it is necessary to take into account the scale of the business: if the company is large, then the SMM manager organizes and delegates the work to other specialists (content manager, web programmer, graphic designer, photographer, copywriter and so on). If the company is small, then the CMM manager has to combine all of the above specialists. Accordingly, this implies the need to be:



      web designer;

      PR specialist;

    It turns out that an SMM manager is a universal specialist whose activity is to professionally manage processes within the brand’s social platform, as well as other specialists.

    Basic skills of an SMM specialist

    Based on SMM tools, a social media promotion manager needs to have the following skills:

      online applications;

      marketing communications;

      communication with people via the Internet;

      literacy and large vocabulary;

      a sense of humor (a serious requirement of many employers).

    In addition to the above points, SMM specialist must also be up to date on all most social networks. Especially the most popular ones.

    Let's look at them in more detail.

    Where to start SMM promotion on the social network VKontakte

    VKontakte groups have become an integral part of the lives of many users of the social network. Every day millions of people scroll through their news feed, like and repost.

    Sometimes the information these records carry affects us more than the people around us. It shapes our needs and opinions, our style of communication and behavior in society, and sometimes even influences our worldview.

    Let's go through the possibilities for SMM promotion within vk.com

    The first thing you need to do is determine the type of community that best suits your SMM tasks: a public page or a group.

    Main differences:

    1. The group can be open, closed and private (invitations are sent by administrators); The public page is always open to any users;

    1. On a Public Page, entries are posted only on behalf of this Page, but at the same time, users offer entries for posting;
    2. In the Group, participants can post posts on their own (if you give them access);
    3. On the Public page, the blocks “Discussions”, “Photos” and “Audio recordings” are located on the right, in the Group - in the center.
    4. Events are created on behalf of the Public Page, but not on behalf of the Group;
    5. There is no “Latest News” block (menu) on the Public Page, but you can create wiki pages;
    6. The Group has a section for storing documents;
    7. You can invite other users to the Group through the “Invite friends” button (valid for all participants), the limit is up to 40 invitations per day.
    8. One of the important advantages of the Public Page is the display of the logo in the profiles of subscribers, in the “ tab Interesting pages”, this contributes to the natural growth of the audience.

    If you are creating a platform to inform subscribers about company news, choose Public page. The group is intended for active interaction between participants, discussions in “Discussions” and exchange of materials. You can transfer the Group to Public and vice versa, but you can do this no more than once every 30 days.

    So, we have created a community, figured out the needs of the target audience, fill it with suitable content, advertise and get clients. What to do next? We continue to do the same, but now rely on our own statistics.

    We pay attention to such parameters as:

    1. subscriber data (age, gender - are we within our target audience);

    2. audience coverage (increasing or not);

    3. activity (which posts have the most engagement).

    To do this, use special services to analyze communities (not only your own, but also competitors): Popsters or JagaJam. Statistics will show whether you have developed the right promotion strategy, and will also allow you to evaluate opportunities for growth and adjust your actions for the next month.

    Where to start SMM promotion on the social network Facebook

    This question is asked by many SMM specialists. It's increasingly difficult to answer definitively because groups and pages are becoming more and more similar.

    For example, the advantage of the pages was the ability to study statistics. Groups now also have a built-in analytics tool. And advanced SMM specialists can acquire such a tool as.

    Let's look at the advantages of these two types of communities.

    Facebook page:

    1. Built-in statistics.
    2. Call to action button (for example, “More details” or “Book”).
    3. Promoting your page and posts with Facebook Ads
    4. Likes and comments on behalf of the page.
    5. The ability to add applications and services to make it easier for customers to order goods, find out the price and contact support.

    Facebook Group:

    1. Built-in analytics
    2. Set up the group as public, private or secret.
    3. The ability to post documents, create surveys, and even buy and sell in a group.
    4. Group chat function.

    Facebook Group Options

      Choose a name for the group;

      Enter the names of friends you want to add or addresses email people you want to invite (you must add or invite at least one person);

      Select your privacy settings (public, private or secret).

    For example, public or closed group can be convenient for communication between your clients, while secret group more suitable for exclusive groups such as VIP clients or beta testers.

    If your group is public, it's worth noting that even people outside the group can see posts and comments. If you want to protect the privacy of your members, it is worth creating a closed or secret community.

    Once you have decided on your privacy settings, click Create.

    Instagram account

    Mobile Instagram app can be downloaded to phones and iOS tablets and Android as well Windows Phone 8 and newer versions.

      Download the Instagram app for iOS at App Store, for Android - on Google Play Store, and for Windows Phone - in the Windows Phone Store. Or go to his website.

      Tap Register with email. address or phone number, enter email. address or phone number (a verification code will be required) and click “Next”. You can also log in via Facebook to register with an existing account.

      If you registered via email address or phone number, create a username and password, then fill out your profile information and click “Done.” When registering via Facebook, you will be required to log in to your account if you are logged out at this time.

    Images are already almost the main content for social networks, but on Instagram you cannot publish anything without posting a photo. And your avatar or image of your profile product is the first thing a potential subscriber will see. A short text is also required - personal information, description of the company or product.

    For many, the design and first impression of a profile is a decisive factor. By looking at the image, people decide whether to follow you or not. If you treat your profile photo carelessly, you will scare off your target audience.

    The description should be concise but informative. Indicate your location, type of activity, topic and link to the main site, if there is one. This is the only place on Instagram where you can put an active link.

    Instagram is only possible through . It looks like this.


    More and more time modern man spends on social networks. In their spare time, people often take out their smartphone to scroll through their feed and chat with friends and strangers. Nowadays, almost everyone has an account on a social network. And this opens up enormous opportunities for advertising (in in this case SMM promotion).

    A company that keeps up with the times and uses social networks and SMM is more open to its customers. Inspires more trust. And what, if not client trust, is a source of inspiration and real profit for a brand?

    This article will expand over time, as every month we see new features within social networks. Follow us and stay up to date with new products. Good luck!

    We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


    SMM (Social Media Marketing) is. An effective tool that helps bring people to your website through social networks.

    More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

    It is on these sites that there are different target audiences, among which you can find your own and interact with it. Social networks allow you to attract traffic to your website, increase attention to a product or company, and form a loyal audience.

    SMM - what is it and how does it work

    Imagine that a concert of your favorite band is taking place in the city, and you want to go there. But you are not her only fan. It makes sense that there would be an impressive crowd of people at the venue. They also want to listen to the performers and look forward to their appearance on stage.

    Until X's time has come, the audience is discussing all sorts of things in anticipation. Many people are buying T-shirts, CDs, posters, mugs and other things with images of the music team.

    The object of interest may be your product or company. At the same time, potential clients do not need to go anywhere - you are always a couple of clicks away.

    SMM is about creating “buzz” around a brand. This generates and fuels the curiosity of the audience and helps lead them to purchase.

    SMM: what do social network specialists do?

    To start working with possible buyers, it is important to prepare the ground for this. You can do this yourself or entrust it to an SMM specialist. This person knows exactly how social networks work and how to get more clients from here.

    The most popular platforms now are:

    Companies create pages on several social networks at once to get maximum audience coverage. Over time, according to statistics, it becomes clear which of them works better than the others. On it, people are more active in subscribing, liking, commenting and reposting posts, writing messages, etc.

    SMM examples

    The main task of maintaining accounts and groups on social networks is to engage, warm up and retain potential clients. That is, every published post is a brick in the powerful walls of trust in your brand.

    How to build them? Let's consider official page LEGO. There are no children in the world who have not played with this construction set at least once in their lives. It would seem that there is no longer any need to work on recognition, because products are already flying away like the wind.

    Yes, the brand has many fans. This is confirmed by the number of his followers on Facebook.

    But companies pay a lot of attention to working in. This is a perfect example of SMM that gives great results.

    What the company does:

    • He talks brightly and cheerfully about construction kits, showing funny videos.
    • Congratulates the audience on the holidays by posting themed videos.
    • Demonstrates that it follows trends by creating new products based on acclaimed films, for example.
    • Shares news.

    And no one is asking you to buy. This is important, because people come to social networks to chat and take their minds off their worries. The page seems to focus on entertainment content. Thanks to him, fans of block construction sets are aware of all the new products and are already looking forward to their release.

    SMM tools: what will help you work more effectively on social networks

    – a long and complex process. It is important to organize it correctly so that it does not turn into a chaotic movement in an unclear direction. There are various useful tools for this:

    Of course, these are not all the tools that can be used. But everyone forms their own ideal set themselves, based on their needs and skills.

    SMM promotion on social networks: where to start

    Before launching a group or page on your chosen social network, you need to plan and think through everything.

    Analyze your audience and competitors

    This will allow you to understand what, how and for whom to post, as well as how to do it better than other companies on the market and stand out from them. Knowing this, choose the platforms where you have the most potential customers and the least active other sellers. There is no point in working where there are few possible buyers.

    Create a promotion strategy

    In it, write down your main goals and a plan for moving towards them. For example, like this: receive 20 applications a day from social networks. To do this, publish posts in the morning and evening different formats. Of course, this is short and just an example. In fact, there will be several ways to achieve your goal, based on the characteristics of your niche and product.

    Plan to create quality content

    It is important to decide on:

    • Formats – text, video, photo, quote, anecdote, meme, etc.
    • Presentation – friendly, businesslike, informal, but so that it resonates with the needs of the audience.
    • Regularity – it’s optimal to make 1-2 posts a day so as not to overload your subscribers’ feeds.

    The main thing is that everything you post is catchy, useful and interesting to the people you need.

    Have a dialogue

    Pay attention not only to publications, but also to feedback, because sooner or later visitors will start commenting on your posts and writing messages to you. Try to answer as quickly as possible, be polite and friendly. With every response you give, encourage people to continue the conversation: ask questions, add calls to action, etc.

    Be prepared for negativity. Use all your charm and wit to neutralize the haters and talk only on a positive wave.

    Analyze your work

    When performing this or that action, track how it affects the behavior of your subscribers. To do this, periodically review internal statistics: coverage, geography, activity on the page.

    If you need to find out how many people come to your site and from which posts, use UTM tags. Calculate conversions, average bill and income to understand how your promotion is going.

    Promoting your business on social networks is an important part of your marketing strategy. After all, it is with the help of these platforms that you can increase popularity, win the trust and loyalty of customers, warm up their interest, and also better understand their desires in order to better meet demand in the future. It turns out that these sites give you a lot of benefits that only the lazy would not take advantage of.