• How to fix photo processing error in Instagram app on Android? Typical mistakes when registering on Instagram

    IN lately Instagram has started to come up with new innovations. And any updates on Instagram are usually accompanied by massive glitches and network problems. This is such a familiar process that for some time I did not pay attention to the most important mistake of recent weeks: “Sorry, there was an error.”

    Recently, another type of the same error has become common, when Instagram does not write any problems, but you still cannot log into your account.

    In this article, I collected all the known solutions to the problem of logging into an Insta account on your phone. Let's go.

    Solutions to the problem “Oops, an error occurred” on Instagram

    Option 0.

    Use a different phone. Most likely this will not help you, but there is a small chance. The highest probability that this method will help is - take the phone on which you have already logged into your Insta account. Very often the problem is related to the fact that Instagram “doesn’t seem to believe you.” Therefore, the chances are higher with an old phone.

    Option 1.

    The first thing you should do is try to access Instagram using Facebook. Obviously, this method is only suitable if you have linked Facebook to Instagram in advance. We prepare sleighs in the summer, right? Linking the two networks is extremely useful not only for Facebook itself, which will be able to better target advertising to you and earn additional billions of dollars, but will also protect your account from hijacking and... And will allow you to log into your profile if you get the “Sorry, an error occurred” error. .

    Again. you got similar error- try to log in through the Facebook profile linked to your Insta account. Personally, this option helped me today and I logged into one of my profiles.

    Option 2.

    Everything is fine, but what to do if you haven’t linked your Instagram and Facebook accounts? And here I can start lecturing you about the importance of security and all that kind of nonsense, reminding you of the situation with backups, which no one thinks about until the moment when they are needed. But why? We solve problems as they arise.

    If you have the “Sorry, there was an error” problem, you can go to the web version of Instagram, but it does not allow us to link Facebook. Therefore, of course, you can look through the feed, but it won’t help us with anything more.

    It's time to remember. If you didn’t know, then you can use Direct on a laptop (only if you don’t have a Mac) for a long time and without dancing with a tambourine. The program looks like this:

    You can log in to Instagram on Windows 10 without any problems, even if your account has encountered a known error. I checked on three problematic profiles and all were able to log in. Yes, the sample is not the most extensive, so if you suddenly have a problem with this, write about it in the comments to the article, if it’s not difficult for you.

    After we have logged into our account using the Windows application, we run to read the direct messages and respond to all clients, and only then go to the settings and look for the “Friends on Facebook” item. We connect our Facebook profile, wait a little, congratulations, the problem is almost solved.

    With our hands trembling with happiness and anticipation, we take the phone and click on the treasured Login with Facebook button.

    It helps in most cases, but unfortunately not in everyone. Let's figure it out further.

    Alternative option.

    Some users do not have the opportunity to use the client for Windows 10, or this method is not suitable. Readers in the comments shared another method: download any VPN client for your phone, use it to open Instagram and select a country (in the VPN application) from neighboring developed countries (Germany and so on). When Instagram launched us, we linked Facebook to the profile, the problem was solved.

    Important! A VPN can only aggravate the problem, catching profile confirmation via SMS without the ability to log in.

    Option 3.

    The following actions are a little like the dances of the Indians who tried to make it rain with them. Sometimes it coincided, which further convinced the Indians that there was a certain correct ritual and order of action, thanks to which droughts could be stopped. Well, they danced until Columbus made the wrong continent. I got carried away with something.

    We return to the web version of Instagram. Anticipating the question, yes, it exists and is located at Instagram.com. Log in, go to settings and at the bottom we notice the line “Temporarily block my account.” Feel free to click, don’t worry, the profile will not disappear. Zuckerberg won't let his user go so easily :)

    Next, select “problems with logging in”, because of which you want to commit sacrilege and abandon Instagram for a while, agree and block. Then you can finally chat with your family, walk the dog and even drink foam. You don’t touch your account for the next 2-3 hours, no matter how much you want to.

    The account can be returned from temporary blocking only using a login in the application. Which will be successful. I don’t fully understand the mechanics of this magic, but they work for the vast majority of users who encounter the problem.

    Option 4.

    Congratulations, you are the chosen one, since the previous methods did not work for you. So, on the authorization screen we look for the faint inscription “help with logging in”. On the next screen, select the top option, which does not fully fit into the screen.

    Enter the address there email, to which the account is registered and select “Send email" We check the mail and find the following envelope:

    This is a very important letter! Be careful here. We click on the big blue button and receive a question from the system about how to open the link: Chrome, Instagram, etc. Select Instagram, if you haven’t done so before, and click “use this choice always.” Congratulations, you are logged into your profile.

    Option 5.

    Reset your phone to factory settings, i.e. complete reset. I don't believe it works, but sometimes the stick shoots. There were messages on a couple of forums that people’s chakras had opened and Instagram let them in after full reset phone, i.e. resetting ALL information. Think three times.

    Option 6.

    Delete the Instagram application and install it again. This method really helps a small part of users.

    Option 7. Last.

    Wait 14 days. 14 days is a magic number and even without any magic. Therefore, if you cannot log into your account now, use another device on which you are already logged into your profile and wait 2 weeks. He always lets go after that.

    Bottom line.

    Login problems go deeper than a simple system glitch. I hope the great Marketer will save us from the worst scenario, but for now I recommend linking your Instagram and Facebook accounts in advance, so as not to experiment with logging in later.

    Instagram developers regularly release updates to their application. And this is very pleasing, especially if new features are added and old security holes are closed. The only downside is that frequent updates are often accompanied by various “glitches” and network failures. The system writes law-abiding user(quite offensive, in our opinion) message when logging into Instagram, “Unknown network error” or . What can lead to a network error and how to fix it will be discussed in this publication.

    Causes of “unknown network error”

    The first and most common reason A network error appears - this is a problem with your Internet connection. In addition, the following may cause an error:

    • the need to update the application;
    • problems with phone settings;
    • server overload.

    What to do in this situation? You need to act competently, calmly and toughly. For example:

    It should be understood that the error may appear due to a trivial problem of low Internet connection speed. Try connecting to a different access point or switch to mobile internet(3G/4G).

    Solving the problem by updating the application

    If you don’t have access to Instagram (and stable internet connection is), then try to solve the unknown error by updating the application.

    • go to the app store;
    • dial in search bar Instagram;
    • open the application (the first one on the list).

    Feel free to update, give additional permissions by clicking the “accept” button and wait for the files to be installed. After the update, an “open” button will appear next to the “delete” button. Open Insta, enter registration data (if asked) and enjoy the interesting content!

    Solving the problem by clearing the application cache

    If solving problems with the Internet connection and updating the application did not help, and when you log in, a network error appears again, then congratulations, you are the chosen one! But if you don’t want to be a NEO from the matrix, then we use a radical way to get rid of this scourge - clearing the cache.

    If your device runs on the Android platform, then to clear the cache, follow these steps:

    • go to settings;
    • select the “Applications” tab;
    • find Instagram;
    • Click on the “Clear cache” button.

    That's it, exit the settings and enter the application with authorization.

    To clear the cache on an Apple device, you just need to “destroy” Instagram and install it again, then log in and enjoy using your favorite social network.

    As a conclusion

    In this publication, we tried to tell you in as much detail as possible how to deal with the problem when, when logging into Instagram, it says “Unknown network error.” Let's summarize: check the Internet connection, restart the router and reboot the smartphone; update the application; clearing Insta Cache. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the methods we propose. Try it and you will succeed!

    Quite a common problem, isn't it? As soon as the video download function was introduced by the developers, this problem affected many. Just for fun, it’s enough to count the number of people you know who have ever experienced difficulties in this matter. Unfortunately, there are too many of them. What to do? Who should I contact? Almost all Instagram users are running to the Internet to solve this problem.

    So, there was an error importing your video. A huge number of people in the open spaces world wide web They will advise you the same thing - change your gallery, and preferably to Quick pic. And, yes, they will be right. After all, this is the most common reason. But, unfortunately, there are a number of other problems.

    Main causes of trouble

    In fact, one can list a considerable number of reasons, which have been repeatedly confirmed in practice.

    • The Instagram application has not been updated for a long time;
    • Poor internet connection, low speed;
    • Inappropriate video file format;
    • Using the original “Gallery” application on your smartphone;
    • Updates for a long time were not installed on your phone;
    • There was some problem loading the video;
    • Your phone is simply outdated;
    • Firmware problem.

    Methods for resolving problems when importing videos

    The solution to the video loading error on Instagram is extremely ambiguous. With such a variety of reasons, it is important to familiarize yourself with all possible options.

    Summing up

    The article presented all the main reasons for the problem of downloading videos on Instagram. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with each point in detail to solve this problem. Most often, the cause of this problem is not at all scary and can be easily eliminated. However, this does not exclude the possibility of serious problems. An outdated phone model is not as common, but is still the main cause of this problem.

    The article describes how to correct login errors on Instagram, as well as registration errors.


    Registration in the gadget application " Instagram» is available to every user. This program differs from many applications in that it does not require connection to a phone number during the registration process. This process itself is not difficult, and if you use an account from “ Facebook" to enter " Instagram“, then this will take a minimum of time.

    But still, many users often encounter problems related to the login error “ Instagram", both during registration and authorization. This unknown error prevents you from using the application normally and logging into your account. IN this review we will talk about the causes of login errors " Instagram» during registration, and what should be done in such cases.

    Why do errors occur when registering on Instagram?

    The most known bugs that happen when registering in " Instagram" arise for the following reasons:

    Let's look at these cases.

    Poor Internet connection

    If you have problems with the Internet, then you will not even be able to download the application to your phone normally. In this case, you should not try to download and install anything, as this can only cause additional problems.

    A poor Internet connection also prevents you from completing the registration process. Refresh your connection or restart your Wi-Fi and try to connect to the Internet again. Check whether you have paid for the Internet for the current period.

    The Instagram app needs an update

    Unknown network error when logging into Instagram, what should I do?

    When working with " Instagram» you must always use the application latest version. If you are having difficulty registering, check to see if you are using old version programs. Updating the program is not difficult; all you have to do is click a button.

    It will also be necessary stable connection with the Internet, and this does not require particularly high speed - application " Instagram"Weighs a little.

    There are problems with your phone

    If all of the above problems do not apply to your case, then it is possible that you have problems with the phone itself. At this point it is difficult to say what exactly caused the problem (below we will tell you how to solve one of these problems). Try to download and install the application " Instagram"on another gadget. But after registering with " Instagram"There is no guarantee that you will be able to log in to your account through your phone.

    A non-unique nickname was selected

    One of the common reasons why problems arise when registering with " Instagram" is a non-unique nickname. True, here you can solve the problem immediately. Non-unique nicknames are highlighted in red, and a list of alternative nicknames is also offered. You can choose a nickname from the list of suggested ones, or come up with a new one. A green light will let you know that the registration process can continue.

    The password for the Facebook account used to log into Instagram was entered incorrectly

    Unknown network error when logging into Instagram, what should I do?

    When you select your login method during registration, Instagram"via account on " Facebook", then try to enter the password correctly. Otherwise, a login error will naturally occur. If you enter your password correctly or after you recover it, you can safely continue the registration process.

    What should I do if an unknown error occurs when logging in to Instagram?

    Unknown network error when logging into Instagram, what should I do?

    You can also describe another possible error when entering " Instagram" It occurs when you try to connect your " Instagram» to business page on « Facebook».

    This error can only occur when logging in through gadgets, but when working on a computer everything works fine. That is, the cause of the error is not problems directly with the account itself in “ Instagram" Most likely it's a phone issue.

    If you use a gadget running " Android", then reset all settings on your device. If you don’t know how to do this, then on the Internet in the search engine “ Yandex"(or another) enter the model of your gadget and ask a question " how to reset to factory settings».

    If you use iPhones or tablets running " iOS", then go to " Settings-General-Reset" and click on the item as indicated in the screenshot:

    Unknown network error when logging into Instagram, what should I do?

    This action will help reset the gadget settings along with the content (otherwise the problem will not be solved). Just keep in mind that after this your gadget will look (in the software sense) as if you had just bought it in a store. We advise you to keep all necessary information from a gadget on a flash drive or computer.

    Video: WHAT TO DO? THERE IS NO LIVE BREAD ON INSTAGRAM??? What to do if there is no LIVE broadcast on Instagram?