• How to create a page on Facebook. Creating a public business page on Facebook

    Facebook ("Facebook") is one of the largest social networks in the world. It was founded on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates while studying at Harvard University. Facebook is one of the five most visited websites in the world. As of July 2014, Facebook audience amounted to 1.32 billion users every day. social network users leave 3.2 billion likes and comments and post 300 million photos. There are more than 125 billion “friend connections” recorded on the site. The number of site page views has already exceeded 1 trillion. And all this can be used to promote your brand, product or service. How?

    Step 1. Correct account (profile) registration.

    Let's start by creating a personal account. First, choose a username so that it is the same, if possible, on all your social networks. This way, if you share a post, it will be easier for your followers to recognize you and they can easily find your profile anywhere if they want to subscribe to your updates. Personal profiles are for non-commercial use and represent individuals. The registration procedure is so simple that we will not dwell on it.

    Then create an account: upload your photo in the account header, select the header background. Make your profile more attractive. Show the visitor the friendliness of its owner. If you already like what you see on the screen, let's start filling out your account. Please note that while we are creating your personal account, this is not your company page yet. What data you enter is up to you.

    ✓ Studying the interface.

    Facebook has a huge problem - it has an impossible interface; you often have to go to Moscow via Beijing to turn on or off some function. But if you suffer for a long time, something will work out, be patient, friends.

    Start by looking closely at the monitor screen. If this is your first time seeing such an interface, don't be scared, just click all the buttons and links that you see and see where it leads. In the upper right corner there is a main menu; if you hold the mouse over each icon without clicking on it, a hint will pop up that will give an explanation. Like in the pictures below.

    In friend requests, you will receive, correctly, requests asking you to add a friend to your account. If there are red numbers on this icon when you log into your account, they will indicate the number of requests. Expand and view the list. Those whom you consider necessary to accept - feel free to accept. They will become your readers.

    You should know that many accounts can be bots, that is, “dead” accounts, they are of no use to you, and the number of friends is programmatically limited to in this case, so don’t be lazy to check the profile of a potential friend if you don’t know him.

    ✓ Account information.

    In the account header to the right of the personal photo there is another menu, let’s call it the top one.

    Select the “Information” tab and click on it. An entry form will open. general information. The more you tell about yourself, the easier it will be for a visitor to find you via search. We already wrote about this in the last paragraph. After this, you can assume that the account has been created correctly and you can begin further exploring Facebook.

    ✓ Social network guide.

    There is an official directory of social Facebook networks, there you can get complete guide about how to use Facebook. Follow the link https://www.facebook.com/help/. It is registered in your account in the main menu and its name is “Help”.

    Step 2. Create a Facebook page or group.

    To promote a service, product, company or brand on Facebook, you can create a page or group. Each account can contain one personal profile and manage multiple Pages. It is important to understand the difference between them.

    Pages allow companies, brands and organizations to post news and interact with people. You can style your Pages just like you would a profile, adding posts, apps, events, and more. People who like your Page and their friends can receive updates in News Feed. You can create and manage a Page from your personal account.

    With your Facebook Page, you can easily introduce yourself to your customers. Pages allow real organizations, businesses and brands to connect with their fans. Pages may only be created and managed by authorized representatives. But even if you are, for example, a distributor of a network company, that is, you personally do not own either a brand or a product, then you have the right to present yourself as a brand on a social network. Groups provide a space for people with common interests to connect. Anyone can create groups.

    Any user can like a Page and receive updates in the News Feed. There is no limit to the number of users who can like a Page. Information and publications Pages are generally open and accessible to everyone Facebook users.

    In a group, on the contrary, access can be limited using privacy settings. Group members receive notifications when someone in the group posts something to the group. Group members can participate in chats, upload photos to albums with sharing, work together on group documents, and invite those members who are friends to group events.

    To create a Page, go back to the main menu and click on the last icon in it, as shown in the figure below.

    In the drop-down menu we see many sections. Explore them all later on your own or with the help of help, and we will focus on the first line, which is called “Create Page”. Let's click on it.

    And then we carry out the proposed actions in order. Select a company category for your Page (Figure 1). I chose a brand and clicked on it. Select a category of activity and select a name for the Page (Figure 2). Do the same. Remember, the name of the Page must not violate copyright, otherwise the copyright holder will have every reason to ask the service to block your Page. Therefore, the name of the Page should not lead other users to believe that it is official Page or managed by an authorized representative.

    It is important that the title accurately matches the content on the Page. Have you chosen? Click "Start". Next (Figure 3) you will be asked to configure the Page. Fill it out again empty fields. Here it is worth considering our recommendations for selecting keywords (§ 21). So, the Page has been created. Similarly, you can create a group by selecting the appropriate section in the same menu. Don't forget to check the status of your Page so that not only you can see it. This can be done in Settings (top of the Page).

    ✓ What is the difference between a personal account, profile, group or Page?

    Account and profile are the same thing. In Russian, I would call it a questionnaire. Who will you fill out this form for? specific person, for the whole class or for the whole school, it doesn’t matter. So your personal account, the group, and the Page have a profile. Filling out the profile is identical for all types of submissions on FB, the only differences are in the number of columns in the questionnaire, but the principles are the same.

    A group is a community of people whom Facebook gathers based on their interests. For example, you are an avid climber and are looking for the same crazy people (in in a good way this word), or you love to knit, or you adore horses. So you want to gather like-minded people around you and discuss pressing issues with them, share your impressions, and you don’t want people other than #knitters/#horse-lovers/#crazy people to read your posts. Then you create a group and set accesses in it. Only its members can participate in the life of the group.

    A page is like a newspaper, like an advertising billboard, it can be read by everyone who pays for it, in our case also by those who find you via search. It has huge potential: setting up Events, Events, creating a Call to Action (in other words, you can place a Register or Buy button with a link to the page you need) and other corporate crap. You can set up discounts on your Page, announce promotions, get reviews, post a list of products, and attach third-party modules that improve and expand the capabilities of your Page. This is a completely commercial site. Additionally, a personal account is limited by the number of followers, but a Page or group is not.

    Now you can decide what exactly you need to create. But our topic is using the social network Facebook for commercial purposes, for business, so next we will dwell in more detail on Pages.

    Next, you'll learn what you need to do to make your Facebook Page more effective and attract potential customers. Optimize your Page and start communicating.

    Step 3. Page Management.

    ✓ We design the appearance of the Page.

    For business, a Page is best, as we said before. In point two, we have already created it, now let’s get started with its design. Appearance your Page is the business card of the company. Design a cover in accordance with your company's corporate values, or advertise a product, or introduce a new product, or announce a future event. It's best to use your brand's logo as your profile photo. In general, the page should be recognizable and designed in the same style on all social networks, in corporate colors and fonts. After all, you are introducing a new brand to the market, right?

    ✓ General information about the Page.

    IN top menu After Chronicles, click on the Information tab. Enter as much information about your Page there as possible: detailed postal address, opening hours, add a phone number so you can quickly contact for consultation, provide a link to your main website, draw a directions and much more. Write down the tags ( keywords), creation date, short and full description Pages, state mission, awards, list products or services. And if you select the “Local Business” category when creating a Page, customers can rate it and write reviews.

    ✓ Share the materials you need with those you want

    In the section general settings you can control who sees your Page and posts, moderate your Page, set up filters, and much more. Notifications let you control when and how you receive notifications about activity on your Page. In the Page Roles section, you can add other administrators. You can assign the Page admin, editor, moderator, advertiser, or analyst roles.

    ✓ Tabs and applications.

    You can change the order of the tabs that appear after Timeline and the Info section under your Page's cover photo:
    1. Click More under your Page's cover photo.
    2. Select Manage Tabs.
    3. Click and drag the tab to a new location.
    4. Click Save.

    Applications are configured in the same way; look for the tab in Settings. All these extra goodies add interactivity and originality to your Page. For example, social tabs can help you connect your other social media accounts to Facebook, allowing your readers to view them without leaving your Page. It's very convenient. With Apps, you can manage the types of apps on your Page.

    You can add apps that will display your events, menus, notes, videos and more. Once added, the application will appear among the tabs directly below the Page's cover photo. You can connect a subscription to the mailing list, search for new employees, menus of restaurants and cafes, and even a full-fledged online store, but that’s a completely different story. Let's continue.

    ✓ Monitor Page activity.

    The Recommended Edits (Page Management) section collects feedback from people who have seen your Page. If customers feel the Page is missing some information, they can recommend changes. Their posts will appear in the Recommended Edits section.

    In the Featured section, you can configure which Pages you like will appear next to top part your Page. You can also introduce Page admins in the About section.

    You can use the user blocking feature to prevent certain people from commenting on your Page. If someone adds an objectionable comment, you can remove it and block that person's access to the Page.

    ✓ Order of Page sections.

    To change the order of sections on the left side of your Page, select the Page Management tab from the main menu, then from the left menu:
    1. Hover your cursor to the left of any section and click “edit.”
    2. In the window that opens, click and drag a section to move it.
    3. Click Finish.

    Step 4. Create an audience

    The best way to reach people is to reach out to them. Invite your friends to like your Page. Just download email addresses those you want to invite and they will receive email from Facebook. Find the Find Friends link in the menu.

    Step 5. Help clients decide to take action.

    Create a call to action. On the main photo of the Page, to the right of the title there is a “Create a call to action” tab. By clicking on it, you will see the following:

    The image shows what choice is provided, decide what is most suitable for your purposes and set up the call.

    Step 6. Create posts on your Page

    Create posts that are relevant to your company and clients. Write news, add high-quality and large photos and videos to publications, plan publications, create offers or events, translate publications to different languages(This is not available in all countries).

    When you create a post on your Page to reach a wider audience, you can click on the “Boost Post” button. By clicking on the “Boost Post” button, you can choose who to reach. Or you can reach other audiences based on their location, age, gender, and interests. Simply select the type of audience that will see your post.

    ✓ Direct people directly to your website

    When you add a link to a post, it automatically takes an image from your website and creates an area that people click on to take you to your website. You can also add a title and description to give customers more reasons to click the link. Once you know what your customers respond to, you can create more posts that will appeal to them. Publications on the Page should attract quality, not quantity. You can post what people are interested in and avoid posts they don't like.

    ✓ Turn on the messaging feature.

    1. Click Settings at the top of the Page.
    2. In the General section, click Messages.
    3. Check or uncheck the Allow people to send private messages to my Page box, making the Messages button available.
    4. Click Save Changes.

    Once you enable messaging on your Page, people will expect you to respond to messages. Therefore, enable this feature only when you are sure that you can respond to messages. Avoid situations where customers communicate with an answering machine. Set response times so people know when they will receive a response. Clients see this business card, so they know for sure that they will be answered here, and will not contact another company.

    If your Page has messaging enabled, you can turn on instant replies to send an automatic reply to anyone who leaves a message to your Page. This feature can be used to greet customers and thank them for writing to you before anyone can respond to them personally.

    Write as if you are talking to the person face to face. Messaging is a channel for direct and personal communication, so try to be as friendly and polite as possible. Try to understand the essence of the issue as best as possible and clearly explain what exactly you recommend doing.

    Step 7 Create offers on your Page

    Local business pages with at least 50 likes can generate offers. At the top of your Page's Timeline, click Offer, Event, and select Offer. Enter a title for your offer, for example, "25% Off." Provide additional information about your offer, for example, “25% discount with total amount purchases". Upload or select an image that illustrates the proposal. Click on today's date and then select an end date. Enter the maximum number of quote requests or select No Limit. Describe additional options. That's it, the promotional offer is ready!

    You can also use the Promote function, the corresponding tab is located on the right side of the Page under the main menu, it blue. Clicking on it will take you to Advertising Manager. Select a campaign goal and make the appropriate settings.

    Step 8 Create events on your Page

    Step 9 Make a unique offer or ask to fill out a form

    Ask customers to create content on your Page. Sometimes the simplest questions lead to the beginning of the most exciting conversations.

    Share your new products with your visitors. It doesn’t matter what you sell, goods or services, you can discuss the current situation and plans for the future with your customers, and ask for their opinion. This will help them understand that your Page is a place where they can connect with you.

    If someone comments on your post, you can respond by clicking “Reply” under that comment. If your Page has messaging enabled, tap Message to reply privately, which will open a private conversation with the commenter.

    Make it a rule to post at least once a day new publication. This is quite enough to keep subscribers interested in your Page. Plan your publication in advance. If you schedule several publications, for example seven, then every day Facebook will post your posts at the scheduled time, and all you have to do is check user messages during the week and, if necessary,6 respond to them.

    We hope that our simple tips will help you not only enjoy communicating with your fans, but also attract new clients to your business and make interesting friends. Good luck to you!

    Facebook business pages are a place where you can develop a relationship between your brand and the world.

    Business pages provide the ability to respond to customer reviews, nurture leads, distribute content, or simply tell a select number of Facebook's 2 billion users what time the store widget closes on Tuesday evenings.

    Business pages on Facebook - necessary tool for companies operating in the 21st century. To start building your target audience, create a business page right after .

    They also consist of many elements that can make creating a business page a bit of a hassle. Just look at these red squares.

    Some would call them a headache, while others would call them opportunities.

    This article will tell you how to create a Facebook business page for a small business.

    But first...

    How to create a business page on Facebook

    First of all, you need to go to Facebook page and click “Create page”. Direct link - .

    There are six various types pages that you can create on Facebook, but now you need to select “Local (local) business or establishment.”

    If other options from top row(“Company, organization or institution” and “Brand or product”) describe the company more accurately, if you choose one of them: most of the steps will still be the same.

    There is also a second row of page types from which to choose. These options are designed to promote arts, entertainment, and online communities. These niches have less commercial intent, and some of the nuances that will be covered in this guide do not apply to them. Many components of these pages overlap with SMB pages, in which case this article may be of value to them as well.

    You need to select the first option in the menu, and the cute little display will disappear from view, and in its place the following form will appear:

    Pretty straight forward, but if you fill out the fields now, you won't have to do it later. If you are having trouble with the “Page Category” field, you just need to choose something that best suits the company; in any case, you can edit your selection later.

    After finishing, you need to click on the blue “Start” button, and a completely new and empty business page will appear.

    How to design a business page on Facebook - templates and tabs

    Before you start adding images and writing text, it's worth spending a little time in the settings tab.

    Despite its banal appearance, this page is filled useful information, which needs to be checked and taken seriously.

    First of all, you need to change the page template to something more businesslike. Under the “Edit Page” option there is a section called “Templates”.

    Changing the page template will change the tabs that visitors can access on the page. The new tabs will look like this:

    • Home page
    • Publications
    • Reviews
    • Video
    • Photos
    • About the company
    • Community
    • Offers
    • Groups

    It is worth noting that you can remove tabs or change their order directly under the “Templates” section in the page editing menu.

    In addition to a dedicated set of available tabs to assist page visitors, you can also add a custom CTA (call to action) button. Before returning to the business page, take the time to familiarize yourself with all the customizable options available on the settings page.

    This is probably not the most the right time, to set a page specialization or launch a chatbot (there will be a lot of time for this), but you still need to set the page's preferred audience.

    Facebook will use this information to help match users with these criteria to find this page. This works in the same way as creating an audience in Facebook Business Manager. You don't have to go into too much detail, but a general picture of your prospect will help Facebook market your page to the right people who might like it.

    Profile picture and page cover

    Now you can start designing your business page.

    The cover photo (or video!) will be the first thing a page visitor notices. Therefore, the cover must serve its purpose. You can post a video there of team members deciding common problem to highlight the company's team spirit (especially if the Facebook page will promote the company's corporate culture and increase brand awareness).

    You can also use a cover photo to advertise an upcoming event, offer a discount card, or simply highlight the benefits of a product or service.

    Simply put, your page cover should make an impression.

    A profile photo, on the other hand, should directly represent the brand. Due to the limited size, it's better to just use a logo rather than try to fit something thoughtful into a tiny square in the top left corner.
    Here are some more guidelines and successful methods for creating a profile picture and cover photo.

    Facebook profile picture

    For a profile picture to be successful, it must be recognizable and customizable.

    In truth, most people won't even notice it exists. Their attention will be drawn to the larger, more dynamic picture on the cover, or to the bottom of the screen, where the information they need is located. There's no need to try to draw extra attention to your profile photo: it's just an addition.

    On a computer, the profile avatar is displayed with a size of 170x170 pixels; on a smartphone - 128x128. Therefore, you should not include text there: no one will be able to read it. Instead, you need to choose something clear. If you don’t have time to develop, you can simply use your logo:

    Also keep in mind that when using Facebook ads or communicating with page visitors, your profile photo will be cropped to an even smaller round image.

    If key components of the logo are on the edges, you will need to reposition the image so that design elements do not disappear from it.

    Facebook page cover image (or video)

    This is a more challenging task because there is more space to work with. If the cover element has not yet been added to the page, you will only see a large gray box at the top of the screen. To add a photo or video, you need to click on the “Add Cover” button in the corner of this field.

    The cover photo displays at 820x312 on computers and 640x360 on smartphones. If using a video instead, it should be 20-90 seconds long and no smaller than the cover photo.

    Regardless of whether there is a photo or video on the cover, it should not be a hindrance. Visitors can scroll down the page to read the text. The cover should be a branding element, something pleasant and memorable, and not a guide with practical recommendations. For example, the cover of Whole Paycheck:

    The photos of a variety of pumpkins are not unique to the grocery store chain, but they indicate the season and provide a nice backdrop to the list of recipes found on the page. Sometimes the simpler the better.

    It's also worth changing up your cover at times to see how it affects engagement (for example, come July, those pumpkins will become irrelevant).

    Catchy Facebook Page Name

    A username associated with a business page will allow current and potential customers, as well as complete strangers, to tag the business in posts and comments. A username is an important part of establishing and maintaining a brand. It's also the easiest thing to do.

    Now, obviously, you need to use the company name as your username.

    If someone has already assigned the name, you'll have to get a little creative. You can always add alphanumeric characters and come up with something at least five characters long.

    Tip: if we are talking about a local business, or the page is created for a specific location, it is better to add a geo-modifier to the user name (instead of “@business name” use “@business namelocation”). This may help install trust relationship with clients and will provide the opportunity to share the most relevant content.

    Improve Engagement with a Call to Action Button

    Adding a button to your Facebook business page is easy and profitable way push visitors to action.

    Whether they book an appointment, download an app, or make a purchase, the button at the bottom of the cover is free way induce them to take action that would otherwise have to be paid for.

    ​Do you want to get clients from Facebook?

    Just imagine: 94.1% are adults.

    Are any of them your clients? Yes! Facebook is great for selling both b2b products/services and b2c.

    But to attract customers, you definitely need to be present on this social network. This can be done using your company page.

    In this guide, I'll show you how to create and set up a Facebook business page for a company or personal brand.

    You will also learn how to get your first subscribers absolutely free.​


    Important: Facebook often makes changes to the design of pages. In the article I give instructions on creating a page in the new 2017 design.

    So let's begin!​

    The first thing you need to do is click on the right top corner on the Facebook menu bar and select " create page".

    Step #1. Select category (type) of business page

    In the window that opens, you will see 6 categories of pages and many subcategories that Facebook offers to choose from:

    Your business may fit into several categories. Therefore, many people spend a lot of time choosing the right one.

    Below I will tell you how to make the right choice!

    Is there a difference between page types? Yes, I have. Some of them have additional features that others don't have.

    Look at the functionality table:

    Let's take a closer look at each type of page so that you can understand what is best for you to choose.

    1. Local company or location

    Customers who visit your organization will be able to note this on your page.

    For example, if you have a bar, then the following information will be available on your page:​

    If you have a local business and you sell goods/provide services, for example, only in your city, then feel free to choose this category.

    2. Company, organization or institution

    3. Brand or product

    Also, this page type is best to choose if you are promoting your blog/website.

    ​This is one of the most frequently used categories. If you do not have a local business, then feel free to choose this page type.

    4. Performer, musical group or public figure

    Personal branding is a very popular topic right now. If you are a professional in your field, you are promoting your name (your brand) and want to get clients through Facebook, then this category is best for you.

    It is also suitable for actors, bloggers, fitness trainers, etc.

    5. Entertainment

    If you are promoting books, cinemas, bookstores, TV shows, films, then this is the category fits better everything. For most people who are reading this article right now, this category definitely does not fit.

    6. Common cause or community

    This type of page is suitable for you if you are creating a community of interests.

    Which page category should you choose?

    If you have a local business (shop, bar, restaurant), then choose a category local company or place.

    If you sell products/services online, then choose a category brand/product, since you are promoting your site.

    If you are promoting yourself as a specialist, blogger, public figure, then select a category

    And performer, music group or public figure.

    Important: you can change the category at any time. You won't lose anything except reviews if you previously had a "local business or location" category.

    Make your choice and move on to the next step...

    This name will appear on your page immediately below the avatar.

    How to come up with a name for your page? Use one of the 3 options below:

    Option #1 - name the page after your brand/company

    This is the most best option, since after all, you are creating a page to promote your company/your brand.

    For example:

    • SkyRocket Marketing
    • Alexey Khasbiulin
    • Coca-cola
    • Microsoft​

    Option #2 - name the page with keywords

    If you do not have a brand, or you are creating an entertainment community, then this option is for you. By using keywords, you make it clear to users what your page is about.

    For example:

    • Promoting your business on the Internet
    • Creating websites on WordPress
    • All about accounting
    • Interesting planet

    You can look at yandex.wordstat.ru which keywords are requested most often and add them to the title.

    Option #3 - brand + keyword

    It is best to use this option when it is not clear from the name of your brand what exactly you do. By adding a keyword, page visitors will immediately understand the scope of your activities.

    For example:

    • Wrestling school "Scramble"
    • Marketing courses "Up"
    • Business coach (your first and last name)

    The main thing is not to make your name very long and difficult to remember.

    Your page name will also appear above all posts you make.

    You can easily change the name of your page in the "information" tab. I will talk about this later in the article.

    Write the name of your page and click the "get started" button.

    In 2017, the process of creating a business page on Facebook changed, so immediately after choosing a category and name, you are taken to a blank page.

    She looks like this:

    Let's start setting it up...

    ​In fact, “username” is nothing more than the web address (url) of your business page. How is that domain name your website, but only on Facebook.

    For example, my page address: skyrocketmarketing

    What are the requirements for usernames:

    • ​Name must be free
    • Can only be used latin letters, numbers and dots
    • Maximum name length - 50 characters

    ​Which name is better to choose?

    ​If you have a brand, then make it the username of your business page (like mine).

    If you named the page using keywords, then you should not use all these words in the name.

    The shorter the username for the page, the better!​

    To create a username click on the link"create a @username for the Page"​

    In the window that appears, enter a name. If the name is correct and not taken, you will see on the right green tick. Now click the "create" button username".

    In the tab that opens, you will see items that you can fill out.

    (click on the picture to enlarge)

    But not all of them are important.

    Let's go through each point separately.


    It is at this point that you can change the category, name (title) and username of your page. If you made a mistake when creating it, now is the time to make changes.

    Company information

    Here you can indicate the date of founding of your company (or indicate from what year you have been engaged in this type of activity) and its mission. If you have this information, I advise you to fill it out.

    Contact information

    If your customers place orders by phone or email, then be sure to indicate them.

    Last item in this category" Edit other accounts"​. Here you can add your accounts from other social networks.

    If you have them, be sure to add them.

    More info

    ​In the “information” section, write briefly (limit 255 characters) what your page is about. This information will also be displayed on the main screen of the page.

    If you do not live in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, then feel free to skip the "impressum" section.

    At the very end of this paragraph, depending on the category of your page, there will be an active link. In my case it is "Website". If you have a community, it will say "community". You don't need to do anything with this item.


    This is an important point because this is where you can describe how you can help a potential client and talk in more detail about your company/experience.

    Your task is to “hook” the visitor so that he subscribes to your page or goes to the site.

    After filling out all the items, the “information” page will be displayed for visitors like this:

    Additional options

    If you selected the categories "local business or place" or "company, organization or institution", then clicking on the "edit" link in the "information" tab will allow you to add additional data:

    • Opening hours
    • Physical address
    • Map
    • Price range (from $ to $$$$)

    If these fields are filled out, a map and opening hours will be displayed in the “information” tab and on the business page itself.

    A photo is a picture that appears on the left side of your page.

    If you are promoting a company, then add your logo. If you are promoting a personal brand, then add a photo of the person.

    The size of the uploaded photo must be at least 170 by 170 pixels. On a smartphone, the photo size is reduced to 128 by 128 pixels.

    One of the most common problems The problem you may encounter is the quality of the photo. When loading, Facebook compresses it. To make your photo look as good as possible good quality, download it in png format.

    To add a photo, click on “add photo” on the left side of the page.

    After uploading the photo, your avatar will be updated, and the photo itself will also appear in your feed.

    In addition to the business page, the avatar will be displayed next to advertisements, which you can place through targeted Facebook advertising, as well as next to all published posts.

    What about the cover for the page?

    When a person lands on your page, the cover is the first thing they see. You literally have 3-5 seconds for a person to understand what the page is about (or what you are offering them).

    The right cover should show either the place you're promoting (like a gym), the person (personal brand), or the purpose for which the page is created.

    Check out some examples:

    Each of these covers has a specific purpose.

    The first conveys the mood (Coca-cola), the second gives an understanding of what the content will be (Digitalmarketer), the third filters the audience (only for advanced ones) and promotes a personal brand (Jon Loomer).

    What's best to show on the cover?

    1. Show photos of your company (if local business)
    2. Let the visitor know what content you will be posting.
    3. Announce your events/products

    For the above purposes, be sure to use text. Previously, FB limited the amount of text on the cover to 20%. Now there is no such restriction, but this does not mean that everything should be completely “filled” with text.

    The picture and information on it should look organic.​

    What size is a Facebook cover photo?

    In January 2017, the cover size was updated and is now 820 pixels wide and 312 pixels high.

    On a smartphone, the cover is displayed in size: 560 by 312 pixels. Anything beyond the 560px width will be cropped.

    To prevent the quality of your cover from deteriorating when uploading to FB, upload it in png format.

    So how do you add a cover?

    To upload a cover, click on the "add cover" button.

    In the window that appears, select the cover and upload it. The default cover photo will also appear in your page feed.

    Here's what we ended up with:

    If you want to receive additional traffic to your site from the cover and photos, then click on them and add a description and link to your site.

    How to create a cover for a business page?

    Even if you are not a designer, you can use the services canvas or pagemodo.

    In these free online editors you can choose ready-made template and change it the way you need: change the picture, add icons, add text and much more.

    1. Book Service
    • Book
  • Contact us
    • Call
    • Contact us
    • Send message
    • Registration
    • Send email letter
  • Find out more
    • Watch video
    • More details
  • Make a purchase or donation
    • To the store
    • Get an offer
  • Download an app or game
    • Use the application
    • Play

    ​Depending on your promotion strategy (as well as on your cover), you can choose the option that suits you.

    To add a button, click on "add button".

    ​In the window that appears, select the call to action you need and indicate (depending on the selected button): telephone number, email address or a link to your website.

    Be sure to check that your button is working correctly. To do this, simply hover your mouse over it and select the “test button” option. Here you can also edit it, delete it and view click statistics.

    To go to the page settings, click on the “settings” tab in the top right.

    A window with 12 sections will open in front of you:

    • general
    • messaging
    • edit page
    • authorship of the publication
    • notifications
    • page roles
    • people and other pages
    • preferred page audience
    • advertising on Instagram
    • Shown
    • Crossposting
    • Inbox from support

    How to set up a business page correctly?

    Let's take a closer look at the most basic settings you may need.

    1. General

    (click on the picture to enlarge)

    ​Page status

    By default, all created pages are available to visitors. Until you set up your business page, I recommend checking the “unpublish page” checkbox.

    Publications by visitors

    You can either deny or allow to strangers post messages on your page. I recommend allowing posts, but be sure to check the "check posts before they appear on the page" checkbox.


    You can allow or block the publication of reviews. If you allow their publication, a rating will appear on the main screen of the above page and the opportunity to view the reviews themselves:

    You cannot remove people's reviews from your page.

    But, if suddenly a review was posted by a person who is not your client, you can send a “complaint” about this review. Facebook will review it and may remove the false review.


    The page will also display how quickly you respond to messages.

    You will be able to send a newsletter to all the people who write you a message, which will be sent directly to them in a personal message. I don’t think it’s worth saying that the percentage of opening of such messages compared to email newsletters is simply stunning (~70-80%).

    If you want me to tell you how to set this up, share the article and write a comment. As soon as we get 200 “shares” I will prepare an article.

    If you enable this checkbox, then when a person subscribes to another page of a similar category, Facebook will offer him to subscribe to similar pages, which may include yours.

    2. Messaging

    If you have enabled the ability for visitors to send you messages, then on this tab you can create 3 types of automatic replies:

    1. Send a message when you are not at your computer or phone.
    2. Send a message when a person writes to you.
    3. Show a greeting when a person opens a chat (messenger)​.

    You can change and personalize all these messages by automatically inserting the person’s data: first and last name.

    3. Edit page

    ​On the left side of your page there is a menu that you can manage: add and remove items.

    You can manage these items yourself or choose one of the templates that Facebook offers: company, purchases, sites, policies, services, restaurants and cafes, standard.

    The templates differ only in the menu items that are displayed. I recommend that you set them up yourself.

    To do this without touching the top switch, click on "Add a Tab" below.

    A window will appear in front of you where you can select additional tabs:

    • Shop
    • Services
    • Notes
    • Events
    • Offers

    Let's consider each additional. item details:


    Using this tab, you can post your products on your business page. When adding products, they will be displayed in this tab, as well as in a separate block on your page.

    When you click on a product, a card appears that includes a photo, title, price, description, a “send message” button and a link to the website.


    When creating a service, it, like a product, will appear on your page in a separate block.

    When you click on a service, a window with its detailed description will appear.

    An important difference from “goods” is that “services” cannot be used active link to your website. Even if you add it to the description, it will be displayed as regular text.


    Using notes, you can create beautifully designed articles.

    You can use them to create, for example, collections of posts that appeared on your page.


    If you have seminars, webinars, sales, etc., then you can create a list of events and use them to generate sales.

    When creating an event, you need to design it: come up with a name and description, indicate dates, price and add a picture.

    Here's how the event appears in the "events" tab of the page:


    If you are running promotions, sales or have special offer for your audience, then be sure to use this functionality.

    You don't have to use all the options on the left menu at once, especially if you're just creating a business page from scratch. I recommend that you first completely create a business page and only then return to setting up tabs.

    4. Authorship of publications

    When you post, the author (logo and title/name) is always displayed above the post. And here you can choose from whom you will publish messages: from yourself (personal account) or from the page.

    Since you are promoting a business or personal brand, select "Publish as Page."

    5. Notifications

    ​When changes occur on your page, such as someone following or commenting on a post, you can be notified via Facebook message, email, or SMS.

    From this tab, you can choose which notifications you want to receive, or you can turn them off completely.​

    6. Roles on the page

    When you create a page, you are assigned the role of page administrator. The administrator has full control over the page.

    If other people besides you will manage the page, for example, post content, then you can assign them certain roles:

    • Administrator
    • Editor
    • Moderator
    • Advertiser
    • Analyst
    • Live page representative

    Each role provides specific authority. For example, an editor can post and respond in comments, but an advertiser can only post ads but cannot post.

    Check out full list powers of each role:

    (click on the picture to enlarge)

    Never give anyone the administrator role. In this case new administrator will gain full control over the page: it will be able to deprive you of the administrator role, as well as delete the page itself.

    7. Preferred audience of the page

    ​At this point you can tell Facebook who your page is intended for and who the target audience is.

    You can ask:

    • age
    • interests
    • geography
    • languages​

    I advise you to fill out this field.

    8. Advertising on Instagram

    Everything is very simple here. You can link your Instagram account to your Facebook business page. To do this, you need to enter your login and Instagram password account.

    If you don’t have an account, you can create one right here.​

    9. Shown

    ​Here you can add pages that will be displayed on your business page in a special block on the right.

    How to add a page to "like"?

    1. Go to the page you want to add

    2. ​Under the cover of this page in the panel, click on the ellipses "..." and select " Like this page"

    3. In the window that appears, select the page from which you want to “like”

    4. Go to the "Featured" section in your page settings and select the page you just liked. As a result, she will be included in the “liked” block.​

    How to add a page owner?

    ​In this case, your personal information will be indicated in the "information" section on the business page, and in your personal profile a link to it will appear.


    Your business page has been created, but there is no point in promoting it yet, since even if someone visits it, they will not subscribe to an empty and incomprehensible page.

    First, you need to add some content that your audience will enjoy.

    To post content, home page Click on "Share photo or video":

    If you already have a content plan and the content itself, then great. But what if you have neither content nor ideas for writing it?

    In this case, you can follow this algorithm:

    1. Find competitor pages
    2. Through the popsters.ru service [there is a free period] see what content is most popular on your competitors’ pages
    3. Prepare similar content

    1. Like your page

    When you do this, your friends will see in their news feed that you liked the page and some of them, if they are interested, will be able to subscribe to it.

    If you are actively maintaining a personal account, then you can get a lot of subscribers.

    2. Invite all your friends to follow this page​

    To do this, go to the main page and on the left click on the item " Friends like".

    Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if your page is not published, then you will not have this item.

    After clicking, you will see a list of friends with "invite" buttons. Now just click on these buttons and your friends will receive a personal invitation from you.

    Congratulations! Now you not only have a business page, but also your first subscribers!


    To create a business page for a company or personal brand on Facebook, you need to take 9 simple steps:

    • Step #1. Select business page type
    • Step #2. Write the name of your business page
    • Step #3. Create a username for the page
    • Step #4. Add information about your page
    • Step #5. Add a photo and page cover
    • Step #6. Add a call to action button to your page
    • Step #7. Customize your page
    • Step #8. Add content to the page
    • Step #9. Like the page and invite your friends to follow

    With its help, you can build relationships with your subscribers, set up advertising and get new clients.

    If you did not create a page while reading the article, then I recommend that you do so right now. It will literally take 15-30 minutes. If you don’t have a cover photo, at least make a rough draft!

    Your turn...

    Have you created a page to promote a company or personal brand? What difficulties have you encountered? Did everything work out for you?

    Write your answers in the comments below the article!

    P.S. I read every comment and answer every question.

    How to tell potential clients about your company? How to get attention target audience? Do advertising! But do you need to print advertisements in newspapers or publish videos on local TV? Absolutely not necessary! Today there is a publicly accessible resource for advertising – social networks. By creating a company page on Facebook, you can reach a huge audience and generate interest in your brand in the shortest possible time.

    “Launch” the company in the FB space

    Technically, creating a public page on a social network cannot be called difficult - the whole process takes about 5-7 minutes. The developers of the social network tried to make registering a new brand clear and convenient, so each step is accompanied by explanations and tips. So that you have no questions at all, we offer our detailed instructions:

    1. Drive into address bar website address – http://www.facebook.com. You immediately see an offer to log in or register. If you already have a personal account, log into it using your registration details. If not, create a personal profile.

    2. In the left column in the “Pages” subsection, select the “Create Page” item.

    3. The system prompts you to select the area of ​​activity of your brand. By clicking on the most suitable type of business, select the category that suits you, enter the name of the company/brand and click “Get Started”. If the name is unavailable for some reason, the system will offer to replace it.

    4. Next, you go directly to the settings of the company’s future public page. First, you need to briefly write what it is dedicated to. You need to keep it within 155 characters, so no details - clear, concise, interesting. If the brand has its own website or, for example, a Twitter account, you can indicate it. And finally, you need to come up with a unique address for your Facebook page. This will make it easier for interested users to find it. When the fields are completed, click “Save Information.” If desired, you can enter this data later - click “Skip”.

    5. Then you need to set a public avatar. Photos can either be uploaded from your computer or transferred from your website. Once the picture is selected, simply click Next. If you want to install an avatar later, select "Skip."

    6. The system will also prompt you to send the public to Favorites. This is optional, but very convenient from the point of view of use.

    7. Finally, in the settings you can define your preferred audience. Using the data you provide, the system will try to attract as many target audience representatives as possible to your newly created brand page.

    Congratulations! Now you officially have a Company Page, which will most likely help you promote your brand in the future!

    What else can you configure?

    Working with a public site does not end with its registration. Now the most interesting and difficult part begins - setting up the Page and maintaining it. First of all, go to Settings. There is a wide range of tools for administrators here. For example, you can set restrictions on the age or place of residence of visitors, set a filter for obscene expressions, set up notifications, add administrators and view the Activity Log. In addition, in the Settings section you can download all the public information and, if necessary, delete it.

    Another important section of the Page is Information. Here you should fill out as many fields as possible so that users increase their level of interest and trust in you. In particular, you can indicate the founding date and mission of the public, add company products and awards, as well as contact information.

    Of course, you need to engage in attracting an audience. The easiest way is to Invite Friends. Those, in turn, may want to invite their friends on Facebook. This creates a chain of invitations. However, you are unlikely to be able to significantly expand your audience through standard invitations. Therefore, in some cases it is wise to immediately address paid promotion business public according to the schemes offered by the social network.

    Naturally, the materials that will be published play a huge role in the popularity of the Page. Many companies prefer to adhere to a policy of “dry” information posts. In some cases, this really works, but for small companies and those just starting to promote brands, more serious work is required. On Facebook you need to interest users, because the number of public pages and, accordingly, competitors is simply crazy. To maintain interest in your brand, it is not enough just to register a company. You need to publish useful and exciting posts that users will follow. This should be done regularly, not occasionally.

    Thus, creating a Page for a company on Facebook - effective way advertising and brand promotion. Thousands of companies have already resorted to it, and every day the number of actually working business publics is increasing. So get creative and start promoting your brand on the most popular social network!

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will continue to speak for Facebook. Working with this social network is quite a promising activity for expanding the sales market, or attracting readers to your information resource.

    Another thing is that you need to know how to cook this delicious dish, which is why I started writing a series of articles on the topic. In the previous article, we reviewed the capabilities of this social network and looked at those for whom this environment is quite suitable for promotion. We also found out, after which we came to the conclusion that only business pages are one hundred percent suitable for us to promote in this social network.

    We have also already discussed the general ones and outlined in large strokes those and how in this matter. However, before directly start creating a BS(and we will definitely do this in this publication), I would like to dwell in more detail on the preparatory stage in order to create a page, already having a clear plan in mind for its construction and development.

    Tasks facing your BS and aspects of their implementation

    It’s probably worth understanding in general terms what The goal will be to create your business page (BP) on Facebook. Try to decide what your BS will be about. You can do this by trying to answer the following questions about the purpose of creating a business page:

    1. You just need to indicate your presence on Facebook - “let it be.” Everyone else has it, but you have no representation in this social network. It’s not in order, we’re behind, we need to fix it.
    2. You want to have another channel through which you can notify your target audience about some news (new products, discounts, promotions, preferential conditions, or simply about the release of new article, if the BS is created for an information resource)
    3. Want to increase your brand awareness
    4. Do you want to increase sales due to an additional target audience from Facebook, or simply want to get an additional flow of interested visitors to your website (it doesn’t matter whether it’s commercial or informational)
    5. Maybe you want to collect a database of Email addresses using this social network, and then use it to increase sales (often used in information business and other commercial schemes)
    6. It is possible that you need to implement several of the goals stated above at once.

    Having some experience (I hope that after reading all the articles in the “” series, you will have this experience) and based on your goals, you can decide on some aspects of the implementation of your BS:

    1. Understand approximately what design your BS should have, based on the tasks it solves
    2. You can now understand approximately what applications you will need to implement your plans.
    3. Decide on the type of content and the approximate frequency of its publication (make a publication plan and think about where you can get them). Very convenient.
    4. Estimate how much you are willing to spend on advertising per day and whether you are willing to spend money on it at all, and if you are ready, then you can estimate which tabs of your business page will have links from advertisements.
    5. You will also be able to evaluate whether they are suitable in your case. free methods promotion of BS on Facebook (read about them in the article “”) or not
    6. Based on the given goals for creating a business page, you can deduce for yourself key parameters, which can be tracked in statistics to evaluate the effectiveness of promotion. These could be, for example:
      1. Number of fans who clicked the “Like” button
      2. Clicks on links from posts on BS or, in other words, the amount of traffic of visitors from Facebook to your website
      3. Traffic to the BS page itself (if, for example, conversion actions are carried out directly on it)
      4. Number of email subscribers
      5. Number of likes or comments on a business page

    After you have set goals for yourself and outlined ways to implement them using a business page on Facebook, it would be nice to decide on that same target audience. What is this for? Well, to understand what kind of content you will need to publish on the BS in order to arouse interest among your potential target audience.

    Those. you need to understand for whom this very BS is being created. Sometimes this process called creating an avatar of the target user. For example, in the case of an online store, you will have to create an approximate profile of the buyer. In general, this is a fairly standard set of data:

    1. Age and gender indicators
    2. Place of residence
    3. Marital status
    4. Place of work
    5. Hobby
    6. Do they have an education?
    7. How much money do they earn
    8. Which sites are visited - speaks about their interests, based on which you can set up targeted advertising to promote your business page

    Analysis of your competitors' Facebook business pages

    It is also worth taking a closer look what exactly do your real or potential competitors use on their BS?. Of course, you shouldn’t copy one to another, but you can borrow some ideas.

    1. In order to find your competitors' Facebook pages, the easiest way is to use the built-in search (its line is at the very top) by typing in the same keywords that you plan to promote. After entering the phrase (it is better to use broader options consisting of one or two words), in the drop-down window that appears, you will need to click on the “Show more results” button located below:

      On the page that opens with Facebook search results, you can use the filter on the left to select only business pages, and in the resulting list, first of all, pay attention and study the pages of those competitors who have many fans (from a thousand and above).

      By the way, by selecting the “Groups” filter in the left menu, you can see what issues your target audience is discussing and understand what they are interested in, so that you can then offer it to them on your business page.

    2. What to pay attention to when analyzing competitors' pages?
    3. Facebook's built-in internal search doesn't allow you to filter effectively enough regional business pages(if your business is regional), but there is a way to still carry out such a search. The fact is that in conventional search engines it is possible to search for something only on one or several sites, using special operators, or advanced search (read about that, or).

      Thus, we can search on Facebook using Yandex or Google (in the first article we said that business pages are completely open to indexing by any search engines). Just insert at the beginning of the query in the search line:


      And after a space, write one or two keywords that specify the topic of the search, and a word that specifies the region. For example, the request might look like this:

    Before creating a business page, you need to prepare

    So, summing up all of the above, as well as what we talked about in the previous article, we can say that before creating your Facebook business page you will need to decide on a number of questions:

    1. . Firstly, it would be great to include in it the keywords for which you want to promote, because this will be taken into account in the ranking by both internal Facebook search and Yandex with Google (very similar to the high importance when ranking for pages of ordinary sites, which we at one time they devoted an entire article). Although, if you are creating a page for a brand, then, in fact, the name of this brand should be used in the title. If you are creating a BS for an online store whose name is not yet well-known, then you can use keywords along with its name.
    2. Based on studying the pages of competitors and groups on Facebook with your target audience, you could create a range of issues that are of interest to your potential clients and which you could cover on your BS pages. In general, you should at least understand in general terms. The following may also help you with this:
      1. Created avatars (portraits) of users from your target audience (we talked about this a little higher)
      2. Understand what user problems your BS will solve. To do this, it would be good to understand the fears (for example, losing a job or health) and aspirations (for example, gaining a sense of confidence in the future, security, etc.) of your target audience. If you talk about this on your business page, then users attracted through advertising will become your subscribers and regular readers with a high degree of probability, which will greatly increase the conversion of the entire enterprise. In general, you need to understand what your target audience wants to talk and read about.
      3. It is possible that after analyzing other BS on your same topic, some unique idea came to your mind (something still unknown to the general public or having no analogues), which could become your competitive advantage. This will encourage users to subscribe to your page, and not to the pages of your competitors.
      4. Well, once again you need to carefully review all the BS of the found competitors, and try to use them yourself strengths, and not repeat their mistakes.

    Creating a Facebook Business Page

    Well, it’s time to start practicing after such extensive theoretical training. Creation new page, as well as many other actions on Facebook, can, of course, be illustrated using screenshots or descriptions of menu items that need to be selected.

    However, the developers of this social network constantly (about a couple of times a year) change the interface (the location and name of these same points may change tomorrow), so it will be easier to provide specific hyperlinks that should not be subject to these changes (in theory). So you can get to the pages section on Facebook using this link: https://www.facebook.com/pages. Although its content and presentation method may change constantly, you will always find a button somewhere at the top "Create a page " .

    Choosing a category for your future Facebook page

    This is where the fun begins. They offer you six categories (groups) of BS, one of which you will need to choose. Options available:

    As I already mentioned, the “Brand or Product” category is most often chosen, so we won’t be original and choose it (for example, the general subcategory “Product/Service”). Let it be some kind of information product, especially since I plan to start writing a series of articles about their creation and making money on affiliate programs of other people’s information products (subscribe if this topic you are interested).

    In the title of the business page It is advisable to use the name of your product or service (name of an online store, restaurant or other business). Moreover, the shorter you can do it, the better. If your brand is not very well known, then you can also add keywords by which people from your target audience can search for it on Facebook (for example, “Horns and Hooves” - interior design).

    If you are creating a thematic page (without reference to a brand or trademark), then you should use keywords that will clearly allow the user who visits it to immediately understand what is being discussed here. It is also desirable that these keywords are often used in queries to search engines by users from your potential audience (you can use the service to understand how most of your potential buyers formulate their queries when contacting search engines). For example, “Handicraft, handmade, handmade.”

    In my case, this will be an information product:

    Business Page Wizard Steps

    After clicking on the “Start” button, the Facebook Business Page Creation Wizard window with four steps you will have to take on the path to your bright future.

    1. At the second step of the BS creation wizard, you will be asked upload avatar, which again will be displayed on the page, and it would be great if after one glance at it the user understood what this BS would be about. In general, you will still have time to work on the picture, and you can add an avatar later, skipping this step of the wizard now. Personally, I’ll do that for now, although you can temporarily put some kind of placeholder as an avatar photo, replacing it over time.

    2. At the third step of the wizard, Facebook offers you to add your page to “Favorites” so that it can be easily found later. In fact, it’s quite convenient and I don’t think it’s worth giving up. These top favorites will appear at the top of the left column on the home page https://www.facebook.com/ under your avatar.

      To activate this option, just click on the “Add” button, and then click on the “Next” button to proceed to the final step of the wizard.

    3. At the fourth step of the wizard, Facebook quite reasonably assumes that without advertising you will not be able to advance in this social network (in fact, it is also possible free promotion, but for this you need to be able to be creative “not childishly” in order to cause a viral effect in our rather infantile RuNet of increasing the popularity of your business page). And if this is so, then why not immediately make the appropriate settings.

      However, it is still too early for us, so this step You can skip it for now. I’m thinking of writing a separate article or a series of articles about working with advertising on Facebook. As it turns out.

    That's it, after completing the last step of the wizard, you will find yourself on your brand new business page, where Facebook will immediately try to teach you how to navigate it by showing you pop-up tips. Among other things, she will offer you to become the first fan (subscriber) of this page by clicking on the “Like” button there.

    Although it's not worth doing this, because your existing friends on Facebook will see this event in their news feeds, and when they go to the newly created page, they will experience some disappointment due to wasted time, because it does not yet contain any information. In the next article we will deal with the design of our business page and bringing it to its proper form.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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