• Who founded Facebook: the history of the creation of the social network. A brief history of the social network Facebook


    Our goal was not to make a giant social network. Our goal was to make a site where you could write someone's name and get various information about this person. (Mark Zuckerberg)

    Agree, nowadays many Internet users have their own social pages. This means that they are registered on various social networks. Some in one, some in many at once. It all depends on the specific purpose of your communication.

    This Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, In the Circle of Friends, the world of communication through short statements (like a micro-blog), Twitter and of course Facebook.

    At this point in time, there are many other social services. There we can communicate, exchange information, post our thoughts and look at photographs.

    Music lovers can listen to their favorite music and so on. All the advantages cannot be counted. Social networks make us closer to each other, and this is the biggest advantage of these services.

    Of course, I am also no exception, and I have my own pages on some social networks that I like. (You can find me there if you click on the buttons for these services at the end of the article.)

    I wonder, have you ever thought about which social network appeared first?

    Who created Facebook?

    Facebook is one of my favorite social networks at the moment.

    There I have my own page and many friends who are dear to me and with whom I communicate. By the way, today, on the day the article was published, is the birthday of one of my friends. So happy birthday to him! Respect to him and respect for the help he provides to me and his other friends!

    So who created Facebook?

    The founder of Facebook is a young man who dropped out of Harvard because of his passion for creating the social network Facebook.

    Facebook is currently the largest social network in the world.

    Mark Zuckerberg - born May 14, 1984, White Plains, New York, USA. Zuckerberg's father worked as a dentist, and his mother worked as a psychiatrist. He is the second child and the only boy of four children in the family. He has three sisters - Randi (the eldest), Donna and Ariel.

    During his school years, Mark became very interested in computer programming, developed an online version of the game “Risk” and after graduating from school he entered Harvard University to study psychology. At Harvard, Mark additionally took computer programming courses.

    While studying at Harvard University, Mark lived in a dorm in the same room with his friends - students Eduardo Saverin, Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskowitz (future assistants in the development of Facebook).

    The idea of ​​creating Facebook came to young Mark when he was still studying at a prestigious private school in New Hampshire. Every year the school published something like a directory with student contact information.

    This directory contained all the information about the person: his photograph, first name, last name and residential address. And this directory was called: The Facebook, which literally means “face book.”

    One day, student Mark Zuckerberg decided to take the initiative and came up with a proposal to create a similar resource at the University. But, as you know, the initiative is not always appropriate, and the administration of this institution refused him. They simply said that this violates the student privacy policy.

    But this guy was not one of those who gave up his ideas and ideas. And, one day, when he was already in his second year, Mark wrote code for the Internet site “Facemash”. It was a website that featured photographs of young people placed in pairs. The site user simply had to vote for their favorite photo. This happened on October 28, 2003.

    This is where his programming knowledge came in handy and Mark calmly hacked into secure sections of the Harvard University computer database in order to copy all the students’ photographs and then post them on the website.

    You can’t imagine, but the Facemash website attracted 450 visitors and 22,000 photo views in the first two hours of operation.

    It was something incredible!!!

    The site gained popularity with enormous speed, but a few days later it was closed by the administration of Harvard University. And Mark Zuckerberg was accused of the following counts: violation of copyright and privacy. For this they threatened to expel him from his studies at the University.

    I don’t know what exactly subsequently influenced the administration’s decision, but the charges were soon dropped. And Mark, with renewed vigor, began work on his initial project.

    Soon he opened a website where his classmates began to share their thoughts about his project.

    In January 2004, Mark Zuckerberg decided to write code for a new website. He was inspired by inspiration and creative flight. There was no stopping Mark. And so, on February 4, 2004, the initial version of the social network Facebook appears at the address: Thefacebook.

    But, a week after the site was launched, three Harvard University students: Cameron Winklevoss, Divya Narendra and Tyler Winklevoss accused Mark Zuckerberg of dishonesty.

    They said he deliberately misled them in order to misinform their understanding of what was really going on. Allegedly, he promised to help them create the social network “HarvardConnection.comHar”, but instead he appropriated their idea and built a competing site. An investigation began, and soon a lawsuit was filed against Mark.

    Meanwhile, more than half of the University’s students were registered on the social network within the first month. The network gained popularity, and soon Mark Zuckerberg was joined by Dustin Moskovitz (programmer), Eduardo Saverin (CFO), Andrew McCollum (artist) and Chris Hughes to help promote and improve the site.

    In March 2004, Facebook users increased even more. Students from Stanford and Columbia University joined this social network. A little later, students from other educational institutions were also involved in this.

    Since 2004, Facebook's headquarters have been located in Palo Alto, California. In mid-2004, Facebook registered as a company and Sean Parker became its first president.

    Sean Parker finds the first investors for Facebook. Soon the company already receives its first investments. But, in 2005, Parker leaves Facebook, but does not stop taking part in the development of the company and regularly meets with Mark Zuckerberg.

    In 2005, the company bought a domain name and now it is facebook.com and since September 26, 2006, access to this social network was opened for every user over 13 years old and having an email address.

    In 2007, Microsoft acquired a 1.6% stake in Facebook for $240 million and valued the entire company at $15 billion. Microsoft gains rights to post international ads on Facebook.

    In October 2008, Facebook's international headquarters opened in Dublin.

    In 2010, at the peak of Facebook’s popularity, director David Fincher’s film “The Social Network” was released, which tells the story of the creation of Facebook. Be sure to watch this movie. It will give you a new perspective on the development and creation of this social network.

    On October 4, 2012, a great event took place, which Mark Zuckerberg announced on his page: the social network had its billionth user. This means that according to statistics, every seventh inhabitant of the planet is registered on Facebook.

    The only competitors of this most popular social network are Google+ and Twitter, but they are far behind the leader.

    Only thanks to this site, Mark Zuckerberg became the youngest billionaire in the world at the age of 23.

    Do you know that there are very interesting facts about the personality of Mark Zuckerberg?

    He is deutanopic (affects 1% of people, a form of partial color blindness, usually congenital, characterized by decreased sensitivity to certain colors, mainly green) and distinguishes between red and green significantly worse than Facebook's primary color, blue.

    In the animated series "The Simpsons", in one of the episodes, Mark Zuckerberg voiced himself.

    Interesting fact: in January 2011, an unknown hacker hacked his Facebook page.

    Back in college, Mark was noticed by Microsoft employees after he wrote the Synapse program, which allowed the computer to independently compose a sequence of musical hits for its owner.

    That's it. You have learned the whole truth about:

    Who created Facebook.

    I hope you found it not only useful, but also interesting to learn the story about a simple guy, Mark Zuckerberg, who revolutionized our entire understanding of communication via the Internet.

    If you liked this article, then you will also be interested in reading the story about a man who we use with great pleasure.

    Hi all. Today in the materials of the article you will find up-to-date information about what Facebook is, why we need it and we will learn how to use it. We will also look at how it will be useful to us and what its advantages are, and we will also consider the basic concepts.

    In the second part of the article we will talk about how to use Facebook as a tool for business promotion.

    Social networks are a place of open communication with the audience, a source of news, a means of communication and self-expression. Millions of users around the world view posts and like posts they like.

    Why Facebook?

    Many of us are inclined not only to communicate with people whom we know by sight, with whom we communicate, are friends, and spend time, but also to expand our contact base, for example, with those with whom it is useful to communicate in the professional sphere, to exchange experiences, knowledge and skills .

    Facebook allows you to increase your circle of acquaintances and enter a professional environment comfortably and without much difficulty. Colleagues and those who are interested in certain areas of professional activity conduct discussions on issues related to economics, finance, politics, leisure, sports and other interesting topics within profiles and pages.

    Creation of pages and groups containing information about the company and their active promotion in social media. networks are a form of feedback for your clients and partners. This is a powerful tool that allows you to reach a huge audience that is right for you at the moment.

    The number of users of the social network Facebook is only increasing every day, and the trend continues to grow and develop. Despite this, I still quite often meet users online who are not sufficiently aware of the broad capabilities of Facebook and methods of communication not only with companies and partners, but also with each other. This is what our material is about today.

    What does it represent?

    Facebook is a unique Internet platform, one of the largest social networks in the world, a tool for fast, instant interaction between people from different parts of the planet. This is a widely developed platform with well-thought-out functionality that allows users to actively communicate and interact with each other at any time of the day, in any place, city, or country in the world.

    Facebook has multifaceted functionality for interaction between people: users share knowledge and experience, exchange news, photos and videos in personal and professional areas.

    Let's get straight to the point. If you don't already use Facebook as a useful tool, then read on.

    High-quality and timely, regular use of a certain number of Facebook technologies and tools inevitably leads to results without large material costs. In the following articles we will definitely cover the topic of promotion tools on Facebook.

    Agree, in any business it is very important to find the shortest path to your target audience and use it. Business pages and groups, which you can easily create on Facebook yourself, without the involvement of specialists, do an excellent job of this.

    I imagine many people are also concerned with the question of how to attract additional traffic to the site, because we are all ultimately fighting for conversions and want grateful customers to line up for our products or services. We all want prosperity and material well-being. The speed at which information spreads on Facebook is truly phenomenal.

    To effectively use it as a tool, you need to formulate a clear plan and promotion strategy, and think through the positioning in advance: your personal role or the role of an organization or company.

    • the opportunity to attract useful people to your business,
    • rich set of functions,
    • special offers,
    • setting up the necessary contacts and connections online,
    • targeted advertising,
    • possibility of direct contact with consumers,
    • video and audio,
    • viewing the feed, marking “Like”,
    • creating reposts of your favorite posts,
    • discussion of interesting topics,
    • opportunity to share opinions,
    • open communication with the audience,
    • immediate response to published information,
    • mobile version of the site,
    • ease of use,
    • posting information about professional activities,
    • active participation in discussing topics with friends and subscribers,
    • quick ad setup,
    • the ability to promote the page itself or its internal functions,
    • instant testing of demand.

    Basic Concepts in Facebook

    • Your wall is the space inside your profile where you post posts created using texts, photos or videos.
    • Post - publication on a social network.
    • A friend or friend is a friend added by mutual consent. The person who clicks “Like” on your page is a subscriber.
    • The news feed is a part of your profile where news from the pages of your friends you are subscribed to is located.
    • “Like” button - by clicking on it, a person not only becomes a subscriber, but will also receive notifications in the future about new photos and news on your page and see them in their feed.
    • Personal profile - a profile containing information about you. Facebook uses real first and last names. Based on your personal profile, you can later create pages and groups.
    • Facebook page - a community is formed on the page - a place where people communicate. You can set a short, beautiful address, it is well indexed by search engines, and is the main tool for various types of businesses.
    • Facebook group - created for communication on a specific issue. It has limited functionality, however, it allows you to share opinions and find friends with similar interests.

    Difference between personal profile and page

    The main and, perhaps, main difference is that a personal profile contains information specifically about you as an individual. All posts and news that you share are posted on your own behalf.

    On the contrary, a Facebook page is primarily designed to talk about a product, service or product, and can also be dedicated to the activities of companies and business communities. The functionality of the pages is designed so that without wasting time, quickly and efficiently, convey information to the consumer and win the sympathy of the audience.

    There are a number of rules and tricks on how to find your target audience on Facebook. Especially for you in the near future, I plan to select material on this topic, so do not forget to visit the blog pages.

    Continuing the topic, it is also worth noting that, unlike a profile, the page is available to the general public, which plays an important role in attracting grateful customers to your business. In addition, the page is well indexed in various search engines, which, in my opinion, is a major favorable feature and can have a positive effect on conversion and profit.

    If you are still determined and ready to conquer new heights in the Internet space, then we continue to explore today’s material.

    Instructions: where to start promoting?

    Step 1. We define a task for ourselves and honestly answer the questions:

    • Do I need a presence on social networks and Facebook in particular?
    • If so, what tasks do I set for myself?
    • Is there any social media? networks is my target audience (CA)?
    • If so, is she prone to open communication?
    • How much time am I willing to spend per day?
    • Do I do everything myself or with the help of a specialist?
    • What result do I expect?

    Step 2. We set realistic goals step by step and in accordance with our business category, for example:

    • Create and develop an interesting and visited community on Facebook.
    • Reach 50/100/200 subscribers in the first month.
    • Ensure a monthly increase in the number of subscribers by 10/20/30...50.
    • Organize traffic to the site after the community gains strength and becomes active and vibrant.
    • Plan your next goal.

    By creating a page and letting its development take its course, you cannot achieve high efficiency. Facebook gives good results after some time; patience and smart work win here. You may need to constantly monitor and adjust your strategy over and over again.

    Step 3. Experimenting with content

    Content is the filling of an information resource, necessary and significant. The more diverse the content, the more interesting and visited your community will be.

    • People want to receive information from service consumers like themselves.
    • Post information in a structured and intelligible manner.
    • Constantly answer questions, thank for comments, communicate with subscribers, respond to comments correctly.

    Step 5. Think through your strategy in advance:

    • A properly constructed advertising campaign can significantly reduce the costs of other advertising platforms or avoid them altogether.
    • Create an atmosphere of trust, strengthen the connection with the client through open communication.

    To summarize, it must be added that Facebook is a powerful marketing tool. Facebook pages, profiles and groups allow you to achieve amazing results! Examples of a large number of companies represented on Facebook repeatedly prove this.

    If we managed to convey to you the importance of the presence of you and your business on Facebook, then the next article will describe it in detail, where we will focus on the basic points of registration and filling out personal data.

    Good luck to you! Easy and grateful subscribers on the Internet.

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    Facebook is one of the modern times. Despite this, there are people who have not been able to fully understand all its features.

    Facebook: what is it?

    Facebook is a social network developed in early 2004 and implemented at the end of the same year. At first, the site was called Thefacebook and only Harvard University students had access to it. A little later, the network expanded the range of participants to all students in the United States of America, and two years after its launch, anyone who had reached the age of thirteen and had a personal account could create an account on Facebook. With the expansion of the audience, the site slightly changed its name to simply Facebook, under which it continues continues to develop to this day.

    Today, Facebook is a social network that is the largest and one of the most popular on the Internet. It is noteworthy that the Russian-language version of the site was launched four years after the creation of the network, and at the moment the counter of registered participants from different countries of the planet has already exceeded six hundred million people. But despite such an impressive number, people are divided into two camps: these are adherents of this site and those who, to put it mildly, are not entirely satisfied with the functions responsible for how to use Facebook.

    Registration procedure on the site

    In order to get an account on Facebook, you need to go through standard registration on the official website facebook.com. There you are asked to fill out a registration form, all fields of which are required:

    1. surname;
    2. personal email address (will be used to log into the site);
    3. password (must include Latin letters and numbers);
    4. date of birth.

    By the way, after registration you can hide your date of birth for viewing.

    After filling out the form, click “Registration”, after which you will be sent an email to the specified email address confirming your registration. Next, the site will ask you to take a few more steps before you start fully using the service:

    1. Search for friends: the site offers to find your acquaintances already registered on the network with whom you communicated by email (mail.ru, gmail.com or other service), as well as via Skype.
    2. Profile information: indicate your school, university and place of work, as well as your name in English and Russian.
    3. Profile photo: You can upload a photo from your computer or take it from your webcam.

    How to use Facebook?

    Facebook is a social network in its classic form. You optionally indicate personal information (country, city where you live and where you have been, age, education, place of work, etc.), add photos and videos, create lists of your preferences (movies watched, favorite music and performers, teams and athletes , restaurants, clubs, events and the like). You can correspond with friends, post interesting posts, and also use additional programs within the network (games, polls and other entertainment).

    But you can use the service not only as a standard social network. It is also possible to use it to promote your business on the Internet and attract new clients.

    Relationships between Facebook users.

    Network users have the opportunity to add other participants as friends, subscribe to their pages and even wink at each other.

    1.Adding friends and subscribing to their updates. In order to protect your account, the developers have provided restrictions on adding friends in the form of a limit of 5,000 people. Also, if you do not have common information with a potential friend (for example, school, university, etc.), then you will be asked if you know the user. If not, you will be given a warning. If there is a large accumulation of such warnings, your account may be blocked.

    When you add a friend, you can subscribe to their updates. There is a special button in his profile for this. Until the user confirms their friendship, you are automatically subscribed to his updates. In the future, you can unsubscribe from them, while maintaining your friendship.

    By the way, your friends are divided into groups by default, which depend on the data you specify. For example, friends from school, university, city, relatives and loved ones. If you want, you can create groups yourself, as you wish.

    2. "Wink" function on Facebook. What is it? Why this application is needed remains a mystery. After all, besides the fact that this is a kind of “Hello” to another user, it does not provide any functionality anymore. You can wink at each other an infinite number of times.

    Correspondence on Facebook

    Messages on Facebook are divided into two types: inbox and other. The second group automatically includes those sent from those who are not your friends on the site. This is done in order to reduce the amount of spam.

    For communication between users, a special Facebook email is used. What is it? This is your personal Facebook email address, which consists of your name and ends with @facebook.com. For example, [email protected].

    To view the archive of your correspondence, just go to “Messages”. Then a window will open displaying a complete list of your interlocutors. You can also exchange messages on the site via chat. Then each of your correspondence will be open in a small window at the bottom of the browser, and you can further study, for example, your news feed.

    Facebook and your website

    Today you may not have your own website, but almost all entrepreneurs have a group or community on a social network. Many people create an account, and in addition they also create a page with their business. This can be either a company profile or a group for your personal business, for example, if you sew clothes to order or paint pictures.

    If you have both a page on a social network and your own website, then to achieve your goal (distributing information about your business and attracting more clients), it is necessary that these two resources overlap with each other. To do this, a widget for your Facebook community is placed on the site. What is it?

    A group widget is a small block that contains information about your page on a social network, for example, the number of subscribers and the last post posted. With its help, a site visitor can also join a group and be always up to date with your latest news.

    How to add a Facebook widget to a website? To place it, you need to insert a special html code into the page of your website, which can be obtained on the Facebook website in the section for developers.

    There you click on "Lixe Box" and create your widget by simply filling out the form:

    1. Facebook Page URL - paste the copied address of your group on Facebook.
    2. Width - specify the width of the future widget.
    3. Height - specify the height of the widget.
    4. Show Friends’ Faces - check this box if you want the widget to display subscribers’ faces.
    5. Show Posts - check the box if you want the widget to display the latest posts of the group.

    After filling out all the lines, click “Get code” and copy the result to the pages of your site.

    Mobile version of Facebook

    Today, many websites exist in two versions: regular and mobile. Facebook is no exception.

    The mobile version of the service has a more simplified interface. Here, unnecessary pictures and videos have been removed, leaving only text, which significantly increases the speed of page processing. How to use Facebook in such a simplified version? It's just as simple! You, as before, can use all the functions of Facebook: view pages, photos and videos, write messages, change status, comment, and so on.

    It is worth noting that more than a third of participants already use primarily the mobile version of the social network.

    Difference between Facebook and other social networks

    The main difference between Facebook is not the interface, as one might assume. Its peculiarity lies in a number of functions that are not available to other social networks. The most valuable of them is the privacy settings.

    All sorts of fables about Facebook and its “real” owners are floating around the Internet. Some are sure that everything is run solely by Mark Zuckerberg, others are convinced that this social network is the product of intelligence services monitoring the Internet-active population. In fact, Facebook belongs to a number of shareholders who saw it as a profitable business project.

    The emergence of Facebook as a profitable company

    Facebook, of course, owes its existence to Mark Zuckerberg. It was this man’s enthusiasm that led the initially small project to the success we see today. The year of birth of the social network is officially recognized as 2004, and at that time Facebook was available only to Harvard students. Throughout the year, the social network has been actively growing, “capturing” students from American and Canadian universities. By that time, programmer Dustin Moskowitz and Mark’s classmate Eduardo Saverin had already joined Zuckerberg as financial director.

    The turning point for the project was Mark’s acquaintance with Sean Parker, at that time already a well-known Internet entrepreneur. Sean was one of the first to see the huge business potential in the new product and convinced its founders to register Facebook as an independent company. As president of the newly formed company, Parker began searching for investors.

    The first to respond to the tempting offer was Peter Thiel, the founder of the PayPal payment system. Later, a response came from Reed Hoffman, another famous Internet businessman. Investments from investors and the active work of developers led to the fact that already in 2006, Facebook became an international social network.

    In 2007, Microsoft bought a 1.5% stake in Facebook, which also gained the opportunity to place its advertising on the site. And already in 2009 it became known that Facebook was making a profit. At the same time, the company became a leader in profitability among Internet projects. To this day, she has not lost her position.

    Current situation

    Today, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is its main owner and CEO. He accounts for 28.2% of the company's shares. Programmer Dustin Moskowitz is also not out of business and holds 7.6% of the shares. The largest third-party investor to date is Accel Partners. The company owns 11.4% of the shares. Russian representatives of Internet business are not giving up their positions either. Mail.ru Group holds a 5.5% stake in Facebook.

    Thus, Mark Zuckerberg created and gave impetus to Facebook. But without the support and active work of his comrades, the project could very quickly wither and not gain the glory that it can boast of today.