• Free video promotion on YouTube. Video on YouTube: ways of promotion and promotion

    Users who run their channels on popular YouTube video hosting, they do it not only for the sake of a hobby. The main goal of most is income. And you can really make money there. Uses this video service monthly more than a billion people. This is almost a third of all Internet users. If you figure out how to promote a YouTube channel and achieve your goal, you can earn good money on the Internet.

    Before considering methods of promoting a YouTube channel for free or for money, it is worth highlighting the basic principles of work:

    Free ways to promote your YouTube channel

    Many people understand that the more subscribers, the more opportunities the profile owner will have. Therefore, users, especially those who are focused on making money, are looking for working ways to quickly promote a channel on Youtube.

    As stated earlier, the primary focus should be on content. Often, authors who publish videos useful for the audience only need to film, edit and post the material, such a profile promotes itself.

    To speed up your YouTube channel promotion, you can use the following methods.

    Correct and beautiful profile design

    To stand out among competitors, it is important to create a unique “face” of your profile and competently present the video material published on it:

    User Interface allows:

    • Set an avatar. It will be visible when posting comments, in search results, list of subscriptions. A memorable image, a photo of a blogger or a company logo will increase recognition;
    • Design the cover, i.e. upload a unique banner. It is important that it is combined with the theme of the published videos;
    • Create and optimize playlists. With their help, you can set up convenient navigation by combining thematic videos. This will not only make it easier for users to navigate, but will also encourage them to watch additional videos.
    • Create sections. With their help, you can distribute videos to home page profile in a form that is convenient and attractive to the viewer.
    • Download trailer. The main purpose is to introduce the audience to the topics of the published videos and motivate them to become subscribers.

    Correct and attractive design will allow you to receive natural subscribers for free.

    Also, to the correct design it is worth adding SEO promotion youtube channel, i.e. creating videos for specific search queries and drawing up a correct optimized description for them. To select keywords you can use special services Mutagen, Yandex.Wordstat, Key Collector, Google keyword tool.

    Regular publication of new video content

    Successful free promotion Youtube channel also lies in the right strategy. Here it is important to understand the critical points for audience retention, i.e. how many videos should be published so that the audience’s interest is always in a “heated” state. On average, it is considered that two videos per week are enough. But it all depends on the topic, for example, popular bloggers, presenters personal diaries, publish videos more often, and immediately gain good quantity views. When trying to fill your profile with video content, it is important to remember that the priority is not the quantity of material posted, but its quality.

    Publishing videos on social networks, forums, blogs

    This method is not only an option for video promotion, but also an option for promoting a YouTube channel and free set subscribers. If the material is really interesting and useful, many users not only share it with friends, but also go to the author’s profile to get acquainted with other content.

    You can post new videos:

    Communicate with viewers and motivate them to action

    For a good indicator behavioral factors it is important to get feedback from subscribers and viewers in the form of likes, comments and subscriptions, this directly affects the promotion of the channel on Youtube.

    For this purpose, you can conduct surveys asking you to leave your answers and opinions in the comments under the video. You can also ask your audience to subscribe and like directly in the video. For example, “If you liked this video, please like and subscribe to my channel.” According to statistics, people often respond to such calls.

    Youtube channel promotion for money

    Mutual PR deals are also effective. To promote your channel, you can ask other YouTubers for help. On EPICSTARS you can do this for free, using the mutual PR deal:

    For those who want to promote their video blog for free, you can try working with SMOFast and TurboLiker. These are convenient and understandable services for promoting a YouTube channel for free. On them you can order all the same actions as on paid projects, only payment is made using credits, which the owner will earn for performing various actions ordered by other participants.

    To achieve good results It’s better to combine promotion methods. But it is important to remember that artificially boosting behavioral factors can negatively affect the ranking of video content and profile promotion. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of published material and the design of your profile.

    Today we are talking about how promote youtube channel for money; we tell you what paid and effective promotion of a channel on YouTube is; discuss details and nuances of YouTube; we'll find out updated statistics my channel (by views and subscribers). We are learning to save not money, but time (don’t worry, I won’t sell you anything). Let's go?

    Promotion of a channel on YouTube. Newbie problems

    - correct YouTube channel promotion;

    - effective YouTube channel promotion;

    - constant promotion of youtube subscribers.

    As for me, these are serious arguments that can lead to disappointment for a beginner and the idea that all this was started in vain. Believe me, even the videos of average and high quality it is necessary to promote, promotion is especially important if the channel is new and does not yet have its own regular audience (live subscribers).

    Promotion of YouTube channel. Live subscribers

    Why did I write live? Because 99% of sites that offer to gain subscribers on YouTube today for free are deceiving you. The main contingent of such sites are bots. I think you have already tried these “magic” sites and watched how subscribers quickly added and disappeared just as quickly. Do you need it? Don't think.

    Who are they live subscribers on youtube? Well, they are like bees that spread nectar all over the Earth. On simple example it looks like this:

    — subscribers watched it first;

    — someone liked it, someone told their friends;

    - someone wrote a comment.

    And now a couple more people have found out about your video. Surely some of them will also watch the video. The most primitive video promotion on YouTube in my explanation works roughly according to this scheme. By the way, it’s not even about the quality of the content (although it should be at the same level) that you upload to YouTube, it’s about who will watch it.

    Let's tell you what happens to a video that no one watches at the very beginning (the first 48 hours after uploading to YouTube). Such a video is lowered as much as possible in search results (people are unlikely to find it through a Youtube search). The result is that you will waste a lot of time, lose faith, and perhaps even give up the whole thing. By the way, only an effective and thoughtful video can raise such a video from the bottom.

    High-quality promotion of a YouTube channel for money

    I hope after reading this you realized that alone, without the necessary skills, YouTube channel promotion stop at a certain level (5-50 views per day, maybe you can even reach 100). I’ll say right away that if you intend to steadily and constantly develop your channel, then at the very beginning it is advisable to use channel promotion on YouTube for money (if you have friends who do this, then ask them to do it for free).

    The new channel needs:

    If you find a site that achieves these indicators and does not cheat, please share. Unfortunately, only paid promotion channel. Find out why below.

    Effective and comprehensive promotion of a YouTube channel for money

    In my understanding, it should be useful not only today. This is exactly why I don't take it:

    - increase views quickly;

    — gain subscribers on dubious sites;

    — order likes from fakes.

    - I promise I can bring the channel to the top for all requests.

    I try to do my work efficiently, not quickly. I want that after cooperation, you will not be ashamed to recommend me to your acquaintances and friends.

    Comprehensive promotion of a YouTube channel for money is:

    — increasing the number of subscribers (only live subscribers);

    - comments, adding to favorites, reposts.

    The minimum budget for which it can be carried out is 1,000 rubles.

    What is included in such paid channel promotion (budget 1,000 rubles)?



    — 100-150 subscribers;

    — increase of video in search results.

    Bonus - I’ll add your channel to the interesting ones for a month.

    By the way, if you don’t know, my channel has a name Clear TV .

    Currently there: 438,263 views, 4,280 subscribers.

    ATTENTION! DEADLINE - 2-3 weeks (remember that people work, not fakes).

    It’s not difficult to reach an agreement with me :) You can write on Skype: deja.vu56 or email: [email protected]

    Even if you do not use my services, I wish you to conquer the given height on Youtube on your own. Next to this, do not forget that you have just been recommended an inexpensive and effective way YouTube channel promotion.

    I warmly welcome everyone! My name is Oleg Lyutov. In this article, I will reveal the following topic for you: “ How to promote a video on YouTube for free?».

    It will be described here step by step instructions and tricks that will help you increase the rating of your video on YouTube. Yes, there are many articles and videos that reveal this topic, but I will share with you exactly my tactics and tips for promoting on YouTube. So let's get started.

    How to promote a video on YouTube - 7 tips

    1. Why YouTube?

    YouTube is the largest and most popular platform. We are only used to watching videos. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Every day, any video uploaded to the network can instantly reach the top.

    The fact is that you can release just one video (further ones may not be as interesting as the first, however, the audience will not decrease from this), and capture a large audience. And those who were able to do this are not only popular, but also have a chance to earn money (advertising). Therefore YouTube is your launching pad.

    Let's assume you already have footage. Now your task is to make candy out of it. To do this, the video must have a semantic load equal to one keyword. This is the word that will determine the topic of the video. It is best to shoot videos prepared in advance before filming the story.

    There are two opinions about keyword promotion. Some believe that you need to make videos only through existing popular ones (based on them). Others, on the contrary, say that it is necessary to take only fresh and interesting material, which no one else has.

    But, you should try yourself in two options, so as not to miss. Completing this task is fundamental to promoting your video on YouTube.

    3. Tag features

    The first is the video title (tag). These are exactly the ones keywords, which will help your video get to the top. A small tip: since the videos are released very often, and the names are repeated very often, you should use various types symbols, for example: !, ", @, #, $, &.

    This is done for the following reasons: many videos repeat each other’s titles, which has a detrimental effect on promotion. And in order to avoid this, we will use symbols. In order to check the uniqueness of the name, let's turn to Yandex " choice of words" We remember it and move on to the next point.

    4. Uploading a video to YouTube

    The fastest (depending on Internet speed) step.

    So, in order to upload a video, you must have an account on YouTube. Let's assume you have it. So, in the top right corner there will be a " download" Click and go to the menu, where we select the item select. Next, select the video, and while it is downloading, you need to fill in the fields: title, description, tag.

    In the title we enter a coined phrase (according to point 3), in the description we describe a brief content, and in the tag (sections) field we enter the names of those sections that fit the video. After the download is complete, click ready. Video on the web.

    One more trick: To give your video more chances, you should use all the tags that are more popular in descending order.

    Don’t forget about the preview image that will be displayed on the video. Remember that beautiful picture always attracts viewers.

    5. Video promotion through social networks

    First, like the video (yes, it may seem strange, but still). Next, you should post this video on your wall in all social networks. networks in which you are (the more, the better). Don't forget about your friends. This feature is called " word of mouth" This is when you send to friends, they send to all their friends, they send to theirs, and so on.

    6. How to properly promote a video using spam

    Spam can be very annoying. But what if we made it work for us? There are two options for promoting a video: paid and free. Paid method: advertising popular groups, channels, communities, people. They can charge a huge price, so we discard this method. Free is spam.

    For promotion, you can use not only the above scheme, but also fill everything possible groups, for example, VKontakte. To do this, open all the groups suitable for the video and upload them there: either in the column to suggest news, or in the comments under the first posts. Use all groups, don't be lazy.

    7. Website in Google and Yandex search engines

    Very good step maybe creating a website. So, you will increase your chances several times. Those who search for information using a search engine will come across your site, and through it, your video. In one of my articles I already wrote about <== обязательно прочтите , there are also a lot of chips that I burned.

    You can simply add a link to your video uploaded on YouTube to the search engine for faster indexing - this is important for temporary videos, for example, marked urgently. I explained how to do this in my video tutorial on the topic: “ ».

    Let's summarize the results of promoting the video on the Internet

    If you did everything correctly, then believe me, this will give you a good start. I’ll say right away that don’t expect instant results. Give your video time to hang. Repeat points 5 and 6 at least once a week to increase your audience. Don't stop at one video.

    That's all I have for today. See you again in articles and videos!

    Do you want to promote your YouTube channel, but the number of subscribers is stagnant and not moving?

    In this article I will tell you about the main methods of attracting subscribers to your YouTube channel.

    You can also watch the video version of this article:

    7 basic principles (methods) on how to promote a YouTube channel

    The first principle of promoting a YouTube channel. Make useful and high-quality content.

    You should only publish useful videos that will be of interest to your target audience. It is advisable that each video that you upload to the channel solves some problem that the user faces.

    Give all the information you know about the topic of the video, don’t hide anything. Otherwise, sooner or later the viewer will find what you hid from another author and go to him.

    The more useful the video, the more subscribers will come from it to your YouTube channel. That's why quality content is always the key to success.

    The second method is how to promote a channel on YouTube. Call on your followers to take action.

    There should be a call to action in every video you publish on YouTube. Have you ever had a situation where, after watching one video, you want to go to the next one in the “similar” tab, then to the next one, and so on for several hours in a row?

    I think this happens to everyone. This is a very smart YouTube marketing move that allows you to keep the user on this site. But for YouTubers, the problem is that after watching the first video, you will move to another channel and forget about the previous videos and their authors.

    With a call to action, specifically to subscribe to the channel, you must retain the user and prevent him from moving on to the next video, or at least motivate him to subscribe to your channel. Attracting subscribers to the channel helps promote the video in search. By the way, the most extensive section on my blog is dedicated to video promotion:

    Without such a call to subscribe to the channel, 95% of users will simply move on to watching the next videos. And your task is to make the user your subscriber.

    The call to action should consist of two parts:

    • What needs to be done? — subscribe to the channel.
    • Why do you need to do this? — there can be a lot of options.

    For example:

      • Subscribe to the channel so you don't miss the next videos
      • Subscribe to the channel and get a discount on all products in our store (if this channel belongs to an online store)
    • Subscribe to the channel so as not to be a radish.

    Choose your appeal according to the audience your videos are intended for. But remember, there should be a call to action in every video you make. The number of subscribers largely depends on this.

    The third principle of YouTube channel promotion. Start designing your channel.

    Channel design is very important. Since the channel icon and its banner are the first thing the viewer sees when meeting you.

    Articles about channel design can be found under the “YouTube channel design” tag:

    Let’s say you are an information businessman, selling personal growth training, consulting, and so on, and you have some ladybugs on your channel banner. Naturally, an image is formed that this channel will not bring much benefit, and users will pass by without paying attention to your channel.

    Therefore, do not skimp, order a banner from the same freelancers. It will cost you only 100-200 rubles for a simple but neat design. It's worth it.

    If you are a blogger or an information businessman, and you want people to remember your face, place your photo on the banner.

    And remember, the banner should reflect the theme of your YouTube channel

    Fourth principle. Use music in your videos.

    Videos with quiet music in the background are much more enjoyable to watch than videos without it. Especially if you make some kind of podcasts, shoot video from the screen, explain something, be sure to use sound. It will help you with this.

    Firstly, music relaxes you a little and helps you perceive content better. Secondly, on a psychological level, it makes the viewer more loyal to you.

    But don't make the music too loud. In this type of user, users simply will not hear you. =)

    The fifth principle of effective promotion of a YouTube channel is the regular release of videos.

    It is necessary to release content regularly. This is due to several factors.

    Everyone already knows that YouTube loves when videos are regularly uploaded to the channel. He sees that some action is taking place on the channel, the channel is being watched, and videos are being released. This has to do with its (YouTube’s) algorithms, I won’t go into depth.

    The second factor has to do with your followers. If you upload videos regularly, your subscribers will start watching them regularly. They develop a systematic approach, which increases views.

    It is very important to tell your subscribers what days of the week you release your videos. For example, I upload videos every Tuesday and Thursday. As practice shows, The best effect comes from publishing 1-3 videos per week.

    You must upload at least one video per week.

    Sixth principle. Use annotations.

    Take the time to make a subscribe button in each video’s annotations. This button works well.

      • Firstly, it attracts attention and is a hidden call to action.
    • Secondly, it helps those users who watch your videos not on YouTube itself, but on other resources, to subscribe to your channel. Since on other resources there is no “subscribe” button for the video.

    Also use annotations on your other videos, as well as on your playlists. The more of your videos a user watches, the more likely he is to subscribe to your YouTube channel.

    The seventh principle of how to promote a YouTube channel. Optimize your video.

    Video optimization is one of the most important principles and methods for growing a YouTube channel.

    Now on YouTube, by properly optimizing your video, you can reach the top for low-frequency queries without any investment.

    Of course, there is not very much traffic for low-frequency queries. But if you shoot not one, but 10-20 videos, then the increase in traffic will be quite noticeable. Therefore, video optimization needs to be taken seriously.

    And in the end I want to say. There is no single correct channel development strategy. Everything depends only on you.

    In this article, I described only those methods that I use myself, and which helped develop my channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/1videoseo

    I wish you success in developing your channel! If you have questions about promoting on YouTube, be sure to ask them in the comments under this post or under the videos on my channel at the link above.

    Those who create their own channels on YouTube can pursue different goals: from commercial to entertainment. But few people get pleasure from the fact that no one watches the video on which a lot of time and effort was spent. If this is the situation, then it’s time to think about how to promote your video on YouTube.

    How to prepare a video for promotion

    No matter how paradoxical it may sound, you should prepare a video for promotion even before the shooting begins. Working with already filmed material is much more difficult, especially if it does not meet some video content requirements.

    The main parameters of the right video from a promotion point of view include:

    • Content. It must be completely focused on the target audience, and also correspond to the theme of the channel. Informational, scientific, educational videos should fully reveal the essence of the problem and provide maximum useful information and provide a complete answer to the user’s request. Entertaining and humorous videos should be funny, positive and have their own “trick”.
    • Optimization. Before you start shooting, you need to choose a key phrase to rank your video in searches. Moreover, the key phrase should be contained not only in the title, description and video, but also in the video itself. YouTube can recognize speech in published recordings, so the key phrase must be spoken during filming, preferably several times.
    • Image quality. As the capabilities of digital video technology develop, the requirements for video quality also increase. A user will never subscribe to a channel where only low-grade material is published. Optimal video quality is HD (1280x720).
    • File name. Before uploading a video to a video hosting site, you don’t need to be lazy about renaming the standard titles. It should be the same as it is planned to be titled on the channel in the transliteration.
    • Duration. An important ranking factor on YouTube is the length of the video. Therefore, it is recommended to post posts that are at least 10 minutes long.
    • When publishing, it is important to choose the most appropriate category for the video. You yourself must determine in which niche you want to advance.

    Preparing the material at the initial stage will seem difficult, because you need to take into account quite a list of nuances. But over time, filming will become automatic and will not take much effort. It is much easier to promote a channel with properly selected material, so temporary difficulties are worth enduring.

    SEO optimization of a YouTube video

    Promoting a video on YouTube is impossible without optimizing it. Video search engine optimization is a set of measures aimed at increasing the position of a video in search results. It is divided into internal and external.

    The principle of video optimization is similar to SEO technology for website promotion. This means that first, internal optimization of the page on which the video is posted is carried out, and then, with the help of external optimization, it rises to the TOP of search results.

    Internal video optimization should begin with the selection of keywords. To do this, you need to use the services of Yandex Wordstat, Google AdWords or YouTube keywords. The mechanism of their operation is so simple that even a beginner will not have difficulty getting started with them. To promote your video, you need to optimize the following elements of the video description.


    To choose the right title, you can look at the titles of the TOP videos by keyword. The title should contain the main key, as well as a couple of words that attract attention. Don't completely copy the title of your competitors' video. It's better to analyze the most popular headlines and come up with something more worthwhile.
    The title should contain the search query and additional words that may interest the user.


    Next you need to move on to writing a description. Using Google Adwords or YouTube keywords, you need to select several additional key phrases, preferably mid- or low-frequency ones. The competition among popular search queries is quite high, so getting to the TOP for less popular queries is much easier. In the video description, you must use the main key at least twice, and one of them must be entered in an exact entry, and the second in a diluted entry (with changing endings or using prepositions).


    Based on the tags, YouTube analyzes similar videos and decides which one should be recommended to the user for next viewing. The tags should also use a main key and several low- or high-frequency key phrases. The optimal number of tags is 5–10 phrases. When writing tags, you should ensure that they are grammatically correct. Otherwise, the video will never rise to the top of the search line.

    If, after several days of optimizing your video, it still hasn’t moved forward, you should analyze your competitors’ tags. To do this, click the right mouse button on the page with the video you are interested in. Then select “View source text” in the context menu and enter the word “keywords” through the search bar (Ctrl+F). The keywords will be listed after the "content" attribute.

    Advanced Video Settings

    In addition to the main elements of the video, there are also additional ones. They should also not be ignored. Additional video elements include:

    • Video icon. After the file has been uploaded to the video hosting site, you can choose one of three frames to display it in the search. It is also possible to place your own logo as an icon, but for this you need to enter into a partnership agreement with YouTube. The brighter and more attractive the icon is, the more likely it is to interest the viewer. A bright and memorable intro for the entire series of videos on your channel will be beneficial in the future - I will recognize your videos by it and choose them, even if they are not in the first places of search results, but in 5-10.

    A custom cover design will attract regular viewers and make your channel recognizable.
    • Links in description. You can and even need to add all sorts of links to the video description, for example, the address to the video itself or subscriptions to the channel. Since video advertising includes active work with the audience of social networks, links to a personal profile will also not be superfluous. In the future, if you receive a large number of views, these links will help attract additional traffic to social network accounts or external web resources.
    • Annotations are a tool that allows you to attract the attention of users. They are most often used for calls to action, such as like, subscribe to a channel, or watch the next video.

    Free promotion methods

    To promote your video on YouTube, you don’t need to have startup capital. Although its presence is, of course, a plus. But if your budget does not allow you to invest money in paid advertising, you can try to promote the video on your own. To do this, you need to use a number of free promotion methods:

    Promotion through social networks

    Social networks make it possible to notify friends and acquaintances that a new video has been uploaded to YouTube. It is enough to place a link to it on your page, and then, if, of course, the video is interesting, a chain reaction will work. You need to distribute information about the video on all social networks where you have an account with a sufficient number of subscribers. If, for example, the owner of the channel does not have a profile on Facebook, then you need to create one, then recruit the maximum possible number of friends through this social network and only then spread information about the new video.

    Placing links on third-party web resources and thematic forums

    Although this method does not belong to the “white” methods of promotion, its existence cannot be ignored. We are talking about spam. Social networks gather a huge number of audiences at one point in the Internet space, so they will never be able to get rid of it. To distribute free advertising on social networks, you need to use thematic groups. The link to the video can be posted either in the comments under posts on the community wall, or through the group administration by clicking the “Suggest news” button. Perhaps the administrator will find the video interesting and publish it in his community.

    Links to videos can be posted not only on social networks, but also on thematic websites and forums. The ideal option would be if the owner of the channel or his friends had their own web resource where they could post the video without fear that it would be deleted in a few minutes.

    Collaboration with other channels

    Collaboration with other channels on a free basis should be mutually beneficial. No one will promote someone else's video without having anything in return. This means that for mutual promotion it is necessary to find a non-competitive channel with a similar number of subscribers and offer its owner cooperation, which will be based on disseminating information about the video among its viewers in exchange for a similar service.
    You can contact channel owners using the contacts in the “about the channel” section.

    Paid promotion methods

    If you have at least some funds for promotion, you can really promote the video and, accordingly, the channel on YouTube. Based on the amount available, you can choose the appropriate method of paid advertising. These include:

    • Increase views and comments. The method is not the most effective, but it can be used. It is important to do the minimum so as not to get banned. A safe strategy would be “natural promotion” - think about how many views your video could actually get per day. There are many programs and services for implementation.
    • Conducting a competition. Competitions attract people like a magnet. Especially if a good gift is presented as the main prize. To get the required number of views this way, you need to announce the terms of the competition (like, subscribe, etc.) on the YouTube channel, and then try to spread the information about it as much as possible. Again suitable for these purposes social media.
    • Contextual, targeted or teaser advertising. You can advertise your video both through social networks and through contextual advertising services on the pages of search engines. But to publish a paid advertisement, you need to have at least basic knowledge of setting it up. Otherwise, the entire available budget can simply be thrown down the drain.
    • Advertising on YouTube. YouTube offers paid advertising services to channel owners. An advertisement can be published in several ways, for example, in a list of related videos. Such advertising is placed through Google AdWords. Moreover, its cost is regulated by the advertiser himself. He can independently determine the maximum price for 1 view.
    • Video seeding on external resources through special services. There are special paid services that are ready to take on all the hassle of video promotion. Their services include posting videos on various platforms, including social networks, thematic forums and blogs. The peculiarity of this method of promotion is that it is aimed only at the target audience. That is, the channel owner will receive not only a large number of views, but also potential subscribers.
    • Buying advertising from famous video bloggers. The last, but no less effective way to promote a video on YouTube is to order advertising from popular bloggers. In 2017, there are not so few people who have successfully turned video blogging into a source of permanent income. Therefore, finding someone willing to promote the next video will not be difficult. But when choosing a suitable blogger, you should keep in mind that the prices for such advertising are quite high. Moreover, among those who offer their services there may also be scammers. Therefore, you need to carefully study the audience structure and activity on the channel.

    The desire of any newly created YouTube channel owner is to get a large number of views for your video cheaply and quickly. And you can understand it, because it takes a lot of effort and enthusiasm to work on one video. Therefore, it certainly deserves public recognition. But as practice shows, without competent promotion it is almost impossible to achieve the desired result.