• Selection of keywords from A to Z. What are keywords and keyword queries? How to use them in contextual advertising Yandex Direct and Google Ads

    Keyword- these are one or more words (key phrases) that briefly describe your content. These are a kind of “shortcuts” or “tags”.

    What are “key phrases” in Yandex and Google and why are they needed?

    The order of words, the grammatical form of words, the case of letters do not matter. Functional parts of speech and pronouns are ignored.

    For example, you have the keyword " facing brick Moscow" Then your ad will be shown for all queries that contain this phrase, for example:
    - facing brick V Moscow
    - buy facing bricks V Moscow
    - facing brick V Moscow inexpensive from the factory

    In what cases can keywords cause an ad to be displayed on YAN?

    What are the types of keywords for Yandex Direct and Google Adwords?

    Key requests for heat

    Hot Keywords lead to the site « “hot” visitors, that is, those closest to purchasing. They are the most likely to make a profit. If your budget is very limited, you should start with hot keywords.

    “Hot” queries can be identified by the presence of certain words in them - these are “ “, such as buy, order, delivery, urgently and others.

    Warm Keywords show that there is interest in a product or service, but the person is not yet ready to buy. on your topic, it is recommended to cover them in most cases.

    Cold keywords These are general queries (for example, “smartphones” if you sell iPhones), informational queries, and queries on related topics. The chances of making a profit from them are lower than those of warm ones. Cold keywords should be covered if you have already made the most of hot and warm keywords.

    Key phrases by frequency

    All keywords have a frequency. This is the number of searches for this phrase over a period - usually per month or per year.

    The Yandex.Wordstat service provides data on the frequency of keywords in Yandex.

    Keyword frequency statistics in the Wordstat service

    Ultra-high frequency keywords (microwave keys):

    High frequency keywords (HF keys):

    10,000 – 100,000 requests per month. Usually consist of 2-3 words. I have been collecting for best files and instructions for Direct. You can download them if you are looking for features:
    - configure and improve Direct qualitatively step by step
    - attract maximum “hot” clicks
    - save up to 80% of your advertising budget (there are ways to qualitatively reduce costs in 10 minutes)

    Updates to the Penguin algorithm and the “Knowledge Graph” teach us that a conceptual approach to the “semantics” of a site in the future gives best result than simple keyword selection. Many SEOs believe that since Google stores keyword-related data as (not provided), the keywords themselves no longer have any meaning.

    How wrong they are.

    Any search starts with keywords. And this is about 5 billion requests per day from Google alone. Think about this:

    • the essence of Google's business is based on the sale of keywords - and this is about 40 billion dollars a year, most of which comes from the sale of keywords through advertising;
    • the (not provided) value only affects post-click analytics, but has absolutely no effect on pre-click keywords that users enter in the search bar;
    • keywords and their meanings remain the primary inputs upon which the search engine responds to the user (even though other inputs such as location or app integration are trending)

    Marketers who invest in smart (conceptual, if you will) keyword research will continue to be successful in this field. Today we'll talk about how to turn keywords into concepts.

    From individual keywords to thematic concepts

    When many of us first encountered SEO, we knew how to tackle one keyword at a time. We optimized the page for this keyword by placing it in the title meta, in the title, mentioning it several times in the text, and perhaps even throughout all the image descriptions.

    If we were very cool, we could optimize the page for two keywords at once. Profit!

    In reality, optimizing a page for one request did not work and does not work in the long term. Today, content must be about something, the text must carry meaning.

    The difference between the present and the past lies in the transition from individual keywords to concepts.

    To determine the appropriate concept, three questions need to be answered:

    1. What do users mean? Search engines try to better understand user queries by relating their questions to specific concepts. If I type " movie about a tiger on a boat", That Google will understand, that I'm looking for information about the movie "Life of Pi", and not just any content optimized for this request.
    2. What is the content about? Search engines read keywords on a page, trying to understand what the page as a whole is about.
    3. What concepts relate to your topic? The Knowledge Graph is a clear example of how Google relates concepts to one another. In the case of the film Life of Pi, it is clearly visible how the film correlates with ratings, reviews, actors, etc.

    Keyword Targeting: The Road to Nowhere

    Let's look at the list of the most common mistakes. that marketers make when choosing keywords. This is what we are trying to avoid:

    • fuzzy keyword selection
    • keywords with very high competition
    • keywords with insufficient frequency
    • non-converting keywords
    • trying to rank for one keyword

    Why not go the opposite way? I suggest focusing your content on a valuable idea and avoiding any specific keyword. As the content grows, we will get a unique chance to move forward with hundreds, or even a thousand keywords connected by a single concept.

    Smart system for searching thematic keywords

    Our task is to abandon a number of outdated ideas and move towards the Knowledge Graph. Let's look at our content (and associated keywords) through Google's own eyes. First, let's remember a few facts about search traffic.

    Fact #1: About 70% of traffic to any page comes from queries for which that page is not optimized.

    If you've ever analyzed a keyword report in Google Webmaster Tools, you know what I mean. These can be thematically related keywords, synonyms and words from related categories that the search engine considers relevant to your content. Sometimes these words have nothing to do with the topic of the page at all, but we, of course, do not take such examples into account.

    The conclusion is simple: optimizing a page for one request means ignoring most of the potential traffic.

    Fact #2: Ranking in the TOP 1 is not a requirement for receiving hundreds of visits.

    Indeed, it is better to rank second or even lower for hundreds or thousands of broad match keywords than to be in the TOP 1 for a single query.

    Fact #3: Even the best keyword research engine in the world will only give you a fraction of the keywords you could potentially rank for.

    Have you ever compared a list of broad match keywords with a list of words from Google Planner AdWords? Most of these keywords will show little potential search traffic (i.e. low volume). But we know that this is not all: we have in front of us exactly the keywords that drive traffic.

    Keyword tools alone cannot show your true ranking potential. You need content that gets to the core of your topic.

    Fact #4: Search engines sell keywords grouped by concept and topic.

    When you buy keywords using AdWords, Google suggests keywords from narrow thematic groups. In fact, they do everything they can to discourage you from bidding on individual keys.

    Bonus fact: 15% of Google users, which is about half a billion a day, have never used the search engine before.

    Yes, contextual advertising is the company’s main source of income, so this is not surprising. On the other hand, Google knows that concepts are the best indicator of user intent. Those marketers who understand the importance of concepts are dangerous to the search engine in their own way.

    Now let's put all the ideas into practice.

    Step 1: Create a semantic core

    There are different ways selection of keywords and they depend on what you want to get from the page:

    • traffic - typical for pure page views and sites that receive income from advertising;
    • conversion - for example, if you sell goods/services or want to achieve brand recognition.

    I propose to consider the request " SEO optimization" Of course, it is very competitive and it is most likely worth starting with more simple key. But let's take a chance!


    There are hundreds of keyword research tools you can experiment with. The most popular:

    Most likely, you will settle on the first candidate, but you should not rely only on him. I advise you to use several tools at once - this way you will get additional options.

    The image below shows the keywords from Übersuggest:

    Step 2: Exact Keywords with Modifiers

    Everything is clear here. Let me emphasize one important nuance: The more specific a keyword is used, the easier it is to rank for it. Of course, you can rank well for the query “SEO optimization,” but most people are looking for more accurate data. Below is a list of the most common keyword modifiers:

    • time and date: SEO optimization 2014
    • quality and/or price: high-quality SEO optimization; SEO optimization cheap
    • target: order SEO optimization
    • location: SEO optimization in Kyiv

    It would be a good idea to check all your important keys with using Google Trends. It will point out patterns and trends that other keyword tools don't show.

    Step 3: Using Google AdWords Scheduler

    To search for keywords for small and medium-sized projects, you can go straight to the Google AdWords Keyword Planner. For larger projects, see alternative ways to search for keywords at the end of this article.

    AdWords is our main source, but you'll also need new keyword ideas. To do this, pay attention to the “Ad group options” table.

    Even if you don’t like the “Ad group options” table, you can get additional keys there, broken down by topic. This will give us an advantage in selecting the necessary keywords and help us write even more targeted content.

    Due to the fact that most keywords will contain the searched words, I advise you to use negative keywords to get more thematic options.

    Step 4: Further development of the concept

    Now that you have a basic keyword idea, it's time to create a topical list of keywords that are conceptually related to your topic. There are different ways to solve this problem. Let's look at several popular methods for building a thematic list using “SEO optimization” as an example.

    Google's Most Searched Section

    Bottom of the page search results Google has a “Frequently Searched” section. This is a goldmine for finding keywords that are conceptually related to your topic.

    Click on the search results in this block and analyze them - this way you will quickly find relevant keywords with dilutions.

    Google trends

    At the bottom of every page issuance There is a “Related queries” block, which can also be used to search for topical keywords.


    This is a tool for visualizing the semantic relationship between linked Wikipedia articles. For example, in response to the request “Search engine optimization” (alas, the service does not support the Russian language), Wikistalker will show articles with the greatest semantic relevance:

    • Internet marketing: 85% compliance;
    • Google Webmaster Tools: 70% compliance;
    • marketing: 59% compliance.

    Other keyword tools such as Deeperweb Search, SEMRush, YouTube Analytics or WordStream can also help you find topical keywords.

    Step 5: Put yourself in the user's shoes

    What exactly does your user want to find on this page? The answer will be your secret weapon in selecting topical keywords.

    People who search for “SEO optimization” often ask themselves a number of similar questions:

    • How much does it cost? Free, shareware
    • What does SEO optimization include? Link building, indexing
    • What is this for? For big or small business
    • How effective is it? Very effective, ineffective

    By answering questions like these, we further develop the concept of topical keywords.

    Step 6: Can you rank? Building a strategy along with a concept

    Tip: Be careful when analyzing the “Competition Level” column in the Google AdWords Keyword Planner. It illustrates well the situation with paid search results, but not with “organic”.

    In this case, you should immediately switch to the search results page. There are two basic methods of competition analysis:

    1. Automated tools like Google's Keyword Planner
    2. Manual analysis of search results

    Manual method: viewing search results

    Analyzing the TOP of search results is the easiest way to assess competition without the help of special tools. Enter a non-personalized search query using your keywords. Evaluate the TOP search results and ask yourself the following questions:

    • Are the pages optimized for the keyword?
    • Is the keyword placed in the meta title tag? In the URL? On the page?
    • Is it a trust domain?
    • What are the anchors for incoming links?
    • Can you post links or mentions for this keyword?
    • Can you provide better content than what is featured on the top pages?

    The last and most important question: Can you post better content than your competitors?

    If you want to be in the TOP, there can only be one answer. Yes.

    Step 7: Putting It All Together

    By now you've probably analyzed hundreds or even thousands of keywords and categorized them into semantic groups. You have found keywords that relate to your website or business in general. Words that you can use to create repost-worthy content with enough high frequency search. This is the content with which you will get to the TOP.

    The keywords you choose depend both on the business as a whole or the website itself, and on the competition. Google can rank keywords based on their relevance. But only you can decide whether these queries are right for your visitors, product and brand.

    Our list of topical keywords for the query “SEO optimization” should look something like this

    • free SEO optimization
    • best SEO optimization
    • selection of keywords
    • Search Engine Optimization
    • reference mass
    • online marketing
    • SEO for Google

    Remember, we started with a broad match keyword. In practice, the final list of keys will be much more narrow in scope.

    Now it's time for content. Write, share ideas and tell stories using these keywords.

    The above methods work if you collect semantic core for a business card website. But for larger-scale projects, a much more mathematical approach is needed. If you are faced with processing tens or even hundreds of thousands of keywords, pay attention to the following tools:


    The described method is just one of many. There are hundreds of other approaches, from which it is not at all easy to choose the optimal one. However, no matter your approach, looking at keywords through thematic concepts will make your life a lot easier and take your content to the next level.

    But does everything stated above have a right to life? If we are talking about methods for selecting keywords and tools for this, then, of course, yes. But the question is “does he understand? Google users good enough to take into account all possible nuances? remains open.

    Yes, the example with “a film about a tiger on a boat” is really good, but by request “ films about war in space"I don't see a link to Star Wars in the search results, but in the search results" lawn mowing devices"Clearly missing an article about a lawn mower. The Lazy Web Marketer's Guide to & nbsp ; Smart Keyword Research< / a >

    For those who work with text, it is very important to find keywords in it. What is a keyword in the text? Let's figure it out.

    Definition of the concept

    If you correctly find keywords in the text, it will not be difficult to restore the entire text. Alexander Blok said something like this: a text is a blanket stretched across several pegs. Keywords are supporting fragments of text that carry the meaningful load of the entire statement and are arranged in a certain order.

    If they are found and located correctly, then the meaning of the text will be clear and understandable.

    Key words in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”

    Let's take as an example the most famous text - the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. Each sentence contains keywords:

    1. grandfather and grandmother;
    2. chicken Ryaba;
    3. testicle;
    4. golden
    5. not broken;
    6. mouse;
    7. crashed;
    8. crying;
    9. I'll take the simple one.

    Using these supporting fragments, the entire text can be easily reconstructed.

    How to find keywords

    What is a keyword in the text? Usually it is the main member of the sentence, or at least one of them. If you choose a keyword from the stem, it is recommended to choose one that is related to the subsequent context. Usually, minor members are also elected as supporting members according to this principle - in connection with the following proposal.

    Finding keywords using an example text

    Let's turn to specific example and find the supporting words in it:

    1) Conscience suddenly disappeared. 2) Just recently she flashed here and there, and suddenly disappeared. 3) The inner turmoil and some eternal restlessness of the soul, which the conscience was always stirring up and disturbing with its mere presence, subsided. 3) It became freer and somehow more free. 4) People, having escaped the yoke of conscience, breathed a sigh of relief and hastened to take advantage of the fruits of neglect. 5) They went berserk: robberies and robberies, deception and fraud began. 6) As a result, general chaos and ruin reigned.(According to M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

    So, we have to search for keywords in the text, and we will write down parts of the sentence stems or the entire stems:

    1) conscience;

    2) disappeared;

    3) the confusion and anxiety subsided;

    4) became freer;

    5) people rushed to take advantage;

    6) went crazy;

    7) chaos and ruin.

    To check the correctness of the work done, you need to try to reconstruct the text using these words. Try to do this, if you succeed, then we have completed the task successfully.

    Preparation of a supporting outline

    When we know what a keyword is in a text, we can use this knowledge in the composing process. Let’s take a simple descriptive text for training:

    The night has thrown its blanket over the autumn forest. Silence and peace reigned in him. The trees fell silent in silence. They seem scared. Occasionally, a single leaf falls with a quiet rustle. A milky white fog lifted off the lake and floated to the edge of the forest.

    And suddenly a breeze came. He patted the treetops encouragingly and dispersed the fog. And then the mischievous man rushed off towards the dawn.

    Stars shine in the sky, giving the picture of the night mystery and splendor.

    Here comes the dawn! The world has awakened from sleep. The forest stirred, perked up and stretched towards the sun with joy and delight.

    If we are faced with the task of writing a statement, then, having written down during the first reading left side sheet (reference note), and if repeated - right side(vivid expressions), we can easily cope with this task.

    Keywords - search engine assistants

    Nowadays, the concept of “keywords” has another meaning - this is what is the content of the site and what search engines are looking for. For example, I am a seller of frying pans and I have an online store. On my page I post text in which I use this word several times. A person who wants to buy a frying pan will enter the name of this item into the search bar, and my website will come up.

    In this case, you need to take into account the density of keywords in the text. If it is too long, in almost every sentence, the search engine will consider the site spammy and will not display it among the first results.

    Let's spend practical lesson and try to find keywords in an article from some site, for example, in this one:

    This trip changed my life! Altai is truly a fabulous place! It reveals in a person hidden possibilities, which he himself didn’t even know about! Every day of your stay here is eventful: every day brings new impressions. You come to a new place and think: here it is, the most beautiful place in Altai! And half an hour later you are at another point, which is even more beautiful, even more magnificent!

    I would especially like to thank Alexander, our guide, conductor and simply a specialist with a capital “S”. He was able to infect us with love for Altai, and now we are like all relatives, united by one connection - attachment to this magical place. Although everyone is already far from each other, we correspond and communicate, remembering this wonderful fairy tale, whose name is Altai!

    Answer: Altai

    So we figured out what a keyword in the text is. Without it, it is impossible to imagine a coherent statement, as you can see.

    Greetings, friends. The phrases “keyword” and “key query” are found regularly on the Internet, but often beginners do not know what they are or have a superficial understanding. And, for the readers of my blog site, I decided to make a post about what the term “keyword” means. And for practical application I will also show you these concepts and where to look at keyword statistics and how to select them.

    Online key queries are the basis of successful SEO promotion websites and an effective advertising campaign in contextual ad networks - Yandex Direct and Google Adwords.

    What does the term "keyword" mean?

    Our language, both spoken and written, is replete with unnecessary words, the exclusion of which will not affect the meaning in any way, but will complicate perception - scientifically this is called redundancy.

    So, keywords are words that cannot be removed from the text without losing its meaning. In essence, it is a skeleton that carries the whole essence, and the remaining words are additional connectives and secondary characteristics.

    A keyword (key, keyword) is a word or phrase that, together with other keywords, characterizes a document, forming its subject and meaning. The set of keywords is similar to the summary of an article with cut links and missing sentence structure.

    For example, in the text “Last week we went fishing and caught a lot of all kinds of fish” the keywords would be:

    • Last week;
    • Fishing;
    • Caught;
    • Lots of fish.

    Based on the set of keywords included in a document, search engines recognize its topic (what it is about) and, based on this analysis, decide for which keywords to show it in the search results.

    A key query is almost a synonym for “keyword,” but it characterizes not a document, but what we are looking for through a search engine. By entering a key query in the search, we get sites containing the searched or keywords that are similar in meaning.

    Selection of keywords for promotion

    In this part of the article we will look at keywords in the context of Internet promotion, since it is on the Internet this concept has found its main application.

    You have to work with keys in two main planes:

    • When preparing web pages for their search engine promotion;
    • When creating an advertising campaign in contextual advertising systems.

    In both cases, several important points must be taken into account. If you skip them, you will be wasting your time and advertising budget. The rules are as follows:

    1. Keywords must strictly correspond to the topic you need, be precise and not imply double meanings. This will allow you to work for a strictly target audience and not attract obviously low-quality traffic.
    2. How more words in a key phrase, the more precise the semantic meaning it takes.
    3. The request must be in demand - prepare pages for keys that no one is looking for pointlessly, as well as setting up water for them advertising campaign. Depending on the niche and specific features of the business, the frequency may be different, but the demand must be present. We'll look at where to get keyword statistics below.
    4. High competition raises promotion costs, both in organic search and in advertising services. Evaluate the potential of each request based on the ratio of your costs to the projected return. Compliance with points 1 and 2 will help reduce costs. The request “buy a door in Moscow” will be much more difficult to promote than “buy an interior door made of wood with frosted glass in Moscow” (an abstract example).

    Conventionally, keywords are evaluated according to two criteria:

    • Frequency – HF (high frequency), MF (mid frequency) and LF (low frequency);
    • Competition – low, medium, high.

    In order to determine the level of competition, there are different services that take into account many parameters (links, number of sites in search results, quality of sites in search results, etc.).

    The easiest way is to open a search engine, see how many pages appear for the search query and look at the TOP 10-20 sites. It will immediately become clear how hard you will have to work to get into the ranks of the leaders.

    Another important point– see what kind of sites are in the first positions in the search results (shops, aggregators, information, etc.). If the entire TOP is occupied by article writers, then most likely this request will not be suitable for an online store.

    When working with Yandex Direct or Google Adwords, use a negative keyword system.

    Negative words or stop words are words added to a key query in order to prevent ads from being displayed for them. For example, you sell a program you developed for and advertise it for money. In this case, you don’t need requests containing the words “download, free or crack”.

    Keyword statistics – where to get it?

    Now let's move on to the frequency of key queries - the volume of demand is key. First they look at the prospects, and only then evaluate the competition and everything else.

    It's best to get keyword statistics from yourself search engines– they know what and how often people search.

    For these purposes, there is Yandex Wordstat - wordstat.yandex.ru

    Using the service is simple - open it, enter a search query in the line and get the numbers. But there are several nuances. Wordstat by default shows general statistics of a key query, including all its word forms and phrases in which it was contained as part. In the example below, you can see that the request “ ” was included in the statistics of the “keyword” request - this is confusing and gives false expectations - it seems that the potential traffic when the site gets to the TOP is several tens of thousands, but in reality this will not be the case.

    To see the real picture, you need to use a special syntax. In most cases, it is sufficient to use two operators:

    • Quotes – shows data only for a given phrase, removing all additions and tails, for example, “keyword selection” will no longer be taken into account;
    • Exclamation marks – exclude word forms from the statistics, for example, “keywords” will not be included in the “keyword” statistics.

    When using quotation marks, out of the original 62 thousand requests, only 1906 remained - this is closer to the truth.

    And accurate statistics tell us that users entered the query “keyword” into the Yandex search bar 411 times.

    62 thousand and 411 is a huge difference, which many novice Internet entrepreneurs mistake out of ignorance.

    Recording a webinar using search queries

    The webinar details where to get it and how to use it. search queries(keywords) for the successful development of the site.


    Now you know what keywords and queries are, you know how to choose them correctly to promote your projects, and you know how to look at statistical data correctly. This information will help you assess demand and calculate your strengths when choosing an advertising strategy.

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    Keywords are individual words or combinations thereof, which Internet users enter into search bar to find a product, service or information. Correctly selected keywords can provide a site with a large influx target audience. The task of an SEO optimizer is to compile such a list (semantic core) and perform competent site optimization.

    Why are keywords needed?

    Optimizing content for keywords is the main method of search engine promotion. If there are no thematic keywords on the page, then search robots will not consider the page relevant to queries. Accordingly, such a page is unlikely to rank high in search results. Therefore, at the first stage of optimization, a semantic core is compiled - a set of keywords for website promotion. Existing pages are optimized for this core or new ones are created, article topics are selected, linking is performed, etc.

    How to choose keywords for SEO

    Manually. The services wordstat.yandex.ru and adwords.google.com allow you to select keywords for SEO ( search engine optimization) for free. When compiling a semantic core, it is useful to perform an analysis on both search engines, but give priority to the most common one in your region.

    Let's look at the features of the work using Wordstat as an example.

    1. First of all, you need to log in to Yandex mail, and then follow the link https://wordstat.yandex.ru/.
    2. A word or phrase denoting your product/service is entered into a special line.
    1. After clicking on the “Select” button, a list of key queries appears indicating the approximate number of impressions per month.

    1. The tool makes it possible to specify the region of promotion in order to obtain more accurate information and form an effective semantic core.

    1. The tool allows you to view queries collected only from mobile devices. This allows you to optimize pages for smartphone and tablet users.
    1. When choosing keys for promotion, keep in mind that the issuance popular queries can change constantly.

    Automatically. A number of specialized services, designed to select keywords. These are SEOBudget, SEORanking, MegaIndex, etc. Many of them have advanced functionality and user-friendly interface, but are paid or shareware ( large number functions are connected for a fee).

    What to do with texts on the site

    After compiling the semantic core, it is necessary to optimize existing or write new articles with keywords included in them. It is important:

    • prevent overspam (using keys too often). Use SEO tools to analyze the number of keywords;
    • ensure the uniqueness of the article (preferably both formal and semantic). It can be checked using online services or anti-plagiarism programs ( ETXT Anti-plagiarism, Advego Plagiatus, text.ru, etc.);
    • make the content truly useful. All texts on the site must correspond to the requests for which they are created and be interesting.

    Key Occurrence Types

    Keywords can be used in texts in different ways. Exact occurrences are more effective for promotion, but their incorrect use may cause sanctions from search engines. Therefore, in texts they most often use different types occurrences.

    • Accurate. In the text, the key phrase is used in the same form in which users enter it into the search bar. For example, “we offer buy spinner with delivery."
    • Direct. The words in the key phrase remain unchanged, but may be separated by punctuation: “we offer fashionable this season spinners, buy You can order them and order delivery in one click.”
    • Diluted. Other words (usually thematic, clarifying) are used between parts of the key phrase. For example, “we can buy cool spinners».
    • Morphological. Words in the key can change form: decline, change places, be diluted with prepositions, conjunctions or other auxiliary parts of speech. It is acceptable to use commas, parentheses, and quotes in the key. The presence between parts of the key phrase of any other punctuation marks (including dash, colon, period) and meaningful words unacceptable. For example, “with us you will definitely pick up and buy a spinner, which will arouse the envy of everyone around.”
    • Synonymous. Some words from key phrases are replaced by synonyms. This allows you to avoid spam and expand the semantic core, taking into account related topics low frequency queries: “we offer buy spinners».

    When optimizing texts, it is important to remember that they are created, first of all, for users, and only then for search engines. Therefore, it is important to ensure their literacy, good readability and correct phrase construction.