• Android 6.0 setting virtual buttons. Secrets of Android (Android): All hidden features and functions

    This year, the company has already shown the 6th version of its Android mobile operating system. She received the name Marshmallow. This is how the very M stands for, about which fans have been speculating and betting all summer. Despite the fact that this is not 5.2, but a whole 6.0, there are much fewer new features and noticeable updates than it was in 5. But this is not surprising, because 5 set a new direction, and 6 simply strengthens its position. So, what's new in Zephyrinka?

    Google Now on Tap

    This is probably the main feature that the creators boasted about and the fans were waiting for. It analyzes the contents of your screen at a particular moment and offers interesting features. If you're browsing the latest movies in the app, Now on Tap will show you a list of upcoming shows. Listening to music, you can get comprehensive information about the artist, and talking in the messenger about a particular restaurant, you can book a table or call it. Thus, Google knows even more about you, but uses it only for your own benefit.

    Support for new standards and technologies

    Here it is worth mentioning two innovations at once. Fingerprint sensors brought to market Apple company And USB Type-C that everyone has been talking about for a long time. Many companies, including Samsung, have already installed fingerprint sensors in their devices, but they used their own developments, now this function is native, that is, any manufacturer can add a sensor to their smartphone and not create special software for this. USB Type-C is a new standard that will finally save everyone from the problem of an inverted cable. Now the cord can be inserted in either direction and not waste precious time. It will take at least a year for this technology to become widespread, but attention Google already says a lot.

    Setting Application Permissions

    Surely, many users, installing new applications, wondered why specific program so much access to personal data or individual smartphone features. If access to the camera of the application for creating a photo can be explained, then the permission to view SMS for the next game looks rather strange. Now any user can control which functions each of the applications installed on his mobile device will have access to.

    Doze - another step towards efficient energy saving

    The new power saving mode makes smart use of your battery. The smartphone understands when you are not using it, and, to the maximum, disables all background processes. Due to their inactivity, basically, the charge is saved.

    Embedded Chrome

    This innovation will appeal to both developers and fans Chrome browser. So, the creators of applications that need to open web pages will no longer have to embed or create third party solutions. This role will be played by the browser from Google. In addition, it will integrate well, and the user will not even notice when, in fact, a web page is open, and when the content of the application itself is on the screen.

    New features for working with a memory card

    Google, like Apple, actively fought against memory cards, but at some point stopped and reached the point that now on any device under Android control 6 Marshmallow, you can use a memory card as a system volume. This useful feature for those who do not have devices with large number built-in memory.

    Android Pay, improved text tools, themes and more

    Launches with Android 6 payment system Android Pay which, unfortunately, is not yet available. For those who often copy, cut and paste text, the developers have simplified this process a bit by adding a context menu with commands right above the selected text. Also in the settings, users can choose a dark or light theme for the OS. Smartphones running Marshmallow can now act as chargers for other devices. Now finally users can do backups systems without the help of third-party applications.

    It's safe to say that Marshmallow is a quality update for the Android operating system that simply improves the user experience, but does not bring radically new features. And this is correct considering that global update passed just a year ago.

    Now update and install the operating system of your smartphone or tablet up to latest version became even easier. Now to install new firmware, just download Android 6.0 from our website, follow the instructions from the downloaded archive, download and install the application on your smartphone or tablet with operating system Android.

    If the launch of Lollipop for the Nexus was delayed by the search giant Google, Android 6.0 Marshmallow began to scatter in time. Already now, some smartphones and tablets are receiving the coveted updates and introduce users to a number of useful changes, one part of which is aimed at internal system changes, and the other - at external ones. We will now talk about all the significant innovations found in the Zephyr.

    Without lengthy introductions and lyrics about the main accents of the Six, let's get straight to the point. The first thing users will see after installing Marshmallow is a new system boot animation that demonstrates the formation of the word Android.

    Lock screen

    Next we go to the lock screen, which will surprise you with a new font, which is also used in the case of several desktop widgets. He fit perfectly into the overall visual style system and does not look like something from a completely different opera.

    Also changed one icon quick launch: on the left now instead of "Dialer" microphone Google Now For voice requests, the Camera remains on the right. In Lollipop, they were activated by swiping to the right or left, but here you need to swipe from the corner of each icon, which is less convenient.

    If the search engine on the left does not suit you, there is an opportunity to return the usual "Dialer", for this you need to go to the application settings, select the default applications, go to the "Assistant and voice input" and change the value of the Helper to "no". True, it should be understood that the choice in favor of "Dialer" completely disables Google Now.

    Of the new features, it is also worth noting the ability to leave some arbitrary inscription, which is set in the Security settings item. It will quite come down to the role of a reminder or warning.

    Application menu and widgets

    All installed applications are now displayed in a vertical list sorted alphabetically. You can quickly find the game or program you need through search string from above or, for example, by holding down on the scroll slider - pull it down, and it will show all the letters involved. The 4 most used apps are also displayed at the top of the list.

    By the way, this type of menu became available to some Nexus users on Lollipop, it was enough just to update google app. This also applies to widgets, also sorted in alphabetical order. Among them, some new elements appeared, for example, audio search on Google Play- an analogue of Shazam. It is enough to bring it to the desktop and click to listen and determine the composition.

    Shutter and volume

    An activator has finally appeared in the standard curtain of quick launch icons silent mode « Do not disturb", which can be turned on certain time or indefinitely, until shutdown. At the same time, a profile of complete silence is available, or with exceptions for the alarm clock and important reminders / notifications / calls.

    (left - Android 5.1, right - Android 6.0)

    The set of quick launch icons can be customized with System UI Tuner, which we wrote about in . The same function, by the way, allows you to select the icons displayed in the status bar and enable the demonstration of the battery level in percent. The last option is not particularly clear.


    The app for making calls has changed a little externally, but the main change was the option to send an SMS message, which is displayed when dialing a number. Her appearance seems quite logical and natural.

    Now on Tap

    This feature is one of the main functional innovations in Android 6.0. It is a system of contextual automatic search information based on screen content. That is, in essence, anticipates possible search terms for some elements displayed in this moment on display.

    Kinopoisk Twitter and Now on Tap result

    For example, when listening musical composition in the Now on Tap player, it will offer you to buy it on Google Music, show information about the artist or album, send it to the artist’s official website, or show last news. Similarly, with text data in letters or tweets about some films, flights, festive events, and so on, almost everything that may additionally interest the user is taken into account.

    Watch the cast of Pan and go to the Radiohead YouTube channel

    Launch Now on Tap by long pressing the Home button, however, while the owners of devices with Android 6.0 will have to change the system interface to English to demonstrate the capabilities of the function - Russian is simply not supported yet. Let's hope it's not for long.

    Work with text

    Worth noting is the so-called smart selection text, which greatly simplifies copying, sharing, translating or web searching for selected words - all these actions are immediately displayed in context menu when highlighting words or entire applications.

    (left - Android 5.1, right - Android 6.0)

    Settings: Applications

    In the settings item "Applications" appeared ability to set access rights specific applications to SMS messages, calendar, contacts, camera, microphone and so on. To enable or disable, just put the switch in the desired position.

    Immediately, a graph of links appeared in the settings, demonstrating applications that open certain links from a browser, Twitter, mail, or, for example, a simple SMS message. The choice is provided automatic start or request confirmation.

    Here you can also set default applications, allow or deny access to some tools. system settings or get acquainted with those tools that do not save the battery of the device. By default, this is only Google Services play.

    Settings: Storage and USB drives/Memory

    This item of settings, as before, demonstrates what and how much memory is occupied. The design of the section has changed slightly, but the essence is the same - the total size of images, video, audio, applications and other things is calculated.

    New in the settings is the "Memory" column, which includes data on the use of RAM. Displays the average amount of used RAM for a specific period of time (3, 6, 12 hours or 1 day), the available memory size and the number of active applications.

    Settings: Battery

    The design of the battery usage section has slightly changed, data on the voracity of a particular application has become more detailed. Plus, the previously mentioned battery saver, which displays applications and tools that, under certain conditions, go to sleep to reduce power consumption.

    Settings: Restore and reset

    The data backup option that appeared here will allow you to store on Google servers content from applications, access point passwords and other settings. The whole thing is working so far only partially, since a lot depends on the software developers themselves, who must ensure the functioning of such a backup.

    The ability to reset all network settings immediately became available, this also applies to mobile networks, and Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi.

    Wallpapers and animation

    Android 6.0 Marshmallow has changed a lot of animation effects, including when opening/closing apps, minimizing windows, various swipes, displaying curtains, and much more. And, of course, it is impossible not to highlight a set of new wallpapers in the style material design.

    easter egg

    The mini-game a la Flappy Bird acted as an easter egg, launched with the same taps according to the system version in the settings. You will have to manage it with a small red android, and marshmallows on sticks as obstacles. By the way, this arcade was not much simpler than the original from the Vietnamese developer.

    In general, Android 6.0, tested on the Nexus 5, leaves a pleasant impression. The system began to work a little faster, and the animation seems to be smoother. There are fewer pre-installed applications - the same Google settings have been added to the list general settings, which looks quite logical even from a search point of view.

    With regards to autonomy, there are also positive changes - the total operating time in mixed mode of use has increased by 15 percent - a trifle, but nice. In standby mode, the charge is saved much better only when communications are turned off - overnight, for example, the battery dies by only 1-2 percent. If Wi-Fi and mobile transmission leave data active, charge losses increase significantly - the work of the vaunted energy-saving technology is practically not felt.

    In addition to autonomy, the Camera application did not live up to expectations in Marshmallow, which simply remained the same, although it was assumed that it would also be updated with a system update. However, this may be a matter of time, because for the Nexus 5X and 6P fresh version already available.

    Unfortunately, due to the large fragmentation of the device on Android based updated very slowly. The announcement of Android 6.0 took place back in October 2015, and by now only 2% of all Android devices have updated to the latest version. If you are happy owner such a device, we will tell you how to fine tuning systems and reveal full functionality systems.

    Using the Now on Tap Assistant

    One of the features of Android 6.0 is the Now on Tap assistant. This assistant from Google is able to independently recognize the information on the screen and give the user appropriate prompts. For example, if you indicate the flight number in the correspondence, Now on Tap will give information about its status, tell you what films are playing in neighboring cinemas, and so on.

    How to disable Now on Tap

    Some users, especially the older generation, may have a negative attitude towards all sorts of "smart chips", as well as advice from computer assistants. To do this, you can simply disable the Now on Tap feature on Android 6.0. Go to the list of installed applications, find " Google Settings" > "Search and Suggestions" > "Now on Tap" and change the position of the switch. After disabling Now on Tap, long pressing the home key will open the Google Now application, as it was in previous versions of Android.

    Customizing the Quick Settings Panel

    Android 6.0 allows you to customize the "curtain" with quick system settings. This is done in a special application System UI tuner. To launch this utility, you need to swipe down twice from the top of the screen, then press and hold your finger on the gear icon. Now you can add the settings you need to the panel quick settings and also remove all unnecessary.

    Separate volume setting

    Previously, the user could only adjust the overall volume level, in Android 6.0 the functionality has become wider. Now when you press the Volume + or Volume- button on your smartphone or tablet, you will see a volume control window for current application(for example, to play music if the player is on). The user can also tap on the arrow and adjust the volume for other modes, such as an alarm clock.

    Silence mode

    Marshmallow has an improved "do not disturb" mode. Each user will be able to independently set the priority for any application in order to receive only the necessary notifications in this mode. It is also possible to switch to the "silence" mode for a certain time by setting the beginning and end of the "quiet" period. To do this, go to the settings, section "Sounds and notifications" and click on the line "Do Not Disturb".

    Application priority selection

    In order not to miss an important notification, for example, about receiving an email, but at the same time not be distracted by notifications from various games, you can set priorities. Go to device settings, then "Sounds and notifications" and "Do not disturb" > "Only important".

    This version has a number of innovations and additional features that greatly simplify its daily use. In that review we will take a closer look at this new operating system.

    History of Android

    The history of Android began in 2003, when the developer software Andy Rubin decided to create a mobile operating system with his comrades - Nick Sears, Chris White and Rich Miner. Some time later they registered Android company Inc. In 2007 Android Inc. acquired by Google to compete with Apple iPhone On the market mobile gadgets. In September 2008, a beta version of the Android OC was released, adapted for use on touch screens. The system has been continuously developed and on May 28, 2015, the last one was presented at the Google I/O event. current version - .

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    What's new in Android 6?

    Android M visually almost does not differ from its predecessor - Lollipop, they are similar in many ways. Decorated in style material design, essential elements user interface(settings, notifications and navigation) remained unchanged. However, Android Marshmallow has received some interesting features, which we will consider in more detail.

    Lock screen

    The Android M screen lock almost completely copies Lollipop, except for the shortcut in the lower left corner - the dialer function has been replaced with voice search. Users who find this solution inconvenient can always return the usual location of icons in the default application settings.

    Voice assistant

    Voice search has been updated appearance. Thanks to the system Knowledge Vault», voice assistant can find answers to most questions on its own by analyzing requests from other applications. The response speed varies depending on the complexity of the search conditions and connection speed.

    Fingerprint's scanner

    The system supports a fingerprint scanner at a native level. This greatly simplifies the task of its implementation for manufacturers of mobile gadgets. Such a scanner allows you to make purchases with one touch through android application pay. Only two smartphones currently equipped with a biometric sensor - and .


    Updated Google launcher Now now allows you to remove installed applications directly from your desktop. Previously, in order to uninstall the program, you had to open the settings. Now these actions are performed much faster.

    Multi-window mode

    Android M review would be incomplete without mentioning multi-window mode. The function allows you to select the location of the window running program- left, right or full screen. Simultaneous on screen mobile device there may be two applications.

    Application Permissions

    WITH new system Android permissions will allow the user to fine-tune the application's access to certain functions. At the time of installation, the entire list of available privileges will be shown on the main screen. In this case, applications will issue requests for processing user data even during operation. This innovation will reduce the number of errors and protect the user from fraud.

    Google also introduced API Level 23, which will help developers learn how to properly respond to denied privileges.

    Android with Nexus 5

    The first devices to receive updated version Android became branded "Googlephones" from the Nexus line. Direct upgrade is available from version 5.0 and 5.1. After Nexus android firmware M should be available to users of flagship smartphones from, HTC, Sony, Lenovo and.

    Numerous tests show that c Nexus 5 Android 6 works good. Compared to Lollipop, performance has increased when working with applications, as well as significantly increased time battery life. The device with Android M on board is discharged 15% slower - a great result!

    At the moment, Android 6.0 is steadily gaining momentum. Smartphones and tablets from Google were the first to start receiving updates.

    We decided to figure out what Google features added to the new version of Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Most of the novelties were deeply hidden in the operating system.

    The lock screen is cleaner

    Over the years, Google has tried many different things with the lock screen. Were good ideas, but more often for some reason bad. Fortunately, the developers settled on the fact that the lock screen should be simple and useful.

    Marshmallow's screen lock system is just that: the clock is bigger, so you don't have to strain to know the time when you glance at the device. The notification panel has been improved with a quick settings drop-down menu. The dialer shortcut at the bottom left has been replaced with Google Now so you can now start a voice search without even unlocking your device. And if you set up password protection or graphic code, the system will offer you a convenient panic button, which can be useful if you find yourself in an emergency.

    We've never been thrilled with widgets and other things that clutter up the screen during lockdown, so we're glad Marshmallow no longer has them.

    Copy and paste - easier

    Android was one of the first mobile operating systems to implement copy and paste capabilities - and now Google is jumping on its head again.

    With Marshmallow, Google uses a copy and paste feature that's simpler and more convenient than what we've seen so far. Latched clicks now work faster and you don't have to wait for the action selection window to appear. In addition, Google got rid of the awkward editing menu, replacing it with more obvious options that appear right next to the selected text. And if you have installed Google Translate, the copy and paste settings will allow you to instantly translate the text. This feature alone makes life easier.

    Settings menu - more informative

    Each a new version Android features a slightly more user-friendly settings menu. Unfortunately, for now, this can only be considered a sign that Google is still defining how Android should be built.
    For example, if you scroll down the settings menu to the "About phone" tab, you will find a section there that tells you when you last received system security updates. It's nice that such transparency of the operating system is becoming generally accepted. However, the developers also pursued their own goals, in particular, trying to dispel the myths from the series “Android is insecure!”

    Gone is the rather odd Google Settings app. Instead, a menu item appeared in the Settings. It seems that this decision was obvious before, but better late than never. You can also go to the new memory management menu to see how much RAM your device is using and if it's running normally.

    Now on Tap is now following you. And it's not that bad

    If you've always wondered why you're being asked to provide Google access to your information, you will find the answer in Google Now on Tap. This is not only one of the best features of Marshmallow, but also a reminder that Apple Siri and Microsoft Cortana are still not up to the task.

    The Now on Tap API learns everything you see on the screen and suggests relevant search results. Hold down the Home button to turn on Now on Tap and the feature will do its best to get to know you better.
    For example, in the news about the Marshmallow update, the Now on Tap function was able to ignore mentions of numerous android models from OEMs, recognizing that the context of the article was about when the update will be released for these devices. The function also provided us with links to additional materials.

    Now on Tap works with third party applications. For example, on Instagram, you need to tap the screen 2-3 times to open Google Maps and continue the route to the place where your friends checked in. But now, with Now on Tap, all you have to do is hold down the Home button when a photo is shown on the screen, and you'll get quick link to view the street where it was taken. If you select this option, Google will show you real photo the place you are interested in. It's much easier.

    But what we enjoyed the most was using Now on Tap along with a reminder service, where Google Now just doesn't work. For example, many girls like to take care of themselves on the weekends, but often forget when hair coloring is scheduled and when they need to go for a manicure. Now you can be right in mail app hold the home button and quickly add an event reminder to your calendar. All it takes is two clicks!

    Now on Tap works from the moment you enable this option, just like Google Now - from the first moment you sign in to your device. The idea here is this: if you are using a Google phone, search system Google will provide you with more contextual information. And it seems to make life a lot easier because of this - no more copying words and other things to just paste them into other applications.

    Applications can be controlled

    App permissions have been one of the hottest topics for years. IN android versions 4.3, to help users know which apps are taking on too much, Google introduced the App Ops feature, but it was quickly forgotten because it was useless. Today, if you don't like that an app has access to an important part of your OS, the only option you have is to not install it.

    Marshmallow really helps solve the dilemma with separate permits for applications. Play Store will no longer prompt you to approve all permissions before installing the application at once. Instead, the app will ask you for permission when it needs to access some part of your device, such as the camera. And now only you will decide whether to allow it or not. If you deny the application, its features that depend on this permission will not be active - but everything else will work.

    Control over your personal operating room Android system- no longer an illusion. Granting permissions to applications is a very important point, because they voice in what context they need something. In addition, these permissions create a new level of confidence for those users who would otherwise refuse to use Android due to recent problems security.

    Data is correctly backed up

    Android has been a really bad operating system for those who change devices frequently. This was true before the advent of Tap & Go in Lollipop - before the transition from one test device to another was a real pain in the ass.

    However, fortunately, the Tap & Go feature made it easy to transfer your applications to a new device, but, alas, the data, alas, did not move with them. And while Android had a backup solution, it hasn't worked properly since Froyo.

    Marshmallow offers an Auto Backup feature and it seems to work. Here's how the solution works: Marshmallow uploads to Google Drive all application data, including user-created elements such as Accounts and settings. The system stores all your call protocols and wifi passwords, and this data is not taken into account and may exceed the storage quota. By default, an automatic backup will be created every 24 hours when the phone is idle and connected to Wi-Fi. You can check if you have a backup through the Google Drive app, but you can't control what data gets backed up and which apps get backed up.

    Backups can only work on Marshmallow devices at this time - which is strange as Google will be updating this API via Google Play Services. However, it looks like this feature is not finished yet, and we will look at it again in a while.

    Battery power is used more efficiently

    Even though the name Doze is reminiscent of cough syrup, this is a new and really impressive Marshmallow battery-saving feature. When you leave your phone or tablet on the table in the kitchen or somewhere else, the device goes into hibernation mode. That is, in fact, the same battery charge is saved as at the moment when you left the device. Network access services and background processes are combined and run intermittently - only high-priority tasks are executed in normal mode. As soon as you turn on the display of the device, all notifications will “pounce” on you at the same time, as if your device was discharged and just turned on. This is an amazing feature, and we were really impressed with how little power the Nexus 6 used when it was on all night. With Wi-Fi enabled, it used only 2% of the energy, and with LTE enabled, the system ate only 10%.

    Doze uses the accelerometer to detect when you're asleep, so the feature won't turn on if you're walking or driving. To activate it, you need the device to be at one point for a certain time. High priority messages, such as those from apps like Google Hangouts, will still arrive and keep your device from sleeping until you disable notifications. Google has given developers the power to decide if their app's notifications can make their way through Doze mode. But we hope that messages like bonus coin offers in Pokemon Shuffle won't show up on the device when it should be "resting".

    You can disable autorun preinstalled software

    Tired of preinstalled applications popping up on your device after every reboot? Marshmallow has an App Standby feature that will help you turn them off. In Marshmallow developer options you can simply deactivate unnecessary applications, and they won't run anymore. We wouldn't recommend this feature if you're unsure of what you're doing, but it can be really helpful for those who are seriously affected by "left" applications on Android phones from third companies.

    There are other options in this section that will help you configure how applications work on your device. Marshmallow is able to terminate an application a minute after you switch to another one, as well as determine how many background processes can work simultaneously. We are very pleased that users have the opportunity to work with such android settings, but, at the same time, it is interesting how all this will work on Android devices from third party companies when software updates come to them.

    Fingerprinting for all the money

    Fingerprint scanners on Android devices are nothing new. Samsung, HTC, Huawei and even Motorola have had them for a long time. But it's been a long time since Android introduced its own fingerprint API library, and now developers can easily embed these features into their applications, such as mobile payments.

    Currently, only the Nexus 6P and 5X support built-in Marshmallow fingerprinting, and we'll be sure to share how this library works as soon as these devices get our hands on it. In addition, it is very interesting whether players such as LG, HTC and others will use the new API or continue to work with their own.